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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Soul Crusher on June 10, 2014, 07:45:48 AM

Title: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 10, 2014, 07:45:48 AM

 :'(  :'(
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 10, 2014, 09:45:37 AM
But still didn't wind up living in the ghetto like you.  Poor baby.

Don't worry, her next salary starting in 2016 will be $400,000.00
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 10, 2014, 09:49:41 AM
But still didn't wind up living in the ghetto like you.  Poor baby.

Don't worry, her next salary starting in 2016 will be $400,000.00

LOL - I moved from the Bronx over a year ago idiot.   And of course you worship her like ofag - cult of liberalism just moves from one messiah to another. 
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on June 10, 2014, 09:56:27 AM
Lmao what complete bs....yea im sure they were 'broke' ::)
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 10, 2014, 09:57:19 AM
From one ghetto to another... not much of a step up.  The fact that you even lived in the ghetto to start with says enough about your stupid ass.

Hopefully the bathhouses are nicer in this next ghetto for you.  
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 10, 2014, 09:57:33 AM
Lmao what complete bs....yea im sure they were 'broke' ::)

Maybe that is why she and Clintigula were stealing the China and Silverwear on the way out.  
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 10, 2014, 09:58:29 AM
From one ghetto to another... not much of a step up.  The fact that you even lived in the ghetto to start with says enough about your stupid ass.

Hopefully the bathhouses are nicer in this next ghetto for you.  

LMFAO.  You literally have zero clue.  Don't know about bath houses - something you obviously are very familiar with along w Obama
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 10, 2014, 10:11:10 AM

LMFAO.  You literally have zero clue.  Don't know about bath houses - something you obviously are very familiar with along w Obama

You seem to know quite a bit.  As evidence with your nonstop posting about them and Obama.  No one spews as much gay talk as you do without it having a special meaning for them.  Projections are a bitch.  So are you.  
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 10, 2014, 10:50:40 AM
Mika Rips 'Dead Broke' Hillary Defenders: 'You're Afraid'

By Mark Finkelstein | June 10, 2014 | 08:54
 17  113 Reddit0  2
 A  A 
Sure, Mika Brzezinski is a big Fauxchohantas fan who'd love to see Senator 1/32nd take on Hillary Clinton.  But regardless of her motivation, credit Mika for courageously critiquing Hillary.

 In a segment on today's Morning Joe about Hillary's "dead broke" blunder, Brzezinski scolded Hillary defenders Jeremy Peters [NYT], the egregious Thomas Roberts, Eugene Robinson and Joe Scarborough.  Mika accused them of being "afraid" of the Clintons, of tiptoeing around them, and of holding their fire in hopes of being granted an interview with Hillary. View the startling video after the jump.

Mark Halperin was the only panelist to back Brzezinski.  The rest were a slush of sycophantic suck-ups.  Kudos to Mika for speaking truth to the Clinton power.

Note: I normally find the NYT's Jeremy Peters surprisingly even-handed, which made his comments today that much more galling.  He sought to distinguish Hillary's "dead broke" from Romney's offering a big bet.  Why? Because "I don't think you'll hear those same types of arguments used against the Clintons." Talk about your self-fulfilling prophecy! The MSM accepts at face value the notion that when Dems claim to be for the middle-class or poor, they truly are. In fact, their policies have been a disaster for the very people they claim to want to help--witness the incredibly weak recovery, the record number of people out of work, the record number of people on food stamps, etc.

 . . .


JEREMY PETERS: Are these comments a little tone deaf? Perhaps. But it's very hard to connect them politically to her policies. Obviously as you were alluding to, the Clintons are known for their economic populism. This is very different from, say, Mitt Romney asking to -- making a $10,000 bet during a debate, right? Because his business interests became a much bigger issue in the campaign because you could link them to policies that Democrats said hurt working class people. I don't think you'll hear those same types of arguments used against the Clintons.

 . . .

 MIKA BRZEZINSKI: It's not just a little tone deaf. I don't think it gets a pass. Everybody stop. Everybody stop giving passes hoping you're going get some sort of interview. Stop. All of you. It is not good. Okay? Seriously. These are
 -- these people when you were watching them leave the White House, it was being reported over the video of the inauguration how much they would make during speeches. And for her to do a book and to have a section on this saying we were did dead broke, it was hard. Let me just tell you, that shows just how contrived the book is. Because that is a huge mistake. And you would think everything else is planned out so perfectly, it does enough to say nothing, but say something --

 THOMAS ROBERTS: Isn't that a way to explain away the money they have been able to make because people want to chastise them for living the American dream, and going out there --


 MARK HALPERIN: If a Republican who was getting money from Goldman Sachs and with corporate ties was the Republican front-runner --

 BRZEZINSKI: -- We would eviscerate that Republican --

 HALPERIN: They would be eviscerated. To me what this is about, if she decides to run, she becomes President of the United States unless she stops herself. And the level of tone deafness of I think not just these comments, but some of the other things in the book, to me, it's a huge --

BRZEZINSKI: If I were a middle-class American having trouble paying my mortgage and wondering how my kid is going handle the student debt --

ROBERTS: She's not your candidate.

 BRZEZINSKI: I would not be excited about this candidate.

 ROBERTS: So the guy from Home Springs [sic], Arkansas, Bill Clinton, you wouldn't still find him relatable?

 BRZEZINSKI: You guys get over it. By the way: Bill Clinton--he's not running.

 ROBERTS: They're a couple. They have a relationship.

 PETERS: She's certainly not the first wealthy American to run for president, too. Let's not forget that. It's not like the public doesn't have a history of electing people who are extremely wealthy.

 BRZEZINSKI: Jeremy, we're not judging wealthy Americans, OK, but when Mitt Romney had an elevator inside his second house, we he went on for hours about it.

 EUGENE ROBINSON: A car elevator.

 BRZEZINSKI: A car elevator, you're right. And for Hillary Clinton to talk about being dead broke upon leaving eight years of the White House when it was all but obvious that they would be making hundreds of millions of dollars.

 PETERS: But they were dead broke; they were $12 million in debt.

 BRZEZINSKI: And it was hard. Should we move on?

 JOE SCARBOROUGH: This dead horse has officially been beaten.

 BRZEZINSKI: Why am I the only one who knows the truth here? You all are afraid.

 SCARBOROUGH: I mean, Mika, you can put the stick away. You've been hitting this horse now for what, for 19 minutes?

 BRZEZINSKI:  Joe, if we're going to talk about Hillary Clinton, let's have an honest conversation.

 SCARBOROUGH: I think we just did.

 BRZEZINSKI: I think we, Halperin and I, just did. Everyone tiptoes around them.

Read more:
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 10, 2014, 10:55:41 AM
You seem to know quite a bit.  As evidence with your nonstop posting about them and Obama.  No one spews as much gay talk as you do without it having a special meaning for them.  Projections are a bitch.  So are you.  

STFU lemming.  At a certain point the worshipping of these criminals needs to stop - even for you
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 10, 2014, 10:59:11 AM
STFU queer.  At a certain point this closet dwelling with your Obama obsession and BBC fantasies needs to stop - even for you.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 10, 2014, 11:01:43 AM
STFU queer.  At a certain point this closet dwelling with your Obama obsession and BBC fantasies needs to stop - even for you.

You don't even lift  - stfu
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: dario73 on June 10, 2014, 11:03:55 AM

She was broke?

Ooooh, look at her. She is trying to relate with the working people.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 10, 2014, 11:04:15 AM

You don't even lift  - stfu

You don't even know me - stfu
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 10, 2014, 11:11:52 AM
You don't even know me - stfu

You voted for Obama 2x over, now slobber over Hillary, don't even lift and need T-Shots not even 30 y/o, yeah, not too hard to figure you out. 

Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 10, 2014, 11:15:34 AM
You supported Palin, Trump, Perry, Cain, etc.., lust over Obama with your gay fantasies every single day here, can't explain where you get this "need" I am supposed to have from despite being challenged multiple times, mild aged, bald, midget, and lives in the ghetto.

I can see why you are so full of self loathing.  I'm still curious if there is any physical pain associated from hating yourself so much.  Tell us... how much pain does this self loathing bring?
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 10, 2014, 11:19:29 AM
You supported Palin, Trump, Perry, Cain, etc.., lust over Obama with your gay fantasies every single day here, can't explain where you get this "need" I am supposed to have from despite being challenged multiple times, mild aged, bald, midget, and lives in the ghetto.

I can see why you are so full of self loathing.  I'm still curious if there is any physical pain associated from hating yourself so much.  Tell us... how much pain does this self loathing bring?

Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: chadstallion on June 10, 2014, 11:22:11 AM
STFU queer.  At a certain point this closet dwelling with your Obama obsession and BBC fantasies needs to stop - even for you.
heeeeeeeeeeey, easy on the 'queer'
calling 333 a queer is disrespecting a [w]hole class of people!
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 10, 2014, 11:29:28 AM
heeeeeeeeeeey, easy on the 'queer'
calling 333 a queer is disrespecting a [w]hole class of people!

Back to Hillary - she is a fake a commie a liar and lezbo - so she needs to back the f off herself
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 10, 2014, 11:40:50 AM

Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 10, 2014, 11:43:51 AM

We are discussing YOU and you just want to post pics of who Obama is sleeping with.

Jealous much?
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on June 10, 2014, 11:46:40 AM
STFU queer.  At a certain point this closet dwelling with your Obama obsession and BBC fantasies needs to stop - even for you.

Honestly, between the two of you...if obama were to drop his drawers in front of both of you, its pretty much safe to say Souls response would be a swift kick to the testicles, while you are the one far and away more likely to drop to your knees and go to town  :D
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 10, 2014, 11:49:47 AM
Honestly, between the two of you...if obama were to drop his drawers in front of both of you, its pretty much safe to say Souls response would be a swift kick to the testicles, while you are the one far and away more likely to drop to your knees and go to town  :D

No matter how much I tell these people I think Obama is a filthy traitor, a liar, a criminal, a crook, a terrorist, and drug addicted pos, a worthless ghetto skell - they don't seem to understand that I want nothing more than for this scumbag to be jailed, tried, and sent to prison for his crimes against the nation
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 10, 2014, 11:50:14 AM
Honestly, between the two of you...if obama were to drop his drawers in front of both of you, its pretty much safe to say Souls response would be a swift kick to the testicles, while you are the one far and away more likely to drop to your knees and go to town  :D

Doubtful.  Mainly because I am hetero unlike that little closet queer and also because at his midget stature, the only thing in his kicking range would be Obama's shin.

Nice try on your part though.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 10, 2014, 11:52:02 AM
No matter how much I tell these people I think Obama is a filthy traitor, a liar, a criminal, a crook, a terrorist, and drug addicted pos, a worthless ghetto skell - they don't seem to understand that I want nothing more than for this scumbag to be jailed, tried, and sent to prison for his crimes against the nation

Now your little gay fantasies are taking a turn for the prison sex shower scene? 

Forced medication or the death panel.  Which is Obamacare going to choose for you?
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 10, 2014, 11:53:09 AM
Doubtful.  Mainly because I am hetero unlike that little closet queer and also because at his midget stature, the only thing in his kicking range would be Obama's shin.

Nice try on your part though.

The only "hetero" along w straw who also claims to be straight and between the 3 of us - I am the only one who lifts and is in a relationship w a female and talks about liking chicks w butts and boobs.  

You clowns slobber over Obama and Hillary.  
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 10, 2014, 11:58:20 AM
Every single day on here.....  Talks about gay this, gay that, bathhouses, twinks, admits to dressing like a twink on purpose, collects photos of Obama all day long, constantly exhibiting a man crush on Obama, copies another man nick name, whines and cries to the point that it is evident that Mother Nature gave you ovaries instead of testicles.

Yeah, you sound like a right blooming straight man there.   ::)
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 10, 2014, 12:00:00 PM
Every single day on here.....  Talks about gay this, gay that, bathhouses, twinks, admits to dressing like a twink on purpose, collects photos of Obama all day long, constantly exhibiting a man crush on Obama, copies another man nick name, whines and cries to the point that it is evident that Mother Nature gave you ovaries instead of testicles.

Yeah, you sound like a right blooming straight man there.   ::)

Stop projecting your own issues.  Again - out of Straw you and me - I am the only one in a relationship with a female and actually lifts. 

Game over - you lose - now go get your shine box and t shots you little creepy hipster stalking freak
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 10, 2014, 12:05:13 PM

She is already backtracking from her ridiculous bs
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: flipper5470 on June 10, 2014, 12:14:48 PM
Hillary was misquoted ...she actually said they were morally bankrupt when they left the White House.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on June 10, 2014, 12:22:32 PM
Stop projecting your own issues.  Again - out of Straw you and me - I am the only one in a relationship with a female and actually lifts. 

Game over - you lose - now go get your shine box and t shots you little creepy hipster stalking freak

Hahhaha owned
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 10, 2014, 01:13:38 PM

Hahhaha owned

Only an idiot would think that.  No surprise that you do.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 10, 2014, 01:14:42 PM
Stop projecting your own issues.  Again - out of Straw you and me - I am the only one in a relationship with a female and actually lifts. 

Game over - you lose - now go get your shine box and t shots you little creepy hipster stalking freak


Every single day on here.....  Talks about gay this, gay that, bathhouses, twinks, admits to dressing like a twink on purpose, collects photos of Obama all day long, constantly exhibiting a man crush on Obama, copies another man nick name, whines and cries to the point that it is evident that Mother Nature gave you ovaries instead of testicles.

Yeah, you sound like a right blooming straight man there.

Eight years of your life on here projecting your little gay fantasies.  Eight years.  And another eight coming up when Hillary wins. 
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on June 10, 2014, 01:19:17 PM
Only an idiot would think that.  No surprise that you do.

Dude Soul is on here constantly bashing everything obama...why would you think this means he 'wants' him? You are the only one bringing all this gay lust crap into every single thread, not him...and your posting record clearly shows you would willingly provide obama a human buttplug if he so desired ;D
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 10, 2014, 01:28:13 PM
Dude Soul is on here constantly bashing everything obama...why would you think this means he 'wants' him? You are the only one bringing all this gay lust crap into every single thread, not him...and your posting record clearly shows you would willingly provide obama a human buttplug if he so desired ;D

Yeah, because I constantly relate and post about bathouses, gays, twinks and telling everyone on here I dress like a twink at times on purpose.  Oh wait... that would be him.  What kind of straight man constantly pollutes the board nonstop with gay innuendo?  Hell, half the board has called him on this already.  But the little closet fag just churns right on along....  he can't help himself. 

Of course he is bashing Obama, that is what vengeful little twinks do when the object of their desire doesn't even know they exist. 

Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 10, 2014, 01:47:28 PM
Yeah, because I constantly relate and post about bathouses, gays, twinks and telling everyone on here I dress like a twink at times on purpose.  Oh wait... that would be him.  What kind of straight man constantly pollutes the board nonstop with gay innuendo?  Hell, half the board has called him on this already.  But the little closet fag just churns right on along....  he can't help himself. 

Of course he is bashing Obama, that is what vengeful little twinks do when the object of their desire doesn't even know they exist. 

You know a lot more than obviously most   ;)
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 10, 2014, 02:45:15 PM
You know a lot more than obviously most   ;)

Because I, like the rest of us, are forced to read your daily gay musings that you can't keep to yourself on here.

Might as well admit it.  Everybody here already knows you are a little closet nelly.  No shame in denying it. 
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 10, 2014, 02:56:00 PM
Because I, like the rest of us, are forced to read your daily gay musings that you can't keep to yourself on here.

Might as well admit it.  Everybody here already knows you are a little closet nelly.  No shame in denying it. 

you have a lot of issues.   Seek help.   Serious - liberalism is a mental disorder that can be cured. 
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 10, 2014, 06:15:27 PM
you have a lot of issues.   Seek help.   Serious - liberalism is a mental disorder that can be cured. 

Too bad homosexuality isn't.  I really don't think there is a cure for you obsessing over Obama 24/7
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: flipper5470 on June 10, 2014, 09:57:52 PM
Yet another stupid comment that Hillary has to back track from...she is really bad at this whole politics thing...
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: chadstallion on June 11, 2014, 10:21:43 AM
Stop projecting your own issues.  Again - out of Straw you and me - I am the only one in a relationship with a female and actually lifts. 

Game over - you lose - now go get your shine box and t shots you little creepy hipster stalking freak

calling the inflatable doll a 'relationship' is stretching things.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: OzmO on June 11, 2014, 10:24:00 AM
Yet another stupid comment that Hillary has to back track from...she is really bad at this whole politics thing...

Yeah Terrible lol.   ::)
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on June 11, 2014, 10:24:50 AM
Yeah, because I constantly relate and post about bathouses, gays, twinks and telling everyone on here I dress like a twink at times on purpose.  Oh wait... that would be him.  What kind of straight man constantly pollutes the board nonstop with gay innuendo?  Hell, half the board has called him on this already.  But the little closet fag just churns right on along....  he can't help himself. 

Of course he is bashing Obama, that is what vengeful little twinks do when the object of their desire doesn't even know they exist. 

Get help bro.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 11, 2014, 10:29:08 AM
Yeah Terrible lol.   ::)

what has she ever won?  a senate seat in a far leftist state?  Big Deal.  She is a thug and a liar
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 11, 2014, 10:34:35 AM

Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: OzmO on June 11, 2014, 10:37:27 AM
what has she ever won?  a senate seat in a far leftist state?  Big Deal.  She is a thug and a liar

If it wasn't that big of a deal then you could go win a Senate seat.  ::)

Better yet, just hang out in your birther landslide world thinking Hillary, OB and the rest are incompetent and stupid while they continue to bend you over repeatedly.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 11, 2014, 10:40:20 AM
If it wasn't that big of a deal then you could go win a Senate seat.  ::)

Better yet, just hang out in your birther landslide world thinking Hillary, OB and the rest are incompetent and stupid while they continue to bend you over repeatedly.

LOL - I could never get elected in a communist state like where I live since I refuse to cater to the gays, lezbos, abortion radicals, 95ers etc. 
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 11, 2014, 10:42:12 AM
Get help bro.

Get comprehensive reading skills.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 11, 2014, 10:44:10 AM
Get comprehensive reading skills.

Go stalk someone else.  Shizzo or Halo or Junior are more your type 
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 11, 2014, 10:45:42 AM
Go stalk someone else.  Shizzo or Halo or Junior are more your type 

Can't handle someone pointing out your projections and jungle fever? 

Self loathing tends to make people insecure like that.  Of course, being a midget does too.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 11, 2014, 10:50:15 AM
Can't handle someone pointing out your projections and jungle fever? 

Self loathing tends to make people insecure like that.  Of course, being a midget does too.

LOL.  At least I lift bro - no roids - no t shots nothing - take 2 seconds ago - now your turn you little sick frail hipster twink
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: OzmO on June 11, 2014, 11:00:59 AM
LOL - I could never get elected in a communist state like where I live since I refuse to cater to the gays, lezbos, abortion radicals, 95ers etc.  

Then you should be a sure thing in some other inbred state right?  Because winning a Senate seat is no big deal   ;D
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 11, 2014, 11:03:08 AM

LOL.  At least I lift bro - no roids - no t shots nothing - take 2 seconds ago - now your turn you little sick frail hipster twink

Now you are asking another man for pics?  Your little queerness really is getting out of hand isn't it?  Is that one of those twink shirts you admit to dressing in?
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 11, 2014, 11:15:59 AM
Now you are asking another man for pics?  Your little queerness really is getting out of hand isn't it?  Is that one of those twink shirts you admit to dressing in?

Shirt is a large.  Unlike you and straw - I actually work out - believe it or not - this is a BB site remember?  Some of us, the few there are - actually do lift and not stalk those that do like little nats like a jilted lover like you do.

Now shoe away moron 
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 11, 2014, 11:21:40 AM
A BBing site where you spent all day talking gay this, gay that, bathhouses and whining about a man that doesn't even know you exist. 

All those blue spots on that twink shirt.... those are the tears you have shed over Obama and your jungle fever today right?
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on June 11, 2014, 11:41:07 AM
Get comprehensive reading skills.

I already have them :)
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 11, 2014, 11:41:41 AM
I already have them :)

Try using them then.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 11, 2014, 11:43:56 AM
Try using them then.

Try lifting for a years w t shots instead of stalking me and get back to us how it works  ;)
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 11, 2014, 11:52:10 AM
Try lifting for a years w t shots instead of stalking me and get back to us how it works  ;)

Try spending a day without gay fantasies of Obama going through your head so badly you have to share them with us here.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 11, 2014, 11:57:41 AM
Try spending a day without gay fantasies of Obama going through your head so badly you have to share them with us here.

Between you strawfag and myself - I am the only one in a hetero relationship w a female. 

You have no GF, nothing - same w Straw
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 11, 2014, 12:14:28 PM
Projecting false assumptions onto other people you don't even know helps you with your BBC obsession?  Is that it?  Life is difficult enough being a midget and living in the ghetto.  Rather than seeking meds for the mentally instability you have given yourself with your self loathing, you instead attempt to feel better with projections.

Ok, gotcha.   ::)
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 11, 2014, 12:21:46 PM
Projecting false assumptions onto other people you don't even know helps you with your BBC obsession?  Is that it?  Life is difficult enough being a midget and living in the ghetto.  Rather than seeking meds for the mentally instability you have given yourself with your self loathing, you instead attempt to feel better with projections.

Ok, gotcha.   ::)

Look a few posts above - I destroy you and don't even take shit and am 10 years older than you.   You = frail sickly pathetic loser.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 11, 2014, 12:25:15 PM
Look at the posts above.  I expose you and you still try the same pathetic attempt at denial through projections.

You = bald, middle age, midget who admits to dressing like a twink on purpose, with jungle fever fantasies that you can't stop from sharing with the rest of us.  Day after day.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 11, 2014, 12:27:26 PM
Look at the posts above.  I expose you and you still try the same pathetic attempt at denial through projections.

You = bald, middle age, midget who admits to dressing like a twink on purpose, with jungle fever fantasies that you can't stop from sharing with the rest of us.  Day after day.

LOL - if that's what you think -  unlike you I lift, have a relationship etc - you work on cruises taking pics of dudes right? 
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 11, 2014, 12:30:06 PM
Look at the posts above.  I expose you and you still try the same pathetic attempt at denial through projections.

You = bald, middle age, midget who admits to dressing like a twink on purpose, with jungle fever fantasies that you can't stop from sharing with the rest of us.  Day after day.


Projecting false assumptions onto other people you don't even know helps you with your BBC obsession?

Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 11, 2014, 12:31:37 PM

She definitely has head problems
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: RRKore on June 11, 2014, 06:19:14 PM

LOL.  At least I lift bro - no roids - no t shots nothing - take 2 seconds ago - now your turn you little sick frail hipster twink

Narrower than Heath. lol
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 11, 2014, 06:54:45 PM
Narrower than Heath. lol

& Gayer than Mick Foley
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: flipper5470 on June 11, 2014, 08:25:47 PM
Mick Foley is married to a former model...he's had kids with any number of people would be "gayer" than Foley.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 12, 2014, 08:49:33 AM
Mick Foley is married to a former model...he's had kids with any number of people would be "gayer" than Foley.

Opps.... typo.  Should have said Mark Foley.

But since you are familiar with Mick, you must be a fellow wrestling fan. 
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 12, 2014, 08:50:42 AM
Opps.... typo.  Should have said Mark Foley.

But since you are familiar with Mick, you must be a fellow wrestling fan. 

My forearms are bigger than your legs.   Scram little twink 
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 12, 2014, 08:55:49 AM
Already starting your little gay talk for the day.  No surprise.

Been to the bathhouse today yet?  Or just content to sit at home crying on the internet all day again?
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 12, 2014, 08:58:57 AM

LOL.  At least I lift bro - no roids - no t shots nothing - take 2 seconds ago - now your turn you little sick frail hipster twink

Until you weak frail faggets post pics - I own all of you
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 12, 2014, 08:59:49 AM
You also own twink clothing by your own admission.  Are you dressed like a twink today as well? 
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 12, 2014, 09:08:02 AM
You also own twink clothing by your own admission.  Are you dressed like a twink today as well? 

aaawweeeeeee - pooor baby
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on June 12, 2014, 09:12:24 AM
The great irony is that Lurker is calling soul 'gay for obama' for 'stalking' obama...yet lurker is stalking the shit out of Soul in every single thread.

What does that tell you?
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 12, 2014, 09:17:30 AM
You also own twink clothing by your own admission.  Are you dressed like a twink today as well? 

Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 12, 2014, 09:19:39 AM

I own a few M shirts which are skin tight - the rest are L

again - you don't lift are frail and sickley and need to get a BF yourself
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 12, 2014, 09:20:14 AM
The great irony is that Lurker is calling soul 'gay for obama' for 'stalking' obama...yet lurker is stalking the shit out of Soul in every single thread.

What does that tell you?

Pointing out this midget's gay obsession = stalking?

Well I guess that tells us that you are nearly as stupid as he is.  Carry on though.  He needs an audience for his projections.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 12, 2014, 09:22:44 AM
I own a few M shirts which are skin tight - the rest are L

again - you don't lift are frail and sickley and need to get a BF yourself

I think I will leave the boyfriend getting to you.  Surely  those twink shirts you admit to wearing must be enough overcome the fact you are a midget and live in the ghetto. 
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on June 12, 2014, 09:23:55 AM
Pointing out this midget's gay obsession = stalking?

Well I guess that tells us that you are nearly as stupid as he is.  Carry on though.  He needs an audience for his projections.

Based on your own reasoning, you have a massive crush on Soul :)

It shows more and more in every thread
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 12, 2014, 09:26:53 AM
Based on your own reasoning, you have a massive crush on Soul :)

It shows more and more in every thread

Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 12, 2014, 09:27:14 AM
Based on your own reasoning, you have a massive crush on Soul :)

It shows more and more in every thread

Laughing at the little fag isn't exactly a crush.  Keep trying though.  I know the duties of being the solitary member of his fan club must be stressful, but you can do it!  

I'm actually beginning to wonder if you aren't a little fairy yourself.  Seeing how you have come running with an icepack every time he gets his ovaries kicked in.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 12, 2014, 09:28:54 AM
Laughing at the little fag isn't exactly a crush.  Keep trying though.  I know the duties of being the solitary member of his fan club must be stressful, but you can do it!  

I'm actually beginning to wonder if you aren't a little fairy yourself.  Seeing how you have come running with an icepack every time he gets his ovaries kicked in.

Little fag?  LOL - my arms alone destroy you or anything you got fool 
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 12, 2014, 09:29:03 AM


Only a real queer would covet having another man interested in him.

As we have seen from you for eight years.  Eight.  8.  VIII.  Ocho.  7+1.  9-1.  Eight years of nonstop gay projections on here.  Your life must really suck (as we all know).
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 12, 2014, 09:30:38 AM
Little fag?  LOL - my arms alone destroy you or anything you got fool 

Text book case prediction two pages ago.

Projecting false assumptions onto other people you don't even know helps you with your BBC obsession?  Is that it?  Life is difficult enough being a midget and living in the ghetto.  Rather than seeking meds for the mentally instability you have given yourself with your self loathing, you instead attempt to feel better with projections.

Ok, gotcha.   ::)

Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: chadstallion on June 12, 2014, 09:38:49 AM

LOL.  At least I lift bro - no roids - no t shots nothing - take 2 seconds ago - now your turn you little sick frail hipster twink
and yet you still can't unscrew a plastic bottle cap.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: RRKore on June 12, 2014, 09:40:15 AM
The great irony is that Lurker is calling soul 'gay for obama' for 'stalking' obama...yet lurker is stalking the shit out of Soul in every single thread.

What does that tell you?

I think you're wrong here.

SC isn't being called gay for stalking Obama;  No, it's suspected that SC has homosexual leanings because of the language that he uses so frequently in his posts.  

If SC were a teenager, then you could reasonably just chalk it (his frequent use of homosexuality-related terms and slurs) up to immaturity, I think, but isn't he at least 35 years old?  

No way to really know who's saying anything on the internet but SC's innumerable posts over a long period of time on this board seem to indicate that he's likely a weird, lying, self-hating misfit with homosexual tendencies.  

When pressed he'll try to say he's just trolling for the fun of it but after a certain point, it's pretty clear that he's disturbed.  

Oh well, on the bright side, I'm sure he makes most of the rest of us feel pretty good about ourselves by comparison, so there is that. lol
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 12, 2014, 09:43:54 AM
SC is one of the only ones on this site in a monogamous relatiohship w female.    The rest of the twinks on this site worship o-fag and hook up w other fags in gay bar stalls 

I think you're wrong here.

SC isn't being called gay for stalking Obama;  No, it's suspected that SC has homosexual leanings because of the language that he uses so frequently in his posts.  

If SC were a teenager, then you could reasonably just chalk it (his frequent use of homosexuality-related terms and slurs) up to immaturity, I think, but isn't he at least 35 years old?  

No way to really know who's saying anything on the internet but SC's innumerable posts over a long period of time on this board seem to indicate that he's likely a weird, lying, self-hating misfit with homosexual tendencies.  

When pressed he'll try to say he's just trolling for the fun of it but after a certain point, it's pretty clear that he's disturbed.  

Oh well, on the bright side, I'm sure he makes most of the rest of us feel pretty good about ourselves by comparison, so there is that. lol
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: chadstallion on June 12, 2014, 09:44:54 AM
SC is one of the only ones on this site in a monogamous relatiohship w female.   

inflatable dolls dont count as a relationship.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 12, 2014, 09:48:39 AM
I think you're wrong here.

SC isn't being called gay for stalking Obama;  No, it's suspected that SC has homosexual leanings because of the language that he uses so frequently in his posts.  

If SC were a teenager, then you could reasonably just chalk it (his frequent use of homosexuality-related terms and slurs) up to immaturity, I think, but isn't he at least 35 years old?  

No way to really know who's saying anything on the internet but SC's innumerable posts over a long period of time on this board seem to indicate that he's likely a weird, lying, self-hating misfit with homosexual tendencies.  

When pressed he'll try to say he's just trolling for the fun of it but after a certain point, it's pretty clear that he's disturbed.  

Oh well, on the bright side, I'm sure he makes most of the rest of us feel pretty good about ourselves by comparison, so there is that. lol

Serious question for you here.  Did you really think anyone heading up the Pole Toucher Fan Club is actually going to possess common sense?  Did you really expect that?    

When you have to point out to a poster why everyone on this board thinks the little midget is a self loathing closet case, well that sort of gives you an idea of what the person you are replying to is like.  I.E. = stupid, blind, delusional, any combination.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 12, 2014, 09:53:28 AM
SC is one of the only ones on this site in a monogamous relatiohship w female.    The rest of the twinks on this site worship o-fag and hook up w other fags in gay bar stalls 

Once again... text book prediction of this closet midget's response was so easy to see two pages ago.  Instead of addressing his own mental issues and sexuality indication that he spews all over the board every single day, he just wants to sit there and assume things about other people in an effort to boost up his shattered little mind. 

Projecting false assumptions onto other people you don't even know helps you with your BBC obsession?  Is that it?  Life is difficult enough being a midget and living in the ghetto.  Rather than seeking meds for the mental instability you have given yourself with your self loathing, you instead attempt to feel better with projections.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 12, 2014, 01:47:03 PM

Hillary and Clintgula are lying as always
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Straw Man on June 12, 2014, 02:30:00 PM
SC is one of the only ones on this site in a monogamous relatiohship w female.    The rest of the twinks on this site worship o-fag and hook up w other fags in gay bar stalls 

referring to yourself in the third person is pretty fucking queer

just curious, what does your "girlfriend" think about you spending so much time talking how Obama is gay and calling him a twink and a bottom.  Does she ever point out how gay you sound when you do this ?

When you make comments like these does she ever laugh at what a flaming queer you sound like?

Twink please - Christie mess is nothing compared to the Obama admin scandals

Twink please - every plan of O-Twink had taxes going up on those at 250k

Does your "girlfriend" get upset when you spend all weekend on this site posting about how gay Obama is or how ugly Michelle Obama is?

Why are you constantly posting selfies in the bathroom?  Can't your "girlfriend" take a picture of you looking like a douche in a child sized tshirt instead?

Of  course there is also the textbook actions of a self hating closeted person that also make you seem queer.

Dude - you live in NYC.  I'm sure you'll find plenty of people accepting of your chosen lifestyle so no reason for the self hatred and certainly no reason to literally spend almost every waking hour on this site obsessing over Obama and how you think (wish, hope, pray) he is gay.

If you can somehow stop yourself from doing that then you wouldn't appear to be so gay yourself
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: dario73 on June 13, 2014, 05:33:58 AM
She lied.

They earned $12 million the year after they left the White House.

They didn't struggle at all.

You can only expect lies and exaggerations from any democrat.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 13, 2014, 05:37:09 AM
She lied.

They earned $12 million the year after they left the White House.

They didn't struggle at all.

You can only expect lies and exaggerations from any democrat.

and like lemmings the cult of Obama will morph into the cult of Hillary
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: dario73 on June 13, 2014, 05:50:35 AM
How can anyone take her seriously when she says they were having problems paying MORTGAGES on HOMES.

They owned more than 1 home. How many Americans own 2 or 3 homes? Not only that, if they were struggling so much, how come she ran for the NY Senate seat? You would think she would have stayed in the private sector earning a lot more money.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 13, 2014, 05:52:20 AM
How can anyone take her seriously when she says they were having problems paying MORTGAGES on HOMES.

They owned more than 1 home. How many Americans own 2 or 3 homes? Not only that, if they were struggling so much, how come she ran for the NY Senate seat? You would think she would have stayed in the private sector earning a lot more money.

Because she knows her base of idiots and twinks like straw lurker etc will believe anything she says, regardless of its veracity
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 13, 2014, 06:27:04 AM

Because she knows her base of idiots and twinks like straw lurker etc will believe anything she says, regardless of its veracity

Where did I say I believed she was broke?  Oh... I see, here we are again huh you little queer.

Projecting false assumptions onto other people you don't even know helps you with your BBC obsession?  Is that it?  Life is difficult enough being a midget and living in the ghetto.  Rather than seeking meds for the mentally instability you have given yourself with your self loathing, you instead attempt to feel better with projections.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: AD2100 on June 13, 2014, 09:09:42 AM
Laughing at the little fag isn't exactly a crush.  Keep trying though.  I know the duties of being the solitary member of his fan club must be stressful, but you can do it!  

I'm actually beginning to wonder if you aren't a little fairy yourself.  Seeing how you have come running with an icepack every time he gets his ovaries kicked in.

Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: AD2100 on June 13, 2014, 09:18:48 AM
referring to yourself in the third person is pretty fucking queer

just curious, what does your "girlfriend" think about you spending so much time talking how Obama is gay and calling him a twink and a bottom.  Does she ever point out how gay you sound when you do this ?

When you make comments like these does she ever laugh at what a flaming queer you sound like?

Does your "girlfriend" get upset when you spend all weekend on this site posting about how gay Obama is or how ugly Michelle Obama is?

Why are you constantly posting selfies in the bathroom?  Can't your "girlfriend" take a picture of you looking like a douche in a child sized tshirt instead?

Of  course there is also the textbook actions of a self hating closeted person that also make you seem queer.

Dude - you live in NYC.  I'm sure you'll find plenty of people accepting of your chosen lifestyle so no reason for the self hatred and certainly no reason to literally spend almost every waking hour on this site obsessing over Obama and how you think (wish, hope, pray) he is gay.

If you can somehow stop yourself from doing that then you wouldn't appear to be so gay yourself

SC seems to be on a posting RAMPAGE on this board of late. I guess that has always been the case, but looking at the topics created by him and the number of replies by him at this moment...dude is on a mission!

Is this an exciting time in the world of FOX News and right wing talk radio? There seems to be a certain giddiness in the air when I look at the writings of some of the right wing nutjobs on the internet.

That inflatable doll girlfriend of "Soul Crusher" must be some kind of special woman to put up with his unique brand of Obama-obsessed insanity.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 13, 2014, 09:33:07 AM
It's becoming evident that he was a victim of Münchausen syndrome by proxy as a child and this life he has of never leaving the internet and whining all the time is his pathetic version of a self help attempt.  He's just too stupid to see that it has failed.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 13, 2014, 09:36:51 AM
Why do you Obama dildos even bother positing on a pol board if all you care about are other posters instead of topics and events? 
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 13, 2014, 10:18:57 AM
Why do you even bother posting on a board if all you do is whine and cry all day long on it?
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 13, 2014, 10:30:49 AM
Why do you even bother posting on a board if all you do is whine and cry all day long on it?

Brilliant response as always - almost as much as o-fag and hitlery
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: LurkerNoMore on June 13, 2014, 10:34:45 AM
More gay talk.  No surprise.   Once again...

Projecting false assumptions onto other people you don't even know helps you with your BBC obsession?  Is that it?  Life is difficult enough being a midget and living in the ghetto.  Rather than seeking meds for the mentally instability you have given yourself with your self loathing, you instead attempt to feel better with projections.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 14, 2014, 10:16:40 AM
Why Terry Gross Was a Mistake for Hillary Clinton (it was a devastating interview) ^ | 6/13/2014 | Alex Seitz-Wald
Posted on June 14, 2014 at 9:22:40 AM EDT by RoosterRedux

On Wednesday, during a tense exchange lasting more than seven minutes, Gross asked Clinton 10 different ways about the evolution of her stance on gay marriage. But, unlike some recent TV interviews Clinton has given, the takeaway was not Gross's pointed inquiries, but the fact that they seemed to get under Clinton's skin, who snapped back at her interlocutor.

"You know, I really, I have to say, I think you're being very persistent, but you are playing with my words and playing with what is such an important issue," Clinton said after trying to put the issue to rest several times.

Gross, attempting to smooth tension with a chuckle, replied, "I'm just trying to clarify so I can understand ... "

But Clinton fired back, "No, I don't think you are trying to clarify. I think you're trying to say that I used to be opposed, and now I'm in favor, and I did it for political reasons, and that's just flat wrong. So let me just state what I feel like you are implying and repudiate it."

The moment was over soon after that, and the interview moved onto friendlier territory for another 30 minutes, but America Rising, the GOP opposition research group, had already clipped the audio and blasted it out online, eclipsing anything else Clinton had to say.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Dos Equis on June 18, 2014, 11:37:29 AM
Playing the world's smallest violin for them. They are so out of touch.

Hillary: The Money was Tight; We Struggled
by KEITH KOFFLER on JUNE 9, 2014

Sorry, I had to put up another one of these videos.

Because Hillary is being awfully hard to put up with.

Mrs. Clinton did her version of a money-strapped average workin’ gal, saying that when she and Bill left the White House, they were “dead broke” and therefore needed the tens of millions of dollars he has made and the five mil she has recently raked in giving speeches to the National Association of Tuna Canners or whatever.

As with the post below, she’s speaking to ABC’s Diane Sawyer for an interview airing tonight.

You have no reason to remember, but we came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt. We had no money when we got there and we struggled to piece together the resources for mortgage’s for house’s for Chelsea’s education. You know, it was not easy.

This is the all-time Chutzpah award winning statement. I don’t whether to recoil in shock at the comment or at the incompetence of whoever dreamed it up.

Looks like Hillary’s having trouble getting good staff again.

We struggled? For money? YOU? Are you freaking kidding me?

First of all, let’s talk about the debt. The debt, I presume, was largely amassed as a result of Bill’s having to lawyer up because he had illicit sex in the White House and then lied about it to a grand jury. These are not debts amassed because, say, you lost your job or you needed to buy shoes for your kids.

Now. Mortgages. The Clintons purchased this rundown little shack in Chappaqua, New York in 1999, as his presidency was winding down. According to Zillow, it cost just shy of $6 million.

Just a couple of kids tryin’ ta make it in New York.

It has five bedrooms, a large outdoor swimming pool, a pool house, tennis court, guest cottage, and an indoor pool fitted with a sauna, wet bar and a sun room.

Thank God they made it through this difficult time.

Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 22, 2014, 10:02:51 AM

Business Insider via Yahoo! Finance ^ | Sunday, June 22, 2014 | Hunter Walker
Posted on June 22, 2014 at 12:56:10 PM EDT by kristinn

Hillary Clinton's multimillion dollar fortune has caused some negative headlines during the media tour for the release of her new book "Hard Choices," which is widely seen as a prelude to a potential 2016 presidential campaign. Clinton responded to criticism of her wealth in an interview with the Guardian newspaper published Saturday night by suggesting Americans won't be concerned about the more than $100 million her family has reportedly earned in recent years because they're not "truly well off."

"They don't see me as part of the problem," Clinton said of Americans who are upset about income inequality, adding, "Because we pay ordinary income tax, unlike a lot of people who are truly well off, not to name names; and we've done it through dint of hard work."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Playing the world's smallest violin for them. They are so out of touch.

Hillary: The Money was Tight; We Struggled
by KEITH KOFFLER on JUNE 9, 2014

Sorry, I had to put up another one of these videos.

Because Hillary is being awfully hard to put up with.

Mrs. Clinton did her version of a money-strapped average workin’ gal, saying that when she and Bill left the White House, they were “dead broke” and therefore needed the tens of millions of dollars he has made and the five mil she has recently raked in giving speeches to the National Association of Tuna Canners or whatever.

As with the post below, she’s speaking to ABC’s Diane Sawyer for an interview airing tonight.

You have no reason to remember, but we came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt. We had no money when we got there and we struggled to piece together the resources for mortgage’s for house’s for Chelsea’s education. You know, it was not easy.

This is the all-time Chutzpah award winning statement. I don’t whether to recoil in shock at the comment or at the incompetence of whoever dreamed it up.

Looks like Hillary’s having trouble getting good staff again.

We struggled? For money? YOU? Are you freaking kidding me?

First of all, let’s talk about the debt. The debt, I presume, was largely amassed as a result of Bill’s having to lawyer up because he had illicit sex in the White House and then lied about it to a grand jury. These are not debts amassed because, say, you lost your job or you needed to buy shoes for your kids.

Now. Mortgages. The Clintons purchased this rundown little shack in Chappaqua, New York in 1999, as his presidency was winding down. According to Zillow, it cost just shy of $6 million.

Just a couple of kids tryin’ ta make it in New York.

It has five bedrooms, a large outdoor swimming pool, a pool house, tennis court, guest cottage, and an indoor pool fitted with a sauna, wet bar and a sun room.

Thank God they made it through this difficult time.

Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: flipper5470 on June 22, 2014, 10:44:01 PM
She doubled down on the stupidity today...when asked if she can credibly discuss income disparity when she and her hilljack spouse have a net worth of  $100 million she replied that they really aren't that well off compared to the truly wealthy.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: dario73 on June 23, 2014, 06:30:37 AM

We are rich, just not as filthy rich as other people. ::)
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 23, 2014, 07:22:29 AM

We are rich, just not as filthy rich as other people. ::)

If romeny said that the libtwats would melt down
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 23, 2014, 02:21:37 PM

Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: dario73 on June 23, 2014, 03:14:27 PM
If romeny said that the libtwats would melt down

Double standard in full effect.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Coach is Back! on June 24, 2014, 11:00:48 PM

Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: 240 is Back on June 24, 2014, 11:25:17 PM
If romeny said that the libtwats would melt down

Romney's about as classless as hilary here.

Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 25, 2014, 05:20:43 AM
The Hill ^ | June 25, 2014 | Amie Parnes and Justin Sink -
Posted on June 25, 2014 at 7:39:21 AM EDT by Cincinatus' Wife

DENVER — Team Clinton is doing damage control on a series of comments by Hillary Clinton about the former first couple’s wealth.

Former President Bill Clinton on Tuesday defended his wife as “not out of touch,” and lashed out at the criticism during an appearance at the Clinton Global Initiative America conference.

With Hillary and Chelsea Clinton looking on from the audience of a hotel ballroom, he explained that Hillary Clinton’s comment two weeks ago that the couple was “dead broke” when they left the White House was “factually true.”

He also criticized reporters for not including context in stories about the former first lady’s discussion of her work to help the less fortunate during her career, previewing a message Clinton supporters say the couple needs to harp on in the weeks and months ahead.

In response to questions from NBC’s David Gregory, Bill Clinton said his wife had once offered legal assistance to people who couldn’t afford it and fought for paid leave for pregnant mothers in the 1970s. He also said that he and the former secretary of State go to their local grocery store on the weekends and talk to “people in our town.”

“We know what’s going on,” the former president said.

Several longtime Clinton allies said they weren’t sure his comments would end the criticism, which came on the heels of several stumbles in which Hillary Clinton tried to explain away her finances.

The comments have left even some allies of the Clintons bewildered.

“I don’t want to acknowledge that it’s been a problem, but it’s been a problem,” said one former Clinton aide who maintains ties with those in the former New York senator’s inner circle.

The former aide said Hillary Clinton needs to refine her message on the issue, particularly in the months ahead when she will campaign for Democrats in the midterm elections.

“It’s tricky for someone to be promoting a memoir, where they need to be talking about themselves, but talk about other people instead,” the former Clinton staffer said. “But she needs to use these opportunities to tell stories about the people she’s met. She needs to say, ‘When I was here I met X and she did Y and that’s led to Z,’ which has framed her policy thinking. She needs to ground the conversation.”

Hillary Clinton made the “dead broke” comment during her first interview to promote her book Hard Choices. The remark, to ABC’s Diane Sawyer, overshadowed the opening days of her book tour.

And this past weekend, Clinton inadvertently highlighted her finances again when she told The Guardian that “unlike the truly well off,” she and the former president “pay ordinary income tax,” and their wealth only came “through dint of hard work.”

The comments have provided an opening for Republicans to criticize Clinton ahead of a possible 2016 run for the White House.

“The Clintons still feel the need to feign that they are still in touch with the struggles of regular Americans,” said Tim Miller, the communications director for America Rising. “He laments being the president with the ‘lowest net worth’ which is akin to saying his floors are made of the cheapest marble. Then he goes on to say that they talk with people in their town. They live in one of the most elite, moneyed towns in America.

“The Clintons have lived in a 1 percent bubble for so long, their experience has become warped, and that’s a major problem in a presidential campaign,” Miller added. The couple’s home is in Chappaqua, N.Y.

As the book tour winds down, supporters of the couple say Hillary Clinton has to speak more about her foundation work — on women’s and girls’ issues — and her work as a senator, when she devoted much of her time working on issues in upstate New York.

“She’s gotta tell stories,” the former aide continued. “It’s a skill to answer a question about yourself by talking about someone else. And she’s got to find a way to incorporate some of that. It shouldn’t be an add-on. It should be the central thing she’s doing. “

Bill Clinton on Tuesday tried to hammer home his wife’s long-running work on behalf of the working class.

He said Americans don’t “resent somebody else doing well. They resent that they’re not getting a fair deal.”

“You just have to be transparent and tell the truth,” he said.

Another former longtime Clinton aide who also still advises Hillaryland from time to time, said that the No. 1 thing the Clinton camp can do is “don’t panic.”

“A lot of this stuff comes and goes and some things stick and other things don’t,” the former aide said. “I don’t see it being a long-term personal problem because in a personal sense she’s not disconnected to everyday people. It actually very much defines who she is.”

The former adviser said the comparisons to former GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney are different because “people didn’t know him that well.”

“That narrative was part of their introduction to him,” the adviser said.

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KEYWORDS: 2016; billclinton; grifters; hillaryclinton; Click to Add Keyword
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Bill: "“You just have to be transparent and tell the truth,” he said."
A typical Bill Clinton in-your-face.

"The former adviser said the comparisons to former GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney are different because “people didn’t know him that well.”
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Option D on June 25, 2014, 10:41:01 AM
Going through this thread is fucking sad. Some of the contributors come off as immature 13 year olds. I refuse to believe there are adults on the other end of some of these posts. If so, God help us all..
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 25, 2014, 10:51:24 AM
Going through this thread is fucking sad. Some of the contributors come off as immature 13 year olds. I refuse to believe there are adults on the other end of some of these posts. If so, God help us all..

Lmfao from the clown that voted for obama 2x and still clueless on obamacare.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 25, 2014, 11:00:12 AM
Love the libturd double standards.   Romney out of touch but hillary not. 
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 25, 2014, 11:04:29 AM
Skip to comments.

Bill Clinton Pocketed Nearly $16 Million in Taxpayer Money Since 2001
Political Kryptonite ^ | June 25, 2014 | Fred Dardick
Posted on June 25, 2014 at 2:00:00 PM EDT by FredDardick

Bill Clinton must think it’s still the 1990’s when a complacent press could cover up each and every mistake he made (sexual impropriety, lies, theft, etc…). Unfortunately for Clinton and his out of touch wife and daughter, who apparently just can’t get herself to care about money from her $10 million condo in New York City, the internet age can take stupidity viral in about 10 minutes.

With wages stagnant and the future looking dim for many Americans living through the Obama economy, in an interview with Meet the Press host David Gregory Clinton defended Hillary’s “dead broke” claims after leaving the White House in the worst way possible – he also cried poverty.

“It is factually true that we were several million dollars in debt.” said Clinton. He went on to portray himself as a man of the people, “I had the lowest net worth of any American president in the 20th Century when I took office.”

What Clinton neglected to mention is the hefty price that taxpayers have paid to help maintain his lavish lifestyle. Clinton’s offices in Harlem alone cost taxpayers nearly $450,000 a year which includes his $184.26 monthly DirecTV bill. Since 2001 the Clintons have collected a total of $15,938,000 in federal money.

Considering the Clintons’ net worth is somewhere in the neighborhood of $50 million, nearly one third of their estimated wealth can be directly traced to backs of hardworking Americans who are increasingly struggling to pay their bills as they find their work hours cut and earnings plunge because of ObamaCare.

With Hillary scheduled to collect $225,000 from the University of Nevada for a speaking engagement in October and the Clinton Foundation’s refusal to release its financial records, likely because of the enormous sums the foundation wastes on hotel bills, dinners, travel expenses and other luxuries that have nothing to do with charity, the Clintons have taken shaking down ordinary folk for cash to new heights.

Clinton told Gregory that the “real issue” facing presidential candidates shouldn’t be how much money they have, but whether they are “out of touch”. Considering that Clinton is scheduled to receive $950,000 in federal money in 2014 alone, I would say “out of touch” doesn’t begin to cover Bill and Hillary Clinton’s attitude towards American taxpayers.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 25, 2014, 11:15:57 AM
'$225,000? That's obscene!': Hillary Clinton will collect massive fee from Nevada U
Mail Online (UK) ^ | 12:34 EST, 24 June 2014 | Updated: 12:54 EST, 24 June 2014 | David Martosko
Posted on June 25, 2014 at 2:10:00 PM EDT by topher

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will collect a $225,000 speaking fee from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas in October, it emerged on Tuesday.

The massive expense was confirmed just weeks after the university formalized a 4 per cent tuition increase for each of the next four years. Rate hikes have nearly tripled tuition costs there since 2004.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Option D on June 25, 2014, 01:55:55 PM

Lmfao from the clown that voted for obama 2x and still clueless on obamacare.

and thats youre response.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 25, 2014, 02:54:27 PM
and thats youre response.

Correct  :D
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 30, 2014, 12:49:59 PM

John S slams biden and Hillary for their lies
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Dos Equis on August 06, 2014, 06:22:11 PM
Further proof that these people are out of touch.  That's about $4700 a day they are paying. 

The Clintons are ‘slumming it’! Power couple downsize their summer home to pay $100,000 on $18m Hamptons property after ‘dead broke’ gaffe
Bill and Hillary Clinton have rented a five-bed property in Amangansett belonging to Republican donor Andre Nasser and his wife Lois
They are paying $100,000 - down from the $200,000 they spent last summer on Sagaponack property
The house is being readied for the Clintons after the Internet and the 'thump pump' went out this week
Neighbors will include movie mogul - and longtime Clintons pal - Harvey Weinstein
PUBLISHED: 14:17 EST, 6 August 2014 | UPDATED: 16:42 EST, 6 August 2014

The Clintons are 'downsizing' their summer home to a simple, $18million house in the pretty Hamptons hamlet of Amagansett.
Former President Bill Clinton, 67, and ex-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, 66, are expected this week at the sprawling five-bedroom property, owned by Andre and Lois Nasser, which they have rented for the remainder of the month.

Their summer jaunt comes just weeks after Mrs Clinton controversially declared the power couple were 'dead broke' after leaving the White House in 2000.
Sources tell MailOnline they are paying $100,000 for their three-week stay - saving $100,000 from last year's luxury rental in Sagaponack.

Home for the summer: The Clintons are renting a house belonging to Andre and Lois Nasser in Amagansett, NY

Stunning: This aerial shot shows just how close the Clintons will be to the water. Their rental property is ringed in red
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Straw Man on August 06, 2014, 06:27:51 PM
WTF is it with Republicans not understanding the concept of time

The Clintons left the White House in January 2001 and it's now July of 2014

Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: chadstallion on August 07, 2014, 05:26:22 AM
WTF is it with Republicans not understanding the concept of time

The Clintons left the White House in January 2001 and it's now July of 2014

WTF is it with Republicans not understanding the concept of ........................ .
feel free to insert about 1000 things here.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Dos Equis on May 18, 2015, 06:15:16 PM
Clintons have earned more than $30 million since 2014, report shows
By Dan Merica, CNN
Mon May 18, 2015

Washington (CNN)Hillary and Bill Clinton have made more than $30 million since January 2014, according to a financial disclosure form provided to CNN and confirmed by a Clinton campaign aide.

Much of that money came from paid speeches that were politically taxing for Hillary Clinton as she toured the country before running for President. The Clintons have given a total of 104 paid speeches since January 2014, netting the couple $25.3 million, according to the form.

Royalties and an advanced payment for Hillary Clinton's memoir "Hard Choices" also brought in more than $5 million, according to the form.

Clinton filed the public financial disclosure report with the Federal Election Commission on Friday, as was required for any candidate who declared their presidential bid before April 15 and did not seek an extension.

Paid speeches by both Bill and Hillary Clinton are detailed in the report. Hillary Clinton spent much of 2014 touring the country on the paid speaking circuit. Almost all of her speeches are domestic, except for a few in Canada and Mexico.

Her highest grossing speech was a $335,000 appearance at Qualcomm Inc. in San Diego in October 2014, according to the form. In total, the former secretary of state delivered 51 paid speeches.

Bill Clinton's speeches are far more international, however. He was paid for a Bank of America speech in London, a food forum appearance in Sweden and a speech to a group of lawyers in the Netherlands.

The former President was even paid $175,000 for a speech in Miami where he appeared via satellite.

The forms also detail the Clintons' investments. The couple have between $5 million and $25 million invested in a JP Morgan Chase cash account. They also have between $5 million and $25 million invested in a Vanguard 500 index fund. A campaign aide said the fund was tied to the Standard & Poor's Index and that it had been opened in the last few months.

The aide said that returns from those two funds are not taxed as capital gains and that the couple paid no capital gains tax during the filing period.

The aide added that the Clintons' estimated tax rate for 2014 was over 30%, a number that would be in tax filings that Hillary Clinton's campaign plans to release.

The Clintons' finances have been a political issue since Hillary Clinton left the State Department in 2013. Republicans regularly knocked her paid speeches, arguing that she was out of touch for picking up around $300,000 for her appearances.

Compounding the issue was the fact that Clinton told ABC News last year that she and her husband were "dead broke" when they left the White House, a statement that belied the massive earning power they had and the fact that they were dead broke no longer.

Earlier this month, Bill Clinton told NBC News that he would continue giving paid speeches during his wife's presidential run because he has "got to pay our bills." The comment was widely panned.

Republicans quickly jumped on news of the Clintons' financial disclosure.

"The Clintons' claim that staggering amounts of income from paid speaking fees that raise ethical questions and potential conflicts of interest is simply to 'pay our bills' shows how out-of-touch they've truly become," said Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus in a statement to reporters.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Dos Equis on May 19, 2016, 12:52:45 PM
Clintons Continue Their Climb Out of Poverty
Posted on May 18, 2016
by Keith Koffler

Bill and Hillary Clinton have now completely escaped the poverty that plagued them after leaving the White House in 2001, having together earned more than $11 million in 2015 from speeches and book sales.

You may remember, Mrs. Clinton said she left the White House dirt broke and had to either start flipping burgers, working on an assembly line, or join her husband giving hour-long speeches for absurd amounts of money and having someone ghostwrite a best-selling book for her. Well that’s not exactly what she said. In any case, she chose the latter, and it seems to have paid off.


The Clintons earned $6.7 million from paid speeches in 2015, including $2.7 million Bill netted after his wife officially began running for president, which might not be such a kosher-for-passover idea since he will be serving as co-president.

Also contributing to their income were sales of Mrs. Clinton’s latest book, Hard Choices, which focused on the difficulty she has every morning deciding which color pantsuit to wear. From the book, she earned a cool $5 million.

The Clinton’s net worth is somewhere between $11.3 million and $52.7 million. Between $5 million and $25 million is held in cash, presumably in case of new bimbo eruptions targeting Bill.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Dos Equis on October 26, 2016, 02:08:51 PM
'Bill Clinton Inc.': Email details how top aides helped make ex-president rich
Published October 26, 2016

One of Bill Clinton’s closest confidants outlined in a lengthy 2011 memo how he and another aide helped secure at least $50 million in speaking fees and other ventures for the former president – in addition to raising “the bulk” of funds for the controversial Clinton Foundation.

The 12-page memo from Doug Band, released Wednesday by WikiLeaks, was designed to highlight the crucial role he – and his global strategy company Teneo – played in procuring money for the ex-president and Clinton’s namesake foundation.

“Throughout the past almost 11 years since President Clinton left office, I have sought to leverage my activities, including my partner role at Teneo, to support and to raise funds for the Foundation,” Band wrote. “This memorandum strives to set forth how I have endeavored to support the Clinton Foundation and President Clinton personally.”

Under a section titled “For-Profit Activity of President Clinton (i.e., Bill Clinton, Inc.),” Band wrote that he and Clinton aide Justin Cooper “found, developed and brought” to Clinton all four of his advisory arrangements at the time – arrangements that “yielded more than $30 million for him personally, with $66 million to be paid out over the next nine years should he choose to continue with the current engagements.” The memo also included a footnote explaining how Clinton's speaking agent estimated that during a 10-year period, “$20 million in speeches for the President have derived ... from Justin and my efforts.”

What’s more, Band and Cooper apparently helped make Clinton wealthy – and “solicited and obtained … in-kind services … for personal travel, hospitality, vacation and the like” – at no extra charge.

“Neither Justin nor I are separately compensated for these activities,” Band wrote, noting the pair didn’t take a “fee” or “percentage” of Clinton’s income, only collecting their standard Foundation salaries.

While the Clintons previously have disclosed the former president's hefty post-White House speaking fees, the memo sheds new light on how his inner circle helped arrange these appearances and other deals.

Band wrote that Teneo was solely responsible for negotiating numerous speeches and speaking fees for Clinton, including $1.15 million from Ericson, $900,000 from UBS and $700,000 from Barclays.

Band also used his position at Teneo, which was established in June 2011, to solicit the company’s clients to donate to the Foundation. That roster of contributors included The Coca-Cola Company giving $4.33 million over six years and Barclays Capital paying $1.1 million over four years.

Though the memo never identifies all four advisory roles Clinton held at the time, Laureate International Universities is noted to have paid Clinton $3.5 million per year "to provide advice and serve as their Honorary Chairman." Clinton's relationship with Laureate had previously been disclosed.

The memo was sent on Nov. 16 to Bill Clinton and several Foundation board members, including Chelsea Clinton, then-special adviser John Podesta and two lawyers involved in an internal audit of the Foundation that was set up to ferret out any potential conflicts of interest. The memo was made public after a hack exposed a purported 50,000 emails from Podesta’s account. WikiLeaks has posted more than 30,000 of the messages so far.
At the time Band wrote the email, the Foundation, in an effort spearheaded by Chelsea Clinton and Hillary Clinton aide Cheryl Mills, was attempting to clearly delineate Band and Clinton’s roles at the Foundation and at Teneo, where Clinton was initially tasked to be an adviser.

Eventually, Band’s official relationship with the Foundation was severed, though he remained an adviser to Clinton, and Clinton stepped back from his Teneo adviser role, but became a client of the company.
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 27, 2016, 04:45:07 AM

Clinton Foundation’s Fundraisers Pressed Donors to Steer Business to Former President
Hacked email memo published by WikiLeaks details lucrative arrangements made for Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton at the Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting in September. ENLARGE
Bill Clinton at the Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting in September. PHOTO: ZUMA PRESS
Updated Oct. 26, 2016 8:43 p.m. ET
Two chief fundraisers for the Clinton Foundation pressed corporate donors to steer business opportunities to former President Bill Clinton as well, according to a hacked memo published Wednesday by WikiLeaks.

The November 2011 memo from Douglas Band, at the time a top aide to Mr. Clinton, outlines extensive fundraising efforts that Mr. Band and a partner deployed on behalf of the Clinton Foundation and how that work sometimes translated into large speaking fees and other paid work for Mr. Clinton.

The memo, part of a cache of emails stolen from Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, resurfaces an issue that she has had a hard time shaking: questions over the relationship between the Clintons’ charity work and their personal business.

Mr. Band and an associate introduced top corporate executives to the former president, on the golf course and elsewhere, and then asked them to contribute money to the Clinton Foundation or attend the Clinton Global Initiative, an annual foundation event.


Wikileaks Update: What We’ve Learned From the Clinton Campaign Emails So Far
Leaked Chelsea Clinton Emails Reveal Discord at Foundation
Wikileaks Emails Purport to Reveal Ties Between Clinton Campaign, Super PAC
Emails Show Aides Pressed Hillary Clinton to Apologize
Mr. Band wrote the memo to lawyers at Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP who were reviewing the Clinton Foundation’s activities and links to Mr. Band. The Clintons’ daughter, Chelsea, had sought the review because she worried that Mr. Band was “hustling business” for his consulting firm, Teneo Holdings, at the Clinton Global Initiative, according to a 2011 email by Ms. Clinton.

In the memo, Mr. Band explained how he helped the foundation and former president, and found donors among his own firm’s clients. Mr. Band responded to the review by writing: “We appreciate the unorthodox nature of our roles, and the goal of seeking ways to ensure we are implementing best practices to protect the 501(c)3 status of the Foundation.”

The Clinton campaign has refused to confirm or deny the authenticity of any of the hacked emails and, along with top U.S. intelligence officials, blamed Russia for stealing them from the account of Mrs. Clinton campaign manager John Podesta.

In 2009, according to the memo, Declan Kelly, an Irish-American businessman and ally of the Clintons, introduced a senior UBS Group AG executive, Bob McCann, to Mr. Clinton at a charitable event. “Mr. Kelly subsequently asked Mr. Mccann to support the foundation … [and] also encouraged Mr. Mccann to invite President Clinton to give several paid speeches, which he has done,” according to the 12-page memo. Mr. Clinton earned $1.5 million from those speeches.

UBS said last year that the speeches by Mr. Clinton and the donations were part of a program to respond to the 2008 financial crisis. Former President George W. Bush also spoke to the Swiss bank as part of the program.

In another example, Mr. Band wrote that he and another Clinton aide persuaded a Dubai-based company, Gems Education, to establish a relationship with the foundation. “That relationship has grown into a business relationship for President Clinton and a donor relationship for CGI,” the memo said. Representatives of Gems couldn’t be reached for comment.

Messrs. Band and Kelly launched their consulting firm in 2011. By that November, partners of Teneo had raised more than $8 million for the Clinton Foundation and also arranged for Mr. Clinton to deliver more than $3 million worth of paid speeches, according to the memo.

A spokesman for Mr. Clinton didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. After a falling out with Chelsea Clinton, starting in 2012, Mr. Band no longer works for the former president and isn’t as involved in Clinton Foundation activities as he once had been.

Teneo spokesman Stephen Meahl said in a statement: “As the memo demonstrates, Teneo worked to encourage clients, where appropriate, to support the Clinton Foundation because of the good work that it does around the world.” He added, “It also clearly shows that Teneo never received any financial benefit or benefit of any kind from doing so.”

When he founded Teneo, Mr. Kelly was serving as the U.S. economic envoy to Northern Ireland, appointed by Mrs. Clinton, who was secretary of state. A public-relations specialist, he also had been a top fundraiser in her bids for the Senate and, in 2008, the White House.

Mr. Kelly had three major clients in 2009, Coca-Cola Co., Dow Chemical Co. and UBS Wealth Management. He asked all three to give money to the Clinton Foundation.

The memo said that Mr. Kelly introduced Mr. Clinton to Muhtar Kent, the chief executive of Coca-Cola, during a meeting at Mr. Clinton’s home in Washington in 2009. Mr. Kelly asked Mr. Kent to give $5 million to the foundation, which he pledged in early 2010, the memo said.

The memo said that Mr. Kelly arranged for Mr. Band to serve on Coke’s International Public Policy Advisory Board. Mr. Band said in the memo that he then used that post to push Coke to sponsor foundation initiatives and to support political candidates whom Mr. Clinton was supporting.

A Coke spokesman said the board didn’t engage in political activities.

Teneo, which markets itself as a one-stop shop for CEOs to get advice on a wide range of issues, including mergers and acquisitions, handling crises and managing public relations, has grown to more than 575 employees. The Wall Street Journal reported last month that Teneo was exploring an initial public offering or sale of the firm as early as 2017.

Mr. Clinton initially served as Teneo’s honorary chairman when the firm opened in 2011, but he stepped down the following year. Of the $3 million he stood to collect, he was ultimately paid $100,000.

In the memo, Mr. Band explains that he frequently negotiated personal income for Mr. Clinton at the same time that he served as a primary fundraiser for the Clinton Foundation. Mr. Band wrote that he and another aide to Mr. Clinton “have in effect served as agents, lawyers, managers and implementers to secure speaking, business and advisory service deals.”

Mr. Band said they had secured “more than $50 million in for-profit activity” for Mr. Clinton but received no fee or cut of it. The two aides also arranged another $66 million of potential future payments from speaking and other engagements for the former president.

Teneo regularly used its access to Mr. Clinton to introduce its clients to the former president. In 2009, Mr. Kelly invited one of his longtime clients, Dow Chemical Chief Executive Andrew Liveris, to play golf with Mr. Clinton and Mr. Band. Afterward, Dow paid $500,000 as a sponsor of the Clinton Global Initiative. Dow also paid another $150,000 to the Foundation to have Mr. Clinton attend a dinner the chemicals company was hosting in Davos.

The memo says Mr. Liveris provided Dow Chemical’s corporate plane to fly Mr. Clinton and his staff from California to North Korea, and back, saving the foundation more than $100,000.

A Dow spokeswoman said that the company’s senior executives have participated in Clinton Global Initiative events because their efforts are aligned with aspects of Dow’s business.

Teneo’s proximity to the Clintons appears to have been mutually beneficial. Mr. Band notes that Gems Education became a Teneo client after the company sought Mr. Clinton’s services as an adviser.

The charitable arm of Gems has given the Clinton Foundation between $1 million and $5 million. The for-profit education company has paid Bill Clinton about $6.2 million since 2010 for consulting work, according to tax returns released by the campaign of Mrs. Clinton.

Write to Anupreeta Das at
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Yamcha on October 27, 2016, 05:01:37 AM
Scary thing is that Podesta has shown interest in creating an Obama Foundation very similar to the Clinton Foundation.

And it will be up and thriving if Hilldawg gets elected...
Title: Re: Hillary complains about being broke leaving the WH - LMFAO
Post by: Las Vegas on October 27, 2016, 08:52:45 AM
Yes, Yamcha.  It's nice to think of Obama pulling a disappearing act once he's gone from office (and lets hope we won't need to use the Jaws of Life to get his ass out of there).

But the reality is that these corporations will continue to push him exactly like any other product.  Just like with Bill Clinton.

And this doesn't fit too well with Clinton playing dumb about NAFTA, either.  He, his wife, Obama etc. are so clearly neocons that no one can deny it anymore.

Disgusting, all of them.