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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Fury on March 05, 2013, 12:33:58 PM

Title: The last time the DOW was this high....
Post by: Fury on March 05, 2013, 12:33:58 PM
GDP Growth: Then +2.5%; Now +1.6%
Regular Gas Price: Then $2.75; Now $3.73
Americans Unemployed (in Labor Force): Then 6.7 million; Now 13.2 million
Americans On Food Stamps: Then 26.9 million; Now 47.69 million
Size of Fed's Balance Sheet: Then $0.89 trillion; Now $3.01 trillion
US Debt as a Percentage of GDP: Then ~38%; Now 74.2%
US Deficit (LTM): Then $97 billion; Now $975.6 billion
Total US Debt Oustanding: Then $9.008 trillion; Now $16.43 trillion

Everything's fixed!  ::)
Title: Re: The last time the DOW was this high....
Post by: Soul Crusher on March 05, 2013, 12:37:47 PM
The Fed is pumping in what 45 billion a month - had to go somewhere 
Title: Re: The last time the DOW was this high....
Post by: chadstallion on March 05, 2013, 01:56:40 PM
I sent a 'thank you' note to my financial planner.
and will start to spend some of the excellent returns he has made for me.
[and on the way to not having to pay any taxes {federal } this year]
same as last year. Maybe I should be a GOP member??
Title: Re: The last time the DOW was this high....
Post by: GigantorX on March 05, 2013, 02:25:41 PM
The Fed is pumping in what 45 billion a month - had to go somewhere 


The market has no real connection to the greater economy anymore. That isn't to say you can't make money but don't think that because the DOW is at 14k that the overall economy is also running at full steam.

The Fed/Govt's aim was to juice the market, create a wealth effect and another asset bubble. They succeeded. At catastrophic cost to most of the population and economy, but they juiced the market.
Title: Re: The last time the DOW was this high....
Post by: Agnostic007 on March 05, 2013, 07:06:34 PM
There is no reason for the stock market to be where it is at.. but nevertheless, it is... I rode it up to this far but I am pulling out in the morning..No concrete reason other than I can afford to sit in a fixed account and wait it out until it adjusts.. it's been a hell of a run