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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: bigmc on December 03, 2013, 05:36:19 AM

Title: Satanism
Post by: bigmc on December 03, 2013, 05:36:19 AM
Lots of religious threads lately

any Satanists on here

killing goats having orgies etc

seems like Satanists don't get the press they used too
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: BikiniSlut on December 03, 2013, 05:45:02 AM
I just finished some research on the actual religion of "Satanism".

They don't actually worship Satan.....but they do live by the "eye for an eye" belief system.

Extremely interesting people.

I'll try and find some links later.
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Wez on December 03, 2013, 05:48:58 AM
Anton LeVey....The Satanic Bible....had some famous members.....Jayne Mansfield and Sammy Davis Jr.
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: the trainer on December 03, 2013, 05:49:07 AM
if you dont believe in god then why would you believe in satan
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: bigmc on December 03, 2013, 05:49:26 AM
I just finished some research on the actual religion of "Satanism".

They don't actually worship Satan.....but they do live by the "eye for an eye" belief system.

Extremely interesting people.

I'll try and find some links later.

my problems with other religions is that they are used to suppress people

especially the catholic church which is basically a means to suppress women and modern thinking

and as a hiding place for predators
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Borracho on December 03, 2013, 05:50:41 AM
A lot of us are satanists and don't even know it.
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: bigmc on December 03, 2013, 05:51:34 AM
this is off the first page of their website

Welcome to the official website of the Church of Satan.

Founded on April 30, 1966 c.e. by Anton Szandor LaVey, we are the first above-ground organization in history openly dedicated to the acceptance of Man’s true nature—that of a carnal beast, living in a cosmos that is indifferent to our existence. To us, Satan is the symbol that best suits the nature of we who are carnal by birth—people who feel no battles raging between our thoughts and feelings, we who do not embrace the concept of a soul imprisoned in a body. He represents pride, liberty, and individualism—qualities often defined as Evil by those who worship external deities, who feel there is a war between their minds and emotions.

As Anton LaVey explained in his classic work The Satanic Bible, Man—using his brain—invented all the Gods, doing so because many of our species cannot accept or control their personal egos, feeling compelled to conjure up one or a multiplicity of characters who can act without hindrance or guilt upon whims and desires. All Gods are thus externalized forms, magnified projections of the true nature of their creators, personifying aspects of the universe or personal temperaments which many of their followers find to be troubling. Worshipping any God is thus worshipping by proxy those who invented that God. Since the Satanist understands that all Gods are fiction, instead of bending a knee in worship to—or seeking friendship or unity with—such mythical entities, he places himself at the center of his own subjective universe as his own highest value.

We Satanists are thus our own “Gods,” and as beneficent “deities” we can offer love to those who deserve it and deliver our wrath (within reasonable limits) upon those who seek to cause us—or that which we cherish—harm. Magus Gilmore’s essay “What, The Devil?” from The Satanic Scriptures discusses this in greater detail.
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: kyomu on December 03, 2013, 05:55:07 AM
Worship something is the stupiddest thing ever.

When it comes to diabolic aspect, satanism is way weaker than ancient original buddism.
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Borracho on December 03, 2013, 05:56:49 AM
A lot of us are satanists and don't even know it.

The Nine Satanic Statements
by Anton Szandor LaVey

The Nine Satanic Statements originally appeared in The Satanic Bible, © 1969

1.Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence!
2.Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual pipe dreams!
3.Satan represents undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit!
4.Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it instead of love wasted on ingrates!
5.Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek!
6.Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires!
7.Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his “divine spiritual and intellectual development,” has become the most vicious animal of all!
8.Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification!
9.Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as He has kept it in business all these years!
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: njflex on December 03, 2013, 05:59:57 AM
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Borracho on December 03, 2013, 06:02:20 AM






Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: bigmc on December 03, 2013, 06:03:26 AM
I would point out im not a Satanist

I believe that our children are the centre of our universe

and that nurturing and protecting them is our prime role in life
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: The Showstoppa on December 03, 2013, 06:05:37 AM
Anyone I have met who professed to be one was some nerd. Frustrated because life was kicking their ass. 
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: bigmc on December 03, 2013, 06:07:25 AM
Anyone I have met who professed to be one was some nerd. Frustrated because life was kicking their ass. 

were they carrying a trident and bathing in the blood of virgins show?
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Tapeworm on December 03, 2013, 06:07:58 AM
I read this thread backwards and it told me to get drunk and eat cheesecake.  :o
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Thick Nick on December 03, 2013, 06:08:07 AM
If you really read the story of Satan, Prometheus, etc. one thing is for sure. The "gods" didn't want us to have knowledge. Knowledge is power. Those who gave us knowledge were demonized. Does giving us knowledge make them evil? Or is it those who seek to keep knowledge away from us? It can become very deep very fast.

This is a big part of Ancient Alien belief as well. Satan etc. represent a real living breathing being who went against the other "gods" and gave humans knowledge.
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: snx on December 03, 2013, 06:21:26 AM
So what's the difference between nihilism and satanism?

Are satanists just narcissists run amok?

Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on December 03, 2013, 07:16:41 AM
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: King Shizzo on December 03, 2013, 07:18:49 AM
I believe in evil, not satan.
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: loco on December 03, 2013, 07:28:17 AM
Worship something is the stupiddest thing ever.

When it comes to diabolic aspect, satanism is way weaker than ancient original buddism.

All human beings worship someone or something.  Although you won't admit it, you worship Paco.    ;D

Sincerely I dont have any clue.
Unlike another mass monster, he is a real genetic freak.
Once he hadnt  touched any weight and eaten three times like a normal person without any chemical at all  for 4 months,of course he shrinked but he still weighted 114kg with 55cm arms and huge cut quads as usual.
When i saw that i felt as if i am watching paranormal phenomenon like ghost or something.

So, it means that he is built like this close to natural unlike other mass monsters. So you cant treat his case totaly same as others.
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: loco on December 03, 2013, 07:33:23 AM
Anyone I have met who professed to be one was some nerd. Frustrated because life was kicking their ass. 

"How come God hogs up all the good followers, and we're left with the retards?" - CLOWN from SPAWN!


Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: King Shizzo on December 03, 2013, 07:37:27 AM
What would be the point of worshipping satan? I can understand the people that follow god/jesus.

What would satan have to offer?
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: snx on December 03, 2013, 07:40:46 AM
If you worship Satan, are you not worshipping a man-made mental construct of what a god should be? Don't Satanists, by their own nature, reject all conceived godly constructs in pursuit of the ID?

Kind of paradoxical, but I'll be honest, it's not like I really care. Folks can do whatever they want on their own time as far as I'm concerned...just don't peddle your religion at my door on a sunday morning. That's when I worship bacon and eggs and toast and the promise of Fox's sunday football pre-game show. And perhaps a nap.
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: King Shizzo on December 03, 2013, 07:42:11 AM
If you worship Satan, are you not worshipping a man-made mental construct of what a god should be? Don't Satanists, by their own nature, reject all conceived godly constructs in pursuit of the ID?

Kind of paradoxical, but I'll be honest, it's not like I really care. Folks can do whatever they want on their own time as far as I'm concerned...just don't peddle your religion at my door on a sunday morning. That's when I worship bacon and eggs and toast and the promise of Fox's sunday football pre-game show. And perhaps a nap.  
Now that is a religion I can get behind (no homo)
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Van_Bilderass on December 03, 2013, 07:42:24 AM
LaVey ripped off Ragnar Redbeard
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Thick Nick on December 03, 2013, 07:44:54 AM
What would be the point of worshipping satan? I can understand the people that follow god/jesus.

What would satan have to offer?

Read my post above and look further into it... Many believe satan as the good guy. He wS demonized for giving us knowledge.... Knowledge is power. God didn't want us to have knowledge. It's all there if you read.
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: kyomu on December 03, 2013, 08:41:43 AM
So what's the difference between nihilism and satanism?

Are satanists just narcissists run amok?

Nihirism is Taoism and Budism.

Here is a part of most famous sutra of budism here.

 all dharmas are empty of characteristics. 
They are not produced. Not destroyed, not defiled, not  pure, and they neither increase nor diminish.
 Therefore, in emptiness there is no form, feeling, cognition,  formation, or consciousness; no eyes, ears, nose, tongue,  body, or mind; no sights, sounds, smells, tastes, objects of  touch, or dharmas; no field of the eyes, up to and  including no field of mind-consciousness; and no  ignorance or ending of ignorance, up to and including no  old age and death or ending of old age and death. There is no suffering, no accumulating, no extinction, no way, and  no understanding and no attaining.

In short, it says that you cant realize the absolute reality. It is saying that defenitely exist and defenitely dont exist. Just beyond our conciousness. You cant realize contradicted truths at a time.
This is nihirism   
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: CalvinH on December 03, 2013, 08:43:09 AM
I read this thread backwards and it told me to get drunk and eat cheesecake.  :o


"Mr Crowley,won't you ride my white horse"
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: kyomu on December 03, 2013, 08:45:47 AM
All human beings worship someone or something.  Although you won't admit it, you worship Paco.    ;D

When I watch the program of the magician DYNAMO, I felt as if i am watching the paranormal thing.
That means i worship DYNAMO? ;)
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: snx on December 03, 2013, 08:46:40 AM
Nihirism is Taoism and Budism.

Here is a part of most famous sutra of budism here.

 all dharmas are empty of characteristics. 
They are not produced. Not destroyed, not defiled, not  pure, and they neither increase nor diminish.
 Therefore, in emptiness there is no form, feeling, cognition,  formation, or consciousness; no eyes, ears, nose, tongue,  body, or mind; no sights, sounds, smells, tastes, objects of  touch, or dharmas; no field of the eyes, up to and  including no field of mind-consciousness; and no  ignorance or ending of ignorance, up to and including no  old age and death or ending of old age and death. There is no suffering, no accumulating, no extinction, no way, and  no understanding and no attaining.

In short, it says that you cant realize the absolute reality. It is saying that defenitely exist and defenitely dont exist. Just beyond our conciousness. You cant realize contradicted truths at a time.
This is nihirism   

Do you purposely type nihirism instead of nihilism as a clever play on your culture? Or is there literally a keyboard that does that for you? LOL!
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: viking1 on December 03, 2013, 08:48:08 AM
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: King Shizzo on December 03, 2013, 08:50:15 AM
It really is simple guys. There is a reason why so many religions exist today.

There is a reason why people believed in a variety of gods in ancient times.

We want to feel like we are here for a reason. Not a by-product of single-cell organisms.

I always loved the pic of Jesus holding the baby raptor. It really does explain everything.
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Dago_Joe on December 03, 2013, 08:50:42 AM
Anton LeVey....The Satanic Bible....had some famous members.....Jayne Mansfield and Sammy Davis Jr.

Yeah i remember seeing a video where Lavey claimed he put a "hex" on Mansfield because he was fucking her and she ended it to be with some pretty boy and that is why she got decapitated in a car accident.   ::) ::)
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: kyomu on December 03, 2013, 08:55:00 AM
Do you purposely type nihirism instead of nihilism as a clever play on your culture? Or is there literally a keyboard that does that for you? LOL!
No. Simply I misspelled it.
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: kyomu on December 03, 2013, 09:01:39 AM
It really is simple guys. There is a reason why so many religions exist today.

There is a reason why people believed in a variety of gods in ancient times.

We want to feel like we are here for a reason. Not a by-product of single-cell organisms.

I always loved the pic of Jesus holding the baby raptor. It really does explain everything.
That is.
Our mind always have to acknowledg everything. If not, we are scare.
Just we cant accept how nonsence everything are.
Because that "nonsence" take away our hope for tomorrow from us.
And so stupid that we dont know that "hope" is giving fear to us and take our true liberty away from us.
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: bigmc on December 03, 2013, 10:53:22 AM
It really is simple guys. There is a reason why so many religions exist today.

There is a reason why people believed in a variety of gods in ancient times.

We want to feel like we are here for a reason. Not a by-product of single-cell organisms.

I always loved the pic of Jesus holding the baby raptor. It really does explain everything.

Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Fortress on December 03, 2013, 12:21:12 PM
What would be the point of worshipping satan? I can understand the people that follow god/jesus.

What would satan have to offer?

You're missing the point of what Satanism is. We're not talking about devil-worship. In the case of Anton's Satanism, the fictional character Satan merely is used as representation of what humans should strive towards, in that it is in acceptance of its nature. Not in conflict with it.

Good and evil, in a whole sense, doesn't exist. We have determined what is good and evil, to us. But the capacity for both good and evil exists in each one of us.

In a very real way, Satanists are kinder, gentler and more rooted examples of our species.   
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: thebrink on December 03, 2013, 12:38:16 PM
most of them are in military and hang out in the overworld. mentally ill folks
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: bigmc on December 03, 2013, 01:22:19 PM
You're missing the point of what Satanism is. We're not talking about devil-worship. In the case of Anton's Satanism, the fictional character Satan merely is used as representation of what humans should strive towards, in that it is in acceptance of its nature. Not in conflict with it.

Good and evil, in a whole sense, doesn't exist. We have determined what is good and evil, to us. But the capacity for both good and evil exists in each one of us.

In a very real way, Satanists are kinder, gentler and more rooted examples of our species.   

shizzo cant grasp concepts

Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: The Abdominal Snoman on December 03, 2013, 02:13:37 PM
The ruling elite all took an oath to protect the bloodlines of the Hierarchy no matter what. Even if you don't believe in Satanism or evil etc, they do. And that's one of the reason we are constantly being pumped full of this type of symbolism propaganda in their media...
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Irongrip400 on December 03, 2013, 06:05:19 PM
The ruling elite all took an oath to protect the bloodlines of the Hierarchy no matter what. Even if you don't believe in Satanism or evil etc, they do. And that's one of the reason we are constantly being pumped full of this type of symbolism propaganda in their media...

Huh? Like in "Eyes Wide Shut"?

So why do they call themselves satanists, if they don't believe in any form of "god"?
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: arce1988 on December 03, 2013, 06:06:54 PM
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Hulkotron on December 03, 2013, 06:10:46 PM
were they carrying a trident and bathing in the blood of virgins show?

I carry a trident at the gym between sets.
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Van_Bilderass on December 03, 2013, 07:18:57 PM
Most of the stuff LaVey told about himself was BS, his name, his heritage, his jobs etc. He ripped off Ragnar Redbeard writing his bible. Was heavily influenced by Ayn Rand among others too. Used
Crowley for the rituals/magick stuff. It could be argued that him being a fraud in many ways fits in with the philosophy though.

Some of his writings are quite nice.
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: kyomu on December 03, 2013, 11:46:25 PM
Almost perfect .
Lame that her tits are fake
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Mr Nobody on December 04, 2013, 12:05:34 AM
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Kwon_2 on December 04, 2013, 12:09:38 AM
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Wiggs on December 04, 2013, 12:56:13 AM
I rebuke this thread in name of Yahoshua, The Messiah, Christ Almighty. And I rebuke all you that are following his path. For if you knew the depths of evil your messing with because you think it's trendy you have somethings coming to you on a level you could never fathom.  Dipshits.
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: bigmc on December 04, 2013, 02:33:12 AM
I rebuke this thread in name of Yahoshua, The Messiah, Christ Almighty. And I rebuke all you that are following his path. For if you knew the depths of evil your messing with because you think it's trendy you have somethings coming to you on a level you could never fathom.  Dipshits.

you are insane

thought you would be quiet after another predicted apocalypse turned out to be nothing
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Nad AK on December 04, 2013, 08:25:42 AM
this is off the first page of their website

To us, Satan is the symbol that best suits the nature of we who are carnal by birth—people who feel no battles raging between our thoughts and feelings, we who do not embrace the concept of a soul imprisoned in a body. He represents pride, liberty, and individualism—qualities often defined as Evil by those who worship external deities, who feel there is a war between their minds and emotions.

According to satanist, gang-banging a goat is ok.......  ::)

Through out history, when civilizations deviated from the path of "god or self control" and started being "carnal = acting upon pleasures"  vanished.
read the history and you will know
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: bigmc on December 04, 2013, 10:18:21 AM
According to satanist, gang-banging a goat is ok.......  ::)

Through out history, when civilizations deviated from the path of "god or self control" and started being "carnal = acting upon pleasures"  vanished.
read the history and you will know

what according to the bible

might be an agenda their chief

the bible is a set of draconian rules used by the church to suppress the masses

Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: hrspwr1 on December 04, 2013, 10:20:59 AM
If my church had orgies I would probably go twice week, just sayin.
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: bigmc on December 04, 2013, 10:21:54 AM
If my church had orgies I would probably go twice week, just sayin.

you are a man of god my friend
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Thick Nick on December 04, 2013, 10:49:09 AM
According to satanist, gang-banging a goat is ok.......  ::)

Through out history, when civilizations deviated from the path of "god or self control" and started being "carnal = acting upon pleasures"  vanished.
read the history and you will know

Hi Jon Harridan.
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Nad AK on December 05, 2013, 12:00:08 AM
what according to the bible

might be an agenda their chief

the bible is a set of draconian rules used by the church to suppress the masses

no, according to history books. Books that historians wrote. But you need to do your own research
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Nad AK on December 05, 2013, 12:03:13 AM
Hi Jon Harridan.

who is that? is he tall, muscular and handsome?
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Kwon_2 on December 05, 2013, 12:03:34 AM
According to satanist, gang-banging a goat is ok.......  ::)

Through out history, when civilizations deviated from the path of "god or self control" and started being "carnal = acting upon pleasures"  vanished.
read the history and you will know

Hi True Security
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: eldoradospandex on December 05, 2013, 01:50:29 AM
I rebuke this thread in name of Yahoshua, The Messiah, Christ Almighty. And I rebuke all you that are following his path. For if you knew the depths of evil your messing with because you think it's trendy you have somethings coming to you on a level you could never fathom.  Dipshits.

I've been trying to work out for a while now whether you're roleplaying a crazy mong or are really a spastic
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Wiggs on December 05, 2013, 02:25:43 AM
I've been trying to work out for a while now whether you're roleplaying a crazy mong or are really a spastic

I am Wiggs. Hebrew Israelite. Saving the souls of men and women, one at a time.
I'm very coherent and intelligent yet, come off as batshit crazy. Hard to put a point on huh?

It's because I'm right.
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: bigmc on December 05, 2013, 03:18:26 AM
no, according to history books. Books that historians wrote. But you need to do your own research

Il get right on it  ::)
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Thick Nick on December 05, 2013, 04:16:23 AM
who is that? is he tall, muscular and handsome?

I can sniff you out from a mile away. Your closeted faggotry stinks to high heaven. Stop hiding behind god and come out you fruit loop.
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Rascal full on December 05, 2013, 04:22:20 AM
Satanism can be explained pretty easily. Just be a selfish kunt and all shall be rosy!  :-\
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Kahn.N.Singh on December 05, 2013, 05:45:38 AM
Nonsense, of course.

However, "La plus belle des ruses du diable est de vous persuader qu’il n’existe pas!" Baudelaire, Le Joueur Généreux

Y'alls know dis as:
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Viking11 on December 05, 2013, 07:01:04 AM
Here is amother one for you.  Jesus Christ was arrested for sedition and Pilate, to honor a tradition on Passover and appease the masses, agreed to free one prisoner - the other was Barabbas.  The name- Bar Abbas- "son of the father"..
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Agnostic007 on December 05, 2013, 07:40:50 AM
I remember as a young christian Anton Lavey was a very scary figure. His famous black house in San Fran was where I figured the gates to hell was located.. Satanic cults were thought to be prolific and Hollywood certainly played it up. Turned out that Lavey was a con man self promoter, Satanism in the cult sense went nowhere and the black house turned out to be a dump that got foreclosed on and eventually decayed to nothing and eventually torn down and replaced with a modern house. Kind of miss the days of mystery and intrigue where the Ouija board was thought by some to actually be a doorway to the dead. Science and knowledge suck sometimes       
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Nad AK on December 05, 2013, 12:14:39 PM
I can sniff you out from a mile away. Your closeted faggotry stinks to high heaven. Stop hiding behind god and come out you fruit loop.

keep sniffing then loool but don't bark. I am just amazed of the language used here. tough guy
whoever that dude you are talking about, I guess he damaged you. you are so obsessed with him
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: eldoradospandex on December 06, 2013, 12:48:25 AM
I am Wiggs. Hebrew Israelite. Saving the souls of men and women, one at a time.
I'm very coherent and intelligent yet, come off as batshit crazy. Hard to put a point on huh?

It's because I'm right.

I wouldn't venture to say coherant
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Thick Nick on December 06, 2013, 03:02:09 AM
keep sniffing then loool but don't bark. I am just amazed of the language used here. tough guy
whoever that dude you are talking about, I guess he damaged you. you are so obsessed with him

Whoever the dude is... Lol.

That's like "my FRIEND" has a VD...

Hi Jon.
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Nad AK on December 06, 2013, 03:50:30 AM
Whoever the dude is... Lol.

That's like "my FRIEND" has a VD...

Hi Jon.

lol, I don't get what you are sayin or how my opinion about Satanism made you find out my "REAL IDENTITY". anyways "holmes" I think we went off topic. I don't need to prove who I am. we are all some keyboard heroes here but if you were smart enough you would have known from my IP my location.
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: bigmc on December 06, 2013, 04:00:02 AM
lol, I don't get what you are sayin or how my opinion about Satanism made you find out my "REAL IDENTITY". anyways "holmes" I think we went off topic. I don't need to prove who I am. we are all some keyboard heroes here but if you were smart enough you would have known from my IP my location.

sounds like you love the cock
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Thick Nick on December 06, 2013, 04:33:02 AM
sounds like you love the cock

^ This. That is all.
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Rascal full on December 06, 2013, 05:42:46 AM
We all have a good and bad side. Ying and yang and all that sh!t. Which one do you want to tap into?
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Nad AK on December 06, 2013, 03:23:01 PM
sounds like you love the cock

if we were on a respected board, kids like you would've been band
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: King Shizzo on December 07, 2013, 08:32:14 AM
if we were on a respected board, kids like you would've been band
You ain't on a normal board bitch. This is the Thunderdome. 
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: bigmc on December 07, 2013, 09:11:51 AM
if we were on a respected board, kids like you would've been band

do you mean banned

or band as in popular beat combo

is the blue veined flute your only instrument

im guessing you can blow the trombone too
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Nad AK on December 08, 2013, 12:47:23 AM
You ain't on a normal board bitch. This is the Thunderdome. 

thuderdome loool. where uneducated "bodybuilders" scammed the whole board and called it a bible. looooooooool
im sorry but I wont use the language you use because I am known on some other boards
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Radical Plato on December 08, 2013, 01:08:09 AM
Islam is the new Satanism.
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Cleanest Natural on December 08, 2013, 01:20:25 AM
how about pedofilia, canibalism and infant sacrifice plus consumption? many satanic generational families all over the place .. any kind of abuse you can imagine.. read Brice Taylor's "Thanks for the Memories" if you don't believe me.
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: bigmc on December 08, 2013, 01:29:37 AM
how about pedofilia, canibalism and infant sacrifice plus consumption? many satanic generational families all over the place .. any kind of abuse you can imagine.. read Brice Taylor's "Thanks for the Memories" if you don't believe me.

il check it out

this thread was about opening the debate

not condoning anything

people can use any religion to commit atrocities

history is littered withe heinous acts commited in the name of one god or another
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Cleanest Natural on December 08, 2013, 02:07:39 AM
il check it out

this thread was about opening the debate

not condoning anything

people can use any religion to commit atrocities

history is littered withe heinous acts commited in the name of one god or another
I feel you.. read that book. I must warn you that is a very difficult read even for me. It describes the behind the scenes life of a highly programmed person and her interaction/use with the political and entertainment elite. You will never look at this world again.
Title: Re: Satanism
Post by: Van_Bilderass on December 08, 2013, 04:18:47 AM
The LaVeyan brand of Satanism doesn't involve a lot of disgusting concepts, the stuff
that most associate with Satanism. No pedophilia etc. Actual devil worship is viewed as nothing
more than inversion of Christianity.

Nothing shocking here, at least to me:

LaVey of course was a conman, he wasn't as cool as he made himself out to be. But maybe this fooling of idiots could be called an example of "lesser magic" as it gave him some measure of power, made people afraid of him etc. :D