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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: R.A.M. on January 07, 2014, 12:52:57 PM

Post by: R.A.M. on January 07, 2014, 12:52:57 PM
Post by: Quickerblade on January 07, 2014, 12:53:49 PM
the ex nba players will fly home soon. Rodman is a loser.
Post by: R.A.M. on January 07, 2014, 12:56:06 PM
Rodman needs to stay in North Korea
Post by: _bruce_ on January 07, 2014, 02:32:31 PM
Post by: Mr Nobody on January 07, 2014, 02:34:17 PM
A great rebounder.
Post by: bradistani on January 07, 2014, 02:35:42 PM
Post by: OneMoreRep on January 07, 2014, 03:01:58 PM
I actually think Dennis Rodman is being treated unfairly by the media.

Let me be clear, North Korea's Kim Jong Un is certainly a ruthless dictator that starves his people, promotes the spread of communism and poses a massive threat worldwide.

That said, Dennis Rodman is not an American diplomat and should not be expected to broker some sort of diplomatic deal the likes of what Woodrow Wilson or FDR could achieve.

I saw that interview between Cuomo and Rodman's crew and I think Cuomo was taking a way-too-aggressive approach towards Rodman. (Paraphrasing below)

Cuomo: Dennis, don't you think that you should ask your "friend" (Kim Jong Un) why he is holding a fellow US citizen hostage and possibly tell him that he should let him go?

Rodman: We are here to bring about diplomacy by way of basketball. We are former pro NBA players here to play basketball and that's what we are here to do.

First off, Rodman is not trained to use diplomacy tactics against ruthless dictators.

Secondly, if Rodman were to start questioning Kim Jong Un's decision to hold a US citizen captive and then proceeded to try to change his mind about his decisions, it's probably safe to say that Rodman and those 9 other former NBA players will probably serve as a 3-4 month supply of meat for those starved dogs Jung Un uses to savagely kill people (see: his uncle).

Rodman is doing what he knows best, which is to (A) garner media attention & (B) play basketball.

Not to mention that Rodman isn't rolling in money. I remember seeing him a few times in Midtown back around 2007-2008 working out at one of the local gyms and he looked terrible. I wouldn't be surprised if most of those guys are just trying to make some extra money and are simply going along for the ride. Surely, Kim Jung Un is probably paying these guys a generous amount of money for their time and service.

Rodman is not some sort of foreign diplomat capable of brokering any deals with an individual the likes of Kim Jung Un. For crying out loud, you can barely understand what Rodman is saying and he probably struggles in both conceptualizing thoughts, let alone verbalizing them.

Post by: The Ugly on January 07, 2014, 03:05:36 PM
Useful idiot.
Post by: bradistani on January 07, 2014, 03:06:13 PM
I actually think Dennis Rodman is being treated unfairly by the media.

Let me be clear, North Korea's Kim Jong Un is certainly a ruthless dictator that starves his people, promotes the spread of communism and poses a massive threat worldwide.

That said, Dennis Rodman is not an American diplomat and should not be expected to broker some sort of diplomatic deal the likes of what Woodrow Wilson or FDR could achieve.

I saw that interview between Cuomo and Rodman's crew and I think Cuomo was taking a way-too-aggressive approach towards Rodman. (Paraphrasing below)

Cuomo: Dennis, don't you think that you should ask your "friend" (Kim Jong Un) why he is holding a fellow US citizen hostage and possibly tell him that he should let him go?

Rodman: We are here to bring about diplomacy by way of basketball. We are former pro NBA players here to play basketball and that's what we are here to do.

First off, Rodman is not trained to use diplomacy tactics against ruthless dictators.

Secondly, if Rodman were to start questioning Kim Jong Un's decision to hold a US citizen captive and then proceeded to try to change his mind about his decisions, it's probably safe to say that Rodman and those 9 other former NBA players will probably serve as a 3-4 month supply of meat for those starved dogs Jung Un uses to savagely kill people (see: his uncle).

Rodman is doing what he knows best, which is to (A) garner media attention & (B) play basketball.

Not to mention that Rodman isn't rolling in money. I remember seeing him a few times in Midtown back around 2007-2008 working out at one of the local gyms and he looked terrible. I wouldn't be surprised if most of those guys are just trying to make some extra money and are simply going along for the ride. Surely, Kim Jung Un is probably paying these guys a generous amount of money for their time and service.

Rodman is not some sort of foreign diplomat capable of brokering any deals with an individual the likes of Kim Jung Un. For crying out loud, you can barely understand what Rodman is saying and he probably struggles in both conceptualizing thoughts, let alone verbalizing them.


he's a puppet who gets to decide absolutely nothing
Post by: OneMoreRep on January 07, 2014, 03:08:34 PM

he's a puppet who gets to decide absolutely nothing

I don't know about what Kim Jung Un gets to decide.

Clearly, he is no one's puppet as he just had his uncle (who held control after his father's death, prior to Kim Jung Un taking over) eaten by 3 dogs that were starved for over 5 days.

Oh and he just had his aunt killed as well.

Kind of crazy if you ask me.

Post by: bradistani on January 07, 2014, 03:15:27 PM
I don't know about what Kim Jung Un gets to decide.

Clearly, he is no one's puppet as he just had his uncle (who held control after his father's death, prior to Kim Jung Un taking over) eaten by 3 dogs that were starved for over 5 days.

Oh and he just had his aunt killed as well.

Kind of crazy if you ask me.


the generals run north korea, not that idiot. the dog story is also not true, but if it was, it's the generals that would've decided the uncles fate, not rodmans chum.
Post by: Nails on January 07, 2014, 03:27:28 PM
Kim Chung Un dennis's Rod, maaaaaaaan !!!
Post by: OneMoreRep on January 07, 2014, 03:28:49 PM
the generals run north korea, not that idiot. the dog story is also not true, but if it was, it's the generals that would've decided the uncles fate, not rodmans chum.

I have no idea whether or not Kim Jung Un is used as a figurehead for others in control. All I can go by is based off of what I read from various media outlets (GuardianUK, Arutz Sheva, Al Jazeera, WikiLeaks, as well as US media sources). 

Are you Korean by any chance? I am very interested in learning more about the mechanisms behind North Korea.

Post by: WalterWhite on January 07, 2014, 03:29:38 PM
I don't know about what Kim Jung Un gets to decide.

Clearly, he is no one's puppet as he just had his uncle (who held control after his father's death, prior to Kim Jung Un taking over) eaten by 3 120 dogs that were starved for over 5 days.

Oh and he just had his aunt killed as well.

Kind of crazy if you ask me.


Post by: Mr.1derful on January 07, 2014, 03:34:05 PM
I don't know about what Kim Jung Un gets to decide.

Clearly, he is no one's puppet as he just had his uncle (who held control after his father's death, prior to Kim Jung Un taking over) eaten by 3 dogs that were starved for over 5 days.

Oh and he just had his aunt killed as well.

Kind of crazy if you ask me.


He didn't feed his uncle to dogs.  That was satire put out by the Chinese and people lapped it up, as always.
Post by: Straw Man on January 07, 2014, 03:35:25 PM
Rodman needs to stay in North Korea

Post by: Quickerblade on January 07, 2014, 03:39:39 PM

good to see you back man.
hows your friend Soul Crusher
Post by: Parker on January 07, 2014, 03:51:56 PM
Send Deicide in. He'll depressed Kim Jung Un so much that he go into an self imposed exile.
Post by: Quickerblade on January 07, 2014, 03:52:50 PM
Send Deicide in. He'll depressed Kim Jung Un so much that he go into an self imposed exile.

LOL very true, the most depressing GB'er ever.
Post by: Mr Nobody on January 07, 2014, 03:54:52 PM
Send Deicide in. He'll depressed Kim Jung Un so much that he go into an self imposed exile.
Post by: _bruce_ on January 07, 2014, 04:44:47 PM
Send Deicide in. He'll depressed Kim Jung Un so much that he go into an self imposed exile.

Even Satan chuckled  ;D
Post by: Quickerblade on January 07, 2014, 04:55:50 PM
whats the point of sending retired players there.
Post by: Mr. MB on January 07, 2014, 05:00:08 PM
Post by: Quickerblade on January 07, 2014, 05:04:18 PM
They are having a friendly bball match with nk team for kims bday.  They arent sent they want to be there.

Charles smith is talking about backing out. BTW how desperate are these ex-players.
Post by: che on January 07, 2014, 05:04:52 PM

Not to mention that Rodman isn't rolling in money.  I wouldn't be surprised if most of those guys are just trying to make some extra money and are simply going along for the ride. Surely, Kim Jung Un is probably paying these guys a generous amount of money for their time and service.


OMR  is  a smart dude .
Post by: Parker on January 07, 2014, 05:08:52 PM
LOL very true, the most depressing GB'er ever.
Yet he never offed himself, very curious.
He and Kim Jung Un can intimately discuss coffee and it's effects on the gastrointestinal system.
And have an intellectual discussion on the topic of the depressing nature of death...while having Boys II Men's "End of The Road" playing in the background.

Even Satan chuckled  ;D
Deicide is his "gift" to the world.
Post by: pellius on January 07, 2014, 06:16:18 PM
I actually think Dennis Rodman is being treated unfairly by the media.

Let me be clear, North Korea's Kim Jong Un is certainly a ruthless dictator that starves his people, promotes the spread of communism and poses a massive threat worldwide.

That said, Dennis Rodman is not an American diplomat and should not be expected to broker some sort of diplomatic deal the likes of what Woodrow Wilson or FDR could achieve.

I saw that interview between Cuomo and Rodman's crew and I think Cuomo was taking a way-too-aggressive approach towards Rodman. (Paraphrasing below)

Cuomo: Dennis, don't you think that you should ask your "friend" (Kim Jong Un) why he is holding a fellow US citizen hostage and possibly tell him that he should let him go?

Rodman: We are here to bring about diplomacy by way of basketball. We are former pro NBA players here to play basketball and that's what we are here to do.

First off, Rodman is not trained to use diplomacy tactics against ruthless dictators.

Secondly, if Rodman were to start questioning Kim Jong Un's decision to hold a US citizen captive and then proceeded to try to change his mind about his decisions, it's probably safe to say that Rodman and those 9 other former NBA players will probably serve as a 3-4 month supply of meat for those starved dogs Jung Un uses to savagely kill people (see: his uncle).

Rodman is doing what he knows best, which is to (A) garner media attention & (B) play basketball.

Not to mention that Rodman isn't rolling in money. I remember seeing him a few times in Midtown back around 2007-2008 working out at one of the local gyms and he looked terrible. I wouldn't be surprised if most of those guys are just trying to make some extra money and are simply going along for the ride. Surely, Kim Jung Un is probably paying these guys a generous amount of money for their time and service.

Rodman is not some sort of foreign diplomat capable of brokering any deals with an individual the likes of Kim Jung Un. For crying out loud, you can barely understand what Rodman is saying and he probably struggles in both conceptualizing thoughts, let alone verbalizing them.


Rodman, being a celebrity and known throughout the world, in a sense endorses Kim Jung Un and even giving him some credibility by buddying around with him and ignoring his regimes atrocities. A bad and evil person should be stigmatized and ostracized but all decent people. If it was made known that a friend of yours is a pedophile and "expedited" his father's death so that he could get at his inheritance and gotten away with it would he still be your friend? Would you still hang out with him and just shrug off his sins and say "Well, that's his personal life and it has nothing to do with me."

Who you endorse, and in Rodman's case, defend; and there's no question as to the type of man Kim Jung Un is, is a reflection of your character, values and standards of decency.

Having said this I believe that Rodman is not necessarily a bad person but is just clueless. He's a baffoon, a shallow person, and has lived his life as an unrepentant hedonist. Consequently, he has no real world view or moral compass and just lives for the moment and what makes him feel good at the time. 

Would you feel the same way if we could go back in time and watch Rodman and Hitler hugging, clinking liquor bottles and yukking it up at a lavish banquet?
Post by: pellius on January 07, 2014, 06:26:54 PM
Obama has more blood on his hands than kim, you are brainwashed by us news.

LOL! Move to North Korea you ingrate!
Post by: Dr.J on January 07, 2014, 06:34:45 PM
I actually think Dennis Rodman is being treated unfairly by the media.

Let me be clear, North Korea's Kim Jong Un is certainly a ruthless dictator that starves his people, promotes the spread of communism and poses a massive threat worldwide.

That said, Dennis Rodman is not an American diplomat and should not be expected to broker some sort of diplomatic deal the likes of what Woodrow Wilson or FDR could achieve.

I saw that interview between Cuomo and Rodman's crew and I think Cuomo was taking a way-too-aggressive approach towards Rodman. (Paraphrasing below)

Cuomo: Dennis, don't you think that you should ask your "friend" (Kim Jong Un) why he is holding a fellow US citizen hostage and possibly tell him that he should let him go?

Rodman: We are here to bring about diplomacy by way of basketball. We are former pro NBA players here to play basketball and that's what we are here to do.

First off, Rodman is not trained to use diplomacy tactics against ruthless dictators.

Secondly, if Rodman were to start questioning Kim Jong Un's decision to hold a US citizen captive and then proceeded to try to change his mind about his decisions, it's probably safe to say that Rodman and those 9 other former NBA players will probably serve as a 3-4 month supply of meat for those starved dogs Jung Un uses to savagely kill people (see: his uncle).

Rodman is doing what he knows best, which is to (A) garner media attention & (B) play basketball.

Not to mention that Rodman isn't rolling in money. I remember seeing him a few times in Midtown back around 2007-2008 working out at one of the local gyms and he looked terrible. I wouldn't be surprised if most of those guys are just trying to make some extra money and are simply going along for the ride. Surely, Kim Jung Un is probably paying these guys a generous amount of money for their time and service.

Rodman is not some sort of foreign diplomat capable of brokering any deals with an individual the likes of Kim Jung Un. For crying out loud, you can barely understand what Rodman is saying and he probably struggles in both conceptualizing thoughts, let alone verbalizing them.


Post by: pellius on January 07, 2014, 06:48:08 PM
Um no i rather help change this country back to what it should be you dont like the truth about usa in current state?

Yes, you know everything. When you are fed your propaganda it's called "education" and the "truth". When ideas and information you don't agree with are propose it's called "brain washing". Somehow you have the inside scoop and get your information and truths from far more credible sources that I would like for you to divulge. Or did you come to these conclusions on your own by your vast travel and experience all over this world? 

There are a lot of things wrong with this country and it's getting worse. But to morally equate Obama (whom I did not and don't support) with Kim Jung Un only undermines your position and diminishes your credibility.

Given a choice to have Obama or Kim Jung Un to be the leader of the world which one would you choose or will you just flip a coin.
Post by: RUDE BUOY on January 07, 2014, 06:50:18 PM
Post by: Marty Champions on January 07, 2014, 07:14:10 PM
what is rodmans diet that fucker is always lean
Post by: pellius on January 07, 2014, 07:18:16 PM
Kim do you believe all the lies your country tells you or only half?

A pontless question. Like all Americans I agree with some of this nation's policies and disagree with others. I have not calculated the actual percentages. 

But I see you have conveniently ignored my question.

"Given a choice to have Obama or Kim Jung Un to be the leader of the world which one would you choose or will you just flip a coin?"
Post by: pellius on January 07, 2014, 07:18:53 PM
what is rodmans diet that fucker is always lean

Your spiritual depth is awe inspiring.
Post by: sean on January 07, 2014, 07:47:38 PM
what is rodmans diet that fucker is always lean

Hes a hardcore alcoholic and doesn't eat. His speaking makes it clear he's probably a handle deep before the interview. What a weirdo.
Post by: The Ugly on January 07, 2014, 07:51:14 PM
I don't believe there is a more stupid American than Dennis. He really is borderline retarded.
Post by: pellius on January 07, 2014, 08:54:00 PM
Unless your first name is kim i answered your question in the previous post.  I suppose you believe everything you hear about him on the news or i mean propaganda channel?  we know obama has americans assasinated by drones so pick the better of the two.

Just so there is no misunderstand or misinterpretation just simply answer the question directly:

"Given a choice to have Obama or Kim Jung Un to be the leader of the world which one would you choose or will you just flip a coin?"
Post by: Hypertrophy on January 07, 2014, 09:04:18 PM
I don't believe there is a more stupid American than Dennis. He really is borderline retarded.

I felt bad for him - trying to speak in complete sentences and all, haha
Post by: Teutonic Knight on January 08, 2014, 12:52:41 AM
Obama has more blood on his hands than kim, you are brainwashed by us news.

What about Belgian King Leopold ?, butcher of Congo  :P
Post by: Ronnie Rep on January 08, 2014, 04:35:55 AM
Charles smith is talking about backing out. BTW how desperate are these ex-players.
Pretty sure they got paid a pretty good amount of money to do it by Kim Jong Un!
Post by: Pet shop boys on January 08, 2014, 07:05:17 AM

Post by: gmflex on January 08, 2014, 07:31:03 AM
Rodman had a meltdown  ;D
Post by: Conker on January 08, 2014, 07:36:55 AM
Cumo should be asking US reps and president same questions because we all know us murders 100x more civilians than nk did way to get the discussion going about a more peaceful place us is number 1 in violence.

How about gitmo etc etc there are too many dirtys the us does to be pointing any finger.  Ken bae is charged with specific crimes dumbass cumo should know that going into interview  btw what crimes are gitmo detainees charged with pot meet kettle.

Go rodman tell that butch ass puppet reporter to go fuck himself and put him in his place.  That reporter would be completely owned if dennis brought up usa dirty business 1 person in nk they are crying about when usa has thousands.

Great post
Post by: Rascal full on January 08, 2014, 07:49:33 AM
I can't understand a word Rodman says.
Post by: Agnostic007 on January 08, 2014, 07:57:54 AM
Dennis Rodman represents everything North Korea hates. I suspect he is paraded around as an example of what democracy does to a human and to drive home the ruling party's position that they know better what is good for the north koreans. If Rodman was your only view of the outside world, you would probably feel pretty good about yourself even while starving . Rodman is too stupid to know this
Post by: The Abdominal Snoman on January 08, 2014, 12:15:05 PM
Rodman has some serious drug induced/schizo word salad going on in that video. One of Rodman's friends has said that Rodman goes over there because Kim Jong Un sets him up with massive amounts of cocaine and young hot Asians...Rodman goes over there and parties his ass off and might even do so sexual shit with Kim Jong Un. Imagine going to a place where you sit in a Conan type Kings chair with literally 50 women around you doing anything and everything? This is supposedly what goes on over there.
Post by: galeniko on January 08, 2014, 12:21:14 PM
Rodman needs to stay in North Korea
you are an idiot.

you do not realize why he does you?

why wuld a filthy rich american retired basketball player waste his time going to "cummunist" nk?

you think hes encouraging kim to carry on as usual?

hes going there to do something for humanity.

all the politicians in the world cant influence kim and gang like rodman can.

think about it for aminute before you say things like he should stay there blabla.

rodman is not stupid
Post by: The Ugly on January 08, 2014, 12:27:44 PM

rodman is not stupid

Post by: R.A.M. on January 08, 2014, 12:32:01 PM
you are an idiot.

you do not realize why he does you?

why wuld a filthy rich american retired basketball player waste his time going to "cummunist" nk?

you think hes encouraging kim to carry on as usual?

hes going there to do something for humanity.

all the politicians in the world cant influence kim and gang like rodman can.

think about it for aminute before you say things like he should stay there blabla.

rodman is not stupid

So basketball is a world uniting sport?
Here the hell I've been!!!! Didn't know past their prime basketball players are the bringers of peace.

Also Dennis conducted himself like a poor ambassador for his sport and his fellow Americans... probably cause he was drunk and on a ton of coke.
Post by: galeniko on January 08, 2014, 12:38:27 PM
So basketball is a world uniting sport?
Here the hell I've been!!!! Didn't know past their prime basketball players are the bringers of peace.

Also Dennis conducted himself like a poor ambassador for his sport and his fellow Americans... probably cause he was drunk and on a ton of coke.
ambasador haha.

oh the double standards of the usa pretending to be so sober society.

worlds number one cociane consumer nation bar none, why pretend its not.thats hardly rodmans duty.

hes gotten closer to the nk govt and elite than all the combine usa govts since nk exosts,lol

try to deny that.

Post by: R.A.M. on January 08, 2014, 01:03:27 PM
Guess I struck a nerve Galeniko.. didn't know your were such a huge Rodman fan...

Post by: Kwon_2 on January 08, 2014, 01:07:44 PM
What's the deal with Rodmans wig and makeup?
Post by: R.A.M. on January 08, 2014, 01:16:00 PM
Rodman is a puppet to be show cased to North Korea.. North Korea is probaly telling its citizens that all westerners are like this . ;D
Post by: doriancutlerman on January 08, 2014, 01:38:47 PM
hes gotten closer to the nk govt and elite than all the combine usa govts since nk exosts,lol

try to deny that.

I like you dude, but why even bother denying that?  Getting close to the NK gov't. is hardly some badge of honor.  Remember "Hanoi Jane"?

At least her motives were a little more noble, but the point remains:  kiss an unpopular regime's ass, and what will they do?  Welcome you with open arms, especially if they think it makes the States look bad.

I see a lot of people in this thread* pulling Tu Quoques faster than they can yank their boyfriends' dicks; e.g., "Oh, the US did this, and oh, the US did that."  That "you did it too!" bullshit is a child's "argument," a chickenshit diversion.  The fact remains that North Korea's government sucks by any ethical metric.  That the US is far from innocent will never change that.

*Note:  I ain't talking about you, Gal.  Like I said, while we don't always agree, I nonetheless think you're cool as shit.  When you lit a smoke and tore into people sealed the deal for me; "This dude's a real Getbigger," I said :D

P.S. -- How much is Dennis Rodman worth these days?
Post by: Mr Nobody on January 08, 2014, 01:40:33 PM
Post by: bigmc on January 08, 2014, 01:41:34 PM
sport can unite people

where politics fail
Post by: R.A.M. on January 08, 2014, 01:58:04 PM
sport can unite people

where politics fail

 I agree
Post by: The Abdominal Snoman on January 08, 2014, 04:01:38 PM
What's the deal with Rodmans wig and makeup?

He's bisexual and bangs dudes :-\
Post by: Primemuscle on January 08, 2014, 05:56:14 PM
Who actually takes this freak seriously?
Post by: pellius on January 08, 2014, 05:58:30 PM
Kim i have answered your question 3 times now.

My name is not Kim and no you haven't. Just answer it directly.

But I know you won't. That's because you are not intellectually honest. You were the were the one that implied a moral equivalence between Obama and Kim Jong Un. And when I pose the question to you directly, "Whom would you rather have as the world leader, Un or Obama or it doesn't matter, they are equal, you can just flip a coin?", that put you in a quandary because whatever your answer is you will look like a fool because everyone, including yourself, knows there is no moral equivalency between Obama and Un.

It's a simple straight forward question that demands a simply straight forward answer. That you will not do. You see, in debates and discussions such as this one, people like you: with an agenda that claim to know the "real truths" and have the inside behind the scenes scoop that has eluded everyone else, even though you are in no particular advantages position or in any inner circle than anybody else but rather has been simply brain washed -- which is what you accuse the rest of the world to have been -- because of your frustration and the feeling of powerlessness you have. People like you are not interested in clarification, wisdom or knowledge. But simply trying to win an argument and promote their agenda no matter how intellectually dishonest and inconsistent you are or have to be. You were easily painted into a corner but your ridiculous moral implications and now you try to avoid and obfuscate the issue.

Just be intellectually and morally honest (and courageous) and make clear that no matter how bad one thinks Obama is, he is in no way near the level of unmitigated evil that someone like Kim Jong Un is on.  

It's simple. At least for one that strives for the truth and moral clarity.
Post by: R.A.M. on January 08, 2014, 06:03:36 PM
How can usa call out a country for doing a couple dirties when the us is rolling in pig shit ?  lol what a joke

yeah.. but when your people resort to cannibalism due to your leaders telling you how much food you are allowed.. i'd say that's pretty much rock bottom...   google it.. hell I'll save you the trouble. (
Post by: jude2 on January 08, 2014, 06:04:11 PM
sport can unite people

where politics fail
This is a fact.
Post by: pellius on January 08, 2014, 06:04:21 PM
you are an idiot.

you do not realize why he does you?

why wuld a filthy rich american retired basketball player waste his time going to "cummunist" nk?

you think hes encouraging kim to carry on as usual?

hes going there to do something for humanity.

all the politicians in the world cant influence kim and gang like rodman can.

think about it for aminute before you say things like he should stay there blabla.

rodman is not stupid

Rodman is not filthy rich. In fact, all reports shows he is having a very hard time financially. Like many celebs and athletes he has blown his fortune. He is a long time drug addict and still a drug addict. Just look at how he speaks. He is not on any humanitarian mission. And he will have zero influence on Kim Jung Un politically. Rodman has always been a mentally unstable and disturbed individual. The previous post was more on the mark that he goes there to hobnob with a world leader, and all the drugs, money and sex that comes with associating with a filthy rich corrupt leader.  
Post by: Cleanest Natural on January 08, 2014, 06:05:38 PM
Rodman has some serious drug induced/schizo word salad going on in that video. One of Rodman's friends has said that Rodman goes over there because Kim Jong Un sets him up with massive amounts of cocaine and young hot Asians...Rodman goes over there and parties his ass off and might even do so sexual shit with Kim Jong Un. Imagine going to a place where you sit in a Conan type Kings chair with literally 50 women around you doing anything and everything? This is supposedly what goes on over there.
you are closer to the truth than you can imagine  ;)
Post by: Cleanest Natural on January 08, 2014, 06:08:00 PM
Rodman is not filthy rich. In fact, all reports shows he is having a very hard time financially. Like many celebs and athletes he has blown his fortune. He is a long time drug addict and still a drug addict. Just look at how he speaks. He is not on any humanitarian mission. And he will have zero influence on Kim Jung Un politically. Rodman has always been a mentally unstable and disturbed individual. The previous post was more on the mark that he goes there to hobnob with a world leader, and all the drugs, money and sex that comes with associating with a filthy rich corrupt leader.  
you are spot on . it's the craziness that attracts him .. however, he is USED as a pawn in a sick game. I would not be surprised to see him detained or killed in the future.
Post by: pellius on January 08, 2014, 06:09:49 PM
How can usa call out a country for doing a couple dirties when the us is rolling in pig shit ?  lol what a joke

OK, now another straight forward question: Who would you rather have as the world leader and sole super power: The USA or North Korea?

North Korea "doing a couple dirties". Man, you are so, so naive and clueless. Do you live in the USA?
Post by: oliolioli on January 08, 2014, 06:20:48 PM
Rodman, being a celebrity and known throughout the world, in a sense endorses Kim Jung Un and even giving him some credibility by buddying around with him and ignoring his regimes atrocities. A bad and evil person should be stigmatized and ostracized but all decent people. If it was made known that a friend of yours is a pedophile and "expedited" his father's death so that he could get at his inheritance and gotten away with it would he still be your friend? Would you still hang out with him and just shrug off his sins and say "Well, that's his personal life and it has nothing to do with me."

Who you endorse, and in Rodman's case, defend; and there's no question as to the type of man Kim Jung Un is, is a reflection of your character, values and standards of decency.

Having said this I believe that Rodman is not necessarily a bad person but is just clueless. He's a baffoon, a shallow person, and has lived his life as an unrepentant hedonist. Consequently, he has no real world view or moral compass and just lives for the moment and what makes him feel good at the time. 

Would you feel the same way if we could go back in time and watch Rodman and Hitler hugging, clinking liquor bottles and yukking it up at a lavish banquet?

OneMoreRep is in, Pellius is out, that is the current status quo on Getbig.

What Pellius said is spot on.  What if Rodman went to Iraq in the late 90s and palled around with Sadam, could you honestly say "he gets a break because he isn't a diplomat, don't be so hard on him"?
Post by: pellius on January 08, 2014, 06:24:55 PM
Ok will say his full name for you kim jong un.  You got it through your head now thats the fourth time.  Obama has had us military kill thousands of innoccent people al queda is more moral than he is at least they admit they made a mistake in killing innocents usa doesnt even take accountability for it.   btw ken bae is charged with crimes he did as us spy deal with it.  us now is the evilist country on earth god will punish it very harshly.

OK, I thank you for stating it clearly and unequivocally.

Now what proof do you have, other than what North Korea claims (though they have not charge him formally) that Ken Bae is a spy? He worked with a Evangelical organization and hardly seemed like one that had the resources or the wherewithal to set up bases in China and overthrow the North Korean regime. Either way, he was a fool to travel to North Korea in an attempt to spread Christianity which is what his family claims.  I am not sure what America is expected to do in a case like this other than cut some kind of deal. But a lot of these do-gooders, and I admire their courage, often have no idea what they are getting themselves into and have to take more responsibility for their actions.
Post by: oliolioli on January 08, 2014, 06:26:37 PM
Nk us has proven they are failures at leading and love mass murder.  Ill give nk a chance any day of the week.  They would excel if all the ridiculous sanctions where taken off them.

Oh come on end of argument right here, why would anyone even talk with this idiot.  Obvious troll.
Post by: pellius on January 08, 2014, 06:35:25 PM
That is all hearsay any proof? No. Any pictures or videos of labor camps no.  But there are plenty of pictures of gitmo.  Who gave free pass to jap scientists at unit 731 usa which had them further there work off us mainland. us, devils playground.

And this is the reason why relatively free and open countries like America get shit on. You are allowed to photograph, witness and report on what goes on in this country. Foreigners from all over the world can come here and photograph and document our homeless problem and prison system. All are shit is out there for the world to see. But in a close society you have none of that. Everything is hidden and protected. You only get bits and pieces from those who were able to escape and those who were able to get and gather information on how the country is run. I do think it's telling that as bad as Communist China is people from North Korea are always trying to escape and get to China. I remember once when a group of North Korean made a mad rush into the Chinese Embassy.

So when a society like North Korea disallows any outside observers or freedom of speech there's a reason for it. But we do get bits and pieces. Like this confession from a former prison guard in North Korea.
Post by: pellius on January 08, 2014, 06:43:17 PM
Oh come on end of argument right here, why would anyone even talk with this idiot.  Obvious troll.

I do find it curious when one is so eager to give a totalitarian regime like North Korea the benefit of the doubt but so quick to shit on America. Does anyone stop to consider what the world would be like if it wasn't for America? Fascism, Nazism, Communism, Islamic Fundamentalism... take your pick.

If you compare American to Heaven. We suck. We suck bad. But when you compare it to Russia, China or North Korea -- the only other realistic alternatives today. Are we really the "Great Satan"?

In this world it's rarely a choice between good and bad but between bad and worse.
Post by: galeniko on January 08, 2014, 06:48:51 PM
read escape fro,m block 14 for info about north korea,its an excellent book.the nation is one unbelievable shithole, you wont believe what youre reading.

btw china north east territory is one absolute hsithole too.

some suprising things in the book too.

i dont think rodman goes to nk just to get some hookers there,he can have that everywhere else in the world,lol.

same with cocaine,surely nk will be worst choice for getting that.

and hes not rich someone says?

he certainly isnt broke.

pellius, usa is ok as olice force for the world, but dont pretend for one second that the usa doesnt do the same practices.
but i do agree, its the best choice for policing the world, i doubt its paying off for the usa, the cost for this is way too much.

Post by: SF1900 on January 08, 2014, 08:49:02 PM
Sport players (ex or current), singers, actors/actresses should stick to what they do best: entertaining people by playing sports, writing music or making movies. They should all stay away from public/social issues.
Post by: pellius on January 08, 2014, 10:02:34 PM
read escape fro,m block 14 for info about north korea,its an excellent book.the nation is one unbelievable shithole, you wont believe what youre reading.

btw china north east territory is one absolute hsithole too.

some suprising things in the book too.

i dont think rodman goes to nk just to get some hookers there,he can have that everywhere else in the world,lol.

same with cocaine,surely nk will be worst choice for getting that.

and hes not rich someone says?

he certainly isnt broke.

pellius, usa is ok as olice force for the world, but dont pretend for one second that the usa doesnt do the same practices.
but i do agree, its the best choice for policing the world, i doubt its paying off for the usa, the cost for this is way too much.

No one said or implied that he goes to NK for hookers. He gets to hob nob with a world leader. Makes himself relevant again. Like all celebs he starves for attention. And you better believe he gets a lot of fringe benefits from his associations with someone so powerful.

And yes, it doesn't "pay" for the US to be the world's police. One of the easiest things we could do and get this monkey off our backs is to throw Israel to the dogs. But the world's needs a police and to protect free Democracies. And though we never great credit but only criticism for this we do it because it's the right thing to do. I know most here will laugh and say we always have some financial interest. No use arguing because people have already made up their minds. The blame America first has all but become ingrained.

We conquered Iraq. What did we do after that? Did we seize all their oil and install a U.S. government? We didn't steal their oil, we bought it, at market prices. And this time the money went to the Iraqi people instead of Saddam Hussien's pocket. What resources does Israel have that we can't get elsewhere? We don't need them. But we stand by them because it the only free Democracy in the region and it's the right thing to do. A region where an Arab and Muslim have more freedoms and rights in Israel than in their own country. Most people don't even realize that Arabs hold public office in Israel and routinely heckle Jewish speaker in the Knesset. How many Jews hold office in Arab countries let alone be allow to criticize the government in public or private? 

The world should be grateful that there is an America in this world.
Post by: Primemuscle on January 08, 2014, 10:41:31 PM
Nk us has proven they are failures at leading and love mass murder.  Ill give nk a chance any day of the week.  They would excel if all the ridiculous sanctions where taken off them.

I strongly suggest you move to North Korea as soon as you possibly can.
Post by: thebrink on January 09, 2014, 07:53:15 AM
LOL! Move to North Korea you ingrate!


Post by: galeniko on January 09, 2014, 07:58:12 AM
No one said or implied that he goes to NK for hookers. He gets to hob nob with a world leader. Makes himself relevant again. Like all celebs he starves for attention. And you better believe he gets a lot of fringe benefits from his associations with someone so powerful.

And yes, it doesn't "pay" for the US to be the world's police. One of the easiest things we could do and get this monkey off our backs is to throw Israel to the dogs. But the world's needs a police and to protect free Democracies. And though we never great credit but only criticism for this we do it because it's the right thing to do. I know most here will laugh and say we always have some financial interest. No use arguing because people have already made up their minds. The blame America first has all but become ingrained.

We conquered Iraq. What did we do after that? Did we seize all their oil and install a U.S. government? We didn't steal their oil, we bought it, at market prices. And this time the money went to the Iraqi people instead of Saddam Hussien's pocket. What resources does Israel have that we can't get elsewhere? We don't need them. But we stand by them because it the only free Democracy in the region and it's the right thing to do. A region where an Arab and Muslim have more freedoms and rights in Israel than in their own country. Most people don't even realize that Arabs hold public office in Israel and routinely heckle Jewish speaker in the Knesset. How many Jews hold office in Arab countries let alone be allow to criticize the government in public or private? 

The world should be grateful that there is an America in this world.
yes i agree more or less entirely.

you can be a smart guy, apart from the gh15 fiasco ;D

btw,cant blame israel for al this, the arabs arent exactly jew frendly, do you know what the kids learn in egyptian school about jews lol.

Post by: Mr Nobody on January 09, 2014, 10:06:59 AM