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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Immortal_Technique on December 17, 2012, 10:06:20 AM

Title: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Immortal_Technique on December 17, 2012, 10:06:20 AM retarded.

Your country is a joke in the this respect.

I know it's "a constitutional right" to blow each other's brains out all the time, but come on it happens every couple of days, what does it achieve?

When will this country grow up?

"never, you lefty, it's our right to bear arms, I'm gonna shoot you" I hear you cry. Good rights you have over there. It's not liberty for kids in schools. What about freedom to learn without being shot? Retards.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Tapeworm on December 17, 2012, 10:07:38 AM
Too bored, didn't read.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 17, 2012, 10:11:28 AM

1927 - 38 dead
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: King Shizzo on December 17, 2012, 10:14:23 AM retarded.

Your country is a joke in the this respect.

I know it's "a constitutional right" to blow each other's brains out all the time, but come on it happens every couple of days, what does it achieve?

When will this country grow up?

"never, you lefty, it's our right to bear arms, I'm gonna shoot you" I hear you cry. Good rights you have over there. It's not liberty for kids in schools. What about freedom to learn without being shot? Retards.

and where are you from? We are probably relatives. If you aren't American, all of the stuff you say is speculation.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: viking1 on December 17, 2012, 10:15:36 AM
America, Fuck Yeah!!!!

Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Immortal_Technique on December 17, 2012, 10:16:19 AM
Indeed. And I'm not trying to make a political point, I'm just making fun of these yankee idiots. You're not homesteaders now! haha,

When will your nation mature and become civilised? Possibly not for a few hundred years. It is young and insecure, but until such a time I will continue to piss my pants at you suicidal idiots!

Epic constitutional fail.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: bigmikecox on December 17, 2012, 10:18:34 AM
Gun laws here are a joke! People always say its their constitutional right....WTF......this shit will continue to happen
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Shockwave on December 17, 2012, 10:19:08 AM retarded.

Your country is a joke in the this respect.

I know it's "a constitutional right" to blow each other's brains out all the time, but come on it happens every couple of days, what does it achieve?

When will this country grow up?

"never, you lefty, it's our right to bear arms, I'm gonna shoot you" I hear you cry. Good rights you have over there. It's not liberty for kids in schools. What about freedom to learn without being shot? Retards.

Glad you care so much about our laws broseph. Maybe worry about your own country instead of ours?
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Nails on December 17, 2012, 10:21:44 AM
why dont you stop making music about raping your own mother first

Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: King Shizzo on December 17, 2012, 10:22:17 AM
Indeed. And I'm not trying to make a political point, I'm just making fun of these yankee idiots. You're not homesteaders now! haha,

When will your nation mature and become civilised? Possibly not for a few hundred years. It is young and insecure, but until such a time I will continue to piss my pants at you suicidal idiots!

Epic constitutional fail.
I have said this numerous times, but I believe that the U.S. is the modern day Rome.  We all know what happened to Rome.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: tommywishbone on December 17, 2012, 10:25:59 AM
When the 2nd amendment (the part of the US Constitution that gives us the right to own guns) was written, the best gun in the world was a single shot, black powder flintlock.  Something tells me those old cats did not envision machine guns being sold in Kmart.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: King Shizzo on December 17, 2012, 10:32:59 AM
When the 2nd amendment (the part of the US Constitution that gives us the right to own guns) was written, the best gun in the world was a single shot, black powder flintlock.  Something tells me those old cats did not envision machine guns being sold in Kmart.
Yes Tommy, the government will use this train of thought when they try to ammend the costitution. They will claim it is outdated.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 17, 2012, 10:33:23 AM
When the 2nd amendment (the part of the US Constitution that gives us the right to own guns) was written, the best gun in the world was a single shot, black powder flintlock.  Something tells me those old cats did not envision machine guns being sold in Kmart.

If the British had AR's do you not think the colonists also would have tried to aquire AR's?
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Buffgeek on December 17, 2012, 10:38:07 AM
We should make murder illegal so things like this wont happen again! oh....
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: tommywishbone on December 17, 2012, 10:38:27 AM
I don't have a dog in this fight. I was just making an observation.  

Gun control now is pointless.  There are already 100's of MILLIONS of guns available.  
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: diamondcut on December 17, 2012, 10:40:18 AM
i never really ever had the interest in owning a gun but for some strange reason i want to buy a shitload now and just store them

you know, just in case
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Nails on December 17, 2012, 10:41:38 AM
ALL of you that want to call the cops , or think that all you need is a fist to defend yourself

Meet George Zimmerman, He shoots to kill Fist FIghting Warriors

Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: RJ DRIVER on December 17, 2012, 10:44:09 AM
Gun laws here are a joke! People always say its their constitutional right....WTF......this shit will continue to happen
This coming from a dude who wants to kill everyone with his aids, raw no condom no pulling out.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: diamondcut on December 17, 2012, 10:49:09 AM
i always found it funny that guys would post up pics of the gun they just bought on FB, always posting on facebook shit about guns and shooting and what guns are the shit

and now all of a sudden you don't see them posting shit about any type of shooting at the range, or whatever new gun they just bought

lololololo guys

it is kind of alarming how easy it is to purchase a gun in america though,

i mean, how many people have the balls to actually kill another person with their newly purchased gun if it ever came down to it?

would white fat middle aged front desk clerk suzie be able to use the pistol she just bought from the local gun shop on a concealed carry permit on the basis of "i live in a shady area with a lot of black people". if some dark chocolate skinned black man came up to her and stuck his rock hard penis out on her pants while having her in a strangle hold in a dark alley, could she actually pull the trigger and blast the fool's brains out?
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: diamondcut on December 17, 2012, 10:52:40 AM
if some pro burglars broke into your house don't you think they'd have guns themselves? lololo

you think tehy just go in with box cutters like some idiot arabs? lmaaoooo
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: diamondcut on December 17, 2012, 11:08:37 AM
if some guys kick your door down for some serious shit, chances are they are wearing concealing masks, bulletproof vests, carrying a magnum or double barrel shotgun, ready to kill anyone who starts firing on them

would you live with peace of mind if you were trigger happy and pulled the trigger on some punk ass 15 year old kid who was pressured into breaking into a house because his friends liked the "Rush?" you gonna pull the trigger and blast the brains out on little timmy who goes to catholic school every weekend but just got corrupted this one time?

i mean, i understand some people feel the legit need to have a gun for safety reasons to feel "more safe" but honestly most of the clowns who own one just think it's "cool" to own one and it makes them feel "manly" and "macho" but if shit ever hit the fan they wouldn't be able to pull the trigger on somebody, they wouldn't have the balls to do it, few people do
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: SF1900 on December 17, 2012, 11:08:45 AM
My problem is this:

150 years ago people owned guns to protect themselves and their family. Their was a practical purpose. Those times were dangerous times to live in. It made sense to own guns.

But today, people seem to only own guns because its the "cool" thing to do. Half of the people that own guns do not understand the constitution and all its amendments. They just scream "2nd amendment" and thats all. I just think there is a difference between a person 150 years ago owning a gun for reasons, and the people now owning guns because it looks "badass" I guess you have the right to own a gun for any reason you want.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Shockwave on December 17, 2012, 11:11:05 AM
if some guys kick your door down for some serious shit, chances are they are wearing concealing masks, bulletproof vests, carrying a magnum or double barrel shotgun, ready to kill anyone who starts firing on them

i mean, i understand some people feel the legit need to have a gun for safety reasons to feel "more safe" but honestly most of the clowns who own one just think it's "cool" to own one and it makes them feel "manly" and "macho" but if shit ever hit the fan they wouldn't be able to pull the trigger on somebody, they wouldn't have the balls to do it, few people do
Lots of assumptions and random leaps of logic in this one. Like the average armed robber is wearing bulletproof vests, I particularly like that one. As far as the last sentence, people that have training and have properly prepared themselves to use a firearm will more than likely use it.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Tito24 on December 17, 2012, 11:12:38 AM
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Shockwave on December 17, 2012, 11:12:48 AM
and then theres the argumentation its to protect themselves vs a tyranical government, lol.

haha, these "militias" , forgot theres now a full blown professional army in the usa which would annihilate them very quickly if need be.

in the yugoslav civil war, everyone had guns and stuff too, didnt matter, at the beginning , the army was putting 10s of thousands of ppl into jail preventively.

in switzerland, its bit different, the army is the militia itself here, but in the usa, the army overpowers everything.
You're misguided if you think the majority of the military is going to turn on it's own citizens. If anything went down where militias were fighting against the government I can almost guarantee you that the military would tear in half.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Nails on December 17, 2012, 11:14:33 AM
Its easy for Obama to Pass GUN laws when he has Secret Service Protecting himself and his family for the rest of his life

If Guns Laws pass, He should also provide each Citizen their very own ONE ARMED security agent
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: SF1900 on December 17, 2012, 11:16:20 AM
Its easy for Obama to Pass GUN laws when he has Secret Service Protecting himself and his family

If Guns Laws pass, He should also provide each Citizen their very own ONE ARMED security agent

Id want tito24 as my personal bodyguard. He is a hunk of a man.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: diamondcut on December 17, 2012, 11:17:13 AM
Lots of assumptions and random leaps of logic in this one. Like the average armed robber is wearing bulletproof vests, I particularly like that one. As far as the last sentence, people that have training and have properly prepared themselves to use a firearm will more than likely use it.

i have trained myself to use a variety of firearms, i'd rather let someone break in my house and get whatever the fuck it is they want to get because i don't want it on my conscious that i killed someone because another guy is struggling in life and had to resort to buglary to pay his coke habit

i mean, shit, if i blasted some dude who had an accomplice that ran at the shot of gunfire, i'd be scared that he'd want to dig up information on my family who is in the same residence and commit some kind of revenge

i'm just saying, lots of people buy guns for shitty reasons and a lot of them couldn't use one properly in the heat of the moment. i know guys who are able to but honestly they are not the majority

in some cases, owning a gun is worse than not owning one
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Shockwave on December 17, 2012, 11:20:45 AM
i have trained myself to use a variety of firearms, i'd rather let someone break in my house and get whatever the fuck it is they want to get because i don't want it on my conscious that i killed someone because another guy is struggling in life and had to resort to buglary to pay his coke habit

i mean, shit, if i blasted some dude who had an accomplice that ran at the shot of gunfire, i'd be scared that he'd want to dig up information on my family who is in the same residence and commit some kind of revenge

i'm just saying, lots of people buy guns for shitty reasons and a lot of them couldn't use one properly in the heat of the moment. i know guys who are able to but honestly they are not the majority

in some cases, owning a gun is worse than not owning one
There is always a weighing of options, but in a situation where you felt you or your families lives were in danger I'd like to think that you would pull the trigger.
You do realize many armed robberies end with the criminals executing the people they're robbing?

Me personally, I wouldn't take that chance. I'm not staking my families lives on the assumption that the armed robbers are going to just leave peacefully after they take my shit.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: diamondcut on December 17, 2012, 11:20:50 AM
My problem is this:

150 years ago people owned guns to protect themselves and their family. Their was a practical purpose. Those times were dangerous times to live in. It made sense to own guns.

But today, people seem to only own guns because its the "cool" thing to do. Half of the people that own guns do not understand the constitution and all its amendments. They just scream "2nd amendment" and thats all. I just think there is a difference between a person 150 years ago owning a gun for reasons, and the people now owning guns because it looks "badass" I guess you have the right to own a gun for any reason you want.

do you happen to notice all the shit that people post on facebook newsfeed about going to the gun range and whatever fucking new gun they just bought and everyone else would comment back saying "that gun is the shit bro, that gun range is tight bro i brought my ak-47 there, i shot some ducks in the pond the other day for fun with my shotgun bro"

god damn, when i had a facebook 3 years ago (that's how long i haven't had a facebook), it seems like some punk ass wannabe was posting some shit about guns every other day on my newsfeed
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: SF1900 on December 17, 2012, 11:23:10 AM
do you happen to notice all the shit that people post on facebook newsfeed about going to the gun range and whatever fucking new gun they just bought and everyone else would comment back saying "that gun is the shit bro, that gun range is tight bro i brought my ak-47 there, i shot some ducks in the pond the other day for fun with my shotgun bro"

god damn, when i had a facebook 3 years ago (that's how long i haven't had a facebook), it seems like some punk ass wannabe was posting some shit about guns every other day on my newsfeed

While guns were probably a status symbol 150 years ago, it has grown to new heights these days. Every "badass" now has a gun. Some people truly do enjoy target shooting and do this for sport. This I agree with. Others, well..  :-\ :-\
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Nails on December 17, 2012, 11:23:30 AM
do you happen to notice all the shit that people post on facebook newsfeed about going to the gun range and whatever fucking new gun they just bought and everyone else would comment back saying "that gun is the shit bro, that gun range is tight bro i brought my ak-47 there, i shot some ducks in the pond the other day for fun with my shotgun bro"

god damn, when i had a facebook 3 years ago (that's how long i haven't had a facebook), it seems like some punk ass wannabe was posting some shit about guns every other day on my newsfeed

so you have alot of punk ass wannabe friends on facebook  ???
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: SF1900 on December 17, 2012, 11:27:02 AM

so you have alot of punk ass wannabe friends on facebook  ???

He must have a lot of Getbiggers as FB friends then  ;D ;D
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: mass243 on December 17, 2012, 11:30:16 AM

Me personally, I wouldn't take that chance. I'm not staking my families lives on the assumption that the armed robbers are going to just leave peacefully after they take my shit.

This !

In the past robbers just robbed but it seems like more and more common that they kill the victims at the end just for fun.
Or worse, torture them, rape them....
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Nomad on December 17, 2012, 11:30:49 AM retarded.

Your country is a joke in the this respect.

I know it's "a constitutional right" to blow each other's brains out all the time, but come on it happens every couple of days, what does it achieve?

When will this country grow up?

"never, you lefty, it's our right to bear arms, I'm gonna shoot you" I hear you cry. Good rights you have over there. It's not liberty for kids in schools. What about freedom to learn without being shot? Retards.

Fuck you, America is the only country in the world that matters right now so you can just suck on our big freedom cock.

Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: diamondcut on December 17, 2012, 11:32:20 AM
There is always a weighing of options, but in a situation where you felt you or your families lives were in danger I'd like to think that you would pull the trigger.
You do realize many armed robberies end with the criminals executing the people they're robbing?

Me personally, I wouldn't take that chance. I'm not staking my families lives on the assumption that the armed robbers are going to just leave peacefully after they take my shit.

well everytime i've been robbed(when i was young lad) or known of a person that was robbed they were never home, the people always knew that they weren't. i do know of a case where my friend was robbed at gunpoint but nothing ever happened to them, they just got what they wanted and left

i don't know though, sometimes you gotta judge based on the situation. things can go hot quickly. i know that if i was in a bad area i would have a gun in my house, a concealed carry just in case, but i would have no problem blasting some fools because i don't really value other human's lives like a lot of other people seem to do because i'm a cynical bastard like that, but i'm just saying, some 25 year old blonde chubby school teacher wouldn't have the balls to blast some fools most of the time. luckily i don't really value other people's lives like i do my own  :P but i would feel bad if i just killed a kid who had his whole life ahead of him who was peer pressured by his friends into stealing my son's video games and i was some trigger happy fool

the thing is, sometimes kids break into houses with nothing but a garbage bag to hold your ps3 and jewelry, and then sometimes they break into your house with everything in the fucking arsenal because they are adult grown ass men who rob people as their main gig

it really is a case by case basis

i suppose it's always better to have "just in case," but that just in case reason is moot most of the time and the ease of having a gun "just in case" can cause problems
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: diamondcut on December 17, 2012, 11:34:25 AM

so you have alot of punk ass wannabe friends on facebook  ???

used to

never really got around to re-activating my facebook and deleting them

but yes, punk ass wannabes run amuck
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: nasht5 on December 17, 2012, 12:32:38 PM
if some guys kick your door down for some serious shit, chances are they are wearing concealing masks, bulletproof vests, carrying a magnum or double barrel shotgun, ready to kill anyone who starts firing on them

would you live with peace of mind if you were trigger happy and pulled the trigger on some punk ass 15 year old kid who was pressured into breaking into a house because his friends liked the "Rush?" you gonna pull the trigger and blast the brains out on little timmy who goes to catholic school every weekend but just got corrupted this one time?

i mean, i understand some people feel the legit need to have a gun for safety reasons to feel "more safe" but honestly most of the clowns who own one just think it's "cool" to own one and it makes them feel "manly" and "macho" but if shit ever hit the fan they wouldn't be able to pull the trigger on somebody, they wouldn't have the balls to do it, few people do

hell yes, fuck the rush seeking kid and blow his brains out, yes I would. If the pro thief breaks in with his own gun then it is even more important for me to have my gun and kill his ass. shot him in the legs with my 12guage, his vest won't help him there, then shot him in the head. problem solved.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: magikusar on December 17, 2012, 12:39:35 PM retarded.

Your country is a joke in the this respect.

I know it's "a constitutional right" to blow each other's brains out all the time, but come on it happens every couple of days, what does it achieve?

When will this country grow up?

"never, you lefty, it's our right to bear arms, I'm gonna shoot you" I hear you cry. Good rights you have over there. It's not liberty for kids in schools. What about freedom to learn without being shot? Retards.

shut the fuck up commy

USA no 1 now get back to your shitty 3rd world fuckhole

and yes more guns woulda stopped the madman

as well as armed private security

not cock sucking green please for mercy
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Shockwave on December 17, 2012, 12:43:26 PM
Headshots eliminate the body armor problem. Failure drills my friends, 2 to the chest 1 in the dome.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: chaos on December 17, 2012, 01:14:16 PM
My problem is this:

150 years ago people owned guns to protect themselves and their family. Their was a practical purpose. Those times were dangerous times to live in. It made sense to own guns.

But today, people seem to only own guns because its the "cool" thing to do. Half of the people that own guns do not understand the constitution and all its amendments. They just scream "2nd amendment" and thats all. I just think there is a difference between a person 150 years ago owning a gun for reasons, and the people now owning guns because it looks "badass" I guess you have the right to own a gun for any reason you want.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Palpatine Q on December 17, 2012, 02:01:39 PM

This !

In the past robbers just robbed but it seems like more and more common that they kill the victims at the end just for fun.
Or worse, torture them, rape them....

 I have a security system in my house and i keep my doors locked at all times. all of the bedrooms are upstairs (no accident), so if someone breaks into my home, a LOUD alarm goes off, which would scare away 99% of thieves anyway.  They know the drill, 15 seconds the phone rings and the cops are on their way...nobody is getting raped and tortured for hours in my house.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: SF1900 on December 17, 2012, 02:05:10 PM

You know I am right.  ::) ::) you just dont want to admit it, tough guy.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Shockwave on December 17, 2012, 02:06:14 PM
I have a security system in my house and i keep my doors locked at all times. all of the bedrooms are upstairs (no accident), so if someone breaks into my home, a LOUD alarm goes off, which would scare away 99% of thieves anyway.  They know the drill, 15 seconds the phone rings and the cops are on their way...nobody is getting raped and tortured for hours in my house.
What if they threaten to kill you daughter if you don't get ahold of the security place and tell them everything is ok?  ??? :o
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: BB on December 17, 2012, 02:17:34 PM
What if they threaten to kill you daughter if you don't get ahold of the security place and tell them everything is ok?  ??? :o

Another thing the "just call the police" crowd doesn't take into account is police response time. I live in a very urban area, the average police response time is 8 - 10 minutes, I have friends in rural areas where the response time is 30 plus minutes. That is a ton of time for trouble to occur.

Police are more akin to garbage men, than actual crime stoppers if you really look at it.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Nails on December 17, 2012, 02:19:51 PM
i was only 13 yrs old when the LA Riots happened and my dad didn't let me or my brother out of the house, but during the riots if you called the police they basically told you that you were on your own and hung up the phone on you.

To Protect And To Serve  ::) ::)
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Palpatine Q on December 17, 2012, 02:20:03 PM
What if they threaten to kill you daughter if you don't get ahold of the security place and tell them everything is ok?  ??? :o

So they are just going to magically appear upstairs in my daughter's room as soon they they break the glass or break open the screen door ?

my daughter's room is right next to mine, again no accident. If that alarm goes off, I'm out of bed like a shot and bringing her to my room, locking the door and throwing a heavy ass dresser in front of it (it's nice to be strong). They don't know the layout of my house, i do and it's pitch black. when the alarm goes off, that means they broke a window and are GETTING into my house, it doesn't mean they are in the upstairs hallway in one second flat.

i have real-world time to grab my daughter and barricade my door.,,and standing off to the side of it behind my other dresser with my shotgun pointed right at it.  

At that point I'm yelling at the top of my lungs that I'm armed, i called the cops and if that door so much as moves i'm opening up...get the fuck out of my house.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Shockwave on December 17, 2012, 02:20:21 PM
Another thing the "just call the police" crowd doesn't take into account is police response time. I live in a very urban area, the average police response time is 8 - 10 minutes, I have friends in rural areas where the response time is 30 plus minutes. That is a ton of time for trouble to occur.

Police are more akin to garbage men, than actual crime stoppers if you really look at it.

I know when I lived in Houston, they wouldn't actually show up unless someone was shot.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Shockwave on December 17, 2012, 02:22:47 PM
So they are just going to magically appear upstairs in my daughter's room as soon they they break the glass or break open the screen door ?

my daughter's room is right next to mine, again no accident. If that alarm goes off, I'm out of bed like a shot and bringing her to my room, locking the door and throwing a heavy ass dresser in front of it (it's nice to be strong). They don't know the layout of my house, i do and it's pitch black. when the alarm goes off, that means they broke a window and are GETTING into my house, it doesn't mean they are in the upstairs hallway in one second flat.

i have real-world time to grab my daughter and barricade my door.,,and standing off to the side of it behind my other dresser with my shotgun pointed right at it.  

At that point I'm yelling at the top of my lungs that I'm armed, i called the cops and if that door so much as moves i'm opening up...get the fuck out of my house.
A well thought out plan. Hopefully you will never have to see if it works in a real world situation. BTW I was mostly just fucking with you.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: lovemonkey on December 17, 2012, 02:24:11 PM
I have a security system in my house and i keep my doors locked at all times. all of the bedrooms are upstairs (no accident), so if someone breaks into my home, a LOUD alarm goes off, which would scare away 99% of thieves anyway.  They know the drill, 15 seconds the phone rings and the cops are on their way...nobody is getting raped and tortured for hours in my house.

This to me seems much more reasonable and well thought out than just simply relying on a gun for home safety. Any serious person that is interested in home security should look into a solution of this sort first and foremost before getting a 12 gauge.

With this kind of reasoning less people get killed and the use of guns probably won't even be necessary. But what you hear from gun-people is only what pistol to get, are AR's better than shotguns in close combat? etc etc.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Nails on December 17, 2012, 02:24:59 PM
So they are just going to magically appear upstairs in my daughter's room as soon they they break the glass or break open the screen door ?

my daughter's room is right next to mine, again no accident. If that alarm goes off, I'm out of bed like a shot and bringing her to my room, locking the door and throwing a heavy ass dresser in front of it (it's nice to be strong). They don't know the layout of my house, i do and it's pitch black. when the alarm goes off, that means they broke a window and are GETTING into my house, it doesn't mean they are in the upstairs hallway in one second flat.

i have real-world time to grab my daughter and barricade my door.,,and standing off to the side of it behind my other dresser with my shotgun pointed right at it.  

At that point I'm yelling at the top of my lungs that I'm armed, i called the cops and if that door so much as moves i'm opening up...get the fuck out of my house.

Sounds a little like Sean Taylor of the RedSkins


Taylor's house had been burglarized in his absence on November 18, 2007. Media reports briefly described the police reports of the circumstances surrounding the first burglary. Among the details noted were that the intruders pried open a window to climb into the home, went through the desk and safe that were located in Taylor's bedroom, also damaged an air conditioning unit. This report had been made by Taylor's mother, who had checked on the home and discovered the burglary. The police report did not specify if anything was stolen from the home, presumably because his mother would not know the contents of the desk or safe located in his bedroom.[27]

Eight days after the original burglary, on November 26 at 1:45am EST, Taylor was shot in the upper leg by an armed intruder at his home in Palmetto Bay, Florida, where he had been recuperating from a football injury. His femoral artery was hit and severed, causing a mortal wound. His longtime girlfriend, Jackie Garcia (a niece of actor Andy García), hid under the bedding with their 18-month-old daughter Jackie.[28] Garcia then called 9-1-1 from her cell phone.[10][29]

Taylor was airlifted to the Ryder Trauma Center at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, where he underwent surgery. He emerged from surgery about 12:30pm. He had lost a significant amount of blood and remained in a coma. His doctors speculated he may have suffered brain damage due to the blood loss, and an unnamed Redskins source reported that Taylor's heart stopped twice during the emergency surgery.[10] The next day, on November 27, Taylor died at the hospital at 3:30am.[29][30][31] The news was released to the media by Richard Sharpstein, a family friend who learned the news from Taylor's father around 5:30am, and by Drew Rosenhaus, Taylor's agent.[32]

Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Palpatine Q on December 17, 2012, 02:37:37 PM

Sounds a little like Sean Taylor of the RedSkins


Taylor's house had been burglarized in his absence on November 18, 2007. Media reports briefly described the police reports of the circumstances surrounding the first burglary. Among the details noted were that the intruders pried open a window to climb into the home, went through the desk and safe that were located in Taylor's bedroom, also damaged an air conditioning unit. This report had been made by Taylor's mother, who had checked on the home and discovered the burglary. The police report did not specify if anything was stolen from the home, presumably because his mother would not know the contents of the desk or safe located in his bedroom.[27]

Eight days after the original burglary, on November 26 at 1:45am EST, Taylor was shot in the upper leg by an armed intruder at his home in Palmetto Bay, Florida, where he had been recuperating from a football injury. His femoral artery was hit and severed, causing a mortal wound. His longtime girlfriend, Jackie Garcia (a niece of actor Andy García), hid under the bedding with their 18-month-old daughter Jackie.[28] Garcia then called 9-1-1 from her cell phone.[10][29]

Taylor was airlifted to the Ryder Trauma Center at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, where he underwent surgery. He emerged from surgery about 12:30pm. He had lost a significant amount of blood and remained in a coma. His doctors speculated he may have suffered brain damage due to the blood loss, and an unnamed Redskins source reported that Taylor's heart stopped twice during the emergency surgery.[10] The next day, on November 27, Taylor died at the hospital at 3:30am.[29][30][31] The news was released to the media by Richard Sharpstein, a family friend who learned the news from Taylor's father around 5:30am, and by Drew Rosenhaus, Taylor's agent.[32]


sounds absolutely nothing like it...first off I'm not a famous football player with people constantly trying to rob me... and from what i just read they just broke into his house no problem. you open a window in my house all hell breaks loose
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 17, 2012, 02:38:33 PM

Obama's fault 
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Palpatine Q on December 17, 2012, 02:40:09 PM
PS i have a dog, best early warning system on earth
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Shockwave on December 17, 2012, 02:40:14 PM
sounds absolutely nothing like it...first off I'm not a famous football player with people constantly trying to rob me... and from what i just read they just broke into his house no problem. you open a window in my house all hell breaks loose
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: mass243 on December 17, 2012, 02:41:30 PM

would actually like to see the intruders faces when they come to my completely dark home and after some time find me standing middle of the room like this haha

HHAHA, they would pee their pants but it's too late already. Ski masks backside front are put over their heads and hands tied behind their backs and chopper sound nearing in the backyard...... they were never seen afterwards.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Palpatine Q on December 17, 2012, 02:45:53 PM
would actually like to see the intruders faces when they come to my completely dark home and after some time find me standing middle of the room like this haha

HHAHA, they would pee their pants but it's too late already. Ski masks backside front are put over their heads and hands tied behind their backs and chopper sound nearing in the backyard...... they were never seen afterwards.

OK Liam Neeson
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Roger Bacon on December 17, 2012, 02:59:38 PM
and then theres the argumentation its to protect themselves vs a tyranical government, lol.

haha, these "militias" , forgot theres now a full blown professional army in the usa which would annihilate them very quickly if need be.

in the yugoslav civil war, everyone had guns and stuff too, didnt matter, at the beginning , the army was putting 10s of thousands of ppl into jail preventively.

in switzerland, its bit different, the army is the militia itself here, but in the usa, the army overpowers everything.

That's very foolish

The good people of Iraq with shitty weapons and no training held our government off for like 7 years.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Roger Bacon on December 17, 2012, 03:01:13 PM
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: chaos on December 17, 2012, 03:02:13 PM
You know I am right.  ::) ::) you just dont want to admit it, tough guy.
Unfortunately you're not right, unAmerican metrosexual.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Palpatine Q on December 17, 2012, 03:06:41 PM
That's very foolish

The good people of Iraq with shitty weapons and no training held our government off for like 7 years.

They did? LOL

Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Palpatine Q on December 17, 2012, 03:10:27 PM
yeah, after 7 something time units its was all over :D

maybe he meant to type "hours"
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: The Abdominal Snoman on December 17, 2012, 04:53:28 PM
You're misguided if you think the majority of the military is going to turn on it's own citizens. If anything went down where militias were fighting against the government I can almost guarantee you that the military would tear in half.

Maybe...But nano technology is legit. And who the fck knows what they can or will be able to do with it in the near future.  Some claim "they" may be able to take over the brain and transmit signals/commands. Sounds like science fiction, but it really isn't. Shit may end up being scarier than nukes.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: che on December 17, 2012, 05:38:36 PM
Fuck guns , anyone breaking into my house forfeits their right to live and will be met with...............

 :o :o :o

Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: 240 is Back on December 17, 2012, 05:44:30 PM
I don't have a dog in this fight. I was just making an observation.   

Gun control now is pointless.  There are already 100's of MILLIONS of guns available. 

Yep.  I'd be okay with a society without guns... BUT I would really hate to live thru the 50 years of only bad guys having them, waiting for them to rust out, etc.

My brother was almost murdered by a guy with warrants for felony (shooting at a cop!) who was still carrying the same gun, robbing his pharmacy with a plan to execute the 2 workers.   You can't reason with people like that - you can only repel their force with force of your own.

my bro had a legal gun with permit, he shot dude in stomach, dude ran and was caught weeks later.  My bro would be dead, in the dirt right now, in a world with a gun ban.  The piece of crap shooter didn't care about the law, and wouldn't have complied with any gun ban.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: delta9mda on December 17, 2012, 08:49:37 PM
there are over 15000 gun laws on the books, we dont have a law problem dickheads.

everyone that buys a gun from a store or show must go through a background check (fbi or state). no way around this.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: chaos on December 18, 2012, 06:56:35 AM
there are over 15000 gun laws on the books, we dont have a law problem dickheads.

everyone that buys a gun from a store or show must go through a background check (fbi or state). no way around this.
I know I just did.
And I still have to wait 10 for a "cooling off" period.   ::)
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: SF1900 on December 18, 2012, 07:25:13 AM
Unfortunately you're not right, unAmerican metrosexual.

Haha, sure. I bet it would be your fantasy if I were a metrosexual. You like them, huh? Sorry, I am not. You'll have to go elsewhere.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Bevo on December 18, 2012, 08:03:45 AM
whats even worse is like in texas, the defending castle doctrine or whatever, and its even worse in florida.

an assumed threat is enough to justify deadly fire

What's wrong with that? ::) if someone broke in trying to rape your daughter or wife u have the right to blast them, it's your property and they're in your territory

For fucks sake what's wrong with some of u?
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Shockwave on December 18, 2012, 08:06:38 AM
What's wrong with that? ::) if someone broke in trying to rape your daughter or wife u have the right to blast them, it's your property and they're in your territory

For fucks sake what's wrong with some of u?
I think people get the impression that if some dude trips and falls into your lawn while riding by on a bike, that it's perfectly acceptable to light them up.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Bevo on December 18, 2012, 08:09:11 AM
So they are just going to magically appear upstairs in my daughter's room as soon they they break the glass or break open the screen door ?

my daughter's room is right next to mine, again no accident. If that alarm goes off, I'm out of bed like a shot and bringing her to my room, locking the door and throwing a heavy ass dresser in front of it (it's nice to be strong). They don't know the layout of my house, i do and it's pitch black. when the alarm goes off, that means they broke a window and are GETTING into my house, it doesn't mean they are in the upstairs hallway in one second flat.

i have real-world time to grab my daughter and barricade my door.,,and standing off to the side of it behind my other dresser with my shotgun pointed right at it.  

At that point I'm yelling at the top of my lungs that I'm armed, i called the cops and if that door so much as moves i'm opening up...get the fuck out of my house.

I'm surprised a man your stature I would assume u would be AK'ing everything in sight like a an 80's action flick
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: garebear on December 18, 2012, 08:11:09 AM
You don't have to go to FB to see the super tough gun owners.

A lot of them post here.

Wow, we're all amazed. You guys are really tough.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Bevo on December 18, 2012, 08:18:36 AM
You don't have to go to FB to see the super tough gun owners.

A lot of them post here.

Wow, we're all amazed. You guys are really tough.

Yes carebear we all are real life Rambos u gotta problem with that?
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: garebear on December 18, 2012, 09:03:44 AM
Yes carebear we all are real life Rambos u gotta problem with that?
No, of course not.

It just broadcasts that you are the weakest.

Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: The True Adonis on December 18, 2012, 09:07:23 AM
No, of course not.

It just broadcasts that you are the weakest.

How so?
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Shockwave on December 18, 2012, 09:07:55 AM
No, of course not.

It just broadcasts that you are the weakest.

Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Overload on December 18, 2012, 09:09:06 AM
No, of course not.

It just broadcasts that you are the weakest.

Didn't you serve in our military?

Or are you that pedo teacher?

Or both?

Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: chaos on December 18, 2012, 09:18:48 AM
Didn't you serve in our military?

Or are you that pedo teacher?

Or both?

I don't know about the military part but rumor has it...
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Powerlift66 on July 07, 2019, 06:11:05 AM retarded.

Your country is a joke in the this respect.

I know it's "a constitutional right" to blow each other's brains out all the time, but come on it happens every couple of days, what does it achieve?

When will this country grow up?

"never, you lefty, it's our right to bear arms, I'm gonna shoot you" I hear you cry. Good rights you have over there. It's not liberty for kids in schools. What about freedom to learn without being shot? Retards.

Maybe we can adopt the very strict Mexican gun laws, and while we're at it, open our borders to all those nice people. Retard.  ::)
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Pray_4_War on July 07, 2019, 04:46:41 PM
What's hilarious is that people put their trust in a bloated, greedy,corrupt, oppressive, federal government that does nothing but steal their money and take away their God-given rights.

Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Randomum on July 07, 2019, 07:14:23 PM
Ya'll abroad don't get it. Its cuz of our history. The Brits took our guns, and quartered themselves in our homes, ate our food and intimidated us. Once we beat ya'll back to the old world we swore to never allow it again. No government, or foreign invaders will ever take America because of our gun laws.

If we all exercised our right to bear arms crime would plummet. The problem is all Americans of age don't exercise it. Think about it if you went to rob a gas station or wanted to do a crazy attack in a public place would you still do it if you knew everyone was armed ready to take you out at first sight of your aggression? No sir those cowards would stay home.

America is number 1 anyways. Anyone with an opinion can look at their shit hole countries and wish it was us. Yes my message includes Canadia, and Europa.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: mac33 on July 07, 2019, 11:03:26 PM
Making guns illegal to own will not make crime go away only rise higher. America is not the only country with guns available to citizens but gets pointed out all the time.

Guns are awesome and the freedom to own them and use them is a sign of a free country.

Why would you trust only the government to own guns and to protect you from harm instead of yourself?

That is a stupid thing to do/think, but I guess socialism is on the rise again...
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 08, 2019, 07:22:48 PM
I have said this numerous times, but I believe that the U.S. is the modern day Rome.  We all know what happened to Rome.

Nope, we are rising in power, not declining.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Stephano on July 08, 2019, 08:36:37 PM
Nope, we are rising in power, not declining.

Have you paid attention to American demographics lately?  Nevermind global empire, do you really think that a USA where whites are a minority, and where anti-white racism is accepted and commonplace, will be a place worth living in?

Besides, 15 years ago, the USA could have easily defeated China in a war.  Today, the outcome is uncertain, to say the least.  China is growing more powerful by the day.  And, in a few years, their economy will be the largest in the world, relegating the USA to the #2 spot. 

The USA is self-evidently in decline.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: chaos on July 09, 2019, 07:58:31 AM
Have you paid attention to American demographics lately?  Nevermind global empire, do you really think that a USA where whites are a minority, and where anti-white racism is accepted and commonplace, will be a place worth living in?

Besides, 15 years ago, the USA could have easily defeated China in a war.  Today, the outcome is uncertain, to say the least.  China is growing more powerful by the day.  And, in a few years, their economy will be the largest in the world, relegating the USA to the #2 spot. 

The USA is self-evidently in decline.
Out of curiosity, can you tell me where the Chinese forces have recently fought?
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Stephano on July 09, 2019, 06:33:56 PM
Out of curiosity, can you tell me where the Chinese forces have recently fought?

Can you point me to the last war that the USA has won?  Iraq and Afghanistan were clusterfucks.  Vietnam?

The Chinese have kept their powder dry.  They've built a military designed for one goal: To defeat the USA.  And they've made astounding progress -- closing the gap almost entirely.  (And this likely understates things.)

And the USA has learned nothing -- less than nothing -- from the wars it has recently fought.  Now we have Marines marching in high heels, and old-school men of honor like Adm. Bill Moran and Chief Eddie Gallagher are hung out to dry. 
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: GigantorX on July 09, 2019, 07:12:39 PM
When the 2nd amendment (the part of the US Constitution that gives us the right to own guns) was written, the best gun in the world was a single shot, black powder flintlock.  Something tells me those old cats did not envision machine guns being sold in Kmart.

Kmart's isn't around anymore.

You also can't buy a "machine gun" like you can a seminauto or bolt action rifle. Thousands of dollars, interviewes by the FBI and ATF...etc.

Please, know what you're talking about next time.

Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Ropo on July 10, 2019, 02:46:17 AM
Kmart's isn't around anymore.

You also can't buy a "machine gun" like you can a seminauto or bolt action rifle. Thousands of dollars, interviewes by the FBI and ATF...etc.

Please, know what you're talking about next time.

Those anti gun morons never do. All their arguments are based on nonsense and wishful thinking, but facts? Never seen that happen. Point of the matter is ridiculously simple: by the gun laws/gun control you can rule only the gun rights of the law abiding citizens, and their guns are more likely used to uphold the laws, than crime. Who will benefit by those rules? Only criminals.. Libtards etc. moronic fools can speculate what ever they want, but this is a fact of the matter  ;D
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: chaos on July 10, 2019, 12:09:40 PM
Can you point me to the last war that the USA has won?  Iraq and Afghanistan were clusterfucks.  Vietnam?

The Chinese have kept their powder dry.  They've built a military designed for one goal: To defeat the USA.  And they've made astounding progress -- closing the gap almost entirely.  (And this likely understates things.)

And the USA has learned nothing -- less than nothing -- from the wars it has recently fought.  Now we have Marines marching in high heels, and old-school men of honor like Adm. Bill Moran and Chief Eddie Gallagher are hung out to dry. 
Soooo that's a "no" from you? Thanks for playing. ::)
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Joe Valentino on July 10, 2019, 12:10:34 PM retarded.

Your country is a joke in the this respect.

I know it's "a constitutional right" to blow each other's brains out all the time, but come on it happens every couple of days, what does it achieve?

When will this country grow up?

"never, you lefty, it's our right to bear arms, I'm gonna shoot you" I hear you cry. Good rights you have over there. It's not liberty for kids in schools. What about freedom to learn without being shot? Retards.

Some people in here are kind of smart :)
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: HTexan on July 10, 2019, 08:34:41 PM
Out of curiosity, can you tell me where the Chinese forces have recently fought?
All China is going to do is try and hack some stuff.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Stephano on July 10, 2019, 08:53:29 PM
Soooo that's a "no" from you? Thanks for playing. ::)

Are you forgetting that they pushed back American forces in Korea, winning key tactical victories and forcing the USA to a stalemate? 

Besides, I don't really see your argument here.  "The USA has wasted lives and treasure fighting goat-herders in Afghanistan, therefore it's definitely the superior fighting force."   ???
This makes no sense, especially as you can't even say that the USA is fighting well.  It's totally strategically incompetent.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Pray_4_War on July 12, 2019, 01:11:02 PM
Home invasion, 4 armed attackers.  Homeowner smokes two of them with an AR-15 and they take the room temperature challenge.  Dindu population reduced by 2.  Good riddance.

If this man wasn't equipped with a capable firearm like the AR-15, how do you think this story would have ended?


Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: IRON CROSS on July 12, 2019, 03:33:07 PM
Out of curiosity, can you tell me where the Chinese forces have recently fought?

 ;D yeah !.
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Skeletor on July 14, 2019, 01:19:15 AM
Home invasion, 4 armed attackers.  Homeowner smokes two of them with an AR-15 and they take the room temperature challenge.  Dindu population reduced by 2.  Good riddance.

If this man wasn't equipped with a capable firearm like the AR-15, how do you think this story would have ended?


Good riddance indeed. Good job by the homeowner, I hope he recovers fully.

Had idiots like Chris Murphy been in charge, the homeowner might have ended up dead:

Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Thin Lizzy on July 14, 2019, 04:32:29 AM
Those anti gun morons never do. All their arguments are based on nonsense and wishful thinking, but facts? Never seen that happen. Point of the matter is ridiculously simple: by the gun laws/gun control you can rule only the gun rights of the law abiding citizens, and their guns are more likely used to uphold the laws, than crime. Who will benefit by those rules? Only criminals.. Libtards etc. moronic fools can speculate what ever they want, but this is a fact of the matter  ;D

New York City has extremely tight gun laws. What these Euro-twinks don’t get is that most of the gun violence takes place in very few areas. Guess which ones?

2 elderly women struck by stray bullets in overnight incidents
Title: Re: America's gun laws are hilarious.....
Post by: Kwon on July 14, 2019, 04:40:18 AM
Garebear still around?