Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: nevertrustanyone on October 24, 2012, 09:10:57 PM

Title: how do you guys scale back your heavy lifting when coming off steroids ?
Post by: nevertrustanyone on October 24, 2012, 09:10:57 PM
how do you guys scale back your heavy lifting when coming off steroids ?    do you start lowering the weight as soon as you come off the drugs or do you just keep lifting heavy until you have a huge fail in front of every one  :D
Title: Re: how do you guys scale back your heavy lifting when coming off steroids ?
Post by: kevcat on October 25, 2012, 02:02:00 AM
Hmmm never done any crazy cycles apart from basic shit but i personally never really lose strength to a great degree. Id say energy levels were different and recovery, but this losing strength and lack of motivation to train nonsense seems to be all in peoples minds. Size goes slightly but strength was never something i noticed  :)
Title: Re: how do you guys scale back your heavy lifting when coming off steroids ?
Post by: nevertrustanyone on October 25, 2012, 02:12:35 AM
Hmmm never done any crazy cycles apart from basic shit but i personally never really lose strength to a great degree. Id say energy levels were different and recovery, but this losing strength and lack of motivation to train nonsense seems to be all in peoples minds. Size goes slightly but strength was never something i noticed  :)
i knew a bullshit post like this was coming  ::)     time to put down the pink dumbells martha
Title: Re: how do you guys scale back your heavy lifting when coming off steroids ?
Post by: Borracho on October 25, 2012, 06:19:20 AM
Last time I came off I actually got a little

Only ran about 30mg of dbol for about 5 weeks though so it wasn't even a real "cycle". I started taking creatine mono immediately after which is something I never take. I think it had more to do with an estrogen rebound perhaps not really sure.

Much stronger now though after getting on some higher doses...I'll see what happens when and if I come off this time around.
Title: Re: how do you guys scale back your heavy lifting when coming off steroids ?
Post by: nevertrustanyone on October 25, 2012, 01:25:41 PM
Last time I came off I actually got a little

Only ran about 30mg of dbol for about 5 weeks though so it wasn't even a real "cycle". I started taking creatine mono immediately after which is something I never take. I think it had more to do with an estrogen rebound perhaps not really sure.

Much stronger now though after getting on some higher doses...I'll see what happens when and if I come off this time around.
thats cause your shit was fake or you just where not on long enough to make any drug related gains , just like that other dork kevcat, i would prefer if only real juicers post in my threads not a bunch of 16 year old 150 pound dorks who have never been inside a gym playing pretend on the internetz  , you fags can go join apply85
Title: Re: how do you guys scale back your heavy lifting when coming off steroids ?
Post by: outby43 on October 25, 2012, 01:35:03 PM
how do you guys scale back your heavy lifting when coming off steroids ?    do you start lowering the weight as soon as you come off the drugs or do you just keep lifting heavy until you have a huge fail in front of every one  :D

I have the huge fail then I quit working out for a few years and get fat. I go back when I am on deaths door.  Repeat cycle.  Sad but true.
Title: Re: how do you guys scale back your heavy lifting when coming off steroids ?
Post by: nevertrustanyone on October 25, 2012, 01:45:30 PM
I have the huge fail then I quit working out for a few years and get fat. I go back when I am on deaths door.  Repeat cycle.  Sad but true.
solid post
Title: Re: how do you guys scale back your heavy lifting when coming off steroids ?
Post by: Overload on October 25, 2012, 03:13:59 PM
thats cause your shit was fake or you just where not on long enough to make any drug related gains , just like that other dork kevcat, i would prefer if only real juicers post in my threads not a bunch of 16 year old 150 pound dorks who have never been inside a gym playing pretend on the internetz  , you fags can go join apply85

Act right or leave.

We respect people on this board.

Title: Re: how do you guys scale back your heavy lifting when coming off steroids ?
Post by: lyquid on October 25, 2012, 03:34:40 PM
Come off. Huh? English
Title: Re: how do you guys scale back your heavy lifting when coming off steroids ?
Post by: Borracho on October 25, 2012, 05:03:15 PM
thats cause your shit was fake or you just where not on long enough to make any drug related gains , just like that other dork kevcat, i would prefer if only real juicers post in my threads not a bunch of 16 year old 150 pound dorks who have never been inside a gym playing pretend on the internetz  , you fags can go join apply85


I was just using that little amount to do a short cut with some dbols I had leftover. Was on and off for a while with low doses and I did make strenght gains previous to that short run.

Just posting my personal experiences if you don't like it dont post on a public forum buttfucker.
Title: Re: how do you guys scale back your heavy lifting when coming off steroids ?
Post by: abijahmaniaco on October 25, 2012, 07:26:17 PM
thats cause your shit was fake or you just where not on long enough to make any drug related gains , just like that other dork kevcat, i would prefer if only real juicers post in my threads not a bunch of 16 year old 150 pound dorks who have never been inside a gym playing pretend on the internetz  , you fags can go join apply85

rude yes, but absolutely true.

once you're naturally maxed any strength and size gains made on steroids are impossible to retain off—FACT.
Title: Re: how do you guys scale back your heavy lifting when coming off steroids ?
Post by: abijahmaniaco on October 25, 2012, 07:33:57 PM
it's hard to go back. it takes tremendous discipline and inner strength to keep coming to the gym, keeping putting the meals down when you see yourself looking smaller everyday and strength fading.

my suggestions:
1. don't go off; bridge on low dose test
2. take advantage of the time to do a liver cleanse (especially if orals were involved in your last blast)
3. focus on improving cardiovascular capability
4. scale back your training volume to a more minimal maintenance program
5. scale back on training intensity—say you're typically hitting a 9 or 10/10 intensity level on—aim for a 7 or an 8
6. get a blood test and try to bring your cholestoral back into balance with garlic and natural suppliments
7. save money for your next blast ;D
Title: Re: how do you guys scale back your heavy lifting when coming off steroids ?
Post by: Borracho on October 25, 2012, 07:35:28 PM
rude yes, but absolutely true.

once you're naturally maxed any strength and size gains made on steroids are impossible to retain off—FACT.

Ummm I don't know about the strength part...I was able to maintain strength gained from juice and from what I've heard a lot of guys are able to as well. I didn't go back down to the strength I had previous to juicing and I trained for ten years naturally.
Title: Re: how do you guys scale back your heavy lifting when coming off steroids ?
Post by: abijahmaniaco on October 25, 2012, 07:53:19 PM
scientifically it's just not possible. the only way it would work is if your body miraculously began producing an abnormal abundance of anabolic hormones.
Title: Re: how do you guys scale back your heavy lifting when coming off steroids ?
Post by: Borracho on October 25, 2012, 08:16:49 PM
scientifically it's just not possible. the only way it would work is if your body miraculously began producing an abnormal abundance of anabolic hormones.

lets say if a natty has been training for a few years, there is no way he'll get bigger no matter what he does since his body's hormones simply will not let him. However the same natty can keep gaining strength provided he trains in a certain manner...for strength. Theres naturals able to break pr on lifts without making any hormonal changes.

Now, if you've been gearing for over 15 years like the op(better be a god damn beast after all those years) than there's no way you'll be able to maintain all your strength gained but you will be way stronger than if you had remained natural don't you think?

Title: Re: how do you guys scale back your heavy lifting when coming off steroids ?
Post by: local hero on October 27, 2012, 08:57:15 AM
you will loose some strength and or stamina after a few weeks, your 10 easy reps with a certain weight will become a hard 6 etc

i never get much stronger when on, i just look so much better

Title: Re: how do you guys scale back your heavy lifting when coming off steroids ?
Post by: abijahmaniaco on October 27, 2012, 10:20:29 AM
science doesnt even know yet how and why exactly muscle is built.

Title: Re: how do you guys scale back your heavy lifting when coming off steroids ?
Post by: kevcat on October 29, 2012, 11:16:39 AM
rude yes, but absolutely true.

once you're naturally maxed any strength and size gains made on steroids are impossible to retain off—FACT.

I disagree. Size ... yes, im not like i was juiced thats true, but strength wise i kid you not, im stronger than ive ever been on everything. Like i said ive only done a few 12 weekers but a cycle is a cycle and ive kept and exceeded the strength i had. I pretty much hit new PBs on lifts every month , but i dont train with massive volume, if that makes any difference. I basically just train a couple warmups then hit the max lifts for 1 all out set, with maybe 3 exercises max per muscle group. That type of training is why i lift, not really to look like a bodybuilder
Title: Re: how do you guys scale back your heavy lifting when coming off steroids ?
Post by: Luolamies on October 29, 2012, 02:53:29 PM
I keep lifting heavy, but cut back on the volume and frequency. After coming off i try not to stress about these things too much. Some days when i feel stronger i lift very heavy, other days when i don't feel like a bull i just lower the weights and try to get a better feeling in my muscles and a good pump. All of this, esp. the weights that i use is very mental (at least for me). 
Title: Re: how do you guys scale back your heavy lifting when coming off steroids ?
Post by: OTHstrong on October 29, 2012, 04:15:24 PM
how do you guys scale back your heavy lifting when coming off steroids ?    do you start lowering the weight as soon as you come off the drugs or do you just keep lifting heavy until you have a huge fail in front of every one  :D
Easy, I don`t lift weights if I am not on juice  ;D