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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Topic started by: piscitella on January 10, 2006, 07:45:01 PM

Title: getting SLEEP
Post by: piscitella on January 10, 2006, 07:45:01 PM
I go to the gym around 9-9:30 at night after my kids settle down for the night.  By that time of the night I need a little pick me up before going to the gym so I usually take 1-2 Stacker 3 pills (Ephedra).  The only problem is between the workout and the pills I up usually up until 2-3am  :(
Any suggestions other than the obvious - going gym earlier (can't happen) stop taking the ephedra (no way).
Title: Re: getting SLEEP
Post by: Princess L on January 10, 2006, 08:34:55 PM
I go to the gym around 9-9:30 at night after my kids settle down for the night.  By that time of the night I need a little pick me up before going to the gym so I usually take 1-2 Stacker 3 pills (Ephedra).  The only problem is between the workout and the pills I up usually up until 2-3am  :(
Any suggestions other than the obvious - going gym earlier (can't happen) stop taking the ephedra (no way).

Can't / won't make a change?  Why are you even bothering to ask?
Stop working out = problem(s) solved.  

Title: Re: getting SLEEP
Post by: FlexGuns on January 10, 2006, 08:51:50 PM
try banging your head real hard on the wall without waking the kids,,,that will get u to sleep
Title: Re: getting SLEEP
Post by: piscitella on January 10, 2006, 09:19:20 PM
different approach - anyone take anything to help fall asleep?  and stay asleep?
Title: Re: getting SLEEP
Post by: trig on January 10, 2006, 10:04:22 PM
Try melatonin (not sure of the spelling). I am a network engineer and during emergency outages we have tried all kinds of crap to stay awake, after it's over you just want to sleep but cant. melatonin seems to help. Not sure the health risks, I was alot younger and invincible back then..

Guess I could have google'd before replying
Title: Re: getting SLEEP
Post by: Bluto on January 11, 2006, 03:16:42 AM
I don't think that route of taking pills to stay up and taking pills to sleep sounds very healthy, especially if you wanna make that a permanent thing in your life.
Maybe you can get a powernap during the day to get some more energy, or try some of the other energy products on the market and see if there's something there that won't make you stay up all night afterwards.
Title: Re: getting SLEEP
Post by: Traps Hoolihan on January 11, 2006, 07:07:24 AM
I've used ZMA and that seems to help me sleep. Gives me weird dreams however!
Title: Re: getting SLEEP
Post by: XS on January 11, 2006, 09:00:46 AM
TRAPS: ZMA did the same thing to me.. :o  Crazy dreams man. The kind that you wake up from looking for your .45... 

Stop taking ephedra.  One strong cup of coffee is all you need.  Use a sauna after training, if possible. Eat light.  Read a book.   All else fails..  Sex and drink some Kava tea.   

And stop WHINING. Stop making excuses for the obvious.

Live with passion.

Title: Re: getting SLEEP
Post by: Overload on January 11, 2006, 09:12:17 AM
can you train in the morning?

Title: Re: getting SLEEP
Post by: piscitella on January 11, 2006, 10:27:30 AM
I tried the training in the morning but since I already get up at 6am that didn't work well. 

XS- Whining my ass!  When I go to the gym the 4X a week its all out intensity.  I bust my balls in gym.  I am just looking for something to help get some sleep on the 2 nights during the week that I train.  Can sleep in Sat and go during day on sunday.

I will try the sleep aides that were mentioned.  I already have F'd up dream so how much worse can they get.
Title: Re: getting SLEEP
Post by: Sculpter on January 11, 2006, 10:43:04 AM
I would try a combo between what XS & trig mentioned.Try a cup of java before training & get yourself some malantonin to help you sleep after your home & training is all done with.Not many pills to take that way.
Title: Re: getting SLEEP
Post by: GET_BIGGER on January 11, 2006, 12:51:49 PM
I read and in 10 minutes my eyes are heavy.......
Title: Re: getting SLEEP
Post by: Arnold jr on January 11, 2006, 03:17:15 PM
If your not willing to drop the ephedra or if training in the morning is not an option, then the only thing you can do is suck it up and be tired. All of us have bad nights where we don't get good rest...all you can do then is just ignore your tiredness, psyche yourself up and hit the weights. Just remember though, if you are not getting enough sleep on a regular basis your progress will slow down tremendously. So my advice to you is do one of the two things that as of now you say are not an option, make one of them an option...I don't see any other healthy long term option.
Title: Re: getting SLEEP
Post by: triple_pickle on January 11, 2006, 08:30:41 PM
take an aspirin instead of ephedra.

and before you go to bed, a glass of warm milk.
Title: Re: getting SLEEP
Post by: Traps Hoolihan on January 12, 2006, 09:29:13 AM
Try laying in bed with your arms up in the air. For some reason it makes you sleepy.
Title: Re: getting SLEEP
Post by: onlyme on January 12, 2006, 09:50:40 AM
lay on the edge of your bed (on your back) with your head hanging over the edge and watch tv upside down.  You'll get tired in a few minutes
Title: Re: getting SLEEP
Post by: kicker on January 12, 2006, 09:54:22 AM
Try listening to some relaxing music before bed.
Title: Re: getting SLEEP
Post by: Jr. Yates on January 12, 2006, 11:04:27 AM
i would definatly say cut out the ephys.....or at least at night before you train.....take your eca earlier on in the day i know its more desirable to take it right before you train but not if your hitting the zzz's in 2 hours after you train cuz that just aint gonna work.  bring your pills to work or wherever you are and at the right time take them.  if your training absoultly depends on you taking them right before i think its all in your head now and you'll have to get past that.
Title: Re: getting SLEEP
Post by: pumpster on January 12, 2006, 11:32:46 AM
-Cut out the pills to wake up-if you really need them there's something wrong. Take a brisk walk outside in fresh air for 10 minutes. Add 5 mins. of cardio at the gym if necessary. Coffee could help but probably can be avoided.

-To get to sleep, Melatonin's natural and better, can be used occasionally but also shouldn't be relied on a regular basis-working out late you'll have to get used to quickly going into mellow mode to get to sleep-lame TV like Jimmy Kimmel, sex with the wife or rubbing one out should work. :o

-If you're only working out 4X weekly, arrange to do two of the workouts on the weekend or whenever you have days off. The workouts will be better actually, because time shouldn't be as much of a factor.

-Work out earlier in the evening by buying a home gym. Or do it on the cheap using the kids as dumbbells.  :D
Title: Re: getting SLEEP
Post by: Bear03 on January 12, 2006, 12:35:22 PM
Agree with those who say drop the ephedra.

Nothing wrong with working out late, if its when you feel most comfortable working out.  However, you are relying, nay, depending on ephedra to make it through a workout.  This is not good.  Some have suggested you take a sleep aid.  This is also not good.  You do NOT want to take an energy supplement and then try to counter it with sleep aid, you're going to severely mess with your body's chemistry.  If you have kids, i'm going to assume you're married, so my advice is this:  You're probably working out because you enjoy it, and to stay in moderately good shape.  You don't need to have a Pro Bodybuilder-like workout every time you hit the gym.  Remember why you go!  Enjoy your workouts and keep them short and reasonable.  Warm up with some light cardio and easy sets of whatever bodypart you're doing, thinking about the workout at hand.  It is far more important to get your mind in the right place than it is to get your heart racing with ephedra.  Also, you could try some green tea for less of an energy kick, but a positive and somewhat energetic feeling when hitting the gym.  Great to keep you warm during the winter months, too. 
Title: Re: getting SLEEP
Post by: sarcasm on January 12, 2006, 04:56:41 PM
damn this dude is taking ephedrine at night and wondering why he can't sleep, hahahaha, you're lucky if you can sleep if you take that shit in the morning, it's a component of methamphetamine, drop that shit and you'll sleep and probably put on some size too.
Title: Re: getting SLEEP
Post by: piscitella on January 12, 2006, 06:58:22 PM
Thanks for all the feedback.  Most of it was really good except the stop working out horse crap.
Its been 19-20 years of working out now and I hope it will be that many more!  Agreed I need to chill on the ephedra- hell its been 12 years on that stuff with the Ultimate Oracle, Rip'd Fuel, Speed Stack, Stacker 3, ...  Maybe I have a addiction!  - Ya think!  I am sure it doesn't help when you go into the gym each time with the goal of Go BIG or ...
Title: Re: getting SLEEP
Post by: awc on January 12, 2006, 09:38:24 PM
try to wean urself off the ephedra...easier said than done i know!  (u know the answer): and there are several possible solutions as you've seen posted.  you may also consider motivational music, concentration and other non supplemental methods to get you goin for your partners, trainers, new gym/atmosphere.  i am however surprised after many years of supplementation that it continues to have the same effect.  remember if u want it...u will find a way. someone with your commitment surely will.  best of luck!
Title: Re: getting SLEEP
Post by: BigIronMike25 on January 13, 2006, 08:25:16 AM
Ephedra during the late hrs. (or right b4 bedtime) is a surefire recipe for NO-sleep (as you have figured out).  I'd stay away from it if at all possible...but thats just in my experience with it, ive never liked the stuff , the comedown afterwards is hell
Title: Re: getting SLEEP
Post by: Sculpter on January 13, 2006, 11:39:21 AM
Seriously i've been thinking of this topic & have a question.If ppl. love to train, know I do, why do they need ephedrine to help them get through a workout?I used to work 12+ hrs a day when I was a commercial fisherman & just loved the thought of getting off work & hitting the gym.I never did take any type of supplement to help me get energetic to aid in my workouts.Maybe ppl. are relying too much on these energy aids & don't have their diets in order to help fuel themselves in their workouts?Comments?
Title: Re: getting SLEEP
Post by: pumpster on January 13, 2006, 11:52:01 AM
I can understand that-once home and relaxed at night, not moving around, could be hard to get up later for workouts. Leaving after being home's harder than going straight from work.

Have to come up with a brief 10-15 minutes involving motion that gets the blood moving again-walking, preferably outside, running, stationary bike, etc.