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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: sceagacros on January 18, 2013, 09:56:13 AM

Title: Masteron Prop/ vivid dreams
Post by: sceagacros on January 18, 2013, 09:56:13 AM
Anyone else experience this? I did NOT get this on Masteron-E which I've run in the past up to 800mg/wk. Yet here I am 3 pins in on Masteron Prop (100mg EOD) and I'm having incredibly vivid dreams - so far they are pleasant enough, just vivid as hell. I'm also running T3(25mg ED), Aromasin (12.5mg ED), Proviron (25mg ED), and Sustanon 350 (175mg EOD); I was running the rest for sometime now without this effect - added the Masteron this week and Bam! Vivid dreams. So far it's not a problem in any way but I am curious because on the enthenate version I didnt get this at all.
Title: Re: Masteron Prop/ vivid dreams
Post by: a_ahmed on January 18, 2013, 12:45:53 PM
I love vivid dreams i used to have major vivid dreams as a child, absolutely ridiculously real feeling smelling touching no bluriness, full color edge sharp details. I miss those days lol... most fulfilling deep sleeps I've had if only :(

Dunno bro.. sound like fun though!
Title: Re: Masteron Prop/ vivid dreams
Post by: latiuss on January 19, 2013, 12:59:01 AM
Ive started having them since I gave up smoking weed a week ago. Ive done mast p and didnt get them then. Have you had any other lifestyle or dietry changes?
Title: Re: Masteron Prop/ vivid dreams
Post by: Borracho on January 19, 2013, 06:39:00 AM
Are you doubting whether you got real masteron this time or the last time you ran it since you didn't experience the vivd dreams?

Technically both should have the same effect on you though right...prop or enenathate  ???

This would be going on my head but I've experienced vivid dreams myself.... can't remember if it was from the cyp or prop version of test now but one of those. These things have the ability to affect your whole being and I'm sure you aren't running the exact same "cycle" you did when you were on the enanthate. I've experienced a few sides like insomnia, sweating, mood swings, and the dreams when adding a new steroid or increasing dosages. Luckily so far my body seems to adjust and they've all gone away on their own....wish I still had the dreams though.      
Title: Re: Masteron Prop/ vivid dreams
Post by: sceagacros on January 19, 2013, 02:11:38 PM
Latius - I gave up weed and cigarrettes as a new year resolution 19 days ago.

Borracho- The night I did the first pin I was covered in sweat that night while sleeping which hadnt been happening before, since then it has subsided. But that coupled with the dreams (I never even remember my dreams and now even a half hour nap is an adventure) did make me wonder for a minute exactly what it was.

Galeniko- You are a funny guy and I appreciate the experience that you share here. What if what is in this vial isnt Masteron at all?  I think I have a valid reason to ask if others have experienced this ...
Title: Re: Masteron Prop/ vivid dreams
Post by: Overload on January 20, 2013, 08:26:20 AM
I get vivid dreams from high doses of GH, but I've never noticed it from anything else.

Also L-tryptophan gives me some very weird dreams.  A lot of sleep aids have this in them.

Title: Re: Masteron Prop/ vivid dreams
Post by: whitewidow on January 22, 2013, 03:48:46 AM
when I was taking this muscle relaxer flexeril I had the worst nightmares everytime! either a wierd nightmare or some weird awful dream very vivid but always horrible. I stopped taking it pretty quick. some meds can cause weird dreams wether you are taking steroids are prescription meds. any new kind of medication might cause some change in your brain chemistry or sleep patterns/dream patterns.
Title: Re: Masteron Prop/ vivid dreams
Post by: a_ahmed on January 22, 2013, 08:59:07 AM
^Did it involve a clown


lool sorry
Title: Re: Masteron Prop/ vivid dreams
Post by: Overload on January 22, 2013, 09:04:53 AM

Great movie, i remember watching it as a kid and then reading the book.

King has an amazing talent for freaking people out.
