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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: The_Hammer on September 02, 2013, 07:52:40 PM

Title: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: The_Hammer on September 02, 2013, 07:52:40 PM
I watch Hard Knocks on HBO every season it's on.

Every single black player has a white girlfriend/wife.

What's the deal?
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Kwon_2 on September 02, 2013, 07:54:38 PM
I watch Hard Knocks on HBO every season it's on.

Every single black player has a white girlfriend/wife.

What's the deal?

They can afford it
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Parker on September 02, 2013, 08:03:23 PM
I watch Hard Knocks on HBO every season it's on.

Every single black player has a white girlfriend/wife.

What's the deal?
Top of the line...when you are placed on top of pedestal of beauty, that is what every man aspires to "acquire".
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: The_Hammer on September 02, 2013, 08:05:47 PM
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Kwon_2 on September 02, 2013, 08:06:46 PM
Top of the line...when you are placed on top of pedestal of beauty, that is what every man aspires to "acquire".
Not aspiring to acquire this then?
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: calfzilla on September 02, 2013, 08:07:50 PM
Bro have you ever seen a black woman?  :-X
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Parker on September 02, 2013, 08:12:14 PM
Bro have you ever seen a black woman?  :-X
kerry Washington and Kelly Rowland, oh yes!
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: The_Hammer on September 02, 2013, 08:12:56 PM
Bro have you ever seen a black woman?  :-X

I disagree.

I work with a really hot light skin black girl.

Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: calfzilla on September 02, 2013, 08:16:03 PM
I'm talking percentages you fucks! 
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Roger Bacon on September 02, 2013, 08:17:54 PM
They have money, they don't have to settle for women like them (the kind of women that produced them).

As far as genetics go, they're jumping ship.
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: The_Hammer on September 02, 2013, 08:19:34 PM
They have money, they don't have to settle for women like them (the kind of women that produced them).

Also, more and more white women are becoming attracted to black guys. 
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: calfzilla on September 02, 2013, 08:25:07 PM
Also, more and more white women are becoming attracted to black guys. 

Yes rates of mental illness are on the rise.
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Roger Bacon on September 02, 2013, 08:28:39 PM
Also, more and more white women are becoming attracted to black guys.  


More people coming from broken homes and poor upbringings.  Low self-confidence or lacking pride in themselves and family. Obesity and poor genetics running rampant.  I've never met a mudshark that I would personally date, or that friends of mine would consider dating.  Not because they date black people, but because they're rough looking or mentally deficient/off balance.  Have at it Wiggs, Andre...  8)

I believe black people only account for 13% of our population, so eventually they'll be bred out and crime rates will plummet.  
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Kwon_2 on September 02, 2013, 08:29:31 PM
Also, more and more white women are becoming attracted to black guys.  
Mainly because they're getting richer and richer compared to before (1950s-1980s)

All about the money for the gold diggers
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: cswol on September 02, 2013, 08:30:26 PM
Many of these players have handlers and they are setup with these white women to destroy their blackness....example research tiger woods and Elin!
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: haider on September 02, 2013, 08:33:07 PM
They have money, they don't have to settle for women like them (the kind of women that produced them).

As far as genetics go, they're jumping ship.
Epic face-palm.

If you honestly believe this horseshit, you need to brush up on your education regarding genetics and human history. Otherwise, you're living inside a bubble of this concocted white supremacy nonsense.
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: calfzilla on September 02, 2013, 08:33:38 PM
Many are just beards for homosexual athletes.
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: The_Hammer on September 02, 2013, 08:35:29 PM

More people coming from broken homes and poor upbringings. Low self-confidence or lacking pride in themselves and family. Obesity and poor genetics running rampant.  I've never met a mudshark that I would personally date, or that friends of mine would consider dating.  Not because they date black people, but because they're rough looking or mentally deficient/off balance.  Have at it Wiggs, Andre...  8)

I believe black people only account for 13% of our population, so eventually they'll be bred out and crime rates will plummet.  

Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Kwon_2 on September 02, 2013, 08:54:18 PM
Many of these players have handlers and they are setup with these white women to destroy their blackness....example research tiger woods and Elin!
Do these colored gentlemen have jewish handlers?
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: cswol on September 02, 2013, 09:05:57 PM
Yes most of their attorneys and people who handle their affairs are jewish, research 360 deals
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: G_Thang on September 02, 2013, 10:00:42 PM
I watch Hard Knocks on HBO every season it's on.

Every single black player has a white girlfriend/wife.

What's the deal?

you guys do stay creative with these white vs black threads.  and to my uncle wiggs, it ain't the white women, it's their fucking offspring with black men!


keep up the good work brothers.  :)
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: cswol on September 02, 2013, 10:07:19 PM
How to Avoid Getting Completely Screwed by a 360 Degree Deal...
Tuesday, July 02, 2013
by  steve gordon
If your career is hitting the point where a serious contract is on the table, please read this (and get a good lawyer).  It comes from longtime music industry attorney Steve Gordon, Esq., whose seen his fair share of artist contracts over the decades - major, indie, good, bad, or otherwise.   

360 degree deals present major disadvantages for artists, but faced with a choice of the 360 versus no deal, the 360 may be worth accepting - but only if properly negotiated and only if the major pitfalls touched upon in this article are avoided.
First, let me give every artist and manager a quick primer on what a 360 degree deal is.  Basically, the 360 is an exclusive recording contract between a record company and an artist in which, in addition to monies from sales of the artist's recorded music, the label shares in other income streams such as touring and live performance, merchandise, endorsements, appearances in movies and TV, and if the artist also writes songs, publishing.
In fact, most 360 deals have catch-all phases giving the label a financial interest in everything else that the artist does in the entertainment business.
A traditional recording agreement only provides an income stream for the label from record sales.  But similar to the traditional recording agreement, under the 360 deal the label acquires the copyrights in the artist's recordings and options for multiple albums.  The 360 deal also usually includes all the same deductions from record royalties as the traditional deal, including producer royalties and reductions for packaging, "net sales," foreign sales, midprice and budget records, and even "new technology." (originally applied to CD royalties and now to digital sales).
The traditional recording agreement had a lot of bad stuff in it for the artist. The 360 deal usually has all of that, and a lot more.   
Origins & Reason D'Etra
The 360 deal is not new.  The first reported one was English recording star Robbie Williams' deal with EMI in 2002.  But in the last few years 360 deals have become common place.  New artists signing with a major label or their affiliates can expect it as a matter of course.  The reason for the prevalence of the 360 deal is the dramatic decline in income from sales of recorded music. 
Income from sales of pre-recorded music reached its peak in 1999 at approximately 14.5 billion dollars.  By 2012 that amount had shrunk to only approximately $7 billion --  a decline of more than 50% not accounting for inflation. 
This is the reason that labels began to pursue income from sources that would have once been sacrosanct to the artist.
Under the traditional paradigm, the label would pay the artist a small royalty which was even smaller after all the deductions.  The artist could expect to receive no recording royalty at all unless his album was a major commercial success.  But he got to keep everything else: publishing, merch, touring, endorsements, etc.
However, these days artists often generate more money from other activities than record sales.  For instance, Lady Gaga's Monster Ball Tour grossed over $227 million dollars, and 50 Cent's deal with Vitamin Water turned golden when he accepted shares in the company in exchange for authorizing the use of his professional name in "Formula 50". 
It is reported that his shares were worth over $100 million after Coca-Cola purchased Vitamin Water's parent, Glacéau, for $4.1 billion.
These developments have spurred the labels to seek to participate in all the possible revenue streams generated by an artist.  In my own practice, I have seen small labels also known as production companies get in on the act and insist that new artists sign 360 deals with them even if they put little or no money into recording and make no promises in regard to marketing or promotion.  These companies expect the artist to provide fully mastered recordings for little or no money upfront, and they demand income from all sources of revenue.
Bottom line: these are horrible deals.
The label's argument
Record labels argue (and majors who pay big advances have more credibility in making these arguments) that they make significant investments in an artist's career by, among other things, putting up considerable sums for recording including paying advances to A-level producers, getting the artist's music on commercial radio, securing invitations for the artists to perform on popular television shows, paying for one or more top quality videos for YouTube and other outlets, and providing tour support before the artist is popular enough to demand significant sums for live performances.
For emerging artists, a major label deal may be the path to becoming famous and rich.  For instance, Lady Gaga was a virtual unknown before Interscope spent a vast sum putting her on tour as an opening act for the New Kids on the Block, paying for marketing (particularly to the gay community), hiring wardrobe and makeup, and paying all her other expenses for over a year, not to mention using their clout to get her invited as a guest on almost every important radio station in the country.
The labels argue that 360 deals are fair because monies generated from touring, merch, endorsements, and other streams would not exist at all without their efforts.
Many artists and their representatives would contend that it isn’t their fault that the labels are making less money from their records.  360 deals, they would maintain, are just a cynical money grab by record companies who are facing dwindling income from recorded music because they have failed to react appropriately to the changing industry.  Asking artists to foot the bill hardly seems fair.  But the reality is that since all the major labels and affiliates usually demand 360 terms, the artist may not have much choice. Given that reality, let’s discuss how the artist's attorney can improve the deal.
How to improve the deal.
The ability of the artist’s attorney to improve a 360 depends on the artist's leverage as much as the lawyer's knowledge and negotiating skills. For instance, if there is a bidding war among two or more labels, the lawyer's ability to improve the deal increases immensely.  If the artist is already making significant income from live shows, if not from record sales, this can also aid the lawyer in negotiating better terms or at least carving out those areas where the artist is already earning money from the 360 deal.
If an artist is already earning revenues from a particular source, the lawyer should try to carve that stream out of the 360 deal. For instance, certain EDM artists are earning tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars playing large venues and festivals. If a label wants this kind of artist, it should be prepared to forego tapping into live performance income as they had nothing to do with creating it.
Get the label to work for the money or at least pay advances for each stream.
In an interview about 360 deals with entertainment attorney Elliot Resnick (on Youtube, here) we referred to the splits in a form agreement that he supplied. The contract provided that the label’s take for various streams was as follows:
• 50% Merch
• 25% Touring and live performance
• 25% of "digital products" such as ringtones and sales from the artist’s fan site
• 25% Publishing
• 25% of Endorsements
• 25% of any other income from the entertainment business including appearances on TV and movies, theatre, book publishing, etc.
These above percentages are typical but the actual amounts vary from deal to deal. Whatever the splits are, the artist's attorney should try to get the label to commit to doing something to deserve a share of each income stream. For instance, in return for its 25% the label should commit to manufacture merch and sell it at retail, via the Internet and supply the artist with merch for sales on tour.
Points about publishing.
In regard to publishing, a 360 deal may include a "co-publishing" agreement in which the label has exclusive control of any songs that the artist writes during the term, and the label retains 25% of any monies generated from the songs.  Or, the label may demand 100% of the "publisher's share" or 50% of all income generated by the artist’s songs.  In exchange for either of these arrangements, which are major gives, the label should have a dedicated staff committed to collecting monies generated by the artists songs, and that can pitch the songs to other artists for covers and music supervisors for placements in movies, television, video games, etc.
Aggressively negotiating advances
If the label is not equipped to provide support in respect to any income stream, or even if it is, the lawyer should try to exact advances for each stream. The ideal would be if the lawyer can also negotiate that as soon as the label recoups each advance for each income stream the label's right to commission that income stream terminates.  For instance, if the label advances $25,000 against a 25% commission for branding and endorsements and the artist gets an endorsement deal for $100,000, the artist would pay $25,000 to the label (25% of $100,000), but thereafter the label would not be entitled to any more money from that income stream.
Avoid Cross-collateralization 
Just as important as negotiating for the label's commitment to earn its keep for each stream and to pay advances for each stream, the lawyer should make sure that the label cannot cross-collateralize each stream.  This means that the label should not be able to take money from one stream to pay for unrecouped balances for another.  For instance, if the label pays $100,000 for recording costs and the artist's royalty after deductions is 50 cents for an album that sells at $12.00, the artist must sell 200,000 albums to break even. 
Now, suppose the artist only sells 100,000 (still a considerable feat in today’s market), and his income from touring is $50,000, if the contract allows the label to cross collateralize the various streams, the $50,000 will be applied to the "red balance" in his recording royalty account.  This means the artist would receive nothing from touring — the monies would be applied to the unrecouped recording costs.
Net versus Gross
If the artist must shell out a percentage of his touring or merch or other income to the labels, her lawyer has to insure that the percentage is based on net, not gross.  For instance, if a tour earns the artist $25,000 but her expenses added up to $20,000 (for hotels, transportation, booking agent fees, sound and lighting, etc.), the label should only commission the $5,000 in profits not the entire $25,000.  Indeed, if the label's commission was 25% and that was based on gross, the amount due to the label would actually exceed the artist's profit. 
In Summary
As I mentioned earlier, 360 deals generally suck for artists.  But it may be worth accepting - but only if properly negotiated and only if the major pitfalls touched on in this article are avoided.  Obviously the artist should never enter into any exclusive recording contract, let alone a 360 deal, without the assistance of capable counsel.
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: The_Hammer on September 02, 2013, 10:48:33 PM
The Samoans keep it real...

Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Bevo on September 03, 2013, 12:05:29 AM
you guys do stay creative with these white vs black threads.  and to my uncle wiggs, it ain't the white women, it's their fucking offspring with black men!


keep up the good work brothers.  :)

Except all this you posted most don't ever turn out like this ::)

U are not black keep thinking that u are a brown person who wishes he was black
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Bevo on September 03, 2013, 12:06:14 AM
Also, more and more white women are becoming attracted to black guys. 

Better enjoy it while they can Hispanics/Mexicans are taking over...
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Roger Bacon on September 03, 2013, 12:11:20 AM
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: missile on September 03, 2013, 12:17:08 AM
Blacks trying to abandon ship.  Get on the white ship.  All over the world, black men not happy when they look at black women. 
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: G_Thang on September 03, 2013, 12:29:34 AM
Blacks trying to abandon ship.  Get on the white ship.  All over the world, black men not happy when they look at black women. 

Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: JBGRAY on September 03, 2013, 01:26:50 AM
The vast majority of these rich black athletes invariably go bankrupt before they get out of their 30s...back to to the hood they go with unsurmountable child support, alimony, and public and tax debt.....their now-free white wives have millions they had previously made and end up pairing up with a white guy...or finding another rich black athlete so the process is repeated.

Say what you will about blacks in the US, but no one reallywants to be in their shoes.
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Skylge on September 03, 2013, 02:13:43 AM
In Europe it's the same thing: black soccer players with white and blond girlfriends. It's a status thing for them, the highest they can achieve. Also: they want their children to be a white as possible, for which they need white genes. 
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: B_B_C on September 03, 2013, 02:56:51 AM
I watch Hard Knocks on HBO every season it's on.
Every single black player has a white girlfriend/wife.
What's the deal?

perhaps they can not get decent white men
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: G_Thang on September 03, 2013, 02:58:24 AM
perhaps they can not get decent white men

that's unheard of on getbig.  all white men are elite and alpha.
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Parker on September 03, 2013, 05:01:47 AM
In Europe it's the same thing: black soccer players with white and blond girlfriends. It's a status thing for them, the highest they can achieve. Also: they want their children to be a white as possible, for which they need white genes. 
top of the line. That is what has been propped up as the defacto standard of beauty. And said women like that. Now, what if other women were put up on the same level? Could they compete? Women don't like competition from other women, especially American women. Men are used to competition.
You see feminism and the whole social push from 60s to now, view white men as "the bad guy", yet white women have benefitted from being out on the pedestal, and all men desiring her. Fratz Fanon's theory goes like this: white men and black women (and women of color) had their relationships. Plus, he had his relationship with white women. But, for the most part, black men and white women were left "disenfranchised". So, when social barriers began to fall, these two got together. Never mind the fact that the media pushes these pairings. And never mind the fact that black women thru-out the Americas and in Europe are view as the go to women for sex. And let's not forget that many of the black athletes in the US are over-whelminv raised by single mothers, or households where the mother calls the shots. So, you have a woman who raises the child, and the male child doesn't see a man who stays with the woman, thus finding her attractive or good enough for a mate. Or you have a child who sees black women as bossy, unfeminine...then you look at these attractive non-black women, who are propped up as the best there is.

Basically, black women need better PR.
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: HandsomeMOFO on September 03, 2013, 05:10:31 AM
Do you really believe all this?  We don't desire because of a social status, we desire because we are sexually attracted. 

top of the line. That is what has been propped up as the defacto standard of beauty. And said women like that. Now, what if other women were put up on the same level? Could they compete? Women don't like competition from other women, especially American women. Men are used to competition.
You see feminism and the whole social push from 60s to now, view white men as "the bad guy", yet white women have benefitted from being out on the pedestal, and all men desiring her. Fratz Fanon's theory goes like this: white men and black women (and women of color) had their relationships. Plus, he had his relationship with white women. But, for the most part, black men and white women were left "disenfranchised". So, when social barriers began to fall, these two got together. Never mind the fact that the media pushes these pairings. And never mind the fact that black women thru-out the Americas and in Europe are view as the go to women for sex. And let's not forget that many of the black athletes in the US are over-whelminv raised by single mothers, or households where the mother calls the shots. So, you have a woman who raises the child, and the male child doesn't see a man who stays with the woman, thus finding her attractive or good enough for a mate. Or you have a child who sees black women as bossy, unfeminine...then you look at these attractive non-black women, who are propped up as the best there is.

Basically, black women need better PR.

Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: G_Thang on September 03, 2013, 05:14:31 AM
top of the line. That is what has been propped up as the defacto standard of beauty. And said women like that. Now, what if other women were put up on the same level? Could they compete? Women don't like competition from other women, especially American women. Men are used to competition.
You see feminism and the whole social push from 60s to now, view white men as "the bad guy", yet white women have benefitted from being out on the pedestal, and all men desiring her. Fratz Fanon's theory goes like this: white men and black women (and women of color) had their relationships. Plus, he had his relationship with white women. But, for the most part, black men and white women were left "disenfranchised". So, when social barriers began to fall, these two got together. Never mind the fact that the media pushes these pairings. And never mind the fact that black women thru-out the Americas and in Europe are view as the go to women for sex. And let's not forget that many of the black athletes in the US are over-whelminv raised by single mothers, or households where the mother calls the shots. So, you have a woman who raises the child, and the male child doesn't see a man who stays with the woman, thus finding her attractive or good enough for a mate. Or you have a child who sees black women as bossy, unfeminine...then you look at these attractive non-black women, who are propped up as the best there is.

Basically, black women need better PR.

i'm not sure they absorb what you write, so i'd say just simply it to:  black women look like trannies.  they won't process the PR thingy.


pick your vice.  :o
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Parker on September 03, 2013, 05:25:01 AM
Do you really believe all this?  We don't desire because of a social status, we desire because we are sexually attracted. 

there is a little bit of both. But to not say that society doesn't put pressure do to social status, is sticking one's head in the sand.

To not desire from what you came from, to put it down, is mark of society and how society views said women.  As is the desire what society has stated is the standard.

Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: G_Thang on September 03, 2013, 05:27:54 AM
there is a little bit of both. But to not say that society doesn't put pressure do to social status, is sticking one's head in the sand.

To not desire from what you came from, to put it down, is mark of society and how society views said women.  As is the desire what society has stated is the standard.

they won't process this bit of information either, so just post a photo of a fat black woman with ashy skin. 
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Parker on September 03, 2013, 05:34:02 AM
they won't process this bit of information either, so just post a photo of a fat black woman with ashy skin. 
Ahaha, I know, I wonder why I try sometimes.

And you know which one, I'd pick.
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Kwon_2 on September 03, 2013, 05:36:11 AM
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: phreak on September 03, 2013, 05:39:14 AM
Do you really believe all this?  We don't desire because of a social status, we desire because we are sexually attracted. 

So you're saying all black women are ugly? That's racist!
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: cswol on September 03, 2013, 05:42:47 AM
Most of you have been ingrained with racism, and live the most ignorant lives around, it's sad when you can't even differentiate between te propagated racism that you have been ingrained with and the truth, this is why I make so many posts showing you how fucking controlled your minds are, in the big scheme of things most of you are pathetic excuses for human beings, it's very sad when you can't even break the chains that have been placed upon your mind and spirits, it's disappointing to see so many pathetic piece of shits for humans on this board!
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: LittleJ on September 03, 2013, 06:10:26 AM
Yay another thread dissing black people ::)
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: phreak on September 03, 2013, 06:26:03 AM
Most of you have been ingrained with racism, and live the most ignorant lives around, it's sad when you can't even differentiate between te propagated racism that you have been ingrained with and the truth, this is why I make so many posts showing you how fucking controlled your minds are, in the big scheme of things most of you are pathetic excuses for human beings, it's very sad when you can't even break the chains that have been placed upon your mind and spirits, it's disappointing to see so many pathetic piece of shits for humans on this board!
With over 4500 posts here it seems you feel right at home, Token.
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Wiggs on September 03, 2013, 06:48:09 AM

lolololololololololololo l.

Is this ^!**@ crazy?
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: G_Thang on September 03, 2013, 09:11:01 AM
Except all this you posted most don't ever turn out like this ::)

U are not black keep thinking that u are a brown person who wishes he was black


i like how the one drop rule doesn't apply in the 21st century unless you are walking through a white neighborhood with a hoodie.
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: bradistani on September 03, 2013, 09:18:52 AM
maybe the blacks just decided to cut out the middle men (white husbands) and get the white women all for themselves  ??? 
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: funk51 on September 03, 2013, 09:22:54 AM
shaneekwa come back.
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on September 03, 2013, 09:25:18 AM
that's unheard of on getbig.  all white men are elite and alpha.

You're inferiority complex with being brown skinned is quite apparent.
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Voice of Doom on September 03, 2013, 09:30:35 AM
It's all in the marketing.  Women, of all colors, are attracted to power and status.  In America oddly enough the sphere of television/marketing portrays successful black athletes as the pinnacle of power and physical prowess.  White men are often characterized as bumbling idiots cowtowing to their wives constantaly in fear of the strong and aggressive black men.  They are written to be like big children who use passive aggressive (female) tricks to get what they want.
If you watch sport shows its almost entirely made up of pudgy, pale and nerdy white betas exploring, debating, salivating and scrutinizing every aspect of these larger than life "black stallion" athletes.  It's all pretty faggy.

Woman naturally gravitate to power in social settings.  This is historically how they've survived and reproduced. 

Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Bevo on September 03, 2013, 09:33:19 AM

i like how the one drop rule doesn't apply in the 21st century unless you are walking through a white neighborhood with a hoodie.

U mean the one drop rule for being Hispanic? Only works if white blood have Asian/Hispanic/black blood

U a very insecure man seriously. All your posts are jibberish , u start most of the race shit but call others out for being racist

Yet the typical lusting of white women u are too much the same and boring  ::)
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: theredeemer on September 03, 2013, 09:34:16 AM
It's all in the marketing.  Women, of all colors, are attracted to power and status.  In America oddly enough the sphere of television/marketing portrays successful black athletes as the pinnacle of power and physical prowess.  White men are often characterized as bumbling idiots cowtowing to their wives constantaly in fear of the strong and aggressive black men.  They are written to be like big children who use passive aggressive (female) tricks to get what they want.
If you watch sport shows its almost entirely made up of pudgy, pale and nerdy white betas exploring, debating, salivating and scrutinizing every aspect of these larger than life "black stallion" athletes.  It's all pretty faggy.

Woman naturally gravitate to power in social settings.  This is historically how they've survived and reproduced. 

And yet it's all a media created facade, and these women are foolish victims, dooming themselves and possibly their progeny.
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Kwon_2 on September 03, 2013, 09:35:52 AM

Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Bevo on September 03, 2013, 09:36:45 AM
It's all in the marketing.  Women, of all colors, are attracted to power and status.  In America oddly enough the sphere of television/marketing portrays successful black athletes as the pinnacle of power and physical prowess.  White men are often characterized as bumbling idiots cowtowing to their wives constantaly in fear of the strong and aggressive black men.  They are written to be like big children who use passive aggressive (female) tricks to get what they want.
If you watch sport shows its almost entirely made up of pudgy, pale and nerdy white betas exploring, debating, salivating and scrutinizing every aspect of these larger than life "black stallion" athletes.  It's all pretty faggy.

Woman naturally gravitate to power in social settings.  This is historically how they've survived and reproduced. 

That's the thing people don't get, Parker actually understands some of this , Hispanic/Latino men/ women are next if they haven't and in when china becomes super dominant that will be next...

All marketing and PR
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Archer77 on September 03, 2013, 09:37:45 AM

i like how the one drop rule doesn't apply in the 21st century unless you are walking through a white neighborhood with a hoodie.

I'm confused.  Zimmerman was forced on the whites by the left leaning media.
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on September 03, 2013, 09:38:03 AM
U a very insecure man seriously. All your posts are jibberish , u start most of the race shit but call others out for being racist

Yet the typical lusting of white women u are too much the same and boring  ::)

Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Archer77 on September 03, 2013, 09:38:39 AM
It's all in the marketing.  Women, of all colors, are attracted to power and status.  In America oddly enough the sphere of television/marketing portrays successful black athletes as the pinnacle of power and physical prowess.  White men are often characterized as bumbling idiots cowtowing to their wives constantaly in fear of the strong and aggressive black men.  They are written to be like big children who use passive aggressive (female) tricks to get what they want.
If you watch sport shows its almost entirely made up of pudgy, pale and nerdy white betas exploring, debating, salivating and scrutinizing every aspect of these larger than life "black stallion" athletes.  It's all pretty faggy.

Woman naturally gravitate to power in social settings.  This is historically how they've survived and reproduced. 

Whites had the women's lib movement forced down our throats.
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: G_Thang on September 03, 2013, 09:41:05 AM
U mean the one drop rule for being Hispanic? Only works if white blood have Asian/Hispanic/black blood

U a very insecure man seriously. All your posts are jibberish , u start most of the race shit but call others out for being racist

Yet the typical lusting of white women u are too much the same and boring  ::)

too bad my antics only apply to getbig rules, not my real life.  ::)
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on September 03, 2013, 09:43:47 AM

too bad my antics only apply to getbig rules, not my real life.  ::)

Oh so you're saying that you're just playing possum? Gotcha.

Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Bevo on September 03, 2013, 09:44:03 AM

too bad my antics only apply to getbig rules, not my real life.  ::)

Dude! In real life u can't even afford to lease a 335i 3 series u so lust over  :D
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Parker on September 03, 2013, 10:00:20 AM
That's the thing people don't get, Parker actually understands some of this , Hispanic/Latino men/ women are next if they haven't and in when china becomes super dominant that will be next...

All marketing and PR
yep, the problem with Latino men, are the ones not mixed with black or white. Meaning there is a PR problem, everybody assumes Latino means Mexican, and assumes "Mexican" means "illegal". Combine that with the language barrier and that many Latinos refuse to intergrate. You have a situation where it's becoming two Americas. One Latino and Spanish Speaking, the other is English speaking Anglo/African/other.

I've said it before, American black women might be getting with Latino men in increasing numbers, due to their unique situation.

As far as China, I'm not really seeing it. You see they don't market their culture to other people---they copy.
Among other things

Just as Voice of Doom said, it's marketing and who wins out? Well, white women of course. They are the new white man.
They run things. They are the standard of beauty, and they are graduating from college and grad school and law school at higher rates than white men. They will portray their men as bumbling idiots, the black man as the cool stud...but let something happen to them, and they expect the knights in shining armor to come to their rescue.
Y'all have been had. We have been had.

Society has made it's mission as a war on men. And what you see here, is one of the results.
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Voice of Doom on September 03, 2013, 10:14:06 AM
yep, the problem with Latino men, are the ones not mixed with black or white. Meaning there is a PR problem, everybody assumes Latino means Mexican, and assumes "Mexican" means "illegal". Combine that with the language barrier and that many Latinos refuse to intergrate. You have a situation where it's becoming two Americas. One Latino and Spanish Speaking, the other is English speaking Anglo/African/other.

I've said it before, American black women might be getting with Latino men in increasing numbers, due to their unique situation.

As far as China, I'm not really seeing it. You see they don't market their culture to other people---they copy.
Among other things

Just as Voice of Doom said, it's marketing and who wins out? Well, white women of course. They are the new white man.
They run things. They are the standard of beauty, and they are graduating from college and grad school and law school at higher rates than white men. They will portray their men as bumbling idiots, the black man as the cool stud...but let something happen to them, and they expect the knights in shining armor to come to their rescue.
Y'all have been had. We have been had.

Society has made it's mission as a war on men. And what you see here, is one of the results.

good post.  I suspect the next war will be the "war on women".
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Archer77 on September 03, 2013, 10:17:09 AM
yep, the problem with Latino men, are the ones not mixed with black or white. Meaning there is a PR problem, everybody assumes Latino means Mexican, and assumes "Mexican" means "illegal". Combine that with the language barrier and that many Latinos refuse to intergrate. You have a situation where it's becoming two Americas. One Latino and Spanish Speaking, the other is English speaking Anglo/African/other.

I've said it before, American black women might be getting with Latino men in increasing numbers, due to their unique situation.

As far as China, I'm not really seeing it. You see they don't market their culture to other people---they copy.
Among other things

Just as Voice of Doom said, it's marketing and who wins out? Well, white women of course. They are the new white man.
They run things. They are the standard of beauty, and they are graduating from college and grad school and law school at higher rates than white men. They will portray their men as bumbling idiots, the black man as the cool stud...but let something happen to them, and they expect the knights in shining armor to come to their rescue.
Y'all have been had. We have been had.

Society has made it's mission as a war on men. And what you see here, is one of the results.

Very astute observations.
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Oly15 on September 03, 2013, 10:28:41 AM

More people coming from broken homes and poor upbringings.  Low self-confidence or lacking pride in themselves and family. Obesity and poor genetics running rampant.  I've never met a mudshark that I would personally date, or that friends of mine would consider dating.  Not because they date black people, but because they're rough looking or mentally deficient/off balance.  Have at it Wiggs, Andre...  8)

I believe black people only account for 13% of our population, so eventually they'll be bred out and crime rates will plummet.  

Solid post as usual. Carry on
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: G_Thang on September 03, 2013, 10:33:45 AM
yep, the problem with Latino men, are the ones not mixed with black or white. Meaning there is a PR problem, everybody assumes Latino means Mexican, and assumes "Mexican" means "illegal". Combine that with the language barrier and that many Latinos refuse to intergrate. You have a situation where it's becoming two Americas. One Latino and Spanish Speaking, the other is English speaking Anglo/African/other.

I've said it before, American black women might be getting with Latino men in increasing numbers, due to their unique situation.

As far as China, I'm not really seeing it. You see they don't market their culture to other people---they copy.
Among other things

Just as Voice of Doom said, it's marketing and who wins out? Well, white women of course. They are the new white man.
They run things. They are the standard of beauty, and they are graduating from college and grad school and law school at higher rates than white men. They will portray their men as bumbling idiots, the black man as the cool stud...but let something happen to them, and they expect the knights in shining armor to come to their rescue.
Y'all have been had. We have been had.

Society has made it's mission as a war on men. And what you see here, is one of the results.

i don't know how you maintain the energy over the years to post like this kind of content on getbig anymore.  i've found it to be more effective just to post a tranny and go about my business.  anyway, keep up the good work in the knuckleheaded anti-black racist threads.
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Oly15 on September 03, 2013, 05:11:20 PM

i like how the one drop rule doesn't apply in the 21st century unless you are walking through a white neighborhood with a hoodie.

No. the one drop rule applies and always has applied. You can stop with your sarcasm the only reason those girls you posted are good looking is because of the white in them
Title: Re: Black NFL Players -- White Women?
Post by: Andy Griffin on September 03, 2013, 05:59:05 PM
feminism has made its mission as a war on men. and what you see here is the pendulum swinging heavily to their side as a result of the oppression of women,like white guilt its such an over reaction its blatant at this point 

schools are taught predominately by women,the curriculum is biased towards girls and boys are overlooked and seen as problems,again thank feminism

no worries

women have shown time and time again, that they really lack the physical, intellectual, emotional, or moral strength it takes to be true leaders or achievers