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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: allornothing86 on April 03, 2013, 08:15:20 PM
Hey just want some Input, ive ran one cycle of Test Cyp and EQ for 10 weeks last year with ok results. I'm not looking for big gains or anything crazy right now. But I was thinking of jumping on some Var 50gm Ed for 10 weeks. Stupid, sorta worth it, thoughts.
if you can get properly dosed var, or if you can even get it at all... its not worth it really imo. why not just run a light injectable cycle?
50mg test prop monday wednesday and friday
150mg NPP monday wednesday friday
something like that will get you good results. personally, i love NPP. really fills you out in a good way. or you could do
50 prop MWF
600 Equipoise split into MWF pinning
not worth running eq less than 600 or for less than 12 weeks though. its a great choice for longer cycles.
or perhaps
100-200mg test prop every other day just keep it simple. you'll look great on any of these cycles if you train hard, and stick to a decently clean diet.
you've yet to mention the purpose of said cycle so...
I've cycled with 50mg anavar everyday for about 7 weeks, close to 8 weeks atleast. I knew a guy who said he was on var 60mg daily for 2 years. Not sure if it was a bluff or for real.
Hey just want some Input, ive ran one cycle of Test Cyp and EQ for 10 weeks last year with ok results. I'm not looking for big gains or anything crazy right now. But I was thinking of jumping on some Var 50gm Ed for 10 weeks. Stupid, sorta worth it, thoughts.
you've yet to mention the purpose of said cycle so...
One of the big reasons for this simple cycle is that I only have one source. And I payed around $900 for a Test and EQ 10 week UGL cycle, which I think is to much but could be wrong. And for Var for 8-10 weeks doesn't seem to bad.
One of the big reasons for this simple cycle is that I only have one source. And I payed around $900 for a Test and EQ 10 week UGL cycle, which I think is to much but could be wrong. And for Var for 8-10 weeks doesn't seem to bad.
hmm. never pay more than 50 bucks a vial for anything except primo.
you got shafted so hard bro.
900$ for 10 week for test and eq.... damn
900$ for 10 week for test and eq.... damn
whats that? like 15- 200$ a vial?? assuming like 500 test 600 eq
Yah and I know money isn't the best way to decide a cycle, I'm not hurting for funds. I just can't justify the price.
Yah and I know money isn't the best way to decide a cycle, I'm not hurting for funds. I just can't justify the price.
youll be very pleased with that first cycle i posted. NPP and test prop is pretty cheap. and if you can get decent quality gear, the pinnings not too bad since you can use slin pins.
i love prop.. had some laying around.. instant boost in everything... i always wondered about npp though? Never tried it! hmm..
As far var is concerned, have a base of test or something but ya 7-8 weeks (i did it recently) was amazing for me... was cutting hard and gained some lean mass at the same time... i love var... super slow results but total quality.
NPP is great bro, will thicken you up fast, little bit of water but not too bad. good offseason compound, or if your looking for a bit of extra fullness to keep you from getting too skinny when dieting, youll find its right on the money.
I'm running var for the first time at 100 mgs a day along with 500 mgs of test cyp. I got the var for free from a source otherwise I wouldn't be running such a high dose as it can get expensive. To the op, I am loving it. It has been 3 weeks and I am leaner and growing at the same time. Strengh is up, vascularity, leanness, fullness, everything. NPP is one of my favorites also. Ran that with test prop and loved it too. Give var a try along with some test.
Yah I'd like to run NPP and Test or Var and Test. Just might wait it out till I get a cheaper source haha.