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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Marty Champions on October 24, 2013, 09:31:39 PM

Title: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: Marty Champions on October 24, 2013, 09:31:39 PM
to die right now and your existance be totally done with no afterlife or anything

this is a difficult question for me to answer i feel as if im going a bit mentally mad trying to figure it out. not really in the fear panic way i was before but more angry in the sense i cant make a decision between the two options, it is difficult to answer, so difficult that i feel we may have to answer this question for ourselves one day..
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: ProudVirgin69 on October 24, 2013, 09:34:43 PM
Would I stay young eternally?  If so, maybe..... if not, hell no
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: The Ugly on October 24, 2013, 09:35:04 PM
to die right now and your existance be totally done with no afterlife or anything

this is a difficult question for me to answer i feel as if im going a bit mentally mad trying to figure it out. not really in the fear panic way i was before but more angry in the sense i cant make a decision between the two options, it is difficult to answer, so difficult that i feel we may have to answer this question for ourselves one day..

I'd rather it end, which I believe to be what happens. It's scary to think about it sometimes, but dead, I'm sure I'll be fine with it.
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: Marty Champions on October 24, 2013, 09:41:02 PM
I'd rather it end, which I believe to be what happens. It's scary to think about it sometimes, but dead, I'm sure I'll be fine with it.
damn right its scary

honestly its the onlly scary thought i could think of you know?

but choosing death is really heart breaking, i bet 9 out of 10 that would choose death would instantly reverse there decision begging not to die right now after they chose it LOL

but then thinking about the alternate wich would be existing ETERNALLY is fucking insane to comprehend, in my mind it seems insane
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: The Abdominal Snoman on October 24, 2013, 09:50:18 PM
If you got to choose and we knew that we would experience ups and downs for eternity, I'd choose eternity...
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: The Abdominal Snoman on October 24, 2013, 09:52:37 PM
If you got to choose and we knew that we would experience ups and downs for eternity, I'd choose eternity...

But it would suck if life spans keep increasing to a point where you may be stuck in a down realm for hundreds or thousands of earth years.
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: Mr Nobody on October 24, 2013, 09:59:54 PM
to die right now and your existance be totally done with no afterlife or anything

this is a difficult question for me to answer i feel as if im going a bit mentally mad trying to figure it out. not really in the fear panic way i was before but more angry in the sense i cant make a decision between the two options, it is difficult to answer, so difficult that i feel we may have to answer this question for ourselves one day..
Have you ever wondered upon waking up in the morning will this be the last day of my life and what will I be doing when that moment comes during that day? I say as long as you are breathing you are ok. Now to check out with no repercussions is a tough choice, I remember Dr. Kervokian the suicide doctor would give terminal patients a shot or something and they would die in their sleep.

I guess best thing is to live in the moment as it comes no doubt boredom is a tough customer to fight, just try to discover new things and something to keep the boredom of day to day life away even if it is sleeping.

Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: BigRo on October 24, 2013, 10:38:07 PM
This question is irrelevant to those who have stilled their minds in deep meditation. You and I do exist eternally as an ever perfect ever joyful bliss consciousness existence :)
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: O.Z. on October 24, 2013, 10:50:45 PM
might not be directly related to the topic but I would highly recommend to read 'Daughter of Fire' by Irina Tweede
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: Primemuscle on October 24, 2013, 11:07:36 PM
to die right now and your existance be totally done with no afterlife or anything

this is a difficult question for me to answer i feel as if im going a bit mentally mad trying to figure it out. not really in the fear panic way i was before but more angry in the sense i cant make a decision between the two options, it is difficult to answer, so difficult that i feel we may have to answer this question for ourselves one day..

You find the most interesting things to fret about. Since you cannot chose between these two things, why are you filling your consciousness with these thoughts. You must be bored and have nothing more worthwhile and productive to think about. You need a woman in your life, Falcon. If for no other reason then to offer you some distraction from your obsessive introspection.
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: Mr. MB on October 24, 2013, 11:14:35 PM
At 73 I am in the winter of life. I wish to keep it going like my grandfather 20 more years. Then I would chose not to live eternally. 3 years ago I burst an artery in the colon while driving thru the desert to L.A. I was fortunate that when I pulled over I was in cell phone range to call 911. I crashed in the paramedics van with a BP of 60 over 30, barely alive. They gave me a bolla flood of IV solution and kept me on this side until I got into the ER. There they poured blood and more saline into my veins. I had lost some 25% of my blood plus other body fluids. The Doc told me that he would do his best to save my life but to make peace with my higher power. I awoke 3 days later alive and well. I recall being at peace with no fear. I was in a dream like state and no pain. Apparantly I made a call from an ER phone to ask my then lady friend to call my family. I dont even recall that.

My recovery was lightning fast after they sealed off the bleed out. I drove  back home to AZ some 20 pounds lighter....just in 4 days. Lost that much fluid. I have lived life to the fullest ever since. I have an 18 years younger wife and lots on my busy plate.
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: Primemuscle on October 24, 2013, 11:23:35 PM
At 73 I am in the winter of life. I wish to keep it going like my grandfather 20 more years. Then I would chose not to live eternally. 3 years ago I burst an artery in the colon while driving thru the desert to L.A. I was fortunate that when I pulled over I was in cell phone range to call 911. I crashed in the paramedics van with a BP of 60 over 30, barely alive. They gave me a bolla flood of IV solution and kept me on this side until I got into the ER. There they poured blood and more saline into my veins. I had lost some 25% of my blood plus other body fluids. The Doc told me that he would do his best to save my life but to make peace with my higher power. I awoke 3 days later alive and well. I recall being at peace with no fear. I was in a dream like state and no pain. Apparantly I made a call from an ER phone to ask my then lady friend to call my family. I dont even recall that.

My recovery was lightning fast after they sealed off the bleed out. I drove  back home to AZ some 20 pounds lighter....just in 4 days. Lost that much fluid. I have lived life to the fullest ever since. I have an 18 years younger wife and lots on my busy plate.

This is a fascinating and scary experience you had. I have never heard of this happening to folks. Must have been beyond belief when you were going through it. Glad you are fully recovered and doing well in life.

I think what you posted points out that we never know when the end of our life will be. It is really stupid to consume the time we have with negative thoughts about when it might end. It will happen when it happens and that is all we need to know. Live each day the best you can. Be as healthy as possible in every respect, mentally, emotionally and physically and when the time comes, you'll be as ready for it as you can be. I'd be happy if my passing happened during the night while I slept, many years from now. In the meantime, I am pleased to be at peace with my life.
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: The Ugly on October 25, 2013, 12:46:48 AM
This is a fascinating and scary experience you had. I have never heard of this happening to folks. Must have been beyond belief when you were going through it. Glad you are fully recovered and doing well in life.

I think what you posted points out that we never know when the end of our life will be. It is really stupid to consume the time we have with negative thoughts about when it might end. It will happen when it happens and that is all we need to know. Live each day the best you can. Be as healthy as possible in every respect, mentally, emotionally and physically and when the time comes, you'll be as ready for it as you can be. I'd be happy if my passing happened during the night while I slept, many years from now. In the meantime, I am pleased to be at peace with my life.

I think we'd probably all prefer that.
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: Rami on October 25, 2013, 12:51:13 AM
to die right now and your existance be totally done with no afterlife or anything

this is a difficult question for me to answer i feel as if im going a bit mentally mad trying to figure it out. not really in the fear panic way i was before but more angry in the sense i cant make a decision between the two options, it is difficult to answer, so difficult that i feel we may have to answer this question for ourselves one day..

The carnal body skews our reasoning with instincts though, like survival.

And we can't say that we for sure remember other potential existences so we don't have and honest reference frame. So if presented with a choice we will probably make the same choice in every existence.

So if existence and consciousness is tied to the matter of this universe then at least it is finite and will come to an end in about 100 trillion years or so.
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: _bruce_ on October 25, 2013, 03:05:03 AM
No choice - existence seems to be of eternal nature.
Of course being in a body for eternity may be the ultimate, yet unlikely, punishment... without the mercy of physical death you're a zombie bacon. I would rather worry what happens after physical death... will you be able to let go and ascend or cling onto the earthly realm and be a haunting dickwad?

Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: Marty Champions on October 25, 2013, 04:50:36 AM
At 73 I am in the winter of life. I wish to keep it going like my grandfather 20 more years. Then I would chose not to live eternally. 3 years ago I burst an artery in the colon while driving thru the desert to L.A. I was fortunate that when I pulled over I was in cell phone range to call 911. I crashed in the paramedics van with a BP of 60 over 30, barely alive. They gave me a bolla flood of IV solution and kept me on this side until I got into the ER. There they poured blood and more saline into my veins. I had lost some 25% of my blood plus other body fluids. The Doc told me that he would do his best to save my life but to make peace with my higher power. I awoke 3 days later alive and well. I recall being at peace with no fear. I was in a dream like state and no pain. Apparantly I made a call from an ER phone to ask my then lady friend to call my family. I dont even recall that.

My recovery was lightning fast after they sealed off the bleed out. I drove  back home to AZ some 20 pounds lighter....just in 4 days. Lost that much fluid. I have lived life to the fullest ever since. I have an 18 years younger wife and lots on my busy plate.

ouch man that sounds horrific, you are a true survivor man

jeezus bursting an artery in the colon , wonder how miserable that feels
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: 240 is Back on October 25, 2013, 05:12:34 AM
there's a cool isaac asimov story I read a decade or two ago...

some dude was dying and they put his conscience/soul into a spacecraft and sent him into space.  He got to live forever as this observational being, soaring thru the universe and soaking it all in.  He would never die, but never return to the earth he knew and loved.  Just selected by the powers to soar thru eternity. 

I read this sober, and it was very intriguing.  I'm sure with a wine or two it would have been even deeper.
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: WOOO on October 25, 2013, 05:21:43 AM
to die right now and your existance be totally done with no afterlife or anything

this is a difficult question for me to answer i feel as if im going a bit mentally mad trying to figure it out. not really in the fear panic way i was before but more angry in the sense i cant make a decision between the two options, it is difficult to answer, so difficult that i feel we may have to answer this question for ourselves one day..

death always equals nothingness...

any fool who believes otherwise should kill themselves immediately

life is just a ride

enjoy it while it lasts
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: Tapeworm on October 25, 2013, 05:28:18 AM
At 73 I am in the winter of life. I wish to keep it going like my grandfather 20 more years. Then I would chose not to live eternally. 3 years ago I burst an artery in the colon while driving thru the desert to L.A. I was fortunate that when I pulled over I was in cell phone range to call 911. I crashed in the paramedics van with a BP of 60 over 30, barely alive. They gave me a bolla flood of IV solution and kept me on this side until I got into the ER. There they poured blood and more saline into my veins. I had lost some 25% of my blood plus other body fluids. The Doc told me that he would do his best to save my life but to make peace with my higher power. I awoke 3 days later alive and well. I recall being at peace with no fear. I was in a dream like state and no pain. Apparantly I made a call from an ER phone to ask my then lady friend to call my family. I dont even recall that.

My recovery was lightning fast after they sealed off the bleed out. I drove  back home to AZ some 20 pounds lighter....just in 4 days. Lost that much fluid. I have lived life to the fullest ever since. I have an 18 years younger wife and lots on my busy plate.

I'm sure your doctor already gave you the same advice but you have reached an age, sir, at which you need to quit shoving things up in there.  Especially while driving.
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: Marty Champions on October 25, 2013, 05:33:20 AM
there's a cool isaac asimov story I read a decade or two ago...

some dude was dying and they put his conscience/soul into a spacecraft and sent him into space.  He got to live forever as this observational being, soaring thru the universe and soaking it all in.  He would never die, but never return to the earth he knew and loved.  Just selected by the powers to soar thru eternity. 

I read this sober, and it was very intriguing.  I'm sure with a wine or two it would have been even deeper.

lol eventually that "soul" would develop a technology to purposly off itself
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: Borracho on October 25, 2013, 05:35:34 AM
to die right now and your existance be totally done with no afterlife or anything

this is a difficult question for me to answer i feel as if im going a bit mentally mad trying to figure it out. not really in the fear panic way i was before but more angry in the sense i cant make a decision between the two options, it is difficult to answer, so difficult that i feel we may have to answer this question for ourselves one day..

Live externally doing what I please without hurting others, instead of being forced into a mundane existence.
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: Viking11 on October 25, 2013, 05:56:47 AM
I suspect our consciousness doesn't continue through Eternity in this form- which is probably why it drives you crazy trying to comprehend it- you can't. Only a God or an  omniscient consciousness could. We might be bits or sparks off of this super consciousness. We share it's attributes, but not its totality.
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: The Italian Lifter on October 25, 2013, 06:43:09 AM
I'm sure your doctor already gave you the same advice but you have reached an age, sir, at which you need to quit shoving things up in there.  Especially while driving.

pure gold
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: Fortress on October 25, 2013, 07:36:13 AM
Jesus fuck, are you guys serious with all this shit? Live your life and accept that death awaits. No big deal. 
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: Agnostic007 on October 25, 2013, 07:42:08 AM
Neither option suits me. I don't wish to live for an eternity, I don't wish to die right now.. Ask me again when I'm 80 my answer might be different
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: agenda21nwo on October 25, 2013, 07:45:25 AM
to die right now and your existance be totally done with no afterlife or anything

this is a difficult question for me to answer i feel as if im going a bit mentally mad trying to figure it out. not really in the fear panic way i was before but more angry in the sense i cant make a decision between the two options, it is difficult to answer, so difficult that i feel we may have to answer this question for ourselves one day..

And what if you HAVE NO CHOICE?
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: _aj_ on October 25, 2013, 08:09:56 AM
This question is irrelevant to those who have stilled their minds in deep meditation. You and I do exist eternally as an ever perfect ever joyful bliss consciousness existence :)

Damn you Ro, with your perfect body (no homo) and clear mind!

I think most folks that might choose eternity would eventually find that life has no real meaning without the omnipresent specter of death. FFS, even the retarded phrase "YOLO" would have no real meaning. The horror!
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: Mr. MB on October 25, 2013, 08:13:26 AM
pure gold

Segreto adolescente
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: 240 is Back on October 25, 2013, 08:57:58 AM
lol eventually that "soul" would develop a technology to purposly off itself

it was just the soul, the presence, somehow embedded in a machine.  it was given an option at death - you can "end" now and no longer exist, or you can be the one selected to travel thru eternity with no means, except to ust fly by and observe things.  And it saw some amazing things on its journey, but its fate was to just travel forever. 

I'm sure the story was meant to make us ponder the "die and accept it, or be trapped in the same existence forever" quandary... it's been years since I read it.  The narrator in the story chose eternity in this machine just traveling alone.
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: Hulkotron on October 25, 2013, 09:28:29 AM
The 80c-10p-10f diet essentially confers immortality when it's combined with the use of very good form on lifts.
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: _aj_ on October 25, 2013, 09:45:28 AM
The 80c-10p-10f diet essentially confers immortality when it's combined with the use of very good form on lifts.

And heme-iron is instant death. Even to immortals.
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: 240_Iz_Nutz on October 25, 2013, 10:08:47 AM
You guys need to lay off the drugs.
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: Primemuscle on October 25, 2013, 10:19:48 AM

ouch man that sounds horrific, you are a true survivor man

jeezus bursting an artery in the colon , wonder how miserable that feels

It would be a bloody mess. Fortunately, there are no few nerve endings in the colon so it probably wasn't painful.
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: Pecsellent on October 25, 2013, 11:32:10 AM
Everything is eternal. You never existed and will never exist in a way. The concept of time is only in the minds of humans. Human mind only exist because of cells being able to "remember" or rather record the things the body sees and feels. We only have a sense of existing because it serves a underlying purpose. To keep us alive and reproduce. Multiplying and spreading like a virus on the earth's surface.
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: The Ugly on October 25, 2013, 01:46:46 PM
Everything is eternal. You never existed and will never exist in a way. The concept of time is only in the minds of humans. Human mind only exist because of cells being able to "remember" or rather record the things the body sees and feels. We only have a sense of existing because it serves a underlying purpose. To keep us alive and reproduce. Multiplying and spreading like a virus on the earth's surface.

Deep. Jibberish, but deep jibberish.
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: Marty Champions on October 25, 2013, 02:56:24 PM
Deep. Jibberish, but deep jibberish.


half baked

with some truth
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: Teutonic Knight on October 25, 2013, 03:03:10 PM
Only as Dr.Who (time lord) with Tardis ...........
Title: Re: If you could choose to exist eternally , would you? or would you chose...
Post by: Tapeworm on October 25, 2013, 04:38:05 PM

Segreto adolescente

Nah, everybody knows my brain never fully formed.