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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: alexxx on January 14, 2006, 08:07:13 PM

Title: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: alexxx on January 14, 2006, 08:07:13 PM
Just paying respect to the man. The Legend
In that first pic I think is when he bulked up to 160 pds. But as we all know, he wanted to stay functional. 8)
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: sarcasm on January 14, 2006, 08:10:17 PM
he was a skinny geek who wouldn't have had a chance in a street fight.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: BroadStreetBruiser on January 14, 2006, 08:11:45 PM
i would kick his fucking ass
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Havenbull on January 14, 2006, 08:14:35 PM
Do chinks really idiolize his skinny ass?
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: 240 is Back on January 14, 2006, 08:17:42 PM
Chuck Norris killed Bruce Lee for not following his diet advice.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: sarcasm on January 14, 2006, 08:30:16 PM
;D ;D LOL you guys are funny!! Bruce Lee can't fight ::) LOL ;D
hahaha, if he approached you with his 127lbs. of huge muscle mass you'd probably lay on the ground, get on all fours and say, "please take it easy on me, big Bruce" hahaha.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: alexxx on January 14, 2006, 08:35:04 PM
PUUUUHHHLEEEZZEEEEEEE I never said that karate was everything. Besides lee didn't practice karate or any other martial arts FYI He used what he need and discarted the rest. Nobody today can take Bruce!!! Only one man in his era... Muhammad Ali!
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: alexxx on January 14, 2006, 08:36:47 PM
hahaha, if he approached you with his 127lbs. of huge muscle mass you'd probably lay on the ground, get on all fours and say, "please take it easy on me, big Bruce" hahaha.

Sarspasm don't poke the bear man!!!  >:(
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Oliver Klaushof on January 14, 2006, 08:41:53 PM
Bruce Lee is a weakling.

And you can still be very "functional" at 200+ pounds. If you don't think so look at Mike Tyson in his prime. But I'm sure some of the Bruce Lee nerds will jump on here and claim Bruce Lee can kick Mike Tyson's ass  ::)

I love how people throw around words like "functional" - as if being 230 pounds of muscle isn't functional lmao.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: alexxx on January 14, 2006, 08:43:23 PM
Weak troll attempt.  ::)
right....  ::)
stop injecting into the cranium and start using what left of your brains to get some info bro ;)
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: BigAlski on January 14, 2006, 08:43:57 PM
Why don't you all respect the master? 
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Havenbull on January 14, 2006, 08:48:23 PM
Why don't you all respect the master? 

Shut the fuck up you douchbag homo snuff film pedofile necrophiliac
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: SS on January 14, 2006, 08:50:30 PM
Bruce Lee was a pussy!........didn't some basketball player kick his ass?
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: alexxx on January 14, 2006, 08:54:20 PM
lol where do you guys come up with this stuff. Ya ya Bruce Lee studied every single martial arts style there is and had over 2000 books. The basketball player was lee's pupil for the movie they made. Chuck Norris also studied with Bruce. I could go on and on but the info is there you just have to look for it.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: SS on January 14, 2006, 08:59:21 PM
lol where do you guys come up with this stuff. Ya ya Bruce Lee studied every single martial arts style there is and had over 2000 books. The basketball player was lee's pupil for the movie they made. Chuck Norris also studied with Bruce. I could go on and on but the info is there you just have to look for it.
Bruce was weak like his son that's why their dead ;)
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: BigAlski on January 14, 2006, 09:02:51 PM
Keep it to yourself Havenbull.  You know what's funny about the internet...I have never in my life had another man speak to me like that.  I guess the internet gives some people "balls" that they haven't earned in the real world.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: BroadStreetBruiser on January 14, 2006, 09:03:22 PM
Sarspasm don't poke the bear man!!!  >:(

hahahahahaha, this is most fucking gay comeback ever
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Havenbull on January 14, 2006, 09:07:32 PM
Keep it to yourself Havenbull. 

I can't.  You're wife's begging, I mean really begging, me to give it to her.  ;)
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: SS on January 14, 2006, 09:09:14 PM
Keep it to yourself Havenbull.  You know what's funny about the internet...I have never in my life had another man speak to me like that.  I guess the internet gives some people "balls" that they haven't earned in the real world.
hahaha! i would spit in your face! and you couldn't do a thing about it :-*
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: alexxx on January 14, 2006, 09:12:22 PM
Your aware the martial arts he studied wouldn't work in a real fight, correct?

If your implying the gung fu style he studied under his sifu Mr. Yin ??? than yes I am aware. But back at you, are you aware that he came up with a style that actually isn't a style? tricky huh? Just go watch some of his demonstrations videos and you will come to light. There is more that just size my friend  ;)
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: SS on January 14, 2006, 09:15:38 PM
LOL! Frankie Duex could kick Bruce Lees ass!
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: alexxx on January 14, 2006, 09:18:23 PM
ARRRRGHHHH don't you listen FroZZor, its a fact that Bruce studied many forms of martial arts including boxing and grappling!>:( Somebody please back me up on this. :'(
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Havenbull on January 14, 2006, 09:22:30 PM
ARRRRGHHHH don't you listen FroZZor, its a fact that Bruce studied many forms of martial arts including boxing and grappling!>:( Somebody please back me up on this. :'(

hahahahahahahaha  alexxx oh man

go back to kindergarten  hahahhahahalolololololoo lolool0ol

hhhhoooooohahahhahahhaha hahaha

homo you have a real open mind
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: BigAlski on January 14, 2006, 09:22:50 PM
Anonymous internet retards.  
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Havenbull on January 14, 2006, 09:23:44 PM
Anonymous internet retards.  

horrible retort

go back to "comeback school"
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: BigAlski on January 14, 2006, 09:25:56 PM
No, I would rather you don't reply to my posts.  Keep whatever derogatory comment you have to yourself, if you can do me that favor.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: alexxx on January 14, 2006, 09:31:48 PM
No heavenbull i am not having a meltdown, simply a difference of opinions. I hope i made that clear for you as i see you have an iq of a rock. ;D
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Havenbull on January 14, 2006, 09:45:02 PM
What brings you to that conclusion...

you're the one with no comeback
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Havenbull on January 14, 2006, 09:46:15 PM
let me rephrase...

If you can't take a simple joke, or if you can't recognize a simple joke...

then you're on the wrong board
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Oliver Klaushof on January 14, 2006, 09:56:29 PM
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Havenbull on January 14, 2006, 10:02:36 PM

as the cock slowly inserts into his mouth
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: paul84 on January 14, 2006, 10:03:41 PM
he was a skinny geek who wouldn't have had a chance in a street fight.

I'm glad someone said it.  A few people on this board really like to cup Lee's balls and it's gay as Elton John watching a Leonardo di Caprio movie marathon.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Oliver Klaushof on January 14, 2006, 10:04:56 PM
I'm glad someone said it.  A few people on this board really like to cup Lee's balls and it's gay as Elton John watching a Leonardo di Caprio movie marathon.

75% of Getbiggers could kick Bruce Lee's scrawny ass.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: alexxx on January 14, 2006, 10:06:09 PM
as the cock slowly inserts into his mouth

hahaha thats actually pretty funny Heavenbull
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on January 15, 2006, 12:31:31 AM
hahahah, you douches are so full of shit, if your logic were correct, Bob Sapp would be the undefeated champion, yet he gets his ass kicked by guys half his size....fighting is more speed and technique than sheer size.
i bet theres 105 pound asian monks who could rape you all at once.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Mars on January 15, 2006, 12:40:04 AM
Too light to fight, too thin to win would my dear friend Sarcasm say.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Oliver Klaushof on January 15, 2006, 12:50:56 AM
hahahah, you douches are so full of shit, if your logic were correct, Bob Sapp would be the undefeated champion, yet he gets his ass kicked by guys half his size....fighting is more speed and technique than sheer size.
i bet theres 105 pound asian monks who could rape you all at once.

Yes, all the world champions are 105 pound beast LMAO!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Mars on January 15, 2006, 12:54:56 AM
hahaha, if he approached you with his 127lbs. of huge muscle mass you'd probably lay on the ground, get on all fours and say, "please take it easy on me, big Bruce" hahaha.

Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on January 15, 2006, 01:05:48 AM
Yes, all the world champions are 105 pound beast LMAO!!!!!!!
if you guys were correct, all the UFC guys would stop their training and start bodybuilding, and ronnie coleman would be the greatest fighter in the world....LOL anyone whose been in a fight before would know that it is almost all technique, speed and experience.
royce gracie took down that 600 pound sumo champion in like one minute, and tons of other bigger, stronger guys that looked like they would kick his ass.
of course if your bigger and you just sucker punch him randomly in the back of the head, you will probably win.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Oliver Klaushof on January 15, 2006, 01:24:52 AM
if you guys were correct, all the UFC guys would stop their training and start bodybuilding, and ronnie coleman would be the greatest fighter in the world....LOL anyone whose been in a fight before would know that it is almost all technique, speed and experience.
royce gracie took down that 600 pound sumo champion in like one minute, and tons of other bigger, stronger guys that looked like they would kick his ass.
of course if your bigger and you just sucker punch him randomly in the back of the head, you will probably win.

The fighters weight train AND fight train.

Like I said, not too many 105 pound Shaolin Monk MMA champions.

Strength is a huge advantage in a fight, hence WEIGHT CLASSES

The fact that Bob Sapp can compete with highly trained martial artist using brute strength alone says alot about brute strength. I'm sure Ronnie Coleman could kick some ass if he wanted.
I could use Ken Shamrock, Mark Coleman, Mark Kerr, Dan Severn, Mike Tyson, ect ect as a few examples of guys that put strength(combined with skill) to good use.

Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: SlyIzLegend on January 15, 2006, 03:29:29 AM
By threads like these you realise after being away for 6 months or so that it's still the same in here. "Bruce Lee was a skinny geek who wouldn't win a street fight."  what arguments do they got? -> He did karate and karate doesn't work  ::)

The beautiful thing is that Lee never even did karate. What he did was flowing and adapting like a snake. In other words Jeet Kune Do; The way of the intercepting fist. Something you geeks never heard of.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: SquatAss on January 15, 2006, 04:45:26 AM
The fighters weight train AND fight train.

Like I said, not too many 105 pound Shaolin Monk MMA champions.

Strength is a huge advantage in a fight, hence WEIGHT CLASSES

The fact that Bob Sapp can compete with highly trained martial artist using brute strength alone says alot about brute strength. I'm sure Ronnie Coleman could kick some ass if he wanted.
I could use Ken Shamrock, Mark Coleman, Mark Kerr, Dan Severn, Mike Tyson, ect ect as a few examples of guys that put strength(combined with skill) to good use.


Natural strenght is important in a fight. Weight train strenght doesn't do you much good in a fight at all. Fedor is the best fighter today and he doesn't even touch weights.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Van_Bilderass on January 15, 2006, 04:50:34 AM
How do we know Bruce was an amazing fighter? He never did any real fights right? How do we know? Yeah he looks cool on film but so does Van Damme. He was an actor!
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Bluto on January 15, 2006, 04:57:35 AM
are you saying van damme isnt a great fighter  ???
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: 8 INCH not biceps on January 15, 2006, 05:17:10 AM

 Bob sapp trainrd martial arts for a few months and he was able to defeat guys who trained all their lives so size does matters.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: MrUniverse on January 15, 2006, 06:33:05 AM
Does Kris Dim trains in Martial Arts?, if so he can be the new action hero in hollywood at least he is much bigger than Bruce that's means it's more realistic these days to watch his movies if he aver makes a movie.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: SquatAss on January 15, 2006, 07:07:47 AM
Bob sapp trainrd martial arts for a few months and he was able to defeat guys who trained all their lives so size does matters.

Ofcourse size matters. I don't think there's anyone who would argue otherwise.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: bmacsys on January 15, 2006, 08:50:08 AM
PUUUUHHHLEEEZZEEEEEEE I never said that karate was everything. Besides lee didn't practice karate or any other martial arts FYI He used what he need and discarted the rest. Nobody today can take Bruce!!! Only one man in his era... Muhammad Ali!

Bruce Lee admitted himself many times that Chuck Norris would have killed him.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: doison on January 15, 2006, 09:38:44 AM
If I've learned anything from the internet, it's that the smaller you are, the better fighter you are. 

1,000's of skinny kids who like to believe this can't be wrong!
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: alexxx on January 15, 2006, 10:10:54 AM

Bruce Lee admitted himself many times that Chuck Norris would have killed him.

Actually i think chuck got his ass handed to him in there famous colloseum scene. What you are probably trying to say is that Muhammad Ali is the one who could've taken bruce. Here's an (article check the ending)
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: 3Dkiller on January 15, 2006, 11:05:36 AM
bruce lee is fast before a bodybuilder hits him bruce lee hits him triple times
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: bmacsys on January 15, 2006, 11:47:34 AM
Actually i think chuck got his ass handed to him in there famous colloseum scene. What you are probably trying to say is that Muhammad Ali is the one who could've taken bruce. Here's an (article check the ending)

In interviews Bruce Lee said that in a real fight Chuck Norris would have killed him.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Darren Avey on January 15, 2006, 12:35:55 PM
LMAO you guys are dumbasses! Lee benched 365lbs and would destroy anyone on this board, apart from me of course as id shoot him with my glock if he gave me any shit. >:(
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: MisterGX on January 15, 2006, 12:38:37 PM
In a biography written about 3-4 years after he died, it was discussed how Bruce was attacked on his way home from a training run in the early '70's.  Bruce's daily regimen included a daily 7 mile run.  The attackers totaled 7 armed ment (bats, pipes, knives).  Bruce survived, hospitalizing 5 of the attackers, the other two took off.  Bruce was also hospitalized for several weeks.  Noted that Bruce didn't compete in Martial Arts competitions & didn't follow one fight system.  His base instruction was in Wing Chun Gung Fu taught  to him by Yip Man.  He also studied/observed every other fighting style--including boxing (specifically Ali's style).  Eventually he created his own system which emcompassed multiple systems--Jeet Kune Do--which basically means to hit/strike your opponent before they hit/strike you.  Only thing with his writing of his system, he never completed all of it before he died.  The big question here is was Bruce as bad as his myth indicates??  The answer would have be both yes & no.  No one is invincible, and depending on the individual--size can matter.  But he definitely influenced plenty of fighters over the years.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Oliver Klaushof on January 15, 2006, 01:19:11 PM
Many skinny internet geeks want to think Bruce Lee(a short skinny man)could defeat anyone - because this makes them feel powerful. At the same time, they envy muscular physiques(that they might have difficulty building because of their limited genetics)otherwise they wouldn't be on this message board. So in a way they are a little like their hero Bruce. Bruce protecs their fragile egos. It's basic psychology.

It's funny someone used Fedor as an example. He's 6'2'' 213 pounds. Hardly a skinny Bruce Lee.

Bob Sapp's fighting style is "NFL" yet he is able to compete with smaller black belts.

Mike Tyson was 5'10'' 220+ pounds. Didn't slow him down. But Bruce Lee would kill him with his functional strength right LMAO.

Mark Coleman(245pounds)
Dan Severn(250pounds)
Maurice Smith(220pounds)
Ken Shamrock(235pounds)
Mark Kerr(255pounds)

You will scarcely find a champ below 200 pounds!!! Royce Gracie being the exception - but he was still no skinny Bruce Lee.   
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Scimowser on January 15, 2006, 01:33:27 PM
Bruce was infact challenged by a Japanese Karate Master, a fight he immediately accepted. Apparently the guy was beaten so badly, so quickly, there wasnt time to pull Bruce from him. You forget his power and speed were phenomenal. To submit him you would have to take him down, and to do that you would have to get near him. He studied Chinese Boxing, Kung Fu and wrestling to an extent (Enter The Dragon shows him grappling and submitting an opponent by armbar) but you forget he was 35 years ago. Its like asking why John Cironte or Bill Pearl wouldnt beat people in todays bodybuilding contests. Evolution!

35 years of martial arts evolution that would never have come around if it wasnt for Bruce Lee. IMO he could have adapted incredibly and been very successful. Its fair to say no1 is unbeatable, but there is simply no way of knowing how he would have done against Royce Gracie, Mark Kerr etc because its all based around opinions and random ideas. Remember, he could send a 230lb man flying 8-10 feet with a simple kick...........
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Bluto on January 15, 2006, 01:43:07 PM

It's funny someone used Fedor as an example. He's 6'2'' 213 pounds. Hardly a skinny Bruce Lee.

Bob Sapp's fighting style is "NFL" yet he is able to compete with smaller black belts.

Mike Tyson was 5'10'' 220+ pounds. Didn't slow him down. But Bruce Lee would kill him with his functional strength right LMAO.

Mark Coleman(245pounds)
Dan Severn(250pounds)
Maurice Smith(220pounds)
Ken Shamrock(235pounds)
Mark Kerr(255pounds)

You will scarcely find a champ below 200 pounds!!! Royce Gracie being the exception - but he was still no skinny Bruce Lee.   

what are you talking about? there's an awful lot of champs below 200 pounds in boxing, mma or pretty much any style with the exception of sumo wrestling
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Oliver Klaushof on January 15, 2006, 01:49:20 PM
what are you talking about? there's an awful lot of champs below 200 pounds in boxing, mma or pretty much any style with the exception of sumo wrestling

Not in competitions with open weight classes. Why do you think they have weight classes in the first place. DUH
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Oliver Klaushof on January 15, 2006, 01:51:17 PM
A 98 pound Chinese woman that's a master of WuShu should defeat all!!!
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: SquatAss on January 15, 2006, 02:08:21 PM

It's funny someone used Fedor as an example. He's 6'2'' 213 pounds. Hardly a skinny Bruce Lee.

Eh I used him as example of someone who doesn't train with weights. To illustrate that weight training strength doesn't do a whole lot for you in a fight. I never said size does not matter.

Learn how to read.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Oliver Klaushof on January 15, 2006, 02:20:06 PM
Eh I used him as example of someone who doesn't train with weights. To illustrate that weight training strength doesn't do a whole lot for you in a fight. I never said size does not matter.

Learn how to read.

Fedor does weight train - just not to the extreme that a bodybuilder does. Strength does alot in a fight. That's a fact.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Bluto on January 15, 2006, 02:23:00 PM
Obviously it's beneficial to be bigger, but only up to a certain level... and there's some guys that have fought heavier guys and done so with great success... Sakuraba at 190lbs or so defeating Ken Shamrock (235lbs), Kevin Randleman (205lbs), Rampage Jackson (205lbs), Conan Silveria (242lbs).
Kaoklai in K-1 at 176lbs defeating Ignashov (258lbs), Mighty Mo (273lbs).
Genki Sudo at 155lbs defeating Butterbean (350lbs), Kousei Kubota (181lbs), Nathan Marquardt (185lbs), Kenichi Yamamoto (192lbs) to name a few.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: HRDCOR on January 15, 2006, 02:30:51 PM
Didn't Bruce have to go through a series of fights from all different styles from there top exponets in front of a group of Grand Masters to have his style recognised by the World Martial Arts Council so he could set up teaching schools. And in these fights he destroyed all of his combatants with his own adapted style ???

I call him Brucie as he was a good mate of mine  ;)
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Oliver Klaushof on January 15, 2006, 03:23:36 PM
There are no disabled people......only people who have met Bruce Lee!
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Army of One on January 15, 2006, 03:36:33 PM
Bruce was attacked on his way home from a training run in the early '70's.  Bruce's daily regimen included a daily 7 mile run.  The attackers totaled 7 armed ment (bats, pipes, knives).  Bruce survived, hospitalizing 5 of the attackers, the other two took off.  Bruce was also hospitalized for several weeks

Bullshit.Never happened.

Bruce was infact challenged by a Japanese Karate Master, a fight he immediately accepted. Apparently the guy was beaten so badly, so quickly, there wasnt time to pull Bruce from him

This is about 5% correct, he indeed fought a guy who opposed Bruce teaching the 'eastern' ways, but by Bruce's own admission, all his wing chun training went out the window once his instincts took over and the fight turned in to a friday night outside the bar swingfest.The fight was ugly and both fighters tired out completely within a couple of minutes.

Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Oliver Klaushof on January 15, 2006, 03:51:08 PM
LOL. And the fighter wasn't Japanese. He was another Gung Fu man.

Some clown was on here a while back claiming Bruce Lee would challenge people to a fight that looked over his fence while he was training, excuse himself, and return in 5 minutes having defeated them.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Army of One on January 15, 2006, 03:59:58 PM
I posted this in another Lee thread but it fits in nicely here.

I first watched enter the dragon when i was 5 (older brothers) and the vhs tape was then played at least 100 times in the next 10 years.Bruce was an incredibly charismatic,lean and handsome asian star who literally took over a camera when he was on it.My brothers would tell me that bruce developed a muscle in his body noone else had, through one inch punching no less.They also said he won this title and that title, numerous times.Guess what, I ate it up, I had all his films (all 5 of them) posters, nunchackas and the lunch box.I boxed in my teens and then took an interest in the fighting arts as a whole.Streetfighters,boxers, wrestlers , you name it I watched and read about it and thats whn it dawned on me.Bruce Lee was a movie star and someone with a good knowledge of martial arts, no more.

I read all the books on Bruce, watched all the video footage, what did I learn?Bruce won 0 titles, in fact never competed in a tournament.He routinely got his ass handed to him as a teen when streetfighting.In fact the one organised fight Bruce ever had, you know what happened?All those years of Wing Chun, all that training, Bruce within 30 seconds was panting,wheezing and all the techniques of wing chun went out the window and it turned in to the swing fest you see on a friday night outside the local bar.And this was against some nomark fighter from a local dojo.This is by Bruces admission folks, look it up.

His great feats of strength...This one really erks me,apart from in his fingers, Bruce possesed no great amount of strength.He worked on his finger strength religiously and at 140 it isnt hard to do bodyweight exercises.DIet down to 140 then spend 5 years on finger strength with the same passion you lift normally and ill laugh at you if you cant do finger pushups by then.Bruce weighed 140 at around 6% bf and benched 160 for 10.that means at 20% bf Bruce would have weighed around 165,would you find it remarkable for a guy in your gym with the latter stats BP 160 or curling 80?I didnt think so, In fact I see this every day.The one inch punch is a gimmick that has been done better by many people better since.

Heres something for the doubters to do, go watch an organised fight that most resembles a streetfight.Something like UFC or K1.Watch the styles that work.In other words Boxing and grappling.Bruces foundation style wing chun relied pretty much soley on very precise blocks,grabs and counters which have very little effect in a real fight.Real fights involve punching and then usually rolling round on the floor.Watch UFC the fights always start with some boxing then straight in to a grapple.Bruce would last 5 seconds in a ufc bout.Mike Tyson would kill Bruce in a ring or out of it.Organised fighting Have weight classes for a reason people. for the safety of lighter fighters.

Anyway I have written too much now.Bruce was a marvel on the screen and looked like he could beat your ass in 5 seconds.But then so did Keanu Reeves in the Matrix.Its Hollywood folks, dont read too much in to it.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: efirkey on January 15, 2006, 04:10:10 PM
From everything I have heard or seen about Bruce Lee, and I am a big fan, he did not fight in the stlye that you currently see in MMA.  The MMA style of fighting is best demonstrated by everyone adapting to it.  In the beginning of the UFC every style was being used and with time every fighter has adopted to using some kind of juijitsu, because it is superior and most fights end up on the ground.  Bruce Lee may have been a great fighter, but I can't imagine him doing well on the ground against the beasts who are fighting today.

I do miss the days of action movies with real action heroes like Bruce Lee, Norris, Schwarzen..., Stallone.  Now we get regular actors playing these roles like Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. Bring back the real action stars.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: sarcasm on January 15, 2006, 04:16:22 PM
LMAO you guys are dumbasses! Lee benched 365lbs and would destroy anyone on this board, apart from me of course as id shoot him with my glock if he gave me any shit. >:(
hahahahahahahaha, Bruce Lee couldn't bench 165.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Oliver Klaushof on January 15, 2006, 04:18:21 PM
They always talk about Bruce mastering his body - it's funny, because they found opium in his system when they did the autopsy.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Bluto on January 15, 2006, 04:26:09 PM
They always talk about Bruce mastering his body - it's funny, because they found opium in his system when they did the autopsy.

That's part of it
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: sarcasm on January 15, 2006, 04:30:43 PM
didn't they find a pint of jizz in there too? haha, ancient Chinese secret.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: alexxx on January 15, 2006, 04:32:42 PM
Speaking of the autopsy, what you guys think about the untimely death of his son. Bruce at 33? his son at 28? could it be that the ninjas got to them ??? They where holding a gruge against him for teaching to the westerners and for kicking some ninja ass!!
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Oliver Klaushof on January 15, 2006, 05:00:39 PM
Speaking of the autopsy, what you guys think about the untimely death of his son. Bruce at 33? his son at 28? could it be that the ninjas got to them ??? They where holding a gruge against him for teaching to the westerners and for kicking some ninja ass!!

Nah, probably the just a plain ole pint a jizz too.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on January 15, 2006, 05:18:57 PM
The fighters weight train AND fight train.

Like I said, not too many 105 pound Shaolin Monk MMA champions.

Strength is a huge advantage in a fight, hence WEIGHT CLASSES

The fact that Bob Sapp can compete with highly trained martial artist using brute strength alone says alot about brute strength. I'm sure Ronnie Coleman could kick some ass if he wanted.
I could use Ken Shamrock, Mark Coleman, Mark Kerr, Dan Severn, Mike Tyson, ect ect as a few examples of guys that put strength(combined with skill) to good use.

no shit size matters, but the point is is that its not the only thing. just because you are a large person doesnt mean your going to kick anyones ass that weighs less than you. the advantage comes from having size AND skill. just because a guy like bruce lee is light doesnt mean any fat ass over 200 lb is going to destroy him.
i never said a 105 lb monk (lol) would win the MMA CHAMPIONSHIP i said he could probably put a beating on most REGULAR guys who are heavier than he is
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: FREAKgeek on January 15, 2006, 05:39:10 PM
Mansonvier made a good point. I don't think he meant that it's all about strength, but it IS a significant factor.

Fighting, i.e physically subduing someone is a SKILL. Lifting weights will not make you a better fighter, but will make you stronger, and being stronger and better fit will help you carry out or better enforce your fighting skills. You need to practice fighting to become a better fighter.

Look at the case with Royce Gracie. Back then he took everyone out regardless of weight class. Fighting is clearly a skill. BUT, when fighters learned and caught on to his technique, he could not take on guys 20 and more lbs of muscle over him. That's why he refused to rematch against Shamrock, as Shamrock simply overpowered him in size and strength. The Gracie camp DEMANDED Shamrock to drop weight or no rematch. SHamrock refused.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: alexxx on January 15, 2006, 05:42:48 PM
You want to talk about skill. During the Hornet show Bruce would jump up in the air and do a round house kick to the extras heads. He would touch their ears with the tip of his foot. Unfortunately one of the extras' turned once and got his jaw broken by that kick.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: meatmonkey on January 15, 2006, 06:16:58 PM
Size CAN matter in a fight between 2 well skilled opponents...

On the other hand, a 150 pound Oscar De La Hoya would absolutely beat the shit out of the biggest guy on this site.

A 175 pound Matt Hughes would murder anyone on this sites family then shit on your face

Just a couple examples...there are many more just like them
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on January 15, 2006, 06:22:20 PM
Size CAN matter in a fight between 2 well skilled opponents...

On the other hand, a 150 pound Oscar De La Hoya would absolutely beat the shit out of the biggest guy on this site.

A 175 pound Matt Hughes would murder anyone on this sites family then shit on your face

Just a couple examples...there are many more just like them
thats pretty much what im saying
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Eric2 on January 15, 2006, 08:24:50 PM
   Bruce Lee was a showman, not a real fighter. My friends father took lesson's from Bruce at the University of Washington in Seattle back in the 1960's.
   He said that he was fast and really cocky arrogant.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: gibberj2 on January 16, 2006, 03:07:41 AM
i wonder when this board will stop with the bruce lee stuff. in enter the dragon bruce lee was very light. he barely ate and was exhausted all the time. and those who say he can't fight just don't have a clue. he had power, speed and skill. just with his boxing skill and speed alone he's one of the best.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: EL Mariachi on November 15, 2007, 03:09:16 PM
he was a skinny geek who wouldn't have had a chance in a street fight.

i call bullshit, he would brake your legs with a kick to your knee's in less then a second fatty.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Sir William Idol on November 15, 2007, 03:29:50 PM
i call bullshit, he would brake your legs with a kick to your knee's in less then a second fatty.

your spelling is fucking atrocious, pick up a god damn dictionary kid
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: EL Mariachi on November 15, 2007, 03:31:28 PM
your spelling is fucking atrocious, pick up a god damn dictionary kid

i use my english dictionary to perform Dictionary calf raises.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Stu on November 15, 2007, 03:35:59 PM
Why the fuck would you bring up a thread that is damn near 2 years old?
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: EL Mariachi on November 15, 2007, 03:36:55 PM
Why the fuck would you bring up a thread that is damn near 2 years old?

whats the difference?
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Stu on November 15, 2007, 03:38:46 PM
what is the difference? this makes no sense in relation to my statement
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: EL Mariachi on November 15, 2007, 03:40:57 PM
what is the difference? this makes no sense in relation to my statement

Is there a problem Stu?
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Stu on November 15, 2007, 03:42:20 PM
Is there a problem Stu?

why yes, yes there is!

Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: jetcity on November 15, 2007, 04:08:10 PM
Do chinks really idiolize his skinny ass?

Bruce Lee was %75 Chinese and %25 German.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: ConanCarl on November 15, 2007, 04:30:01 PM
Your aware the martial arts he studied wouldn't work in a real fight, correct?
How incorrect you are-Wing Chun is effective in a street fight-and thats not the only art Ive studied
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: _bruce_ on November 15, 2007, 04:35:35 PM
Didn't Bruce Lee pass away because someone performed a Dimm Mak on him?
I've never seen any footage where the "technique" is proven to work -> like DimmMak'ing an animal and then watching it "fade away" within days.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Andre Nickatina on November 15, 2007, 04:48:59 PM
If yoda was a human he'd be Bruce Lee.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: americanbulldog on November 15, 2007, 05:14:47 PM
Ummm, he never studied wrestling, boxing, BJJ etc.

He wouldn't know how to defend a takedown, how to throw a proper punch and how to defend against submissions.

Back in the day he might have been something special, but it's a fact he doesn't know how to fight. All the crap he did was lame ass showy shit made for movies.

Almost as gay as those fags who do shit like wing-chun.

Wrong.  He studied judo when he first arrived in Seattle.  He also trained with Hayward Nishioka, Pan Am Gold medalist in Judo.  He also trained with Gene LeBell in judo, grappling and wrestling.  Prior to his death, he was moving away from Gung Fu, and more toward boxing, wrestling.  He was quoted in "Fighting Stars" (forerunner to black belt) that a man with one year boxing and wrestling experience would beat 99% of most black belts.  He bought every book he could find on boxing, had many a boxer in his Chinatown LA school including my Sifu Richard Bustillo.  (A golden gloves champ from Oahu, whom Bruce would routinely beat the snot out of)  Guro Dan Inosanto was a judo black belt, kempo black belt, did boxing as well as Kali, Bruce would spar with just about ANY top martial artist of his day, and would beat most of them handily.  I have heard this from Guro Dan, Sifu Richard, the late Sifu Larry Hartsell, as well as from the late Ed Parker. 

His only formal instruction was from Yip Man, in Hong Kong.  Again, toward the end of his evolution, he had gotten away from chi sau, and was sparring full contact, using focus mitts, thai pads, and kicking shields.  As a former Wing Chun instructor myself, I have followed a nearly identical path as Bruce.  No more WC, only BJJ, sub grappling, boxing, muay thai and greco. 
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: americanbulldog on November 15, 2007, 05:18:22 PM
Speaking of the autopsy, what you guys think about the untimely death of his son. Bruce at 33? his son at 28? could it be that the ninjas got to them ??? They where holding a gruge against him for teaching to the westerners and for kicking some ninja ass!!

More like the triads, whom Bruce told to f*ck off when he formed his own production company with Raymond Chow and refused to pay royaltys to.  Funny, the guy dies of an overdose of an item that he had an allergic reaction to just three months prior that necessitated him coming back to the US (UCLA medical center) and nearly killed him then.  Betty Ting Pei, the actress with whom he was "studying lines" with was the one who administered the "medication." 
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: americanbulldog on November 15, 2007, 05:21:14 PM

Bruce Lee admitted himself many times that Chuck Norris would have killed him.

Wrong, never happened.  Chuck was a student of Bruce's.  As was Mike Stone, Joe Lewis.  All of them would later not admit to being trained by Bruce after Bruce's death (and when Bruce was popular), but rather admitted that they trained WITH Bruce instead.  Joe Lewis is the only one who will admit he was a student of Bruce's.  The Lee Estate has some great footage of backyard sparring sessions that included Mike Stone, Chuck Norris, Bob Wall, Joe Lewis, Kareem Abdul Jabbar. 
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: americanbulldog on November 15, 2007, 05:23:41 PM
LMAO you guys are dumbasses! Lee benched 365lbs and would destroy anyone on this board, apart from me of course as id shoot him with my glock if he gave me any shit. >:(

A tad bit exaggerated to say the least. 
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Eric2 on November 15, 2007, 05:25:55 PM
Chuck Norris could have wiped his ass with Bruce Lee.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: americanbulldog on November 15, 2007, 05:30:18 PM
Bullshit.Never happened.

This is about 5% correct, he indeed fought a guy who opposed Bruce teaching the 'eastern' ways, but by Bruce's own admission, all his wing chun training went out the window once his instincts took over and the fight turned in to a friday night outside the bar swingfest.The fight was ugly and both fighters tired out completely within a couple of minutes.

Bruce did fight a Karateka while in Seattle.  Jesse Glover and Taky Kimura were eye witnesses.  He beat him soundly.  The fight you are referring to was Wong Jack Man.  Bruce chased Wong using a Jik Jeung Chiu (straight blast) hitting him in the back of the head until finally catching him, mounting him and finishing him with punches from the mount.  Linda Lee Caldwell was present, as was Al Dacoscos (Mark Dacoscos father, and founder of Won Hop Kuen Do).  Both have elaborated the same story.  Recently, Wong is claiming he beat Lee, which has been refuted by others in Lee's camp who were there.  Bruce continued teaching in Oakland, so that settles that. 
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: tommywishbone on November 15, 2007, 05:37:28 PM
Bruce, after chasing the dragon.   :D


Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: ConanCarl on November 15, 2007, 08:16:09 PM
Wrong.  He studied judo when he first arrived in Seattle.  He also trained with Hayward Nishioka, Pan Am Gold medalist in Judo.  He also trained with Gene LeBell in judo, grappling and wrestling.  Prior to his death, he was moving away from Gung Fu, and more toward boxing, wrestling.  He was quoted in "Fighting Stars" (forerunner to black belt) that a man with one year boxing and wrestling experience would beat 99% of most black belts.  He bought every book he could find on boxing, had many a boxer in his Chinatown LA school including my Sifu Richard Bustillo.  (A golden gloves champ from Oahu, whom Bruce would routinely beat the snot out of)  Guro Dan Inosanto was a judo black belt, kempo black belt, did boxing as well as Kali, Bruce would spar with just about ANY top martial artist of his day, and would beat most of them handily.  I have heard this from Guro Dan, Sifu Richard, the late Sifu Larry Hartsell, as well as from the late Ed Parker. 

His only formal instruction was from Yip Man, in Hong Kong.  Again, toward the end of his evolution, he had gotten away from chi sau, and was sparring full contact, using focus mitts, thai pads, and kicking shields.  As a former Wing Chun instructor myself, I have followed a nearly identical path as Bruce.  No more WC, only BJJ, sub grappling, boxing, muay thai and greco. 
Im also a BJJ guy now-but I never forgot my WC even though I dont train it really anymore-also lifting weights never really benefited me in WC-made me too tight to do certain things-but I will always have the basic instincts and reflex from WC-whatever the case Lee studied it all and to hear people bash him is a disgrace-he was one of a kind-not some drunken ultimate fighter guy-and I love MMA- just that some of these guys arent great role models-but they are tough just getting in the octagon
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: triple_pickle on November 15, 2007, 08:36:00 PM
could it be that the ninjas got to them ??? They where holding a gruge against him for teaching to the westerners and for kicking some ninja ass!!

the ninjas did get bruce & his son.  flex was the third target but was able to survive thanks to his taekwondo skills and monster muscle mass!!!!
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 16, 2007, 03:17:42 AM
Couldn't agree more.

He doesn't even look like his worked out. Not to mention alot his shit was fake and stupid.

Karate is a joke. Whatever form.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Pecs on November 16, 2007, 05:07:03 AM
I do agree that Bruce Lee might not had been that great like what the media made him out to be.

BUT he is the inspiration for generations of fighters, even Dorian yates idolise bruce lee(read it in M&F). I watched UFC for a period of time and i swear hearing Joe Rogan mentioning Bruce lee and his " be like water" philosophy on at least three occasions.

He might not be THAT GREAT, but saying that he doesn't know how to fight is just plain wrong. >:(
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Army of One on November 16, 2007, 05:25:50 AM
I do agree that Bruce Lee might not had been that great like what the media made him out to be.

BUT he is the inspiration for generations of fighters, even Dorian yates idolise bruce lee(read it in M&F). I watched UFC for a period of time and i swear hearing Joe Rogan mentioning Bruce lee and his " be like water" philosophy on at least three occasions.

He might not be THAT GREAT, but saying that he doesn't know how to fight is just plain wrong. >:(

Anything bar Boxing and Grappling is a waste of time in a fight, thats the one good thing UFC has done, taught what works and what doesnt.But I agree Bruce was supremely charismatic and a good icon but would get his ass handed to him against a pro boxer or UFC guy.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Stu on November 16, 2007, 05:33:18 AM

That was rather boring i must say
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Pecs on November 16, 2007, 05:34:18 AM
Actually muay thai and BJJ is a good combination.......
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: GoneAway on November 16, 2007, 05:41:31 AM
thats big bolo yeung next to bruce in one of the pics on the first page.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: BigCypriate on November 16, 2007, 05:51:57 AM
thats big bolo yeung next to bruce in one of the pics on the first page.

edit: hahahaha monster reply skills!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: kiwiol on November 16, 2007, 06:01:39 AM
thats big bolo yeung next to bruce in one of the pics on the first page.

You mean you can tell them apart? :o
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Frank Dux on November 16, 2007, 06:35:43 AM
Okay Okay.

Who is this one Bruce Lee?

I break it his face, okay?

I am like....i'm really fucked up on coke right now!!!

Ha ha!
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: ~Anna~ on November 16, 2007, 06:37:25 AM
El Diablo.....
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Hawkins on November 16, 2007, 06:39:37 AM
El Diablo.....

ha ha, she says "Me too!  Mine's as big as a house!"
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: onlyme on November 16, 2007, 06:42:00 AM
Actually muay thai and BJJ is a good combination.......

Actually "finger-44 magnum" is the best combo.  And I Wang Chunned Tonight
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Stu on November 16, 2007, 06:43:44 AM
Actually "finger-44 magnum" is the best combo.  And I Wang Chunned Tonight

Wang Chung- Dance Hall Days is a modern classic
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: delta9mda on November 16, 2007, 07:22:55 AM

what a bunch of crap. tournament fighting = tag. points fighting aint real.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: chester_bbb on November 16, 2007, 01:20:13 PM
Bob sapp trainrd martial arts for a few months and he was able to defeat guys who trained all their lives so size does matters.

Name one good fighter Sapp defeated.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: _bruce_ on November 16, 2007, 04:25:07 PM
Would have been Frank Dux able to beat Bruce?
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: GoneAway on November 17, 2007, 12:27:51 AM
You mean you can tell them apart? :o

bolo has about 15 pounds on bruce in that pic. watch him in double impact and bloodsport, big as a house.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: kiwiol on November 17, 2007, 12:33:36 AM
If yoda was a human he'd be Bruce Lee.

Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: kiwiol on November 17, 2007, 12:34:39 AM
bolo has about 15 pounds on bruce in that pic. watch him in double impact and bloodsport, big as a house.

I know. I was actually trying to be funny back there, but never mind ;D
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Hypo on November 17, 2007, 12:44:38 AM
I wouldn't say Bruce Lee would kick any heavyweights ass, but I can tell you he would have dominated his weight class in MMA. He was one of the pioneers of never keeping to a rigid system when fighting and included grappling as a fighting technique. He also experimented with weights as a cross training exercise.

All reports was that he was strong as fuck compared to his weight.
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: MoralMan on November 17, 2007, 04:38:01 AM
His apparent 365lb bench press i think is a myth!!
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Army of One on November 17, 2007, 04:50:33 AM
I know. I was actually trying to be funny back there, but never mind ;D

15 pounds lol, more like 50
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: TopTraining on November 17, 2007, 06:50:59 AM
Couldn't agree more.

He doesn't even look like his worked out. Not to mention alot his shit was fake and stupid.

Karate is a joke. Whatever form.

Yes, please share your knowledge about Bruce Lee's martial arts to us all.  ::)
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: kiwiol on November 17, 2007, 06:53:00 AM
15 pounds lol, more like 50

Hahahaha having seen so many of Onlymen's pics lately, I can only differentiate in the 3 digit and above range
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: BroadStreetBruiser on November 17, 2007, 07:07:08 AM
Legendary ownage here
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Stu on November 17, 2007, 07:15:57 AM
His apparent 365lb bench press i think is a myth!!

really? wow!

Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Remo Williams on November 17, 2007, 07:20:51 AM
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Stu on November 17, 2007, 07:23:47 AM

HAHAHAHAHA, look at that big fat sack of sushi
Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: monstercalves on November 17, 2007, 01:51:29 PM
bruce was a fukn outstanding human being.....

he is one of the best modern martial artists........ guy in this thread said bruce didnt know how to punch or had no power...hahhahahaha

another said...the martial arts dont work "in real life".....its always....."oh but that wouldnt work in real life"


thats how they work in real life.... ::)...... theyve been tried and tested.....

ufc is a new "sport"....if bruce was aware of the rules in advance and had time to prepare, he would destroy.

he had outstanding strength according to many sources...and his speed was also amazing

if there were no rules at all....then bruce would most likely have beaten any ufc competitor.

i cant even explain how superior bruce lee is to 99% of martial artists.... :-\

hes like the arnold of the martial arts.....he took it to a new level

Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: kiwiol on November 18, 2007, 12:07:01 AM
bruce was a fukn outstanding human being.....

he is one of the best modern martial artists........ guy in this thread said bruce didnt know how to punch or had no power...hahhahahaha

another said...the martial arts dont work "in real life".....its always....."oh but that wouldnt work in real life"


thats how they work in real life.... ::)...... theyve been tried and tested.....

ufc is a new "sport"....if bruce was aware of the rules in advance and had time to prepare, he would destroy.

he had outstanding strength according to many sources...and his speed was also amazing

if there were no rules at all....then bruce would most likely have beaten any ufc competitor.

i cant even explain how superior bruce lee is to 99% of martial artists.... :-\

hes like the arnold of the martial arts.....he took it to a new level

Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: Eric2 on November 18, 2007, 01:04:32 AM
I met Joe Lewis over 20 years ago and he pretty much related to me some of the same things in this interview pertaining to Bruce Lee. Interesting read.

DW Forum - Is there a particular person whose insight and understanding of combat you admire more than others? If so, I hope you'll take the time to give an example.

Joe Lewis - I do not admire any one person. I see myself in many other fighters and trainers. I like the explosiveness of Jack Dempsey, (25 first-round knockouts--a record today). The elusiveness of Ali and the power of Joe Louis and Marciano. Few guys can knock you out with just one punch in the very last round like those two.Eddie Futch had a brilliant trainer's mind, and others like Ray Robinson could put it all together, speed, power, timing, brains, stamina, longevity, adaptability, etc. Even I had it all once but in my heart, I never cared about who was king of the hill.

DW Forum - Could you answer me on one simple question concerning JKD? What exactly was Bruce teaching? I mean did he have specific way of treining his students or maybe he just said "well, we're gonna learn this from wing chun, that from boxing and those kicks from taekwondo"?Were there any specifics only for jeet kune do?So, have you sparred with Bruce Lee (because I've heard many versions of your fighting-relation ship with him).

Joe Lewis - Bruce and I would only do drills related to combat. We did not give them names, such as Wing Chun etc. If it worked we used it and I have always trained that way. I do not care about names or styles, that is all garbage---and I mean garbage. Either your kick or choke worked or it didn't: the style did not carry any super magic or extra powers.

DW Forum - I read a story about Bruce going over to your house and not being impressed with the size of your heavy bag and called it a girls bag, and I think he asked Herb Jackson was it, to make him a man sized man. It weighed 700lbs and if I remember the story correctly you along with Bob Wall set it up for him and then hid in a bush. Bruce kicked it and landed in a heap. I hope I've got this all right or else I'll look like a bit of a dip Anyway can you remember this day and what did you think when he kicked the bag and landed on the floor. Did he ever move the big bag at all, what was his sidekick power like on the bag?

Joe Lewis - I do not remember much about that 700 pound bag. It sounds like one of those old rumors. Bruce had a good fast side kick but if you watch some of those old atapes, you can tell he always lunged from too great a distance. This makes the bag move but throws your timing way off. You need to be close to the tirget when you fire so your reaction time and your response time are quick, not just one. Timeing speed is both.You should never work with a bag weighing more than l00 pounds, and I mean never. If anyone tells you different, they do not know what they are talking about. Bannana bags are different for the low cut kicks.

DW Forum - Lately I've heard things like "Bruce Lee could hit seven times in a second"...I personally believe it is crap. I mean how could anybody test speed of punches without todays fast-cameras and all that stuff?I'm told my wing chun instructor punches seven hits on a second (in the air of course).Have you heard of it? I guess it's a proof of a quickness....maybe Bruce talked about it?

Joe Lewis - Please, drop all the stuff you've heard. Martial arts is full of nonsense. Only believe what you have seen or can prove. Show me more than three real punches in a second and I will kiss your butt. ON film, Ali's jab took 7 frames to complete, and Sugar Ray's took 9 frames. A second of film takes 24 frames. Simple math guys. Three real punches per second and that is it. Less talk and more proof. Let's get in the ring and show off some of these secrets. They pay millions of dollars. That beats eating rice all your life and teaching martial arts forever anytime?

DW Forum - Can you tell a bit us of your training days with Bruce Lee & Bob Wall? How many training sessions in total did you have with Bruce & over that period of time? What is your opinion of Bruce as a fighter? Would he have been able to go 10 or 12 rounds with someone such as yourself or Chuck Norris? It is rumoured that Bruce Lee & Chuck Norris had a sparing session in that Chuck Norris was left red-faced. I assume this to mean he lost and was embarassed. Do you know ot have you anything about this ? Is there any truth in it. Can you tell us about the incident where Bruce kept teasing you about kicking a girl sized bag (Becuase you kept busting 100lb bags with your kicks). And you guys (Bob wall etc) made him a man sized bag (300lb). Did you ever meet or have a chance to talk to Jim Kelly ?

Joe Lewis - I learn fast. I made black belt in one year in Okinawa in three different styles. I am a fast learning. I can get all your stuff in a matter of weeks, and I mean anybody who can fight. I worked with Bruce less than two years before we grew apart. We used to work together for 6 to 8 hours at a time. I would be at his house at one in the afternoon, and not leave until maybe ten that night. Is that one lesson? Bruce was not a fighter. He was an actor and a teacher. He was a great teacher.

DW Forum - There is a fellow from India who always calls Bruce Lee `Master Lee',and capitalizes any words referring to `Him'.He has also put some rather unflattering remarks on his Indian fan club website about you by taking quotes of yours out of context and saying that you are essential insulting `Master Lee'. Can you tell us how Bruce Lee would respond and treat somebody who would call him `Master Lee' outside a formal class setting?Did you or Chuck or Mike Stone ever have to call him sifu or such?Or did Lee tell you to call him by his name?

Joe Lewis - Bruce Lee always called me "Joe," and I always called him, "Bruce." Bruce told me he was not a master but rather a student master. He called himself this because he felt he was always still learning. He joked about some who called him "sifu." As far as what some of these uninformed people from foreign websites say about me or Bruce, I wish they would exercise better judgment. You never talk about a person unless you have interviewed him, worked with him, or observed him training. Most people who talk about Bruce and myself have never met either of us, interviewed either of us, or witnessed us training together. My only advice to the uneducated writers, who saturate the JKD world, bring us a little honor to your efforts, and in the future, as professional writers practice, do your homework first. Lastly, proper ethics teaches you not to attack somebody and then invite them to come onto a website to defend themselves. In response to attacks against me not being spiritual: The spiritual aspects of combat never made sense to the rational thinker. However, I studied objectivism and J. Krisnamurti before I ever met Bruce. He encouraged me to integrate these ideologies into my training. Before Krisnamurti died, I attended one of his lectures in Ojai, California. After his talk, he usually accepted visitors in the privacy of his company. I gave his staff a poster and pictures of Bruce Lee to present on Bruce's behalf. I told them that Krisnamurti was one of Bruce's idols. To me, this was an act of profound spiritualism. No other martial artist had done this for Bruce.

DW Forum - Are you still in contact with Chuck Norris and Mike Stone?

Joe Lewis - I recently did one of Chuck Norris' last shows on "Walker Texas Ranger." Chuck is in good shape but focuses his life on acting. Mike Stone lives in the Phillipines. So far as training goes, I have stayed in shape and remain on the cutting edge of the best knowledge available to top fighters.

DW Forum - What was/ is the greatest impact that Bruce had on you personally , whether it be from a physical , or spiritual sense? Also, what are your thoughts on the fact that he's still being talked about after all these decades?

Joe Lewis - I had studied the philosophies of objectivism and J. Krisnamurti before I met Bruce. His ideas complemented and encouraged a similar ideology. He inspired me to embrace this way of thinking and integrated into my physical training. I admired his abstract thinking. These are people who think in principal. We were both artists in the sense of being able to draw and sketch. Although he was Chinese, I saw myself in him.

DW Forum - You have said on numerous occassions that Bruce was not a fighter, but at the same time you say that Bruce was the first Ph.D in martial arts fighting? And you have also written about how when you first met Bruce you were really prejudice in those days, especially of little guys as fighters, what changed your mind? You also write that in those days you didn't care much for talkers, you say, "don't tell me how to fight if you never fought", you go on to say "I was a doer in those days, and I didn't care much for talkers. In other words, don't tell me how great you are, how great your style is, or weather your stuff works or not. Let's simply get in the ring and I'll find out within a matter of seconds". What was it that changed your mind and become one of Bruce's students? Why were your classes private, and were Chuck Norris, or Mike Stone taught privatly also?

Joe Lewis - Bruce told me he did not care about competing. He had no interest in it, and he said he felt there was nothing to gain by him doing so. Little guys, in my opinion, have always been the best trainers. This is because tactically very early in their careers they figure out how to conquer larger opponents. Mike Stone, who I respect, convinced me to study with Bruce. Martial arts does not have a long history as does boxing. Bruce Lee was a wealth of knowledge. No one knew what he had. Bruce Lee was proud to be the instructor of three world champions, Norris, Stone, and myself. With private lessons, he could customize each lesson to fit and compliment the attributes of the individual. I teach this way also.

DW Forum - How do you end a fight with multiple opponents in a very quick and efficient way?? (4 or 5 Opponents). And Who is your hero? or a role model?

Joe Lewis - Against multiple opponents, you only fight one at a time. You respond to the closest first and maneuver so that the opponent you are working against is always between you and the next nearest attacker. I have no martial arts heroes. I'm attracted to scientists in the intellectual arena. Abstract thinkers, not physical types, have always appealed to me most. Bruce Lee was an abstract thinker. That's why I liked him, not because of his techniques.

DW Forum - Have you ever considered putting out a Bio of you life during your tournament days. A book about your start in the martial arts right up to when you became World Kick Boxing champion. I for one like these sort of books and think it would make a good book. Are you still involved in anyway with the UFC, I remember a couple of years ago, maybe it was longer, you interviewed fighters after their matches; what is your opinion of these tournaments today? Do you think that they will ever get the same respect, or media coverage that Boxing does?

Joe Lewis - Some day a good writer would do my life story. Presently, we have a screen play ready entitled, "The One To Beat." I did commentary on the IFC events. They cancel out so much that it's difficult working it into my schedule. I do not like tournaments; they are boring and it's fake fighting. In the 20s, 30s, and 40s, baseball and boxing were America's two major sports. It will take years for the mixed martial arts to ever catch up.

DW Forum - How come it took so long to come out with a book about your relationship with Bruce Lee?

Joe Lewis - Over the years, there have been many statements that others have made about what Bruce Lee or I said. I come from a long chain of world-class fighters, and we pay little attention to those who do the talking and only give credit to those who do their talking in the ring. I wanted this book to set the record straight about my true relationship and training with Bruce Lee. The reviews and feedback I have begun to receive from many of the early readers of the book have been 100% favorable. Most have said it was extremely interesting and long overdue. Most of the material in the book has never been disclosed. It is a major first in the history of martial arts. Ten different writers who knew Bruce Lee, including three of the top karate fighters of all time: Mike Stone, Chuck Norris, and myself, have put our true statements in print for the first time.

DW Forum - Have you read Davis Millers Book 'The Tao of Bruce Lee' and what did you think of it?

Joe Lewis - Davis Miller’s book really upset Bruce Lee’s family, and I understand why. He made many statements which I found extremely offensive and untrue. Several times he attributed comments to me that I never said. Example: He stated that I made a comment that Jeet Kune Do practitioners were more like “Geek Kune Do.” I have never used the word “geek” in my life. It is not a word in my vocabulary.

DW Forum - In Davis Miller's 'The Tao of Bruce Lee' he recounts a story that you told him about how one time Bruce set you up in front of some of his students –Davis writes, "We're training and a couple of his student's are standing around. He says, 'Joe, fire that forehand strike you're working on.' I fired it; he slipped it, and he said, 'Come on Joe, do it again.' I did. And he says, 'just once more, Joe.' The third time I fired the punch, he slipped it and came back with that triple punch you see at the beginning of ENTER THE DRAGON. He goes ba-ba-bam, fires the three shots, hits me square between the eyes. He suckered me. And it took him three tries to pull it off. Next thing I hear, his students are running around saying Bruce kicked my ass, completely showed me up." Can you tell us which students were present and did Bruce ever apologize?

Joe Lewis - The two students that I had met on this occasion behind Bruce’s house were Peter Chin and Ted Wong. The year was 1968. It was not a workout session or a private lesson. Bruce was pretty much just goofing off. He had Ted and myself execute a couple of drills, which he had staged. We were wearing boxing headgear and Kendo gloves. One of us would fire a forward hand strike, and the other would attempt to slip it or deflect it. Bruce asked me to fire the punch at him. My punch was very quick, and it took him a couple of attempts before he could time his counter. On the third attempt, he brushed the punch aside and did a three-punch counter, which is what we saw in the movie, “Enter the Dragon.” We were not sparring as I have never sparred with Bruce nor have I seen him spar. I don’t think any apology from Bruce was warranted. I didn’t see it as a big deal and I still don’t. He was just doing a little timing thing. If Bruce’s students were running around saying Bruce kicked my butt, of course, it is not true and I could care less why they would make this up. This is another reason I wanted to set the record straight with this book.

DW Forum - What were your exhibition bouts like against Leon Spinks and Bill "Superfoot" Wallace? Are many of your fights on film or will there be in the future? I think I heard somewhere that Bruce had film of you competing, if so, do you know where that film is?

Joe Lewis - My exhibition bout with Leon Spinks was a fiasco. His manager asked me not to throw any leg kicks, and while we were in the dressing room before the bout, they approached me asked me to take a dive and pretend Leon Spinks knocked me out. That just showed me again how crooked boxing is. Of course, I said, “no.” Then just before the bell, Leon’s manager walked over to me and asked me not to throw any head kicks, and I said, “Why don’t you just put handcuffs on me and let him beat the hell out of me?” Against “Superfoot,” the Nevada Athletic Commissioner told me two different times before I got in the ring that if I started hitting hard he would personally step in the ring and stop the bout. Against someone who is fast as Bill Wallace, how do you hold back your power while at the same time being able to match his speed? It is impossible. Again, I felt handcuffed. Exhibition or demonstration bouts are a “farce.” It’s too easy for someone to set you up. I’ve seen it happen many times.

DW Forum - Can you tell the forum what exactly happened the time you demonstrated Martial Arts on Muhammad Ali?

Joe Lewis - Muhammad Ali was getting ready to fight the wrestler, Inoki, from Japan. He was at the Olympic Auditorium in Los Angeles doing a press conference in the boxing ring. I simply asked him what he would do if a wrestler did a fake punch at his head and shot for his leg to take him to the ground. He told me to step in the ring and demonstrate. The press pushed me between the ropes, and I found myself face to face with Ali. We were both in street clothes, and he had his hands up shuffling side to side using lateral footwork movements against me. I did a shoulder fake, which he reacted to, and shot for his leg. The instance I hooked his leg, I froze. I was too embarrassed to dump him on his butt. He bent forward and wrapped his arms around my waist, and I heard everybody in the place laugh. I picked him up, did a fireman’s carry takedown, dumping him on his back, and pinned him on the mat. Everybody grabbed me and pulled me off quickly. I jumped up, telling everybody we were just playing. Ali stood up next to me and put his arm around my shoulder. At the time, I was only about 180 pounds because I was pursuing acting not fighting, and my weight was really down. Ali’s first comment to me was, “You lifted weights when you were younger, didn’t you?” I’m sure he could tell I was extremely strong and hard as a brick. Then we did the same movement again, and I pinned him again a second time in a row. That’s when he showed me how he was going to fight Inoki with his back constantly against the ropes.

DW Forum - In your brief film career, what movie are you most proud of and if you had total control over a project to star in, who would you cast and why?

Joe Lewis - I am not really proud of any of my films. I never had a script or a director I could work with. They were all action directors and knew nothing about working with actors. I would like to work in a project with someone like Robert De Niro or Jack Nicholson where I would play someone close to him, such as a brother. I would prefer never to do martial art movies. In the beginning, my acting coaches told me to never do martial art movies. That was one of the reasons I turned Bruce Lee down.

DW Forum - You worked on 'The Silent Flute' or 'Circle of Iron' with David Carradine; had Bruce lived would you have worked with him on 'The Silent Flute' movie, or let's say 'Game of Death' if he asked you again?

Joe Lewis - I am not sure what part I would have played in either of these movies had Bruce Lee asked me to work with him. In retrospect, I would be a fool not to.

Title: Re: Bruce Lee's short bulking phase
Post by: ConanCarl on November 18, 2007, 11:12:50 AM
bruce was a fukn outstanding human being.....

he is one of the best modern martial artists........ guy in this thread said bruce didnt know how to punch or had no power...hahhahahaha

another said...the martial arts dont work "in real life".....its always....."oh but that wouldnt work in real life"


thats how they work in real life.... ::)...... theyve been tried and tested.....

ufc is a new "sport"....if bruce was aware of the rules in advance and had time to prepare, he would destroy.

he had outstanding strength according to many sources...and his speed was also amazing

if there were no rules at all....then bruce would most likely have beaten any ufc competitor.

i cant even explain how superior bruce lee is to 99% of martial artists.... :-\

hes like the arnold of the martial arts.....he took it to a new level
Great post-couldnt agree more-and I am an MMA fan and practice it as well as BJJ-but is anyone else sick of the sloppy poor stand up fighting these days apart from good MT guys?