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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: swanzi85 on July 07, 2014, 03:00:27 PM

Title: research chems
Post by: swanzi85 on July 07, 2014, 03:00:27 PM
I know this has been asked before but couldnt find the thread. Anyone have any sites where you can get decent auxillaries. Mainly an anti-e and caber. Recommendations? Just running 400mgs test and deca. All I could get
Title: Re: research chems
Post by: swanzi85 on July 07, 2014, 03:09:10 PM
Btw used nolva when precision peptides was still up. Did jack shit. Theyre letro was legit but too strong. Anyone try torem or anything else to recommend as a daily or eod estrogen control from these research labs?  Probably get laughed at but all Ive been using for an AI is otc stuff similar to erase or arimepct by epg.
Title: Re: research chems
Post by: OneMoreRep on July 07, 2014, 03:10:55 PM

This question is best asked at our Steroid forum.

I will move this thread there in 3 minutes.  Here is a link to that forum for your convenience: (

Title: Re: research chems
Post by: swanzi85 on July 07, 2014, 03:14:38 PM
My bad thanks bro
Title: Re: research chems
Post by: nasum on July 07, 2014, 04:01:14 PM

It claims you need a prescription, but just leave it blank and request literally whatever pharmaceutical compound you want. They have everything imaginable.
Title: Re: research chems
Post by: ESFitness on July 08, 2014, 02:06:54 AM
Btw used nolva when precision peptides was still up. Did jack shit. Theyre letro was legit but too strong. Anyone try torem or anything else to recommend as a daily or eod estrogen control from these research labs?  Probably get laughed at but all Ive been using for an AI is otc stuff similar to erase or arimepct by epg.

fare as i know, precision just changed their website and were still up.. haven't used them for a year though.

my companies that i still have stockpile of anti-e/anti-letro stuff from have gone under (manpower's owner got busted for id theft, and has disappeared). melanotanpeptide's stuff was always great for me and my ppl loved it, I've never received one complaint about their stuff and they're the only one i know of who put out a 50mg/ml Viagra. their femara and aromasin was top notch as well.... glad i still have loads of it. lol.

if you want legit, pharma stuff, you can't go wrong with