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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: anabolichalo on February 13, 2013, 10:41:41 AM

Title: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: anabolichalo on February 13, 2013, 10:41:41 AM
i ready on elite fitness once a wall of text on how it was a scam and he actually used HST training or something like that



Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: Figo on February 13, 2013, 10:44:39 AM
I heard he did crossfit
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: kimo on February 13, 2013, 10:45:23 AM
what is a hst .
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: French on February 13, 2013, 10:45:52 AM
of course, it's like to say, "I'm natural" or "it's just the finishing touch".
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: snx on February 13, 2013, 10:47:27 AM
Hi Bluto,

Yes, this is true. Mike was pushing HIT to move his 7-figure mail order business (true story). At one point, he was making more money in mail order for himself and Weider than Arnold was. A coup, to be sure.

At least he can say (posthumously, I reckon) that he did beat Arnold at something.
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: Raymondo on February 13, 2013, 10:55:08 AM
Hi Bluto,

Yes, this is true. Mike was pushing HIT to move his 7-figure mail order business (true story). At one point, he was making more money in mail order for himself and Weider than Arnold was. A coup, to be sure.

At least he can say (posthumously, I reckon) that he did beat Arnold at something.

Built 90% of his physique before he was 19 doing the traditional high rep, twice a day in the gym workouts... also ate a lot of d-bol

Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: anabolichalo on February 13, 2013, 10:56:25 AM
Built 90% of his physique before he was 19 doing the traditional high rep, twice a day in the gym workouts... also ate a lot of d-bol

holy shiyt

Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: kimo on February 13, 2013, 11:10:53 AM
high sets workouts didnt do much for his chest . . a waek point forhim like arnold thighs .
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: Raymondo on February 13, 2013, 11:15:58 AM
high sets workouts didnt do much for his chest . . a waek point forhim like arnold thighs .

His chest looked fairly decent in the offseason... nothing like arnold's but you wouldn't call it a weak point.

The thing is Mike dieted like a retard... 500 cals a day. So, his chest would deflate and gut would protrude slightly.
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: Viking11 on February 13, 2013, 11:56:23 AM
i ready on elite fitness once a wall of text on how it was a scam and he actually used HST training or something like that



HST did not even exist in the 1970s- or 80s.  He did 3 times a week full body from age 12 to 15- going from 95 lbs to 165 over that time.  From age 15 to age 19 he kept increasing his volume til he was up to 3 hours a day, 6 days a week and stalled out at 190 lbs. He was pretty good then in the arms and legs- good enough for 10th in the 1971 Mr. America where he met Casey Viator..
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: anabolichalo on February 13, 2013, 12:06:25 PM
getbig know all about the biographies over every ifbb legends
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: _bruce_ on February 13, 2013, 12:09:04 PM
I heard he did crossfit

Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: tommywishbone on February 13, 2013, 12:16:34 PM
What the fuck is HST?
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: anabolichalo on February 13, 2013, 12:17:12 PM
What the fuck is HST?
hypertrophy specific training

i think it's pretty much the pumping bodybuilding way
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: tommywishbone on February 13, 2013, 12:21:03 PM
Thanks.  Never actually heard that term.  Carry on.
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: anabolichalo on February 13, 2013, 12:26:14 PM
seems complex

i aint reading that shit
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 13, 2013, 01:12:28 PM
seems complex

i aint reading that shit

Cliff notes for HST. Train your whole body three times a week like almost everyone did back in the day. He throws in variable reps according to the cycle to put his own stamp on an age old training method. 
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 13, 2013, 01:21:34 PM
Cliff notes for Mentzer training. Started with volume with split routines.

 Met Viator and was influenced by Arthur Jones. Switched to whole body routines three times a week. Used a mix of Nautilus and conventional weights.

From there he went to splitting his body in half training four days a week. One day was thighs, chest and triceps. The other was back, delt and bicep. About 5 work sets per body part.

He then switched to using the above two way split to a rotation that he learned from Frank Calta Mr. Florida. He would train say on Monday Thighs, chest and triceps. Wednesday would be Back, delt and bicep. On Friday he would be back to thighs, chest and tricep again. The weekend was off. Next week he would start with Back, delt and bicep.

When he stopped competing after being away from the game for a long time he came up with these consolidated routines  that he never used when he was competing. He also didn't believe in cardio anymore but he use to bike and slow jog when he was competing.

A few credible guys have trained with Mentzer back in his prime who say he used more sets than what he wrote in print. Were they warm ups for the heavy work sets? I don't know.
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: doriancutlerman on February 13, 2013, 02:10:24 PM

A few credible guys have trained with Mentzer back in his prime who say he used more sets than what he wrote in print. Were they warm ups for the heavy work sets? I don't know.

I knew Mike, too.  I asked him about the reports of some high-set workouts he and Ray did, like their "squat party nights."  I even read him some of the supposed "excuses" he told other folks to justify catching him doing higher volume.

He basically just laughed and said those people were morons who took things out of context.  He admitted he and Ray would occasionally do what he called "crazy shit" like 15 sets/bodypart to failure.  

But that wasn't his standard routine, and why would he lie?  As he used to say (heavily paraphrased, because it has been many years): "People think I just want to make money by saying, 'do less, do just one hard set'; but then, people don't want to hear that -- they think I'm crazy.  I'd sell much BETTER if I said, just do a little less than Arnold, but do forced reps, drop sets and rest-pause; the kiddies would think that's more hard-core and my books would sell faster than pancakes.  But I don't give a shit how well they really sell.  I'm already making a comfortable living and I'm not that greedy."

The reason Mike sometimes did lots of sets to failure was multi-fold as I understood it.  

A.  He'd overtrain on purpose before a long vacation, during which time he wouldn't lift.
B.  Back in the day, he understood that you could overreach for a while and gain, but you'd eventually have to back off.  That's something he never really wrote about but we discussed it at length.  It was his form of cycling training volume, back before he advocated taking 1-2 wk. layoffs.
C.  Mike also thought that beating the piss out of a muscle the day before a photoshoot could be a good thing (severe edema so you wouldn't have to "pump up," plus you were so sore you could feel the muscle contracting to better pose/show them off.

But generally, he told me he rarely did more than two hard sets per exercise.  Behind-neck press might be 95x5, 115x5, 185x3, then 225x10.  After that, he might go up to 245, get 6 on his own and four forced reps.  

People can stamp their feet, whine and complain all they like, but if you really consider those first three real "sets," you might as well keep track of the steps you take upstairs to the weight room, raising your arms over your head, etc.  At some point we've gotta draw a line  ::)
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 13, 2013, 02:53:23 PM
I knew Mike, too.  I asked him about the reports of some high-set workouts he and Ray did, like their "squat party nights."  I even read him some of the supposed "excuses" he told other folks to justify catching him doing higher volume.

He basically just laughed and said those people were morons who took things out of context.  He admitted he and Ray would occasionally do what he called "crazy shit" like 15 sets/bodypart to failure.  

But that wasn't his standard routine, and why would he lie?  As he used to say (heavily paraphrased, because it has been many years): "People think I just want to make money by saying, 'do less, do just one hard set'; but then, people don't want to hear that -- they think I'm crazy.  I'd sell much BETTER if I said, just do a little less than Arnold, but do forced reps, drop sets and rest-pause; the kiddies would think that's more hard-core and my books would sell faster than pancakes.  But I don't give a shit how well they really sell.  I'm already making a comfortable living and I'm not that greedy."

The reason Mike sometimes did lots of sets to failure was multi-fold as I understood it.  

A.  He'd overtrain on purpose before a long vacation, during which time he wouldn't lift.
B.  Back in the day, he understood that you could overreach for a while and gain, but you'd eventually have to back off.  That's something he never really wrote about but we discussed it at length.  It was his form of cycling training volume, back before he advocated taking 1-2 wk. layoffs.
C.  Mike also thought that beating the piss out of a muscle the day before a photoshoot could be a good thing (severe edema so you wouldn't have to "pump up," plus you were so sore you could feel the muscle contracting to better pose/show them off.

But generally, he told me he rarely did more than two hard sets per exercise.  Behind-neck press might be 95x5, 115x5, 185x3, then 225x10.  After that, he might go up to 245, get 6 on his own and four forced reps.  

People can stamp their feet, whine and complain all they like, but if you really consider those first three real "sets," you might as well keep track of the steps you take upstairs to the weight room, raising your arms over your head, etc.  At some point we've gotta draw a line  ::)
Good point about warm up sets. I have this debate about Dorian with guys online. I tell them he does non taxing warm up sets prior to that one set to failure. If he uses 415 for 7 reps his warms ups could be 135, 225, 315 before loading up the bar. They don't understand that he is not taxing himself but trying to avoid injury.
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: arce1988 on February 13, 2013, 02:56:24 PM
  that looks damn good for 19
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: Palpatine Q on February 13, 2013, 03:02:42 PM
I knew Mike, too.  I asked him about the reports of some high-set workouts he and Ray did, like their "squat party nights."  I even read him some of the supposed "excuses" he told other folks to justify catching him doing higher volume.

He basically just laughed and said those people were morons who took things out of context.  He admitted he and Ray would occasionally do what he called "crazy shit" like 15 sets/bodypart to failure.  

But that wasn't his standard routine, and why would he lie?  As he used to say (heavily paraphrased, because it has been many years): "People think I just want to make money by saying, 'do less, do just one hard set'; but then, people don't want to hear that -- they think I'm crazy.  I'd sell much BETTER if I said, just do a little less than Arnold, but do forced reps, drop sets and rest-pause; the kiddies would think that's more hard-core and my books would sell faster than pancakes.  But I don't give a shit how well they really sell.  I'm already making a comfortable living and I'm not that greedy."

The reason Mike sometimes did lots of sets to failure was multi-fold as I understood it.  

A.  He'd overtrain on purpose before a long vacation, during which time he wouldn't lift.
B.  Back in the day, he understood that you could overreach for a while and gain, but you'd eventually have to back off.  That's something he never really wrote about but we discussed it at length.  It was his form of cycling training volume, back before he advocated taking 1-2 wk. layoffs.
C.  Mike also thought that beating the piss out of a muscle the day before a photoshoot could be a good thing (severe edema so you wouldn't have to "pump up," plus you were so sore you could feel the muscle contracting to better pose/show them off.

But generally, he told me he rarely did more than two hard sets per exercise.  Behind-neck press might be 95x5, 115x5, 185x3, then 225x10.  After that, he might go up to 245, get 6 on his own and four forced reps.  People can stamp their feet, whine and complain all they like, but if you really consider those first three real "sets," you might as well keep track of the steps you take upstairs to the weight room, raising your arms over your head, etc.  At some point we've gotta draw a line  ::)

call me crazy but i count two warmup sets and three work sets, same fuckng thing i do....LOLOL
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: Mr Nobody on February 13, 2013, 04:15:39 PM
He trained 7-8 days a week.
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: Griffith on February 14, 2013, 08:21:38 AM
Cliff notes for Mentzer training. Started with volume with split routines.

 Met Viator and was influenced by Arthur Jones. Switched to whole body routines three times a week. Used a mix of Nautilus and conventional weights.

From there he went to splitting his body in half training four days a week. One day was thighs, chest and triceps. The other was back, delt and bicep. About 5 work sets per body part.

He then switched to using the above two way split to a rotation that he learned from Frank Calta Mr. Florida. He would train say on Monday Thighs, chest and triceps. Wednesday would be Back, delt and bicep. On Friday he would be back to thighs, chest and tricep again. The weekend was off. Next week he would start with Back, delt and bicep.

When he stopped competing after being away from the game for a long time he came up with these consolidated routines  that he never used when he was competing. He also didn't believe in cardio anymore but he use to bike and slow jog when he was competing.

A few credible guys have trained with Mentzer back in his prime who say he used more sets than what he wrote in print. Were they warm ups for the heavy work sets? I don't know.

Interesting post, thanks!
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: Viking11 on February 14, 2013, 09:22:03 AM

call me crazy but i count two warmup sets and three work sets, same fuckng thing i do....LOLOL
Where do you get 3 work sets?  (Note the 185 x 3 isn't- not a maximal weight or effort, he probably could have got 15 reps with that. It was primarily for  neuromuscular facilitation- priming the pump- getting set for the heavy sets to failure. This was exactly what he did with his training clients-pecs would be Machine Incline press- light weight x a bunch of reps- til you started warming up, medium weight x 6-10 , heavier weight x 3. THEN he would walk you over to the pec dec, have you perform strict reps to failure - plus a static later on-  run you back across Gold's to the Incline press tor a heavy set to failure or beyond.  Pecs done.
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: kimo on February 14, 2013, 10:07:13 AM
based on jones ideas all this or he developed all this himself hard to say . eccentric work seems to work though . but carefully .
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 16, 2013, 05:11:16 PM
Jeff Everson said, "Until Pigs fly you don't have to be a scientist to be a bodybuilder." He was dead on target. He pointed out some champions are always talking about studies and the latest research. Some couldn't tell you what they ate or how they trained the day before but both could be champion bodybuilders.

There is no magic or secret in bodybuilding. Everyone is looking for the magical split. The magical amount of sets and reps. Fail on the first set, third, sixth or not at all? I have been obsessed with reading about exercise physiology and everything bodybuilding related. The more I read the more I realize there is no revelation to be found. Truth be told if you had no knowledge but a determination to have a good build you could accomplish that lifting rocks in your back yard.

A work ethic, genetics and yes, what drugs you take will determine who gets a trophy posing oiled up in a speedo.
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: Mr Nobody on February 16, 2013, 05:22:15 PM
Damn, not rocket science just left heavier weights than you did before all you got to do.
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: el numero uno on February 16, 2013, 05:31:37 PM
Damn, not rocket science just left heavier weights than you did before all you got to do.

and eat a lot of d-bol
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: Rmj11 on May 16, 2022, 12:59:49 AM
Good point about warm up sets. I have this debate about Dorian with guys online. I tell them he does non taxing warm up sets prior to that one set to failure. If he uses 415 for 7 reps his warms ups could be 135, 225, 315 before loading up the bar. They don't understand that he is not taxing himself but trying to avoid injury.

225 and 315 are not warm up sets. They are work up sets. The load on the bar still works the muscle hard. Yates did more volume than people think.
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: wes on May 16, 2022, 01:20:02 AM
Early on he did volume just like everyone else did.

Dont believe the hype.
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: French on May 16, 2022, 02:16:10 AM
Damn, not rocket science just left heavier weights than you did before all you got to do.

definitely not, stupid retard.
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: oldgolds on May 17, 2022, 01:09:25 PM
Jeff Everson said, "Until Pigs fly you don't have to be a scientist to be a bodybuilder." He was dead on target. He pointed out some champions are always talking about studies and the latest research. Some couldn't tell you what they ate or how they trained the day before but both could be champion bodybuilders.

There is no magic or secret in bodybuilding. Everyone is looking for the magical split. The magical amount of sets and reps. Fail on the first set, third, sixth or not at all? I have been obsessed with reading about exercise physiology and everything bodybuilding related. The more I read the more I realize there is no revelation to be found. Truth be told if you had no knowledge but a determination to have a good build you could accomplish that lifting rocks in your back yard.

A work ethic, genetics and yes, what drugs you take will determine who gets a trophy posing oiled up in a speedo.

You summed it up perfectly...
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: Rambone on May 17, 2022, 01:14:14 PM
Waiting for Palumboism to weigh-in on this topic…..
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: Rmj11 on June 05, 2023, 09:53:09 AM
I knew Mike, too.  I asked him about the reports of some high-set workouts he and Ray did, like their "squat party nights."  I even read him some of the supposed "excuses" he told other folks to justify catching him doing higher volume.

He basically just laughed and said those people were morons who took things out of context.  He admitted he and Ray would occasionally do what he called "crazy shit" like 15 sets/bodypart to failure. 

But that wasn't his standard routine, and why would he lie?  As he used to say (heavily paraphrased, because it has been many years): "People think I just want to make money by saying, 'do less, do just one hard set'; but then, people don't want to hear that -- they think I'm crazy.  I'd sell much BETTER if I said, just do a little less than Arnold, but do forced reps, drop sets and rest-pause; the kiddies would think that's more hard-core and my books would sell faster than pancakes.  But I don't give a shit how well they really sell.  I'm already making a comfortable living and I'm not that greedy."

The reason Mike sometimes did lots of sets to failure was multi-fold as I understood it. 

A.  He'd overtrain on purpose before a long vacation, during which time he wouldn't lift.
B.  Back in the day, he understood that you could overreach for a while and gain, but you'd eventually have to back off.  That's something he never really wrote about but we discussed it at length.  It was his form of cycling training volume, back before he advocated taking 1-2 wk. layoffs.
C.  Mike also thought that beating the piss out of a muscle the day before a photoshoot could be a good thing (severe edema so you wouldn't have to "pump up," plus you were so sore you could feel the muscle contracting to better pose/show them off.

But generally, he told me he rarely did more than two hard sets per exercise.  Behind-neck press might be 95x5, 115x5, 185x3, then 225x10.  After that, he might go up to 245, get 6 on his own and four forced reps. 

People can stamp their feet, whine and complain all they like, but if you really consider those first three real "sets," you might as well keep track of the steps you take upstairs to the weight room, raising your arms over your head, etc.  At some point we've gotta draw a line  ::)

What crap.
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: DIABOLIC on June 05, 2023, 10:57:14 AM
Built 90% of his physique before he was 19 doing the traditional high rep, twice a day in the gym workouts... also ate a lot of d-bol


If he looked like that at 19 then he didn't really have to work that hard for his body or figure out the best way to train, beat plateaus etc. He was gifted. Anything would have worked for him.
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: Raymondo on June 05, 2023, 11:15:05 AM
If he looked like that at 19 then he didn't really have to work that hard for his body or figure out the best way to train, beat plateaus etc. He was gifted. Anything would have worked for him.

Brutal replying on a 10 year old post
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: TheGrinch on June 05, 2023, 11:15:52 AM
LOL @ Mentzer diet to get lean of 60% carbs...LOL

dude was a grade A liar
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: Rmj11 on June 05, 2023, 01:29:44 PM
LOL @ Mentzer diet to get lean of 60% carbs...LOL

dude was a grade A liar

Sure was.
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: IroNat on June 05, 2023, 03:32:21 PM
Are the Mentzer brothers still dead?

Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: wes on June 05, 2023, 04:06:48 PM
Are the Mentzer brothers still dead?

Only one of them.
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 05, 2023, 04:45:01 PM
225 and 315 are not warm up sets. They are work up sets. The load on the bar still works the muscle hard. Yates did more volume than people think.

Maybe not for you but for but it was for him. No way he or anyone else could load 400lbs plus for one set to failure and not get injured. His 225lbs and 315lbs were ended way before failure. Often is warm up sets are for less reps than his final weight.   
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: Rmj11 on June 05, 2023, 10:13:06 PM
Maybe not for you but for but it was for him. No way he or anyone else could load 400lbs plus for one set to failure and not get injured. His 225lbs and 315lbs were ended way before failure. Often is warm up sets are for less reps than his final weight.

Nope. Tension and load. Watch blood and guts again. The set before the final set was still heavy. Even Leeroy was spotting yates on those so called "warm up" sets and Dorian was grimacing. It's just pyramid training. Nothing more. In fact on some exercises he didn't even go to failure how is that hit. Yates trained no harder than any other serious bodybuilder. Hit sucks.
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: pamith on June 05, 2023, 11:44:57 PM
What crap.
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: pamith on June 05, 2023, 11:49:52 PM
Tbh it doesn't matter of you do hit or high volume, if you get stronger AND progressively heavier, you WILL gain muscle mass!
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: Humble Narcissist on June 06, 2023, 12:40:57 AM
LOL @ Mentzer diet to get lean of 60% carbs...LOL

dude was a grade A liar
He ate a super low cal diet.
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: pamith on June 06, 2023, 01:09:50 AM
He ate a super low cal diet.
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: Humble Narcissist on June 06, 2023, 01:23:14 AM
800 calories while walking on the treadmill all night listening to Ayn Rand lectures according to him. Eating that low cal of a diet you can eat 100% carbs and you'll still get ripped.
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: pamith on June 06, 2023, 01:26:50 AM
800 calories while walking on the treadmill all night listening to Ayn Rand lectures according to him. Eating that low cal of a diet you can eat 100% carbs and you'll still get ripped.
Was Ayn Rand a good philosopher??
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: Humble Narcissist on June 06, 2023, 01:32:11 AM
Was Ayn Rand a good philosopher??
She must have been for him to listen to all night on the treadmill.
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: pamith on June 06, 2023, 01:34:13 AM
She must have been for him to listen to all night on the treadmill.
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: Humble Narcissist on June 07, 2023, 12:29:38 AM
At least a good speaker?
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: Titus Pullo on June 08, 2023, 01:06:33 PM
Brutal replying on a 10 year old post

You can thank our monthly visiting troll Rmj for that.  All he ever talks about is his hatred of all things HIT, Dorian, etc.

That bit about Leroy spotting a "grimacing" Yates on a 315 incline press is an outright lie, btw.  I've linked to the relevant clip on YouTube.  Illuminati and I also challenged Rmj for proof of his crummy anecdotal "evidence" that Yates was a pump/volume guy.  He made me laugh with some of his flippant replies, so I let it go.  I've better use of my time than defending some old bodybuilder's training methods with a moron.
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: Rmj11 on June 09, 2023, 11:25:05 AM
You can thank our monthly visiting troll Rmj for that.  All he ever talks about is his hatred of all things HIT, Dorian, etc.

That bit about Leroy spotting a "grimacing" Yates on a 315 incline press is an outright lie, btw.  I've linked to the relevant clip on YouTube.  Illuminati and I also challenged Rmj for proof of his crummy anecdotal "evidence" that Yates was a pump/volume guy.  He made me laugh with some of his flippant replies, so I let it go.  I've better use of my time than defending some old bodybuilder's training methods with a moron.

And yet, here you are replying desperately trying to be right but failing badly.
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: oldschoolfan on June 09, 2023, 11:31:02 AM
i seen a video with boyer coe, he said mike was making pretty good money even before he died.   
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: Titus Pullo on June 09, 2023, 01:18:56 PM
And yet, here you are replying desperately trying to be right but failing badly.

Whatever you say, Rimjob.

See you next month!
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: Rmj11 on June 10, 2023, 09:10:46 AM
i seen a video with boyer coe, he said mike was making pretty good money even before he died.

Not really. He was broke. Both mentzer's were living in a small apartment together and in debt with medical bills.
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: Humble Narcissist on June 11, 2023, 01:18:04 AM
Not really. He was broke. Both mentzer's were living in a small apartment together and in debt with medical bills.
In those last Youtube videos they looked like 2 homeless guys.
Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: wes on June 11, 2023, 02:59:21 AM
Does anyone else here not give 2 flying fucks about how Mentzer trained ?

Christ this BS has been going on for  decades.

Get over it,he trained high volume with high gear use,then conned people into doing one set per year, lost the ball at the goal line,went for the bucks,then went nuts,the died.

Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: IroNat on June 11, 2023, 09:21:00 AM
Does anyone else here not give 2 flying fucks about how Mentzer trained ?

Christ this BS has been going on for  decades.

Get over it,he trained high volume with high gear use,then conned people into doing one set per year, lost the ball at the goal line,went for the bucks,then went nuts,the died.


Lies!  All lies!

Title: Re: is it true mike mentzer didnt train anything like "H.I.T." to get his body?
Post by: wes on June 11, 2023, 09:23:03 AM
Lies!  All lies!

Hi John Little !! LOL  ;D