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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: RRR on September 13, 2013, 06:13:24 PM

Title: once you got lean what is your plan to add size?
Post by: RRR on September 13, 2013, 06:13:24 PM
Let's say you've been dieting on medium amount of test and under 2k calories.
Now you are 6-7% body fat with a bit of water.
You gain fat very easily on a bulk, even on steroids and eating clean.

You have access to pretty much anything but not quite the budget to run hgh.

What is your plan to get big and stay in the single digits body fat % wise?

Title: Re: once you got lean what is your plan to add size?
Post by: a_ahmed on September 13, 2013, 06:26:02 PM
Natural fat guy here too, I did get shredded in summer, but here I am bulking and unfortunately no longer single digit... totally sucks  :'(
Title: Re: once you got lean what is your plan to add size?
Post by: dj181 on September 14, 2013, 06:38:44 AM
you continue the same way with one cheat meal weekly or so, or youll soon be a bloated mess again.

wtf is it with ppl who cant wait to overeat again.

wrong sport if thats the mindset

they lack mental toughness
Title: Re: once you got lean what is your plan to add size?
Post by: Borracho on September 14, 2013, 07:24:53 AM
Let's say you've been dieting on medium amount of test and under 2k calories.
Now you are 6-7% body fat with a bit of water.
You gain fat very easily on a bulk, even on steroids and eating clean.

You have access to pretty much anything but not quite the budget to run hgh.

What is your plan to get big and stay in the single digits body fat % wise?

You've dieted and now you see the amount of muscle you really have after all the water and fat are gone. So you're not satisfied, feel "small" and you wanna put on some weight back on. This is where the delusions start up again and people start eating too much putting on "size".... pretty much the fat and water that took you so much time and effort to lose in the first place. And you go back and forth between "cutting and bulking"....what a waste of time!

First you have to know how certain foods/macro nutrients affect you and avoid whatever turns you into shit quick. More protein has always worked for me and carbs turn me into the pillsbury doughboy gear or not. I prefer to get extra calories from fats instead of carbs when trying to gain.

I do believe you have to overeat somewhat but the quantities suggested on the forums are grossly exaggerated. The gear, protein, and training will provide the growth. If you're a normal human being you will put on a bit of fat, I think it's inevitable but you want weight to come slow. Don't be a moron and try to gain as much as possible by stuffing your face and checking the scale everyday to make sure it's going up.
Title: Re: once you got lean what is your plan to add size?
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on September 14, 2013, 09:22:35 AM
you continue the same way with one cheat meal weekly or so, or youll soon be a bloated mess again.


There is NO magic forumula. Do some Low intensity Caro daily. Cheat once a week or twice even so long as it doesn't make you fat. Most importantly, just keep plugging away at it. Hard workouts, solid clean diet, and months and years of training and you'll continue to grow. This is the place where Bodybuilders/gym rats should be year round, none of this yo-yo nonsense.

 In my experience, I can get away with a TON for food if I'm maintaining vs trying to drop. So stay disciplined and enjoy your cheat foods once a week.
Title: Re: once you got lean what is your plan to add size?
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on September 14, 2013, 11:34:44 AM
exactly,as chiro said, theres no trick, expect knowing exactly when you can get away with what for maintenance, if one is no complete dubass, he can get away with plenty bad foods for maintenance.

but the mindset of "soon the diet is over" is the total wrong approach, doomed to failure, doomed for fatsoness soon again.

the diet is never over, or you wont be lean.

you can absolutely forget about eating like normal person even 2-3 days a week, or having little bit extra treat with half your meals, can forget that, that will not work.

1 or 2 cheat meals weekly and thats it, thats for maintenance, if one needs more than that, hes in wrong sport, delusional, or wont be lean, or all of the 3.

as borracho said, the growth comes from consistency,training, protein and gear.nothing else.
carbs are mere fuel and should be seen as such, bodyfat is another fuel, if you have enough bodyfat, you dont need carbs for fuel, despite lazy dieters wanna make reality beliefs.

when some 12% guy says he "needs" carbs for training, i could endlessly bang my head into a wall, its almost as stupid as 15% guy asking if its god to use bit diuretics to get rid of some water.

i have found something with "noone" that works and can easy maintain year round 5-6% bodyfat,while getting away with big binges at times, but that approach is still not based on eating, its based on getting away with things at the right moment.

i know exactly how to do it and the results speak for themselves, all other approaches, like getting bit looser on diet in general at all times will fail, make yourself no delusions on that.

diet mindset at all times, regarding food as fuel mostly, or be 10% + waterlogged mess.

The key to success:

"the diet is never over!"


Title: Re: once you got lean what is your plan to add size?
Post by: dj181 on September 14, 2013, 11:55:14 AM
just polished off 2 quarter pounders with cheese 2 large fries and 2 large cokes and i'm still sitting @ sub-7 8)

my daily cal intake is around 2500 cals i'd say and i have zero starvation days, so i thank the Good Lord for my ripped genetics 8)
Title: Re: once you got lean what is your plan to add size?
Post by: RRR on September 14, 2013, 07:09:17 PM
Thanks for taking the time to answer everyone. I get the eat fuck all idea. That is how I got lean. I was eating less than my girlfriend most days.

Does everybody think the "cheat meals on week end" then back to the grind strategy is superior to the old common sense "eat 500 extra kcal a day"?

Cheat meal was yesterday and I gained about 2 kg on the scale, not much water under skin, more visible veins and fuller.
Title: Re: once you got lean what is your plan to add size?
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on September 14, 2013, 07:19:50 PM
Thanks for taking the time to answer everyone. I get the eat fuck all idea. That is how I got lean. I was eating less than my girlfriend most days.

Does everybody think the "cheat meals on week end" then back to the grind strategy is superior to the old common sense "eat 500 extra kcal a day"?

Cheat meal was yesterday and I gained about 2 kg on the scale, not much water under skin, more visible veins and fuller.

I'm more moderate in my approach. I just maintain through the week, then have a big cheat meal twice a week. This keeps me barely single digits which I'm ok with. Basically I'm always a little hungry, but not dying. I suffer very minimally for 3 days then eat some good food.

Unsure of maintaining at <6% since I've never maintained that conditioning year round.
Title: Re: once you got lean what is your plan to add size?
Post by: dj181 on September 14, 2013, 11:44:36 PM
it's very easy to stay very lean ie. 6-7% as long as you don't overeat and stay relatively active

i guess me going to the whorehouse twice a week and fucking 4 or 5 times a night helps with the active lifestyle ;D ;D ;D

dbol is supposed to make the sex drive drop right? lol
Title: Re: once you got lean what is your plan to add size?
Post by: RRR on September 15, 2013, 03:17:25 AM
it's very easy to stay very lean ie. 6-7% as long as you don't overeat and stay relatively active

i guess me going to the whorehouse twice a week and fucking 4 or 5 times a night helps with the active lifestyle ;D ;D ;D

I live in Thailand so there is quite a bit of extra cardio going on but it doesn't seem to help me much in the leaness department.
Title: Re: once you got lean what is your plan to add size?
Post by: dj181 on September 15, 2013, 03:45:39 AM
I live in Thailand so there is quite a bit of extra cardio going on but it doesn't seem to help me much in the leaness department.

so maybe it is true that diet (basically watching calories and not over-eating) destroys cardio as far as getting ripped is concerned