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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Topic started by: mafia on November 29, 2005, 06:10:23 PM

Title: need advice for leg training for beginer
Post by: mafia on November 29, 2005, 06:10:23 PM
huy guys, please help me, i need advice for leg training. i just begin to train my legs for just 1 months. what leg excersice is the best for me if i want to make my leg huge? and how many times a week should i train? some of my friend say that if i want to make my leg huge, i should just excersice squat and don't do leg extension please
Title: Re: need advice for leg training for beginer
Post by: XS on November 30, 2005, 11:16:54 AM
The Men's Health Book of Muscle: The World's Most Complete Guide to Building Your Body
Ian King, Lou Schuler - Barnes&
Title: Re: need advice for leg training for beginer
Post by: muscle19 on November 30, 2005, 12:51:55 PM
huy guys, please help me, i need advice for leg training. i just begin to train my legs for just 1 months. what leg excersice is the best for me if i want to make my leg huge? and how many times a week should i train? some of my friend say that if i want to make my leg huge, i should just excersice squat and don't do leg extension please

dont train ur legs more than once a wk, anymore expecially if ur natural, will lead to them being overtrained. stick to compund movements, squats should really help them out, but make sure u have the correct form down or itll be all ass and hips working and not ur legs. front squats on the smith machne are very good when wanting to add size, ill recommend this:

squats - 4x15,12,10,8
hacksquats - 3x12
leg ext - 3x12-15

very basic but will get the job done, as u get more advanced, substitute squats for front squats, and every other workout switch up hacks with leg press for 3 x 12-15 reps, high volume always worked for me so try it out and decide for ur self what is the magic split!

Title: Re: need advice for leg training for beginer
Post by: Overload on November 30, 2005, 01:01:58 PM
dont train ur legs more than once a wk, anymore expecially if ur natural, will lead to them being overtrained. stick to compund movements, squats should really help them out, but make sure u have the correct form down or itll be all ass and hips working and not ur legs. front squats on the smith machne are very good when wanting to add size, ill recommend this:

squats - 4x15,12,10,8
hacksquats - 3x12
leg ext - 3x12-15

very basic but will get the job done, as u get more advanced, substitute squats for front squats, and every other workout switch up hacks with leg press for 3 x 12-15 reps, high volume always worked for me so try it out and decide for ur self what is the magic split!


that is great advice...

keep it simple mafia, train for the long haul and don't ego train to where you hurt yourself.

Title: Re: need advice for leg training for beginer
Post by: sarcasm on November 30, 2005, 01:22:29 PM
squats, squats, squats, squats, squats, squats, oh did i mention squats.
Title: Re: need advice for leg training for beginer
Post by: muscle19 on November 30, 2005, 01:29:00 PM
see for me squats dont work that great (personal preference), not that i hate doing them because i love loading shit tons of weight on squats but what is the point if u dont feel it in ur legs? i love hacks, heavy extentions, front squats, leg presses, even reverse hacks to bring out the sweep alittle more. try it for ur self and see what works after a while, ull know.

Title: Re: need advice for leg training for beginer
Post by: sarcasm on November 30, 2005, 01:36:39 PM
i don't need to try it for myself, i've been squatting and leg pressing for years and if your legs don't grow from that they won't grow.
Title: Re: need advice for leg training for beginer
Post by: g0ddang on November 30, 2005, 01:49:30 PM
see for me squats dont work that great (personal preference), not that i hate doing them because i love loading shit tons of weight on squats but what is the point if u dont feel it in ur legs? i love hacks, heavy extentions, front squats, leg presses, even reverse hacks to bring out the sweep alittle more. try it for ur self and see what works after a while, ull know.


squats not work? wow. that's the first time i heard that.
after some good squating i feel it a lot more the next morning then doin leg presses and extensions.
but hacks works great too. love the burn
Title: Re: need advice for leg training for beginer
Post by: haider on November 30, 2005, 02:24:31 PM
squats, squats, squats, squats, squats, squats, oh did i mention squats.
you forgot squats dumbass
Title: Re: need advice for leg training for beginer
Post by: triple_pickle on November 30, 2005, 04:12:42 PM
way back when this is what i used to do:

good warm-up

squats 10-8-6-4
hack squats 12-12-12-12
leg curls 12-12-12-12
standing calves 12-12-12-12

then i would pile up on squats and do 4 sets for 1 rep each with the maximum weight i could handle.  then off to the

vertical leg press (can be 45-degree as well) 15-15-15
leg extensions 15-15-15
seated calves 15-15-15

man, was i pooped after that...
Title: Re: need advice for leg training for beginer
Post by: muscle19 on November 30, 2005, 04:31:36 PM
i guess i cant say that they didnt work but i feel more confident in other leg exercises to build and detail mine, again this is what works for me, and i do squat every now and then, whenever i get the urge to throw around some weight but again i like other exrecises for my mass builder.
