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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: HowDog on January 17, 2006, 11:22:40 AM

Title: Being lied to
Post by: HowDog on January 17, 2006, 11:22:40 AM
I might be alone on this one but doesn't it seem wrong for a guy on all the gear in the world to endorse a product.  It is bullshit advertising.  Because every 15 yr old kid sees the ad and assumes that the supplement will get them to that size.  Then they eventually find out the truth and stop buying the supplements.  but the industry doesn't care because they are on to the next idiot who is willing to spend 150/month on creatine and ammino.  Just an observation.   
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Borracho on January 17, 2006, 11:29:56 AM
If anyone believes they can look like a pro without steroids then they deserved to get scammed. And if you're too young to know any better and thats your biggest dissapoinment in life than consider yourself lucky.
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: midknight on January 17, 2006, 11:31:33 AM
Have you seen the new Xenedrine ad in FLEX? It's half a pic of Titus - minus head, just a shot of his arm pit. Talk about dumb F**ks running the ad dept.

And yes – you have to wonder about false advertising laws and how it could be applied to BB.
 ??? :P ::)
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Karl Kox on January 17, 2006, 11:33:06 AM
ya it wrong but they want there money
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Earl1972 on January 17, 2006, 11:33:55 AM
is howdog howie?

Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Dan-O on January 17, 2006, 11:34:41 AM
The supplement industry owes its continued existence to the statement that was attributed to P.T. Barnum over a hundred years ago:

"There's a sucker born every minute."

Actually it wasn't Barnum who said it, but one of his competitors.  But it's still true and the supplement industry is living proof.
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: tom joad on January 17, 2006, 11:39:17 AM
I might be alone on this one but doesn't it seem wrong for a guy on all the gear in the world to endorse a product.  It is bullshit advertising.  Because every 15 yr old kid sees the ad and assumes that the supplement will get them to that size.  Then they eventually find out the truth and stop buying the supplements.  but the industry doesn't care because they are on to the next idiot who is willing to spend 150/month on creatine and ammino.  Just an observation.   

"Doesn't it seem wrong?" . . . it is wrong, man, plain and simple. As soon as we get over the fact that Santa Claus was created soley for commercial purposes, we then discover that we won't end up looking like Cutler, Dexter or whoever by taking the Cell-Tech Nitro-Trech stack.  It's a cruel cruel world.  :'(    
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: HowDog on January 17, 2006, 11:48:20 AM
is howdog howie?

Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: tom joad on January 17, 2006, 11:58:27 AM
be patient, Howie, i'm sure a number of pros will respond to your thread and explain their ethics behind their supplement endorsements.
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: HowDog on January 17, 2006, 12:03:06 PM
Yeah I won't hold my breath.  Then again Chick "always tells it like it is", maybe he will se me straight
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Shawn Ray on January 17, 2006, 12:09:11 PM
Supplements work different on everybody. :-\
Some people they have no effect :'(
Sure, one person can make claim that with out this or that they would never have been this or that.
However, in the grand scheme of things, how can one person judge what a Product does for another person when we really can't measure the contibuting factors ???
Example: I take Brand  X Protien Powder to improve my Muscularity:
In concert with that  product, I do the following:
Train harder
Never miss Meals
Reduce Carb Intake
Up my Cario Out put
Take on better Training Partners
Take my Supplements
Prepare All my Meals
Challenge myself every work out
Work toward a Deadline or Contest Date
Clean Up my Diet
Use BBing Drugs

* Remember, lots of people use Drugs and their bodies look like crap and see no results at all :'(

So you see, it would be very hard to measure what if any contibution a product has regarding the improvements.
However, one thing is for certain, the entire approach to training and nutrition changed as a result of adding Brand X Product.
Therefore end result IMPROVEMENT! ;D
In the end, if the product or brand of product gets the praise for the improvement, everybody is happy! Who's to say otherwise regarding what role or effectiveness of Product Brand X had or didn't have?
You can point to Drugs being the reason a person makes progress and watch from the sidelines or you can find the trigger points (Supplements, Gym Membership, Protien Powder, training Partner or Drugs) and make a move to improve your self image whether it is for competition or the summer beach party! Either way, who cares what someone else is taking or doing, we all have Free Will and wondering about others gets you nowwhere except where your at. 8)
My two cents.
S. Ray
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: BayGBM on January 17, 2006, 12:13:37 PM
I don't know about you, but I'm used to being lied to.
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: tom joad on January 17, 2006, 12:14:42 PM

* Remember, lots of people use Drugs and their bodies look like crap and see no results at all :'(

S. Ray

the 15 year old naive kid reading the supplement ads in the mags probably isn't taking bodybuilding drugs

Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: OAK on January 17, 2006, 12:16:01 PM
Is Nike lying when they use Michael Jordan to advertise basketball shoes?  The shoes won't put you in the NBA?

Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Shawn Ray on January 17, 2006, 12:17:02 PM
You'd be surprised at what they're taking these days son. :o
Dont bury your head in the sand, I do seminars at high schools around the country and get asked by 15 years Steroid questions all the time by kids who are presently using them.
Sad but true.
S. Ray
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Bluto on January 17, 2006, 12:18:00 PM
Howie what happend to your old account?
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Shawn Ray on January 17, 2006, 12:18:16 PM
The shoes wont put you in the NBA but when you get there A NIKE Deal maybe waiting for you!
Right Le Bron!
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: HowDog on January 17, 2006, 12:19:31 PM
Supplements work different on everybody. :-\
Some people they have no effect :'(
Sure, one person can make claim that with out this or that they would never have been this or that.
However, in the grand scheme of things, how can one person judge what a Product does for another person when we really can't measure the contibuting factors ???
Example: I take Brand  X Protien Powder to improve my Muscularity:
In concert with that  product, I do the following:
Train harder
Never miss Meals
Reduce Carb Intake
Up my Cario Out put
Take on better Training Partners
Take my Supplements
Prepare All my Meals
Challenge myself every work out
Work toward a Deadline or Contest Date
Clean Up my Diet
Use BBing Drugs

* Remember, lots of people use Drugs and their bodies look like crap and see no results at all :'(

So you see, it would be very hard to measure what if any contibution a product has regarding the improvements.
However, one thing is for certain, the entire approach to training and nutrition changed as a result of adding Brand X Product.
Therefore end result IMPROVEMENT! ;D
In the end, if the product or brand of product gets the praise for the improvement, everybody is happy! Who's to say otherwise regarding what role or effectiveness of Product Brand X had or didn't have?
You can point to Drugs being the reason a person makes progress and watch from the sidelines or you can find the trigger points (Supplements, Gym Membership, Protien Powder, training Partner or Drugs) and make a move to improve your self image whether it is for competition or the summer beach party! Either way, who cares what someone else is taking or doing, we all have Free Will and wondering about others gets you nowwhere except where your at. 8)
My two cents.
S. Ray

I applaud your response at least you have the courage and conviction to stand up for your beliefs.  I know you endorse supps (probably longer than I have been training) but you endorse in a responsible way, but these other clowns is are really trying to dupe the public especially young high school kids.
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Bluto on January 17, 2006, 12:20:33 PM
I hope musicians do not endorse instruments, I would hate to see Joe Satriani pose with a guitar and break some kids heart when he found out he can't play as well when he gets home from the shop  :P

Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: HowDog on January 17, 2006, 12:21:43 PM
what do you mean bluto?
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Borracho on January 17, 2006, 12:22:42 PM
Howie what happend to your old account?

I'm guessing mid life crisis. He just wanted a cooler name......

Mission Failed!  :-\
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Bluto on January 17, 2006, 12:23:08 PM
Why would a kid expect to look like a pro cause a pro recommends supplements? Why would a kid expect to become Metallicas new bass player just because he plays the same bass?

I don't see the logic in this.
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Shawn Ray on January 17, 2006, 12:24:01 PM
Bluto does have a point.
you can be a Pencil neck, take supplements and expect to be in the Pro's without the other part such as: Time,Genetics, Motivation, Goal, Drive, Pain Tolerance, Balance, Handle Defeat & Set backs,Discipline, Finances, Resources, Support, Desire, Will Power, Shape, Structure, Patience and more.
S. Ray
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: tom joad on January 17, 2006, 12:25:20 PM
Example: I take Brand  X Protien Powder to improve my Muscularity:
In concert with that  product, I do the following:
Train harder
Never miss Meals
Reduce Carb Intake
Up my Cario Out put
Take on better Training Partners
Take my Supplements
Prepare All my Meals
Challenge myself every work out
Work toward a Deadline or Contest Date
Clean Up my Diet
Use BBing Drugs

S. Ray

Ha ha ha, listing "using BBing Drugs" on par with "taking on better training partners" is laughable.  But, sure, if the supplement ads were to acknowledge the use of BBing drugs in their fine print (like you do above, eventhough you downplay it) then the naive teen consumer wouldn't be grossly mislead like is the case now.
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Bluto on January 17, 2006, 12:28:25 PM
Obviously there's some false claims in advertising, but that's nothing new, can't take long for a kid these days to find out that they didn't get 20" guns after a couple of boxes of supplements. So what's the worst that could happen? They spent hundred bucks on supplements instead of the latest videogame for the X-box.  ::)
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: HowDog on January 17, 2006, 12:29:44 PM
Bluto you have me confused with someone else, i am new hear.  Anyhow, there is still misleading ads out there on what that particular supp can do  for you and Shawn is right young kids today are not naive, they are saying fuck Cell tech and give me the sause (shit Arnold did it when he was 15, as stated in the book fantastic)
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: FREAKgeek on January 17, 2006, 12:47:53 PM
after taking supplements for over 10 years now, I've realized they are good for one thing - to satisfy your psychological need to reassure your doing everything you can.  But unfortunately, they are, at least in my experiences, never justified.

(got my GNC card right here)
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: 240 is Back on January 17, 2006, 12:49:33 PM
Shawn, do you feel the VYOTech line of products help people to reach their bodybuilding goals?
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Bluto on January 17, 2006, 12:50:12 PM
Bluto you have me confused with someone else, i am new hear.  Anyhow, there is still misleading ads out there on what that particular supp can do  for you and Shawn is right young kids today are not naive, they are saying f**k Cell tech and give me the sause (shit Arnold did it when he was 15, as stated in the book fantastic)

Well people are always gonna look for a quick fix, I think that's rooted much deeper than magazine ads. No kids wanna eat regular food and lift heavy weights for the next 5 years to build a solid foundation when they can pop a couple of pills that will do it in 5 weeks. (or so they will believe)
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Crusher on January 17, 2006, 12:53:55 PM
Shawn almost got it right, but he still works for a supplement company. javascript:void(0); I think it would be more accurate to say that in conjunction with the added effort and discipline to push and challenge yourself every workout, your body requires certain conditions to be maintained so that all functions of the body are optimum.  Intense weight training is perceived by the body as a form of stress and the body reacts by adapting to it.  That adaptation is what the supplement industry intends to  service with its various products.  As we all know from our own research into the matter, certain dietary elements are essential to muscle growth and recovery, as well as maintaining your energy levels to train intensely.  If you are putting in the effort to weigh and measure all your meals and make them yourself, challenge yourself in the gym and on the stair climber, and all the other requirements to do this thing right, then you would be out of your mind to not also have a post training protein shake with glutamine, a pretraining NO2 drink with some caffeine; use creatine and some kind of fat burner along with a strong anti-oxidant multi vitamin and mineral supplement.  Do big shredded bodybuilders under endorsement contracts with supplement companies, in addition to all the things Shawn mentioned, also use whey protein, glutamine, creatine, NO2, fat burners?  Absolutely!  Are those supplements solely responsible for their size and condition?  No one said they were.  Pros use supplements.  They might use a lot of other things, but they definitely use supplements to one degree or another.  When you're talking about the degree of condition and the quality of physique that is competitive today, it would be absolutely foolish to ignore good, basic, science.  Who's to say that XYZ brand whey protein didn't give the edge a competitor needed to beat out the guy next to him?  Now, that's not to say the supplement companies don't try and siphon your dollars out of your wallet when you're not looking.  GACIK?  If you had 50 bucks to spend on supplements for the month you going to buy GACIK or whey protein?  You're not going to see that stuff much longer.  The industry has pretty much defined its money makers, but that's not to say they won't try and scam you with something like GACIK.  So, it comes down to who's protein powder you going to use?  It doesn't matter.  Use the one that you like the best, that costs the least and seems to work for you.  That's what everyone does.  Magazine advertising does little more than maintain a presence for the various supplement companies.  We are all going to use Whey protein, creatine, fat burners, etc whether or not the companies who make them buy ad space in magazines and exploit Joe Blow bodybuilder.  Do any of us buy Splenda because of the commercial?  The ads int he magazines sell companies not supplements.  You're going to buy them anyway, it comes down to from whom.
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: jaejonna on January 17, 2006, 12:56:31 PM
Wow ... You'd think that the Magazines and Pros were endorsing Bull Sh*t ...cause thats what Im gettin from this Thread......... Tell you the truth...All the things that make a person big arent even  able to be bought...

Train harder
Never miss Meals
Reduce Carb Intake
Up my Cario Out put
Take on better Training Partners
Take my Supplements(You can get from reg. food)
Prepare All my Meals
Challenge myself every work out
Work toward a Deadline or Contest Date
Clean Up my Diet
Use BBing Drugs(hmmm..isnt that breaking the law).....

Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: HowDog on January 17, 2006, 01:02:55 PM
Wow ... You'd think that the Magazines and Pros were endorsing Bull Sh*t ...cause thats what Im gettin from this Thread......... Tell you the truth...All the things that make a person big arent even  able to be bought...

Train harder
Never miss Meals
Reduce Carb Intake
Up my Cario Out put
Take on better Training Partners
Take my Supplements(You can get from reg. food)
Prepare All my Meals
Challenge myself every work out
Work toward a Deadline or Contest Date
Clean Up my Diet
Use BBing Drugs(hmmm..isnt that breaking the law).....

Yes sir it is and I can sleep good at night because I am not a CRIMINAL!!!
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: sarcasm on January 17, 2006, 01:03:39 PM
Wow ... You'd think that the Magazines and Pros were endorsing Bull Sh*t ...cause thats what Im gettin from this Thread......... Tell you the truth...All the things that make a person big arent even  able to be bought...

Train harder
Never miss Meals
Reduce Carb Intake
Up my Cario Out put
Take on better Training Partners
Take my Supplements(You can get from reg. food)
Prepare All my Meals
Challenge myself every work out
Work toward a Deadline or Contest Date
Clean Up my Diet
Use BBing Drugs(hmmm..isnt that breaking the law).....

reducing carb intake makes a person big? ???
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: bigdumbbell on January 17, 2006, 01:13:58 PM
howdog, perhaps you misconstrue the products claims
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: HowDog on January 17, 2006, 01:19:28 PM
howdog, perhaps you misconstrue the products claims

I just think most supp are a lot of bs.  Look pro drinks are good, energy poppers are weird and creatine to me is hype. 
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: tom joad on January 17, 2006, 01:27:46 PM
I just think most supp are a lot of bs.  

yeah, you may be right, but anything that makes you shit blood for a week is good quality stuff.
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: MassInMass on January 17, 2006, 02:05:44 PM
I tend to agree with Crusher and some of the other responses. Crusher asks a question..."If you had $50 per month to spend, would you but Gakic or a protein powder?". Where I disagree is that he assumes that it is common knowledge that protein powder is better. Among people who buy supplements regularly, yes, it is a good assumption. I don't know what the  % is, but it is very safe to assume that at least 50% of all supplement sales are from first time users. Therefore, these people are not "in the know", and , for lack of a better expression, are being misled by the advertising that these companies put out. The only reason why we see all these worthless products and all the hype that comes with it is because supplement companies are forever going after the first time user. They know that Mr. Uninformed will spend X amount before he realizes the stuff he is buying doesn't live up to it's claims. It's probably very safe to assume that there is some type of investigation going on right now as we speak into this very matter. The whole bodybuilding/supplement industry has been under an ever-growing microscope recently. I am in the legal field, and know for fact that there are laws that address this, they just have not been enforced. But with all the negativity recently, I think that is about to change. All it will take is one class-action lawsuit to bring it down. I would not be surprised if, in a few years, the laws surrounding the way these companies advertise, are strictly enforced.
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Borracho on January 17, 2006, 02:08:20 PM
Shawn almost got it right, but he still works for a supplement company. javascript:void(0); I think it would be more accurate to say that in conjunction with the added effort and discipline to push and challenge yourself every workout, your body requires certain conditions to be maintained so that all functions of the body are optimum.  Intense weight training is perceived by the body as a form of stress and the body reacts by adapting to it.  That adaptation is what the supplement industry intends to  service with its various products.  As we all know from our own research into the matter, certain dietary elements are essential to muscle growth and recovery, as well as maintaining your energy levels to train intensely.  If you are putting in the effort to weigh and measure all your meals and make them yourself, challenge yourself in the gym and on the stair climber, and all the other requirements to do this thing right, then you would be out of your mind to not also have a post training protein shake with glutamine, a pretraining NO2 drink with some caffeine; use creatine and some kind of fat burner along with a strong anti-oxidant multi vitamin and mineral supplement.  Do big shredded bodybuilders under endorsement contracts with supplement companies, in addition to all the things Shawn mentioned, also use whey protein, glutamine, creatine, NO2, fat burners?  Absolutely!  Are those supplements solely responsible for their size and condition?  No one said they were.  Pros use supplements.  They might use a lot of other things, but they definitely use supplements to one degree or another.  When you're talking about the degree of condition and the quality of physique that is competitive today, it would be absolutely foolish to ignore good, basic, science.  Who's to say that XYZ brand whey protein didn't give the edge a competitor needed to beat out the guy next to him?  Now, that's not to say the supplement companies don't try and siphon your dollars out of your wallet when you're not looking.  GACIK?  If you had 50 bucks to spend on supplements for the month you going to buy GACIK or whey protein?  You're not going to see that stuff much longer.  The industry has pretty much defined its money makers, but that's not to say they won't try and scam you with something like GACIK.  So, it comes down to who's protein powder you going to use?  It doesn't matter.  Use the one that you like the best, that costs the least and seems to work for you.  That's what everyone does.  Magazine advertising does little more than maintain a presence for the various supplement companies.  We are all going to use Whey protein, creatine, fat burners, etc whether or not the companies who make them buy ad space in magazines and exploit Joe Blow bodybuilder.  Do any of us buy Splenda because of the commercial?  The ads int he magazines sell companies not supplements.  You're going to buy them anyway, it comes down to from whom.

I tend to agree with Crusher and some of the other responses. Crusher asks a question..."If you had $50 per month to spend, would you but Gakic or a protein powder?". Where I disagree is that he assumes that it is common knowledge that protein powder is better. Among people who buy supplements regularly, yes, it is a good assumption. I don't know what the  % is, but it is very safe to assume that at least 50% of all supplement sales are from first time users. Therefore, these people are not "in the know", and , for lack of a better expression, are being misled by the advertising that these companies put out. The only reason why we see all these worthless products and all the hype that comes with it is because supplement companies are forever going after the first time user. They know that Mr. Uninformed will spend X amount before he realizes the stuff he is buying doesn't live up to it's claims. It's probably very safe to assume that there is some type of investigation going on right now as we speak into this very matter. The whole bodybuilding/supplement industry has been under an ever-growing microscope recently. I am in the legal field, and know for fact that there are laws that address this, they just have not been enforced. But with all the negativity recently, I think that is about to change. All it will take is one class-action lawsuit to bring it down. I would not be surprised if, in a few years, the laws surrounding the way these companies advertise, are strictly enforced.

My eyes are burning................. .......AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHH!!!!!!
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Sculpter on January 17, 2006, 03:02:36 PM
I agree w/Shawn in that you would be surprised at how many young guys of today are using.For instance the gym I go to now is just idiotic in that regard.They weren't 15 yr olds, but young guys maybe ages 18-23 were using sustanon 250 & d-bol + a couple other things I can't think of off hand at the moment.Crazy thing is these guys weren't even doing this to compete!!It was just to impress the ladies or in a few cases the crybabies (they run up to you in a whiny voice asking how you got big) that every gym has that just wanted to be bigger.Craziness!!
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Adam Empire on January 17, 2006, 07:34:19 PM
Is Nike lying when they use Michael Jordan to advertise basketball shoes?  The shoes won't put you in the NBA?


Nike never used the "Before and After" shots either.  I get pissed when I see an add for a product where it states the person ADDED like 12 pounds of muscle AND LOST like 30 pounds of fat during their dieting phase.  I have dieted many times and have never put on muscle at that time.

They also use these before and after claims for all types of products - fat burners, creatine, protein, etc.  How the hell can they all have the same result?

Muscle tech has done this too often IMO, but many others do it too...
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Jr. Yates on January 17, 2006, 07:46:27 PM
i love the weight gainer before and time there was one with mike matarazzo for wieder mass gainer and in the pic before he was 100% off season and in the after pic he was chizzled to the bone,tanned,shaved, and bigger. oh and the pics were like 8 weeks difference or something like that.
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: HowDog on January 17, 2006, 07:52:55 PM
Exactly, it should be in the next Penn& Teller Bullshit!!  and the pros know it, thats why no one is posting excempt Ray.
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: BeNaBoLiC on January 17, 2006, 07:55:09 PM
the onylthing natural about these ads is all the hard earnd muscle thorugh proper training and plenty of BSN or muslce tech  products. ( dont ever mix products from these companies or your gains will suffer........) oh yeah and the weider training principles
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: blaster on January 17, 2006, 09:18:21 PM
Am I the only one who sees the 'results not typical' or 'these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA' at the bottom of the ad?
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Richard2004 on January 17, 2006, 09:19:24 PM
The history of marketing weight-resistance exercisers/courses, health foods, and the “bodybuilding/fitness” industry "pitch", has been replete with DELIBERATE DECEPTION to try and fleece $$$ from the gullible general public, who are basically lazy and want instantaneous results without having to put forth the necessary effort!  And, this has been going on for over 100 years (at least)…

Here are just a few examples…

(1) The great physique champion/strongman Eugene Sandow (every bit as famous in his day as Arnold was in his prime, according to iron game historian Terry Todd) tried to sell, by mail-order to the public, little light-weight hand-squeeze dumbbells…claiming that he built his impressive muscular physique with just these worthless dumbbells…when actually he did heavy barbell/dumbbell bodybuilding exercises, instead!  And, this was in the early 1900’s.

(2) Charles Atlas in the 1930’s-1950’s, trying to market his “dynamic-tension” exercise system of muscle pushing/pulling/strictly-body-resistance exercises, when, in fact, he really built his impressive physique with barbell/dumbbell exercises instead!

(3) Bob Hoffman claiming in the 1960's that the isometric power racks he was trying to sell were the key to the remarkable progress of his Olympic weightlifters, when the real fact was that their progress was due to the advent of steroids (which was kept as a closely-guarded secret)!

(4) Joe Weider claiming he has been “Trainer of Champions since 1936” (duhh…he was only 13 years of age in 1936!??) and merely coining new names for old/existing exercises/exercise-systems, and then claiming that he had ‘invented them”!

(5) All of Hoffman’s and Weider’s false magazine claims regarding the benefits of their Hi-Protein and other bodybuilding “health food/related” product lines. Why, they were even cited by the FDA for false claims on their product labels!

(5) Of course, all of the current bloated pro. BB illegal-drug-using “chemical monsters/freaks” lying and claiming that they built their “mass-monster” physiques with the primary aid of the heavily-advertised food supplements, so vigorously marketed in the BB mags…when the real fact is, that their muscle-size gains are mainly due to the monstrous, dangerous, deadly, BB drug stacks they regularly ingest/inject.

(6) All of the “fitness and bodybuilding industry” CRAP “exercisers” that are hawked on TV that cost big $$$ (e.g. the Bowflex machines costing thousands of dollars) when JUST a simple plate loading barbell, a sturdy bench, and a squat rack (costing only a few hundred dollars, used) along with hard, intelligent, work could accomplish a lot MORE in really building ones’ strength and physique!  

(7) All of the dangerous-to-health diet pills, pushed in the media, to help you lose weight while lying on your lazy, fat, ass, instead of using intelligent vigorous exercise and diet as a much healthier, and safer, weight-loss alternative!

Why the “bodybuilding/fitness industry” marketing is no different than the "snake-oil" salesman of the late 1800’s, and is merely a continuation of this CON…i.e. just lies, lies, and more lies, to fleece $$$ from a gullible, ignorant, general public (always looking for a quick and effortless “fix”)!!  Wasn’t it P.T. Barnum who said over 100 years ago, “there is a SUCKER born every minute”?!
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Adam Empire on January 17, 2006, 09:27:21 PM
Exactly, it should be in the next Penn& Teller Bullshit!!  and the pros know it, thats why no one is posting excempt Ray.

It already was a topic if it - Season 1 I think...
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Cavalier22 on January 17, 2006, 09:40:06 PM
I remember when I first started getting serious and educated about training.  Actually realized how important nutrition was, and discilpine as well as all the other stuff besides training itself.  I made some gains and some naive guys i know, first thing they say when they see me "man are you on taht new _________ creatine", or are you juicing now?

I'm like actually no i dont use creatine anymore no drugs.  It just strikes me as kinda pathetic that they immediately attribute some improvement to a new supplement.  They are the kinda kids who will buy muscletech shit up the ass instead of eatin lots of chicken, eggs, etc and think they will get big.
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: onlyme on January 17, 2006, 11:59:16 PM
The only problem I see with having Shawn being a spokesperson for VYOTech is that he can't honestly say they helped him in anyway at all.  Since he has been out for awhile.  I thnk it's weird having a guy push their products when they have never honestly used them at all and it's so apparent because of the time frame.  Like Ronnie pushing BSN.  ANy smart person would know BSN products have had NO bearing on Ronnies physical appearance or competition history.  But, at least he is comepting still and can say he takes them now and maybe they help him take healthier shits.
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: bigdumbbell on January 18, 2006, 04:56:21 AM
The only problem I see with having Shawn being a spokesperson for VYOTech is that he can't honestly say they helped him in anyway at all.  Since he has been out for awhile.  I thnk it's weird having a guy push their products when they have never honestly used them at all and it's so apparent because of the time frame.  Like Ronnie pushing BSN.  ANy smart person would know BSN products have had NO bearing on Ronnies physical appearance or competition history.  But, at least he is comepting still and can say he takes them now and maybe they help him take healthier shits.

ronnie looks like he aint had a healthy shit in a long time
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: buffbodz on January 18, 2006, 07:20:39 AM
is howdog howie?


Me thinks you're on to something.
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: (nothing) on January 18, 2006, 07:31:26 AM
its called marketting.
look at hair models, just because you wash your hair with you'll like this. when they go out and use what ever their hair stylist gives them.
i have seen guitar players who are signed to amp and guitar deals that don't use those instruments. they'll have that amp on stage but have a rack mount or different head in the back. then they have a guitar made for them then they only use it live because they use something better in the studio.
the list could go on and on, but that is the fact of it no one uses what they endorse, and if they do it's because its free.
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Shawn Ray on January 18, 2006, 09:24:25 AM
Of course its called Marketing 101.
You think Cher's hair was a result of Revlon Products?
All the Celebrities in the "Got Milk" ads even drink the stuff?
How about Tiger Woods and his Pontiac Endorsement, you think that is the ONLY Car he drives? I am certain he has a few, as do his friends and family members but he does drive other cars.
The testimony has a ring of truth but the vehicle is not his sole means of transportation.
As with products, NO SINGLE Product is responsible for someones success.
There are far too many variables:
Generally, a great Athlete is "Potentially" great before they sign their first endorsement deal right "Reggie Bush, LeBron, Michelle Wie, Kobe, Mike Tyson and so on..........
The Endorsements may help facilitate an athlete getting better and financially enrich their training, preparation focus on their jobs as an athlete which all contribute to getting more from their training and dieting and performance!
Some athletes like M Jordan, actually get involved with the companies they work for and help create better product to enhance performance and sales.
The image of the athlete maybe one of a Marketing Tool, Actual testament for the product by using it BEFORE Signing with a company.
Let's face it, I used to drink Weider Drinks when I started, it wasn't until I actually turned pro that I got a contract.
Were the drinks responsible for me turning Pro? No, but I used them nonetheless and I think they motivated me to get more protein in which helps build more Muscle!
Either way, you have free will.
S. Ray
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: mrsirjojo on January 18, 2006, 09:52:47 AM
Yeah I won't hold my breath.  Then again Chick "always tells it like it is", maybe he will se me straight

Actually, the one thing Chick seems to say at least once per broadcast (on pro bodybuilding weekly) is "more money for the athletes". I realize that he means more money for the athletes and less of the same available pot to everyone else (i.e. promoters, magazines, supplement companies and the Weiders), but he ought to make that distinction clearer, once in awhile.

As to the ethics of promoting legal, somewhat beneficial products when also using an illegal product that is much, much more effective, I don't think anyone can argue that is the same as promoting shampoo X when you really use shampoo Y, even if shampoo Y is a professional brand. It's more like Cher saying she uses Oil of Olay when she also visits her plastic surgeon three times a year.
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: HowDog on January 18, 2006, 09:53:47 AM
Thanks Shawn, its kinda of weird that today if you walk into a GNC there is not one Weider product there,whereas 10-12 years ago it would have a whole aisle,, I wonder why they let that product die to muscle tech and eas etc...
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: tom joad on January 18, 2006, 12:00:23 PM
Let's face it, I used to drink Weider Drinks . . .

S. Ray

Weider protein drinks? straight from the tap?  ??? 
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: tommywishbone on January 18, 2006, 12:22:52 PM
"supplements are mostly bogus!"

I don't know about that... I got a set of 20's from HotStuff.
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Kegdrainer on January 18, 2006, 12:35:46 PM
How do you think these guys pay for their cycles?
Honestly, I would endorse any product if I was being paid to do it.  So would anyone.  Maybe there is like 1% of society that is going to turn money down because they have scruples or whatever...but honestly they are just going to find someone else to advertise their product.

Advertising in general is retarded.  People in IT fields know about IBM servers....but haven't we all seen IBM server commercials on TV?  You think some IT manager is gonna go into work on Monday and tell the CEO to buy IBM servers because he saw a commercial for them on sunday night that was witty?
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: tom joad on January 18, 2006, 12:54:38 PM
How do you think these guys pay for their cycles?

oh that's just great . . . a bunch of poor good-intentioned naive magazine-readin' teenage kids who are seeking some self improvement are paying for the pros' cycles.  IRONIC, huh?   
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: MCWAY on January 18, 2006, 05:52:22 PM
An excerpt from one of my favorite old magazines, issue 145 of MuscleMag International. It comes from the "News You Can Use, with Greg Zulak" column.

Most supplements are overhyped. After all, how well would supplements sell if the truth were told about them? For instance, suppose a manufacturer ran an ad that said, "Our protein powder has a high P.E.R., tastes good, supplies the body with extra protein and calories in an easily consumable form, and, along with a good diet and hard training, may encourage extra muscle growth." It probably wouldn't sell worth a $%#^, even if it was a very fine product.

But if the ad showed a photograph of a professional bodybuilder in all his glory, along with a testimonial from that pro that his huge muscle size and ripped condition were largely due to the ingestion of this product, supported by fancy charts and graphs indicating the supplement's effectiveness, of course, it would sell like gangbusters.

To a degree, I understand why some people would get upset. Right around the time MET-Rx hit its peak, people were singing the praises of this supplement. I remember the first box I bought, back in the mid-90s, when it cost $63-$75. When I didn't get the awesome gains about which I heard and saw in the mags, I was a bit miffed. However, it wasn't until I read MuscleMag's "Our Way - Probing the Pros" that I finally realized what the deal was.

Among the pros featued in that section of the magazine was Paul DeMayo and Milos Sarcev. DeMayo, who was also contracted with MET-Rx, sang the praises of the popular MRP. However, after further reading, I saw that DeMayo consumed MET-Rx to the tune of.........EIGHT SERVINGS PER DAY.

I did the math. Eight servings of MET-Rx is a cough under/over 300 grams of protein (depending on what flavor you get). No disrespect to the makers of MetaMyosyn, but I came to the realization that taking EIGHT servings of MET-Rx (or any other MRP, for that matter) will likely yield great results.

I couldn't afford to take MET-Rx like that. So, I had to stick to using the one supplement I could afford at that time: weight-gain powder (Mega Mass 2000, in particular). What I did incorporate from DeMayo and Sarcev (who stated that he ingested TEN SERVINGS of MET-Rx per day) was that I should consume more protein.

So, I ended using 30 oz. of Mega Mass powder per day: 3 ten-oz. servings mixed in water, with two consumed between classes and the third guzzled post-workout (I was in college at that time). The pros were endorsing Mega Mass, too. If I'm not mistaken, Nasser El Sonbaty's favorite is "BA-NAAAAA-NA!". That and some homemade shakes worked well for me, as I ended up putting on nearly twice the weight I had planned for that semester.

What MET-Rx did back then, MuscleTech does now. Jeramy Freeman, one of MuscleTech's athletes stated in one ad that he takes 9 servings of NITRO-TECH per day. If a "serving" is one scoop, that's at least 180 grams of protein. So, I don't see that as being deceptive at all. Freeman would likely be consuming tons of protein powder, regardless of who makes it. Since he works for MuscleTech, he uses NITRO-TECH.

Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: suckmymuscle on January 18, 2006, 05:54:30 PM
I might be alone on this one but doesn't it seem wrong for a guy on all the gear in the world to endorse a product.  It is bullshit advertising.  Because every 15 yr old kid sees the ad and assumes that the supplement will get them to that size.  Then they eventually find out the truth and stop buying the supplements.  but the industry doesn't care because they are on to the next idiot who is willing to spend 150/month on creatine and ammino.  Just an observation.   

  If there ever were a contest, to find out who can say the most obvious thing, you'd win it, bro. ::)

Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: dirk digler on January 19, 2006, 07:51:58 AM
Never miss Meals
Reduce Carb Intake
Up my Cario Out put
Take on better Training Partners
Take my Supplements
Prepare All my Meals
Challenge myself every work out
Work toward a Deadline or Contest Date
Clean Up my Diet
Use BBing Drugs[/b]
* Remember, lots of people use Drugs and their bodies look like crap and see no results at all :'(

What a farce! Are you trying to justify your drug use??? These drugs were invented to help the lives of people with wasting deseases among other ailments. Their purpose is to keep or put on lbm in individuals who probably CAN'T exercise, and have diets designed to not likely be vomitted back up.

You say there are those who show little effect because the other facettes in bbing aren't addressed. There are FAR more who don't diet or train well but show DRAMATIC changes with drugs. Sorry to bust your little pink bubble.
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: tom joad on January 19, 2006, 08:03:15 AM
You say there are those who show little effect because the other facettes in bbing aren't addressed. There are FAR more who don't diet or train well but show DRAMATIC changes with drugs.

you're just bitter because you haven't been taking on better training partners
and challenging yourself every workout like Shawn recommends  ;)
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Dr.J on May 22, 2016, 01:07:21 PM
Shawn Ray makes a good point here.
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Kwon on May 22, 2016, 03:35:57 PM
Of course its called Marketing 101.
You think Cher's hair was a result of Revlon Products?

Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Chadwick The Beta on May 22, 2016, 04:02:21 PM
Shawn Ray makes a good point here.

He also prolapses a mean mudshark anus, according to getbig sources.
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Pray_4_War on May 22, 2016, 06:05:24 PM
I'm not sure at what age I realized it, but this entire world is fraud.  Everyone is trying to bullshit you about one thing or another, for one reason or another.

The stench of lies permeates the air.  A giant cloud of bullshit. 

This is why youthful enthusiasm inevitably turns into bitterness and cynicism.  Honesty is a corpse.  Honor is a punchline.
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: HTexan on May 22, 2016, 08:46:33 PM
Roid heads for young.
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: falco on May 23, 2016, 06:15:31 AM
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: johnnynoname on May 23, 2016, 03:03:12 PM
on the subject of not realizing that something that you held true was most likely a hoax, I have to add that I just recently (and embarrassingly) just realized something that might be obvious to a lot of men my age

I consider myself pretty worldly/street smart but I just recently realized that when a girl says "I have a boyfriend" that they really might not have a boyfriend

i'm 37
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Taffin on May 23, 2016, 03:18:09 PM
I'm not sure at what age I realized it, but this entire world is fraud.  Everyone is trying to bullshit you about one thing or another, for one reason or another.

The stench of lies permeates the air.  A giant cloud of bullshit. 

This is why youthful enthusiasm inevitably turns into bitterness and cynicism.  Honesty is a corpse.  Honor is a punchline.

We really need a range of Getbig merch.  This would make a great T shirt to confuse the masses...

"Getbig:  Honesty is a corpse..."

"Honor is a punchline..."

Getbig: Pray_4_War
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Pray_4_War on May 23, 2016, 03:22:49 PM
We really need a range of Getbig merch.  This would make a great T shirt to confuse the masses...

"Getbig:  Honesty is a corpse..."

"Honor is a punchline..."

Getbig: Pray_4_War

I have the mind of a troll, the cock of a pornstar, and the soul of a poet.
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Taffin on May 23, 2016, 03:27:47 PM
I have the mind of a troll, the cock of a pornstar, and the soul of a poet.

Thank God, because the mind of a troll, the soul of a pornstar, and the cock of a poet doesn't bear thinking about LOL!
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: Pray_4_War on May 23, 2016, 03:30:19 PM
Thank God, because the mind of a troll, the soul of a pornstar, and the cock of a poet doesn't bear thinking about LOL!

Not as good.   Not as good.
Title: Re: Being lied to
Post by: 38-26-40 on May 23, 2016, 05:59:14 PM
If anyone believes they can look like a pro without steroids then they deserved to get scammed. And if you're too young to know any better and thats your biggest dissapoinment in life than consider yourself lucky.
