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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: stavios on October 23, 2013, 08:07:51 AM

Title: People who roid up
Post by: stavios on October 23, 2013, 08:07:51 AM
Would you still train when you stop roids ??

I sure has hell won't train for the looks when I stop using, probably won't even lift and just start training for boxing or something like that.

or I would simply train for strenght without giving a shit what I look like but I see absolutely no point in bodybuilding natural

what about you guys
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Knooger on October 23, 2013, 08:09:33 AM
If you ever turn straight, women like the swimmer look.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Borracho on October 23, 2013, 08:11:47 AM
I'd probably take up another hobby.

But if for some reason I chose to continue training I would join another gym  ;D
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: hrspwr1 on October 23, 2013, 08:18:58 AM
If you ever turn straight, women like the swimmer look.

 not all of em. just like I prefer a woman with curves over skinny girls.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: BigCyp on October 23, 2013, 08:21:07 AM
I'd probably take up another hobby.

But if for some reason I chose to continue training I would join another gym  ;D

Hahaha word.

"What happened bro, you been ill or something"?

"Umm yep, had a triple bypass - just trying to 'get back into it'"
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: dustin on October 23, 2013, 08:42:57 AM
Yep. I came off and it sucked. But I'd rather go to the gym small than to disappear for 6-12 months and show up a year later, still small.

If I had to come off entirely I'd try getting in super good shape first. I was going to go off completely to donate my kidney to my stepdad due to his cancer so I was actually prepping my body for that anyway. Life goes on.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on October 23, 2013, 08:49:51 AM
I will always train, no matter what. The lure of the thong is a powerful force which I will forever be a slave to.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: the trainer on October 23, 2013, 08:51:33 AM
If you have being training for a long time and you are taking a break from steroids might as well take a break from training too and give your joints a rest, when you go back on you will blow up like nitro.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: anabolichalo on October 23, 2013, 08:53:20 AM
i trained over 10 years naturally

then went on roids for 12 weeks

and when i went off i couldnt last over 2 weeks before i said fuck it and stopped hitting the gym

some weeks later went back on

natural training is my worst nightmare now
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: The Italian Lifter on October 23, 2013, 08:53:29 AM
it sucks to be an old, fat  fart
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: The Wizard of Truth on October 23, 2013, 08:59:49 AM
When im 40 I will go back playing soccer, drop the weights to 2-3times per week and drop the gear
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Borracho on October 23, 2013, 09:08:46 AM

Hahaha word.

"What happened bro, you been ill or something"?

"Umm yep, had a triple bypass - just trying to 'get back into it'"


In my head, I can delude myself into thinking I still look good but the fact that you're regressing and people are more likely to go out of their way to tell ylls are very demotivating.  

This another reason why I don't intend on going high in doses in order to avoid a bigger crash.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: anabolichalo on October 23, 2013, 09:11:06 AM

In my head, I can delude myself into thinking I still look good but the fact that you're regressing and people are more likely to go out of their way to tell ylls are very demotivating.  

This another reason why I don't intend on going high in doses in order to avoid a bigger crash.
you only live once

getbig while you can
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Borracho on October 23, 2013, 09:16:00 AM
you only live once

getbig while you can

I was afraid when I started using how far I would take it but I realized bigger won't make me any happier. I imagine quite the opposite to be more likely...more health risks, less hair, ugly skin, more stares from men will make me very unhappy.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: anabolichalo on October 23, 2013, 09:18:59 AM
I was afraid when I started using how far I would take it but I realized bigger won't make me any happier. I imagine quite the opposite to be more likely...more health risks, less hair, ugly skin, more stares from men will make me very unhappy.
if you only take test and take finasteride hairloss wont be aggravated by test ?

i take 5 mg finasteride for good measure

hoping for the best
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Borracho on October 23, 2013, 09:20:24 AM
if you only take test and take finasteride hairloss wont be aggravated by test ?

i take 5 mg finasteride for good measure

hoping for the best

I will keep your hair in my prayers.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: anabolichalo on October 23, 2013, 09:20:54 AM
I will keep your hair in my prayers.
:-\ me too
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: JasonH on October 23, 2013, 09:29:33 AM
I stopped in April 2009. Haven't gone back since and haven't wanted to. Went completely cold turkey - no PCT or anything and the first six months of training after that time was nothing more than damage limitation. However, I recovered and recently (in the last 12-18 months or so) I've been making good gains and I'm nearly as strong now off gear than I was when I was on. It's only taken four and a half years to catch up but it's been worth it, shows it can be done if you work at it. Size-wise I'm still not as big as I was when on, but I'm maybe about 10lbs out and I'm leaner now too so arguably I'm probably better than I was when on gear pound-for-pound.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Dago_Joe on October 23, 2013, 09:37:19 AM
No way would I train like I do now without gear.  Not even close to it.  I would probably just try to stay cardio fit since roughly 100% of the men in my family died of heart disease.  Lifting after using gear for a long time without it is not even an option for me.  It would be totally half assed and would get me no where, just like the 10 years I spent lifting naturally did before that.  Total waste of time.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: gym**rat on October 23, 2013, 09:49:49 AM
What about the question of would you still use if you quit lifting. Due to multiple major back surgeries I have quit lifting for a few years. I was already on HRT but I do twice the dose, which is 1ml 2x a week. I don't think I will ever come off. When I do come off for 6-8 weeks for yearly blood work so my levels will be low I miss it like crazy. The energy, and the euphoric feeling I get from test.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: LittleJ on October 23, 2013, 09:54:34 AM
Would you still jack off if your dick got cut off?
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Grape Ape on October 23, 2013, 10:03:06 AM
There was a study showing increased test levels not only elmininating finesteride's ability to inhibit the chemical 5-alpha reductase, but possibly having a synergistic inverse effect.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: dan18 on October 23, 2013, 10:04:02 AM
Would you still jack off if your dick got cut off?
um how could you if it were cut off.or do you like to jack other men off
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: dan18 on October 23, 2013, 10:05:07 AM
There was a study showing increased test levels not only elmininating finesteride's ability to inhibit the chemical 5-alpha reductase, but possibly having a synergistic inverse effect.

theres always palumboism
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Kim Jong Bob on October 23, 2013, 10:05:20 AM
Have to be honest and say probably not. The thing is i dont think its thst funny to go to the gym on roids, off it would suck much more. Not that i hate to go to the gym or so but its not like it was before. I just like to look good.  I would probably take up running  o
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Mr Nobody on October 23, 2013, 10:13:27 AM
Have to be honest and say probably not. The thing is i dont think its thst funny to go to the gym on roids, off it would suck much more. Not that i hate to go to the gym or so but its not like it was before. I just like to look good.  I would probably take up running  o

To hell with a gym, they just take your money then pack up in the middle of the night and leave. Just call a couple of girls over and have them sit one on each end of the bar and have threesome later done deal.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Kim Jong Bob on October 23, 2013, 11:02:48 AM
To hell with a gym, they just take your money then pack up in the middle of the night and leave. Just call a couple of girls over and have them sit one on each end of the bar and have threesome later done deal.
lol i like that idea
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: leadhead on October 23, 2013, 11:10:24 AM
I've been off for 6 years or more now. I still workout but it's much more infrequent than I use to be while on a d the weights/volume/mindset has suffered from being off. I basically workout now so I don't become fat.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: anabolichalo on October 23, 2013, 11:36:03 AM
There was a study showing increased test levels not only elmininating finesteride's ability to inhibit the chemical 5-alpha reductase, but possibly having a synergistic inverse effect.

:( ??? what study?

and if that is true why is my libido close to zero on 500mg of test?
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: thebrink on October 23, 2013, 11:47:41 AM
if you have a good base then there is a point but if you are absolutely nothing without the roids then why would one even bother.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: a_pupil on October 23, 2013, 12:07:27 PM
would just try to maintain a bodyfat of 10-12% and let the mass fall to where the body wants it.

full body weights 2-3 times a week and soccer for the health benefits.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: ESFitness on October 23, 2013, 12:07:57 PM
Would you still train when you stop roids ??

I sure has hell won't train for the looks when I stop using, probably won't even lift and just start training for boxing or something like that.

or I would simply train for strenght without giving a shit what I look like but I see absolutely no point in bodybuilding natural

what about you guys

what is this "stop roids" you speak of? lol
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: AlphaMaleDawg on October 23, 2013, 12:56:17 PM
Would you still train when you stop roids ??

I sure has hell won't train for the looks when I stop using, probably won't even lift and just start training for boxing or something like that.

or I would simply train for strenght without giving a shit what I look like but I see absolutely no point in bodybuilding natural

what about you guys

Yes, but I'd be way more anal about diet and having as low bodyfat as humanly possible at all times. I kind of feel that way now cruising on trt
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: g.m on October 23, 2013, 05:53:14 PM
glad i wont have to worry about any of that since i dont waist my time on that crap..i do laugh at roiders when they are off the stuff though looking all soft and weak and covered up from head to toe in baggy ass clothes hoping nobody 40 i have enough size that people ask if im juiced up so i must be doing something when most juicers will be tapering off the crap and looking like shit as they get older ill still be laughing
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Borracho on October 23, 2013, 06:01:10 PM
glad i wont have to worry about any of that since i dont waist my time on that crap..i do laugh at roiders when they are off the stuff though looking all soft and weak and covered up from head to toe in baggy ass clothes hoping nobody 40 i have enough size that people ask if im juiced up so i must be doing something when most juicers will be tapering off the crap and looking like shit as they get older ill still be laughing

Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Borracho on October 23, 2013, 06:15:39 PM
What about the question of would you still use if you quit lifting. Due to multiple major back surgeries I have quit lifting for a few years. I was already on HRT but I do twice the dose, which is 1ml 2x a week. I don't think I will ever come off. When I do come off for 6-8 weeks for yearly blood work so my levels will be low I miss it like crazy. The energy, and the euphoric feeling I get from test.

I will use regardless of training when older but test and gh only no orals, tren, masteron, etc lol
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: The Revelation on October 23, 2013, 06:21:48 PM

if your using anabolics at some point the body going to need 'down' time.

training hard and pounding your body and using anabolics to enable recovery is like putting turbo charger on the motor and running it at redline all the time.

the key is to recognise when your body needs a break because there will come a time your body will be like 'ok, thats enough'.

the guys who recognise this go off, give their body the break it needs for however long it needs, and goes back on when its ready to go back on.

the guys who dont listen to their bodies up the dose, usually end up with injury or burn out.

when your 'off' that turbo charger is gone. recovery time is severely hampered. ability to perform work is lessened. you are not superhuman anymore.

so recognise this and adapt accordingly. dont train if you gotta drag yourself to the gym, be tighter with your diet, etc. your body will pay it back when you go back on.

Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: The Revelation on October 23, 2013, 06:33:48 PM
I will use regardless of training when older but test and gh only no orals, tren, masteron, etc lol

thats all you need bro.

if your bf is low enough you'll look as impressive and hold as much size on those two compounds than guys running all the hardeners. might even look better actually. the hardeners when really lean give a really grainy unattractive look more suited to the stage than irl
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: jude2 on October 23, 2013, 06:36:38 PM
if you have a good base then there is a point but if you are absolutely nothing without the roids then why would one even bother.
Good point.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: thebrink on October 23, 2013, 08:48:01 PM
Good point.

only train heavy when off ped`s or else u disappear!
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: ESFitness on October 23, 2013, 09:03:23 PM
i'll be on test for the rest of my life, that's a given.

after I 'retire' from training, i'll probably just use 200 test and 200 deca per week, maybe with 5iu gh/day. zero orals probably (except Viagra, Levitra, and 25mcg t4, maybe captopril,)

train nothing but arms with machine preachers, overhead extentions, and lateral raises with 10lb plates... train back with chins and pulldowns with elbows to the front... chest with decline bench press.... and shit, that's probably IT! probably 25mins, 2-3 days a week at most.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Coach is Back! on October 23, 2013, 09:40:24 PM
When im 40 I will go back playing soccer, drop the weights to 2-3times per week and drop the gear

You'll need them more after me. Low dose works wonders.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: LittleJ on October 24, 2013, 03:24:51 AM
You'll need them more after me. Low dose works wonders.

Coach, what's your favorite cycle?
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Mr Anabolic on October 24, 2013, 04:08:08 AM
Summer cycles are so obvious.

As the cold weather sets in, many members in my gym that were big during the summer are all shrinking before my eyes.

Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Croatch on October 24, 2013, 04:19:53 AM
Would you still train when you stop roids ??

I sure has hell won't train for the looks when I stop using, probably won't even lift and just start training for boxing or something like that.

or I would simply train for strenght without giving a shit what I look like but I see absolutely no point in bodybuilding natural

what about you guys
Typical modern day most at any Golds Gym are.  Just a sea of wannabes, needing drugs to fool themselves into thinking they achieved something.  Same guys who work on the "mind muscle" connection, while checking their cell phone for the newest text.
I enjoyed training more 15 years ago, when peoples answer to getting better, wasn't the new drug they will be taking, but training harder, dialing in the diet, know...real shit.
Same goes for breast implants...more delusional people in gyms today than ever....many reside here, I'm sure.
Toughen up pussies ;)
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: MikMaq on October 24, 2013, 05:54:54 AM
I wouldn't train now to look good, so why the fuck would I get on gear?
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 24, 2013, 06:23:07 AM
I've been around the game for a long time. I have seen guys do the steroid game cycling for decades but eventually they all come off. It could be finances, health or even criminal arrest.

They all look like they never worked out in their life when the give up steroids for good. Maybe their endocrine system is just so messed up. A couple have said lifting weights without steroids is a waste of time. This is sad.

Personally I don't know how you could be proud of your physique when you know that without the syringe or pills you would look like crap.  Lift weights and do cardio naturally. You will be in great shape, healthy and at least you can maintain a decent shape year round unlike the users that look incredible for 6 weeks then lose it quickly when they go off for a couple of months. You also won't have those mental roller coaster rides of feeling great on steroids and then feeling like crap as the drugs leave your system.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Borracho on October 24, 2013, 07:39:28 AM
the users that look incredible for 6 weeks then lose it quickly when they go off for a couple of months.

But boy do you ever sound bitter in all your posts about those measly 6 weeks.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: galeniko on October 24, 2013, 08:10:05 AM
glad i wont have to worry about any of that since i dont waist my time on that crap..i do laugh at roiders when they are off the stuff though looking all soft and weak and covered up from head to toe in baggy ass clothes hoping nobody 40 i have enough size that people ask if im juiced up so i must be doing something when most juicers will be tapering off the crap and looking like shit as they get older ill still be laughing
well, to the avergae retard schmoe out there, under clothing they often confuse a bulky mess of fat and water with "muscle",im afraid you suffer from the same loss of reality.

its like women who cant tell apart if a car is an audi or a bmw.

in layman terms, you arent impressing anyone, homo.

show the world your pics, lets see what ppl are impressed about ahahahahahahha.

Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: ProudVirgin69 on October 24, 2013, 08:22:58 AM
But boy do you ever sound bitter in all your posts about those measly 6 weeks.

Lol oldtimer sounds like his mom, aunt, sister, ex-wife AND girlfriend all got fucked by some juicehead
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: 240_Iz_Nutz on October 24, 2013, 08:26:01 AM
I think that it sucks to constantly be worried. This is especially true in smaller areas where you draw attention.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: g.m on October 24, 2013, 08:29:57 AM
well, to the avergae retard schmoe out there, under clothing they often confuse a bulky mess of fat and water with "muscle",im afraid you suffer from the same loss of reality.

its like women who cant tell apart if a car is an audi or a bmw.

in layman terms, you arent impressing anyone, homo.

show the world your pics, lets see what ppl are impressed about ahahahahahahha.
.......... ;D did my comments hurt your feelings? you feel like they were directed towards you? looks like you sure think they were..speaking of posting pics..i got one for you..why dont you get off your precious roids you depend on so much and then post a pic after being off that shit for 6  months. people like you aint about shit without that stuff. what do you really look like natural? come back and talk to me when your of that shit then ill take you serious .....(fucken douchebags posting pics all roided up but aint shit with out them  ;D)

Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: ProudVirgin69 on October 24, 2013, 08:32:02 AM

....... so that's a "no" on posting the picture?
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Borracho on October 24, 2013, 08:47:33 AM
Lol oldtimer sounds like his mom, aunt, sister, ex-wife AND girlfriend all got fucked by some juicehead

Must be pissed off about not getting in on the action bro.

Good to see gal back from the dead ...  8)
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: g.m on October 24, 2013, 08:52:44 AM
fucken losers on this site i swear ; does this work? i shoot up tons of roids and then post pics on this site and share them with other dudes? fucken fags. post pics of your natural selves ..the real you then ill gladly post pics. i stay laughing at people like you. there's a clown at my gym that is all up on all the females business trying to get with all of them,gives out tons of bogus advise to anyone who asks and is the life of the gym but once he's "off" he's mr. grouchy all covered up,30 pounds lighter and all of a sudden speaks to nobody..what a joke. ........lets see some natural pics fucken posers!
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Borracho on October 24, 2013, 09:32:28 AM
there's a clown at my gym that is all up on all the females business trying to get with all of them,gives out tons of bogus advise to anyone who asks and is the life of the gym but once he's "off" he's mr. grouchy all covered up,30 pounds lighter and all of a sudden speaks to nobody..what a joke. ........lets see some natural pics fucken posers!

Jeez I keep hearing about guys like this. Don't they know about blasting and cruising??

Tell him about this site bro we'll set him straight.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: galeniko on October 24, 2013, 09:39:42 AM
gm, not even reading your posts,im more into looking at pictures to judge.

look, clown, everybody knows how a natural looks at their very best, and that is still unimpressive.

prove the world wrong,bring it

haha@ "ppl tell me i look jacked" haha oh brother ::)

on construction site,the fatsos cheer and greet at eachothers, and tell their coworkers how they look jacked.

yet another picless "iron warrior" ::)
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Mr Nobody on October 24, 2013, 09:50:46 AM
Good to see Galenkio back need more videos.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: g.m on October 24, 2013, 10:10:48 AM
thats the problem with you think you have to be on some roids to feel like a man . really? gal..i get it , your into looking at pics of other men on roids..fucken weirdo ass clown. without that shit you aint nothing. you fags think your so much better than anybody else cause you shooting up roids? i've been training for a long ass time and have built a pretty decent looking physique without any of that shit you guys depend on so much..and yea people always ask if im on that stuff and im like no but ill take it as a compliment that you think i must be on that crap. get off your high horse you aint that special you fucken clown.. go shoot some of that man juice up your ass so you can feel like a man for another week or two. weak minded men all around this site..scared shitless of the thought of a world with out roids.............(in the meanwhile another getbigger is preparing to upload a few pics of his roided out "glutes" for you to judge..)
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Cleanest Natural on October 24, 2013, 10:12:53 AM
I have learned to enjoy it and be more relaxed in the gym. It is definetly a different style, rythm and frequency. But with a little knowledge and experience you can go a long way.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: 240_Iz_Nutz on October 24, 2013, 10:20:45 AM
Jeez I keep hearing about guys like this. Don't they know about blasting and cruising??

Tell him about this site bro we'll set him straight.

I don't even try to get big when I do use. You can't tell much difference in clothes. When I have gotten big, it was miserable.

But just using moderate stuff and getting cut, you feel awesome. I'd rather be 200 with a 31 inch waist then gain a ton of weight.

I don't see how some of these guys can take all the crap and stay upright.

Last summer I was on about a gram of test and looked filthy.

Walk down the street two blocks to get some food. Had a seizure and just fell down backwards and got thrown in the hospital.

Other times I have used much more and just felt awesome. It just depends on several things.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: dj181 on October 24, 2013, 10:27:07 AM
Jeez I keep hearing about guys like this. Don't they know about blasting and cruising??

Tell him about this site bro we'll set him straight.

 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Borracho on October 24, 2013, 10:54:45 AM
I don't even try to get big when I do use. You can't tell much difference in clothes. When I have gotten big, it was miserable.

But just using moderate stuff and getting cut, you feel awesome. I'd rather be 200 with a 31 inch waist then gain a ton of weight.

I don't see how some of these guys can take all the crap and stay upright.

Last summer I was on about a gram of test and looked filthy.

Walk down the street two blocks to get some food. Had a seizure and just fell down backwards and got thrown in the hospital.

Other times I have used much more and just felt awesome. It just depends on several things.

Low doses are great man, you get all the benefits with very minimal sides if any. I don't plan on using high doses but I'm not gonna sit here and hate on the ones that do cause it would make me look just as lame as the natural haters.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: local hero on October 24, 2013, 11:07:28 AM
ive had a few long brakes off in my years, longest off was 2 n half years, been off over a year so far currently..

the secret to coming off is to get ripped then taper off... keep your condition, dont ever look at the scale and eventualy you will settle at a weight , dont eat shit and try and keep your bodyweight..

you will probly be a little fatter than you set off, and definatly softer, but youl have abbs, decent sized physique, you wont look big in clothes tho..

how long you can stay like this depends on how important it is for you to remain the 'big guy', or can you be happy with a smaller much healthier version of your self
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Rudee on October 24, 2013, 12:04:08 PM
I only tried roids in high school back in the mid 80's.  Chris Benoit was our dealer for our high school football team back in Calgary at the time.   Him and another wrestler named Ben Bassarab would show up in his beat up car every two weeks in the back parking lot of our school, and money would be exchanged for oral steroids and bennies.  They were wrestling with Stampede Wrestling at the time in Calgary.  I was 15 or 16, and I was growing like a weed without the roids, but once we got the Dbol and Anadrol, I grew even larger.  I remember we used to have coveralls we had to wear for shop/auto mechanical class in high school, and I was growing so quickly, I couldn't fit into my coveralls.  I stopped the roids after a year and a half and kept most of the size, but did lose a bit.  Maybe 10 pounds lost.   Dbol was dirt cheap back then.    
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: njflex on October 24, 2013, 12:13:08 PM
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Dago_Joe on October 24, 2013, 12:28:52 PM
I only tried roids in high school back in the mid 80's.  Chris Benoit was our dealer for our high school football team back in Calgary at the time.   Him and another wrestler named Ben Bassarab would show up in his beat up car every two weeks in the back parking lot of our school, and money would be exchanged for oral steroids and bennies.  They were wrestling with Stampede Wrestling at the time in Calgary.  I was 15 or 16, and I was growing like a weed without the roids, but once we got the D-ball and Anadrol, I grew even larger.  I remember we used to have coveralls we had to wear for shop/auto mechanical class in high school, and I was growing so quickly, I couldn't fit into my coveralls.  I stopped the roids after a year and a half and kept most of the size, but did lose a bit.  Maybe 10 pounds lost.   Dboll was dirt cheap back then.   

For my money, Dbol is the best overall steroid.  Period.  Maybe tied with Test.  Never felt better than when i was on Dbol for the first time.  If I could stay on it forever,  I would. 
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: 240_Iz_Nutz on October 24, 2013, 12:41:05 PM
Low doses are great man, you get all the benefits with very minimal sides if any. I don't plan on using high doses but I'm not gonna sit here and hate on the ones that do cause it would make me look just as lame as the natural haters.

Which is cool. I have done tons of drol, d bol. winny, all kinds of injects, just about everything out there. But, I hate to take clen and T 3. Nasty stuff after a few days of flying high.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Natural Man on October 24, 2013, 12:58:13 PM
When you get older, nearing the 30s, your natural test production decrease. It's natural, normal. Hence your stamina, and will to perform physical tasks decreasing too. It is a natural process that is suposed to make you focus on family and kids, not on "lifting weights" and "flirting and banging for one night every single girl you can like a teen". Just because you can doenst mean you should. It s also often because you cant do anything else... because you dont have what it takes coming from a dysfunctional family yourself maybe.
 Hormones motivate these impulses.There s a need for brains at some to take control over the impulses and create good things with them. Only mature, spiritual people can.
 But fact is as an inteligent animal you re suposed to conquer your beloved one during your youth showing off your physical prowess and smarts, then settle with one and only one, take care of kids and that's about it. Wanting to stay on the top forever, wanting to be young, dominant, forever, is impossible and a seriously flawed understanding of our human lives. Also the dominance you can excerce on others is replaced by your dominance over your family -well, for some men-. As an intelligent animal your physical beauty and strenght, and your intelligence -ability to adapt to insure your survival- are nothing, can destroy you and others if you dont use them properly using spirituality, Faith.
 Among all models a man can follow, the christian family man one is the best, simply because it is also the only one that insure the survival of the specie. It'S the right track, the right middle ground. Look at all of those who didnt follow this model, how they end, or look at those who pretended to follow it, but didnt, only pretended to. They all fail in the end. One spermatozoid reach the egg. Many are called, but few are chosen. Life is binary. When you re old you think you can do everything, until you realize how complex life truly is and how hard it is to cultivate and preserve it.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: njflex on October 24, 2013, 01:08:40 PM
When you get older, nearing the 30s, your natural test production decrease. It's natural, normal. Hence your stamina, and will to perform physical tasks decreasing too. It is a natural process that is suposed to make you focus on family and kids, not on "lifting weights" and "flirting and banging for one night every single girl you can like a teen". Just because you can doenst mean you should. It s also often because you cant do anything else... because you dont have what it takes coming from a dysfunctional family yourself maybe.
 Hormones motivate these impulses. But fact is as an inteligent animal you re suposed to conquer your beloved one during your youth then settle with one and only one, take care of kids and that's about it. Wanting to stay on the top forever, wanting to be young, dominant, forever, is impossible and a seriously flawed understanding of our human lives. Also the dominance you can excerce on others is replaced by your dominance over your family -well, for some men-. As an intelligent animal your physical beauty and strenght, and your intelligence -ability to adapt to insure your survival- are nothing, can destroy you and others if you dont use them properly using spirituality, Faith.
 Among all models a man can follow, the christian family man one is the best, simply because it is also the only one that insure the survival of the specie. It'S the right track, the right middle ground. Look at all of those who didnt follow this model, how they end, or look at those who pretended to follow it, but didnt, only pretended to. They all fail in the end. One spermatozoid reach the egg. Many are called, but few are chosen. Life is binary. When you re old you think you can do everything, until you realize how complex life truly is and how hard it is to cultivate and preserve it.
EVERYBODY who has lifted a weight for vanity or strength has done or been in some form this model above and depending on your mindset or how you are as a person or how you adapt to change while still having your physical prowess never should waiver.having kids,going to church and still lifting and being in great shape like 20/30's while 40/50's is a great pursuit.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Natural Man on October 24, 2013, 01:10:53 PM
EVERYBODY who has lifted a weight for vanity or strength has done or been in some form this model above and depending on your mindset or how you are as a person or how you adapt to change while still having your physical prowess never should waiver.having kids,going to church and still lifting and being in great shape like 20/30's while 40/50's is a great pursuit.
yes, practicing any kind of physical activity all your life is benefiting to your health. Going extreme in any endeavour   reveals a lack of something in others areas of one's existence. We all started lifting to get bigger, improve ourselves, impress others which is fine but at some point you have to develop other skills and interests in life. Also what do most people do with their impressive muscles? not much to say the least. Inner strenght isnt just about muscle mass... how many big tough guys can be destroyed with one word or sentence by someone smaller. It's harder to mock someone who is fit AND smart, has a family and hobbies etc. Any sur adaptation, is detrimental to one's adaptation. Dinosaurs were big and tough, but so dumb they couldnt survive meteors. Survivors were smaller animals the survived in little rabbit holes or underwater. What remained of dinosaurs became birds. As a human being you have to adapt using different skills to dominate instead of being dominated. Just being one dimensional at some points reveals it s weakness. Maybe we humans , who are small and very, very smart, will also probably disapear if our intelligence makes us forget about what really matters in life; love.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Borracho on October 24, 2013, 01:12:43 PM
Definitely going against what nature intended of us uberman I can't argue with that.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: thebrink on October 24, 2013, 01:16:51 PM
Good to see Galenkio back need more videos.

Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: The Revelation on October 24, 2013, 01:18:55 PM
Low doses are great man, you get all the benefits with very minimal sides if any. I don't plan on using high doses but I'm not gonna sit here and hate on the ones that do cause it would make me look just as lame as the natural haters.

good post.

if only more people would follow this advise. theyd have better physiques.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: 240_Iz_Nutz on October 24, 2013, 01:19:51 PM
When you get older, nearing the 30s, your natural test production decrease. It's natural, normal. Hence your stamina, and will to perform physical tasks decreasing too. It is a natural process that is suposed to make you focus on family and kids, not on "lifting weights" and "flirting and banging for one night every single girl you can like a teen". Just because you can doenst mean you should. It s also often because you cant do anything else... because you dont have what it takes coming from a dysfunctional family yourself maybe.
 Hormones motivate these impulses. But fact is as an inteligent animal you re suposed to conquer your beloved one during your youth then settle with one and only one, take care of kids and that's about it. Wanting to stay on the top forever, wanting to be young, dominant, forever, is impossible and a seriously flawed understanding of our human lives. Also the dominance you can excerce on others is replaced by your dominance over your family -well, for some men-. As an intelligent animal your physical beauty and strenght, and your intelligence -ability to adapt to insure your survival- are nothing, can destroy you and others if you dont use them properly using spirituality, Faith.
 Among all models a man can follow, the christian family man one is the best, simply because it is also the only one that insure the survival of the specie. It'S the right track, the right middle ground. Look at all of those who didnt follow this model, how they end, or look at those who pretended to follow it, but didnt, only pretended to. They all fail in the end. One spermatozoid reach the egg. Many are called, but few are chosen. Life is binary. When you re old you think you can do everything, until you realize how complex life truly is and how hard it is to cultivate and preserve it.

You are always good for a laugh, I'll give you that,
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Natural Man on October 24, 2013, 01:20:42 PM
Low doses are great man, you get all the benefits with very minimal sides if any. I don't plan on using high doses but I'm not gonna sit here and hate on the ones that do cause it would make me look just as lame as the natural haters.
But...why not simply stay natural? Again why use pills or drugs alchohol to feel better in life, instead of reading the Bible?
You either take shortcuts or do it the right, genuinely natural way. Results arent the same in terms of quality in the end. Most people dont think long term thos, just short , immediate term, results.
Because they are dumb, weak, and most of the time, because they simply only care about themselves and not the others. Being smart is probably being able to see way way more in the future than others.

If you use steroids when you could stay natural, it's to cover mental insecurities. You could train naturally, it would be harder, longer, the results wouldnt be as fakishly impressive. Let's not forget steroids were mainly used initally to allow very sick, ill , wounded people to live a slightly better life, which anyway would be shitier and shorter than a normal healthy person's life.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Kim Jong Bob on October 24, 2013, 01:21:39 PM
gm, not even reading your posts,im more into looking at pictures to judge.

look, clown, everybody knows how a natural looks at their very best, and that is still unimpressive.

prove the world wrong,bring it

haha@ "ppl tell me i look jacked" haha oh brother ::)

on construction site,the fatsos cheer and greet at eachothers, and tell their coworkers how they look jacked.

yet another picless "iron warrior" ::)
lol old school gal post. welcome back and dont meltdown on us again like that  :D
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: thebrink on October 24, 2013, 01:23:33 PM
good post.

if only more people would follow this advise. theyd have better physiques.


low dose and hard work.

not other way around.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: 240_Iz_Nutz on October 24, 2013, 01:23:38 PM
good post.

if only more people would follow this advise. theyd have better physiques.

I would say like 75 mg of prop ED is perfect. It's when I dump another 500 mg of other shit in there that the problems MIGHT occur, but not every time.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: njflex on October 24, 2013, 01:24:44 PM
yes, practicing any kind of physical activity all your life is benefiting to your health. Going extreme in any endeavour   reveals a lack of something in others areas of one's existence. We all started lifting to get bigger, improve ourselves, impress others but at some point you have to develop other skills and interests in life. Inner strenght isnt just about muscle mass... how many big tough guys can be destroyed with one word or sentence by someone smaller. It's harder to mock someone who is fit AND smart, has a family and hobbies etc. Any sur adaptation, is detrimental to one's adaptation. Dinosaurs were big and tough, but so dumb they couldnt survive meteors. Survivors were smaller animals the survived in little rabbit holes or underwater. What remained of dinosaurs became birds. As a human being you have to adapt using different skills to dominate instead of being dominated. Just being one dimensional at some points reveals it s weakness.
UBERMAN,both quotes I read word for word what you wrote and it makes sense your point.i try to have that balance family,church,steady job.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Natural Man on October 24, 2013, 01:26:56 PM

low dose and hard work.

not other way around.

fixed. As soon as you feel the need to do steroids when it s not required, it's because something isnt right in your head. You are insecure and need "more" because otherwise you wouldnt be satisfied. Probably because you only want to impress others with your physique cause others areas of your life-intelligence- are lacking. A healthy man inspires respect with his words and his physique. Someone who can only use his physique to do the talking is going nowhere in the end. Or maybe wont do much other than doing physical stuff, being used by smarter people he will have to submit to.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: The Revelation on October 24, 2013, 01:39:50 PM
fixed. As soon as you feel the need to do steroids, it's because something isnt right in your head. You are insecure and need "more" because otherwise you wouldnt be satisfied. Probably because you only want to impress others with your physique cause others areas of your life-intelligence- are lacking. A healthy man inspires respect with his words and his physique. Someone who can only use his physique to do the talking is going nowhere in the end. Or maybe wont do much other than doing physical stuff, being used by smarter people he will have to submit to.

i get the feeling you feel you are intelligent-  even more so than most of the people you rebuttal. just a hunch.

if so you'll be intelligent to notice your argument only displays your own insecurities and shortcomings.

Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Earl1972 on October 24, 2013, 01:47:03 PM
I've been around the game for a long time. I have seen guys do the steroid game cycling for decades but eventually they all come off. It could be finances, health or even criminal arrest.

They all look like they never worked out in their life when the give up steroids for good. Maybe their endocrine system is just so messed up. A couple have said lifting weights without steroids is a waste of time. This is sad.

Personally I don't know how you could be proud of your physique when you know that without the syringe or pills you would look like crap.  Lift weights and do cardio naturally. You will be in great shape, healthy and at least you can maintain a decent shape year round unlike the users that look incredible for 6 weeks then lose it quickly when they go off for a couple of months. You also won't have those mental roller coaster rides of feeling great on steroids and then feeling like crap as the drugs leave your system.

you're that "straight" guy always hanging out in gay bars always telling people they don't understand how anybody could be gay

keep telling yourself this, even at your old age you some day may believe it

Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: _aj_ on October 24, 2013, 01:50:36 PM
lol old school gal post. welcome back and dont meltdown on us again like that  :D

LOL, you had to know that one of these retards was going to be too much for Gal to stay away from.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Natural Man on October 24, 2013, 01:50:42 PM

i get the feeling you feel you are intelligent-  even more so than most of the people you rebuttal. just a hunch.

if so you'll be intelligent to notice your argument only displays your own insecurities and shortcomings.

i am more intelligent -inteligent  in the sense i see more stuff faster than others- than most. Doesnt mean i dont have to submit to the same rules of life than everyone else and doesnt mean i dont need others. Im also good looking,  but smaller than others men, am decent at using words, but suck at maths...and i struggle to find hapiness just like everyone else, too, and need spiritual guidance to do so and do good with my body and mind. Not sure to understand your point.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Kim Jong Bob on October 24, 2013, 01:51:52 PM
LOL, you had to know that one of these retards was going to be too much for Gal to stay away from.
haha YES!!!
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: 240_Iz_Nutz on October 24, 2013, 01:52:14 PM
you're that "straight" guy always hanging out in gay bars always telling people they don't understand how anybody could be gay

keep telling yourself this, even at your old age you some day may believe it


They are just full of shit. 50 ml of test isn't going to get you to a 600 lb DL or squat. If you aren't doing 400 for reps in high school, no reason to start.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: thebrink on October 24, 2013, 02:11:00 PM
fixed. As soon as you feel the need to do steroids when it s not required, it's because something isnt right in your head. You are insecure and need "more" because otherwise you wouldnt be satisfied. Probably because you only want to impress others with your physique cause others areas of your life-intelligence- are lacking. A healthy man inspires respect with his words and his physique. Someone who can only use his physique to do the talking is going nowhere in the end. Or maybe wont do much other than doing physical stuff, being used by smarter people he will have to submit to.

you are "morally right" but at this point in life with the world we live in whats the advantage of being morally right over everyone else concerning something like this? you are a walking contradiction.

You are on a BODYBUILDING site, bbings only purpose is to impress other people otherwise it wouldn't exist. Gorillas impress other gorillas , like it or not you are not any different. By putting clean pants and a shirt on when u go out and being conscience on how you look, you're exhibiting same characteristics as a steroid user  ;)

btw your concept of morality is a very interesting characteristic.

Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Mr Nobody on October 24, 2013, 02:12:22 PM
lol old school gal post. welcome back and dont meltdown on us again like that  :D
I can tell this is Gal by the english now we got Mensa and Gal taking down the Anderson brothers tag team. Beating the piss out of people left and right.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: dj181 on October 24, 2013, 02:29:48 PM
I can tell this is Gal by the english now we got Mensa and Gal taking down the Anderson brothers tag team. Beating the piss out of people left and right.

so which one is sitting @ sub-7 ???
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Kim Jong Bob on October 24, 2013, 02:37:18 PM
I can tell this is Gal by the english now we got Mensa and Gal taking down the Anderson brothers tag team. Beating the piss out of people left and right.

Dj: the one that deletes his post once every 3rd month  ;D
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Mr Nobody on October 24, 2013, 02:39:34 PM
so which one is sitting @ sub-7 ???
I say Gal never seen any pics of Mensa but seems a man of his word. The real question is who is on the Hunt for Red October. Wiggs quit posting or I would ask him.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Kim Jong Bob on October 24, 2013, 02:39:51 PM
you are "morally right" but at this point in life with the world we live in whats the advantage of being morally right over everyone else concerning something like this? you are a walking contradiction.

You are on a BODYBUILDING site, bbings only purpose is to impress other people otherwise it wouldn't exist. Gorillas impress other gorillas , like it or not you are not any different. By putting clean pants and a shirt on when u go out and being conscience on how you look, you're exhibiting same characteristics as a steroid user  ;)

btw your concept of morality is a very interesting characteristic.

thats a guy who say to his wife that he will kill her and himself if she ends there relationship so yeshis concept of morality is very characteristic
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Kim Jong Bob on October 24, 2013, 02:48:17 PM
I say Gal never seen any pics of Mensa but seems a man of his word. The real question is who is on the Hunt for Red October. Wiggs quit posting or I would ask him.

Well its not me im fat like 15% bf  now. Im the only getbigger without visible abs =(
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Borracho on October 24, 2013, 02:54:20 PM
But...why not simply stay natural? Again why use pills or drugs alchohol to feel better in life, instead of reading the Bible?
You either take shortcuts or do it the right, genuinely natural way. Results arent the same in terms of quality in the end. Most people dont think long term thos, just short , immediate term, results.
Because they are dumb, weak, and most of the time, because they simply only care about themselves and not the others. Being smart is probably being able to see way way more in the future than others.

If you use steroids when you could stay natural, it's to cover mental insecurities. You could train naturally, it would be harder, longer, the results wouldnt be as fakishly impressive. Let's not forget steroids were mainly used initally to allow very sick, ill , wounded people to live a slightly better life, which anyway would be shitier and shorter than a normal healthy person's life.


I like you uberman I don't care what people say.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Kim Jong Bob on October 24, 2013, 03:00:42 PM

I like you uberman I don't care what people say.

holy shit i missed that , brilliant  ;D
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: The Grim Lifter on October 24, 2013, 03:03:34 PM
I've been around the game for a long time. I have seen guys do the steroid game cycling for decades but eventually they all come off. It could be finances, health or even criminal arrest.

They all look like they never worked out in their life when the give up steroids for good. Maybe their endocrine system is just so messed up. A couple have said lifting weights without steroids is a waste of time. This is sad.

Personally I don't know how you could be proud of your physique when you know that without the syringe or pills you would look like crap.  Lift weights and do cardio naturally. You will be in great shape, healthy and at least you can maintain a decent shape year round unlike the users that look incredible for 6 weeks then lose it quickly when they go off for a couple of months. You also won't have those mental roller coaster rides of feeling great on steroids and then feeling like crap as the drugs leave your system.

Not everyone is like this, just the ones you hate. Some of us juiced until we built as much muscle as we could naturally and then juiced, and came off because i didn't want to compete anymore. Still hold the muscle, still hold the condition (better with more years). The ones you are referring to arn't true bodybuilders. You will not change much when you clean out if you keep doing the right things.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: dj181 on October 24, 2013, 03:11:23 PM

Well its not me im fat like 15% bf  now. Im the only getbigger without visible abs =(

you're not that fat dude, i'd put you @ bout 10-12%
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: randy841 on October 24, 2013, 03:49:17 PM
glad i wont have to worry about any of that since i dont waist my time on that crap..i do laugh at roiders when they are off the stuff though looking all soft and weak and covered up from head to toe in baggy ass clothes hoping nobody 40 i have enough size that people ask if im juiced up so i must be doing something when most juicers will be tapering off the crap and looking like shit as they get older ill still be laughing


You hate on juicers, yet play the size game - to impress who?

How often are you confused for a whale and put back into the ocean by mistake?

Does your wife have recourse for aforementioned events relating to ocean matters?

Does your house insurance policy cover the typical costs of putting you back into the house after being taken away from time to time?
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: galeniko on October 24, 2013, 04:05:43 PM
when you come off gear, make sure to stay as lean as possible.

if you dont, you will brutaly regret that.

but its stupid topic anyway, going off is when you die.

or run out of money,or total lack of motivation.or having a break.

now for naturals, theyre "gm" has stated, there will be satisfaction, can play the size game,and uneducated alcoholic morons in the local pub gonna tell you you look jacked in clothes haha.

but gear users who come off, they best find a new hobby,enjoy the life,be a fatso skinny guy, be average.

so yeah,in conclusion:

if you come off gear and plan to go on again, make sure to be shredded as possible while off(thats all you can do),and dont mind the scale,or measurement,or lifts,they will be discouraging numbers.

if you dont plan to go on again, find new hobby, you will be estrogenic mess for the rest of life and the test production will never ever fully recover.

no pain,no gain.

if you cant flex it,dont carry it.

galeniko approved
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: galeniko on October 24, 2013, 07:09:32 PM
i ahve little adding to make.

theres the beyond help naturals, case in point,the member "gm"(i know whitout seeing pic that hes not ready to grac the cover of neither muscle and fitness nor even fhm), and theres the little bit less deluded,they seem somewhat normal because the former kind is so batshit insane.

so before natural thinks if he only jumps on juice all will be good, he becomes like galeniko in no time.


with the general diet most ppl have, and the idea what ped will give them for gains, the poutcome will be disapointing.

heres what gonna happen if you eat wrong and too little:nothing , bit spotty face maybe.

heres if you eat too much:bloating,acne,cswioslosis.

its harder than they think, and the key is simply consistency over long time and diet.

with drugs, the body utilises the food much better, as long its the right fod and the proper amount.

hope this helps to crush some delusional wishful fantasies :D
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on October 24, 2013, 11:27:30 PM

i get the feeling you feel you are intelligent-  even more so than most of the people you rebuttal. just a hunch.

if so you'll be intelligent to notice your argument only displays your own insecurities and shortcomings.

Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on October 24, 2013, 11:30:01 PM
i ahve little adding to make.

theres the beyond help naturals, case in point,the member "gm"(i know whitout seeing pic that hes not ready to grac the cover of neither muscle and fitness nor even fhm), and theres the little bit less deluded,they seem somewhat normal because the former kind is so batshit insane.

so before natural thinks if he only jumps on juice all will be good, he becomes like galeniko in no time.


with the general diet most ppl have, and the idea what ped will give them for gains, the poutcome will be disapointing.

heres what gonna happen if you eat wrong and too little:nothing , bit spotty face maybe.

heres if you eat too much:bloating,acne,cswioslosis.

its harder than they think, and the key is simply consistency over long time and diet.

with drugs, the body utilises the food much better, as long its the right fod and the proper amount.

hope this helps to crush some delusional wishful fantasies :D

Hot damn it's good to see you back here bro 8)
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: cephissus on October 24, 2013, 11:35:04 PM
Hot damn it's good to see you back here bro 8)

x2 wish he wouldn't have brought his gimmick "no one" along with tho

Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: syntaxmachine on October 25, 2013, 01:42:20 AM
i am more intelligent -inteligent  in the sense i see more stuff faster than others- than most.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: g.m on October 25, 2013, 07:53:18 AM
post some pics of you all natural galeniko..lets see the real you..without any of that crap you inject up your ass. seems like i hit a nerve with you or something..sorry if i offended you and your girly man followers ;D...carry on though there are plenty half naked pics of men for you to look at...carry on
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on October 25, 2013, 09:19:20 AM
post some pics of you all natural galeniko..lets see the real you..without any of that crap you inject up your ass. seems like i hit a nerve with you or something..sorry if i offended you and your girly man followers ;D...carry on though there are plenty half naked pics of men for you to look at...carry on

Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Borracho on October 25, 2013, 09:25:52 AM

lol @ mr. 42 posts demanding pics of the great galeniko.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on October 25, 2013, 09:27:55 AM
lol @ mr. 42 posts demanding pics of the great galeniko.

If he only knew that his mothers hard drive already contained a plethora of Gal's finest work (including a tasteful nudes folder titled "Galinaked"
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: bigmc on October 25, 2013, 09:28:42 AM
If he only knew that his mothers hard drive already contained a plethora of Gal's finest work (including a tasteful nudes folder titled "Galinaked"

are you saying that gm might be surfing for cock chiro
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on October 25, 2013, 09:36:25 AM
are you saying that gm might be surfing for cock chiro

I'm saying that g(ay) m(an) is the type of "guy" who eats rainbow popsicles in public as a method of advertising his skills to the gay "community."
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Mr Nobody on October 25, 2013, 10:10:02 AM
when you come off gear, make sure to stay as lean as possible.

if you dont, you will brutaly regret that.

but its stupid topic anyway, going off is when you die.

or run out of money,or total lack of motivation.or having a break.

now for naturals, theyre "gm" has stated, there will be satisfaction, can play the size game,and uneducated alcoholic morons in the local pub gonna tell you you look jacked in clothes haha.

but gear users who come off, they best find a new hobby,enjoy the life,be a fatso skinny guy, be average.

so yeah,in conclusion:

if you come off gear and plan to go on again, make sure to be shredded as possible while off(thats all you can do),and dont mind the scale,or measurement,or lifts,they will be discouraging numbers.

if you dont plan to go on again, find new hobby, you will be estrogenic mess for the rest of life and the test production will never ever fully recover.

no pain,no gain.

if you cant flex it,dont carry it.

galeniko approved
We need some more videos Galenkio.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Dago_Joe on October 25, 2013, 10:20:51 AM
i ahve little adding to make.

theres the beyond help naturals, case in point,the member "gm"(i know whitout seeing pic that hes not ready to grac the cover of neither muscle and fitness nor even fhm), and theres the little bit less deluded,they seem somewhat normal because the former kind is so batshit insane.

so before natural thinks if he only jumps on juice all will be good, he becomes like galeniko in no time.


with the general diet most ppl have, and the idea what ped will give them for gains, the poutcome will be disapointing.

heres what gonna happen if you eat wrong and too little:nothing , bit spotty face maybe.

heres if you eat too much:bloating,acne,cswioslosis.

its harder than they think, and the key is simply consistency over long time and diet.

with drugs, the body utilises the food much better, as long its the right fod and the proper amount.

hope this helps to crush some delusional wishful fantasies :D

This is truth.  Going off, especially if you actually go totally off, will turn you into a bloated filthy mess if you gorge yourself.  A lot of guys think that they can compensate for the gear by eating a ton and getting "swole".  No, you just get fat.  And like galeniko said, your body utilizes nutrients better on gear anyways.  I will add thought that another huge mistake is to diet severely when coming off gear.  This is even more common because of the perception of water loss as true fat loss.  Guys come off the shit and starting losing weight and drying out because the gear is not keeping them swole anymore and they figure might as well go all the way and really get ripped even if I lose some mass along the way.  Big mistake.  You will lose a TON of mass in the catabolic state you will be in right after coming off everything.  The best thing to do is to keep diet clean, but not crazy clean and try to maintain as much as possible.  dont go crazy in either direction of swoleness. 
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: WalterWhite on October 25, 2013, 10:25:14 AM
when you come off gear, make sure to stay as lean as possible.

if you dont, you will brutaly regret that.

but its stupid topic anyway, going off is when you die.

or run out of money,or total lack of motivation.or having a break.

now for naturals, theyre "gm" has stated, there will be satisfaction, can play the size game,and uneducated alcoholic morons in the local pub gonna tell you you look jacked in clothes haha.

but gear users who come off, they best find a new hobby,enjoy the life,be a fatso skinny guy, be average.

so yeah,in conclusion:

if you come off gear and plan to go on again, make sure to be shredded as possible while off(thats all you can do),and dont mind the scale,or measurement,or lifts,they will be discouraging numbers.

if you dont plan to go on again, find new hobby, you will be estrogenic mess for the rest of life and the test production will never ever fully recover.

no pain,no gain.

if you cant flex it,dont carry it.

galeniko approved

Good to see you back Gal! 
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Donny on October 25, 2013, 10:27:48 AM
about time you got back on here  ;D
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: dustin on October 25, 2013, 02:41:43 PM
I see walls of text.

But no one has the courage to post up any glute pics. Fucking pussies..... all talk. ::) ;D
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: galeniko on October 25, 2013, 03:01:58 PM
This is truth.  Going off, especially if you actually go totally off, will turn you into a bloated filthy mess if you gorge yourself.  A lot of guys think that they can compensate for the gear by eating a ton and getting "swole".  No, you just get fat.  And like galeniko said, your body utilizes nutrients better on gear anyways.  I will add thought that another huge mistake is to diet severely when coming off gear.  This is even more common because of the perception of water loss as true fat loss.  Guys come off the shit and starting losing weight and drying out because the gear is not keeping them swole anymore and they figure might as well go all the way and really get ripped even if I lose some mass along the way.  Big mistake.  You will lose a TON of mass in the catabolic state you will be in right after coming off everything.  The best thing to do is to keep diet clean, but not crazy clean and try to maintain as much as possible.  dont go crazy in either direction of swoleness. 
hm, this is true, cant go for striated everything look when coming off, but the size loss will happen anyway,but something like clearly visible abs and quads nicely separated 7-8% should be possible.that way some volume will be kept.
the diet will be much more unforgiving,lol, but you have to add some fats.

and indeed the biggest error is trying to emulate or keep the same weight.steroid gains are mostly much water in the muscle, more glycogen in the muscle and some subcutane water,it can amount to pretty much weight on a scale, dont panic when you literaly piss out your size :D

by staying lean, one will be his former steroided up self, just flat and less vascular,also less watery, basicaly a deflated old self.this isnt necsarily a bad thing.
now doesnt take a genius to figure out what happens if one gets fatter,the little lines that are left fade away, that coupled with the loss of volume and increased waist=soon looking like never been to the gym before.

normaly the body would reset itself to something 12-15% bodyfat if not dieting any good, but not in this case, where estrogen is the dominating hormone.except no less than 20%. ;D
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: g.m on October 25, 2013, 04:59:58 PM
i gotta getbig a gay site? all you fags seem like your in love with gal? your super happy when he's online and you ask for pics and videos of him..fuck is this shit? i demand to know!! are all you a bunch of pillow biters?? for a down low queer you sure are doing a good job recruiting the guys of this world..good job gal.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Natural Man on October 25, 2013, 06:13:57 PM
post some pics of you all natural galeniko..lets see the real you..without any of that crap you inject up your ass. seems like i hit a nerve with you or something..sorry if i offended you and your girly man followers ;D...carry on though there are plenty half naked pics of men for you to look at...carry on
he needed drugs to look like a natural, pretty much sums everything you need to know about that clown.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Wolfox on October 25, 2013, 06:23:47 PM
I dislike preachers. They always have something to sell or a donation basket to put in your face.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: The Revelation on October 25, 2013, 06:52:31 PM
i gotta getbig a gay site? all you fags seem like your in love with gal? your super happy when he's online and you ask for pics and videos of him..fuck is this shit? i demand to know!! are all you a bunch of pillow biters?? for a down low queer you sure are doing a good job recruiting the guys of this world..good job gal.

Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on October 25, 2013, 10:26:44 PM
A lotta Galeniko haters here with less than 50 posts  :D

For you two dipshits above me, Gal is actually a good guy who spent a lot of time helping people on here. He's also a funny fucker too and well liked on this board by almost every one who trains/competes here. 
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Wolfox on October 25, 2013, 10:36:10 PM
You're a youngin who probably takes it up the popper. I'm not saying the dude isn't right about some things but really he's just parroting what other more accomplished people in this industry have said. I don't have a problem with parroting but when you try to pass it off as your own work, charge people and act like your word is above all then I'm gonna call you out on it.

Is the low dosage for less sides(maximal gains for minimal risk) - for smaller dudes - and a psmf or low fat keto diet really anything new? where the fuck you been for the past couple decades? If you were still shitting in your diapers the internet has a cache and there's this thing called books.

Lean protein sources with fibrous vegetables? Ground fucking breaking.

Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on October 25, 2013, 10:43:29 PM
You're a youngin who probably takes it up the popper. I'm not saying the dude isn't right about some things but really he's just parroting what other more accomplished people in this industry have said.

Is a the low dosage for less sides - for smaller dudes - and a psmf or low fat keto diet really anything new? where the fuck you been for the past couple decades? If you were still shitting in your diapers the internet has a cache and there's this thing called books.

Lean protein sources with fibrous vegetables? Ground fucking breaking.

Are you addressing me wolfcocks? Personally, I don't even use gals methods. I diet on HIGH carbs and it works great for me. My point is that gal is more entertaining than 95% of the schmucks on this board. He's a good poster.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Wolfox on October 25, 2013, 10:48:44 PM
Are you addressing me wolfcocks? Personally, I don't even use gals methods. I diet on HIGH carbs and it works great for me. My point is that gal is more entertaining than 95% of the schmucks on this board. He's a good poster.

Well fuck your opinion and your high carbs bitch.

Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Wolfox on October 25, 2013, 10:51:20 PM

No homo but all love bro.  :-*
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on October 25, 2013, 10:54:20 PM

No homo but all love bro.  :-*

I want to punch you in the jaw and then buy you a beer all at the same time. I need some time to gather my thoughts, I'm very confused right now.

Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Borracho on October 26, 2013, 05:10:51 AM
i gotta getbig a gay site? all you fags seem like your in love with gal? your super happy when he's online and you ask for pics and videos of him..fuck is this shit? i demand to know!! are all you a bunch of pillow biters?? for a down low queer you sure are doing a good job recruiting the guys of this world..good job gal.

If you think the site is gay cause people appreciate one of the few posters who's entertaining and provides useful bbing info then you need to look around a little harder lol

You're a youngin who probably takes it up the popper. I'm not saying the dude isn't right about some things but really he's just parroting what other more accomplished people in this industry have said. I don't have a problem with parroting but when you try to pass it off as your own work, charge people and act like your word is above all then I'm gonna call you out on it.

Is the low dosage for less sides(maximal gains for minimal risk) - for smaller dudes - and a psmf or low fat keto diet really anything new? where the fuck you been for the past couple decades? If you were still shitting in your diapers the internet has a cache and there's this thing called books.

Lean protein sources with fibrous vegetables? Ground fucking breaking.


I saw you mention lyle macdonald somewhere else; why don't you go talk to him about walking around shredded year round and using a bit of gear lol

hahah that guy is such a tool, god forbid you make him look like an idiot on his board.

He's a parrot who made a name for himself off duchaine's carcass and the only diet he's done himself is extremely retarded... u.d2 lol
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: g.m on October 26, 2013, 09:20:49 AM
A lotta Galeniko haters here with less than 50 posts  :D

For you two dipshits above me, Gal is actually a good guy who spent a lot of time helping people on here. He's also a funny fucker too and well liked on this board by almost every one who trains/competes here. 
....................................says the guy with 5,000 plus posts..stfu loser. unlike you i have a life and i like females. seems like you live on this chatting with guys much? this site is very suspect . bunch of dudes getting off on each
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: bigmc on October 26, 2013, 09:23:19 AM
....................................says the guy with 5,000 plus posts..stfu loser. unlike you i have a life and i like females. seems like you live on this chatting with guys much? this site is very suspect . bunch of dudes getting off on each

brutal closet homosexuality obvious in the above post
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on October 26, 2013, 09:26:58 AM
....................................says the guy with 5,000 plus posts..stfu loser. unlike you i have a life and i like females. seems like you live on this chatting with guys much? this site is very suspect . bunch of dudes getting off on each

Wow you have a life and like females?? Tell me more, you sound very interesting and unique. You are a special snowflake, don't ever forget that.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Kim Jong Bob on October 26, 2013, 09:44:31 AM
....................................says the guy with 5,000 plus posts..stfu loser. unlike you i have a life and i like females. seems like you live on this chatting with guys much? this site is very suspect . bunch of dudes getting off on each
you are boring, if you want to "own" someone come with something witty and smart.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on October 26, 2013, 09:49:14 AM
I'm getting Elf-ish vibes from this gm douche. Maybe we're all getting trolled.

GM: are you playing possum, boy?
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: _aj_ on October 26, 2013, 09:56:42 AM
I'm getting Elf-ish vibes from this gm douche. Maybe we're all getting trolled.

GM: are you playing possum, boy?

A little, but the elves usually can't help themselves. Within 10 posts, they are pimping "human grade igf" (it's the new "legit kigs"). If this guy is an elf troll, he's better than the rest by far.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Mr Nobody on October 26, 2013, 10:01:43 AM
you are boring, if you want to "own" someone come with something witty and smart.
Nasser died I think maybe not.
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Kim Jong Bob on October 26, 2013, 10:15:16 AM
Nasser died I think maybe not.

chiro: yes you are right, my elf meter is going trough the rouf with this boring sad girl
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: bigmc on October 26, 2013, 10:25:18 AM
I'm getting Elf-ish vibes from this gm douche. Maybe we're all getting trolled.

GM: are you playing possum, boy?

confirmed ;)
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: French on October 26, 2013, 10:57:04 AM
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: thebrink on October 26, 2013, 01:25:37 PM
he needed drugs to look like a natural, pretty much sums everything you need to know about that clown.

Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: The Revelation on October 26, 2013, 02:29:44 PM
A lotta Galeniko haters here with less than 50 posts  :D

For you two dipshits above me, Gal is actually a good guy who spent a lot of time helping people on here. He's also a funny fucker too and well liked on this board by almost every one who trains/competes here. 

hate him? fuck i ive been reading his posts and i have to say hes probably one of the better posters ive seen here, if not the online community. the guy knows his shit. if you've been there you know what to look for when someone gives advise. hes the real deal from what ive seen.

im just busting balls, so go fuck yourself. :D

Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on October 26, 2013, 03:20:02 PM
hate him? fuck i ive been reading his posts and i have to say hes probably one of the better posters ive seen here, if not the online community. the guy knows his shit. if you've been there you know what to look for when someone gives advise. hes the real deal from what ive seen.

im just busting balls, so go fuck yourself. :D


Well played  ;D
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: WOOO on October 26, 2013, 03:27:01 PM
Would you still train when you stop roids ??

I sure has hell won't train for the looks when I stop using, probably won't even lift and just start training for boxing or something like that.

or I would simply train for strenght without giving a shit what I look like but I see absolutely no point in bodybuilding natural

what about you guys

you're not out to lunch at all... i've always found bbing incredibly gay but do agree that without gear it's totally pointless...

i trained for strength for years but now i train for strength/endurance
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: chess315 on October 26, 2013, 03:37:58 PM
   If not wanting to bodybuild look big be really strong I see no rational reason why not to use at least 200mg of test a week and work out 2-3 times other then health or legal reasons imo I think using steroids is the right thing to do the benifts far outweigh the negatives imo not talking gram cycles blah blah
Title: Re: People who roid up
Post by: whitewidow on October 27, 2013, 04:42:06 AM
why not keep training just cycle steroids you don;t have to stay on them all year. I kind of got frustrated doing that going off and shrinking just a bit but it is not very noticable just train harder when you are off and you can always go back on just wait till you get bloodwork and some good gear. I hve always been one of those guys who stays on for 12-14 weeks and goes of for the same amount of time keeps you healthier. always use HCG,post cycle amd I love using DHEA post cyclr along with gasparis anti E/Testosterone booster product.