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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Wiggs on January 26, 2014, 06:59:22 PM

Title: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: Wiggs on January 26, 2014, 06:59:22 PM
Any of you demonic fucks that believe in population control should lead by example, find a bridge and jump off. Otherwise you're a hypocrite in addition to evil.  It really is as simple as that. 
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: chaos on January 26, 2014, 07:01:27 PM
You should be castrated.
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: Wiggs on January 26, 2014, 07:02:30 PM
You should be castrated.

Shut your mouth and get in your cell convict!
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: galeniko on January 26, 2014, 07:05:07 PM
wiggs you dont get it, they dont want to lead by example,they want to live, but without folks they deem unfit.

Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: chaos on January 26, 2014, 07:05:10 PM
Shut your mouth and get in your cell convict!
Make me, rent-a-cop! ;D
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: che on January 26, 2014, 07:06:21 PM
Any of you demonic fucks that believe in population control should lead by example, find a bridge and jump off. Otherwise you're a hypocrite in addition to evil.  It really is as simple as that. 

I agree
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: Red Hook on January 26, 2014, 07:06:28 PM
Chaos, Milton served his country for numerous years. That should at least earn him the right to be a baby daddy.   For fucks sakes "Anabolic Gay Down low" has a kid
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: Wiggs on January 26, 2014, 07:08:33 PM
wiggs you dont get it, they dont want to lead by example,they want to live, but without folks they deem unfit.

So then they're just pure evil then and deemed enemies of humanity.
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: chaos on January 26, 2014, 07:09:03 PM
Chaos, Milton served his country for numerous years. That should at least earn him the right to be a baby daddy.   For fucks sakes "Anabolic Gay Down low" has a kid
If he has the means, then sure, he could probably rape and impregnate a white girl. should spread his seed if he chooses to.
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: Wiggs on January 26, 2014, 07:11:09 PM
Make me, rent-a-cop! ;D

Don't insult me. Rent-a-guard. Don't associate me with pigs.
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: Roger Bacon on January 26, 2014, 07:11:30 PM
At the beginning of time there was created the evil spirit Uranium, which deformed children and killed their parents with horrible diseases. Mungu (God) fought with the demon and trapped his power throughout the earth in the ground, tied into the rocks.

Now greedy men wish to free the demon to use his powers to make money, but the effects will be terrible and you must not allow it.
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: Wiggs on January 26, 2014, 07:14:17 PM
If he has the means, then sure, he could probably rape and impregnate a white girl. should spread his seed if he chooses to.

Chaos is feeling froggy tonight. It's like the 2008 version of Chaos is back. Anyway, I won't bring children in this world until I'm ready. The responsible way. The way most people have forgotten.
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: che on January 26, 2014, 07:17:09 PM
I won't bring children in this world until I'm ready. The responsible way. The way most people have forgotten.

Good man.
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: DroppingPlates on January 26, 2014, 07:19:11 PM
Hebrew trollin at it's finest, simply as a distraction from the true essence...

Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: Spike on January 26, 2014, 07:20:03 PM
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: Twaddle on January 26, 2014, 07:26:27 PM
Any of you demonic fucks that believe in population control should lead by example, find a bridge and jump off. Otherwise you're a hypocrite in addition to evil.  It really is as simple as that. 

Or, if a person believes in population control and wants to lead by example, they could just make the choice to not reproduce.  It really is as simple as that. 
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: Palpatine Q on January 26, 2014, 07:26:45 PM
I have no problem with people that don't want children.

Just please..can you shut the fuck up with loudly proclaming how you "hate" kids..who in their right mind would want a kid.....blah blah blah.

You don't see people starting threads..."anyone who doesn't have kids is a fucking asshole..I hate them."

Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: Wiggs on January 26, 2014, 07:31:54 PM
Or, if a person believes in population control and wants to lead by example, they could just make the choice to not reproduce.  It really is as simple as that.  

That's a half ass job. They gotta kill themselves to be a true marauder to their cause.

The problem is the gluttonous wasteful ways of western civilizations not the amount of people.
It really is as simple as that.
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: che on January 26, 2014, 07:33:13 PM

The problem is greed

Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: DroppingPlates on January 26, 2014, 07:34:32 PM
Or, if a person believes in population control and wants to lead by example, they could just make the choice to not reproduce.  It really is as simple as that. 

I hate to say it as a liberal thinker, but I believe that freedom of choice regarding to reproduce has had its best time; the world has changed...
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: galeniko on January 26, 2014, 07:35:16 PM
Or, if a person believes in population control and wants to lead by example, they could just make the choice to not reproduce.  It really is as simple as that. 
you know, haha, i was once interviewed by some psychologist on the behalf of the goverment.

this is no joke,rela story.

she was a chubby,fat piece of shit.

she suggested to me i shuld consider having no kids(i dont want any anyway)

i replied "thanks for the heads up fatto, its not interesting anyway most women have your barrel volume or get it post pregancy,im not having any of that"

haha that fat twwwaat tried to suggest castration by words or something, and tried to package the horrible message in "Nice" academic wording, looking down on my inferior intellect, so i tried to hurt her mentaly as bad as possible.

theres weak minded ppl out there who would have breakdowns over such suggestion, ppl who want kids.

given the right regime and position in goverment,id repeatedly machinegun her down,if that was the order.

ah yes the population control euthanasia assholes "i want more room blabla cry", well, buy some, asshole.easy as.

go live in the desert or island or something.

this elitism is amongst the reasons why i fully support chav families and dole cases to have as many kids they ever feel like having.

Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: Wiggs on January 26, 2014, 07:39:26 PM
you know, haha, i was once interviewed by some psychologist on the behalf of the goverment.

this is no joke,rela story.

she was a chubby,fat piece of shit.

she suggested to me i shuld consider having no kids(i dont want any anyway)

i replied "thanks for the heads up fatto, its not interesting anyway most women have your barrel volume or get it post pregancy,im not having any of that"

haha that fat twwwaat tried to suggest castration by words or something, and tried to package the horrible message in "Nice" academic wording, looking down on my inferior intellect, so i tried to hurt her mentaly as bad as possible.

theres weak minded ppl out there who would have breakdowns over such suggestion, ppl who want kids.

given the right regime and position in goverment,id repeatedly machinegun her down,if that was the order.

ah yes the population control euthanasia assholes "i want more room blabla cry", well, buy some, asshole.easy as.

go live in the desert or island or something.

this elitism is amongst the reasons why i fully support chav families and dole cases to have as many kids they ever feel like having.

 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: Wiggs on January 26, 2014, 07:40:58 PM
This is nothing more than eugenics, repackaged and resold as a population reduction program that they've scared people into believing.
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: galeniko on January 26, 2014, 07:46:29 PM
8) 8) 8)
yah was quite the eye opener, so she studied at uni and plays now the smart, wow, if thats what she picked up there, well, fine.

she should tell her parents about it ;D
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: DroppingPlates on January 26, 2014, 07:47:56 PM
This is nothing more than eugenics, repackaged and resold as a population reduction program that they've scared people into believing.

And there's nothing wrong with that (understatement). Eugenics got its bad name because some people immediately refer to the Nazis. Most people don't realize the great benefits for society on the long run, simply because they're only thinking about themselves.
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: galeniko on January 26, 2014, 07:50:43 PM
And there's nothing wrong with that (understatement). Eugenics got its bad name because some people immediately refer to the Nazis. Most people don't realize the great benefits for society on the long run, simply because they're only thinking about themselves.
nah comeon nobody cares about society of the future, everyone cares about themselves.

its not like anyone is forced to live with other ppl.the standard is everyone has his private home-flat.

when you get out of it, its public area.

Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: Palpatine Q on January 26, 2014, 07:52:51 PM

Nah..blacks are cool.

I like when they do that dance where an imaginary ball of energy travels through their body.
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: Wiggs on January 26, 2014, 07:53:37 PM
And there's nothing wrong with that (understatement). Eugenics got its bad name because some people immediately refer to the Nazis. Most people don't realize the great benefits for society on the long run, simply because they're only thinking about themselves.

Everything is wrong with it. Like I said. Lead by example. Because people that feel this way are doing it not for the earth, they think it's going to benefit them somehow. It won't. You look to the largest consumers. That would be the U.S. We are the problem. We are the most wasteful, slothful, fucks on the planet. It's us, that need to change our ways. Not population control. You want population control? Set up a system where there's very little poverty.
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: che on January 26, 2014, 07:54:54 PM

blacks are cool.

I agree

Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: Wiggs on January 26, 2014, 07:56:19 PM
I agree

hahahaha. It doesn't beat that GQ sec. guard that had that broad in a choke hole.
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: DroppingPlates on January 26, 2014, 08:01:26 PM
nah comeon nobody cares about society of the future, everyone cares about themselves.

its not like anyone is forced to live with other ppl.the standard is everyone has his private home-flat.

when you get out of it, its public area.

You're right, (almost) nobody cares, so I believe in some gov intervention. Again, I hate to say this as a liberal, but I refuse to look away from this growing problem.

Last week someone came with an interesting thought:

On the topic of "killing" when a pregnant woman is murdered, the murderer always gets that second hit for a double homicide, ie. Scott Petterson.  All the sudden, that "fetus" becomes a person in that case? Why? Because the mom didn't elect in that instance? Abortion advocates dont have an answer for that.

This is how we control the population and stamp out most abortions: Mandatory Vasectomy

at age say 14 or 15 all boys must undergo the quick and non-intrusive laser vasectomy. It is reversible, so I'm saying temporary sterilization.

When he becomes a young man and has a marriage certificate, provable living quarters, income, etc. the state then, free of charge reverses the vasectomy through surgery.

Yes this would cost a lot of money, however, what it would save in declining the prison population, diminishing welfare fraud, deflating our burgeoning population of under-achievers, etc etc.. Think about it. Very big government, but so is coddling unfortunate unwanted kids their entire lives.  Provided you believe abortion to be quite wrong like me, you may find mind my idea of state aided sterilization more satisfactory.
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: That_Dude on January 26, 2014, 08:03:57 PM
If your worried about the elitest agenda of population control sub consciously you must be aware that you can't make the cut. A Lot of people are leeches on resources who contribute noting to society, go to a local Walmart and observe people a lot of trash, look at the people who who line up for days for a new iPhone or for a movie premier of some other frivolous thing. If these people were culled they would not be missed and the rest of the people who contribute to society would be better off.
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: Palpatine Q on January 26, 2014, 08:07:38 PM
hahahaha. It doesn't beat that GQ sec. guard that had that broad in a choke hole.

That wrist lock/ macing a mexican combo is pretty gangster.
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: galeniko on January 26, 2014, 08:09:49 PM
You're right, (almost) nobody cares, so I believe in some gov intervention. Again, I hate to say this as a liberal, but I refuse to look away from this growing problem.

Last week someone came with an interesting thought:

well, but what youre talking about is limiting immigration,i think this is the main issue.

the problem, the govt will never ever intervene unless they must be afraid of being not re elected.

as long they can get away with the imigration policy for both and all political spetrums profit, they will do it.

but if we think about how many ppl live in tokio or those huge chinese cities, or mexico city, we dont give a shit, it doesnt affect us directly.

it affects indirectly, when such plces econimy fails,our elite takes advantage of that and inports cheap labour force.

its a wroldwide issue, ppl following the money.

add cheap transport and open borders to that and boom, the european cities look,well, as they do currently.

there is never easy black and white solution in politics
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: galeniko on January 26, 2014, 08:13:00 PM
If your worried about the elitest agenda of population control sub consciously you must be aware that you can't make the cut. A Lot of people are leeches on resources who contribute noting to society, go to a local Walmart and observe people a lot of trash, look at the people who who line up for days for a new iPhone or for a movie premier of some other frivolous thing. If these people were culled they would not be missed and the rest of the people who contribute to society would be better off.
every one could theoreticaly become the new einstein or bill gates.

look, aslong the elite,the ppl who have the say and make decisions, see an advantage in it(and they do, o this wouldnt be an issue, dont you think),nothing will ever change.

maybe they will change something if you left a byebye letter, writing down your concern about overpopulation and makkign a statement by jumping off a skyscraper? ;D
guaranteed page 1 headlines for the cause 8)
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: Wiggs on January 26, 2014, 08:13:28 PM
If your worried about the elitest agenda of population control sub consciously you must be aware that you can't make the cut. A Lot of people are leeches on resources who contribute noting to society, go to a local Walmart and observe people a lot of trash, look at the people who who line up for days for a new iPhone or for a movie premier of some other frivolous thing. If these people were culled they would not be missed and the rest of the people who contribute to society would be better off.

None of us make the cut. That's not the point. The point is, there should be no "cut".
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: DroppingPlates on January 26, 2014, 08:14:15 PM
Everything is wrong with it. Like I said. Lead by example. Because people that feel this way are doing it not for the earth, they think it's going to benefit them somehow. It won't. You look to the largest consumers. That would be the U.S. We are the problem. We are the most wasteful, slothful, fucks on the planet. It's us, that need to change our ways. Not population control. You want population control? Set up a system where there's very little poverty.

Well, I agree that there's no single solution to this enormous problem. Leading by example sounds good, but to which one exactly? In many cases people have different views on 'good' & 'bad' and this will be an endless debate between believers & non-believers, but also among certain religions.
We're all responsible for certain problems; the Western world for his mass consumption, and Asia and Africa for their population growth. Yeah, better wealth distribution is also one on the solutions, but fuck, this problem seems unmanageable and it worries me  :-\
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: Palpatine Q on January 26, 2014, 08:16:41 PM
It's all doom and gloom anyway.

.newsflash......the economy did collapse in 2009. Banks failed...major corporations vanshed..millions of people lost their job..home..retirement. .etc.

We're all still here...plugging away as the fucked up world keeps sputtering along...
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: che on January 26, 2014, 08:17:50 PM
If these people were culled they would not be missed
Wal-mart  disagrees
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: galeniko on January 26, 2014, 08:19:05 PM
It's all doom and gloom anyway.

.newsflash......the economy did collapse in 2009. Banks failed...major corporations vanshed..millions of people lost their job..home..retirement. .etc.

We're all still here...plugging away as the fucked up world keeps sputtering along...
yeah ppl were never been as good off on wide scale as now.

there was always a small elite, the rest was always struggling, its totaly normal.

Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: temple_of_dis on January 26, 2014, 08:27:55 PM
end all welfare and let unregulated capitalism sort it all out

single mom get 0 welfare in freedom

then they stop right quick
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: Teutonic Knight on January 26, 2014, 09:42:59 PM
You should be castrated.

Bravo  ;)
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: Teutonic Knight on January 26, 2014, 09:46:06 PM

Don't insult me. Rent-a-guard. Don't associate me with pigs.

But Noah loved pigs  :o very much anti Hebrew statement by fake one.
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: Teutonic Knight on January 26, 2014, 09:48:10 PM
Everything is wrong with it. Like I said. Lead by example. Because people that feel this way are doing it not for the earth, they think it's going to benefit them somehow. It won't. You look to the largest consumers. That would be the U.S. We are the problem. We are the most wasteful, slothful, fucks on the planet. It's us, that need to change our ways. Not population control. You want population control? Set up a system where there's very little poverty.

You NOT American, don't U remember mr.Fake Jew
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: Roger Bacon on January 26, 2014, 09:53:21 PM
You NOT American, don't U remember mr.Fake Jew

Haha!! Good point
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: James28 on January 26, 2014, 10:54:03 PM
end all welfare and let unregulated capitalism sort it all out

single mom get 0 welfare in freedom

then they stop right quick

Haha. Within a week or two newspapers will start running with this and litter the pages with kids and parents sitting in filth, eating flies and cockroaches. Understand that these people don't know how to earn money for themselves or act and compete in a place of work. Not if you've spent your life taking free money. I'd imagine you must end up thinking all money is free.

I quite enjoy how poverty is seen in some African countries that EDUCATION is your way out of bad circumstances, not more 'free money'

Apart from forceful sterilization or the scumbags' children away from them, there's nothing you can do.
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: Roger Bacon on January 26, 2014, 10:57:08 PM
Like uberman use to say, the only thing you can do is make enough money to seperate yourself and your family.
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: James28 on January 26, 2014, 10:58:52 PM
Like uberman use to say, the only thing you can do is make enough money to seperate yourself and your family.

The boy is not wrong there. But working food production or whatever he was doing, wouldn't quite be the right way to go about it.  :-\
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: Roger Bacon on January 26, 2014, 11:03:52 PM
The boy is not wrong there. But working food production or whatever he was doing, wouldn't quite be the right way to go about it.  :-\

Did he really lose his job? Poor bastard
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: Mr Nobody on January 26, 2014, 11:05:31 PM
Wiggs has not been listening to the Falcon advices = lost.
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: James28 on January 26, 2014, 11:05:47 PM
Did he really lose his job? Poor bastard

It would appear that way. All his blabbing about 'competing with others and dominating others' and he gets financially owned 2-3 weeks after losing his job. With a kid and all.  :-X
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: Obvious Gimmick on January 27, 2014, 01:09:42 AM
Bad day at the office Irv Wigginstein?  Someone cut in line at the drinking fountain?
Hmmmm hhhmmmm did they hhmmmm
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: Rascal full on January 27, 2014, 02:06:32 AM
You get some bitch like Melinda Gates who has married into money and thinks that makes her better than 99% of the population. She wants everyone else to fucking perish because she is too vital and important to the well being of this world.... ::)

Reminds me of the saying 'Everyone wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die first'...
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: JBGRAY on January 27, 2014, 02:59:31 AM
Just what the world needs....

- More Southeast Asians and Chinese to deforest, pollute, and deplete fisheries.
- More Africans to contract HIV, grub in mines, erode soil, and butcher each other with machetes.
- More Central Americans (all of whom are short in stature, sub-80 IQ, uneducated, etc.) pouring into first world nations armed with rifles and spades.
- More Arabs with their dirty rags and backwards darkages desert religion murdering one another and those unlike them with AK47s and pocket knives.
- More inner city "youths" and their Ivory-Tower liberal masters intent on spreading multiculturalism to the masses.
- More Christians and Catholics spawning legions of well-dressed church attendees and rich priests and pastors.
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: macos on January 27, 2014, 03:07:24 AM
Any of you demonic fucks that believe in population control should lead by example, find a bridge and jump off. Otherwise you're a hypocrite in addition to evil.  It really is as simple as that. 
Wiggs you jump first bro
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: falco on January 27, 2014, 03:13:48 AM
That's a half ass job. They gotta kill themselves to be a true marauder to their cause.

The problem is the gluttonous wasteful ways of western civilizations not the amount of people.
It really is as simple as that.

USA mostly. Europe is way more moderate.
Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: Mr Nobody on January 27, 2014, 03:40:08 AM

Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: Mr. MB on January 27, 2014, 12:18:09 PM
Earth's population running amuck always brings me back to….

Title: Re: Let me be really clear about this.
Post by: Nails on January 27, 2014, 12:35:55 PM