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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: MAXX on June 06, 2014, 03:16:11 AM

Title: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: MAXX on June 06, 2014, 03:16:11 AM
Peter McGough tells a story about Mike Mentzer leading up to his final days

Mike Mentzer
The Untold Story of the Journey to his Final Days

Prologue: Mike Mentzer died 13 years ago this month on June 10, 2001, aged 49. In a career that spanned over three decades, he was one of bodybuilding’s most prominent, inspirational and controversial figures. His theories and writings continue to be a source for debate, and his books and articles remain popular (see Mike Mentzer was a complex and gifted man who left an indelible mark on the bodybuilding landscape. His career and 5th place at the 1980 Mr. Olympia, which prompted his retirement, is well documented. In this timely tribute to Mike we review his final days and next week offer an appraisal of his place in the bodybuilding firmament.


In his prime, Mike packed 225 quality pounds on his 5’8” frame.

It was early May of 2001, when out of the blue I received a phone call in FLEX’s LA office from Mike Mentzer. We hadn’t spoken for over five years. Before he left FLEX in early 1996 we had what seemed a productive and rewarding friendship. Soon after in another magazine he took occasional pot shots at me. In one article he said I had a “fanny fetish”. Of all the subject matter we ever discussed fannies were never even bottom of the list butt I put it behind me. Anyway in that May 2001 conversation Mike acted like the previous five years had never happened and that we were continuing as if we had spoken a week earlier. He also made similar calls to Joe Weider and photographer Chris Lund, with whom he had worked on books and other projects. They also had the same time-lapse conversation with him, and he even came up to the office and had lunch with the Master Blaster

 In enthusiastic tones Mike told me he looked forward to celebrating his 50th birthday in November. He was destined not to make it. Currently he was throwing himself full tilt into producing a DVD and a new book.

 And yet …..

 And yet, as I listened to Mike’s effusive language, the phrase “productive genius” kept on surfacing in my mind.


 To gain further insight into Mike’s 2001 death, it is necessary to turn the clock back 21 years.

 Entering his first Olympia in his rookie year of 1979 the heavily fancied Mike lost out to a Frank Zane whom he outweighed by some 30 pounds. Digesting that loss, Mike planned to leave no stone unturned in his onslaught for the 1980 Olympia crown. "If they want more definition, I'll give 'em more definition," he vowed. Mentally, he went into a different gear and battened down the hatches earlier and more securely than for any other competition. He started dieting in February for the October contest. Previously, he had started dieting 12 weeks out. "I was consumed 24 hours a day by the thought: What can I do today in terms of training, diet, aerobics and motivation to improve myself? Everything I did was marshaled into the spirit of improvement."

 As 1980 unfolded, however, Mike had no inkling that his competitive career was hurtling toward its conclusion. In 1979, he had started taking amphetamines: "Not for the purpose of getting high - that was the furthest thing from my mind. I was taking them as ergogenic aids, to facilitate my hectic lifestyle. It made me feel like a productive genius."

The legendary bust-up between Mike and Arnold at the 1980 Mr. Olympia contest.

A typical excerpt from Mike's diary during that period reads as follows.

 4 AM: woke up and read philosophy for two hours

 7 AM: worked out

 9 AM: wrote article

 2 PM: rode bike for 14 miles

 4 PM: napped

 6 PM: ran for four miles

 8 PM: practiced posing

 9 PM: studied philosophy and dealt with mail-order administration

 11 PM: retired to bed

 "I was in love with being conscious - amphetamines have that effect on a lot of people. I'd read the literature on amphetamines and had never heard of any long-term physical damage, but I did know that it could possibly result in acute episodes of psychosis. I saw no problem for me because I was convinced I was focused enough and that my use was channeled in a positive direction.” [Mike had taken a three year course, commencing in 1974, at the University of Mayland, with the eventual goal of being a psychiatrist , but he dropped out in 1977 disillusioned with the subject.)

 "I didn't think there was anything wrong in taking stimulants to make me work as hard as I was. A lot of people drink coffee and smoke cigarettes to stay stimulated and be productive. I was a productive genius, but I had lost sight of the fact that the body and the mind have limitations."

 The warning signs were there. Twice during his prep Mike awoke to find himself, "at death's door." He was so fatigued that he couldn't even raise his arms, and had to stay in bed for the remainder of the day. But the next morning, he was back to "being a productive genius."

 Two days before the 1980 Mr. Olympia being staged in Sydney, Australia, Mike had that same "death's door feeling," which again confined him to bed for a whole day. By the morning of the contest he had recovered. He was 225 pounds, “And more cut than I'd ever been. "I looked my best, but I didn't feel at my best. It just didn't feel like a normal contest; no one was being their usual self. There was a strain and tension in the air all the way through."

Ray Mentzer (left) and Mike compare shots.

Even though he felt he was at his best and had no knowledge of the controversy to come, Mike told me in 1993 that he had made up his mind that the 1980 Mr. Olympia would be his last contest: “Trying to be the best built man in the world demands total seriousness, but in essence the seriousness and the ambition involved is a little silly.”


To find out what went down at the 1980 Mr. Olympia including the near fist fight between Mentzer and Schwarzenegger click on


 In the wake of his fifth place finish at 1980 Mr. Olympia contest, Mike Mentzer's career began to fragment. In his seminars, he was openly contemptuous of the Sydney affair; a posture that he believes led to his being unofficially blacklisted by the IFBB, making promoters reluctant to book him. He left Weider publications, and by 1982, his annual income "Had gone from $200,000 a year to zero."

 In 1983, ace inventor and entrepreneur Arthur Jones recruited Mike and brother Ray (1979 Mr. America) to work with him on research projects he was undertaking at his Nautilus headquarters in Deland, Florida. However, things didn't progress the way Mike had hoped, and after six months, he and Jones severed their business relationship. Joe Weider rehired Mike in the fall of that year, but after six months, Mentzer left to assume the editorship of Workout, a newly launched magazine.

 "Editing Workout was one of the most enjoyable things I've ever done," Mike claims. "It lasted 18 months, and every day of that period I had the same commitment and ambition I'd had in preparing for the 1980 Mr. Olympia. I wanted the magazine to be the absolute best I could make it, and I worked harder than I'd worked in my entire life. Sometimes I'd stay awake for two or three days at a time to meet dead lines. I was using a lot of amphetamines to make me productive.

 "The magazine was doing fairly well, when, just as it started to turn a profit, the financial people - for whatever reason - pulled the plug on the whole thing and we ceased operation. It was a crushing blow. I'd put 110% into the enterprise and it hadn't worked out."

 The folding of Workout in 1985 was just the first prong of a triple emotional whammy that was delivered to Mike. That same year his father - whom he idolized - died. Mentzer was also dealing with the fallout caused by the ending of his near decade relationship with Cathy Gelfo.

Ray (left) and Mike workout in Heavy Duty style.

"I was still using amphetamines, and that use, in association with the series of traumas, did something to my mind that I'm fairly clear about today, although these things are very complex. The combination of being emotionally distraught, which can cause an individual to lose conceptual control, exacerbated by my use of amphetamines did something to my emotional core that led me to perform irrational acts that I thought were rational. I wasn’t in control of my mind although I thought he was.”

 For five years Mike did crazy things and was regularly hospitalized. As Mike wrestled with his demons, the bodybuilding community, to its discredit, took a detached stance toward his circumstances. There were two notable, and noble, exceptions: ex-girlfriend Julie McNew and John Little, senior writer for FLEX.

 "Julie, even though our relationship had ended, was very supportive, emotionally and financially, over that whole five-year period," Mike states. "Only now can I appreciate her friendship.

 "John Little was one of the few who didn't approach me on the ignorant assumption that I was a 'loony' or a 'crazy.' John understands quite a bit about the power of ideas and the way they work in the mind. He would talk with me at length, and I remember those conversations with fondness, which causes me to think fondly of John Little. He never wrote me off.”

 In January 1990 a hospitalized Mike experienced a Eureka moment."I'd exhausted all avenues of thought on my predicament, and realized I was wrong. It was me that was out of control, not everybody and everything else. I knew I had to wake up to that fact or my life would be over. As soon as that realization hit, I was appalled at how much time I had wasted. It was time to move on. It was time to 'Go back to what you know, Mike Mentzer!'"

 Mike Mentzer went back to what he knew with a vengeance. Almost miraculously, within a few days, he was establishing his personal-training business at Gold's Gym, Venice. His progress over the next few years was onward and upward.

 And yet …..

Ray (center) and Mike put outstanding amateur Markus Reinhardt through a workout for the planned DVD. This was maybe taken on June 9, 2001, the day before Mike passed.

And yet, there were still occasions when the demons visited. One day in late 1994 John Little rushed to my desk and told me he had just received a call from Mike, saying he was in Las Vegas and about to fly to the moon to meet with Bill Clinton and discuss the world’s problems. And Mike wasn’t joking. To his credit John visited Mike and the psychotic episode was soon over.

 TOWARD JUNE 10, 2001

 As I listened during that fateful May 2001 phone call I couldn’t help but think the effusive fast-talking Mike was in the middle of a “productive genius” phase.

 And indeed there were warning signs about his health. In spring of that year a blood clot broke loose from his leg and went to his lung. While hospitalized it was discovered that he had experienced two silent heart attacks, wherein the victim is unaware there’s a problem. Despite this Mike kept up a relentless pace in productive genius style and smoked heavily.

 Since 1999 Mike’s younger brother, by 21 months, Ray had been receiving kidney dialysis and was awaiting a transplant. Mike offered to be a donor to his sibling who had won the 1979 Mr. America, before it was discovered that he had serious heart problems, which precluded him from being a candidate. Nevertheless, Mike moved in with Ray so that he could look after his brother better.

 On Saturday June 9, 2001 after a long day he wrapped filming of the DVD he so wanted to finish. Later that night at the brothers’ apartment, despite Ray telling him he should turn in, Mike continued to work on the DVD’s script. Ray went to bed. The next morning he discovered Mike dead in bed, apparently of a heart attack. The younger Mentzer was devastated as he went about making funeral arrangements. On the morning of Tuesday, June 12, Joanne Sharkey (General Manager of Mike’s business but who was in essence like an older protective sister to the brothers) received a call from Ray’s dialysis unit that he hadn’t turned up for his appointment. Almost unbelievably on going to the apartment Joanne found Ray had passed away. It’s hard not to surmise that in his frail state of health (in the previous few months he had been rushed to the local emergency room several times) the death of his beloved brother was just too much to bear. The two brothers dying within 48 hours of each other shocked the bodybuilding world. Mike was 49 and Ray was 47. It seemed the curtain had come crashing down in tragic Shakespearian style on Mike Mentzer’s last act and his name would fade into just a footnote on 20th century bodybuilding ….. or would it?

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: Skorp1o on June 06, 2014, 03:18:58 AM
That last paragraph almost brought a tear to my face  :'(
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: wolfrittner on June 06, 2014, 03:35:21 AM
That last paragraph almost brought a tear to my face  :'(
If you would put this in a script and pitch it to the studios the would say: No one is going to believe this story, sorry!
Its not a Hollywood ending
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: PJim on June 06, 2014, 04:56:46 AM
RIP Mike & Ray
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: drmarkp on June 06, 2014, 05:13:32 AM
If you would put this in a script and pitch it to the studios the would say: No one is going to believe this story, sorry!
Its not a Hollywood ending

.. But if you think about it; with the Arnold twist in it, it could have the makings of something interesting ..
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: Archer77 on June 06, 2014, 05:57:26 AM
Interesting guy for sure.  I dont know if he would have won in 1980 but he was better than arnold that year.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: falco on June 06, 2014, 08:28:04 AM
If anyone saw the mike heavy duty training movie, it was obvious that his health was the one of a 90yo person. He could barely walk or speak, i couldn't believe he was 48 or so at the time.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: Donny on June 06, 2014, 08:30:24 AM
If anyone saw the mike heavy duty training movie, it was obvious that his health was the one of a 90yo person. He could barely walk or speak, i couldn't believe he was 48 or so at the time.
Yes terrible. Mike and Ray really looked and acted senile. Very sad.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: The Scott on June 06, 2014, 08:39:41 AM
Yes terrible. Mike and Ray really looked and acted senile. Very sad.

Yes, those "behind the scenes" shots showed Mike smoking like a chimney and Ray mumbling about drawing lines on his shirt to show how the muscles work in an as yet to be filmed exercise video.

Sad but they're not alone in their weirdness.   Charles Glass is another idiot (aka: former BB Champion) in progress but without half the mind of a messed up Mentzer he's liable to remain in a van down by the river.  I expect the same level of sadness from Freeman, Jay, Coleman and others still out there.

Of course Kai can always fall back on his terrible towel dancing, grapefruit pumping and his extremely high IQ to fund his drugstyle for many years to come, so we don't have to worry about little miss curly top, do we? 

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: tommywishbone on June 06, 2014, 09:08:29 AM
One day in late 1994 John Little rushed to my desk and told me he had just received a call from Mike, saying he was in Las Vegas and about to fly to the moon to meet with Bill Clinton and discuss the world’s problems.

Mike and I were friends and I could absolutely hear Mike saying this.

PIP Mike
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: MORTALCOIL on June 06, 2014, 09:20:07 AM

No matter what people say and how crazy he was, one of the best and most complete physiques ever.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: jwb on June 06, 2014, 10:21:28 AM

No matter what people say and how crazy he was, one of the best and most complete physiques ever.
1976 mr America... He went downhill from there.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: phil mcgroin on June 06, 2014, 04:13:53 PM
That photo is still amazing to see.Perfection.not too pretty,not over blown.has a chest(wich is lacking today)forearms in proportion,thighs not blown out with balanced calfs,round shoulders without looking fake ,has traps without synthol all this with thick dense grainy muscle.Perfection.I challenge anyone to find anyone as perfect.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: Bodybuilder Lex Reeves on June 06, 2014, 06:16:24 PM
I nearly got into a brawl with Mentzer and his half wit brother over a parking space. Had it escalated any further, they, the two of them, would have learned what it is to be on the receiving end of Karate.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: The Scott on June 06, 2014, 06:45:21 PM
I nearly got into a brawl with Mentzer and his half wit brother over a parking space. Had it escalated any further, they, the two of them, would have learned what it is to be on the receiving end of Karate.
Lex, if you're going to be funny, then be funny.  This was not funny.   ;D
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: Gonuclear on June 06, 2014, 09:57:22 PM
I nearly got into a brawl with Mentzer and his half wit brother over a parking space. Had it escalated any further, they, the two of them, would have learned what it is to be on the receiving end of Karate.

Oh wow, I'm impressed.  With what an asshole you are.  A bullshit story from a pencil neck.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: BIG AL MCKECHNIE on June 07, 2014, 12:49:38 PM
I nearly got into a brawl with Mentzer and his half wit brother over a parking space. Had it escalated any further, they, the two of them, would have learned what it is to be on the receiving end of Karate.

I'm guessing this was when the brothers were nearing the end of their life. You would not have threatened them with your Karate when they were in their 30's, when they were big, strong, swift and deadly without getting a severe beating.
You, sir, are therefore nothing more then a bully of the weak and should be ashamed.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: a_pupil on June 07, 2014, 12:58:36 PM
I nearly got into a brawl with Mentzer and his half wit brother over a parking space. Had it escalated any further, they, the two of them, would have learned what it is to be on the receiving end of Karate a blowjob from a man.

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: Gonuclear on June 07, 2014, 02:36:40 PM

 ;D ;D
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: Ronnie Rep on June 07, 2014, 02:40:40 PM
Met Mike back in 1979 after he won the heavyweight Mr. Universe. He was the first pro I ever saw up close. Really nice personable guy who joked around and made comments about my buddy who had a pair of 20 inch arms. Just sad till this day about Ray and his death.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: Bevo on June 07, 2014, 03:50:10 PM
That photo is still amazing to see.Perfection.not too pretty,not over blown.has a chest(wich is lacking today)forearms in proportion,thighs not blown out with balanced calfs,round shoulders without looking fake ,has traps without synthol all this with thick dense grainy muscle.Perfection.I challenge anyone to find anyone as perfect.

Serge nubret??
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: Bodybuilder Lex Reeves on June 07, 2014, 04:02:59 PM
I'm guessing this was when the brothers were nearing the end of their life. You would not have threatened them with your Karate when they were in their 30's, when they were big, strong, swift and deadly without getting a severe beating.
You, sir, are therefore nothing more then a bully of the weak and should be ashamed.

It was late 1975. I don't know where you're getting "swift and deadly" from. They struck me as two cumbersome oafs. Seemed inbred and silly. Mike was all mouth until I went into a fighting stance. The brother was slow as molasses.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: BIG AL MCKECHNIE on June 07, 2014, 04:33:26 PM
It was late 1975. I don't know where you're getting "swift and deadly" from. They struck me as two cumbersome oafs. Seemed inbred and silly. Mike was all mouth until I went into a fighting stance. The brother was slow as molasses.

Well if they were cumbersome inbred oafs you were basically bullying them by using your Karate stance to frighten them. Would you have done the same if it was Franco?  His boxing skills would have ended your Karate delusions in double quick time.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: Ronnie Rep on June 07, 2014, 04:38:30 PM
1976 mr America... He went downhill from there.
He won the 79 Florida Pro Cup his 1st pro show with perfect scores. He beat Robby Robinson who I thought should have won. Anyhow that was his best shape and condition ever.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: Master Blaster on June 07, 2014, 11:11:33 PM
Look, his physique is impressive to people that lift weights, but it just doesn't "pop."

For the general public, he's large headed and squat in stature. That grainy, dense musculature only looks impressive on a Dorian sized frame.

If he had pumped and primped and concentrated on not being high 24/7 he might have had a chance. 
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: Donny on June 08, 2014, 01:03:22 AM
always liked this photo
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: The Grim Lifter on June 08, 2014, 01:22:40 AM
always liked this photo


All i see are a bunch of men wider than Heath
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: BIG AL MCKECHNIE on June 08, 2014, 07:23:27 AM
All i see are a bunch of men wider than Heath

It's cool that Vince Basille is in that famous photo. Looking on in case Mike needs a hand beating up Arnold.

It would have been funny if Boyer and Mentzer and Vince had all just kicked fuck out of Arnold. Wonder what the film crew would have made of that if Arnold had ended up in a coma.  Would the competition have gone on?   :D
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: BIG AL MCKECHNIE on June 08, 2014, 07:29:59 AM
I can hear old Oscar State's voice now if Mentzer had broken Arnold's jaw.

Ladies and gentlemen,  Arnold will not be competing tonight as he has been in hospital sucking his dinner thru a straw for the past 12 hours.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: Vince B on June 08, 2014, 07:36:27 AM
It's cool that Vince Basille is in that famous photo. Looking on in case Mike needs a hand beating up Arnold.

It would have been funny if Boyer and Mentzer and Vince had all just kicked fuck out of Arnold. Wonder what the film crew would have made of that if Arnold had ended up in a coma.  Would the competition have gone on?   :D

The bloke behind Mike's head is actually Peter McCarthy who is a well known Aussie BB champion. He was supposed to be the judge for Australia but missed the meeting so was replaced by young Brendan Ryan who was mates with Arnold. That is the only anomaly that I witnessed re the judges. I was standing with Peter and Frank Burwash before the pre-judging and someone told Peter the meeting had started. Peter raced off. He was there as you can see in the photo. He knew how to judge a contest and in fact didn't place Arnold first whereas Brendan did. I have the original judges sheets.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: Nordic Beast on June 08, 2014, 07:40:30 AM
imagine Arnold's perspective----having to argue with someone in the throws of a amphetamine psychosis while trying to get focused to compete
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: PJim on June 08, 2014, 07:41:51 AM
imagine Arnold's perspective----having to argue with someone in the throws of a amphetamine psychosis while trying to get focused to compete

Arnold did tons of rec drugs I can assure you of that...
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: Nordic Beast on June 08, 2014, 09:15:21 AM
Arnold did tons of rec drugs I can assure you of that...
Why cause he smoked a joint in pumpin iron...weed is not a drug

Far different than abusing speed till you have multiple heart attacks and eventually die----no comparison
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: The Ugly on June 08, 2014, 12:46:25 PM
It was late 1975. I don't know where you're getting "swift and deadly" from. They struck me as two cumbersome oafs. Seemed inbred and silly. Mike was all mouth until I went into a fighting stance. The brother was slow as molasses.

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: Natural Man on June 08, 2014, 01:17:55 PM
Yes, those "behind the scenes" shots showed Mike smoking like a chimney and Ray mumbling about drawing lines on his shirt to show how the muscles work in an as yet to be filmed exercise video.

Sad but they're not alone in their weirdness.   Charles Glass is another idiot (aka: former BB Champion) in progress but without half the mind of a messed up Mentzer he's liable to remain in a van down by the river.  I expect the same level of sadness from Freeman, Jay, Coleman and others still out there.

Of course Kai can always fall back on his terrible towel dancing, grapefruit pumping and his extremely high IQ to fund his drugstyle for many years to come, so we don't have to worry about little miss curly top, do we? 

haha best post of the day.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: Darren Avey on June 08, 2014, 01:23:22 PM
I nearly got into a brawl with Mentzer and his half wit brother over a parking space. Had it escalated any further, they, the two of them, would have learned what it is to be on the receiving end of Karate.

They d have smashed your head into the concrete like it was a basketball! Karate  ::)
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: Gonuclear on June 08, 2014, 07:08:13 PM
It was late 1975. I don't know where you're getting "swift and deadly" from. They struck me as two cumbersome oafs. Seemed inbred and silly. Mike was all mouth until I went into a fighting stance. The brother was slow as molasses.

All mouth, huh?  Fighting "stance"?   Was it a "wide stance", like Larry Craig?

Did you come?
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: tommywishbone on January 27, 2015, 12:31:25 PM
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: The Scott on January 27, 2015, 01:21:07 PM
Mike Mentzer is one of the best of all time.  He was a very smart man and there is an interview online where he was asked if he worried about the effects of steroids on his body.  Mike replied that he was more worried about their possible effect on his mind.

Prophetic?  Perhaps.

RIP Mike and Ray Mentzer.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: Noel Fuller on January 27, 2015, 01:26:58 PM
How can a guy that smart not know meth was bad for you, I smell bullshit.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: The Scott on January 27, 2015, 01:28:54 PM
How can a guy that smart not know meth was bad for you, I smell bullshit.
Could be that aroma you've detected  is from what you're selling your clientele?   ;D

Fartein, is it? 
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: BroadStreetBruiser on January 27, 2015, 01:58:05 PM
He was my favorite part of Pumping Iron.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: Straw Man on January 27, 2015, 02:10:33 PM
quote from Jerry Brainum from another board.  I'm not sure of the original source but I recall reading something similar from Brainum years ago with the same conclusion

Jerry Brainum:

"I viewed the offical autopsy report of both Mike and Ray Mentzer, who were long time friends of mine. Mike's offical cause of death was athersclorotic heart disease, and the same for Ray. Yet the toxilogical report listed lethal doses of pain-killing drugs and antidepressants in both men. I asked the coroner who did the autopsy about this apparant discrepancy, and he said that it was difficult to determine which came first, the heart attacks or the overdose. He also said the drugs may have triggered the heart attacks."
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: MAXX on January 27, 2015, 02:13:44 PM
He was my favorite part of Pumping Iron.
heh giving Arnold the stinky eye

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: The Scott on January 27, 2015, 02:19:29 PM
From the interview I mentioned here are the closing thoughts of Mike.

HAUSE:  What do you fear the most?


MENTZER:  That anabolic steroids may have somehow altered my personality.  Many people fear that taking steroids will adversely affect them physically.  I’m more concerned about the way they might have affected me psychologically or my personality.  Scares me to death!


HAUSE:  If you could start life over again, what would you change?


MENTZER:  At this point, I’m not sure that I would change anything.  I haven’t lived long enough to regret anything.  It is my most fervent wish, however, that I will be able to say the same thing at the conclusion of my life!

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: BroadStreetBruiser on January 27, 2015, 02:34:44 PM
heh giving Arnold the stinky eye

Says a lot about a actor like Mike who can just blue steel a guy and make a movie memorable 30years later.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: thegamechanger on January 27, 2015, 03:15:16 PM
what saddens me the most is all women that never got the chance to explore his body
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 27, 2015, 06:38:24 PM
Mike was my biggest influence when I was a teenager and early 20's. I think I have the most complete set of magazines articles written by him or about him. I copied his routines with good success in my early twenties. I trained with high intensity for decades.

He was a flawed individual as we all are but his mark on bodybuilding is huge. He was a drug user. Using meth made him mentally ill and unstable. A lot was made out of him trying to become a doctor but I believe he dropped out of pre med after three years.

Some that have been in the gym with him have said he used a lot more sets than what he wrote about. Then again the same can be said about Yates but Yates is clearly warming up with non taxing weight and reps to do that one set to failure. Could it be that Mentzer was doing the same? I don't know.

I was a follower of Arthur Jones, Mentzer and the other high intensity trainers. It took me decades to realize that volume is a valid way to train. I wish I learned that earlier.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: ritch on January 27, 2015, 06:49:10 PM
Was fascinated by the theory of doing less sets and making better gains and put it to work early on. Just works best for me in the end. Was an honor to have done phone consultations with Mike back in the day even though the method he gave me back then was my least productive one, lol!
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: Competitor 9 on January 27, 2015, 06:55:10 PM
Is it safe to say that the amphetamines ate his brain and turned mike into a schizophrenic maybe as far back as the 70's?
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: Mr Anabolic on January 27, 2015, 07:10:43 PM
Is it safe to say that the amphetamines ate his brain and turned mike into a schizophrenic maybe as far back as the 70's?

Yes, and it also killed his heart.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: Thong Maniac on January 27, 2015, 07:41:01 PM
So mentzers heart issues was gear related im guessing correct?
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: The Ugly on January 27, 2015, 08:30:27 PM
Ray dropping dead so soon after is strange as hell.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: The Scott on January 27, 2015, 08:31:59 PM
Ray dropping dead so soon after is strange as hell.

And sad. 
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: The Ugly on January 27, 2015, 08:35:09 PM
And sad. 

Of course, but how does that happen? Any idea what killed the two?
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: Straw Man on January 27, 2015, 08:39:32 PM
Ray dropping dead so soon after is strange as hell.

not that strange if he intentionally OD'd on painkillers
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: The Scott on January 27, 2015, 08:41:36 PM
Of course, but how does that happen? Any idea what killed the two?

Whatever it was I seriously doubt that it was congenital in nature.  Of course it really could have been just that but the heavy drug use just accelerated what might happen into what did happen.

Arnold lost to Zane and Sergio and instead of whining about it and quitting, he became pissed and more determined than ever to be the best.  Mike?  Polar opposite.  

They were both dinky when they passed on and while its true that one cannot stay massive forever, they were not even fit in the same sense as the late Jack Lalanne  who was well  into his ninties when he assumed room temperature.

I think Mike was right in that AAS mess with not just your body but also your mind.  This does not diminish his contributions to bodybuilding in any way but does point out the frailties of the human condition even when the body is bolstered by AAS.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: The Ugly on January 27, 2015, 08:44:09 PM
not that strange if he intentionally OD'd on painkillers

I didn't know.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer- Journey to his final days
Post by: Hurricane Beef ! on January 27, 2015, 09:14:58 PM
1976 mr America... He went downhill from there.

This was the Mr North America contest