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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 12:15:23 PM

Title: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 12:15:23 PM
I told her I would only marry her a prenup or in fact only do a church marriage because losing half my assets is not a gamble i'm willing to take

so she says she gonna look for a man to marry her

i guess paying child support for anabolic halo junior is the lesser evil in this case

speak on it and advise
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: RUDE BUOY on November 06, 2013, 12:16:11 PM
DOOD just end it with this chick she sounds like a pain in the arse
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 12:18:24 PM
DOOD just end it with this chick she sounds like a pain in the arse
she is in my perception very demaninding and unappreciative and on top of that she doesnt deliver something that matches her demands
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: headhuntersix on November 06, 2013, 12:21:27 PM
Prenup...what exactly do u have?
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: RUDE BUOY on November 06, 2013, 12:21:59 PM
she is in my perception very demaninding and unappreciative and on top of that she doesnt deliver something that matches her demands
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 12:22:44 PM
Prenup...what exactly do u have?
an apartment and a bunch of savings

while it may not be a lot it is all i have so i cant stand to lose it

a millionaire is still rich if he loses half

on top of that i could lose half of everything i would earn over the years plus pay her fucking alimony

clearly marriage is the biggest mistake one could make, too bad we have a kid but i guess i have to cut the losses and child support should not be a huge sum of money
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Dago_Joe on November 06, 2013, 12:23:25 PM
AHalo, ask yourself one question:  What would Ronald do? 
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 12:24:06 PM
AHalo, ask yourself one question:  What would Ronald do? 
i dont know ronnie is a private person

nobody knows about his personal life or whereabouts

Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 12:27:46 PM
after she said she'd look for a man to marry her

i said

good then i can look for a woman that will appreciate me and make me happy
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: ESFitness on November 06, 2013, 12:29:51 PM
I told her I would only marry her a prenup or in fact only do a church marriage because losing half my assets is not a gamble i'm willing to take

so she says she gonna look for a man to marry her

i guess paying child support for anabolic halo junior is the lesser evil in this case

speak on it and advise

eh... you still need a marriage license and marriage cert for a 'church marriage'.

erase her from your bank account, and start hiding money now.

petition for full custody.

delete all pictures of your steroids on her phone.

hell... steal her phone and destroy it. deny knowing what happened to it. there's gonna be texts on there that put you in a bad light.

you better strike first and petition for full custody BEFORE she does.

have her evicted.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: RUDE BUOY on November 06, 2013, 12:30:44 PM
wadda mess
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Dago_Joe on November 06, 2013, 12:30:51 PM
i dont know ronnie is a private person

nobody knows about his personal life or whereabouts

Yes, but he is a man amongst men.  He would cut her loose, pay support for your child, and bury his face in chocolate muff until he cant breathe.  Always look to Ronald.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: ESFitness on November 06, 2013, 12:32:22 PM
i dont know ronnie is a private person

nobody knows about his personal life or whereabouts

pretty sure you can get the addy on his front door on his vids, or do an MLS search and plug it into google-maps. and find him pretty easy.

$2 says he's in Fort Worth.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 12:32:42 PM
eh... you still need a marriage license and marriage cert for a 'church marriage'.

erase her from your bank account, and start hiding money now.

petition for full custody.

delete all pictures of your steroids on her phone.

hell... steal her phone and destroy it. deny knowing what happened to it. there's gonna be texts on there that put you in a bad light.

you better strike first and petition for full custody BEFORE she does.

have her evicted.
what is the advantage of having custody

would it be cheaper overall?

the phone idea is good

but she has like 3 phones

Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: RUDE BUOY on November 06, 2013, 12:33:49 PM
what is the advantage of having custody

would it be cheaper overall?

dood you control what is done with the money for your kid not her if you pay child support no so much
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: ESFitness on November 06, 2013, 12:34:02 PM
what is the advantage of having custody

would it be cheaper overall?

the phone idea is good

but she has like 3 phones

you mean besides being a father to your child?
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: SOMEPARTS on November 06, 2013, 12:34:07 PM
eh... you still need a marriage license and marriage cert for a 'church marriage'.

erase her from your bank account, and start hiding money now.

petition for full custody.

delete all pictures of your steroids on her phone.

hell... steal her phone and destroy it. deny knowing what happened to it. there's gonna be texts on there that put you in a bad light.

you better strike first and petition for full custody BEFORE she does.

have her evicted.

Read this 10x...
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 12:35:29 PM

you mean besides being a father to your child?

i mean realistically i cant see this happening they would give the kid to me

in this feminist society etc

Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: ESFitness on November 06, 2013, 12:36:15 PM
what is the advantage of having custody

would it be cheaper overall?

the phone idea is good

but she has like 3 phones

ugh... well.... steal them all then.. Christ. you wanna get bent over a barrel in court and her showing pics and texts of youre crazy bullshit?

wait.... why the fuck does your 'gf' need 3 phones? that's a red flag.

get a paternity test. asap.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 12:37:13 PM
ugh... well.... steal them all then.. Christ. you wanna get bent over a barrel in court and her showing pics and texts of youre crazy bullshit?

wait.... why the fuck does your 'gf' need 3 phones? that's a red flag.

get a paternity test. asap.
paternity test is irrelevant tho once you accepted the child it's yours even if it isnt
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: SOMEPARTS on November 06, 2013, 12:37:37 PM
You don't want to watch some other guy raise your kid do you? That guy is not going to marry her either....for the same reasons you won't.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Meaningless on November 06, 2013, 12:37:58 PM
what is the advantage of having custody

would it be cheaper overall?

the phone idea is good

but she has like 3 phones

Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: ESFitness on November 06, 2013, 12:38:17 PM

i mean realistically i cant see this happening they would give the kid to me

in this feminist society etc

who is the un-fit parent?



are BOTH of you un-fit parents?

who has the job?

who has the better chance at providing a loving nurturing environment for the child?

who will be living off handouts and gov't assistance?
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: ESFitness on November 06, 2013, 12:39:22 PM
paternity test is irrelevant tho once you accepted the child it's yours even if it isnt


if you signed the birth cert and it's not yours.

sue her for fraud.

use the lawsuit in your case NOT to pay child support.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: the trainer on November 06, 2013, 12:39:34 PM
I told her I would only marry her a prenup or in fact only do a church marriage because losing half my assets is not a gamble i'm willing to take

so she says she gonna look for a man to marry her

i guess paying child support for anabolic halo junior is the lesser evil in this case

speak on it and advise

I am willing to pay you to cut off your fingers so you dont type anymore.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 12:39:52 PM
who is the un-fit parent?



are BOTH of you un-fit parents?

who has the job?

who has the better chance at providing a loving nurturing environment for the child?

who will be living off handouts and gov't assistance?
"remember we live in an anti rational society" --Mike Mentzer

they will say oh he doesnt have time he's always working

oh he doesnt know how to take care of a baby like a mother


very rare for a dude to get custody
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Rambone on November 06, 2013, 12:40:11 PM
We want prenup we want prenup
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 12:41:28 PM
so how do i proceed

the paternity route which is a gamble

or the custody route

which is also a gamble but a lesser gamble

going the paternity test route seems detrimental to later get custody

"oh he didnt even believe it was his and probably wished it wasnt"

Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: ESFitness on November 06, 2013, 12:42:27 PM
"remember we live in an anti rational society" --Mike Mentzer

they will say oh he doesnt have time he's always working

oh he doesnt know how to take care of a baby like a mother


very rare for a dude to get custody

it's rare because it's rare for the dude to ask for custody.

it's very, very simple dude.

do you want to be a part of your childs life? do you want to be a father?

if she's such an unfit parent, why in the motherfucking world would you want YOUR fucking SON to be raised by some UNFIT skank neegah whore?

or are you REALLY not MAN enough to RAISE your OWN SON.?
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: RUDE BUOY on November 06, 2013, 12:43:32 PM
shit getten real in this thread
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 12:45:06 PM
ideally i would want him on my side just so that she wouldnt see another dime from this fella

and so that i can make sure he gets a proper education
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: ESFitness on November 06, 2013, 12:45:28 PM
I swear to fucking god sometimes dude, I wish you were sitting in my office where I could stand over you and point my finger in your face and slap some sense into you.

just take out a loan... somehow... 50k.. and leave the country. move to india.. or Thailand... forever.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 12:46:22 PM
how do i get a paternity test first before applying for this custody matter

can i do it secretly?

take some of his blood to a hospital

Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: RUDE BUOY on November 06, 2013, 12:47:09 PM
how do i get a paternity test first before applying for this custody matter

can i do it secretly?

take some of his blood to a hospital

you dont even need blood  ::) lol
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: ESFitness on November 06, 2013, 12:47:30 PM
how do i get a paternity test first before applying for this custody matter

can i do it secretly?

take some of his blood to a hospital


they don't use blood.

they take cotton swabs of yours and the childs mouth.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 12:48:20 PM
I swear to fucking god sometimes dude, I wish you were sitting in my office where I could stand over you and point my finger in your face and slap some sense into you.

just take out a loan... somehow... 50k.. and leave the country. move to india.. or Thailand... forever.
i dont need a loan for that

but what would be the point of that

my family is here and by that i mean my real family
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 12:49:09 PM
they don't use blood.

they take cotton swabs of yours and the childs mouth.
can i do it myself of have a doctor do it right away without her knowledge on this matter?

sounds exciting
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Mr Nobody on November 06, 2013, 12:51:56 PM
I thought shizzo was in timeout.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 12:52:58 PM
step one: determine if it's actually my kid

step two: if not, try to get a lawyer to find out if i can cancel the recognition of the child? seems unlikely and even impossible...

if yes... try to get custody...?

Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: ESFitness on November 06, 2013, 12:57:20 PM
step one: determine if it's actually my kid

step two: if not, try to get a lawyer to find out if i can cancel the recognition of the child? seems unlikely and even impossible...

if yes... try to get custody...?


step 1 is petition for full custody... a blood test is offered by the state to determine custody. if it's yours, you pay.. if not, you don't pay.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: ESFitness on November 06, 2013, 12:57:52 PM
go to the court house.. they have little fat Latinas to help you out with all your options.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 12:58:04 PM
i googled the local laws and it could be possible before the kid is one year to cancel the recognition if it is proven it's not mine

i doubt it's not mine tho but i should find out asap
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 01:00:47 PM

can i take him to a doctor and will they do this even thos shes not there

can i do this myself with some do it yourself kit?
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: bigkid on November 06, 2013, 01:06:36 PM
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Meaningless on November 06, 2013, 01:07:41 PM
You are just wasting everybodys time, next week you will be talking some other shit about staying with her. You are weak and under her control and you will never man up and leave her. Please fuck off.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: ganero76 on November 06, 2013, 01:08:04 PM
MODS: This asshole has been warned about these threads. Please ban.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: HockeyFightFan on November 06, 2013, 01:10:46 PM

can i take him to a doctor and will they do this even thos shes not there

can i do this myself with some do it yourself kit?


You should email a guy named Richie Incognito in Miami, Florida - he can give you good advices.

Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: RUDE BUOY on November 06, 2013, 01:14:13 PM

You should email a guy named Richie Incognito in Miami, Florida - he can give you good advices.

Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 01:15:06 PM
are these websites real?

found a local one
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: RUDE BUOY on November 06, 2013, 01:16:29 PM
as 240 would say

Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Agnostic007 on November 06, 2013, 01:18:25 PM
I read this thread and it's like watching a bad television show. The main character is a small time loser you really can hardly stand, who over time has established himself as a lose cannon who doesn't know what he wants from one day to the next,   and he's asking people for advice about a prenup, should he rather fight for custody of his "could be" son, or is it cheaper just to pay child support...and half way through the show you find you could not care less if the character prevails or not.. and you turn the channel to a re-run of Happy Days..

No offense intended..  
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 01:19:17 PM
these things make me so restless and desperate

Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: ESFitness on November 06, 2013, 01:21:24 PM
these things make me so restless and desperate

speaking of syphilis, dude, you may want to get checked out... you have the symptoms.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: RUDE BUOY on November 06, 2013, 01:21:28 PM
Halo brotha take it ease you will be better off with out her 3 fucken phones i think a lot more is happening here then meets the eye
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: HockeyFightFan on November 06, 2013, 01:22:59 PM
Halo brotha take it ease you will be better off with out her 3 fucken phones i think a lot more is happening here then meets the eye

3 phones = 2 other guys tapping that

No other logical explanation.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: RUDE BUOY on November 06, 2013, 01:23:31 PM
3 phones = 2 other guys tapping that

No other logical explanation.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: ESFitness on November 06, 2013, 01:25:18 PM
3 phones = 2 other guys tapping that

No other logical explanation.

probably 9 other dudes at any one time.

halo's been kissing this girl on the lips too. lol.

probably eating her pussy and wondering why she got so wet so quick and why her pussy tastes salty.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 01:26:10 PM
i just ordered a do it yourself dna test where you then mail the results to a lab

who am i kidding tho not a lot of chance the kid is NOT mine

but better be sure ???
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: HockeyFightFan on November 06, 2013, 01:26:42 PM
probably 9 other dudes at any one time.

halo's been kissing this girl on the lips too. lol.

probably eating her pussy and wondering why she got so wet so quick and why her pussy tastes salty.

Analhalo wondering why her ass spits back at him.   ;D
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: RUDE BUOY on November 06, 2013, 01:27:28 PM
i just ordered a do it yourself dna test where you then mail the results to a lab

who am i kidding tho not a lot of chance the kid is NOT mine

but better be sure ???
i think you owe it to yourself to at least know for sure weather you stay involved is up to you at least you know
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: loco on November 06, 2013, 01:28:46 PM
U shuda shaved your huevos, then applied Huevo Splash, and then gone to the huevo doctor to get a vasectomy.  Woulda saved u trouble and money.   :-\

Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: benchmstr on November 06, 2013, 01:35:38 PM
I told her I would only marry her a prenup or in fact only do a church marriage because losing half my assets is not a gamble i'm willing to take

so she says she gonna look for a man to marry her

i guess paying child support for anabolic halo junior is the lesser evil in this case

speak on it and advise
bet you wont hit her!

Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 01:37:07 PM
bet you wont hit her!

Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: benchmstr on November 06, 2013, 01:38:07 PM
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: HockeyFightFan on November 06, 2013, 01:38:35 PM
???'ve gone WAY past your expiration date.

totally unfunny.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 01:45:21 PM
now you ppl got my hopes up for it not being my child

but it will :(

anyway i ordered the test and will send the results to the lab

then once i get results i go to lawyer and give me best options
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: _aj_ on November 06, 2013, 01:47:41 PM
Yeah, baby!
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: flinstones1 on November 06, 2013, 03:05:33 PM
Can you post a picture of her or tell us what she looks like at least?   with all the shit this bitch is putting you through she better look like fucking megan goode
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 03:17:14 PM
Can you post a picture of her or tell us what she looks like at least?   with all the shit this bitch is putting you through she better look like fucking megan goode
like a black woman................... ........... they all look the same right...............
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: SamoanIrishman on November 06, 2013, 03:27:49 PM
Depending on where you live she still may get half. Washington allows up to 45% deduction of your income as long as it doesn't put you below the poverty line. Other expenses CS doesn't cover - daycare, education, doctor / dentist, after school activities of which you will be required to pay at least half of. Hell day care cost is like having two child support orders. depending on how old the kid it...the younger the more expensive.

If the kid is a boy and not a toddler you have a good chance of getting custody. Be prepared to spend $25k on legal fees though. Hell you'll spend $4k minimum on just hiring a lawyer to help sort out child support and visitation shit as the situation it is now. Do it to because it's really hard to change an order once done.

If you get married you may not have to pay alimony if she has a job as well during the marriage.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: WalterWhite on November 06, 2013, 03:32:26 PM
If she said that you should of just said when are you moving out?  Obtain a good attorney and arrange for 50% custody. If I knew where you lived I could help more but at 50% your child support will be minimal.  It's not your fault she has no job and she should be working at her age. 50% is quite common and she is not in a good position for that with no job.

You have a job so you are a fit parent. The phone crap does not matter because this is not a divorce it's a simple break up.  

You are making this far too complex as you always seem to do.  A paternity test is also not a big deal and you can even request it from/through the court.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: benchmstr on November 06, 2013, 03:33:01 PM
Depending on where you live she still may get half. Washington allows up to 45% deduction of your income as long as it doesn't put you below the poverty line. Other expenses CS doesn't cover - daycare, education, doctor / dentist, after school activities of which you will be required to pay at least half of. Hell day care cost is like having two child support orders. depending on how old the kid it...the younger the more expensive.

If the kid is a boy and not a toddler you have a good chance of getting custody. Be prepared to spend $25k on legal fees though. Hell you'll spend $4k minimum on just hiring a lawyer to help sort out child support and visitation shit as the situation it is now. Do it to because it's really hard to change an order once done.

If you get married you may not have to pay alimony if she has a job as well during the marriage.
i live in a non alimony state...i didnt know that until about 3 years ago

Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 03:34:13 PM
fuck this shit

life is too complicated

Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: benchmstr on November 06, 2013, 03:35:06 PM
fuck this shit

life is too complicated

worlds worst suicide note!

Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 03:36:09 PM
worlds worst suicide note!

suicide note  ???

lol @ killing yourself before experiencing the thrill of having 19" shredded arms
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Wolfox on November 06, 2013, 03:39:05 PM
What does she bring to the table as far as a job/career/income? Is it equal, lesser or greater than you?

Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 03:41:30 PM
What does she bring to the table as far as a job/career/income? Is it equal, lesser or greater than you?

unemployed and barely literate, i pay literally everything in her entire existence

yet she doesnt want to respect me for it and says it's normal since i have a job and she will have a job in the future

(in a galaxy far away)
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: benchmstr on November 06, 2013, 03:43:25 PM
a boy talking to his own gimmick account....interesting

Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Wolfox on November 06, 2013, 03:45:16 PM
unemployed and barely literate, i pay literally everything in her entire existence

yet she doesnt want to respect me for it and says it's normal since i have a job and she will have a job in the future

(in a galaxy far away)

Is there any benefit to marrying her? In the US its better for tax and insurance purposes. It's cheaper to be married.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 03:46:33 PM
Is there any benefit to marrying her? In the US its better for tax and insurance purposes. It's cheaper to be married.
benefit for the woman is she can leave you and take half of what you suffered years to acquire
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Wolfox on November 06, 2013, 03:49:01 PM
benefit for the woman is she can leave you and take half of what you suffered years to acquire

If she comes from a conservative background I would marry her. Women from conservative cultures tend to stick with their child's father and they know their role as women.

Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 03:50:25 PM

If she comes from a conservative background I would marry her. Women from conservative cultures tend to stick with their child's father and they know their role as women.

lmao, nice sales pitch but reality is different
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Wolfox on November 06, 2013, 03:53:00 PM
lmao, nice sales pitch but reality is different

The baby seals the deal.

Take the chance. Either that or enjoy weekend visitation rights at her discretion. Enjoy knowing that another man is with your child more than you.

Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 03:54:07 PM
The baby seals the deal.

Take the chance. Either that or enjoy weekend visitation rights at her discretion.

take the chance of losing half of all you ever suffered for?

how about no

no no and no

Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Wolfox on November 06, 2013, 03:56:45 PM
take the chance of losing half of all you ever suffered for?

how about no

no no and no

If your mind is made up then why make this thread?
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 03:58:07 PM
If your mind is made up then why make this thread?
for getbig to advise me on how to proceed
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Wolfox on November 06, 2013, 03:59:54 PM
for getbig to advise me on how to proceed

Proceed to acquire 18s.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Shockwave on November 06, 2013, 04:08:55 PM
Dont be a shitbag, stay with her and raise your son properly.

on second thought, your son may be better off having someone else raise him, you definitely don't sound like youre father material.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Natural Man on November 06, 2013, 04:09:39 PM
I told her I would only marry her a prenup or in fact only do a church marriage because losing half my assets is not a gamble i'm willing to take

so she says she gonna look for a man to marry her

i guess paying child support for anabolic halo junior is the lesser evil in this case

speak on it and advise
lol "your assets"... obviously you dont even have a job judging by the time you spend on here so im curious what your "assets" are supposed to be -to be honest i dont give a fuck as i know you have none-. Looks like she's fed up with you and you re just whining trying to get the last word. Perspective people, perspective.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Natural Man on November 06, 2013, 04:12:13 PM
who is the un-fit parent?

he is



are BOTH of you un-fit parents?

no only he is

who has the job?

She does.

who has the better chance at providing a loving nurturing environment for the child?

She does. Hence willing to find a better man.

who will be living off handouts and gov't assistance?

He ll have to.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 06, 2013, 04:54:55 PM
paternity test is irrelevant tho once you accepted the child it's yours even if it isnt

What you wrote is the truth in many states. You can't be the parent to a kid and find out years later it's not yours and expect to get a get out payment card from the courts. It just doesn't work like that.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: michael arvilla on November 06, 2013, 06:26:55 PM
any pics?
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: gmflex on November 06, 2013, 06:52:55 PM

How long you been together?
I know you want a pre-nup.. but are you at least worth a couple of $100,000.00 or more?
Child support will be 20% of your income minimum ..
Your on the losing end if you do this..
Its cheaper to keep them ..

I have a friend that made a big fuzz for a pre-nup and had less than $100,000 in assests ..
Never got married because of it.. the fucker now pays over $15,000 year in child support plus
insurance ... he is financially broke and lives in a apt.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: galeniko on November 06, 2013, 07:06:31 PM
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: HockeyFightFan on November 06, 2013, 07:12:37 PM
for getbig to advise me on how to proceed

Hire a cheap detective to catch her cheating on you....should be easy.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: gmflex on November 06, 2013, 07:19:27 PM

Lol  ;D
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: galeniko on November 06, 2013, 07:41:36 PM
....should be easy.
lol this is so hillarious,im having stomach cramps  ;D
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: POB on November 06, 2013, 08:35:54 PM
Don't do it trust your instinct. No dude is gonna take a chic with a small child serious anyway. You can tap all the sisters you want AND your baby momma if you want. Pay the child support and move on
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Primemuscle on November 06, 2013, 08:56:16 PM
I told her I would only marry her a prenup or in fact only do a church marriage because losing half my assets is not a gamble i'm willing to take

so she says she gonna look for a man to marry her

i guess paying child support for anabolic halo junior is the lesser evil in this case

speak on it and advise

Why did I assume you didn't have any assets? Incidentally, ever hear about common law marriage. Stay with her long enough and she'll get half of whatever you don't really have anyway.

Clearly, from your posts and if you are being just a little bit serious in them, you are not ready for a commitment. If she's smart, she will get as far away from you as she possibly can. It is just unfortunate that a child is involved and I don't mean you.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: SF1900 on November 06, 2013, 08:57:21 PM
Anabolichalo, did you show her pictures of Ronnie Coleman?
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Teutonic Knight on November 06, 2013, 09:24:58 PM
an apartment and a bunch of savings

while it may not be a lot it is all i have so i cant stand to lose it

a millionaire is still rich if he loses half

on top of that i could lose half of everything i would earn over the years plus pay her fucking alimony

clearly marriage is the biggest mistake one could make, too bad we have a kid but i guess i have to cut the losses and child support should not be a huge sum of money

Millionaire (1 Million $) is not rich, you a real provincial peasant .
"huge sum of money"   ;D ;D ;D
child support is not more than $ 100 p/w in yours case  :D
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Teutonic Knight on November 06, 2013, 09:29:31 PM
i googled the local laws and it could be possible before the kid is one year to cancel the recognition if it is proven it's not mine

i doubt it's not mine tho but i should find out asap

If yours old man fuck her too, kid will have yours genes  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 06, 2013, 10:26:33 PM
uberman's jealousy of my 17" arms continues

trying to convince ppl i'm broke and jobless
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Primemuscle on November 06, 2013, 11:01:25 PM
an apartment and a bunch of savings

while it may not be a lot it is all i have so i cant stand to lose it

a millionaire is still rich if he loses half

on top of that i could lose half of everything i would earn over the years plus pay her fucking alimony

clearly marriage is the biggest mistake one could make, too bad we have a kid but i guess i have to cut the losses and child support should not be a huge sum of money

No hate here, but just a word of advice from an old man.

If your concerns are about what you stand to lose when things fail, they will fail and you will lose. As I mentioned in a previous post, you are not marriage material. Your girlfriend is ignorant and she is playing you so that you cave and marry her. If she were smart, she'd be down the road and not making threats about leaving you to find a husband. I think she is also a bit desperate. People do and say really stupid things when they believe they have no other options.

Believe it or not, women recover quicker from failed relationships then do men.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: POB on November 06, 2013, 11:08:56 PM
No hate here, but just a word of advice from an old man.

If your concerns are about what you stand to lose when things fail, they will fail and you will lose. As I mentioned in a previous post, you are not marriage material. Your girlfriend is ignorant and she is playing you so that you cave and marry her. If she were smart, she'd be down the road and not making threats about leaving you to find a husband. I think she is also a bit desperate. People do and say really stupid things when they believe they have no other options.

Believe it or not, women recover quicker from failed relationships then do men.

Lol, not when they have an infant still breast feeding halo holds all the cards ;)^
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Novena on November 06, 2013, 11:45:37 PM
I told her I would only marry her a prenup or in fact only do a church marriage because losing half my assets is not a gamble i'm willing to take

so she says she gonna look for a man to marry her

i guess paying child support for anabolic halo junior is the lesser evil in this case

speak on it and advise
You are a base, vile blackguard....and a cad!! 
Contemptible beyond words...However I am going to give it my damndest:

reprehensible, cheap, worthless, beyond the pale, shabby, abject, disgraceful, detestable, shameful, low, discreditable, ignominious, despicable, hateful, mean, petty, deplorable, unspeakable, unworthy,...sordid........scurvy!
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Teutonic Knight on November 07, 2013, 12:09:55 AM
Would actually anyone fuck Ana's Kongo chick after him  :-\
Just think about all his drooling over her  :P :P :P
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: The Onion on November 07, 2013, 12:27:34 AM
You are a base, vile blackguard....and a cad!! 
Contemptible beyond words...However I am going to give it my damndest:

reprehensible, cheap, worthless, beyond the pale, shabby, abject, disgraceful, detestable, shameful, low, discreditable, ignominious, despicable, hateful, mean, petty, deplorable, unspeakable, unworthy,...sordid........scurvy!
I don't understand why so many people get upset at Mr Halo. If I were in the same situation as him I would ask the same questions, albeit in a different manner.

It's his life ffs and I don't see anything wrong with sorting out every "practical matter", even if it means setting aside the emotional aspects of this mess.

I think a big part of this problem is that people seem to view this with heart only and have presuppositions of "how you're supposed to do it", even though this perspective doesn't necessarily end up with a better long term outcome.

Just look at all the f*cked up marriages where spouses stay together "for the sake of the kids" and the whole family has a miserable existence.

I actually think that Mr Halo is doing the responsible thing, especially as he gets a lot of flack for doing what he's doing.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: _aj_ on November 07, 2013, 03:39:48 AM
You are a base, vile blackguard....and a cad!! 
Contemptible beyond words...However I am going to give it my damndest:

reprehensible, cheap, worthless, beyond the pale, shabby, abject, disgraceful, detestable, shameful, low, discreditable, ignominious, despicable, hateful, mean, petty, deplorable, unspeakable, unworthy,...sordid........scurvy!

I am guessing this is the missus...
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: agenda21nwo on November 07, 2013, 04:03:06 AM
I told her I would only marry her a prenup or in fact only do a church marriage because losing half my assets is not a gamble i'm willing to take

so she says she gonna look for a man to marry her

i guess paying child support for anabolic halo junior is the lesser evil in this case

speak on it and advise

You are really a very very pathetic person.  Do you realize that?
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 07, 2013, 04:18:29 AM
No hate here, but just a word of advice from an old man.

If your concerns are about what you stand to lose when things fail, they will fail and you will lose. As I mentioned in a previous post, you are not marriage material. Your girlfriend is ignorant and she is playing you so that you cave and marry her. If she were smart, she'd be down the road and not making threats about leaving you to find a husband. I think she is also a bit desperate. People do and say really stupid things when they believe they have no other options.

Believe it or not, women recover quicker from failed relationships then do men.

I really believe the last line of what you said. Women for all their emotion and drama quickly get over relationships while men can be destroyed emotionally. Women move on to the next guy quickly getting over a failed relationship after a very brief time of morning.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: The Onion on November 07, 2013, 04:33:43 AM
You are really a very very pathetic person.  Do you realize that?
I would never marry an American woman without a prenup. Just look at the divorce statistics...

And why the f*ck would you want to marry an unemployed woman that sets an ultimatum like this chick - "marry me without a prenup or else I'll find some other man who'll marry me"...? Sacred union, yeah right.

Is this really a good foundation for marriage?
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Overload on November 07, 2013, 06:19:30 AM
You are a base, vile blackguard....and a cad!! 
Contemptible beyond words...However I am going to give it my damndest:

reprehensible, cheap, worthless, beyond the pale, shabby, abject, disgraceful, detestable, shameful, low, discreditable, ignominious, despicable, hateful, mean, petty, deplorable, unspeakable, unworthy,...sordid........scurvy!

Hi Halo's girlfriend!

Any ass shots for us?

Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Borracho on November 07, 2013, 06:58:26 AM
Hi Halo's girlfriend!

Any ass shots for us?


Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: RUDE BUOY on November 07, 2013, 06:58:56 AM
eyar tha scuuurvyyyyyyyy
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Pet shop boys on November 07, 2013, 07:13:47 AM

if you signed the birth cert and it's not yours.

sue her for fraud.

use the lawsuit in your case NOT to pay child support.

Nope, If you were married with the whore, when she got pregnant  you have to keep paying child support even if is NOT your kid....  You can however,get to an agreement with baby's father and if youre lucky he can save you from that painful bill but that's not likely to happen

Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Man of Steel on November 07, 2013, 07:36:08 AM
I am willing to pay you to cut off your fingers so you dont type anymore.

Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Dago_Joe on November 07, 2013, 08:27:01 AM
I like Halo, he is alright in my book.  All this stress is not good for your quest to attain your 18" arms.  Tell her she is ruining your destiny to have Ronald sized arms and she needs to get with the program.   
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: ultrafuelmuscle on November 07, 2013, 09:00:05 AM
how about an unfortunate accident?
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: _aj_ on November 07, 2013, 09:29:54 AM
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: RUDE BUOY on November 07, 2013, 09:35:11 AM
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 07, 2013, 02:28:39 PM
You are really a very very pathetic person.  Do you realize that?
i actually do but it has nothing to do with any of this

in my book anyone with under 19" ripped arms is pathetic

Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 07, 2013, 02:31:01 PM
how about an unfortunate accident?
you have no idea how frequently this crosses my mind

but you gotta be practical and realistic

no room for recklessness if you want to get big and ripped
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Primemuscle on November 07, 2013, 02:51:52 PM
I would never marry an American woman without a prenup. Just look at the divorce statistics...

And why the f*ck would you want to marry an unemployed woman that sets an ultimatum like this chick - "marry me without a prenup or else I'll find some other man who'll marry me"...? Sacred union, yeah right.

Is this really a good foundation for marriage?

Another option is to marry a woman with money. Alimony works both ways.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: HockeyFightFan on November 07, 2013, 02:53:50 PM
i actually do but it has nothing to do with any of this

in my book anyone with under 19" ripped arms is pathetic

Analbollocks.....when you leave for work in the morning are there black guys hanging around in your driveway waiting for you to drive away?  ;D
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 07, 2013, 03:54:39 PM
Analbollocks.....when you leave for work in the morning are there black guys hanging around in your driveway waiting for you to drive away?  ;D
black people dont get up that early
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: _aj_ on November 07, 2013, 04:14:33 PM
Analbollocks.....when you leave for work in the morning are there black guys hanging around in your driveway waiting for you to drive away?  ;D

I think you meant "...when you pedal away?"
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Papper on November 07, 2013, 10:43:48 PM
I told her I would only marry her a prenup or in fact only do a church marriage because losing half my assets is not a gamble i'm willing to take

so she says she gonna look for a man to marry her

i guess paying child support for anabolic halo junior is the lesser evil in this case

speak on it and advise

Marriage is out of the question.

You must focus on bringing your arms up and then go out and sleep with random women.

Have the kid part time to satisfy your family and your conscience.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: BikiniSlut on November 07, 2013, 10:49:09 PM
I'm not sure what kind of advice you want.

Considering your girlfriend is a made up character, and your kid is also a work of fiction I suggest you just start writing a fictional book and see what kind of storyline you can come up with on your own.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: NordicNerd on November 07, 2013, 11:15:24 PM
bla bla...
i guess paying child support for anabolic halo junior is the lesser evil in this case

speak on it and advise

I wonder whose gimmick you are. You try to come across as a complete moron, but you are an intelligent person as shown by at least two facts: 1) You know/ have insight in many things that would require some reading and reflection, such as your thread about the Rippetoe disciples, and 2) You write well.

You are one of the many expert gimmick trolls here. True Adonis perhaps?


Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: BikiniSlut on November 07, 2013, 11:22:33 PM
I wonder whose gimmick you are. You try to come across as a complete moron, but you are an intelligent person as shown by at least two facts: 1) You know/ have insight in many things that would require some reading and reflection, such as your thread about the Rippetoe disciples, and 2) You write well.

You are one of the many expert gimmick trolls here. True Adonis perhaps?


He is not a gimmick. He is just an intelligent man playing the role of what a typical Getbigger would think is a gimmick.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: NordicNerd on November 07, 2013, 11:36:12 PM
He is not a gimmick. He is just an intelligent man playing the role of what a typical Getbigger would think is a gimmick.

Perhaps, but I think he should work on his spelling and writing. He could pick up a few tricks from GH15.

Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Teutonic Knight on November 08, 2013, 01:02:59 AM
I think you meant "...when you pedal away?"

so, what happen' with Mercedes  ???
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: cephissus on November 08, 2013, 01:06:47 AM
one of the most interesting aspects of 'halo is he absolutely refuses to comment on posts regarding his identity

for example if i say "never thought i would see that day when tallgerman was one of the most popular posters on getbig"

he won't respond
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Teutonic Knight on November 08, 2013, 01:08:29 AM
I'm not sure what kind of advice you want.

Considering your girlfriend is a made up character, and your kid is also a work of fiction I suggest you just start writing a fictional book and see what kind of storyline you can come up with on your own.

Non fictional book about illegal distribution of steroids & other staff by Turkish/Russian mafia in Belgium  ;D
Hey Ana tell us where do you get juice  ;)
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: delon on November 08, 2013, 01:28:46 AM
one of the most interesting aspects of 'halo is he absolutely refuses to comment on posts regarding his identity

for example if i say "never thought i would see that day when tallgerman was one of the most popular posters on getbig"

he won't respond

His focus is always on the issue at hand, such trivialities (to him) do not divert his unique mind

Pretty much every post ever from that teutonic dude is a relentless boring stalk of the guy (and thinking he is the marine poster who was on getbig for about a week and clearly isn't the same poster). Halo will respond in a token way to about every 20th or so post from him but it's really out of boredom

All he wants are big arms and to get rid of his bird that he accidently got preggars so he can go out and get some. People massively over-read and analyse him

Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: _aj_ on November 08, 2013, 03:25:23 AM
His focus is always on the issue at hand, such trivialities (to him) do not divert his unique mind

Pretty much every post ever from that teutonic dude is a relentless boring stalk of the guy (and thinking he is the marine poster who was on getbig for about a week and clearly isn't the same poster). Halo will respond in a token way to about every 20th or so post from him but it's really out of boredom

All he wants are big arms and to get rid of his bird that he accidently got preggars so he can go out and get some. People massively over-read and analyse him

More over-analysis...

With his mono-maniacal focus on trivial superficial issues (18" arms, etc), his painful shirking of family and job, he could be the perfect "GetBig Id". Or, at least, an outsider's perception of one. Maybe we all hate him because he is an uncomfortable mirror into our inner selves.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Teutonic Knight on November 08, 2013, 04:10:31 AM
His focus is always on the issue at hand, such trivialities (to him) do not divert his unique mind

Pretty much every post ever from that teutonic dude is a relentless boring stalk of the guy (and thinking he is the marine poster who was on getbig for about a week and clearly isn't the same poster). Halo will respond in a token way to about every 20th or so post from him but it's really out of boredom

All he wants are big arms and to get rid of his bird that he accidently got preggars so he can go out and get some. People massively over-read and analyse him

How do you know about his personal life (accidental pregnancy) if you a not him  ;D
"Delon " is just another gimmick for Ana  ;)
OBW, how is life in Buthcher of Kongo land  ;D
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Grape Ape on November 08, 2013, 04:18:09 AM
All he wants are big arms and to get rid of his bird that he accidently got preggars so he can go out and get some. People massively over-read and analyse him

I think it's more like he makes everything up, sometimes screws up the timing of his storylines, and occasionally slips out of character.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: trapz101 on November 08, 2013, 04:37:56 AM
He is not a gimmick. He is just an intelligent man playing the role of what a typical Getbigger would think is a gimmick.

he's a gimmick playing a gimmick disguised as another gimmick
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 08, 2013, 10:02:10 AM
i carry on life as it was a normal day yesterday and today

feels like i'm just ignoring her she ignoring me, just practical things are said to eachother

i'm sure she is looking out to snatch herself a husband one of these days

but untill then i guess it's best she just lives here instead of run off with anabolic junior and try to get money to rent a place or some sick shit

hope she gets a rich dude and leaves me the fuck alone
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: WalterWhite on November 08, 2013, 10:08:24 AM
i carry on life as it was a normal day yesterday and today

feels like i'm just ignoring her she ignoring me, just practical things are said to eachother

i'm sure she is looking out to snatch herself a husband one of these days

but untill then i guess it's best she just lives here instead of run off with anabolic junior and try to get money to rent a place or some sick shit

hope she gets a rich dude and leaves me the fuck alone

Well your paying all the bills and she doesn't work so she can live with you for free and ignore you.

She is in a win win!  :D
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 08, 2013, 10:16:44 AM
Well your paying all the bills and she doesn't work so she can live with you for free and ignore you.

She is in a win win!  :D
cheaper than having her run off with a kid and possibly legally force me to pay for a roof over their head
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: WalterWhite on November 08, 2013, 10:34:07 AM
cheaper than having her run off with a kid and possibly legally force me to pay for a roof over their head

Your not married so your just responsible for child support depending on custody.  In most states, neither unmarried partner is entitled to receive any alimony-type support after a breakup unless there is proof of a clear agreement to provide post-separation support.  You also own your home or its in your name so she has no claim to it.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Mr Nobody on November 08, 2013, 01:34:47 PM
No pullover with dumbells.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Natural Man on November 08, 2013, 02:01:40 PM
he's a gimmick playing a gimmick disguised as another gimmick
or maybe he just a genuine dumb loser, just a thought.
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Teutonic Knight on November 08, 2013, 02:15:45 PM
cheaper than having her run off with a kid and possibly legally force me to pay for a roof over their head

Perhaps Kongo chick could relocate to Genk  ;D
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Dago_Joe on November 11, 2013, 10:46:04 AM
Halo needs a strong blonde white woman.  Forget the dark creatures, they will destroy your soul.  You need a Northern European white girl who will support you fully to reach your destiny of Ronald type arms.  Forget 18", you are destined for the 20"+ club. 
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 11, 2013, 10:47:43 AM
Halo needs a strong blonde white woman.  Forget the dark creatures, they will destroy your soul.  You need a Northern European white girl who will support you fully to reach your destiny of Ronald type arms.  Forget 18", you are destined for the 20"+ club. 
i am already damned by having a child with her

gotta get to 18" before 19" and then only 20" is the next stop

Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: Papper on November 11, 2013, 12:25:46 PM
Maybe we all hate him because ...

Not everyone hates him, a small clique on gb appreciates the special art he brings
Title: Re: my gf said she's gonna start looking for a man to marry her, i guess that's that
Post by: anabolichalo on November 11, 2013, 01:16:20 PM
More over-analysis...

With his mono-maniacal focus on trivial superficial issues (18" arms, etc), his painful shirking of family and job, he could be the perfect "GetBig Id". Or, at least, an outsider's perception of one. Maybe we all hate him because he is an uncomfortable mirror into our inner selves.
18" arms a trivial issue?

now i've heard it all ::)