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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: bradistani on November 21, 2012, 04:32:24 PM

Title: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: bradistani on November 21, 2012, 04:32:24 PM
not a kid, but a fully grown woman. she even thought it so hilarious that she posted this on her facebook  :-\


'It was disgraceful': Father's anger after daughter is pictured flashing middle finger at Arlington National Cemetery - and she gets to keep her job despite internet backlash

    Lindsey Stone posed for the picture in October at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery
    Her father, Peter Stone, called the pose a 'total lapse of judgement'
    Facebook page 'Fire Lindsey Stone' has amassed over 19k Likes
    Competing page 'Hire Lindsey Stone' was created in support of the 30-year-old, only receiving 39 Likes

The father of Lindsey Stone, the woman who flashed her middle finger at Arlington National Cemetery and sparked an online backlash, has called his daughter's behavior 'disgraceful' and said the picture was a 'total lapse of judgment.'

Peter Stone insisted his daughter 'apologizes to everybody' for the obscene gesture, which the 30-year-old made at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in October, next to a sign at the military cemetery that asked for 'Silence and Respect.'

The Massachusetts woman incurred the online wrath of thousands and became the target of a Facebook campaign trying to get her fired, but as of yet she has not been sacked and only placed on unpaid leave from her job at a non-profit in Cape Cod.

Shocking: Lindsey Stone flashed the obscene gesture at Arlington National Cemetery, next to a sign that asked for respect

 Stone, who lives in Cape Cod, visited the sacred military cemetery in Arlington, Virginia in October on an outing with the non-profit organization where she works, LIFE organization.

LIFE, stands for Living Independently Forever, and is a community for adults with disabilities.

But an unidentified Facebook user came across the picture and decided to launch an effort to alert her employer to the outrageous behavior and has been gathering support to get the woman ousted from her job for her disrespect.

After the photo was widely disseminated, Stone's father, Peter, told a local news station on Tuesday that the photo of his daughter was 'disgraceful.'

'It was just a spur of the moment, total lapse of judgment. She wasn't reacting to the place; she was reacting to the sign and she apologizes to everybody,' he told WCVB-TV.

'It's not at all what she intended to put out there,' Peter Stone said.

Deeply saddened: Lindsey Stone has been placed on leave at LIFE, the community for disabled adults in Cape Cod, Mass., where she was employed

Disrespectful: Thousands of Facebook users have called for Lindsey Stone (appearing in December 2011 at the Special Olympics Jolly Jaunt for work) to be fired for her offensive picture

Stone was among eight staff members that traveled with the group of 40 residents to the nation's capital for this trip. Photos from the organization's Facebook page show residents touring the White House and the Washington Monument on October 20.

At the military remembrance site, she posed for the offensive picture, that was taken by a coworker, Jamie Schuh, and then Stone uploaded the snap to her own Facebook page.

But it soon went viral and Facebook users were shocked to see the pose at a place meant to honor fallen heroes.

Soon a page was started to alert the wider web of Stone's action.

An unknown Facebook user, who is believed to be an Iraq War veteran suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, created a page on the social networking site, 'Fire Lindsey Stone.'

The page, with the stated intent to 'only accept termination,' was started on Monday and has quickly garnered over 19,000 Likes.

Meanwhile by Wednesday, supporters of the Massachusetts woman came out and established a competing Facebook page, 'Hire Lindsey Stone.'

'Some of may have heard news that Lindsey Stone, a 30-year-old human being with friends and family and who likes kids and animals and works at a non-profit, has been targeted by a bunch of misdirected morons in a hate campaign to get her fired from her job,' the creator of the page supporting Stone wrote in a posting.

Work event: Stone (pictured in August in an unknown located) posed for the offensive picture when she accompanied 40 residents from the non-profit where she works to the military cemetery in October

Punishment: A Facebook page entitled 'Fire Lindsey Stone' has garnered over 6,000 Likes and Stone's employer said that Stone (right, in an undated photo in Times Square) has been placed on unpaid leave

'This group is designed to get her a better job, and to show what irrational, ridiculous logic is being used to potentially ruin the career, and life, of a foolish girl, who made a mistake. Big deal.'

The Facebook page only attracted 39 Likes on Wednesday.

After the massive response, Stone's employer said that they were only made aware of the shocking post on November 19.

'The photo has since been removed from Facebook, and both employees have been placed on unpaid leave pending the results of an internal investigation,' according to a statement.

'This photograph in no way reflects the opinions or values of the LIFE organization, which holds our nation’s veterans in the highest regard. We are proud to have veterans serving on our staff and board of trustees, and we value their service'

'The men and women who have selflessly fought and sacrificed their lives to protect the rights and lives of Americans deserve our utmost respect and gratitude.'

'We are acutely aware that this photo has done a disservice to veterans and we are deeply saddened that it was taken and shared in a public medium,' the statement added. 

Justified? Stone (pictured left: with her co-worker Jamie Schuh in April) said in a statement that she posed for the picture for her own amusement (pictured right: at a work holiday party in December 2011)

Jim Godsil, the chief financial officer of LIFE, spoke to the local media about Stone's 'despicable behavior.'

'We have codes of conduct in terms of how we expect our employees to act, and this could potentially be in violation of that,' he said, hinting that she could possibly be terminated after an investigation.

Stone has issued a joint statement with Jamie Schuh, her 38-year-old director who took the photo, to apologize.

'We sincerely apologize for all the pain we have caused by posting the picture we took in Washington DC on Facebook. While posted on a public forum, the picture was intended only for our own amusement,' the pair said in a statement.

'We never meant any disrespect to any of the people nationwide who have served this country and defended our freedom so valiantly. It was meant merely as a visual pun, intending to depict the exact opposite of what the sign said, and had absolutely nothing to do with the location it was taken or the people represented there.'

'We never meant to cause any harm or disrespect to anyone, particularly our men and women in uniform. We realize it was in incredibly poor taste, and are deeply sorry for the offense we have caused.'

Apologies: The woman's father, Peter Stone, insisted that his daughter meant no disrespect

'We also sincerely apologize to LIFE, Inc. It is an amazing organization that provides invaluable services to adults with learning and developmental disabilities. We are beyond remorseful that our actions have caused them such undue public scrutiny. The disrespect implied by our picture has nothing at all to do with LIFE’s mission statement or values. We regret having caused any suffering to the staff members, residents, families and friends.'

'Again, we very sincerely apologize to everyone who took offense to the photo. We realize that it was an ignorant and distasteful thing for us to do, but we truly meant no harm. We are deeply sorry,' they added.

Read more:

Fire Lindsey Stone Facebook page

Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: Knooger on November 21, 2012, 04:39:22 PM
Too disrespectful, would not hit.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: Irongrip400 on November 21, 2012, 04:40:40 PM
She's a fat disgusting pig, this may be punishment enough. She should be ridiculed on a daily basis. This is like the New England Patriots fan who joke Torrey Smith about his brother dying via twitter after the loss. This fat pig obviously thought she was funny, and evidently 80,000 people thought not.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: Roger Bacon on November 21, 2012, 04:41:54 PM
fat bitch
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: TrueGrit on November 21, 2012, 04:46:02 PM

This is her? FFS..people should just leave her alone and not always be looking to get outraged at something stupid and impulsive.

Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: Irongrip400 on November 21, 2012, 04:48:11 PM

This is her? FFS..people should just leave her alone and not always be looking to get outraged at something stupid and impulsive.

Not so fast. She looks to be making fun of handicapped people here.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: OTHstrong on November 21, 2012, 04:53:26 PM
WTF is that all it takes nowadays to be famous, stick your finger at a sign, wow, anyway she is stupid for doing so, hope she gets fired.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: TrueGrit on November 21, 2012, 04:55:27 PM
 Everyone makes fun of handicapped people at least once in their life.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: Irongrip400 on November 21, 2012, 04:56:53 PM
Everyone makes fun of handicapped people at least once in their life.

I did, until my wife got pregnant and shit got real. Everything's fine according to the tests, but my views have been changed because of this process.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: bike nut on November 21, 2012, 04:59:21 PM
A family member of a deceased soldier needs to beat this fat, ignorant fuck within an inch of her life.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: Hulkotron on November 21, 2012, 05:00:13 PM
Fat ugly specimen unsuited for reproduction.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: Nails on November 21, 2012, 05:00:21 PM
this my friends is the definition of

Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: Trapper_Slapper on November 21, 2012, 05:00:37 PM
Fuck that fat pathetic piece of shit...

Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: #1 Klaus fan on November 21, 2012, 05:03:54 PM
Everyone makes fun of handicapped people at least once in their life.

Yes, when we are 14.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: TrueGrit on November 21, 2012, 05:09:37 PM
Seriously, you guys think her life should be ruined for doing something dumb, ignorant and, quite frankly, a bit boring? Not judging as I am not concerned about her but imagine if your employers were made aware of every silly thing you'd said and done on here.. I just think people get outraged too easily these days and are looking for triggers to wind themselves up.

I see and hear people do far worse everyday.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: Obvious Gimmick on November 21, 2012, 05:17:18 PM
Fat twat of peace  ::)
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: Primemuscle on November 21, 2012, 05:29:22 PM
Think, it isn't that hard to do! It would seem there are those who don't think before they act. Actions have consequences. "Oh, so sorry, didn't really mean it," doesn't excuse what she did. Fire her ass. Maybe she will think twice before she pulls some other dumb stunt.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: Voice of Doom on November 21, 2012, 06:18:30 PM
Put your life on Facebook...what could possibly happen?
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: tu_holmes on November 21, 2012, 06:20:20 PM
Seriously, you guys think her life should be ruined for doing something dumb, ignorant and, quite frankly, a bit boring? Not judging as I am not concerned about her but imagine if your employers were made aware of every silly thing you'd said and done on here.. I just think people get outraged too easily these days and are looking for triggers to wind themselves up.

I see and hear people do far worse everyday.


Sure, she was being stupid and ignorant... Hell, disrespectful even.

But to fire her and lose her job over that?

She isn't a role model and no one knows who this bitch is... Who gives a shit.

Stop being so fucking butthurt over a god damn picture.

Wait until someone tries to hurt you before you go apeshit.

Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: Shockwave on November 21, 2012, 06:27:04 PM
Classless and stupid, but no one has the right to try and fuck her life up over something so juvenile.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: GoneAway on November 21, 2012, 06:29:06 PM
I'm not reading that bullshit story but over the years I've lost a general respect for present-day soldiers and war heroes. There's shit that goes on which we never see or hear about. Killing innocents. Bombing innocent villages. Rape and pillage. The "soldier" mentality is sickening. So, I'm neutral to this Linsday person doing what she did. I couldn't give a shit one way or another. It's only the ignorant that would be so offended by it.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: a_ahmed on November 21, 2012, 06:30:01 PM
Put your life on Facebook...what could possibly happen?



Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: Shockwave on November 21, 2012, 06:30:57 PM
I'm not reading that bullshit story but over the years I've lost a general respect for present-day soldiers and war heroes. There's shit that goes on which we never see or hear about. Killing innocents. Bombing innocent villages. Rape and pillage. The "soldier" mentality is sickening. So, I'm neutral to this Linsday person doing what she did. I couldn't give a shit one way or another. It's only the ignorant that would be so offended by it.
Thats gone on in war since the beginning of time. If anything, there is much LESS of that now days than there was throughout history. Where do you get your information?
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: a_ahmed on November 21, 2012, 06:32:01 PM
^Bullshit you just get away with it. Ask the nations the US has invaded how they feel about that. Not as oh passe as you make it out to be bud.

Easy to say when your country doesn't have hundreds of thousands of 'marines' hopping in, bombing you from above as you're defenseless, opening prisons, torturing you, kicking your doors at night scaring your families, killing your neighbours, raping, etc...

TV said you're the good guys and so it must be true!

It's funny how... a million+ deaths is like 'oh just a number' and suddenly 'oh its war' and 'oh it happens' and... oh 'its an isolated incident' when confronted with the facts.

Honestly this woman looks like an obnoxious cow... and you know what but the facts remain. Oh and not that I give a damn about her but what happened to 'freedom of speech'. Irony!
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: OTHstrong on November 21, 2012, 06:37:06 PM
^Bullshit you just get away with it. Ask the nations the US has invaded how they feel about that. Not as oh passe as you make it out to be bud.

Easy to say when your country doesn't have hundreds of thousands of 'marines' hopping in, bombing you from above as you're defenseless, opening prisons, torturing you, kicking your doors at night scaring your families, killing your neighbours, raping, etc...

TV said you're the good guys and so it must be true!

It's funny how... a million+ deaths is like 'oh just a number' and suddenly 'oh its war' and 'oh it happens' and... oh 'its an isolated incident' when confronted with the facts.

Honestly this woman looks like an obnoxious cow... and you know what but the facts remain.
Humanity as a whole is part of this hypocrisy you speak of, we are all guilty but he is right this does not happened as much as it did in the past.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: calfzilla on November 21, 2012, 06:46:09 PM
Well the reality is that those soldiers died so she could have the right to do shit like that.

Also she looks like she is no stranger to BBC.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: tu_holmes on November 21, 2012, 08:14:41 PM
And she was fired.

So basically a photo should completely remove her livelihood even though no one was harmed.

Fuck that noise. 
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: SF1900 on November 21, 2012, 08:17:55 PM
And she was fired.

So basically a photo should completely remove her livelihood even though no one was harmed.

Fuck that noise. 

Agreed. Its odd. While what she did was not right, it is no indication that she is a bad employee.

Its funny, all these "Americans" screaming and shouting that the government is taking away their rights and interfering with their lives. Then this lady engages in free speech and everyone wants her fired. I am not saying what she did was right, but seriously, people need to get a grip. Not everyone is going to like what others like. Deal with it. My grandpa fought in WW 2 (Battle of the Bulge) and I have no desire to get this women fired.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: Shockwave on November 21, 2012, 08:19:40 PM
And she was fired.

So basically a photo should completely remove her livelihood even though no one was harmed.

Fuck that noise. 
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: Shockwave on November 21, 2012, 08:21:31 PM
Agreed. Its odd. While what she did was not right, it is no indication that she is a bad employee.

Its funny, all these "Americans" screaming and shouting that the government is taking away their rights and interfering with their lives. Then this lady engages in free speech and everyone wants her fired. I am not saying what she did was right, but seriously, people need to get a grip. Not everyone is going to like what others like. Deal with it. My grandpa fought in WW 2 (Battle of the Bulge) and I have no desire to get this women fired.
This, exactly this. These people died so she could do exactly what she did. That is her right. I may think it's classless, but it's still her right to do it. I don't understand people sometimes.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: SF1900 on November 21, 2012, 08:22:31 PM
This, exactly this. These people died so she could do exactly what she did. That is her right. I may think it's classless, but it's still her right to do it. I don't understand people sometimes.

Are you being sarcastic?
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: Shockwave on November 21, 2012, 08:23:42 PM
Are you being sarcastic?
No, not at all. She has every right to do what she did, that is what those soldiers died trying to protect. To scream for her head from the rooftops is, IMHO, as disrespectful to the soldiers as her giving them the finger.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: SF1900 on November 21, 2012, 08:25:21 PM
No, not at all. She has every right to do what she did, that is what those soldiers died trying to protect. To scream for her head from the rooftops is, IMHO, as classless as her giving them the finger.

Agreed. I mean, she is an idiot. No doubt about that.

Seems like everyone loves free speech, only when it doesnt offend them.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: SF1900 on November 21, 2012, 08:27:47 PM
No, not at all. She has every right to do what she did, that is what those soldiers died trying to protect. To scream for her head from the rooftops is, IMHO, as disrespectful to the soldiers as her giving them the finger.

This was a good response:

To read this Facebook page is to come face-to-face with the worst kind of psychotic rage the internet has to offer. There's everything from the guy who aims, I guess, to teach Lindsey Stone all about respect and understanding by calling her a "fuckin girl"; the people posting her private phone number; the guy who says he'd be willing to "pull the trigger" on her; and of course the oodles of partisan jerks who've seized the opportunity, as they do any opportunity, to turn the whole thing into a left-vs.-right battle, with Stone obviously being a dirty liberal who doesn't love our troops with the predetermined but entirely arbitrary amount of zeal necessary to, well, avoid being called a dirty liberal.

Look, I hate to bring back another bad internet meme, but leave Lindsey alone. She did something really stupid and has apologized for it. End of story. It's nobody's God-given right, and certainly not 12,000 people's, to teach this woman a lesson that involves having her livelihood taken away just because she made a joke not everyone is going to find funny and some will find offensive. The response, as I alluded to earlier, is almost unimaginably disproportionate to the offense. I get that this is where we're at as a culture: nobody can ever be offended by anything and when we are we demand satisfaction and immediately marshal our forces via the internet, seeking out like-minded, easily inflamed morons willing to wield social media torches and pitchforks in a virtual riot. But that virtual riot has real-world consequences, and reducing a complete stranger to a single moment of bad judgment and then insisting she pay for it with her very livelihood, the thing that keeps her paying bills and rent and continuing to eat and perhaps feeding her family -- that's what's truly offensive.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: AbrahamG on November 21, 2012, 08:32:43 PM
Stop being pussies.  I laughed my fucking ass off.  She should have pulled down her slacks and did a spread shot with her middle finger buried deep inside her fat kunt.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: bike nut on November 21, 2012, 08:33:27 PM
No, not at all. She has every right to do what she did, that is what those soldiers died trying to protect. To scream for her head from the rooftops is, IMHO, as disrespectful to the soldiers as her giving them the finger.

She has every right to be an idiot.

We have every right to call her on it.

Her employer has every right to fire her.

See....Freedom of Speach does not mean freedom of accountability and responsibility.

Fuck that fat cow and her unemployed ass.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: Shockwave on November 21, 2012, 08:35:26 PM
She has every right to be an idiot.

We have every right to call her on it.

Her employer has every right to fire her.

See....Freedom of Speach does not mean freedom of accountability and responsibility.

Fuck that fat cow and her unemployed ass.
We have every right to disagree with her. I don't feel like we have the right to go into her place of employment and complain that we don't like a picture she took and demand that they fire her.
She wasn't fired for poor work performance, she was fired because a bunch of people got pissy that they didn't like her picture and demanded her head on a stick. Which is stupid and irresponsible IMHO.

But I think we can all agree that social media is socially destructive.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: SF1900 on November 21, 2012, 08:37:02 PM
She has every right to be an idiot.

We have every right to call her on it.

Her employer has every right to fire her.

See....Freedom of Speach does not mean freedom of accountability and responsibility.

Fuck that fat cow and her unemployed ass.

Agreed that her employer has every right to fire her. I just don't understand why the public wants her fired so badly. Because they are "offended." My beef is not that her employer fired her, but the same people who probably offend others on a daily basis are so apt to have her fired. I wonder how many of those same people have made derogatory comments about other races, handicapped people, etc. Yet, they flip their shit when someone else makes derogatory comment they do not like. Seems hypocritical. Know what Im saying?
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: Shockwave on November 21, 2012, 08:38:15 PM
Agreed that her employer has every right to fire her. I just don't understand why the public wants her fired so badly. Because they are "offended." My beef is not that her employer fired her, but the same people who probably offend others on a daily basis are so apt to have her fired. I wonder how many of those same people have made derogatory comments about other races, handicapped people, etc. Yet, they flip their shit when someone else makes derogatory comments. Know what Im saying?
This. I'd be pretty pissed if someone took one of my political comments personally, got a coalition of idiots together and demanded my boss fired me because of something stupid I said.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: Tapeworm on November 21, 2012, 08:39:26 PM
It's just this week's moral outrage/ burn the heretic thing.  Next week we'll find something else to feel righteously indignant about.  Can't have a flogging in the town square without that.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: SF1900 on November 21, 2012, 08:41:36 PM
This. I'd be pretty pissed if someone took one of my political comments personally, got a coalition of idiots together and demanded my boss fired me because of something stupid I said.

Just imagine if that happened every single time. 99% of the world would be unemployed!
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: bike nut on November 21, 2012, 08:43:42 PM
We have every right to disagree with her. I don't feel like we have the right to go into her place of employment and complain that we don't like a picture she took and demand that they fire her.
She wasn't fired for poor work performance, she was fired because a bunch of people got pissy that they didn't like her picture and demanded her head on a stick. Which is stupid and irresponsible IMHO.

But I think we can all agree that social media is socially destructive.

Bring that kind of negative publicity into your charitable place of work and see how long you last.

Freedom of Speach does not mean freedom of repercussions.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: bike nut on November 21, 2012, 08:45:54 PM
Agreed that her employer has every right to fire her. I just don't understand why the public wants her fired so badly. Because they are "offended." My beef is not that her employer fired her, but the same people who probably offend others on a daily basis are so apt to have her fired. I wonder how many of those same people have made derogatory comments about other races, handicapped people, etc. Yet, they flip their shit when someone else makes derogatory comment they do not like. Seems hypocritical. Know what Im saying?

You're confusing being an idiot in private with being an idiot in public.

It's the new social media world we live in.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: Shockwave on November 21, 2012, 08:48:09 PM
Bring that kind of negative publicity into your charitable place of work and see how long you last.

Freedom of Speach does not mean freedom of repercussions.
I understand why he was fired. I don't agree with the overly sensitive bitches that freaked out over nothing.

As I said earlier, I think the real issue here is social media. People don't understand how destructive that shit can be.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: SF1900 on November 21, 2012, 08:51:10 PM
You're confusing being an idiot in private with being an idiot in public.

It's the new social media world we live in.

Yes, and being an idiot in public and making it public is dumb.

As shockwave said, I am not arguing that she wasnt an idiot, nor that her employee doesnt have the right to fire her. But the overly sensitive people.

And while these people are idiots mostly in private, does that still give them a reason to destroy her livelihood? Seriously, think about it. What did she really do wrong, besides offend a lot of people. The punishment is disproportionate to the offense.

Eh, I guess something has to make the news these days!
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: SF1900 on November 21, 2012, 08:56:55 PM
I understand why he was fired. I don't agree with the overly sensitive bitches that freaked out over nothing.

As I said earlier, I think the real issue here is social media. People don't understand how destructive that shit can be.

social media is scum
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: tu_holmes on November 21, 2012, 09:08:28 PM
Agreed. I mean, she is an idiot. No doubt about that.

Seems like everyone loves free speech, only when it doesnt offend them.

This is it in a nutshell.

Free speech is great when it protects me, but it's bullshit when it protects you.

Bunch of hypocrites.

I agree with SF and Shock on this one.

Very sad what has happened. Soldiers being happy she was fired for expressing the rights they fight for.

Double standard at its finest.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: SF1900 on November 21, 2012, 09:12:38 PM
This is it in a nutshell.

Free speech is great when it protects me, but it's bullshit when it protects you.

Bunch of hypocrites.

I agree with SF and Shock on this one.

Very sad what has happened. Soldiers being happy she was fired for expressing the rights they fight for.

Double standard at its finest.

But in America its totally okay to degrade just about every muslim. No one seems to care when a muslim is offended or hurts. I guess that's okay. :/
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: tu_holmes on November 21, 2012, 09:17:15 PM
But in America its totally okay to degrade just about every muslim. No one seems to care when a muslim is offended or hurts. I guess that's okay. :/

I degrade Muslims, Christians, Jews, and atheists alike.

If you suck, you suck.

I do not let their religion affect their livelihood.

You are guaranteed the pursuit of happiness(Which may be a job)...

Not that I'll be nice to your religion.

Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: SF1900 on November 21, 2012, 09:19:28 PM
I degrade Muslims, Christians, Jews, and atheists alike.

If you suck, you suck.

I do not let their religion affect their livelihood.

You are guaranteed the pursuit of happiness(
Which may be a job). Not that I'll be nice to your religion.

Well, I was just sort of using that as a way to describe that people tend to be okay with offending certain groups, but totally flip out when other groups are offended.  Seems like they are cherry picking what they find offensive, then going on a man hunt about it.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: tu_holmes on November 21, 2012, 09:38:17 PM
Well, I was just sort of using that as a way to describe that people tend to be okay with offending certain groups, but totally flip out when other groups are offended.  Seems like they are cherry picking what they find offensive, then going on a man hunt about it.

The only group I say is off limits is children... Don't mess with kids and I don't give a shit about what you say about anything.

Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: GoneAway on November 21, 2012, 09:39:11 PM
Legally, I don't know whether she has a "right" to do what she did. However, she was fired because it's a bad image for the business that she worked for. Don't confuse a business trying to protect their income with a business doing the "right" thing. Two completely different things.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: SF1900 on November 21, 2012, 09:41:14 PM
The only group I say is off limits is children... Don't mess with kids and I don't give a shit about what you say about anything.

Agreed about the children!
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: tu_holmes on November 21, 2012, 09:42:07 PM
Legally, I don't know whether she has a "right" to do what she did. However, she was fired because it's a bad image for the business that she worked for. Don't confuse a business trying to protect their income with a business doing the "right" thing. Two completely different things.

That's true, but not exactly... See... They see their image as tarnished because people said she should be fired from her job.

So they did what the public said they should do.

The problem is not that she was fired... It's that the PEOPLE had her fired.

I don't blame the company for saving face, but I blame people ALL day for deciding that her livelihood should be taken away because THEY do not like something she did.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: GoneAway on November 21, 2012, 09:49:22 PM
I don't blame the company for saving face, but I blame people ALL day for deciding that her livelihood should be taken away because THEY do not like something she did.

Yes, I see where you're coming from. Suggesting that those people are better than her in some way and influencing something that didn't have much to do with them. It's a tough call... no, for what she did her livelihood probably shouldn't have been taken away. It's freedom of opinion, albeit potentially disrespectful.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: jr on November 21, 2012, 10:05:00 PM
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: AbrahamG on November 21, 2012, 10:13:35 PM

LMFAO!  Luvin dem tits.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: Primemuscle on November 21, 2012, 11:13:28 PM

Sure, she was being stupid and ignorant... Hell, disrespectful even.

But to fire her and lose her job over that?

She isn't a role model and no one knows who this bitch is... Who gives a shit.

Stop being so fucking butthurt over a god damn picture.

Wait until someone tries to hurt you before you go apeshit.


So I gather you think we should cut the bitch some slack.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: Primemuscle on November 21, 2012, 11:18:08 PM
As a long time public employee who knew that any actions I might do, regardless of whether they had any influence on my job, could cost me said job, I say that folks need to think about what they do when they are off the clock.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: Primemuscle on November 21, 2012, 11:22:52 PM
The only group I say is off limits is children... Don't mess with kids and I don't give a shit about what you say about anything.

So as I indicated before, being a long time public school employee who was not in a position that directly made me responsible for the education of kids, if I marched in a gay pride parade in my undies or if I campaigned for legalizing pot, it could have gotten me fired, I say do what you feel is right, but expect there will be consequences....warrante d or not.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: OTHstrong on November 22, 2012, 12:35:57 AM
Yes, I see where you're coming from. Suggesting that those people are better than her in some way and influencing something that didn't have much to do with them. It's a tough call... no, for what she did her livelihood probably shouldn't have been taken away. It's freedom of opinion, albeit potentially disrespectful.
Bro we get it you think warfare is evil, so do all of us but the morale of a soldier is to fight for freedom and for a just cause, if the intentions are such and the simple soldier lays his life on the line for these honorable principles regardless of how evil war is and regardless of how naive you think a soldier is being then he can not be disrespected in that manor, plain and simple.

She deserves worse
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: Kim Jong Bob on November 22, 2012, 12:45:03 AM

Sure, she was being stupid and ignorant... Hell, disrespectful even.

But to fire her and lose her job over that?

She isn't a role model and no one knows who this bitch is... Who gives a shit.

Stop being so fucking butthurt over a god damn picture.

Wait until someone tries to hurt you before you go apeshit.

. +1.  So fucking stupid to do this,noone even knows who the person in the grave is
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: GoneAway on November 22, 2012, 12:51:48 AM
Bro we get it you think warfare is evil, so do all of us but the morale of a soldier is to fight for freedom and for a just cause, if the intentions are such and the simple soldier lays his life on the line for these honorable principles regardless of how evil war is and regardless of how naive you think a soldier is being then he can not be disrespected in that manor, plain and simple.

She deserves worse

It just depends on what you think is disrespectful. Someone can help an old lady across the street and have some douche mock that person. Whether it's as disrespectful as mocking a dead solder is personal opinion.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: OTHstrong on November 22, 2012, 01:16:02 AM
It just depends on what you think is disrespectful. Someone can help an old lady across the street and have some douche mock that person. Whether it's as disrespectful as mocking a dead solder is personal opinion.
Of course it is a matter of opinion but the amount of people that share this opinion is far greater then any basic interpretation you have on being disrespectful or anyone for that matter that does not find this offensive. So long as millions are insulted at this situation she deserves the consequences of her actions.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: tu_holmes on November 22, 2012, 03:11:33 AM
So I gather you think we should cut the bitch some slack.


Also I was thinking... How is this any different than when a Muslim gets angry because someone made a visual reference to Muhammed?

I mean... basically, people are treating her, like the Muslim communities treat cartoonists or anyone else.

Just comes across as hypocritical to me.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: Radical Plato on November 22, 2012, 03:43:01 AM

Personally, I don't understand the outrage, who wouldn't hate a group of people who regularly inflict unimaginable suffering on other people based on empire expansion and resource gathering.  Their is no dignity in modern warfare, that's why so many soldiers return feeling guilt and shame for the vile way they behaved during the war.  Busting downs the doors of peoples houses, imprisoning and torturing the men in families, raping their daughters and devastating their homeland isn't something to be proud of.  Too many idiots are sold the propaganda about the nobility and courageousness of war, that's just bullshit, their hired goons with weapons training.  It's not like America was invaded and the military courageously fought back, they just march into whatever country they like, wave their massive military dick around, take what they want, demolish the place, fuck off back home and tell you what a cun+ they think you are as they are leaving.  The Military doesn't find killing a million civilians offensive or the raping and pillaging they do as offensive, yet they get all pissy when someone points out the obvious hypocrisy of being murderous thugs that behave regularly in an inhumane way yet are easily offended by a perceived insult, sounds like Americans are becoming more like Muslims everyday, can't handle  little criticism.  What surprises me is why more people don't lay a massive faecal cable on the graves of veterans.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: calfzilla on November 22, 2012, 04:40:04 AM
Personally, I don't understand the outrage, who wouldn't hate a group of people who regularly inflict unimaginable suffering on other people based on empire expansion and resource gathering.  Their is no dignity in modern warfare, that's why so many soldiers return feeling guilt and shame for the vile way they behaved during the war.  Busting downs the doors of peoples houses, imprisoning and torturing the men in families, raping their daughters and devastating their homeland isn't something to be proud of.  Too many idiots are sold the propaganda about the nobility and courageousness of war, that's just bullshit, their hired goons with weapons training.  It's not like America was invaded and the military courageously fought back, they just march into whatever country they like, wave their massive military dick around, take what they want, demolish the place, fuck off back home and tell you what a cun+ they think you are as they are leaving.  The Military doesn't find killing a million civilians offensive or the raping and pillaging they do as offensive, yet they get all pissy when someone points out the obvious hypocrisy of being murderous thugs that behave regularly in an inhumane way yet are easily offended by a perceived insult, sounds like Americans are becoming more like Muslims everyday, can't handle  little criticism.  What surprises me is why more people don't lay a massive faecal cable on the graves of veterans.

Sadly much of what you say is true.  I think at one time our soldiers did good things for the world but now just seem to be pawns for corporate world running the government.  You brought up shame and guilt, I have noticed that soldiers WWII and earlier would return from war and get on with their lives.  But seems like all the wars after that they all struggle with mental illness and I feel it is because they don't believe in what they are doing.  I bet if a soldier truly believed that his "enemy" was an enemy and that he was actually saving people he would return home with a clear head.  Don't know if i would go as far as to say shit on their graves, but maybe people should stop joining the military if it keeps up it's bullshit.  The government does a great job at propaganda making young kids think the military is actually still doing heroic things.  Operation "Iraqi freedom"  "enduring freedom"   ::)
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: Nails on November 22, 2012, 07:28:36 AM
Who wouldn't want to work or employ a dumb  CU NT that makes fun of retarded kids and dead soliders that were blown to pieces

i know i love working with dickheads like that day in a day out, nothing beats a good Laugh about dead abortion fetus babies at the coffee machine at work in the morning or hell even dead people involved in Drunk Driving accidents

there should be a mandatory one Vile Woman in every office law
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: Irongrip400 on November 22, 2012, 07:58:56 AM
This is it in a nutshell.

Free speech is great when it protects me, but it's bullshit when it protects you.

Bunch of hypocrites.

I agree with SF and Shock on this one.

Very sad what has happened. Soldiers being happy she was fired for expressing the rights they fight for.

Double standard at its finest.

I can buy this, but am still torn. On one hand I see the side that thinks, what did she really do? On the other, is see the line in the sand between free and offensive speech and how it can start to blur. I know it's a far cry from flag burning, saying god hates fags outside of a funeral, but if the line keeps getting moved, where does it stop?  It was like Hank Williams jr making that comment about Obama, and getting kicked off Monday night football. What he said didn't get him in legal trouble, but lost him his job. If you can use something such as a credit score to disqualify someone from a job, or a DUI, surely being a public jackass and bringing unwanted heat on your employer can do the same. Look, I don't think she should be shot or jailed or any bullshit like that, but I got no real beef with her losing her job over it.
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: tu_holmes on November 22, 2012, 08:19:48 AM
I can buy this, but am still torn. On one hand I see the side that thinks, what did she really do? On the other, is see the line in the sand between free and offensive speech and how it can start to blur. I know it's a far cry from flag burning, saying god hates fags outside of a funeral, but if the line keeps getting moved, where does it stop?  It was like Hank Williams jr making that comment about Obama, and getting kicked off Monday night football. What he said didn't get him in legal trouble, but lost him his job. If you can use something such as a credit score to disqualify someone from a job, or a DUI, surely being a public jackass and bringing unwanted heat on your employer can do the same. Look, I don't think she should be shot or jailed or any bullshit like that, but I got no real beef with her losing her job over it.

I didn't agree with HWJ getting kicked off of MNF either... That was some bullshit.

I still miss hearing "Are You Ready for Some Football."
Title: Re: vile womans obscene gesture to war dead
Post by: Voice of Doom on November 22, 2012, 08:27:35 AM
An interesting thread for Getbig....perhaps there is hope for humanity.