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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: dario73 on August 21, 2013, 12:45:46 PM

Title: If libtards had their way, this homeowner would have been killed
Post by: dario73 on August 21, 2013, 12:45:46 PM
BEDFORD, Iowa –  Authorities say an escaped inmate suspected of shooting a southwest Iowa sheriff's deputy has been killed by a homeowner who said the armed man broke into his house.

Rodney Long was shot to death after he broke into a retired farm couple's home in Bedford about 10:15 p.m. Monday, awakening them. Long, who was armed with a handgun, cut their telephone lines and used their cell phone, Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation Special Agent Mitch Mortvedt said.

After about four hours, Jerome Mauderly, 71, shot Long with a shotgun in the kitchen of the home he shares with his wife, Carolyn, 66.

"As the situation wore on the decision was made by the Mauderlys they were going to defend themselves," Mortvedt said. "At 2:11 a.m. the Taylor County Sheriff's Office received a 911 call from Carolyn Mauderly."

She told a dispatcher that her husband had shot an intruder.

An Iowa State Patrol officer was nearby and quickly responded, finding Long face down on the kitchen floor, Mortvedt said. No one else was injured.

Iowa officers, with help from Missouri officers and a Nebraska State Patrol aircraft, had been searching for Long since Sunday night, scouring about 16 square miles, after a southern Iowa sheriff's deputy was shot, Mortvedt said. They had searched the Mauderlys' property three times. The home is about 5 miles west of Bedford.

Long was serving a prison sentence for burglary and was scheduled for release in September 2014. He climbed a fence and escaped from the prison in Clarinda on Friday morning.

On Sunday, Long shot and wounded Taylor County Sheriff's Deputy Dan Wyckoff near New Market, about 10 miles northwest of Bedford, Mortvedt said. Clarinda, where Long was imprisoned, is eight miles west of New Market.

Wyckoff had been dispatched to check on someone walking along Iowa Highway 2. The Iowa Public Safety Department said the deputy was shot in the chest and arm as he got out of his vehicle to talk to the man. Wyckoff sought cover nearby and the gunman jumped into the deputy's vehicle and took off.

Another deputy soon arrived, the department said. He picked up Wyckoff and the two chased the stolen patrol vehicle. The chase wound through rural Taylor County for about 40 minutes, punctuated by exchanges of gunshots. Other officers joined the chase, and the stolen vehicle eventually went out of control and rolled several times. The suspect fled on foot.

Personal items left in the wrecked vehicle led officers to conclude that Long was the man who shot Wyckoff, the department said.

Wyckoff, 33, was flown to a hospital in Omaha, Neb. Mortvedt said he was still in stable condition and was expected to make a full recovery.

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Title: Re: If libtards had their way, this homeowner would have been killed
Post by: 240 is Back on August 21, 2013, 02:55:56 PM
actually, the homeowner used a shotgun.  that's cool with the libs.

Vice Prez biden himself offered some really effective double barrel shotgun tactics for home defense.  Empty both barrels into the air in a reckless manner, then stand there (effectively unarmed after discharging both rounds) and shout some hillbilly phrases at em.
Title: Re: If libtards had their way, this homeowner would have been killed
Post by: tonymctones on August 21, 2013, 04:06:26 PM
actually, the homeowner used a shotgun.  that's cool with the libs.

Vice Prez biden himself offered some really effective double barrel shotgun tactics for home defense.  Empty both barrels into the air in a reckless manner, then stand there (effectively unarmed after discharging both rounds) and shout some hillbilly phrases at em.

only pump and double barrell shotguns are ok with the libtards.

a saiga or many other versions of semi shot guns are not
Title: Re: If libtards had their way, this homeowner would have been killed
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on August 22, 2013, 08:00:03 AM
How dare those vicious racist gunowners kill that poor man who was just in need of some rehabilitation! defending yourself or your family instead of doing what is morally right and allowing yourself to be victimized...shame on them. He should have offered the poor convict his wife and given him money and food likeany other enlightened soul
Title: Re: If libtards had their way, this homeowner would have been killed
Post by: dario73 on August 22, 2013, 08:30:09 AM
Vice Prez biden himself offered some really effective double barrel shotgun tactics for home defense.  Empty both barrels into the air in a reckless manner, then stand there (effectively unarmed after discharging both rounds) and shout some hillbilly phrases at em.

And if they would have done exactly that the criminal would still be on the run and a family would have to bury two of their family members.

Title: Re: If libtards had their way, this homeowner would have been killed
Post by: Option D on August 22, 2013, 08:39:29 AM guys are hilarious....

Title: Re: If libtards had their way, this homeowner would have been killed
Post by: Straw Man on August 22, 2013, 09:45:06 AM guys are hilarious....

This is basically par for the course on this board

right wingnuts make up a imagined version of a liberal/progressive belief and then start thread arguing about it

that's how widely popular ideas such as supporting a background check or banning 50 caliber sniper rifles gets turned into "they want to take away all your guns" or "they don't want you to be able to use a gun to defend your home"

It's just so blatantly pathetic at face value but they do it over and over again

Title: Re: If libtards had their way, this homeowner would have been killed
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on August 22, 2013, 11:00:41 AM
This is basically par for the course on this board

right wingnuts make up a imagined version of a liberal/progressive belief and then start thread arguing about it

that's how widely popular ideas such as supporting a background check or banning 50 caliber sniper rifles gets turned into "they want to take away all your guns" or "they don't want you to be able to use a gun to defend your home"

It's just so blatantly pathetic at face value but they do it over and over agai

Because that's how it all starts. If we don't hold the line, they will take away everything one peice at a time.

And enough with the ' background checks' bullshit ..the libs spun that in an intentionally misleading way to insinuate to people who don't know any better that there are no background checks in place, and all they were asking for.


None of the assholes pushing this crap even have the slightest clue as to firearms othrr than what they see in the movies. The level of ignorance is ASTOUNDING. They have never been to a gun show in their life. If they had they would know that you csnt buy machine guns there, or grenades or rocket launchers or any of the other bullshit I've seen in media articles. And all the vendors ALREADY DO BACKGROUND CHECKS.

The grand irony of course is that the administration has no problems with sending ACTUAL weapons of war to the mexican cartels and now to the syrian muslim hordes. I'm sure they will do background checks on them ::)
Title: Re: If libtards had their way, this homeowner would have been killed
Post by: Straw Man on August 22, 2013, 11:40:48 AM
Because that's how it all starts. If we don't hold the line, they will take away everything one peice at a time.

And enough with the ' background checks' bullshit ..the libs spun that in an intentionally misleading way to insinuate to people who don't know any better that there are no background checks in place, and all they were asking for.


None of the assholes pushing this crap even have the slightest clue as to firearms othrr than what they see in the movies. The level of ignorance is ASTOUNDING. They have never been to a gun show in their life. If they had they would know that you csnt buy machine guns there, or grenades or rocket launchers or any of the other bullshit I've seen in media articles. And all the vendors ALREADY DO BACKGROUND CHECKS.

The grand irony of course is that the administration has no problems with sending ACTUAL weapons of war to the mexican cartels and now to the syrian muslim hordes. I'm sure they will do background checks on them ::)

explain to me again why the majority of NRA members want stronger background check

After that explain to me why the rest of us need to be at greater risk just so that you can maintain your paranoid delusions that you are going to lose all your guns

look at the title of this thread

it has ZERO basis is reality yet for many right winger it is in fact reality inside their head
Title: Re: If libtards had their way, this homeowner would have been killed
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on August 22, 2013, 12:03:46 PM
explain to me again why the majority of NRA members want stronger background check

After that explain to me why the rest of us need to be at greater risk just so that you can maintain your paranoid delusions that you are going to lose all your guns

look at the title of this thread

it has ZERO basis is reality yet for many right winger it is in fact reality inside their head

Look man I used to think exactly like you. Everything you just put there, I used to think too. I watched msnbc all the time. It wasn't until recently that I realised just how wrong I was..everything you put there is wrong.

The majority of NRA members do not support the so called background checks bill, because for one they know therr are already background checks, and because they know the real purpose of the bill is simply to advance gun control. This is a fact. It has been admitted to by many of the proponents of the bill. The fact is that you simply do not know anything about this you are just repeating liberal media bullet points. I could go on and on but I don't think you will listen anyway.
Title: Re: If libtards had their way, this homeowner would have been killed
Post by: Straw Man on August 22, 2013, 12:16:30 PM

Look man I used to think exactly like you. Everything you just put there, I used to think too. I watched msnbc all the time. It wasn't until recently that I realised just how wrong I was..everything you put there is wrong.

The majority of NRA members do not support the so called background checks bill, because for one they know therr are already background checks, and because they know the real purpose of the bill is simply to advance gun control. This is a fact. It has been admitted to by many of the proponents of the bill. The fact is that you simply do not know anything about this you are just repeating liberal media bullet points. I could go on and on but I don't think you will listen anyway.

can you provide anything that proves your statement is true
Title: Re: If libtards had their way, this homeowner would have been killed
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on August 22, 2013, 01:50:01 PM
You are the one that made the ridiculous claim, the burden of proof is on you.  Saying the majority of NRA members support Obamas gun control bills is absurd to the point of being funny. If you had even half a brain you would know this
Title: Re: If libtards had their way, this homeowner would have been killed
Post by: Straw Man on August 22, 2013, 02:38:38 PM
You are the one that made the ridiculous claim, the burden of proof is on you.  Saying the majority of NRA members support Obamas gun control bills is absurd to the point of being funny. If you had even half a brain you would know this

I've posted it many times before

I assumed since you claimed it was not true you had some source.

Here is one of many stories citing  recent surveys showing strong support by NRA members for stronger background checks:

A strong majority of gun owners and non gun owners support stronger restrictions on firearms, according to a national survey conducted by Johns Hopkins University.
A sizable 89 percent of all respondents, and 75 percent of those identified as NRA members, support universal background checks for gun sales. Similar surveys by Pew Research Center and Gallup have also found background checks to be by far the most popular gun control proposal in the aftermath the school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.

Here's another one:

A simple google search will find many more examples

Now, post something to back up your claim.  Please don't tell me I just wasted my time with someone who is just talking out of their ass.  There is already enough of that on this board
Title: Re: If libtards had their way, this homeowner would have been killed
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on August 23, 2013, 07:13:38 AM
I am at work and posting from my phone, I can't research and copy and post links.

But I don't need to. I am an NRA member and am very familiar with the firearm community unlike you so I already know how ignorant and laughable your statements are, and posting all the dubious liberal polls you want won't change the facts.

If that many people, including 75% of NRA members wanted this bill passed, THEN WHY DIDNT IT PASS?? The NRA was themain force fighting AGAINST this bill..yet they wanted it to pass?? The reason it did not pass was because millions of americans and NRA members fought extremely hard against it. You really have no idea.

But good luck trying to convince people that the NRA was all for the gun control bills. Thats like claiming 'over 75% of muslims support the state of israel". .hell I'm sure you could produce a poll that showed that too lmao. Fucking loser
Title: Re: If libtards had their way, this homeowner would have been killed
Post by: Straw Man on August 23, 2013, 08:29:11 AM
I am at work and posting from my phone, I can't research and copy and post links.

But I don't need to. I am an NRA member and am very familiar with the firearm community unlike you so I already know how ignorant and laughable your statements are, and posting all the dubious liberal polls you want won't change the facts.

If that many people, including 75% of NRA members wanted this bill passed, THEN WHY DIDNT IT PASS?? The NRA was themain force fighting AGAINST this bill..yet they wanted it to pass?? The reason it did not pass was because millions of americans and NRA members fought extremely hard against it. You really have no idea.

But good luck trying to convince people that the NRA was all for the gun control bills. Thats like claiming 'over 75% of muslims support the state of israel". .hell I'm sure you could produce a poll that showed that too lmao. Fucking loser

Jesus are you serious

You've got nothing whatsoever to back up your claim

Why am I not surprised

just another person talking out of their ass
Title: Re: If libtards had their way, this homeowner would have been killed
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on August 23, 2013, 08:50:47 AM
Haha ok mister " NRA members support gun control bills" hahahahaha oh brother.
Title: Re: If libtards had their way, this homeowner would have been killed
Post by: Straw Man on August 23, 2013, 09:56:03 AM
Haha ok mister " NRA members support gun control bills" hahahahaha oh brother.

links were provided and there are many more available but what's the point

apparently you're not capable of reading and you choose believe your "gut" instead

you made a claim that you can't support

unless you can't support your claim then we have nothing more to debate
Title: Re: If libtards had their way, this homeowner would have been killed
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on August 23, 2013, 10:55:10 AM
links were provided and there are many more available but what's the point

apparently you're not capable of reading and you choose believe your "gut" instead

you made a claim that you can't support

unless you can't support your claim then we have nothing more to debate

Ok captain MSNBC.

You have absolutely no clue about what your talking about, but that's ok. If obama said the sky was green you'd be on here tomorrow valiantly defending that statement and I'm sure youd even be able to dig up some 'legitimate polls' that support it.

Bottom line is that no matter how strongly you wanna believe it in your little heart, the vast majority of NRA members DO NOT support ANY aspect of the recent gun control efforts. Millions of them and other americans fought very hard AGAINST it and thatis why it DID NOT PASS.
Title: Re: If libtards had their way, this homeowner would have been killed
Post by: whork on August 23, 2013, 01:13:28 PM
Ok captain MSNBC.

You have absolutely no clue about what your talking about, but that's ok. If obama said the sky was green you'd be on here tomorrow valiantly defending that statement and I'm sure youd even be able to dig up some 'legitimate polls' that support it.

Bottom line is that no matter how strongly you wanna believe it in your little heart, the vast majority of NRA members DO NOT support ANY aspect of the recent gun control efforts. Millions of them and other americans fought very hard AGAINST it and thatis why it DID NOT PASS.

Hej John:

Title: Re: If libtards had their way, this homeowner would have been killed
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on August 23, 2013, 01:27:45 PM
That articles indicates that obama's idiotic statement as well as the 'attempted' polls were both bogus. The libs took it and ran with it anyway, of course.

Only the NRA can poll its own members because only the NRA knows who all its own members are. An in fact, they recently did take a poll of their own members asking the same thing, and printed the results in their monthly members magazine. Something like 98% of them rejected the recent proposed legislation...not that I'd expect Grasping at Straws Man to accept this fact.