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Getbig Main Boards => General Topics => Topic started by: Wiggs on November 14, 2012, 11:45:41 AM

Title: The correlation between class and reproduction
Post by: Wiggs on November 14, 2012, 11:45:41 AM
Is there one and if there is, what is it?

Poor people fuck more.
The afluent fuck less.
The poor wrecklessly fuck without any regard....FACT...Thus creating more poor people.
The rich either plan it, or "take care of it".

There are exceptions to these rules.

I don't care about the rich fucks.  I'd like to know about the poor. Why do they engage in this wreckless behavior?  Survival of the species perhaps?
Title: Re: The correlation between class and reproduction
Post by: Shockwave on November 14, 2012, 11:47:08 AM
Is there one and if there is, what is it?

Poor people fuck more.
The afluent fuck less.
The poor wrecklessly fuck without any regard....FACT...Thus creating more people.
The rich either plan it, or "take care of it".

There are exceptions to these rules.

I don't care about the rich fucks.  I'd like to know about the poor. Why do they engage in this wreckless behavior?  Survival of the species perhaps?
Correct on all counts.

The rich have enough money to do other things as well. All there is for the poor to do for entertainment is to fuck.
Title: Re: The correlation between class and reproduction
Post by: tu_holmes on November 14, 2012, 11:47:41 AM
I think it's just boredom.... Rich people have shit to do to keep them rich, or enough money to have hobbies that take up time.

Poor people have nothing to do all day, but drink, play dominoes, and fuck.
Title: Re: The correlation between class and reproduction
Post by: nefario on November 14, 2012, 11:48:22 AM
Is there one and if there is, what is it?

Poor people fuck more.
The afluent fuck less.
The poor wrecklessly fuck without any regard....FACT...Thus creating more people.
The rich either plan it, or "take care of it".

There are exceptions to these rules.

I don't care about the rich fucks.  I'd like to know about the poor. Why do they engage in this wreckless behavior?  Survival of the species perhaps?

Class, culture, religion (birth control, I'm looking at you), and definitely education.
Title: Re: The correlation between class and reproduction
Post by: bigmc on November 14, 2012, 11:48:52 AM
Is there one and if there is, what is it?

Poor people fuck more.
The afluent fuck less.
The poor wrecklessly fuck without any regard....FACT...Thus creating more people.
The rich either plan it, or "take care of it".

There are exceptions to these rules.

I don't care about the rich fucks.  I'd like to know about the poor. Why do they engage in this wreckless behavior?  Survival of the species perhaps?

historically the poor fucked more to have enough children so that a couple would at least survive

nowadays its for better welfare cheques
Title: Re: The correlation between class and reproduction
Post by: pulling weight on November 14, 2012, 11:49:29 AM
The poor are usually too dumb to plan ahead and use contraception, and there is incentive to pop out kids = more benefits in Obamaland
Title: Re: The correlation between class and reproduction
Post by: Wiggs on November 14, 2012, 11:53:45 AM
Actually nefaro, American blacks are being systematically destroyed.  We've had a negative birthrate for quite sometime.  We should actually be reproducing at a higher rate. Death rate to birthrate for American blacks is like 2:1.5, it's been like since 1970 I believe.  We aren't even replacing our own, we are declining.  FACT.

I'm 33, no children...
Title: Re: The correlation between class and reproduction
Post by: bigmc on November 14, 2012, 11:54:52 AM
Actually nefaro, American blacks are being systematically destroyed.  We've had a negative birthrate for quite sometime.  We should actually be reproducing at a higher rate. Death rate to birthrate for American blacks is like 2:1.5, it's been like since 1970 I believe.  We aren't even replacing our own, we are declining.  FACT.

I'm 33, no children...

you shooting blanks brother
Title: Re: The correlation between class and reproduction
Post by: Wiggs on November 14, 2012, 11:56:38 AM
you shooting blanks brother

No, I use protection.
I've gotten a woman pregnant before with twins but she lost them.  Old story, you can look it up.
Title: Re: The correlation between class and reproduction
Post by: Shockwave on November 14, 2012, 11:57:25 AM
Actually nefaro, American blacks are being systematically destroyed.  We've had a negative birthrate for quite sometime.  We should actually be reproducing at a higher rate. Death rate to birthrate for American blacks is like 2:1.5, it's been like since 1970 I believe.  We aren't even replacing our own, we are declining.  FACT.

I'm 33, no children...
Well, it doesn't help when your brethren are constantly killing each other over dumb shit....
Title: Re: The correlation between class and reproduction
Post by: chaos on November 14, 2012, 11:57:36 AM
you shooting blanks brother
His jew side won't share sperms, it's an internal conflict.
Title: Re: The correlation between class and reproduction
Post by: Archer77 on November 14, 2012, 11:59:57 AM
Successful people put off having children much later than the lower classes.  During the time Tyrese and Cleatus are knocking up their multiple baby mommas in their local ghetto/trailer park, studious individuals are getting an education or advancing their career.   These same people are more likely to employ birth control of some kind.
Title: Re: The correlation between class and reproduction
Post by: Papper on November 14, 2012, 12:02:44 PM
oh.. there is not just one answer..

some theories

-poor people have less chance to take care of their kids financially so they make 6 kids and hope one or two are smart or successful enough not to become crack heads and make it and reproduce. this is gene behaviour not planned behaviour...

-poor are generally less analytical and thoughtful, obviously, so they just fuck away with less plans what to do with the outcome. also more impulsive and risk taking because they have less to lose

-rich are also more egocentrical and want to be the stars in their life. they have kids cuz their friends do and it is tradition.

-also it doesnt become 6 kids for the rich because they dont need to have 6 kids to keep busy and to have fun in life. their dopamine is flowing anyways, so they dont need to drink and fuck their wife all the time.
Title: Re: The correlation between class and reproduction
Post by: Wiggs on November 14, 2012, 12:04:49 PM
oh.. there is not just one answer..

some theories

-poor people have less chance to take care of their kids financially so they make 6 kids and hope one or two are smart or successful enough not to become crack heads and make it and reproduce. this is gene behaviour not planned behaviour...

-poor are generally less analytical and thoughtful, obviously, so they just fuck away with less plans what to do with the outcome. also more impulsive and risk taking because they have less to lose

-rich are also more egocentrical and want to be the stars in their life. they have kids cuz their friends do and it is tradition.

-also it doesnt become 6 kids for the rich because they dont need to have 6 kids to keep busy and to have fun in life. their dopamine is flowing anyways, so they dont need to drink and fuck their wife all the time.

Good points.
Title: Re: The correlation between class and reproduction
Post by: Papper on November 14, 2012, 12:10:09 PM
Good points.

why thank you sir. i believe there is validity in all of them albeit hastily formulated

Title: Re: The correlation between class and reproduction
Post by: pulling weight on November 14, 2012, 12:19:02 PM
The chemtrails are a program to lower the birth rates of the poor.
Title: Re: The correlation between class and reproduction
Post by: nevertrustanyone on November 14, 2012, 12:21:59 PM
Actually nefaro, American blacks are being systematically destroyed.  We've had a negative birthrate for quite sometime.  We should actually be reproducing at a higher rate. Death rate to birthrate for American blacks is like 2:1.5, it's been like since 1970 I believe.  We aren't even replacing our own, we are declining.  FACT.

I'm 33, no children...
excellent news , keep the drive bys,heart disease and diabetes a comin 
Title: Re: The correlation between class and reproduction
Post by: Obvious Gimmick on November 14, 2012, 12:23:09 PM
Poor people drink more which increases the fuckability of ugly people ergo more babies and an increase in ratings for Maury povich
Title: Re: The correlation between class and reproduction
Post by: pulling weight on November 14, 2012, 12:23:16 PM
Aren't the answers to this question of the "no shit" variety?
Title: Re: The correlation between class and reproduction
Post by: MCWAY on November 14, 2012, 12:27:59 PM
oh.. there is not just one answer..

some theories

-poor people have less chance to take care of their kids financially so they make 6 kids and hope one or two are smart or successful enough not to become crack heads and make it and reproduce. this is gene behaviour not planned behaviour...

-poor are generally less analytical and thoughtful, obviously, so they just fuck away with less plans what to do with the outcome. also more impulsive and risk taking because they have less to lose

-rich are also more egocentrical and want to be the stars in their life. they have kids cuz their friends do and it is tradition.

-also it doesnt become 6 kids for the rich because they dont need to have 6 kids to keep busy and to have fun in life. their dopamine is flowing anyways, so they dont need to drink and fuck their wife all the time.

Romney had 5 kids and he's rich. Of course, the extreme is that Jim Duggar guy who had 20 (the last one died as a baby, unfortunately).

There are more than a good share of rich people with lots of kids (that being defined as a minimum of four).
Title: Re: The correlation between class and reproduction
Post by: snx on November 14, 2012, 12:32:03 PM
Poor people drink more which increases the fuckability of ugly people ergo more babies and an increase in ratings for Maury povich

Could you imagine if an alien race wanted to learn about our reproductive activities, and the only streams they got were the Maury Povich show and
Title: Re: The correlation between class and reproduction
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on November 14, 2012, 12:35:54 PM
Is there one and if there is, what is it?

Poor people fuck more.
The afluent fuck less.
The poor wrecklessly fuck without any regard....FACT...Thus creating more poor people.
The rich either plan it, or "take care of it".

There are exceptions to these rules.

I don't care about the rich fucks.  I'd like to know about the poor. Why do they engage in this wreckless behavior?  Survival of the species perhaps?

Bullshit.  The rich fuck more but they use condoms or birth control or vacectomies.  If anything the rich fuck too much.
Title: Re: The correlation between class and reproduction
Post by: pluck on November 14, 2012, 12:57:28 PM
I'm all for population control and some sort of licensing to be able to have children.

You're talking about the decline of the black population in USA? That's a good thing. Just go into any city and see how many black fathers actually take care of their kids. It's a fact that great majority of kids without proper parenting grow up to be fucked up and are exponentially more likely to turn to crime and drugs.

This shit affects everyone directly. Next time you get robbed, order at a fast food place and some moron that can't count more than the fingers on their hands... it's a result of people fucking and abandoning their kids in one way or another.
Title: Re: The correlation between class and reproduction
Post by: Shockwave on November 14, 2012, 01:07:38 PM
Bullshit.  The rich fuck more but they use condoms or birth control or vacectomies.  If anything the rich fuck too much.
I don't think the average rich chick fucks nearly as much as their white trash brethren. Seriously, I know some rich chicks are total skanks, but none I've ever met, have ever matched your average white trash hoe for sheer volume of visitors.
Title: Re: The correlation between class and reproduction
Post by: G_Thang on November 14, 2012, 01:24:39 PM
I don't think the average rich chick fucks nearly as much as their white trash brethren. Seriously, I know some rich chicks are total skanks, but none I've ever met, have ever matched your average white trash hoe for sheer volume of visitors.

Paris Hilton and all her rich white female whore friends in West Hollywood.  The money tells you they are something special.
Title: Re: The correlation between class and reproduction
Post by: snx on November 14, 2012, 01:26:31 PM
When you're rich, you have more to lose with indiscriminate sex. You didn't get to where you are by being indiscriminate. Unless you're a professional athlete, but they're not rich for the reasons we're talking about.

We're talking about Trump/Buffet/Gates/Romney rich, here.

Those people can't afford wrong turns with the wrong types of women. They have to protect their assets from would-be ambulance chasers who'd cry rape and take them for everything, or birth a bastard child that threatens their reputation. Once you get rich enough, your #1 asset becomes your reputation (your brand, if you will) and you mustn't tarnish it. You can make bad business decisions and recover. But if you tarnish your brand with a scandal, it can be impossible to recover.

Nasty random women will do that to a rich man.

So they have to overthink everything, which means they don't wind up having the level of sex a poor man can (assuming both are equally good looking). The poor man may have fewer total opportunities, but he can capitalize on a greater percentage for them, for he has little to lose. The rich man will receive more total opportunities (due to women being attracted to his wealth and power) but will have to discriminate against them, simply because he knows they want his riches and power. The rich man wants the sex with no strings. But the richer he is, the less likely he is to find a solution that works.

So, he gets married because he's starved for sex and companionship. And when he marries desperate, that's when he truly gets fucked.
Title: Re: The correlation between class and reproduction
Post by: arce1988 on November 14, 2012, 01:26:42 PM
  Great thread
Title: Re: The correlation between class and reproduction
Post by: bike nut on November 14, 2012, 01:34:07 PM
Is there one and if there is, what is it?
Poor people fuck more.
The afluent fuck less.
The poor wrecklessly fuck without any regard....FACT...Thus creating more poor people.
The rich either plan it, or "take care of it".
There are exceptions to these rules.
I don't care about the rich fucks.  I'd like to know about the poor. Why do they engage in this wreckless behavior?  Survival of the species perhaps?

They "engage in the wreckless behavior" because they know the government will force the rich to support them. So no accountability, no responsibility, not a fucking care in the world. 
Title: Re: The correlation between class and reproduction
Post by: pulling weight on November 14, 2012, 02:14:01 PM
Trump isn't nearly as rich as people believe
When left to his own devices he went bankrupt and had to resort to reality tv to turn his fortunes around.
How many old money people do you see doing that? Lol
It's a sign he's in bad shape
Title: Re: The correlation between class and reproduction
Post by: Papper on November 14, 2012, 02:30:33 PM
Romney had 5 kids and he's rich. Of course, the extreme is that Jim Duggar guy who had 20 (the last one died as a baby, unfortunately).

There are more than a good share of rich people with lots of kids (that being defined as a minimum of four).

not sure on the us stats for this actually, i would only guess poor people have more syblings than rich kids, all over the world. i may be wrong.

And I think the average american family is larger than a swedish.

In sweden its definitely so that the upper class have less kids - 1 or 2. while the middle and lower have more. the lowest class is immigrants on welfare and they have 4-6 kids it seems.

The swedish average is known as 1.5 kids per couple.
Title: Re: The correlation between class and reproduction
Post by: magikusar on November 14, 2012, 02:44:02 PM
solution: sterilize all women at 13

then have 500k down payment per kid


let the gold diggin begin!!