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Getbig Main Boards => General Topics => Topic started by: mass243 on March 23, 2013, 10:55:56 AM

Title: Berezovsky dead
Post by: mass243 on March 23, 2013, 10:55:56 AM
Fire me from board, call me anything I don't care !!!!!!!!!!! I also know most of you don't care  ;D

The biggest "Russian" traitor in centuries, billionaire (stolen from Russia) Boris Berezovsky has been found dead in UK.

"The circumstances of the death remain unknown but the 67 year-old businessman is thought to have been found dead in his bath.
It will inevitably raise questions about nefarious activities because Mr Berezovsky had survived several assassination attempts, including a bomb that decapitated his chauffeur."

He was evil to bone.
Courier of Satan.

Looks like traitors of Rossiya are running scarce. URA!


Russian dude about Boris on another board:
"Berezovsky's scheming led directly to the entrapping and death of first battalion of Maikop brigade in a show of flag op in Grozny and that is only one episode meant to humiliate Russia... This b*tch is nobody who will be missed that is for sure. A good day indeed"
Title: Re: Berezovsky dead
Post by: mass243 on March 23, 2013, 11:50:03 AM

Can't believe how much a scum can some people be.

After years of trying to destroy his home country, this worm had nerves to address Mr. Putin and beg for forgiveness  :-\

As often happens when a man ages, his sins apparently came to hunt him.

“Some time ago, maybe a couple of months ago, Berezovsky addressed Putin in a letter, written by him personally, in which he admitted he made a lot of mistakes and was asking for forgiveness and to help him to return to the motherland,” Peskov told Russia 24 channel.

Owning "media" houses in UK, he was for much the figure behind the anti-Russia propaganda in "western" press. Is no more  :D

Rot in hell along your criminal-protecting British dumbsters - long live Independence  8)

Title: Re: Berezovsky dead
Post by: dr.chimps on March 23, 2013, 11:50:37 AM
Ah, the old dead in the bathtub thingy, like a good Roman. Less questions than polonium, methinks.
Title: Re: Berezovsky dead
Post by: mass243 on March 23, 2013, 12:08:28 PM
Ah, the old dead in the bathtub thingy, like a good Roman. Less questions than polonium, methinks.

If RUS services have their finger in this, then props.
From what I've seen Boris had more security measures around him than most heads of countries.
Title: Re: Berezovsky dead
Post by: dr.chimps on March 23, 2013, 12:21:42 PM
If RUS services have their finger in this, then props.
From what I've seen Boris had more security measures around him than most heads of countries.
Hey, it's harder to be a Stalin in the modern world, isn't it? Anyway, can't remember the source, but one of the old time attache types said the difference between attending a dinner party held by Stalin and one by Hitler was that there was a much greater chance waking up the next day after one held by Hitler.   :-\           ;D
Title: Re: Berezovsky dead
Post by: mass243 on March 23, 2013, 12:25:15 PM
Hey, it's harder to be a Stalin in the modern world, isn't it? Anyway, can't remember the source, but one of the old time attache types said the difference between attending a dinner party held by Stalin and one by Hitler was that there was a much greater chance waking up the next day after one held by Hitler.   :-\           ;D

Haha  ;D

But this man really was evil - and if someone, he deserved to die.
He funded terrorists and played "shadow godfather" of Kremlin at the same time during the 90's mess in Yeltsin's government. Causing deaths of hundreds of civilians and soldiers.

God may forgive, Rossiya never.

Title: Re: Berezovsky dead
Post by: falco on March 23, 2013, 03:31:11 PM
I don't understand how come the death of this gentleman was on the evening news and the one of great Nasser El Sonbaty wasn't? ???
Title: Re: Berezovsky dead
Post by: mass243 on March 23, 2013, 04:33:54 PM
^^ Nusser was a good man - he wanted bad to no one, that's why.

Bet Boris shitted his pants when he realized what was going to happen like that georgian rat who ate his own tie on live TV  ;D
what an epitome of rat... writing a letter to Putin begging for forgiveness HAHA

















Title: Re: Berezovsky dead
Post by: dr.chimps on March 23, 2013, 05:58:37 PM

Like Disney-Land for beggars.  ;D
Title: Re: Berezovsky dead
Post by: anabolichalo on March 25, 2013, 12:53:36 PM
what is this obsession mass has with russia

what's so fascinating about it
Title: Re: Berezovsky dead
Post by: nic3000 on April 06, 2013, 10:27:22 AM
Don't see the big deal. So another rich corrupt person has died. So what? The world is full of them from Russia to the US to the UK to wherever. Anybody that powerful and rich is corrupt through and through.
Title: Re: Berezovsky dead
Post by: Archer77 on April 06, 2013, 10:34:14 AM
what is this obsession mass has with russia

what's so fascinating about it

There is something about the Russian mystique.  I was in a bar with some Russians and as you might expect they were drinking vodka.  They struck up a conversation with my friend and i because we were traveling like they were.  Very friendly but extremely intense.  The conversation went from jovial to serious and back again in the blink of an eye.   

The body language and flow of the interaction was very different.  I found this true of a lot of Eastern Europeans but not so much Western Europeans.  I've been to Europe several times and have noticed this on on many occasions.
Title: Re: Berezovsky dead
Post by: sync pulse on April 12, 2013, 01:46:29 AM