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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: nzmusclemonster on January 20, 2006, 05:13:32 PM

Title: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 20, 2006, 05:13:32 PM

i came third in the juniors about half way down the page.
the guy that beat me was a stick insect but had big guys applying his tan and after the show was very cosy with the judges.

would like to hear if you think i am just in being disgusted with the decision...
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: Below Me on January 20, 2006, 05:18:57 PM
Toss up between you and the first place guy.  Don't know how the #2 guy got his placing.
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 20, 2006, 05:20:29 PM
i became very disillusioned with the sport. 12 weeks of dieting down the toilet
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: HRDCOR on January 20, 2006, 05:51:07 PM
Actually everyone on that site look like Skined Rats( those Myostatin ones but not as big !!) , what are you guys doing ,not eating for 12 weeks ???Over dieting to the max !!
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: brett43 on January 20, 2006, 05:55:32 PM
Holy shit you did get robbed, second place looks like shit!  It's hard to tell without seeing all poses though if you deserved to get first place.
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: Bast000 on January 20, 2006, 05:55:42 PM
the 1st place guy destroyed you anyway.
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 20, 2006, 05:55:53 PM
its all about conditioning for us down here. ive looked at comps in the states and on contest day all the competitors look like the before photos for weight watchers
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 20, 2006, 05:56:58 PM
the first guy was awesome, world class for a 20yr old
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: HRDCOR on January 20, 2006, 06:14:47 PM
Yeah I know it is about conditioning when it comes to a show beleive me, but this bunch look over dieted and drawn to me , maybe its the photos but none of the guys look bigger than Cathy Millen(World power lifting champ and miss NZ) did when she won NZ nationals !!!
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 20, 2006, 06:20:07 PM
small country = small people. we try. (although i think the standard was good enough)
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: Adam Empire on January 20, 2006, 06:22:29 PM
Was this the Mr. Ethopia contest?
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: HRDCOR on January 20, 2006, 06:23:49 PM
Great Country---- Great people----Great attitudes----Great rugby team !!!
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: The Showstoppa on January 20, 2006, 06:26:53 PM
2nd place guy either knew somebody or blew somebody.  He looks like shit. 
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 20, 2006, 06:27:42 PM
juice is not as easily availiabe to us as in yankland. i guess we will live longer rather than being a few extra kilos heavier - silly us.

(and our penises still work)
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 20, 2006, 06:30:50 PM
Perhaps if it worked better, you could have slept your way to first place and not 3rd.  :-\

id rather take third than take a cock in the ass
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: HRDCOR on January 20, 2006, 06:31:38 PM
Oh there is juice down down under, dont worry about that, thats why all the guys get busted by the IFBB down there!!!
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 20, 2006, 06:33:12 PM
Oh there is juice down down under, dont worry about that, thats why all the guys get busted by the IFBB down there!!!

thats true, they only bust the top guys when they win the nats and it comes time to give them their pro cards. its all bullshit
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: Farcry on January 20, 2006, 06:34:27 PM
you should of been second but, maybe the judges did not like you for some reason.  And most of the gentlemen on the site do not have good color
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: HRDCOR on January 20, 2006, 06:37:11 PM
So we have heard and they make news headlines out of it , what crap are they pulling down there ???

Dosent the IFBB down there also test out of competition , and turn up at the gym demanding samples ??
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: tommywishbone on January 20, 2006, 06:39:33 PM
the 1st place guy destroyed you anyway.

As the Fonz would say.... correct-a-mondo.

2nd or 3rd in your 1st show... that's cool. Now go eat.
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 20, 2006, 06:40:57 PM
So we have heard and they make news headlines out of it , what crap are they pulling down there ???

Dosent the IFBB down there also test out of competition , and trun up at the gym demanding samples ??

in the federation rule they say they will test out of season but they never do. its a joke down here there are a lot of passionate bodybuilders but the people running the federations have no clue at all. all old school guys
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 20, 2006, 06:42:27 PM
You took a third cock in your ass?

Man, you're flexible.

if you ever give up on bodybuilding, you should try gay porn.

im sure you could give me a few tips poodick
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: Bear03 on January 20, 2006, 06:42:40 PM
Was this the Mr. Ethopia contest?

yeah that 2nd place guy was ungodly skinny!
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: HRDCOR on January 20, 2006, 06:44:12 PM
What are they doing , trying to make to whole country natural, how is one meant to become Pro ??

No countrys test unless there athletes want to go to the worlds , and even then that is poorly policed
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 20, 2006, 06:48:15 PM
What are they doing , trying to make to whole country natural, how is one meant to become Pro ??

No countrys test unless there athletes want to go to the worlds , and even then that is poorly policed

they have no clue i dont think they even know what they are doing. there was a world class guy - justin rhys, he competed in the pro show that was here a few years back. he was the best bodybuilder in nz in the last decade, maybe ever from nz. now hes in jail rotting away for the next 15yrs because customs kept busting his ass.
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: HRDCOR on January 20, 2006, 06:54:10 PM
Dude lets keep the facts straight here , Justin got busted for gallons of GHB not steriods, the max penality down there for gear importation is a $500-00 fine , and what about BJ Johns and the famous Marc Rainbow, and Moe Moussawi and wasnt that huge F@#KER John Davies from NZ as well ???

But didnt Moe get his arse handed to him by the IFBB when he failed the drug test and make all the national news papers ??
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 20, 2006, 06:57:56 PM
Dude lets keep the facts straight here , Justin got busted for gallons of GHB not steriods, the max penality down there for gear importation is a $500-00 fine , and what about BJ Johns and the famous Marc Rainbow, and Moe Moussawi and wasnt that huge F@#KER John Davies from NZ as well ???

But didnt Moe get his arse handed to him by the IFBB when he failed the drug test and make all the national news papers ??

yeah but justin was into the party scene as well and got busted for dealing class a drugs, angel dust and shit like that.

never liked marc rainbows shape, sure he was muscular but aestectially not that appealing.

and yes john davis would hand justin his ass on a plate
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 20, 2006, 06:59:55 PM
moe gut screwed again by the federation, they tested him hardout and eventually canned his ass, disqualifying him and taking away his national title and renegging on the pro card they said they would give him.

so he went and got his pro card in lebanon
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: kicker on January 20, 2006, 07:02:53 PM
All these guys are HUGE  ;D
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: HRDCOR on January 20, 2006, 07:04:17 PM
Dammm no wonder John Davies moved to Aussie to earn his pro card, they sound ruthless, how come they do all this and the rest of the IFBb affliates dont ??

And I gotta disagree on Rainbow he was beautifully balanced !!!

And Justin is a serious big dude is well isnt he ???

And you said there was no gear down there !!
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: dr.chimps on January 20, 2006, 07:07:34 PM
What a odd looking bunch of guys. The photography is not so hot and that eerie shade of protan make all those guys look insectlike. Like I'm face to face with Blofeld's new group of assassins or something. Strange things afoot down under, indeed. *and is one of those guys wearing a mask for jeebus' sake?*
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 20, 2006, 07:08:17 PM
Dammm no wonder John Davies moved to Aussie to earn his pro card, they sound ruthless, how come they do all this and the rest of the IFBb affliates dont ??

And I gotta disagree on Rainbow he was beautifully balanced !!!

And Justin is a serious big dude is well isnt he ???

And you said there was no gear down there !!

the guys running the federation all have their heads up their asses. we are struggling for crowd numbers down here so they think if they try and portray this clean natural image that that will get the crowds coming in. BUT THE PEOPLE WANT TO SEE FREAKS!!

justins dad is a chemist so go figure....

gear is down here but if you use you will get busted no doubt about it.
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: bigdumbbell on January 20, 2006, 07:09:37 PM
the judges blow here too
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: rocket on January 20, 2006, 07:10:21 PM

Just to make something clear

HRDCOR = Marc Rainbow ;D

Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 20, 2006, 07:11:59 PM

Just to make something clear

HRDCOR = Marc Rainbow ;D

 ;D i had my suspicions!

Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 20, 2006, 07:13:17 PM
apologies marc, you put justin in his place at the pro show and i got respect
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: HRDCOR on January 20, 2006, 07:15:37 PM
Thanks Rocket , I was trying to get his piont of veiw as much as I could with out him knowing ,but nzmusclemonster I gotta agree with you on the f@#ked up way the IFBB is down here, and Yes dude you did get ripped judgeing by the photos, the guy that got second looks like a volyball player who has rolled around in the mud to be honest!!
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: rocket on January 20, 2006, 07:17:01 PM
Anyway about this thread,

Making public declarations about this always incites contempt in a lot of people's minds. 

Not in mine, because I am the best and most intelligent individual walking this planet.. but you can see from 240's post that he is angling for this already.
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: JPM on January 20, 2006, 07:17:24 PM
No offense but all you guy's look like skinned rabbits and that over tanned/make -up does nothing for anyone. Maybe it's the lighting, makes a big difference. It almost looks like some gay event in Kiwi land. I'm sure someone in these shows has to come in at 230 and totally ripped.  Any native NZ'ers or my Samoan brother's enter these contest? Might want to cruise some of the local pubs and recuite some of  those Polynesian brothers. Other than that you have nothing to complain about unless you can come in next year at that 230  and totally ripped.
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: rocket on January 20, 2006, 07:17:41 PM
Mr Rainbow,

You're the best!

Now you know ;D
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 20, 2006, 07:18:20 PM
Thanks Rocket , I was trying to get his piont of veiw as much as I could with out him knowing ,but nzmusclemonster I gotta agree with you on the f@#ked up way the IFBB is down here, and Yes dude you did get ripped judgeing by the photos, the guy that got second looks like a volyball player who has rolled around in the mud to honest!!

do you have any interest in one day running one on the federations down here, it would be the best thing for nz bodybuilding
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 20, 2006, 07:26:44 PM
No offense but all you guy's look like skinned rabbits and that over tanned/make -up does nothing for anyone. Maybe it's the lighting, makes a big difference. It almost looks like some gay event in Kiwi land. I'm sure someone in these shows has to come in at 230 and totally ripped.  Any native NZ'ers or my Samoan brother's enter these contest? Might want to cruise some of the local pubs and recuite some of  those Polynesian brothers. Other than that you have nothing to complain about unless you can come in next year at that 230  and totally ripped.

more likely to find them at KFC or in jail than at the pub
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: wgtnmuscle1 on January 20, 2006, 07:30:35 PM
to nzmusclemonster
yes i agree with you and hrdcor
but big justin isnt in jail as of yet
he is still on the outside and training very hard
go to his website site
and as long as the current nzfbb president is there i will not compete
in the nzfbb
unless you are good mates with him you dont get anywhere
a friend of mine was invited to compete in a pro quilifer in austraila
and when he ask the presdent he said no way you have to compete here first and then we will see if you can go or not
i think if you want to pay your own way and are invited you should be able to compete
and on the q of juice if you know where to go you can get it
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: HRDCOR on January 20, 2006, 07:33:38 PM
NZMM --- I get asked that allot , a hell of a lot--- I would be intrested but I would want complete change, and a different way of running the federation than what is currently in place, the NZ bodybuilding are not quite ready for that yet , but patients is a virtue my friend !!!

I never saw your show as I was in the states and can only judge by the photos and honestly most in the photos do look extremely dieted down, you must admit, even Mike Alsop looks drawn and small compeared to when I did his nutrition !!!???
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: paul84 on January 20, 2006, 07:33:39 PM
This guy won the overall due to his superior mass.
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: JPM on January 20, 2006, 07:35:09 PM
MR.3rd place: Maybe so but your shows need muscle not a bunch of transplanted UK'ers trying to be something their not: muscular. Time for some real men to take over not a bunch of over tanned, make belive lightweights. Can even get some Aussie's to enter to make thing better. Root, root, root!
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 20, 2006, 07:38:35 PM
NZMM --- I get asked that allot , a hell of a lot--- I would be intrested but I would want complete change, and a different way of running the federation than what is currently in place, the NZ bodybuilding are not quite ready for that yet , but patients is a virtue my friend !!!

I never saw your show as I was in the states and can only judge by the photos and honestly most in the photos do look extremely dieted down, you must admit, even Mike Alsop looks drawn and small compeared to when I did his nutrition !!!???

mike looked a lot better a few years back gotta agree with you there.

and i think you would be surprised at the support you would get if you did sign on. there are a lot of frustrated people out there
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: HRDCOR on January 20, 2006, 07:42:57 PM
JPM , I gotta agree with you dude , it is all about muscle after all , win I won the MR NZ(won it twice) there were like 20 damm heavy weights (I was light heavy) now I have been to shows where there havnt been any !!!!

They have tried to make bodybuilding down here PC when we all know it is as far from being PC as Rambo and Cammando are !!!
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 20, 2006, 07:46:17 PM
JPM , I gotta agree with you dude , it is all about muscle after all , win I won the MR NZ(won it twice) there were like 20 damm heavy weights (I was light heavy) now I have been to shows where there havnt been any !!!!

They have tried to make bodybuilding down here PC when we all know it is as far from being PC as Rambo and Cammando are !!!

i remember the glory days as well, thats when i first got interested in bodybuilding. now its a buch of suits who have trained for 3 months and think they can enter a contest because their personal trainer says they shud
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: wgtnmuscle1 on January 20, 2006, 08:07:10 PM
yes the good old days
let see guys like
chas ray
warren thin
yourself hrdcor
bj johns
and thats when it was judge fair and you really enjoy competing
and yes it does need to change
maybe we should have some of the amercian judges judge our shows
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 20, 2006, 10:16:27 PM
judges are homosexual. they choose the men they are most sexually attracted to to take out the top places.
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: HRDCOR on January 20, 2006, 10:58:16 PM
I wouldnt say they are ALL homasexual , but over the many years I have been in this sport, there  certantly has been many a time I have looked at a official and/or judge and thought "what possibly could you be intrested in bodybuilding for, and how the F@#$K did you get here in the first place "?????

You know what I mean !!
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: rocket on January 21, 2006, 01:02:39 AM
Come on dude, use your grey matter.  Calling the judges fags is funny but it won't get you anywhere :)
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: Van_Bilderass on January 21, 2006, 01:37:32 AM
That is certainly a very gay page, hunks this and hunks that.

The competitors pose in a very feminine manner as well. Look at how they do the side chest for example.
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: DIVISION on January 21, 2006, 01:45:37 AM
Come on dude, use your grey matter.  Calling the judges fags is funny but it won't get you anywhere :)

^This thread was a lost cause from it's inception, Windowlicker....

You should have known better than to show your face here, man.   :-\

Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 21, 2006, 01:49:02 AM
That is certainly a very gay page, hunks this and hunks that.

The competitors pose in a very feminine manner as well. Look at how they do the side chest for example.

It is a female website!
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: DIVISION on January 21, 2006, 01:52:16 AM
It is a female website!

^In that case, you deserve all the punishment you are getting in this thread.   ::)

Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 21, 2006, 01:56:46 AM
^In that case, you deserve all the punishment you are getting in this thread.   ::)

i came here to obtain what i thought would be an enlightened, and knowledgeble judging from so called bodybuilding "experts", however some people on this site seem far from mature or knowledgeble on the sport of bodybuilding

Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: bigdumbbell on January 21, 2006, 04:12:25 AM
judges are homosexual. they choose the men they are most sexually attracted to to take out the top places.

lol  yeah 
it aint corrupt judging at fault, it's the queers. 
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: M1 on January 21, 2006, 04:17:23 AM
man you smoked that 2nd place jokers ass. He looks barely 160 lbs with 11 inch arms, and you're fucking jacked with arms and delts twice as big, if I was you I was would I'd knock him out beating you  :o
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: bigdumbbell on January 21, 2006, 04:20:55 AM
man you smoked that 2nd place jokers ass. He looks barely 160 lbs with 11 inch arms, and you're fucking jacked with arms and delts twice as big, if I was you I was would I'd knock him out beating you  :o

what an idiotic comment M1   lol
more PLAYSTATION assaults
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: rocket on January 21, 2006, 04:36:15 AM
i came here to obtain what i thought would be an enlightened, and knowledgeble judging from so called bodybuilding "experts", however some people on this site seem far from mature or knowledgeble on the sport of bodybuilding

I really don't know why you are saying this, he is after all talking to me and I was making constructive comments to you.  Complaining about placings and calling the judges gay won't change anything for the better, infact if anything it will ostracise you further.

Now if you want bodybuilding opinions then really we're going to need more comparison pics than what you posted.  Honestly if you'd posted pure comparisons pose for pose (and I'm not suggesting that that is atall possible all the time) then you would have got some decent opinions.

Personally I would never make definite statements about the situation until I saw more comparisons.  It does look like you were beaten by a stick but hey all you can do is come back better or not turn up.
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: fathead on January 21, 2006, 04:49:03 AM
This guy won the overall due to his superior mass.

Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on January 21, 2006, 05:08:11 AM
Lot of dream tan being used

Sorry bout your bad luck
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: rocket on January 21, 2006, 05:33:57 AM
Vince where have you been.. I knew there was something missing
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: slippediskmountian on January 21, 2006, 06:20:02 AM
You took a third cock in your ass?

Man, you're flexible.

if you ever give up on bodybuilding, you should try gay porn.

word to his mother!
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 21, 2006, 01:13:12 PM
ok i appreciate you guys comments and i realise some of wat i have been sayin is a little off centre.

but ive come to realise how frustrating our sport can be. if a few pencil neck judges say another guy is better than you you just have to take it. there is nothing you can do about it and at the moment that really isnt sitting well with me.

but its time to take it on the chin i guess
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on January 21, 2006, 01:20:57 PM
ok i appreciate you guys comments and i realise some of wat i have been sayin is a little off centre.

but ive come to realise how frustrating our sport can be. if a few pencil neck judges say another guy is better than you you just have to take it. there is nothing you can do about it and at the moment that really isnt sitting well with me.

but its time to take it on the chin i guess


2. The name of this site is GETBIG!
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: HRDCOR on January 21, 2006, 01:23:21 PM
nzmm -- GOTA GIVE YOU CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE, you did come on GETBIG and put your picture up and ask for criticism, now thats ballsy bro !!

These guys here are Ruthless, but I gotta tell you , they are Honest and speak there mind, none of that PC shit you get back home, and allot of them are actually very knowledgeable and clued up in the sport , and some of them  have access to all the goings on ------ thats why I love em so much , so at least here you get a real take on whats happening.

So based on the above , you did get ripped off(judging by the photos)and the judges should owe you a explanation , but that probably wont happen so f@#K EM turn up next year twice as big and say , hey toss pots JUDGE THIS, and make sure your first !!!
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 21, 2006, 01:24:56 PM

2. The name of this site is GETBIG!

quote from arnold in pumping arnold when he retired on stage: "i am retiring from bodybuilding but i will not give it up. its the greatest SPORT."
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 21, 2006, 01:31:25 PM
cheers hrdcore you really are a great ambassador for bodybuilding, (despit what some of the pc piklots say on gofigure  ;D)

and i did email nabba, phoned themdid all i could but got ignored. great encouragement for a young guy
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 21, 2006, 01:39:46 PM
You can't wait to be awarded first place.

You have to TAKE first place!

You weren't handed a wife, a car, a house- you worked hard and TOOK them.

Do the same onstage.  You think they would have ever placed Arnold second once he was Mr O?  Nope.  He TOOK first place every year.   Don't whine on message board.  Work on your stage presence.  They prob had it and you didn't.

ALso, get a website, get some exposure, and grow your fan base.

appreciate the advice, many thanx
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: HRDCOR on January 21, 2006, 02:18:28 PM
Soooo you did try and get a explanation and they didn't get back to you , or at least offer advise!!!, NOW THAT IS F@#UCKED---- how the hell do they expect to grow the sport and help young people become our future champions if they are not prepared to F@#KING HELP------- that pisses me off no end!!

I have spent the better part of 12 years trying to help people in this sport and if you cant get the same dedication and support from the people who run the sport no wonder it is dying in the arse, and the NZ IFBB are in huge financial shit !!!!
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: DIVISION on January 21, 2006, 02:23:49 PM
no prob. Getbig is a very rough place to ask for advice, but nothing will be sugar coated here, they'll always shoot you straight. 

Word, Robert.

Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 21, 2006, 03:07:15 PM
yes hrdcore a number of times and i worded it so as to not be offensive, merely asking for constructive comments and what i could do better next time.
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: HRDCOR on January 21, 2006, 09:53:30 PM
What Tossers, at least they could have shown some respect and replyed , after all it is your memeber ship fee that pays fore them to be flown around the country and put up in hotels and feed lovely meals !!! 

The federations better start to learn that "No Bodybuilders " means no shows . No Shows" means no money------ before some elese comes along and starts there own SHOWS , with better offerings !!!!!
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 22, 2006, 11:07:18 AM
sounds like you got something cooking HRDCORE. would love to see a rival show of some sort and entertain the crowds because at the moment its a snooze fest.
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 22, 2006, 11:08:42 AM
NZMM, Are u in Akl? Where do you train mate?

im in wlg, my membership jst ran out so im considering my options of where tio train at the mo
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: Drommer Stor on January 23, 2006, 12:17:37 PM
At the end of the day BB is judged by people's opinions, and there is always going to be unhappy competitors.  The main thing to do is not to let it affect your training.  Remember why you first started at the gym and why you wanted to compete.  Don't let this stop you doing what you love, which is lifting weights.  No matter what level you are at there is always going to be dodgy decisions, all you can do is get bigger and leaner and keep on your game plan.  As long as each time you compete you are better than you were the previous time - you always want to keep making progress.  Life's not fair, get used to it... instead of letting it hold you back just train harder and stay focussed on your BB goals.
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: Norton on January 23, 2006, 01:19:13 PM
What do you guys do spay yourselves with gold spray paint?


Look at this idiot.

Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: Drommer Stor on January 23, 2006, 01:44:25 PM
What do you guys do spay yourselves with gold spray paint?


Look at this idiot.


Man you cracked me up  ;D   ;D   ;D
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: Iron Kiwi on January 23, 2006, 02:24:14 PM
im in wlg, my membership jst ran out so im considering my options of where tio train at the mo

You did great don't get caught up weather your 2nd or 3rd, give it a few days (workouts) and you'll figure out it dosn't matter to much. In NZ you'll have to follow your own path. I'm a x kiwi BB x Mr NZ and Alk owned a couble of gyms and ran shows.. If you want to go for it find a friendly farmer who needs cash and you'll have all that you want. And keep away from Hardwick and Fong.
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: bigdumbbell on January 23, 2006, 04:39:36 PM
You did great don't get caught up weather your 2nd or 3rd, give it a few days (workouts) and you'll figure out it dosn't matter to much. In NZ you'll have to follow your own path. I'm a x kiwi BB x Mr NZ and Alk owned a couble of gyms and ran shows.. If you want to go for it find a friendly farmer who needs cash and you'll have all that you want. And keep away from Hardwick and Fong.

that's all it takes one friendly vet
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: hifrommike on January 25, 2006, 12:01:55 PM
Just about everyone has gotten ripped off at a contest at one point or another.  Lee Priest said he once judged a show & heard some people bitching behind him after the contest was over that their guy didn't win.  He turned around & said, "Get used to it.  I had to." 

I just heard that a top NPC guy retired from BB competition because a friend of his overheard an NPC head honcho (will remain nameless) tell the panel not to rank him in the top five because he used synthol.  He didn't (did site injections) but that was the end.  He packed it in & is now involved in another sport with a finish line. 

Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 25, 2006, 03:00:07 PM
its easy to feel pissed off and question weather all the effort is worth the reward, but how good would it feel to come back the next year and show a physique that said f*ck you judges try and give me a shit placing this time
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: HRDCOR on January 26, 2006, 02:36:27 PM
Because bodybuilding is a sport of opinion and not that of a true decisive winner like say that of a runner or high jumper or tennis player or football player then if you want to do well you have to addopt a attitude of "i will do my up most best and the rest is out of my hands"--- sure you train and diet to win , that is the driving force behind the hardship you suffer in getting ready for a show, but you also need to be realistic in your approach to the Actual show its self.

You are going to be "Judged" by a group of individuals ,( half whom are out of shape and fat), whose opinion on you as a individual is the only way to determine if you are better than the next guy, this I am afraid leaves allot or room for variables--- we know this when we stand on stage, Its bodybuilding !!

So being proud of your self and what you achieved to get on stage is always a priority first and foremost before any judges opinion-- think like this and you will be there for a long time, and it takes time to become a champion !!
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: Dr.X on January 26, 2006, 06:28:25 PM
The 2nd place guy looks like the homos in those videos advertised in the back of that gay mag Men's Workout!   ;D
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: bigdumbbell on January 26, 2006, 06:36:50 PM
repeating question

wassup looking like you rubbed shit all over yourself
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 26, 2006, 07:19:52 PM
repeating question

wassup looking like you rubbed shit all over yourself

yeah we just go out to the sheep paddock out the back and have a roll around in the mud
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: HRDCOR on January 26, 2006, 07:55:04 PM
yeah we just go out to the sheep paddock out the back and have a roll around in the mud

I don't think you should use the words GO OUT, SHEEP, THE BACK and ROLLING AROUND in the same sentence dude, especially when you come from New Zealand !!!

No what I mean !!! ;)
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nap2599 on January 26, 2006, 11:45:03 PM
Hey bud

I went to that show - all 'n' all it wasn't too bad - and you are right - you did get ripped off - but hey, you've just gotta get over it aye. What disgusted me the most were the physique novice womens class. Only ONE I tell ya ONE bloody competitor looked decent in that class - the rest should of got told to bugger off and do another sport - shit I don't know, play marbles perhaps???? Some of these bloody personal trainers, need to be honest with them and stop tiptoeing around their clients by saying to them, "Oh you look great darling, of course your place!" The only area they would place, would be the line to the counter of MacD's!!! I've seen alot of personal trainers whose clients look great on stage, Mr Rainbow, yours of course (as per usual), Mike Debenhams (his client got ripped off at the Nats thats for bloody real, here I was thinking that she would actually win but she didn't get diddly squat, as well as Gary Jones. They are the only P'T's in NZ that I can think of who are real with their clients and don't fill their heads with crap!! Thank goodness this site isn't PC because I was running out of places to go! By the way, who is this Lisa Menzies? Has she ever competed? Or is she just another PC person who wants to go on stage but lives through her clients? I've never seen her on stage but it sounds as though she knows it all. Anyway, I'm out, I've gotta go and eat, see you on stage later. Mark send me your email, I'm doing my final show this year, and I don't give a shit if the judges like me or not. If I place I place if I don't, I'll take up hula hoops!
Title: Re: I got robbed. politics at its worst.
Post by: nder98 on February 08, 2006, 12:09:46 PM