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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Alex23 on January 23, 2013, 11:04:22 PM

Title: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: Alex23 on January 23, 2013, 11:04:22 PM
I'm fascinated with Nootropics.  All I've tried so far is "Focus Factor", alpha brain combined with Ginko Biloba and tyrosine. Decent results but nothing as ground breaking as sucking on a milky soury cauliflower cock.

Thanks for your feedback, greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: tbombz on January 24, 2013, 12:02:15 AM
didnt know you were into this sort of thing. ive tried most every nootropic known to man.

try a small dose of mdma.

all those ssri's and other drugs on the market are childs play.

just go straight to the source, but be responsible and use small doses.

your life will change.
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: Alex23 on January 24, 2013, 12:07:23 AM
didnt know you were into this sort of thing. ive tried most every nootropic known to man.

try a small dose of mdma.

all those ssri's and other drugs on the market are childs play.

just go straight to the source, but be responsible and use small doses.

your life will change.

I'm more curious about improving cognitive performance than mood alterations. Isn't MDMA basically Ectacy? not really interested in that.

Why do you consider ssri nootropics?
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: AVBG on January 24, 2013, 12:09:06 AM
Is this kinda what you're looking for?
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: Alex23 on January 24, 2013, 12:12:17 AM
Is this kinda what you're looking for?

I've tried that. Not much of a punch. For $18 at costco, focus factor seems to deliver more.
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: bigmc on January 24, 2013, 12:14:34 AM
novocain for the soul

you better give me something to fill the hole

before i sputter out
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: Alex23 on January 24, 2013, 12:19:30 AM
novocain for the soul

you better give me something to fill the hole

before i sputter out

Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: Kilo Medic on January 24, 2013, 03:19:44 AM
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: Dr.J on January 24, 2013, 04:38:26 AM
Does that shit mess with your sleep?
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: syntaxmachine on January 24, 2013, 05:33:15 AM
I'm also interested in the topic of nootropics, though all the reading I've done indicates that they merely help one wring a bit more computational effort out of one's brain on a mostly temporary basis, like overclocking a PC. There are activities that lead to altered brain structure such that you become a bit sharper or at least prevent age-related declines in mental health, but taking nootropics isn't one of them.

Here's what I wrote about nootropics earlier in my post history. I think it is still accurate:

I used a stack of modafinil + piracatem/choline through a summer studying the LSAT and I can say two things:

1. I experienced notable increase in ability to focus and retain information, sitting around studying for hours at a time.

2. The effects were not hugely significant in the sense that steroids can be hugely significant for muscle. In other words, we seem to be set in our ways when it comes to brain development and while certain nootropics can help you get the most out of your brain structure/cognitive functioning for a specialized task, there isn't anything like a permanent boost to mentality (unlike steroids, which can have a permanent effect on muscle, even once off).

In short, if you are studying for something or perhaps have a midnight shift job where you need to focus, then nootropics can help get you over the hump for specific mental tasks but you cannot expect to have permanent changes, e.g., +5 IQ points or something of that sort.
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: Overload on January 24, 2013, 06:04:39 AM
Adderall > Provigil

Adderall is an amphetamine.

Provigil just gets me wired and doesn't provide the same "focus" as Adderall.  If anything it just stimulates the mind enough to work long hours without getting tired, it's not something that improves mental capabilities like nootropics or Adderall.  I've taken plenty of Provigil over that years and it's great for working long hours or staying up for extended periods of time, but it tends to make my brain jump to conclusions rather than think things out like Adderall.  A lot of times the first thought that comes into your head is correct, so i think that is why some people think Provigil helps your train of thought, but in my experience it doesn't.  It's a pure stimulant that is rather smooth, it doesn't make me jittery like caffeine unless i take too much.  50mg of Provigil is enough for me, it has a half life of 15 hours so it can make sleeping a problem.

Adderall kills everything that i have tried, it's great for getting lots of work done very accurately IMO.

Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: Marty Champions on January 24, 2013, 06:14:30 AM
what is improved cognitive function to you?

computing extensive mathtables all in your head on a whim?
abilty to think of something extroadinarly funny instantaneously?
mass reasoning done on a grandscale in a matter of minites?
superior dexterity on a video game and never loose to superior brain function?

what you have to do alex is try the safe substances , look up toxicity levels, and do not exceed them, try them and report back to council, much like im doing brother

asking around is good but self experimentation is better
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: Jizzacked on January 24, 2013, 07:22:20 AM
I have done a fair amount of experimenting in this area... I have used the following:


The only one worth a shit was modafinil.  The racetams actually made me feel more mentally foggy and unable to focus after the first time I took them, which in my line of work is just unacceptable.  the modafinil is pretty good stuff if you want to stay up and be alert, but I felt like it loses it's efficacy rather quick.  I was going to make a full thread with an in depth report of my findings about these compounds, but my results were so lackluster I didn't even bother.  Everyone responds differently to different things, and some people have reported great results with some of these... I just didn't see them myself.  Dosages ranged from the low normal range to high end.
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: Raymondo on January 24, 2013, 07:28:53 AM
I'm fascinated with Nootropics.  All I've tried so far is "Focus Factor", alpha brain combined with Ginko Biloba and tyrosine. Decent results but nothing as ground breaking as sucking on a milky soury cauliflower cock.

Thanks for your feedback, greatly appreciated.

That shit is contraindicated for bipolars, you can expect a manic episode out of it
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: Necrosis on January 24, 2013, 07:32:58 AM
adderall is good, the levo amp in it is more peripheral stimulating and what I would call a nootropic, straight dextroamphetamine less so, i prefer dextroamp alone however, less sides.

Ssri's aren't a nootropic perhaps the opposite.

modafinil, meh, it has a novel mechanism but seems to impact the reticular activating system for alertness and has no real dopaminergic component so it doesn't have that focus factor.
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: Raymondo on January 24, 2013, 07:35:47 AM
adderall is good, the levo amp in it is more peripheral stimulating and what I would call a nootropic, straight dextroamphetamine less so, i prefer dextroamp alone however, less sides.

Ssri's aren't a nootropic perhaps the opposite.

modafinil, meh, it has a novel mechanism but seems to impact the reticular activating system for alertness and has no real dopaminergic component so it doesn't have that focus factor.

hi suckmymuscle ;D
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: D.O.U.P on January 24, 2013, 07:49:30 AM
Provigil gave me smooth energy and it did help me focus a bit more. No crash, overall a great drug.

Adderall was straight up nasty. I felt on the edge of throwing a beating to all of man kind.
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: monopoly19 on January 24, 2013, 08:03:38 AM
Last time I used Adderall was in college. That shit is crazy. The main reason I didn't get more hooked on it was that it KILLED my appetite and I did feel a crash when it wore off. But, during the 6 or 7 hours it worked you could get more done than in 2 or 3 normal days.

I have been wanting to try Provigil but have not had a source for it.
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: The Abdominal Snoman on January 24, 2013, 09:37:36 AM
That shit is contraindicated for bipolars, you can expect a manic episode out of it

People who experience mania can get a lot of shit done if they roll with it and really try to understand it. A lot of the business world is run by people who are rolling with mania.
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on January 24, 2013, 12:52:57 PM
adderall is good, the levo amp in it is more peripheral stimulating and what I would call a nootropic, straight dextroamphetamine less so, i prefer dextroamp alone however, less sides.

Ssri's aren't a nootropic perhaps the opposite.

modafinil, meh, it has a novel mechanism but seems to impact the reticular activating system for alertness and has no real dopaminergic component so it doesn't have that focus factor.
Yes this is what I was thinking as well.
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: 65stew on January 24, 2013, 01:00:28 PM
I've used Provigil. Found it to work very well for me. Very focused, can seem to lose track of time because of focus, great for workouts or work. Didn't have jitters like some people mentioned.
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: syntaxmachine on January 24, 2013, 02:14:08 PM
For those who tried Adderall: how did you structure your consumption? Did you do it consistently over a dedicated period of study, or just use it for a one-day power session? What was it like coming off?
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: Irongrip400 on January 24, 2013, 02:27:52 PM
I'm pretty sure the Bradley cooper movie, "Limitless" was about adderal. Shit is a straight up wonder drug. I was never prescribed it, but used it as a study aid sometimes in college, and it worked wonders.
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: Overload on January 24, 2013, 02:55:14 PM
For those who tried Adderall: how did you structure your consumption? Did you do it consistently over a dedicated period of study, or just use it for a one-day power session? What was it like coming off?

I never took it more than 3 days in a row when in college or for work related use.  I would take it in the morning with breakfast and another with dinner if i was going to be working/studying 16+ hours.

I liked to take it the night before exams and then the day of the exam.  It makes taking exams a lot easier and thoughts come to you quicker.  I remember completing Calculus III and IV exams in like 30-45 minutes and most students took around 90.

I noticed if i took it more than 3 days in a row i would get headaches.  I don't remember the exact dosage, but the pills i used were the extended release capsules that were orange. I got them from a friend who had a script for it since he was in junior high.  He would give me 10 every few months and i would use them as needed.

If you only use it one day you won't feel bad or anything negative.  Only when you use a lot will you feel sides from it.  I felt more sides from Provigil.

Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: Shockwave on January 24, 2013, 04:25:33 PM
All you pussies should just jump straight to d-methamphetamine, quit fucking around.

Call me when you've disassembled your TV while sitting in a house with no carpet or furniture, that's how you know it's working.
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: dustin on January 24, 2013, 05:03:09 PM
I think Adderal is more of a drug you'd take and stay on for life.

When I go back to school I see myself getting a script and abusing the shit out of it.
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: leadhead on January 24, 2013, 05:52:58 PM
I had several friends that used adderall in college while studying for exams. Most all said it was great for focus and it would intensify it so they could retain more info. I wish I had taken some as they all saw a uptick in their grades while using.
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: slate on January 24, 2013, 06:16:20 PM
I'm fascinated with Nootropics.  All I've tried so far is "Focus Factor", alpha brain combined with Ginko Biloba and tyrosine. Decent results but nothing as ground breaking as sucking on a milky soury cauliflower cock.

Thanks for your feedback, greatly appreciated.

 i took adderall once and man the sides were brutal

i became fat, grew bitch tits, looked like a fat broad. but strangest of all it seemed to make me attracted to nasser's soiled underwear and i started having opinions all my friends said were those of a retard

thank god i stopped in time.

i still have this useless machine gun at home though
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: Alex23 on January 24, 2013, 09:14:00 PM
Thanks guys all good stuff Ill read all the replies while pulling  a quadruple security shift guarding a meatball sandwich.
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: tbombz on January 24, 2013, 09:47:40 PM
I'm more curious about improving cognitive performance than mood alterations. Isn't MDMA basically Ectacy? not really interested in that.

Why do you consider ssri nootropics?
because they increase my cognitive function to a very small degree, in the same manner that MDMA does.

MDMA is called ecstacy, and in large doses for a first time user you will be overwhelmed by the emotion.  but when used with the right intentions it produces increased ability to concentrate and helps to provide very clear thinking.

i rarely ever use the drug anymore. it doesnt do too much to me. every couple months ill take some on a weekend. but even now with a high tolerance, just a single pill could get me through the process of studying 500 pages and then producing a 10 page summary of my own fruition within a day. A+ work.

i could imagine the drug being very successfull for an executive in a corporate setting..
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: Alex23 on January 24, 2013, 09:56:08 PM
because they increase my cognitive function to a very small degree, in the same manner that MDMA does.

MDMA is called ecstacy, and in large doses for a first time user you will be overwhelmed by the emotion.  but when used with the right intentions it produces increased ability to concentrate and helps to provide very clear thinking.

i rarely ever use the drug anymore. it doesnt do too much to me. every couple months ill take some on a weekend. but even now with a high tolerance, just a single pill could get me through the process of studying 500 pages and then producing a 10 page summary of my own fruition within a day. A+ work.

i could imagine the drug being very successfull for an executive in a corporate setting..

Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: ChristopherA on January 25, 2013, 06:49:20 AM
Thanks guys all good stuff Ill read all the replies while pulling  a quadruple security shift guarding a meatball sandwich.
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: LurkerNoMore on January 25, 2013, 02:09:05 PM
Adderall is very  harsh and the crash is awful.  Provigil is much better.  There is a reason the Air Force Rxs this to their pilots.

If it is just clean energy you want, then  Vyvanse is better than both.  But for the average person, Provigil will be the best bet.
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: Necrosis on January 26, 2013, 05:07:33 AM
Adderall is very  harsh and the crash is awful.  Provigil is much better.  There is a reason the Air Force Rxs this to their pilots.

If it is just clean energy you want, then  Vyvanse is better than both.  But for the average person, Provigil will be the best bet.

vyvanse is simply dextro amphetamine, the lysine attachment just negates abuse as it has to be cleaved from the liver to be activated. Adderall has levo amp which is less refined, I'll give you that.
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: whitewidow on January 26, 2013, 06:46:48 AM
didnt know you were into this sort of thing. ive tried most every nootropic known to man.

try a small dose of mdma.

all those ssri's and other drugs on the market are childs play.

just go straight to the source, but be responsible and use small doses.

your life will change.

This makes no sense! MDMA is (methylene dioxy Methamphetamine) just a fancy name for ecstasy! ecstasy(MDMA) usually comes in 200mg doses! what MDMA does is seriouly boost your serotonin level wich causes you to be very happy and sociable. You can function on MDMA but the problem is if used for a long period a person will stop producing natural serotonin. Even if you just took 100mg MDMA a day it would still fuck your natural serotonin levels plus nobody can use MDMA for a long period of time! maybe a few days to a week. People need to sleep!
I know people who would just use MDMA on the weekends and they still had problems!

 There brains made very little serotonin and they all became depressed. I have been partners in a nightclub in 99-2000 when MDMA was all over and I saw how many people got fucked up because they used to much MDMA. like I said most of the guys and girls brains had problems making natural serotonin and they became seriously depressed. Once you take a huge dose of MDMA It will make you the happiest most friendly person in the world but that first time only happens once! every other time you use MDMA you might feel similar but you will still chase that first time MDMA/ecstasy high! This is the worst advice I have heard of ! MDMA will ruin your life if taken frequently.

It is cool to  take MDMA/X a few times a year but nothing you even want to take once a month!It fucks up your serotonin more then any drug out there. It is the best feeling in the world that is why it is called ecstasy. All SSRI's belong in the garbage! honestly it is best to just get some pussy and be happy. provigil/modifinal is a drug that was kind of created for pilots who have to stay awake for hours flying. As far as adderil goes not a good idea unless you really need it and have ADHD. if you want to stay up just burn the mid-night oil. safest way and it can cutt fat.
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: Shockwave on January 26, 2013, 08:03:45 AM
This makes no sense! MDMA is (methylene dioxy Methamphetamine) just a fancy name for ecstasy! ecstasy(MDMA) usually comes in 200mg doses! what MDMA does is seriouly boost your serotonin level wich causes you to be very happy and sociable. You can function on MDMA but the problem is if used for a long period a person will stop producing natural serotonin. Even if you just took 100mg MDMA a day it would still fuck your natural serotonin levels plus nobody can use MDMA for a long period of time! maybe a few days to a week. People need to sleep!
I know people who would just use MDMA on the weekends and they still had problems!

There brains made very little serotonin and they all became depressed.
Yes, it's called anhedonia. You can get it very easily from meth as well. The brain compensates for excess serotonin/dopamine in the bloodstream just as it does for excess testosterone, it has a negative feedback loop... too much present, it freaks out and shuts down production, sometimes for years, causing people the inability to enjoy normal activities, and causing an even stronger addiction to whichever drug they're using.
Title: Re: Experience with Adderall and Provigil?
Post by: bigmc on January 26, 2013, 08:09:42 AM
because they increase my cognitive function to a very small degree, in the same manner that MDMA does.

MDMA is called ecstacy, and in large doses for a first time user you will be overwhelmed by the emotion.  but when used with the right intentions it produces increased ability to concentrate and helps to provide very clear thinking.

i rarely ever use the drug anymore. it doesnt do too much to me. every couple months ill take some on a weekend. but even now with a high tolerance, just a single pill could get me through the process of studying 500 pages and then producing a 10 page summary of my own fruition within a day. A+ work.

i could imagine the drug being very successfull for an executive in a corporate setting..

you need help

that kind of thinking is a one way ticket to the nut house