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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Topic started by: Donny on September 03, 2014, 06:41:12 AM

Title: Spider curls
Post by: Donny on September 03, 2014, 06:41:12 AM
Great old school exercise not seen often nowadays. is it better than a Preacher curl? it is a useful ex.
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: Dicki_Nurmom on September 03, 2014, 05:20:19 PM
i do these at home instead of regular preachers... primarily due to elbow pain when doing regular preacher curls (from flexing the joints with them resting on the bench
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: DroppingPlates on September 03, 2014, 05:22:29 PM
I perform them with dumbbells, side by side.
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: Donny on September 04, 2014, 01:46:17 AM
I perform them with dumbbells, side by side.
Yes these are great too.
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: jpm101 on September 04, 2014, 09:36:42 AM
Either version has been used by BB'ers for years, with mostly good results. Alternating one arm DB's, rather than a BB, may be a better choice , but that would be up to the individual.

Don't know if Gironda's Preacher bench was a first of it's kind (Funk would know) , but the angle on it was a bit different. Been told that a person really had to jam themselves into the correct position , with the top of the padded board jammed under the arm pits, and the chin very close to that board. Pretty uncomfortable at first.

The gentleman in the video is not getting a full stretch on the biceps, which was a must when using the original idea of the preacher/spider bench curl. The elbows were supposed to be closer in, rather that out and wide as in his video. Not critical, just noting. To each his own.

Good Luck.
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: Donny on September 04, 2014, 09:43:58 AM
The original idea if i´m correct was to use the reverse side of a standard preacher bench which Larry Scott did. Every exercise has variations.
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: jpm101 on September 06, 2014, 10:55:46 AM
That's correct, most any exercise is a variation of the same theme.

Don't see the one arm DB concentration curl hyped much anymore. One of the foundation of bicep training back in the day. If believing in the mind-body connection,and preforming it in the intended way,  this type curl would lead the way. Thumbs facing somewhat forward at the bottom position. Thumbs facing somewhat out at the finished, or top, position.

As would incline DB curls, where the arms are allowed to hang freely, for the full stretch, and than curled both DB's to the shoulders.The thumbs should be facing front at the start of the movement and facing outwards at the top position.. All the while the back of the head must remain on the bench it's self.  

The chair DB curl, where one would sit sideways on a straight back chair, one arm hanging over a straight back chair and curl up a DB that way. Thumbs reacting the same way as above. Connect the mind, focus and physical act of curling on any of these three versions.  

When allowing more of a twist to the wrist, when curling, more recruitment of the actual bicep muscle is involved. As opposed to curling a straight/EZ bar. In this case the wrist/grip is fixed in one position. One of the functions of he biceps is to twist the wrist and forearms.

Example: hold one forearm 90 degrees in front of the body, with the fingers facing down in a relaxed manner. Lightly grip the bicep with the other hand, and slowly twist the wrist until the fingers are facing almost straight up. You will feel the biceps working towards a contraction of the muscle.

All the the above  is all well and good and could be in the class of pure BB'ing. If it works for you, it works for you. Just laying this stuff down for those who may be interested, and having a different slant on training.

From my own personal observations (for what their worth), one of the better mass producers of bicep mass is heavier  cheating, or partial rep, BB curls. EZ bar for some. Not suited for everyone (nothing really is).   To each his own, after all.

Good Luck
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: chaos on September 06, 2014, 12:00:00 PM
The original idea if i´m correct was to use the reverse side of a standard preacher bench which Larry Scott did. Every exercise has variations.
This is what I do, everyone stares when I take the seat off of the preacher bench and chuck it across the room. :D
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: Donny on September 07, 2014, 02:54:25 AM
Larry scott...
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: jpm101 on September 07, 2014, 08:25:03 AM
Papa Joe really knew the power of image in any picture taking session. Hand on Gironda's shoulder, a approving look at Scott... Weider, a true showman of the first class. Not the most ethical person, but that's another story.

The one and one half system has been used with spider/preacher/scott/gironda type curls, on a semi regular based by some of the old timers I have been told. A very effected method for this type of stricter exercise performance.  And the pump can be unbelievable. Also very adaptable to the other three curling movement described above.

Good Luck.
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: jpm101 on September 07, 2014, 08:38:00 AM
Guess I better explain the One and One Half system. It can be applied to just about any exercise, not just arms. Can work well on delts, chest, lats. quads, etc.. On some guy's, seems to bring the calves up quite well.

Example, for the biceps;

Curl a weight up all the way as when doing regular curls. Now lower the weight half way down (holding for a very slight pause at that half way point) and than curl back up to the top position again. From there lower the weight to the original starting position (the bottom).  That's a one and a half rep. Usually 6 to 8 reps are used. Try keeping a stricter style.

Good Luck

Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: chaos on September 07, 2014, 08:52:07 AM
Tried that ^,  not impressed.
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: Donny on September 07, 2014, 08:57:58 AM
 I´m familiar with 1 1/4 reps used on movements where there is resistance in the contracted position...leg curls,lateral raises,leg extensions,chins etc... a good book which explains this is "High Intensity Bodybuilding" Nautilus sports , Ellington Darden. 1 1/2 or 1 1/4 is not really important.
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: jpm101 on September 07, 2014, 10:08:09 AM
The importance of any exercise, or training system, can only be determined by the results each of us makes. One and one half system may do nothing for some and be a minor miracle for others. Just like 'roids work great for some, while other make zero gains, even on larger doses. They just get zits and fart a lot.

Giving any new protocol a good 2 to 3 weeks breaking in period goes far to find out it's value and any results that may be gained. There are dozens of arm training systems out there, all worth a try.

Just imagine back when Larry Scott was first getting serious about BB'ing and a couple of guy's were telling him that preacher curls were crap and Gironda didn't know nothing.  So Scott followed that advice and never did preacher curls or any thing else Gironda advised. Including delt training. BB'ing history would have never been the same.

Good Luck.
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: WOOO on September 10, 2014, 06:10:26 PM
This is what I do, everyone stares when I take the seat off of the preacher bench and chuck it across the room. :D

or are they staring due to the conehead...
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: Donny on September 11, 2014, 06:25:33 AM

or are they staring due to the conehead...
ach.. you two boys love each other... good to see the Wooo Bear back.
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: DroppingPlates on September 11, 2014, 04:45:23 PM

or are they staring due to the conehead...

BOOOMMM, welcome back :D
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: WOOO on September 12, 2014, 02:13:13 AM
I never really left guys...
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: DroppingPlates on September 12, 2014, 02:23:23 AM
I never really left guys...

You lurker of a bitch
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: Donny on September 12, 2014, 06:17:39 AM
I never really left guys...
no one leaves getbig... you signed your soul to Ronald MC Donald  ;D
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: WOOO on September 13, 2014, 03:08:55 PM
yep... been around since this board was launched (first acct was created about 5 months in)... the wooo account has been themainstay though although i have strayed on occasion...
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: chaos on September 13, 2014, 05:42:56 PM
Great, junior has bought the WOOO account also. Ron, time to TO this gimmick!
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: DroppingPlates on September 14, 2014, 12:07:43 AM
Great, junior has bought the WOOO account also. Ron, time to TO this gimmick!

Is there any evidence ???
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: WOOO on September 14, 2014, 02:28:38 AM
Chaos... People apparently still take you seriously...

My original account is in timeout... My 2 gimmicks were the Dicki_Nurmom and ~flour~ accounts... Both of which are out of commission.

The WOOO account was originally called gliya but was renamed in 2007 with Ron's help...

Maybe I'll breakout the photoshop again... Lots of chaos pictures floating around thanks to another McGill alum...
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: local hero on September 14, 2014, 08:56:21 AM
Tried these the other day, the amount of weight to perform them correctly is pretty humbling... Probly why they aren't so popular
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: chaos on September 14, 2014, 02:21:32 PM
Chaos... People apparently still take you seriously...

My original account is in timeout... My 2 gimmicks were the Dicki_Nurmom and ~flour~ accounts... Both of which are out of commission.

The WOOO account was originally called gliya but was renamed in 2007 with Ron's help...

Maybe I'll breakout the photoshop again... Lots of chaos pictures floating around thanks to another McGill alum...
Why anyone would take chaos seriously.... ::) :D
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: anabolichalo on September 14, 2014, 02:32:31 PM
the secret to big arms is doing as many weird bicep exercises as possible

Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: Donny on September 15, 2014, 02:52:47 AM
Tried these the other day, the amount of weight to perform them correctly is pretty humbling... Probly why they aren't so popular
They really do take a lot of other muscles out of it. As close to isolation as you can get. still like you wrote most people go more for other exercises such as  cable curls. On the other side how many guys do close undergrip chins for Biceps? I gave a woman pulldowns with this grip on a full body workout a few months back and she said she loves it... A great Bicep pre-exhaust is preacher curls+close grip chins.
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: jpm101 on September 15, 2014, 08:57:38 AM
With a majority of BB'ing exercises, you can make a 10lb DB feel like a 100lbs, when accounting for the exercise system/style, performance or leverage. Even  a twist of the wrist, different hand gripping, the path of the elbows during a movement can make a difference. Remembering that BB'ing is not a strength challenge, the old adage that get stronger and muscle size will follow is not always correct. Old motto in BB'ing  was "more blood, more muscle" which the classic BB'ers of the 60's & 70's knew all too well.

When you see a massive Pro doing set after set of twelve and a half lb DB laterals (even getting out of breath doing them...which I have witnessed first hand) you got to take into account  his success. Though spending $8- to 12 thousand a year for "helpers" has to be taken into consideration. Most of his reps were the swinging up kind, lot of body English..which most of the larger men do in most any exercise.

Being humbled by old man weights, used in certain exercises, can be something to overcome by most guy's.  Ego can usually delay the full potential for a lot of folks. But the bottom line is results in BB'ing, no matter the workout system used......light, moderater or heavy.  Just have to find out what works best for you.

Good Luck.
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: anabolichalo on September 15, 2014, 02:04:16 PM
With a majority of BB'ing exercises, you can make a 10lb DB feel like a 100lbs, when accounting for the exercise system/style, performance or leverage. Even  a twist of the wrist, different hand gripping, the path of the elbows during a movement can make a difference. Remembering that BB'ing is not a strength challenge, the old adage that get stronger and muscle size will follow is not always correct. Old motto in BB'ing  was "more blood, more muscle" which the classic BB'ers of the 60's & 70's knew all too well.

When you see a massive Pro doing set after set of twelve and a half lb DB laterals (even getting out of breath doing them...which I have witnessed first hand) you got to take into account  his success. Though spending $8- to 12 thousand a year for "helpers" has to be taken into consideration. Most of his reps were the swinging up kind, lot of body English..which most of the larger men do in most any exercise.

Being humbled by old man weights, used in certain exercises, can be something to overcome by most guy's.  Ego can usually delay the full potential for a lot of folks. But the bottom line is results in BB'ing, no matter the workout system used......light, moderater or heavy.  Just have to find out what works best for you.

Good Luck.

Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: chaos on September 15, 2014, 08:09:27 PM

Why not post a video of yourself doing curls?
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: DroppingPlates on September 15, 2014, 11:09:29 PM
Why not post a video of yourself doing curls?

18" gunz curlz for dem 18 y/o girlz...
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: local hero on October 01, 2014, 01:25:03 AM
They really do take a lot of other muscles out of it. As close to isolation as you can get. still like you wrote most people go more for other exercises such as  cable curls. On the other side how many guys do close undergrip chins for Biceps? I gave a woman pulldowns with this grip on a full body workout a few months back and she said she loves it... A great Bicep pre-exhaust is preacher curls+close grip chins.

I've started doing close grip curl chins a few weeks ago just out of curiosity from reading this and there a great way to hit them, I try and keep my lats out if it as much as I can, but a great movement that I've never really used

Had a few by standers having a look and asking why im doing chins for my arms, I think you have to have some development to be able to control it to make it a bicep movement and not a jerk to just get your chin over the bar
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: Donny on October 01, 2014, 01:42:01 AM
I've started doing close grip curl chins a few weeks ago just out of curiosity from reading this and there a great way to hit them, I try and keep my lats out if it as much as I can, but a great movement that I've never really used

Had a few by standers having a look and asking why im doing chins for my arms, I think you have to have some development to be able to control it to make it a bicep movement and not a jerk to just get your chin over the bar
Nice.. i like them always have. Just one of those exercises you take to ;D
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: WOOO on October 01, 2014, 03:46:39 PM
i have to be frank... i own a preacher bench that i considered selling due to elbow pain... this movement has eliminated the issue...
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: jpm101 on October 01, 2014, 06:05:59 PM
Other than his Nautilus equipment, If remembering right. Art Jones was big on curl grip chins and even the standard BB curl.

One of his bicep programs was close curl grip negatives, in which a fulkl 60 seconds was timed from lowering the body at the top position of the chin to the ending at the bottom.  Just needed that one set, a killer for most men. 

Doing any type of chinning, using gymnastic style rings which can turn as the biceps contracts, can be an advantage for most BB'ers.  Check out the arms of most gymnast..superior biceps and they workout most every day, doing some form of bar/ring movements.

Good Luick.
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: WOOO on October 01, 2014, 06:41:50 PM
Other than his Nautilus equipment, If remembering right. Art Jones was big on curl grip chins and even the standard BB curl.

One of his bicep programs was close curl grip negatives, in which a fulkl 60 seconds was timed from lowering the body at the top position of the chin to the ending at the bottom.  Just needed that one set, a killer for most men. 

Doing any type of chinning, using gymnastic style rings which can turn as the biceps contracts, can be an advantage for most BB'ers.  Check out the arms of most gymnast..superior biceps and they workout most every day, doing some form of bar/ring movements.

Good Luick.

1 rep... 60 seconds... gotta try it..
Title: Re: Spider curls
Post by: local hero on October 02, 2014, 09:33:38 AM
 might try that next time I train with my brother as a non poundage related challenge, catch the cun.t off guard