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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Nutrition, Products & Supplements Info => Topic started by: davie on January 06, 2006, 12:44:42 PM

Title: Yummy
Post by: davie on January 06, 2006, 12:44:42 PM
Sorry for nothing post, but just really enjoyed me T of boiled poatatoes,boiled peas/sweetcorn, and steak with boiled mushrooms on top. Tasted awesome and al good food. Steak was grilled aswell,nothing fried etc.

Title: Re: Yummy
Post by: FlexGuns on January 07, 2006, 12:02:57 AM
sounds good. You got any extra?
Title: Re: Yummy
Post by: davie on January 08, 2006, 09:47:09 AM
Haha i did do, but i ate it next day,sorry mate.

Title: Re: Yummy
Post by: Sculpter on January 14, 2006, 08:15:04 AM
Sounds great! I love steak grilled on the barbecue or roasted/baked in the oven.Just baked an eye of round roast marinated in a honey garlic sauce last night at close to midnight.Be sandwich heaven today,...unless the kids notice I made it in which case it disappears more quickly!!! :D
Title: Re: Yummy
Post by: Bear03 on January 14, 2006, 04:33:58 PM
Sorry for nothing post, but just really enjoyed me T of boiled poatatoes,boiled peas/sweetcorn, and steak with boiled mushrooms on top. Tasted awesome and al good food. Steak was grilled aswell,nothing fried etc.


Bangers and Mash!!!!!  The diet kind from sainsbury's....although i think they did a special on iTV a while back about how the 'healthy' foods really aren't any better for ya.
Title: Re: Yummy
Post by: davie on January 15, 2006, 11:31:01 AM
MMMM other day had same boiled potatoes and veggies, but had salmon that night, put tin foil on tray in overn, put bit of salmon in oven with a wee bit of butter and herb ontop of it and let it cook, awesome.
Lasagne last night (mums recipe), had that and lots of salad (lettuce,cucumber,tomato), had to have a second helping of lasagne,was that good. YUMMY

Title: Re: Yummy
Post by: Jr. Yates on January 16, 2006, 12:41:23 PM
well im glad some guys out there get to enjoy there food...ive been experimenting a little but im still learning...usually its just boring chicken breasts and brown rice, im even sick of eggs.
Title: Re: Yummy
Post by: davie on January 16, 2006, 12:57:18 PM
Well id never confess to being an expert on  the diet side of things, trainnigs alwasy been ok but im just starting to get the diet side better (which is probs more important than the training).

JR YATES, y dont u just take look at what iv written for the evening meal e.g. salmon meal and steak meal and cook that up and have that, nothing unhealthy about either of those meal, ur getting good sources of protein (red meat one night,white the next), good fats from the fish oils. good carbs from the boiled potatoes.+nice healthy veggies.
Go for it, tastes amazing.
Tonight im having bit unhealthy treat (though not really that abd when u look at it.)
Steak and 3 fried eggs+probs sum veggies & glass of semi skimmed milk. YUMMY

Title: Re: Yummy
Post by: Sculpter on January 16, 2006, 03:46:55 PM
I'm definitely no nutrition expert or such Jr Yates but i've always tried to eat clean.! thing that has always helped me is an old Jack LaLanne statement that he lives by.
  "If its made by man I won't eat it".....or something to that effect.Eating good foods is actually quite easy.Just experiment for yourself.Be surprised what you may come up with!
Title: Re: Yummy
Post by: Jr. Yates on January 16, 2006, 08:52:35 PM
well for dinner today i tried a little pasta with an olive oil based sauce (sundried tomato and basil) with one full shrimpring and some mushrooms over the sauce and noodles. Also  one baked chickin breast and raw broccoli on teh side it was the perfect amount of food so i was pretty happy with myself.
Title: Re: Yummy
Post by: Bear03 on January 17, 2006, 09:35:11 AM
well for dinner today i tried a little pasta with an olive oil based sauce (sundried tomato and basil) with one full shrimpring and some mushrooms over the sauce and noodles. Also  one baked chickin breast and raw broccoli on teh side it was the perfect amount of food so i was pretty happy with myself.

Good lord that's a lot of food for one meal.
Title: Re: Yummy
Post by: Jr. Yates on January 17, 2006, 11:15:19 AM
IT IS?......usually i have brown rice with my 2 chicken breasts.....i figured a little bit of pasta on the side with only 1 chicken breast was alright.
Title: Re: Yummy
Post by: onlyme on January 17, 2006, 11:50:56 AM
Well I have started eating brown rice this week.  Not bad.  Rice cookers are a staple in a kitchen in Hawaii.  I cooked mine with a cup of chicken broth and rest water.  It turned out awesome.  I love it.  I eat about 2 cups cooked rice.  Is that okay.  I also eat a pound of Mahi Mahi a day.  So for dinner now my meal is the brown rice with Mahi Mahi.  I cooked the Mahi Mahi (which is in small pieces) in olive oil and a little sesame oil, fresh garlic, dried onions, a little soy and a little teriyaki sauce.  I cook it in the wok.  It is so good then I just pour it over the rice and eat.  Is this okay for dinner which I eat around 6pm.  But,Iam now a brown rice eater.
Title: Re: Yummy
Post by: Jr. Yates on January 17, 2006, 12:28:31 PM
whats mahi mahi?
Title: Re: Yummy
Post by: Sculpter on January 17, 2006, 03:37:27 PM
Correct me if wrong but i'm an ex commercial fisherman & I think thats Hawiian for a type of tuna?
Title: Re: Yummy
Post by: Bear03 on January 17, 2006, 05:11:23 PM
Correct me if wrong but i'm an ex commercial fisherman & I think thats Hawiian for a type of tuna?

I'm correcting you because you're wrong.  Mahi Mahi is shark.  It's very healthy and very delicious, it's a mild, sweet fish. 

Onlyme, i must persist in saying i'm extremely jealous of you and your access to great seafood.
Title: Re: Yummy
Post by: Sculpter on January 17, 2006, 06:39:51 PM
Cool, thanks a lot Bear03.I just figured on it being Hawiian for tuna.I never fished anything besides snow crab anyway.
Title: Re: Yummy
Post by: Jr. Yates on January 17, 2006, 07:55:36 PM
shark! thats cool. i want some now.
Title: Re: Yummy
Post by: Bear03 on January 17, 2006, 09:37:52 PM
Cool, thanks a lot Bear03.I just figured on it being Hawiian for tuna.I never fished anything besides snow crab anyway.

They eat a lot of Ahi in THATs some good stuff!
Title: Re: Yummy
Post by: onlyme on January 17, 2006, 11:45:10 PM
Wrong on all counts!   Ahi is a type of tuna as is Tombo. Mahi Mahi is a type of dolphin but not the flipper type.  Has a blunt weird looking head.
Title: Re: Yummy
Post by: Bear03 on January 18, 2006, 06:50:24 AM
Wrong on all counts!   Ahi is a type of tuna as is Tombo. Mahi Mahi is a type of dolphin but not the flipper type.  Has a blunt weird looking head.

i know ahi is tuna, i mentioned that because he brought up hawaiians eating a bunch of tuna.  Incedentally, the dolphin fish and fish related to it are generally classified as sharks- in spite of the fact that 'shark' isn't in their name (nurse shark, great white shark, tiger shark, etc.)  Is shark fin soup illegal to get in the US now?
Title: Re: Yummy
Post by: onlyme on January 18, 2006, 02:16:38 PM
Guys this is a Mahi Mahi.  Hope this helps.  Also, is a dolphin related to a shark.  I never heard that before.  A dolphin is not a fish is it.  I thought it was a mammal cause it breathes air it has no gills.  Like a whale is not a fish either.
Title: Re: Yummy
Post by: Bear03 on January 18, 2006, 02:19:36 PM
right, THAT dolphin is a mammal and not related to a shark.  The type of dolphin you've shown a picture of IS a fish and IS related to the shark species.  Mahi Mahi is often used as a substitute for shark in many oriental delicacies, due to the fact that it is illegal to fish for most shark in US Waters, at least for the purposes of food.  The flavors are remarkably similar.
Title: Re: Yummy
Post by: dookie on January 18, 2006, 03:18:19 PM
Well I have started eating brown rice this week.  Not bad.  Rice cookers are a staple in a kitchen in Hawaii.  I cooked mine with a cup of chicken broth and rest water.  It turned out awesome.  I love it.  I eat about 2 cups cooked rice.  Is that okay.  I also eat a pound of Mahi Mahi a day.  So for dinner now my meal is the brown rice with Mahi Mahi.  I cooked the Mahi Mahi (which is in small pieces) in olive oil and a little sesame oil, fresh garlic, dried onions, a little soy and a little teriyaki sauce.  I cook it in the wok.  It is so good then I just pour it over the rice and eat.  Is this okay for dinner which I eat around 6pm.  But,Iam now a brown rice eater.

man i tried to do the brown rice thing.  stuff just taste too funky for me.  check out that jasmine rice.  i get the goya stuff....good stuff. 
Title: Re: Yummy
Post by: Sculpter on January 18, 2006, 07:09:19 PM
Well, well, well.What goes around comes around eh Bear03?I'll correct you now.I didn't say because Hawaiians eat a lot of tuna.I thought it was the Hawaiian language for the word tuna.Whatever, we all make errors right bud? Thanks for clearing it up for everyone onlyme.
BTW onlyme, i've read your stories etc. on the other boards & you have some awesome stories from your experience at the Mecca.I only wish I could have experienced some of the stuff you have.Also, because of your size, do you get ppl. figuring they can't approach you because you look intimidating to them? I'm guessing you would but from your stories i'm betting your one of them rare true friends for life if a person gets to know you & earn their trust.Also, how hard is it to learn the Hawaiian language?
Title: Re: Yummy
Post by: onlyme on January 18, 2006, 08:12:34 PM
No not at all.  I always wondered why and how anyone and just about everyone has no probelm coming up to me and say something.  I have always had a knack to talk to people and vice versa.  I mean I literally have girls tell me some shit they have never told their parents or husbands or anyone.  I remember the first time meeting Cory Everson.  The next day someone asked me if at one time we were boyfriend and girlfriend.  Isaid I just met her last night and they couldn't beleve it.  I mean the physical things we did and the way we acted to each other it really looked like we were once together.  That happens all the time.  I guess it's a good thing.  I have been told by some it's because I smile all the time no matter how bad things are going.  I am very positive and hate negative people around me.  The funny thing is my oldest daughter is exactly the same way.  Everyone just tells me how they love her.  I always told my friends sometimes I thought it might not be agood thing that people always remember me or they kike me cause I could never commit a crime cause it would be easy to tell the cops who I am.  Oh well.  ANother thing is the friend thing.  I do keep my friends for life.  I literally will not be in touch with someone for years and all f a sudden call them and it's like we just had lunch yesterday.  Perfect example ismy friend I called last month after not talking to him for over 10 years.  He is a director (Knotts Landing, Flacon Crest allot more) who is a good friend and who got me on both those shows.  I called him and it was like we just talked.  So I guess it's a good thing.  I have always been told told  my face is nice and friendly.  It's just my body that is so big.