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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Soul Crusher on February 27, 2014, 05:49:03 AM

Title: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 27, 2014, 05:49:03 AM

Hilarious excuses by the leftist C words
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: Purge_WTF on February 27, 2014, 06:16:14 AM
He's well upon his way to Lame Duck Status.

Obamacare is his Iraq war.
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: whork on February 27, 2014, 07:09:34 AM
Yes we are in such dispair right now.

You do know that the only one here who gives a shit about Obama's pool numbers right?
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: headhuntersix on February 27, 2014, 07:34:21 AM
What are his pool that the number of dudes he can blow while swimming in a pool. Or is it his march madness pool that wastes more of his time instead of governing the country...or maybe its the pool of people he has around him that continue to fuck everything up for America. If you're referring to his poll numbers, they do matter. The lower his poll numbers go, the more Dems distance themselves from him. This helps the Republicans during the 2014 elections. Controlling Congress will ensure this assbag can do no further harm to the country.
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: StreetSoldier4U on February 27, 2014, 07:53:49 AM
You see this a lot during the second term of a president.  People jump ship and feel comfortable criticizing someone they voted for.  I saw the same thing with bush.
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: dario73 on February 27, 2014, 09:21:27 AM
He is already a lame duck president. He has been since crapcare passed. He hasn't been able to even have the Senate approve his budget, they weren't able to extend UE benefits for another 3 months in the Senate, immigration will not be touched this year.

All this while the GOP controls only one house. IF they get Senate, forget it. He might as well just resign.
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: dario73 on February 27, 2014, 09:27:26 AM
And those idiots that say "so what" when looking at the jokeinthewhitehouse's unfavorable numbers, really don't understand politics.

Only reason Obama was elected was due to Bush's poor job in his second term.

Obama will probably not prevent Hillary from getting elected but it could lead to the Congress being controlled by the GOP. If she has to deal with a GOP Senate and House of Reps, guess what? Libtards won't get anything done. Only way she will get anything done is if she comes to the middle, which benefits conservatives, not libtards.
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: headhuntersix on February 27, 2014, 09:31:43 AM
It would also benefit the country...things were not all that bad in the 90's once everybody decided to cooperate.
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 27, 2014, 09:32:50 AM
It would also benefit the country...things were not all that bad in the 90's once everybody decided to cooperate.

That is what the members of the Cult of O-Twink refuse to accept - that Obama is the problem - no one else.  He has only himself to blame for his problems and his failed and disastrous presidency
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on February 27, 2014, 09:35:18 AM
Imagine what his numbers would be if the msm wasnt a branch of the democratic party...
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: headhuntersix on February 27, 2014, 09:36:40 AM
Post of the day....good job.
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 27, 2014, 09:37:56 AM
Imagine what his numbers would be if the msm wasnt a branch of the democratic party...

Would be lower than W by a mile.  But Obama is also buoyed by the gay/black/doper part of the electorate.
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: Straw Man on February 27, 2014, 09:47:22 AM
Imagine what his numbers would be if the msm wasnt a branch of the democratic party...

you mean the cable network that Repubs constantly say no one even watches?

and of course how do you explain the failure of the Republicans when they have their own network that apparently everyone watches

something doesn't add up here?
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 27, 2014, 09:53:03 AM
Most Americans disappointed in Obama: poll



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Posted Thursday, February 27th 2014 @ 12pm  by Dylan Stableford, Yahoo News

Most Americans are disappointed in Barack Obama, a CBS News/New York Times poll finds.

According to the results of the survey, conducted Feb. 19-23 and released Wednesday, 59 percent of Americans say they are disappointed in Obama's presidency, while 40 percent say they are satisfied. In August 2012, the same poll found 47 percent of Americans were satisfied in the job Obama is doing, while 52 percent were not.

And while much of the anti-Obama sentiment is attributed to Republicans — 91 percent say they are disappointed in Obama — nearly a quarter (24 percent) of Democrats say they are at least somewhat disappointed in the president, the poll found.

Meanwhile, Obama has seen disapproval among independents grow since August, when 27 percent said they were very disappointed in him; the new poll reveals 40 percent of independents are very disappointed, and 60 percent are at least somewhat disappointed.

The president's overall approval rating is falling, too. The survey put Obama's approval rating at 41 percent — a dip of 5 points from last month. Obama's disapproval rating — 51 percent — is up 4 points from January. Those numbers aren't quite as bad for Obama as they were in November, when his approval rating stood at 37 percent, and disapproval at 57 percent.

When it comes to America's dissatisfaction with government, President Obama is not alone. The new poll showed just 13 percent approve of the job Congress is doing, while 80 percent disapprove.

Read more:
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 27, 2014, 09:58:11 AM

LOL - talk about delusion
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on February 27, 2014, 10:04:18 AM
you mean the cable network that Repubs constantly say no one even watches?

and of course how do you explain the failure of the Republicans when they have their own network that apparently everyone watches

something doesn't add up here?

It simple strawman, you are just being coy here, dont pretend that the vast majority of the msm doesnt lean heavily left.
it goes well beyond msnbc and fox. Fox probably has higher ratings than its rivals because its the only major news channel out there  not leaning left.

Fox by itself does not outweigh the combined reach of msnbc, nbc, cbs, abc, cnn...which are all sources that 'non political' masses get their headlines and talking points from.

Most major newspaper tend to lean left.

Supposedly  'neutral' sources like Yahoo-one of the major online engines people use everyday- first thi g you see is their news headlines- has pro left articles/headlines outnumbering pro right ones AT LEAST 3 to 1.

Politico leans heavily left. Huffington post leans heavily left. Standard sources like AP leans clearly left.

The vast majority of the media sources that provide most of the talking points for the average, non politically interested person, and thus helps to shape public opinion, are strongly pro obama, pro left. This is undeniable
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: StreetSoldier4U on February 27, 2014, 10:22:10 AM
you mean the cable network that Repubs constantly say no one even watches?

and of course how do you explain the failure of the Republicans when they have their own network that apparently everyone watches

something doesn't add up here?

They've been stacking the deck since 1965.  It was a slow process they are only beginning to see the benefits from now
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: Dos Equis on February 27, 2014, 10:23:10 AM
What are his pool that the number of dudes he can blow while swimming in a pool. Or is it his march madness pool that wastes more of his time instead of governing the country...or maybe its the pool of people he has around him that continue to fuck everything up for America. If you're referring to his poll numbers, they do matter. The lower his poll numbers go, the more Dems distance themselves from him. This helps the Republicans during the 2014 elections. Controlling Congress will ensure this assbag can do no further harm to the country.

LOL!   ;D
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: Straw Man on February 27, 2014, 11:44:17 AM
It simple strawman, you are just being coy here, dont pretend that the vast majority of the msm doesnt lean heavily left.
it goes well beyond msnbc and fox. Fox probably has higher ratings than its rivals because its the only major news channel out there  not leaning left.

Fox by itself does not outweigh the combined reach of msnbc, nbc, cbs, abc, cnn...which are all sources that 'non political' masses get their headlines and talking points from.

Most major newspaper tend to lean left.

Supposedly  'neutral' sources like Yahoo-one of the major online engines people use everyday- first thi g you see is their news headlines- has pro left articles/headlines outnumbering pro right ones AT LEAST 3 to 1.

Politico leans heavily left. Huffington post leans heavily left. Standard sources like AP leans clearly left.

The vast majority of the media sources that provide most of the talking points for the average, non politically interested person, and thus helps to shape public opinion, are strongly pro obama, pro left. This is undeniable

I know it's a popular meme among Repubs to claim the vast majority of the media leans left yet at the same time you claim that almost no one watches the MSM and everyone is just watching Faux News and Duck Dynasty

We know that very few people read papers anymore or print magazine

I was not aware of the Dems handing out daily talking points yet we know and see ample evidence that the right wing does that

How about you and your party just stop making excuses for your failure of your party and it's policies

Shit even Rand Paul knows this and has talked about it publicly
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: RRKore on February 27, 2014, 12:00:44 PM
They've been stacking the deck since 1965.  It was a slow process they are only beginning to see the benefits from now

Do you think it really works that way? (The stacking the deck and seeing benefits thing.)

(This question, btw, is for the new and reasonable SS4U with whom I seem to mostly agree with lately, lol)

The way it seems to me, and let me emphasize that this is purely a subjective and unsupported opinion that I've read nothing about anywhere, is that most news folks you see on TV or read in print are pretty smart and have reasonably high levels of formal education.  For good or bad, conservative views are popular with a lot of uneducated people with whom educated folks almost instinctively (maybe not the right word) don't want to agree with.

I'm in too much of a hurry to smooth out what I've just written so I'll try again:

When you have a brain and a formal education, you naturally are reluctant to throw in (politically or otherwise) with a bunch of jesus-jumpers or tea party anti-intellectuals. 

I believe the majority of news folks DO lean left to some degree but think it's natural for a high percentage of smart folks.  Especially today when the center has been shifted so far to the right that some of policies favored by the left in this country would be considered right in other countries.  (Or, what's likely more compelling to some folks here, the center is so far to the right these days that SC would be calling Ronald Reagan a commie if he were president today.)
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: headhuntersix on February 27, 2014, 12:07:50 PM
Repubs control the House...could and will control the Senate. The Repubs have 29 Governors and control 53% of all state legislatures. The issues all come from the Whitehouse and the policies since the economy began its fade in 2000. We never cut spending under Bush and Obama has basically spent us into the ground while completely fucking up foreign policy. How the hell do you fuck up both major area's of presidential policy? Anyway.....The Repubs message needs to be clear, direct and to the point. They need to distance themselves from social issues which the Dems love to throw around to confuse the idiots who vote. They need to tell the evangelicals that sitting on ur hands for two elections has earned a fuck you from the party. They need to look at the Constitution....if it isn't there...don't run on it. And when its debate time......fucking step on Hil's neck and don't let nice guy shit....fucking slit her throat on each debate and let her bleed. Don't let the hacks running the debate help like that cow from CNN did.  Call these people out..don't be above the fray.....or we're doomed.
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: headhuntersix on February 27, 2014, 12:11:41 PM
Do you think it really works that way? (The stacking the deck and seeing benefits thing.)

(This question, btw, is for the new and reasonable SS4U with whom I seem to mostly agree with lately, lol)

The way it seems to me, and let me emphasize that this is purely a subjective and unsupported opinion that I've read nothing about anywhere, is that most news folks you see on TV or read in print are pretty smart and have reasonably high levels of formal education.  For good or bad, conservative views are popular with a lot of uneducated people with whom educated folks almost instinctively (maybe not the right word) don't want to agree with.

I'm in too much of a hurry to smooth out what I've just written so I'll try again:

When you have a brain and a formal education, you naturally are reluctant to throw in (politically or otherwise) with a bunch of jesus-jumpers or tea party anti-intellectuals. 

I believe the majority of news folks DO lean left to some degree but think it's natural for a high percentage of smart folks.  Especially today when the center has been shifted so far to the right that some of policies favored by the left in this country would be considered right in other countries.  (Or, what's likely more compelling to some folks here, the center is so far to the right these days that SC would be calling Ronald Reagan a commie if he were president today.)

Look guy.....that shit about Cons and education...yeah that's all bullshit. You half a fag elites like to tell yourselves that you know what's going on, while running the greatest country into the ground. Obama is highly educated...he's a fucking halfwit and tea party anti-intellectuals.....where the held did u get that? The Tea party started out as primarily as a fiscal responsibility movement made up of mostly educated white middle class people. Take that media matters/MSNBC list of tired bullshit and screw.
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on February 27, 2014, 12:32:02 PM
I know it's a popular meme among Repubs to claim the vast majority of the media leans left yet at the same time you claim that almost no one watches the MSM and everyone is just watching Faux News and Duck Dynasty

We know that very few people read papers anymore or print magazine

I was not aware of the Dems handing out daily talking points yet we know and see ample evidence that the right wing does that

How about you and your party just stop making excuses for your failure of your party and it's policies

Shit even Rand Paul knows this and has talked about it publicly

Once again you are pretending...once again, for every one right leaning person who watches Fox, there are ten non-political people who get their news from the 'big 4' of nbc, cnn, abc, or cbs.

A lot of people dont even have cable to watch anything else. And for every one right leaning show with good ratings like DD one could find several that push left wing ideology.

All you can do is say ' fox news' and cherry pick anomolous shows to prove your point, which you know as well as i do is bs.

The vast majority of the news, and popular tv programs, and movies, and music industry, etc etc..that are seen and heard by the vast majority of the population, heavily favors left-wing ideology. This is 100% undeniable
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: headhuntersix on February 27, 2014, 12:34:19 PM
and it can be very subtle. Case in point...u don't see a lot of big black only drama's or comedies on TV. There are some but not a lot.....gays appear to be everywhere....
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: headhuntersix on February 27, 2014, 12:52:38 PM
Once again you are pretending...once again, for every one right leaning person who watches Fox, there are ten non-political people who get their news from the 'big 4' of nbc, cnn, abc, or cbs.

A lot of people dont even have cable to watch anything else. And for every one right leaning show with good ratings like DD one could find several that push left wing ideology.

All you can do is say ' fox news' and cherry pick anomolous shows to prove your point, which you know as well as i do is bs.

The vast majority of the news, and popular tv programs, and movies, and music industry, etc etc..that are seen and heard by the vast majority of the population, heavily favors left-wing ideology. This is 100% undeniable

I had to post this:

The Post announced the hiring of the New York Times’ Catherine Rampell and called her “one of the smartest, most original journalists of her generation.” Uh-oh — she may have to compete with Politico’s Todd Purdum, who at the time of his hiring was “one of the most perceptive reporters and elegant stylists of his generation.” Politico is full of generational leaders, too, as Editor-in-Chief John Harris said of “Playbook” author Mike Allen: “One of the most exceptional journalists of his generation.” (Allen has a more humble view of himself as “one of Washington’s top journalists.“). Politico Magazine editor Susan Glasser was feted upon her hiring last year as “among the most respected thinkers and editors of her generation.” As opposed to Steve Coll, who was hailed as “one of the most experienced and respected journalists of his generation” upon being selected as dean of Columbia Graduate School of Journalism. Coll has written a great deal about the war on terrorism, so he’s doubtless familiar with the work of Gregory Johnsen, who, upon his selection as a BuzzFeed Michael Hastings fellow, was celebrated as “one of his generation’s wisest and most original voices on national security.” Both Coll and Johnsen, in turn, would be familiar with the work of John Pomfret, who over a quarter-century, per a Post memo, became ”one of the great foreign correspondents of his generation.”
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: RRKore on February 27, 2014, 12:54:12 PM

Look guy.....that shit about Cons and education...yeah that's all bullshit. You half a fag elites like to tell yourselves that you know what's going on, while running the greatest country into the ground. Obama is highly educated...he's a fucking halfwit and tea party anti-intellectuals.....where the held did u get that? The Tea party started out as primarily as a fiscal responsibility movement made up of mostly educated white middle class people. Take that media matters/MSNBC list of tired bullshit and screw.

Half a fag elites? Me? Uh, no.  I'm doing pretty well now but, let's put it this way, I ate a lot of hot dogs and pot pies growing up, OK?

Look son, I don't care that the tea-party started out as an astro-turfed creation of genuinely intelligent conservatives.  (And, IIRC, the tea party was originally fawned over by a lot of the media in the beginning, wasn't it?) 

What matters now is that a large percentage of tea party folks are idiots.  C'mon, Sarah freakin' Palin?  Are you kidding?  What educated person in their right mind would think she'd be a suitable anything?  You can talk fancifully about middle-class educated tea party folks all you want but the crowds that you see at tea party events in youtube videos would seem to starkly contradict you. 

Besides, don't you realize that perception has everything to do with my argument anyway?; Even if the tea party is a solid 85% PhD's, if the common perception among educated news folks is that they're largely retards (like I suspect) then I'm thinking that the news folks are going to not want to throw in with them politically.

Like I tried to emphasize, though, this is only my unsupported (and largely unexplored) idea born of how I, personally, am inclined to decide who I want to agree with and disagree with on a personal level.  It's one of those mental shortcuts that folks make on a daily basis (that can definitely lead to wrong decisions, for sure).

Sorry that many MSNBC-types think y'all are retards, but I think it's true (that many think that).
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: headhuntersix on February 27, 2014, 01:15:00 PM
What matters now is that a large percentage of tea party folks are idiots...says you..and you are exactly what? Aren't you Canadian? They're idiots because you are a leftwing...that's why. You're world view is so fucked up that anybody who does not believe what you believe is an idiot. You leftwingers aren't stupid, you're all dangerous. You're traitors but I don't consider you stupid. What MSNBC types...Sharpton? Your party is better represented by the OWS movement...a front for a Canadian wack job leftist. Palin, while not polished and certainly not presidential isn't an idiot.
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: blacken700 on February 27, 2014, 01:31:20 PM
What matters now is that a large percentage of tea party folks are idiots...says you..and you are exactly what? Aren't you Canadian? They're idiots because you are a leftwing...that's why. You're world view is so fucked up that anybody who does not believe what you believe is an idiot. You leftwingers aren't stupid, you're all dangerous. You're traitors but I don't consider you stupid. What MSNBC types...Sharpton? Your party is better represented by the OWS movement...a front for a Canadian wack job leftist. Palin, while not polished and certainly not presidential isn't an idiot.

lol she's brilliant

Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: headhuntersix on February 27, 2014, 01:40:51 PM
She wasn't ready...pure and simple. She's not an idiot either.
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: blacken700 on February 27, 2014, 01:44:30 PM
She wasn't ready...pure and simple. She's not an idiot either.

lol i'll give you simple,that's a good one word description  :D
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: OzmO on February 27, 2014, 02:01:29 PM
I don't think libs are in any sort of despair.

They got OB to a second term, got Crapcare passed, and succeeded in demonizing many conservatives.

So when OB poll numbers go down, why should they even give a fuck?

The ones that are in despair are the ones who though 2012 was a slamdunk. 

No worries, the pendulum will swing.
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: RRKore on February 27, 2014, 02:31:01 PM
What matters now is that a large percentage of tea party folks are idiots...says you..and you are exactly what? Aren't you Canadian? They're idiots because you are a leftwing...that's why. You're world view is so fucked up that anybody who does not believe what you believe is an idiot. You leftwingers aren't stupid, you're all dangerous. You're traitors but I don't consider you stupid. What MSNBC types...Sharpton? Your party is better represented by the OWS movement...a front for a Canadian wack job leftist. Palin, while not polished and certainly not presidential isn't an idiot.

Where is this Canadian thing coming from?  I'm 100% American.  Born and raised in the CA Bay Area.  Served 4 years on active duty in the US army as a 98G Russian, in fact.

No, political affiliation by itself doesn't mean you're an idiot in my book.  However, in my mind, anyone who isn't reasonably adept at using language and logic risks being thought of as an idiot for sure.  

This means I think that many real conservatives are not idiots.  For instance, I actually like listening to guys like Krauthammer sometimes, actually.  

Unfortunately it seems like a lot of the smart conservatives (that have a platform to be heard - NOT ones you meet IRL) come off as some dishonest-as-fuck sneaky snakes.  Especially the ones that pretend to be social conservatives when they're actually quite the opposite IRL.  Strange bedfellows and all, I guess.

And fer fuck's sake, Palin, while not an idiot compared to regular folks on the street, IS an idiot when compared to, say, other governors or even most other major party vice presidential candidates.

BTW, how can you simultaneously think it's a bad thing that I supposedly consider others with a different political worldview idiots (which I dispute) but it's reasonable for you to think that liberals are traitors?  
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on February 27, 2014, 08:08:56 PM

Hilarious excuses by the leftist C words

Poll numbers don't mean shit anymore....Obama will never run for office again after he leaves.  He'll do public speaking, set up a presidential library, and etc. 
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: whork on February 28, 2014, 04:14:49 AM
Once again you are pretending...once again, for every one right leaning person who watches Fox, there are ten non-political people who get their news from the 'big 4' of nbc, cnn, abc, or cbs.

A lot of people dont even have cable to watch anything else. And for every one right leaning show with good ratings like DD one could find several that push left wing ideology.

All you can do is say ' fox news' and cherry pick anomolous shows to prove your point, which you know as well as i do is bs.

The vast majority of the news, and popular tv programs, and movies, and music industry, etc etc..that are seen and heard by the vast majority of the population, heavily favors left-wing ideology. This is 100% undeniable

To lean right you have to be willing to fake news. Only FOX will do this on a consistent basis.
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: dario73 on February 28, 2014, 05:06:49 AM
The more you see the left squirm everytime those polls are cited, the more you realize they are dreading the 2014 midterms.
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: Purge_WTF on February 28, 2014, 05:16:40 AM
As much of a phoney as Obama has proven to be, the country has shifted so far to the Left both sociallly and economically that it may not matter.

I'm hoping for Rand Paul to win in '16, but with the culture shift and the irreparable damage that Bush did to the Conservative brand, I have my doubts.
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: StreetSoldier4U on February 28, 2014, 05:28:12 AM
As much of a phoney as Obama has proven to be, the country has shifted so far to the Left both sociallly and economically that it may not matter.

I'm hoping for Rand Paul to win in '16, but with the culture shift and the irreparable damage that Bush did to the Conservative brand, I have my doubts.

I predict a huge shit toward regional politics.  All of which depend primarily on the demographic population within a state. 
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: RRKore on February 28, 2014, 07:39:02 AM
The more you see the left squirm everytime those polls are cited, the more you realize they are dreading the 2014 midterms.

Landslide coming?
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: headhuntersix on February 28, 2014, 08:38:30 AM
I think the predictions will be about true. Then we can worry about 2016.
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: OzmO on February 28, 2014, 08:53:39 AM
Landslide coming?


 a clue  :D
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on February 28, 2014, 09:58:59 AM
To lean right you have to be willing to fake news. Only FOX will do this on a consistent basis.

You arent even american
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: 240 is Back on February 28, 2014, 10:02:06 AM
Hilarious excuses by the leftist C words


Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: Dos Equis on February 28, 2014, 10:02:31 AM
You arent even american

He just pretends to be an American.  Or he's an American pretending to be from Denmark.  I guess it depends on the topic.   :)
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: RRKore on February 28, 2014, 10:23:26 AM
He just pretends to be an American.  Or he's an American pretending to be from Denmark.  I guess it depends on the topic.   :)

You say such stuff about everybody, though, it seems. 

Which is funny since I'm not even sure that Hawaii (where you live) should be considered a real state. 

Isn't it more some kind of Japanese-owned resort territory at this point? 

So what would you know about folks from the "mainland" anyway? :)
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: Dos Equis on February 28, 2014, 10:28:02 AM
You say such stuff about everybody, though, it seems. 

Which is funny since I'm not even sure that Hawaii (where you live) should be considered a real state. 

Isn't it more some kind of Japanese-owned resort territory at this point? 

So what would you know about folks from the "mainland" anyway? :)

lol.  You are quite the drama queen.  lol
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: RRKore on February 28, 2014, 10:30:01 AM
lol.  You are quite the drama queen.  lol

AMERICAN drama queen, though. 

Don't forget it, ya dishonorable old haole.  (Did I spell that right?, lol)
Title: Re: Lefists and Libs in despair as Obama's poll numbers sink even lower.
Post by: Dos Equis on February 28, 2014, 10:39:12 AM
AMERICAN drama queen, though. 

Don't forget it, ya dishonorable old haole.  (Did I spell that right?, lol)

Yes you spelled it right. 

Good grief.  Definitely protesting too much.