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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Damios on March 29, 2014, 12:11:18 PM

Title: Gym rats and abuse Trenbolone
Post by: Damios on March 29, 2014, 12:11:18 PM
I often read a lot of Steroids Boards. Day by day there are more and more topics/posts like "tren year round use", made by ordinary gym rats. And they don't say about 100mg week, but of course 500mg+ for 12 months.

If you ask any average comptetitor ( Pro or Amatour ) about his Tren use, he will tell about about use it only 8-12 weeks before competition. I think none of Pros or Amatours have used to take it in off-season and cutting time both ( i mean year round, without break )...

So what is causing that gym rats are able to keep it year round in moderate/high dose, often without a lot of sides and health problems...? Is toxic of Tren overrated and a lot of BBrs lie and use Tren long time too?  ???

Anyone on this Forum is able ( or was able when was younger  ;D ) to stay with Tren longer time...?
Title: Re: Gym rats and abuse Trenbolone
Post by: _aj_ on March 29, 2014, 12:13:33 PM
Maybe we are but a few years away from a mass dying of gym rats?
Title: Re: Gym rats and abuse Trenbolone
Post by: Mr Anabolic on March 29, 2014, 12:13:40 PM
I often read a lot of Steroids Boards. Day by day there are more and more topics/posts like "tren year round use", made by ordinary gym rats. And they don't say about 100mg week, but of course 500mg+ for 12 months.

If you ask any average comptetitor ( Pro or Amatour ) about his Tren use, he will tell about about use it only 8-12 weeks before competition. I think none of Pros or Amatours have used to take it in off-season and cutting time both ( i mean year round, without break )...

So what is causing that gym rats are able to keep it year round in moderate/high dose, often without a lot of sides and health problems...? Is toxic of Tren overrated and a lot of BBrs lie and use Tren long time too?  ???

Anyone on this Forum is able ( or was able when was younger  ;D ) to stay with Tren longer time...?

Stupidity, ignorance and youth.
Title: Re: Gym rats and abuse Trenbolone
Post by: dustin on March 29, 2014, 12:35:27 PM
To be honest I don't pay any attention at all to what the other boneheads do. Do what works for you.

Title: Re: Gym rats and abuse Trenbolone
Post by: Mr Nobody on March 29, 2014, 12:39:27 PM
Which one will beat Phil Heat this this year and die by 39, some great goals right there.
Title: Re: Gym rats and abuse Trenbolone
Post by: Mawse on March 29, 2014, 03:08:35 PM
The researchers looking into trens possible use in TRT should be informed of its toxicity immediately , before any poor lab mice have to die.

All aas are "toxic" when abused. I've had bro tards who use 150mg of orals ED explain to me how dangerous tren is   ::)
Title: Re: Gym rats and abuse Trenbolone
Post by: Wiggs on March 29, 2014, 04:02:17 PM
If you're getting blood tests, getting check ups, taking reasonable dosages, eating healthy, drinking lots of water and of course exercising, and everything is kosher, there should be no limit to how long you stay until side effect come along. problem is very few get blood drawn or see doctors. Therein lies the problems.
Title: Re: Gym rats and abuse Trenbolone
Post by: James28 on March 29, 2014, 04:27:17 PM
To be honest I don't pay any attention at all to what the other boneheads do. Do what works for you.


This. I come here to read the posts of 4-5 people. The rest of the 'training' threads I ignore by reflex.
Title: Re: Gym rats and abuse Trenbolone
Post by: Damios on March 29, 2014, 10:01:15 PM
If you're getting blood tests, getting check ups, taking reasonable dosages, eating healthy, drinking lots of water and of course exercising, and everything is kosher, there should be no limit to how long you stay until side effect come along. problem is very even get blood drawn or see doctors. Therein lies the problems.

Ok, but holy shit, 9-12 months? Easy way to plateau without bump dosage to 3g tren week...

Only test is compund to stay with steady dose for years without body adapt i think.
Title: Re: Gym rats and abuse Trenbolone
Post by: Wiggs on March 29, 2014, 10:06:27 PM
Ok, but holy shit, 9-12 months? Easy way to plateau without bump dosage to 3g tren week...

Only test is compund to stay with steady dose for years without body adapt i think.

I can't speak to the long term effects of tren. Don't know of any studies. I wouldn't do it. low dose test, I agree you could do that for life barring health problems.
Title: Re: Gym rats and abuse Trenbolone
Post by: Damios on March 29, 2014, 11:06:12 PM
But you know... typically stack cycle from gyms from around the world is "750mg+ test mix, 500mg+ deca, 50mg+ dbol for 16 weeks".

This stack + gym rat = +50lb of fat and water, BP like 200/150, palpitations after 10sec of running etc.  ;D And for 99% this is ok and nothing strange...

So sometimes i think whether use Tren year round with proper diet, cardio, check blood work is better than above example ::)
Title: Re: Gym rats and abuse Trenbolone
Post by: sean on March 30, 2014, 12:37:43 AM
I once heard a very well known guru going off on an amateur bb'r in the front few rows while watching a prejudging about the need for tren and how important it was.  He was talking loudly and without haste as I believe he was trying to garner attention to further promote himself, but he was not being quiet. I think his intensity stemmed from the amateur not knowing what the stuff even was seeming clueless about so many other things the guru readily promoted.
Title: Re: Gym rats and abuse Trenbolone
Post by: Jovo on March 30, 2014, 01:14:51 AM
the only steroids that are worth is in my book are testosterone and something like anavar or masteron, proviron. All the other stuff has too many side effects and test alone can help you achieve alot , provided you keep e2 undercontrol
Title: Re: Gym rats and abuse Trenbolone
Post by: Mawse on March 30, 2014, 12:04:11 PM
But you know... typically stack cycle from gyms from around the world is "750mg+ test mix, 500mg+ deca, 50mg+ dbol for 16 weeks".

This stack + gym rat = +50lb of fat and water, BP like 200/150, palpitations after 10sec of running etc.  ;D And for 99% this is ok and nothing strange...

So sometimes i think whether use Tren year round with proper diet, cardio, check blood work is better than above example ::)

of course anything is better than the standard bro-cycle.

I am OCD, insanely meticulous about blood work since my insurance covers it - and I get extra tests on the side when I change stuff.

I did 300 mg tren (no Groink) for close to 8 months, any more than that and my prolactin would edge too high - and I don't want to take caber (rx) because of it's IGF1 reducing effects, and Prami (rx) didn't do dick for me for reducing prolactin.

BP was higher on tren than on the same mg-mg of test/deca. Yesterday my BP was 116/75 on TRT, and on low dose tren it was routinely 130/90 @ despite taking lisinopril daily and doing cardio.

Tren over 500mg is great for strength and body comp but the BP and prolactin sides become an issue, plus long term tren use shuts down my production of DHT and SHBG (both bad things). For some reason 200mg-400mg a week Deca doesn't affect either SHBG or DHT
Title: Re: Gym rats and abuse Trenbolone
Post by: ESFitness on March 31, 2014, 02:32:09 AM
guys typically don't use.. well, guys who know better... don't use tren in the 'offseason' because it's difficult to pack on good size with tren the way you can with deca/npp.

after running deca/npp for a few months, you can latterly watch your body change day by day after your first 1 or 2 injections of tren. (that's no gh15 bullshit either).... fuck, you don't even need to pull the deca/npp before you start the tren to see the change either.

'gym rats' who run tren year round generally aren't trying to pack on another 10lbs of muscle twice a year between shows... hence the reason they run tren year round and don't alternate between tren and deca/npp. their only concern is looking lean, hard and separated everyday in the gym and are comfortable with putting on 3-5lbs of bodyweight a year, as opposed to 10-15lbs
Title: Re: Gym rats and abuse Trenbolone
Post by: BodyMachine on March 31, 2014, 02:47:30 AM
^^ Agree. It's difficult to look good as in not a bloated mess for the typical gym rat if simply running high test/deca. Tren is an easy way to look good. I do it all the time, when I start looking a little too sloppy on a test/deca run, I throw tren-a in for a month or two. Cardio helps but tren is just on a whole other level
Title: Re: Gym rats and abuse Trenbolone
Post by: The Wizard of Truth on March 31, 2014, 04:26:10 AM
Im on tren about a year now non-stop. Get bloods done every few months, and I dont drink or do rec drugs, probably the reason im ok
Title: Re: Gym rats and abuse Trenbolone
Post by: Damios on March 31, 2014, 05:27:17 AM
Im on tren about a year now non-stop. Get bloods done every few months, and I dont drink or do rec drugs, probably the reason im ok

What dose?
Title: Re: Gym rats and abuse Trenbolone
Post by: The Wizard of Truth on March 31, 2014, 05:52:50 AM
What dose?
Varying from 250mg a week up to 200mg a day
Title: Re: Gym rats and abuse Trenbolone
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on March 31, 2014, 07:38:09 AM
Most aren't using real tren.  Good tren after a year of use will have you in the looney bin
Title: Re: Gym rats and abuse Trenbolone
Post by: sean on March 31, 2014, 08:16:48 AM
of course anything is better than the standard bro-cycle.

I am OCD, insanely meticulous about blood work since my insurance covers it - and I get extra tests on the side when I change stuff.

Would you have the same meticulousness if you had to pay for it yourself?   
Title: Re: Gym rats and abuse Trenbolone
Post by: Damios on March 31, 2014, 08:46:28 AM
guys typically don't use.. well, guys who know better... don't use tren in the 'offseason' because it's difficult to pack on good size with tren the way you can with deca/npp.

So... do you think, we can make more muscle mass ( i mean MUSCLES, not weight on scale... ) with for example 700mg NPP than 700mg Tren?

Varying from 250mg a week up to 200mg a day

Did you experience any difficulty with make gains on Tren? ( something like that what said ESFitness above )?  :)