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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Nutrition, Products & Supplements Info => Topic started by: Football on January 25, 2006, 02:28:10 PM

Title: what supplements should I get?
Post by: Football on January 25, 2006, 02:28:10 PM
what works the best? I'm just about 16 years old. I lift 6 days a week. I want to get HUGE. I dont want to be chizzled. I want to be ripped, and I want to be very large. I already have a lot of muscel mass on me, for my age, but  I want to get HUGE.
I am currently ytaking No2 and Ce2, as well as Probolic-Sr from MHP. and 100% whey protein. My father pays for these supplements.

should I be taking those? Or is there something better I could be taking? which of these work best.

Gakic? powder? or capsule?
On Cycle
Gear Cycle
Mass Cycle
Xtreme Natural Growth Factor
T-bomb 11
No Xplode
pump tech
Title: Re: what supplements should I get?
Post by: PhoenixBuff on January 25, 2006, 02:50:12 PM
Yeah, here's a "supplement" you should consider................ .......FOOD!  And lots of it.  At your age, you have plenty of time to grow and it's not going to happen over night.  Eat, sleep and train with intensity, you'll eventually get there.  All of the stuff you listed is crap.   
Title: Re: what supplements should I get?
Post by: Bluto on January 25, 2006, 03:50:32 PM
you dont really need any supplements at your stage and at your age. regular food will do. no need to make it more difficult than it is.
Title: Re: what supplements should I get?
Post by: leycus 101 on January 25, 2006, 03:58:25 PM
just some protein powder eat good
Title: Re: what supplements should I get?
Post by: Bear03 on January 25, 2006, 06:38:48 PM
i'm only making this post to reiterate the very important point that you simply need food, and extra protein powder for the sake of convenience. 
Title: Re: what supplements should I get?
Post by: JUSTJAXX on January 27, 2006, 12:29:53 AM
personally, i think training 6 days a week for a 16 year old is way too much.  here's my suggestion:  stop reading those supplement ads while you're taking a dump.  get yourself a good book on bodybuilding like:

arnolds new encyclopedia of modern bodybuilding (no bodybuilder should be without this)
bodybuilding 101 (good for the basic info)
extreme muscle enhancement (i'm currently reading this)

and do some research on the topics of OVERTRAINING, NUTRITION, RECUPERATION

speaking as a former teenager who thought things would happen for me overnight...slow down, more isnt better!  i look back on what i used to do and i was completely wrong in those days.  i used to think that just cuz i knew an exercise, i should do it and i should be doing 4 sets of it.  i was at the point where i was doing around 20 or so sets per bodypart at the age of 16.  i was training almost every day and nothing was happening...sure i got a little bit stronger but not nearly as much as i could have.  if i could go back, i would do 2 things differently...first one being EAT MORE and second, train a bit less.

stop following the workout routines that you see in FLEX magazine, those routines arent for least not at this point in your life.  you need to focus on your foundation lifts like squats, benches, deads, bent rows, shrugs, pull ups, curls, preachers, military press and skull crushers.  i'm willing to put money on the fact that you're doing stuff like cables, pec deck, tricep kickbacks and other isolation movements.

if you feel like you need to supplement, thats fine but make sure you got your food intake taken care of EVERYONE has stated above.  that should tell you how important it is.  i'd suggest protein first then glutamine.  nobody ever got huge off taking a NO2 type product.

my last bit of advice...take some of the money you planned on spending on supplements and hire a trainer.  not your typical 24 hour fitness employee but a real trainer or certified strength coach.  you will learn a lot in just a couple of sessions.
Title: Re: what supplements should I get?
Post by: Rimbaud on January 27, 2006, 11:27:23 AM
Get a good multi-vitamin/mineral, some whey protein, food, more food, more food, & more food.
Title: Re: what supplements should I get?
Post by: G.R.H. on February 02, 2006, 04:11:17 PM
you don't mention your size now bro? if u wanna be huge, YOU GOTTA EAT LIKE A  PRO! don't worry...growth hormons will kick in and you'll grow! try creatine or protein shakes.
Title: Re: what supplements should I get?
Post by: trulytoned on February 02, 2006, 05:13:59 PM
supplements? you have so much testosterone pumping through your body at age 16 anyway. I bet most of us here wish we had as much natural test as you have.
Title: Re: what supplements should I get?
Post by: G.R.H. on February 09, 2006, 04:08:22 PM
truely toned is right big guy! at 16, u r a testosterone pumping madman! u have no need to rasie it any higher! it's already full blown! try  they have some good protein powders! (get one for "hardgainers". one with tons pf protein per serving and lots of calories!) you'll gain! again, what is your height and weight now?! 8)
Title: Re: what supplements should I get?
Post by: Jr. Yates on February 09, 2006, 05:21:39 PM
supplements? you have so much testosterone pumping through your body at age 16 anyway. I bet most of us here wish we had as much natural test as you have.
I think your fine at your age too Truly;)
Title: Re: what supplements should I get?
Post by: trulytoned on February 09, 2006, 07:34:29 PM
I think your fine at your age too Truly;)

i am fine, hence the fact that i dont take supplements
Title: Re: what supplements should I get?
Post by: Football on March 07, 2006, 06:49:30 PM
i think i weigh like 165 now....when i first wrote this thread i was
i'v been drinking Probolic-sr.......its good..and i've been taking mri's ce2, which is a creatine supplement.