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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: EatShizzel on August 18, 2013, 01:04:51 PM

Title: HGH everyday or every other day? What do you prefer?
Post by: EatShizzel on August 18, 2013, 01:04:51 PM
I'm currently running 4 IU's a day of HGH norditropin, split into 2 IU's first thing in the morning and 2 IU's after I lift. My contest prep coach / dietitian say's I need to only be doing it every other day. I've had good results using it the way I've been usng it. Just wondering if it will make that much of a difference if I change it to every other day? It would save me some money. What do you guy's prefer?
Title: Re: HGH everyday or every other day? What do you prefer?
Post by: nasht5 on August 18, 2013, 05:54:14 PM
ED is the way I've always heard to run it.
Title: Re: HGH everyday or every other day? What do you prefer?
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on August 18, 2013, 10:41:02 PM
There was a research article done recently claiming for HRT purposes, EOD provided higher blood plasma levels or a lot of guys have been doing EOD now. But I've heads good counter points to this in regards to GH use for Bodybuilders an how ED would be more beneficial. Wish I could remember the site/thread this was on...
Title: Re: HGH everyday or every other day? What do you prefer?
Post by: EatShizzel on August 19, 2013, 01:14:22 AM
Thanks guys, maybe I'll try EOD for the next two months and compare results. Plus it will save me some money.
Title: Re: HGH everyday or every other day? What do you prefer?
Post by: whitewidow on August 19, 2013, 01:40:09 AM
If you can afford it use HGH ED. I know some guys who use HGH Mon-FRI and take the weekend off but I myself use it ED 4IU daily. My advice would be to try it both ways for a month, one month use it EOD and the next month use it ED and see wich method works the best for you.Some people do not respond very well to HGH. I think HGH is a little over-rated unless you are also using insulin and getting a good synergistic effect. I am not saying HGH is pointless without insulin but for the amount you spend on HGH you want to get the best benefits out of your money. If you do choose to go the extra mile and use insulin with your HGH def learn how to use it correctly. You also need to learn the very best times to inject your HGH. You might get the same benefits using HGH EOD instead of ED but you can only know for sure by trying both methods.
Title: Re: HGH everyday or every other day? What do you prefer?
Post by: qwert on August 19, 2013, 02:37:24 AM
As with ANY drug, the best method is to have a steady even influx in your system 24/7.

 I split my GH evenly 4 times a day.

I tried 1x, 2x, 3x etc, but 4x a day seems the ideal # for me.

Perhaps 6x, 7x, etc is even better, but I have to factor in convenience as well.

Title: Re: HGH everyday or every other day? What do you prefer?
Post by: trengrowth on August 21, 2013, 07:10:21 AM
you need it every day! Several times a day!...

If you run 4 iu's a day then do 1 iu every couple hours. It has a short half life... And If you run higher doses of GH then Add in some insulin. GH lowers blood sugar levels at high doses.
Title: Re: HGH everyday or every other day? What do you prefer?
Post by: Ironraider on August 21, 2013, 07:36:49 AM
So you're getting into a contest?  What class?  I prefer daily...I wish I could do as TG is doing, which would give a steady flow throughout the day, but my lifestyle doesn't allow for etc.

Just to mix up the discussion a bit or to throw in a twist...have you considered adding insulin with your hgh?
Title: Re: HGH everyday or every other day? What do you prefer?
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on August 21, 2013, 08:20:42 AM
you need it every day! Several times a day!...

If you run 4 iu's a day then do 1 iu every couple hours. It has a short half life... And If you run higher doses of GH then Add in some insulin. GH lowers blood sugar levels at high doses.

You mean GH raises blood glucose levels.
Title: Re: HGH everyday or every other day? What do you prefer?
Post by: Wez on August 21, 2013, 09:18:45 AM
I am running 4iu a day of Seros and I have tried every combo ( morning, before bed, split) recently I have switched to pre-workout. I pin all 4 iu 30 min pre-workout. I train either 5 or 6 days a week. So I either have 5 days on or 6. The results have been great. I am 56 so the GH has made a huge difference for me and has allowed me to use a lot less gear ( gram a week). I am learning!
Title: Re: HGH everyday or every other day? What do you prefer?
Post by: Overload on August 21, 2013, 11:29:51 AM
I run it every day split into 2 doses.

5iu first thing in the morning and 5iu after my workouts in the evening.

Like others, i have tried about every method known to man and didn't see much of a difference, as long as i injected every day.

Title: Re: HGH everyday or every other day? What do you prefer?
Post by: BodyMachine on August 21, 2013, 11:39:35 AM
Curious doesn't one's body adapt and platue after a while on the same dose just as it does on AAS? I just felt i stopped seeing gains at 10ui when on for many many months. I always wondered next round if it'd be better to blast it 3 times a week instead
Title: Re: HGH everyday or every other day? What do you prefer?
Post by: shrek on August 21, 2013, 12:58:57 PM
Why would you run 10 iu's a day , isn't that a shit load
Title: Re: HGH everyday or every other day? What do you prefer?
Post by: BodyMachine on August 21, 2013, 01:56:44 PM
Nah, 10iu is a walk in the park once u get used to it. Not for a newbie though
Title: Re: HGH everyday or every other day? What do you prefer?
Post by: Overload on August 21, 2013, 02:26:03 PM
Curious doesn't one's body adapt and platue after a while on the same dose just as it does on AAS? I just felt i stopped seeing gains at 10ui when on for many many months. I always wondered next round if it'd be better to blast it 3 times a week instead

I've been thinking this myself.  After over 3 years of using GH, i have noticed that after about 3-4 months of continuous use, it's good to take 3-4 weeks off.  Once i get back on i notice more fullness than before, but perhaps this is just the water retention messing with me.  I fluctuate a good 8-10 pounds when i come off 10iu of GH.

I've spoken to my Endo about it and he confirms that taking a break is good for all compounds that exceed your normal replacement does.  AAS or GH, he believes breaks are very beneficial to making consistant gains.  That's from his medical knowledge and not a bodybuilding point of view.  He also thinks staying on compounds is better for maintaining muscle mass, but not necessarily the best idea for health.

Title: Re: HGH everyday or every other day? What do you prefer?
Post by: whitewidow on August 21, 2013, 04:04:31 PM
As with ANY drug, the best method is to have a steady even influx in your system 24/7.

 I split my GH evenly 4 times a day.

I tried 1x, 2x, 3x etc, but 4x a day seems the ideal # for me.

Perhaps 6x, 7x, etc is even better, but I have to factor in convenience as well.

this would be the right way to use it.
Title: Re: HGH everyday or every other day? What do you prefer?
Post by: whitewidow on August 21, 2013, 04:05:53 PM
I've been thinking this myself.  After over 3 years of using GH, i have noticed that after about 3-4 months of continuous use, it's good to take 3-4 weeks off.  Once i get back on i notice more fullness than before, but perhaps this is just the water retention messing with me.  I fluctuate a good 8-10 pounds when i come off 10iu of GH.

I've spoken to my Endo about it and he confirms that taking a break is good for all compounds that exceed your normal replacement does.  AAS or GH, he believes breaks are very beneficial to making consistant gains.  That's from his medical knowledge and not a bodybuilding point of view.  He also thinks staying on compounds is better for maintaining muscle mass, but not necessarily the best idea for health.


this is a great method. sometimes taking even more time off is better. And your doc is right this goes for all medications.
Title: Re: HGH everyday or every other day? What do you prefer?
Post by: Eric on August 21, 2013, 05:26:02 PM
There are two actual half lives of Hgh. Circulating and biological. Circulating is 20-30mins while biological is 9-17 hours. Going by the biological half life, because that's the one that matters, not knowing if you fall into the shorter or longer range twice daily would be better. However, for bodybuilding Hgh itself isn't what is going to cause the benefits it would be it's conversion to igf in the body. And that doesn't happen overnight (well to an extent.. Some will) and that is why greater benefits are noticed over time. That being said after a significant period of time on Hgh dosing it higher eod may yield better results. After your body is constantly producing higher igf levels the fluctuation in hormones may yield different results. I noticed that it was better after some time on to shoot 10iu eod than 5 Ed. Just my personal experience with some facts though.
Title: Re: HGH everyday or every other day? What do you prefer?
Post by: RS on August 23, 2013, 05:07:05 AM
It all depends on what your goal is. Is it a theraputic dose do you want to gain muscle, are you dropping slin on a daily basis, are you running high test?

Anything less than pharm grade (kefeis , black tops, green blure, rips) I would recommend running 10 IU ED for the best results of losing fat and taking down high test sides - etsc..  1iu  pg = 4 iu generic.   On particularly low energy days I;ll even blast 15ui. I would recommend running 2 g test  - sust every week with it to see real results.

Title: Re: HGH everyday or every other day? What do you prefer?
Post by: Psychopath on August 23, 2013, 07:07:25 PM
what you mean taking down test sides?


bc gh slightly increases estrogen.

Yeah, i never understood why people say GH reduces sides.

The only argument i read is that GH + slin allows you to grow on lower doses, which automatically reduces sides.

But GH in it self will not reduce bloat, HBP, cholestrol, estrogen etc...

It might make your body more resilient, but that's debatable.
Title: Re: HGH everyday or every other day? What do you prefer?
Post by: Dago_Joe on September 19, 2013, 09:16:43 AM
I have heard this argument before and no one ever really comes to any consensus.  It has been my personal experience with GH (I get real USA pharma - don't ask how  :-X) that once I have been on for at least a month of daily doses, I can go to EOD or even every third day and not notice any difference.  I think the real key is that initial build-up of IGF levels that occurs when you go on high dose GH that makes the biggest difference.  After that happens, maintaining that level or close to it does not require daily, much less multiple times a day dosing.  Just my personal experience.  This is of course while on a good amount of juice.  Without gear, I don't know what the effect or best way to dose is and frankly don't care because I won't waste my GH without taking at least test.
Title: Re: HGH everyday or every other day? What do you prefer?
Post by: _aj_ on September 19, 2013, 09:45:23 AM
I've been thinking this myself.  After over 3 years of using GH, i have noticed that after about 3-4 months of continuous use, it's good to take 3-4 weeks off.  Once i get back on i notice more fullness than before, but perhaps this is just the water retention messing with me.  I fluctuate a good 8-10 pounds when i come off 10iu of GH.

I've spoken to my Endo about it and he confirms that taking a break is good for all compounds that exceed your normal replacement does.  AAS or GH, he believes breaks are very beneficial to making consistant gains.  That's from his medical knowledge and not a bodybuilding point of view.  He also thinks staying on compounds is better for maintaining muscle mass, but not necessarily the best idea for health.


Wow, what's it like to have an adult conversation about AAS with a doctor? I have never heard of such a thing  :-\
Title: Re: HGH everyday or every other day? What do you prefer?
Post by: GettingBig on September 19, 2013, 12:47:44 PM
my experience I used the methods early morning, , post workout before bed, 5 days/2 off, and daily.

I do like before bed and post workout I feel I responded better but that's me.

Didn't notice any less gains or fullness when I switched to 5/2.

so now I prefer 5 days on / 2 days off.

the only thing that made a hug big noticeable difference n gain department when I added insulin to the mix just to try how insulin works.
Title: Re: HGH everyday or every other day? What do you prefer?
Post by: Overload on September 20, 2013, 07:07:02 AM
Wow, what's it like to have an adult conversation about AAS with a doctor? I have never heard of such a thing  :-\

I'm lucky because my Endo is actually a client of mine from work.  I designed his medical office complex for him.  He's also a gear user and it came up one day; ever since he's been really open with me about the medical side of things.

Most Doctors know very little about AAS, unless you are talking about HRT doses only.  They do not study literature in school for recreational usage of AAS.
