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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: medici999 on April 13, 2013, 10:06:26 AM

Title: Anyone liking LOW Test Cycles...
Post by: medici999 on April 13, 2013, 10:06:26 AM
As above...

Anyone tried a cycle with low test? but with other compounds higher, meant to help with sides etc.
Title: Re: Anyone liking LOW Test Cycles...
Post by: Mawse on April 13, 2013, 12:31:11 PM

I only ever run 200-250 test, never any more

right now I am on 150mg test (3x week 50mg sub Q)

Tren 75mg 5 x week shots (subq)

winny 15 (give or take) mg day to bump up my DHT because tren lowers it.

Test is the shittiest, dirtiest AAS ever for me, just bloat in a bottle
Title: Re: Anyone liking LOW Test Cycles...
Post by: Borracho on April 13, 2013, 03:40:55 PM
I have but other stuff comes along with sides too.

What are you trying to avoid in specific?
Title: Re: Anyone liking LOW Test Cycles...
Post by: usmcdevildoc on April 14, 2013, 09:17:31 PM
I have but other stuff comes along with sides too.

What are you trying to avoid in specific?

Trying to avoid getting big. Lol

Lift, fuck, make money
Title: Re: Anyone liking LOW Test Cycles...
Post by: SupahStah on April 15, 2013, 06:39:50 PM
Yes. I prefer low test; I get a lot of side effects for its gains. I learned the hard way not to try the 'middle eastern protocol' and go testless, that did NOT work out well. But TRT dosages, or even a little less, is fine for me.
Title: Re: Anyone liking LOW Test Cycles...
Post by: kohl on April 27, 2013, 05:25:15 AM

Test is grossly overrated if not on HGH.

Without HGH test is just a base (150-250mg is enough), you'll grow on the androgens.

Especially for young lifters and newbies I wouldn't ever recommend too much test right away. First cycles with 500mg test/w or even 1g test/w = STUPID! For many reasons! Not effective + compromising future development.

For an early cycle: 250 test + 250-500 deca/bold (+ maybe 30mg dbol/day) is PLENTY, and on the long run FAR more effective than 500-750mg test.

With tren (next stage for a bodybuilder) best results are seen on LOW test.

Third stage (+28 y.o.) : bring in the HGH in reasonable doses, up all the rest a little bit including the test.

Fourth stage (completely unnecessary for 99,9% because no genetics for competing): bring in the larger doses of HGH paired with insuline and up the test.

Sadly, too many lifters think they're "fourth stage" or need to imitate what "fourth stage" bodybuilders say what THEY are doing. Delusional. You can not skip stages without paying for it at the end.

Look at the many youngsters who came in promising, but quickly faded away.

Typical case: only 20 years old or so they already put in 1g or more of test, then move too early to HGH and need to up the test again to have good results but were already high. After two years they already need a couple of grams of test to progress. Then they max out on the sides + the high test overpowers all benefits of the androgens. Result: bad physique, no chance on ever having muscle maturity or density, plateau.

Bad physiques today: 3 kinds of victims: 1. test victims, 2. insuline victims, 3. not-knowing-anymore-how-to-eat-or-train-properly victims.