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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: Glass Gorilla on December 29, 2012, 01:04:39 PM

Title: Deca Kick-In Time.
Post by: Glass Gorilla on December 29, 2012, 01:04:39 PM
Planning on running Deca for the first time in a few weeks (along with Sustanon). I'm generally an advocate of shorter cycles (i.e. 6 to 10 weeks) and I know Deca takes a while to kick in, but I wanted to try it anyways.

My questions for you guys are:

 (1) how long did it take for you for deca to hit full force 

 (2) what is the best way to start this cycle
       - Deca front load
       - Dbol kicker
       - Just run normally
       - Other suggesstions

Note: The cycle is 750 Sustanon/600 Deca and I've used NPP before; It took about 2 weeks to kick in.
Title: Re: Deca Kick-In Time.
Post by: whitewidow on December 29, 2012, 09:35:51 PM
you should feel it within 3-4 weeks. but it does depend on the quality. Deca can take longer depending on the individual and the quality. If it takes longer then a month then you got sold some low grade product. You do have to be patient with deca takes awhile to start working and it can stay in your fatty tissue for 8 months sometimes longer! Now if you are talking about completely peaking on deca Your looking at about  6-8 weeks maybe longer for some but you should get some effect after 3-4 weeks.

As far as jumpstarting your cycle with dbol that is up to you! just depends on how much mass you are trying to build. It sounds like you are trying to bulk up so throw in some dbol. You are going to get more water retention off deca durabolin(Nandrolone decanoate) then NPP. Most go with deca durabolin then switch to NPP after 10 -12 weeks.
Title: Re: Deca Kick-In Time.
Post by: Glass Gorilla on December 30, 2012, 12:26:15 AM
you should feel it within 3-4 weeks. but it does depend on the quality. Deca can take longer depending on the individual and the quality. If it takes longer then a month then you got sold some low grade product. You do have to be patient with deca takes awhile to start working and it can stay in your fatty tissue for 8 months sometimes longer! Now if you are talking about completely peaking on deca Your looking at about  6-8 weeks maybe longer for some but you should get some effect after 3-4 weeks.

As far as jumpstarting your cycle with dbol that is up to you! just depends on how much mass you are trying to build. It sounds like you are trying to bulk up so throw in some dbol. You are going to get more water retention off deca durabolin(Nandrolone decanoate) then NPP. Most go with deca durabolin then switch to NPP after 10 -12 weeks.

Do you feel there is any benefit to front loading?
Title: Re: Deca Kick-In Time.
Post by: badham on December 30, 2012, 04:56:06 AM
Deca has a very long half life (this is why I prefer Nandrolone Phenyl Prop, 3 day half life instead of 14 days) so it generally takes most several weeks (4 weeks as another posted is about right for me using nandrolone decaonate) and there for will take longer than about anything you will have in your AAS tool box to kick in. Keep in mind it also takes a very long time to clear your body (Deca's metabolites are detectable for up to 18 months in drug tests , once again because of the long effect of the ester.

Front loading might have some minor effect, but biologically you will get more out of front loading the shorter the hormone ester is. Test Prop will obviously hit harder and faster the test cyp, etc.

This is a little off the question you asked. But you may want to look at going to short esters if speed of impact is what you are looking for. Generally aal i would use anymore are short esters for 3 reasons. 1, there is more hormone per weight in a short ester than a longer one. This really is a small difference, but over a long cycle, it does add up. 2, Short esters act faster and are faster to shut off when you want to and 3. short esters allow you to adjust to unforeseen issues such has side effects you may not have expected, you can change dose levels and have effect from that change in a matter of days. With Deca you mentioned, if you needed to lower the dose if your stop all injections it has about a 30 day roll out untill you get to low enough concentrations to no longer effect the body. Short esters give you a level of control and modification that long ester do not.

Down side to short esters is ed injections (or EOD injections ). I personally do not mind shots at all, so not an issue.

Title: Re: Deca Kick-In Time.
Post by: whitewidow on December 30, 2012, 06:55:52 AM
Deca has a very long half life (this is why I prefer Nandrolone Phenyl Prop, 3 day half life instead of 14 days) so it generally takes most several weeks (4 weeks as another posted is about right for me using nandrolone decaonate) and there for will take longer than about anything you will have in your AAS tool box to kick in. Keep in mind it also takes a very long time to clear your body (Deca's metabolites are detectable for up to 18 months in drug tests , once again because of the long effect of the ester.

Front loading might have some minor effect, but biologically you will get more out of front loading the shorter the hormone ester is. Test Prop will obviously hit harder and faster the test cyp, etc.

This is a little off the question you asked. But you may want to look at going to short esters if speed of impact is what you are looking for. Generally aal i would use anymore are short esters for 3 reasons. 1, there is more hormone per weight in a short ester than a longer one. This really is a small difference, but over a long cycle, it does add up. 2, Short esters act faster and are faster to shut off when you want to and 3. short esters allow you to adjust to unforeseen issues such has side effects you may not have expected, you can change dose levels and have effect from that change in a matter of days. With Deca you mentioned, if you needed to lower the dose if your stop all injections it has about a 30 day roll out untill you get to low enough concentrations to no longer effect the body. Short esters give you a level of control and modification that long ester do not.

Down side to short esters is ed injections (or EOD injections ). I personally do not mind shots at all, so not an issue.


Very true. It kind of breaks down to how many shots you are willing to put up with. If you run NPP for months that is alot of pinning. I tend to think using nandrolone decanoate then switching to NPP is the best way to go, Plus NPP is still somewhat new. regular nandrolone decanoate has been around alot longer and is tried and true. NPP can be hit and miss but then again so can nandrolone decanoate. I think the chances of getting higher quality nandrolone decanoate is better as you can actually find human grade nandrolone decanoate on the market. NPP is always going to come from a UGL wich means hit and miss quality. maybee give the nandrolone decanoate a try since you have tried NPP. did you find the NPP you used effective?
Title: Re: Deca Kick-In Time.
Post by: jon cole on December 30, 2012, 08:40:16 AM
"you start feeling deca when you stop it"

guy usually say at my old gym.
Title: Re: Deca Kick-In Time.
Post by: Glass Gorilla on December 30, 2012, 09:27:20 AM
Very true. It kind of breaks down to how many shots you are willing to put up with. If you run NPP for months that is alot of pinning. I tend to think using nandrolone decanoate then switching to NPP is the best way to go, Plus NPP is still somewhat new. regular nandrolone decanoate has been around alot longer and is tried and true. NPP can be hit and miss but then again so can nandrolone decanoate. I think the chances of getting higher quality nandrolone decanoate is better as you can actually find human grade nandrolone decanoate on the market. NPP is always going to come from a UGL wich means hit and miss quality. maybee give the nandrolone decanoate a try since you have tried NPP. did you find the NPP you used effective?

Yeah I found NPP incredibly effective. I just wanted to try deca to save some money and avoid some pinning lol.
Title: Re: Deca Kick-In Time.
Post by: Overload on December 31, 2012, 07:12:16 AM
I usually don't start to see the effects from Deca until about 5-6 weeks. This is one reason why you might want to run a longer cycle. Also once you stop injecting Deca you will still have a lot of it in your system for a long time, so your cycle is longer than you probably realize to begin with.

You can start off with an oral, but i prefer to just run a longer cycle.

Title: Re: Deca Kick-In Time.
Post by: Glass Gorilla on December 31, 2012, 12:09:36 PM
Here's another question then: what do you guys find to be more effective- shorter blasts or longer cycles?
Title: Re: Deca Kick-In Time.
Post by: sceagacros on January 01, 2013, 10:02:25 AM
"you start feeling deca when you stop it"

guy usually say at my old gym.

This fits with my experience.
Title: Re: Deca Kick-In Time.
Post by: Glass Gorilla on January 02, 2013, 01:15:39 AM
Eh kinda wished I would've went with NPP now. Oh well, gotta try it at least  :P
Title: Re: Deca Kick-In Time.
Post by: whitewidow on January 02, 2013, 03:04:05 AM
I go for blast cycles. just because my gains come off quick, then just maintain after 4 weeks. I jump up very fast within the first month of a cycle! I can get some serious weight/muscle gains just on a 8 week cycle.
Title: Re: Deca Kick-In Time.
Post by: Glass Gorilla on January 02, 2013, 12:10:23 PM
I go for blast cycles. just because my gains come off quick, then just maintain after 4 weeks. I jump up very fast within the first month of a cycle! I can get some serious weight/muscle gains just on a 8 week cycle.

Do you use any priming method precycle or do you just jump right in?
Title: Re: Deca Kick-In Time.
Post by: whitewidow on January 03, 2013, 03:01:20 AM
Do you use any priming method precycle or do you just jump right in?

just jump right in! Oral steroids are what do it for me! Test helps but hell after 3 weeks I am up close to 20 pounds. 3 days after I start I get questioned about how I got big overnight! I respond very well to AAS oral steroids work incredibly fast for me. Now the 20 pounds of course is not pure lean muscle but when I get done with my cycle and PCT I am always up 12-15 lbs of lean body mass just in 8 weeks. This last cycle got out of hand but That was due to a shitty diet and using for too long. I think if you are just a gymrat blast cycles are the way to go! your hpta does not get too screwed up and you can recover quicker as far as natural test is concerned. I never cruise. just blast and use a good PCT and 8 weekks later I am hitting at 750 ng natural test.
Title: Re: Deca Kick-In Time.
Post by: Glass Gorilla on January 04, 2013, 09:40:27 AM
just jump right in! Oral steroids are what do it for me! Test helps but hell after 3 weeks I am up close to 20 pounds. 3 days after I start I get questioned about how I got big overnight! I respond very well to AAS oral steroids work incredibly fast for me. Now the 20 pounds of course is not pure lean muscle but when I get done with my cycle and PCT I am always up 12-15 lbs of lean body mass just in 8 weeks. This last cycle got out of hand but That was due to a shitty diet and using for too long. I think if you are just a gymrat blast cycles are the way to go! your hpta does not get too screwed up and you can recover quicker as far as natural test is concerned. I never cruise. just blast and use a good PCT and 8 weekks later I am hitting at 750 ng natural test.

Orals and what else? Prop, TNE, NPP?

Title: Re: Deca Kick-In Time.
Post by: whitewidow on January 04, 2013, 09:53:21 PM
Orals and what else? Prop, TNE, NPP?


love Test suspension. I use it pre-workout before working large muscle groups. 100mg before training legs, 100mg before training chest, 100mg before training back. 300mg a week. I don't use any suspension if i am just working smaller muscle groups like biceps and triceps. usually I get 4-5 workouts a week. I always focus just usually one or two muscle groups per workout. Intense 45 minute work-outs.

I sometimes shoot a amp of Test E 250mg 1ml amp a week as well.  so total no more then 550mg of Test a week I have had great gains just using suspension and switching around orals. I start with a bulking oral like dbol or drol and always end with var and winstrol combined or Tbol most recently halotestin. I had the best luck using anadrol for 4 weeks and then switching to halo for 4 weeks. just a basic Test and oral cycle has yielded me some great gains but i have also done cycles were I threw in tren 100mg eod and masteron Eod the last 4 weeks all these cycles were just 8 weeks. I also will use arimidex if needed. always stick a good pct and after the PCT I use alot of OTC supplements. some people think all OTC supplements are crap but far from the truth. They def help. You don't know it till you stop taking them.

since I am just using for vanity reasons 8-9 week cycles are more beneficial to me and my health. Like I said I try not to abuse my HPTA and also damage my receptors by using all year. Like I said 8 weeks after my cycle I am hitting around 750ng natural test level. I am not down in the 176ng level. But recently I am hitting lowe due to the painkillers I am prescribed due to the car accident. I have used all year in the past just find it pointless these days! especially since the car wreck my body dosn't like all these drugs I put in it and it works hard to push them out wich means my body is constantly working 24hrs a day when I am on cycle trying to push out all these foreign substances.
Title: Re: Deca Kick-In Time.
Post by: Glass Gorilla on January 06, 2013, 12:03:51 AM
love Test suspension. I use it pre-workout before working large muscle groups. 100mg before training legs, 100mg before training chest, 100mg before training back. 300mg a week. I don't use any suspension if i am just working smaller muscle groups like biceps and triceps. usually I get 4-5 workouts a week. I always focus just usually one or two muscle groups per workout. Intense 45 minute work-outs.

I sometimes shoot a amp of Test E 250mg 1ml amp a week as well.  so total no more then 550mg of Test a week I have had great gains just using suspension and switching around orals. I start with a bulking oral like dbol or drol and always end with var and winstrol combined or Tbol most recently halotestin. I had the best luck using anadrol for 4 weeks and then switching to halo for 4 weeks. just a basic Test and oral cycle has yielded me some great gains but i have also done cycles were I threw in tren 100mg eod and masteron Eod the last 4 weeks all these cycles were just 8 weeks. I also will use arimidex if needed. always stick a good pct and after the PCT I use alot of OTC supplements. some people think all OTC supplements are crap but far from the truth. They def help. You don't know it till you stop taking them.

I've been rather curious about TNE. Once I get a connection ill be trying it fo sho  :D

since I am just using for vanity reasons 8-9 week cycles are more beneficial to me and my health. Like I said I try not to abuse my HPTA and also damage my receptors by using all year. Like I said 8 weeks after my cycle I am hitting around 750ng natural test level. I am not down in the 176ng level. But recently I am hitting lowe due to the painkillers I am prescribed due to the car accident. I have used all year in the past just find it pointless these days! especially since the car wreck my body dosn't like all these drugs I put in it and it works hard to push them out wich means my body is constantly working 24hrs a day when I am on cycle trying to push out all these foreign substances.
Title: Re: Deca Kick-In Time.
Post by: whitewidow on January 06, 2013, 03:22:41 AM

good suspension kicks ass but it can be painfull at first. Once you get used to injecting it you barely notice the pain as long as you are using human grade suspension. I don't care for suspension in oil. just water based! I admit just a few brands are worth using.