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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: xandermerlin on July 17, 2013, 05:38:03 PM

Title: Sust n Anavar final does it look?
Post by: xandermerlin on July 17, 2013, 05:38:03 PM
hey guys, well ive thrown up my cycle on here n have been helped on by numerous individuals,
so im posting it one last time b4 i start:

wks 1-12 Sust 250mg E3D (Mon AM n Thurs PM)
wks 6-13 Anavar 50mg ED

wks 13-14 HCG 2500iu E3D
wks 15-18 Clomid 50mg ED
wks 15-18 Nolvadex 20mg ED

current stats:
age: 37
weight: 170
bf%: 12

im just coming off a Clen n EA stack that i ran for 3mths n lost a total of 30pds, so im taking
the above mentioned cycle to at least add around 10-12pds of lean mass. so is the final outline
good to go, or should i tweak it? looking forward to sum positive feedback...almost forgot,
should i bother frontloading the Sust n if so how much n how long or would it b a waste of gear?
Title: Re: Sust n Anavar final does it look?
Post by: youandme on August 07, 2013, 05:19:21 PM
It looks good, you seem to have put a lot of thought into it.
However, I'd go anavar the whole time if there is no other anabolic in the mix.
Yeah, you start feeling it the first week but the gains don't really come around until the 4th week, IMO.
I don't like HCG and prefer a bridge or no PCT whatsoever.
Don't front load the sust, that got popular some years back and is just for the ill patient.
Congrats on the results on the ECA and clen, try to cycle them both though next time. 7 days on ECA and 14 days max on clen. You can alternate them, to get the best results and not feel so crummy and anxious.

Title: Re: Sust n Anavar final does it look?
Post by: AbrahamG on August 07, 2013, 05:30:09 PM
hey guys, well ive thrown up my cycle on here n have been helped on by numerous individuals,
so im posting it one last time b4 i start:

wks 1-12 Sust 250mg E3D (Mon AM n Thurs PM)
wks 6-13 Anavar 50mg ED

wks 13-14 HCG 2500iu E3D
wks 15-18 Clomid 50mg ED
wks 15-18 Nolvadex 20mg ED

current stats:
age: 37
weight: 170
bf%: 12

im just coming off a Clen n EA stack that i ran for 3mths n lost a total of 30pds, so im taking
the above mentioned cycle to at least add around 10-12pds of lean mass. so is the final outline
good to go, or should i tweak it? looking forward to sum positive feedback...almost forgot,
should i bother frontloading the Sust n if so how much n how long or would it b a waste of gear?

There is nothing not to like with this plan.  It seems to be a solid, yet moderate cycle with a good pct as well.  Do you have any experience with Ostarine?  I usually use it to bridge into my pct.  Ostanish is a pretty good product.  20mg's per pill and 90 pills per bottle.  Can get two 45 day cycles or three 30 days runs out of it.  Usually for $60 or less.  Really seems to help me hold on to the  gains and even keeps them coming.
Title: Re: Sust n Anavar final does it look?
Post by: shrek on August 07, 2013, 06:52:39 PM
Seems clean and safe , and I agree with using the var from day one to the end ........ if I might add to this I would up the var to 100 MG's for the first 2 weeks , a kicker to the cycle just as if you did tlwith dbol or abombs ..... except with var there really isn't a liver issue in comparison to therest of tthe odals , so feel safe to up that dose
Title: Re: Sust n Anavar final does it look?
Post by: ESFitness on August 07, 2013, 09:58:07 PM
i'd wait on the HCG until 2 weeks after your last sust injection... at least... maybe 3 weeks. you're still gonna have test trickling in weeks after your last injection and you're gonna stay shut down.

if you're hell-bent on using var.. use it straight through at a decent dose. 100mg or so. run tbol if you're afraid of sides. a lil cheaper with better results.