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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: bignoobftw on October 05, 2012, 03:46:48 AM

Title: First Cycle Again XD
Post by: bignoobftw on October 05, 2012, 03:46:48 AM
Anyway wanted to know if you guys can advise a nice starter pack something more our less safe that can bring me up to the 200lbs
Title: Re: First Cycle Again XD
Post by: darkrid3r on October 05, 2012, 07:22:28 AM
The first place to start would be diet.
If you think you have gyno post some pictures so we can look.
If you think your prone to gyno dont mess around and run an AI on your cycle.

Since you listed the compounds you did last time but not the dose ill do something similar.

Get your diet sorted out for the weight you want to be, cut the caloric difference in half. If you have 1700 in maintainance and you need 2000 to be 200 pounds add 150 to your 1700 for a total of 1850, in 3 months or so add the other 150 in.

Get your training sorted out: 5 days a week of lifting, some type of split training, and 2-3 days of cardio (swimming, running, walking, whatever)

Get your rest sorted out: 8 hours of sleep a day every day.
Start this cycle and continue the above for the next 22+ Weeks.

1-16 sust 500mg week split into 2 shots.
18-22 nolvadex 20mg week for 2 weeks, 10mg week for 3 weeks.
1-22 arimidex .5mg e3d

Title: Re: First Cycle Again XD
Post by: Overload on October 07, 2012, 05:08:54 PM
Overtraining isn't much of an issue as people make it out to be. I train 5 days a week, you just need to know how much volume you can handle and eat well.

I like new guys to do something simple like 500mg Test E for 16 weeks and 40mg Dbol the first 6 weeks. I'm not a fan of Adex, but if you are prone to gyno it's not a bad idea. Dark laid out a pretty nice plan for you.

Title: Re: First Cycle Again XD
Post by: Overload on October 08, 2012, 06:07:21 AM
If you are in this game for the long haul, i would suggest getting the gyno removed. You can try every AI in the world and it's not going to make existing gyno go away. A lot of people on this board have had theirs removed.

People claim Letro can make gyno shrink, but if you actually have hard tissue under the nipple you have it for life. Some people just have puffy nipples, but real gyno can only be taken out if you want to get rid of it.

Title: Re: First Cycle Again XD
Post by: bignoobftw on October 08, 2012, 07:10:56 AM
Well its not hard its jus like fat ;o like a big layer of fat ;| lol but i will speack with a doctor this week ..

But yes probably the best option for me is just to get the gyno out as im probably very pron to it as 1 cycle was enough to puff xD fck me up lol but well my fault as i dint had any information about it and i just followed what others that didnt knew nothing about told me too ... was so dumb dammit ;|

Because i rember that i had some sinals of getting gyno because taking the deca-dura i rember i had itchy niples and stuff but i dint knew what was that in that time and i didnt had any gyno after that just some months after doing the cycle ;|
Title: Re: First Cycle Again XD
Post by: bignoobftw on October 09, 2012, 12:58:35 PM
then what you guys think ;(? i know i look like i never trained haha but i train a lot.. just going into a bulky fase and got to much flab xD

and btw is GP a good supplier? anybought from them? are they good xD
Title: Re: First Cycle Again XD
Post by: Overload on October 10, 2012, 06:37:43 AM
Do you have an actual hard lump under the skin? From the picture it just looks like fat, but it's hard to tell. The guys i know with gyno it is very obvious when they are lean.

In my opinion it looks like fat/water and if you diet down it will go away, but you won't know that for sure until you get to a low bodyfat percentage.

GP as in GenPharma? I've never used them personally.

Title: Re: First Cycle Again XD
Post by: bignoobftw on October 10, 2012, 03:51:48 PM
well i dont have any hard lump et least i dont feel any ;O but already got very  lean and i still had this stupid fat maybe i need to drop below 8% our something ;O because i dont rember have this just after the aas xD ye ye genpharm.. dunno how our where to order safe in spain ;| and i saw them looks pretty nice dunno ;O but there payments options are kinda dubious lol
Title: Re: First Cycle Again XD
Post by: bignoobftw on October 11, 2012, 01:11:14 PM
Weeks 1-10 500 mg GP Test Enathate250 per week our sust250?
Weeks 1-10 100mg GP Mast 100 every other day
Weeks 1-5 75mg GP Oxy anadrol every day
Weeks 5-10 1000iu's Pregnyl HCG every week i think ill take out the hcg
Weeks 12-16 20mg GP Nolva/50mg GP Clomiphene every day

what you guys think

I heard with hcg we can get some types of cancers and we need to test if we are prone to them first of taking out hcg its true? ;o
Title: Re: First Cycle Again XD
Post by: WannaBePro on October 11, 2012, 02:10:07 PM
HCG may cause ovarian cancer if you've already had it (it might aggravate it), so unless you have ovaries, and have had ovarian cancer, I wouldn't worry about it.
Title: Re: First Cycle Again XD
Post by: bignoobftw on October 11, 2012, 03:46:43 PM
nice ;o allways ppl are scaring me like never take that you will die from cancer XD LOL