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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Topic started by: Donny on June 27, 2014, 05:39:42 AM

Title: Traps
Post by: Donny on June 27, 2014, 05:39:42 AM
now i give this guy right on this.. lee Haney did say do rear shrugs but a rear upright row..? i think it will work more muscles.. however i believe front upright rows are a different animal. Better range of Motion. still interesting. 
Title: Re: Traps
Post by: jpm101 on June 27, 2014, 10:08:10 AM
Interesting.  The very, very few I've seen do this will start with reverse shrugs and when the rep get harder, continue with the reverse Hi-pulls/Upright's. Or Vice Versa in some cases.  Good combo pump, I would think.

Though needing a full ROM still remains a myth today in BB'ing. The bigger, stronger men seem to favor partial reps in all their workouts...and with ultimate success. But than again, if full ROM's work for you...than go for it. In the video that guy is raising the bar as high as he can, so that could be considered a full ROM for him.

Good Luck.
Title: Re: Traps
Post by: Donny on June 27, 2014, 11:21:30 PM
Interesting.  The very, very few I've seen do this will start with reverse shrugs and when the rep get harder, continue with the reverse Hi-pulls/Upright's. Or Vice Versa in some cases.  Good combo pump, I would think.

Though needing a full ROM still remains a myth today in BB'ing. The bigger, stronger men seem to favor partial reps in all their workouts...and with ultimate success. But than again, if full ROM's work for you...than go for it. In the video that guy is raising the bar as high as he can, so that could be considered a full ROM for him.

Good Luck.
yeah starting with shrugs then going into upright rows would work very well the assisting muscles helping to extend the set.
Title: Re: Traps
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 02, 2014, 05:33:21 PM
Power cleans always hit my traps hard. When you pull up to maximum extension rising with the weights your traps are pulling hard.
Title: Re: Traps
Post by: jpm101 on July 03, 2014, 11:50:01 AM
You can go into a pre-exhaustion style starting with heavier shrugs first followed by hanging cleans/Hi-pulls right after (no rest). A nice mass builder for most. Some like to reverse that and do cleans/Hi-pulls first, than shrugs...your choice.

Some will use a wider grip when doing shrugs....collar to collar or close enough to the collars as you can.  Changing the hand spacing may make a difference and can get a totally new feel/stretch to the exercise. Might start with a extra wide grip for a couple of sets, than middle and narrow (hands almost touching) for couple more sets each position.  Working on shrugs is a great way to improve the clean/hi-pull and Olympic lifts.

Using DB's can also affect the traps, as far as size and power go. I favor the one are Hi-pull (DB) quite a bit over the years. Also one arm cleans. Seem to help the quickness and timing of the basic clean and everything else..

The two hand (from the floor) DB clean & press is one of the ultimate exercises around. Old time strongmen contest use to feature that lift. Can make or brake even the strongest of men. Try for 8-10 reps, it will also affect the cardio greatly.

Good Luck.
Title: Re: Traps
Post by: Montague on July 20, 2014, 03:18:35 PM
now i give this guy right on this.. lee Haney did say do rear shrugs but a rear upright row..? i think it will work more muscles.. however i believe front upright rows are a different animal. Better range of Motion. still interesting.  

I began doing behind-the-back uprights on the Smith a little over two months ago after chatting with Wes. I use a very light weight with strict form. It's the only change I've made to my shoulder training, and it's given me the most noticeable improvement in my lateral delt development ever.

I recently shot Wes a PM telling him as much. My shoulders have always sucked, and this is quite literally the BEST they've ever looked!
Title: Re: Traps
Post by: Ron Jeremy on July 26, 2014, 05:55:17 AM
Title: Re: Traps
Post by: Pumpzilla on October 04, 2014, 03:23:17 AM
now i give this guy right on this.. lee Haney did say do rear shrugs but a rear upright row..? i think it will work more muscles.. however i believe front upright rows are a different animal. Better range of Motion. still interesting. 

I'll be giving this a try in my next back workout. Looks interesting.