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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: Uncle Junior on April 13, 2014, 10:34:38 AM

Title: ...
Post by: Uncle Junior on April 13, 2014, 10:34:38 AM
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: monstermunch on April 13, 2014, 10:38:46 AM
Nope but send me some and I'll report back, ta.
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: Shockwave on April 13, 2014, 10:49:42 AM
I'm taking mast.

My hairline is still good but I'm seeing a bit of thinning between my widows peak and left side of head,.at only 300mg/week.

You've been warned.

BUT... my father had naturally sky high test and he has no hair. All the other males in my family have their hair. He was a freak. Looked like a bodybuilder/power lifter without ever touching a weight, just bucked bales as a high schooerl, and hard farm labor in his early 20s.
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: wolfrittner on April 13, 2014, 10:51:41 AM
And still has fine/good head of hair?

Pics or it doesn't count.

Never had a problem.
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: Shockwave on April 13, 2014, 10:55:46 AM

Post a pic please of just your hair if you don't mind purely for investigative research purposes, I wanna see if it is acceptable to me.
It's acceptable to me now,  but I'm almost to the point of talking to halo about hair info.

I won't post a pic on this site ever again, thanks to some bullshit from a long time ago. Wife and I decided we will never put any pics or personal info up of any kind. Sorry.
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: ProudVirgin69 on April 13, 2014, 10:56:45 AM
Or put it another way.

Is there anything (apart from tren) that cuts you up as good as mast without making you lose hair and I don't want to hear any bullshit about how its all in the diet blah blah blah.


Masteron is pretty much hairloss in a bottle
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: LittleJ on April 13, 2014, 11:00:42 AM
I had long hair(braids) when I ran a cut mix. I notice when I took my braids out every 3-4 weeks, a lot of my hair came out. I'm talking 2 big handfuls. When I cut my hair all off,  my scalp was fucked up. It could've been the tren though. :'(
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: Shockwave on April 13, 2014, 11:02:20 AM
I had long hair(braids) when I ran a cut mix. I notice when I took my braids out every 3-4 weeks, a lot of my hair came out. I'm talking 2 big handfuls. When I cut my hair all off,  my scalp was fucked up. It could've been the tren though. :'(
I'm using tren as well. It could be either.  I think it's been its worst since adding mast though.
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: ProudVirgin69 on April 13, 2014, 11:05:36 AM
Fuck it.

So Masteron = Hairloss.

What about Winstrol?

Same thing?

More or less, yes.  You've got pretty good hair for a guy in his 30's, I wouldn't be too worried.

Just run 500 test, 4 iu gh, an AI, and 4weeks of an oral/4weeks off.  You'll look good with a halfway decent diet, and you'll look terrific with a strict diet.
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: monstermunch on April 13, 2014, 11:08:25 AM
Thought it just hardens what you already have, stick a pile of shit in the fridge.
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: ProudVirgin69 on April 13, 2014, 11:32:35 AM
Thought it just hardens what you already have, stick a pile of shit in the fridge.

Rofl excellent analogy
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: wolfrittner on April 13, 2014, 11:36:40 AM
No joking right now! Im using Masteron right now again. I have no problem. I got full long hair and im in my 40s. Just keep an eye on it. If you start shedding stop. But you should be ok. If you loose a little ill grow back..Now go and get cut up you beast!!
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: dyslexic on April 13, 2014, 11:58:36 AM
Masteron needs to be heated and diluted before inj. ~ that's all i know.

It hurts worse than Test400 used to.


Hair loss? Any juice can exacerbate that. So can genetic predisposition.

Sure is popular these days.

Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: bigmc on April 13, 2014, 12:05:56 PM

Masteron is pretty much hairloss in a bottle

if you an get legit anavar

its a lot better than people give it credit for

ask no one
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: dustin on April 13, 2014, 12:11:11 PM
If you have hair loss issues or thinning hair, stay away. I use masteron but I've got a shaggy head of hair that grows an inch a fucking week. I know it's a first world problem, but I need at least one haircut a week because it grows so fast. Never lost any hair from AAS.

It's mostly genetic. I know guys who lost an inch from their hairline from 500mgs of testosterone per week. I also know guys who take grams of gear each week and have a fuck ton of hair like me.
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: ProudVirgin69 on April 13, 2014, 12:31:19 PM
if you an get legit anavar

its a lot better than people give it credit for

ask no one

Definitely.  I figure a man with the resources of Uncle Joon could get some good anavar without much trouble
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: dustin on April 13, 2014, 12:41:30 PM
There's a flood of "good anavar" in town that isn't underdosed or just d-bol. My brother and some friends have been running it and are all super strong and look like they're seeing the right characteristics of real anavar (bro's blood work looked great too). I'm going to grab a couple bottles while it's around. 8)
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: TEMPER on April 13, 2014, 12:43:05 PM
Or put it another way.

Is there anything (apart from tren) that cuts you up as good as mast without making you lose hair and I don't want to hear any bullshit about how its all in the diet blah blah blah.

Neither Tren nor Masteron "Cut you up" you fucking skinny-fat, hideous, lazy, fag...You are becoming more and more fucking obnoxious with your stupid attention whoring troll questions...How about you fucking google it you trolling cock sucker.

Erhmm...Diet "cuts you up" not compounds. I could easily get fat on Tren, Masteron, Clen, T4 and T3 simultaneously.

Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: TheOne on April 13, 2014, 01:44:22 PM
I take 700mg Mast Prop per week no hair loss to report
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: ProudVirgin69 on April 13, 2014, 02:17:25 PM
Its proving impossible at the minute to get legit var.

Don't sweat it.  turinabol is very good too.  If you can't find turinabol, look for a prohormone called halodrol or a clone thereof; it's very similar to tbol.  Tbol will get you full n hard (no homo)

What's the diet like these days?
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: gracie bjj on April 13, 2014, 02:22:44 PM
im taking a masteron/prop blend i made up, i took half of my bottle of prop and mixed in half bottle of masteron with my 18 gauge pin n i been using that, i like it alot. ive been doing these different combos for yrs
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: Simple Simon on April 13, 2014, 02:35:37 PM

Yep looking into turinabol.

My diet is about as fucking horrendous as it can be right now, finding it very hard not to eat so much on test.

Like will diet for 3-4 days and then say fuck it.

Was handling diet much better natty cos appetite is nuts at the moment and when I go low carb's I am beyond irritable like will fucking literally snap someones head off.

Have to get that shit down from tomorrow its not funny anymore.

Currently 191lb (was 178 only two months ago) I put on lots of size, inch on my arms, shoulders huge now etc but belly coming out too much for my liking now.

Good but not good if you know what I mean.

Need huge cut now.

I hope you kept all your old clothes.
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: anabolichalo on April 13, 2014, 02:40:48 PM
junior i thought you are genetic elite in relentless pursuit of 20" arms

whats all this pussy footing about ???
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: ProudVirgin69 on April 13, 2014, 02:43:05 PM

Yep looking into turinabol.

My diet is about as fucking horrendous as it can be right now, finding it very hard not to eat so much on test.

Like will diet for 3-4 days and then say fuck it.

Was handling diet much better natty cos appetite is nuts at the moment and when I go low carb's I am beyond irritable like will fucking literally snap someones head off.

Have to get that shit down from tomorrow its not funny anymore.

Currently 191lb (was 178 only two months ago) I put on lots of size, inch on my arms, shoulders huge now etc but belly coming out too much for my liking now.

Good but not good if you know what I mean.

Need huge cut now.

I think diet is your answer, friend.  On gear, it's much more important because you'll have the issue of water retention to contend with.  Junk food will bloat you up and make you look like shit if you're using gear.

The hunger can be problematic, but that's what you'll have to deal with.  A good physique is so special because its hard to attain.... most people don't have the willpower to do what it will take to get there.
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: anabolichalo on April 13, 2014, 02:43:28 PM
somebody with a full head of hair at your age means they are not prone to hairloss you can run anything you want
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: ProudVirgin69 on April 13, 2014, 02:47:53 PM
Yes you are 100% right, just about dedication, I need to up my diet game and quit binge/vicious cardio to compensate repeat cycle scenario.

Yes, it's tough.  Just get back on track tomorrow, you can do it :)
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: anabolichalo on April 13, 2014, 02:48:46 PM
This is currently the big debate and predicament because Masteron is answer to all my problems SO LONG as it doesn't make my hair fall out!
i havent seen your hair

but if you can honestly look at yourself and say you have a full head of hair

then you can literally take anything you want

ronnie coleman has a full head of hair after 35 years of severe steroid abuse
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: BigRo on April 13, 2014, 02:49:05 PM

Yep looking into turinabol.

My diet is about as fucking horrendous as it can be right now, finding it very hard not to eat so much on test.

Like will diet for 3-4 days and then say fuck it.

Was handling diet much better natty cos appetite is nuts at the moment and when I go low carb's I am beyond irritable like will fucking literally snap someones head off.

Have to get that shit down from tomorrow its not funny anymore.

Currently 191lb (was 178 only two months ago) I put on lots of size, inch on my arms, shoulders huge now etc but belly coming out too much for my liking now.

Good but not good if you know what I mean.

Need huge cut now.

And your looking for Masteron to fill in this weakness?
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: wes on April 13, 2014, 02:51:20 PM
Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder until it comes time to get their diet in order.

I`ve seen guys who could have gone pro fail miserably because they couldn`t stick to a diet.

As far as Mast goes,I ran a meager 50 mgs. EOD in my last contest cycle..........I believe it contributed vastly to my condition/look.
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: anabolichalo on April 13, 2014, 02:51:41 PM
people with no genetic predisposition to baldness can take all the steroids they want

the most androgenic steroids of all can cause temporary shedding in these people but no actual hair loss

hope this helps
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: ProudVirgin69 on April 13, 2014, 02:54:01 PM
Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder until it comes time to get their diet in order.

I`ve seen guys who could have gone pro fail miserably because they couldn`t stick to a diet.

As far as Mast goes,I ran a meager 50 mgs. EOD in my last contest cycle..........I believe it contributed vastly to my condition/look.

Yes, anybody can train like a maniac for half a dozen hours a week.  But consistently sticking to a diet in the face of external distractions is what separates a bodybuilder from the wannabes
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: wes on April 13, 2014, 04:37:12 PM
Yes, anybody can train like a maniac for half a dozen hours a week.  But consistently sticking to a diet in the face of external distractions is what separates a bodybuilder from the wannabes
Yup,it`s definiately the hardest part of bodybuilding.
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: phil mcgroin on April 13, 2014, 04:46:21 PM
I can honestly say I haven't lost any hair from steroids in many years.
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: wolfrittner on April 13, 2014, 04:49:26 PM
I hope you kept all your old clothes.
:D :DHe will buy the newest  styles at big and tall!!
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: snx on April 13, 2014, 04:50:14 PM
I didn't respond like crazy to it. Just being honest.

It was a very forgettable compound for me.

Maybe I didn't use enough.

Was using 1g of test/week at contest time, and did 200mg/week on top of that of Masteron for 4 weeks. Didn't like it, and went back to the old faithful stuff.

Like I said, just one guy's opinion.
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: wolfrittner on April 13, 2014, 04:50:43 PM
Size not a problem, I know I can get up to 220+ no problem staying in condition is big problem and I don't want to be bald and fat.

and ugly! Forgot that one!
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: wes on April 13, 2014, 04:54:16 PM
Hair is over - rated
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: Oly15 on April 13, 2014, 05:25:24 PM
if you an get legit anavar

its a lot better than people give it credit for

ask no one

whats a good starting dosage not crazy about immediate gains just long and slow steady gains? Anyone?
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: James28 on April 13, 2014, 05:44:08 PM
( (

Well I've taken Mast quite heavily in the past and above is what I'm left with. Go for it
Title: Re: Who here currently takes or has taken Masteron?
Post by: mazrim on April 13, 2014, 06:39:45 PM
I never lose hair on it and have used up to 1400mg a week for a short times and 700 for extended times.