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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Roger Bacon on March 26, 2013, 01:48:33 PM

Title: What's the real difference in Pro Hormones and Steroids
Post by: Roger Bacon on March 26, 2013, 01:48:33 PM
They're steroids that have been molecularly reorganized?


Are they safer than steroids?

Title: Re: What's the real difference in Pro Hormones and Steroids
Post by: Mr Anabolic on March 26, 2013, 01:51:05 PM
Steroids actually work.
Title: Re: What's the real difference in Pro Hormones and Steroids
Post by: bigmc on March 26, 2013, 01:51:37 PM
Steroids actually work.

Title: Re: What's the real difference in Pro Hormones and Steroids
Post by: BB on March 26, 2013, 01:53:44 PM
With most of the big popular ones, nothing. They were just orphaned steroids that companies chose not to invest anymore time or money into, whether it be because of similarities to other products in a line or safety issues.
Title: Re: What's the real difference in Pro Hormones and Steroids
Post by: randy841 on March 26, 2013, 02:11:53 PM
Pro-hormones are made for natural born pretenders. It's for those that can and want to go tell all their friends they're clean, yet they look this good they claim. We've had our share of natural born pretenders here. Some have been laughed off, while others persevere and revere in their past ill forgotten glory.

Fact is some pro-hormones are stronger than the real thing and just as or more toxic. Yet, the claim is made they merely mimic precursors to testosterone.

Do the real thing!
Title: Re: What's the real difference in Pro Hormones and Steroids
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on March 26, 2013, 02:16:10 PM
They are essentially the same. PH's must go through a several step conversion process, where the final metabolite is recognized as an anabolic. It's a crafty loophole to sell them "legally."

There is really little knowledge of a lot of these designer drugs though because of how relatively new they are. There's also a different formula being cooked up every other week.

Do the real thing!

Best advice. It's safer in the long run.
Title: Re: What's the real difference in Pro Hormones and Steroids
Post by: Raymondo on March 26, 2013, 02:24:37 PM
They are essentially the same. PH's must go through a several step conversion process, where the final metabolite is recognized as an anabolic. It's a crafty loophole to sell them "legally."

There is really little knowledge of a lot of these designer drugs though because of how relatively new they are. There's also a different formula being cooked up every other week.

Best advice. It's safer in the long run.

Still "natural" bro? :)
Title: Re: What's the real difference in Pro Hormones and Steroids
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on March 26, 2013, 02:25:18 PM
Still "natural" bro? :)

Check your pm
Title: Re: What's the real difference in Pro Hormones and Steroids
Post by: Nails on March 26, 2013, 02:27:19 PM
Pro Hormones  = HOOKERS

 Steroids = your one true love
Title: Re: What's the real difference in Pro Hormones and Steroids
Post by: Seven Copper Coins on March 26, 2013, 03:23:17 PM
Pro hormones are dirtier, toxic versions of effective steroids. Most these days do not require conversion.They work...but I have yet to see the PH that doesn't make you retain a fuck ton of water, even the supposedly dry ones.
Title: Re: What's the real difference in Pro Hormones and Steroids
Post by: makaveli25 on March 26, 2013, 03:24:43 PM
Some of those designer steroids are just as strong or stronger than regular aas. Superdrol and epistane are pretty awesome. I really enjoyed that designer that is like turnibol but towards the end I got really bad anxiety.
Title: Re: What's the real difference in Pro Hormones and Steroids
Post by: Obvious Gimmick on March 26, 2013, 03:25:14 PM
Pro hormones are dirtier, toxic versions of effective steroids. Most these days do not require conversion.They work...but I have yet to see the PH that doesn't make you retain a fuck ton of water, even the supposedly dry ones.

This. Seven dropping knowledge!
Title: Re: What's the real difference in Pro Hormones and Steroids
Post by: Nomad on March 26, 2013, 03:26:00 PM
You can run the real deal for longer then two months without having to risk permanently frying your liver.
Title: Re: What's the real difference in Pro Hormones and Steroids
Post by: makaveli25 on March 26, 2013, 03:31:14 PM
You can run the real deal for longer then two months without having to risk permanently frying your liver.

Ya I could only handle superdrol for about a week even at a very low dose before I was falling asleep at work and I couldn't eat anything completely destroyed my appetite.
Title: Re: What's the real difference in Pro Hormones and Steroids
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on March 26, 2013, 03:49:13 PM
Ya I could only handle superdrol for about a week even at a very low dose before I was falling asleep at work and I couldn't eat anything completely destroyed my appetite.

What causes  the sleepiness? That's wild
Title: Re: What's the real difference in Pro Hormones and Steroids
Post by: makaveli25 on March 26, 2013, 03:49:49 PM
What causes  the sleepiness? That's wild

I'm not sure. It's pretty known to cause extreme lethargy.
Title: Re: What's the real difference in Pro Hormones and Steroids
Post by: Roger Bacon on March 26, 2013, 06:31:51 PM
Okay, I appreciate the breakdown guys!

I guess I'm just not going down this road for the time being. 

Title: Re: What's the real difference in Pro Hormones and Steroids
Post by: Jovo on March 27, 2013, 12:45:53 AM
what's the difference between meth and " insert designer stim here"

the difference is that the chemical structure is not illegal or banned by law, for what ever reason.

Other wise they work just aswell or better than "real" stuff.

These days "prohormones" dont exist, it's just steroids which are active, and even what it breaks down to, is a steroid, ei : halodrol
Title: Re: What's the real difference in Pro Hormones and Steroids
Post by: falco on March 27, 2013, 02:50:31 AM
Steroids (injectable) dont destroy your liver like pro hormones do (even tribulus).
Title: Re: What's the real difference in Pro Hormones and Steroids
Post by: Seven Copper Coins on March 27, 2013, 03:19:01 AM
Steroids (injectable) dont destroy your liver like pro hormones do (even tribulus).

Very true. I would suggest to anyone who is dead set on taking anabolics, take the real thing and get over the "injecting"'s healthier for you
Title: Re: What's the real difference in Pro Hormones and Steroids
Post by: The_Punisher on March 27, 2013, 06:34:01 AM
They're steroids that have been molecularly reorganized?


Are they safer than steroids?


no, Pro-hormones just eat your liver much slower.... ;)
Title: Re: What's the real difference in Pro Hormones and Steroids
Post by: Ronnie Rep on March 27, 2013, 07:12:04 AM
I have done prohormones when they first came out Andro etc, they definitely worked! Got good results! Same as small doses of D-Bol, Anavar, Winstrol etc!
Title: Re: What's the real difference in Pro Hormones and Steroids
Post by: MCWAY on March 27, 2013, 09:57:34 AM
The only (or main) one that's still legal is DHEA. You can get that for $4 and change at Wal-Mart.
Title: Re: What's the real difference in Pro Hormones and Steroids
Post by: anabolichalo on March 27, 2013, 10:07:01 AM
my buddies used protodrol and havoc

they got some sick gains in my opinion

tried to convince me to use it at the time

in the end my hairloss fears made me not do it

just out of curiosity, does anyone know these products? and how much weaker is the effect of them compared to what i'm doing (300mg test-e)

i wonder because we joke about this stuff and want to compare gains
Title: Re: What's the real difference in Pro Hormones and Steroids
Post by: MCWAY on March 27, 2013, 01:45:33 PM
some are exaclty the same thing, with no changes to molecules whatsoever.

legit steroids are safer,for theres research by multi billion companys behind them, while designer drugs dont have this privilegue.

prohormones are just the excuse of a gearhead to claim natty.some think theyre actualy natty on them, lol, when some prohormes are stronger than many steroids.

And what prohormones would those be?

Many natty federations ban prohormones, including DHEA, even though it's legal.

Title: Re: What's the real difference in Pro Hormones and Steroids
Post by: Van_Bilderass on March 27, 2013, 03:01:48 PM
There is no difference like BB said. I noticed this guy knows a lot about training and everything related.

The problem is that half the time it's the wrong hormone. There's a bigger chance they're the wrong hormone than most common steroids cooked up by UG labs.

No one is inventing any prohormones really. Nor are they knew and first syntheized by the supp company. They simply look up hormones in a book by a guy named Vida.

Mos of this stuff was never really legal. Notice how the bigger companies will not touch the prohormone stuff, but those would make a crazy amount of money because they are anabolic steroids.