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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: Mr.Primo on February 14, 2006, 01:15:15 PM

Title: Help with this cycle..
Post by: Mr.Primo on February 14, 2006, 01:15:15 PM
Hi,  I will be doing  a  cutting cycle soon, so I just wanted to have some  opinions. I have 2 bottles of  trenbolone QV 10ML each,, 24  amps of winstrol depot, 15 amps of primobolan  depot, and about 20 boxes of clenbuterol 30 tabs per box. someone help structure a cycle with those drugs. Thank you.
Title: Re: Help with this cycle..
Post by: SubcultureS10 on February 14, 2006, 01:58:51 PM
Stats & past cycles?
Title: Re: Help with this cycle..
Post by: Mr.Primo on February 14, 2006, 04:09:40 PM
175lb, 26years old, 3 cycles so  far,, last cycle 8  week cycle sust 500mg, bold 400, d-bol 30 mg  first 4 weeks, and  post cycle of course. last  cycle about  a  year ago. thanks for your help.
Title: Re: Help with this cycle..
Post by: DIVISION on February 15, 2006, 01:34:52 AM
175lb, 26years old, 3 cycles so  far,, last cycle 8  week cycle sust 500mg, bold 400, d-bol 30 mg  first 4 weeks, and  post cycle of course. last  cycle about  a  year ago. thanks for your help.

How about you research cycles and the construct your own cycle, or better yet, research a cycle THEN buy the AAS to fill in the blanks.

You don't plan a cycle around whatever scraps you can get.

When will you people learn this?   ::)

Common sense.

Title: Re: Help with this cycle..
Post by: Mr.Primo on February 15, 2006, 05:39:22 PM
ok I can make my own cycle as far as dosage etc,,  What do you guys think about useing  these 3 drugs,, tren, winny, and primobolan depot. is it a good combo or what? any suggestion on how to  make it better.
Title: Re: Help with this cycle..
Post by: DIVISION on February 16, 2006, 01:47:55 AM
ok I can make my own cycle as far as dosage etc,,  What do you guys think about useing  these 3 drugs,, tren, winny, and primobolan depot. is it a good combo or what? any suggestion on how to  make it better.

I think you still haven't learned that Testosterone should be a base of any longterm cycle.  I've preached this for months and you obviously haven't read the forum or you'd know that.

Any of those three will work with Test.......depending on your goals.

Title: Re: Help with this cycle..
Post by: Mr.Primo on February 16, 2006, 03:00:21 PM
Ok, thanks a lot D.
Title: Re: Help with this cycle..
Post by: muscle19 on February 16, 2006, 04:23:43 PM
primo, r u able to get ahold of test?

Title: Re: Help with this cycle..
Post by: Mr.Primo on February 19, 2006, 12:10:54 PM
Muscle 19,, not at this moment, I guss I could go down  to TJ but I just dont want to drive to mexico too lazy.
Title: Re: Help with this cycle..
Post by: sarcasm on February 19, 2006, 01:03:33 PM
175lb, 26years old, 3 cycles so  far,, last cycle 8  week cycle sust 500mg, bold 400, d-bol 30 mg  first 4 weeks, and  post cycle of course. last  cycle about  a  year ago. thanks for your help.
you're 175 lbs. after three cycles, what do you eat, celery sticks, that's pathetic, you need to get your eating straight before you fuck with drugs, IMO.
Title: Re: Help with this cycle..
Post by: Mr.Primo on February 19, 2006, 05:56:37 PM
Well, i was at  205lb, a year ago,,stoped lifting for for a while because of school, and other personal problems. I'm looking forward in getting back to it.
Title: Re: Help with this cycle..
Post by: J-Land_Joe on February 19, 2006, 07:57:08 PM
for someone who used to be 205 and is now 175 and wants to do a cutting cycle, I would say you got your priorities wrong.  Sounds like you need to spend 3 months training, eating and sleeping right, and then once you have got you BF to where you want it or have gotten your weight back to where you want it, use the gear to propel you to a new level.

In the long run you will be much more satisfied.  DO it right or don't do it at all.
Title: Re: Help with this cycle..
Post by: DIVISION on February 19, 2006, 08:44:21 PM
you're 175 lbs. after three cycles, what do you eat, celery sticks, that's pathetic, you need to get your eating straight before you f**k with drugs, IMO.

^Mirzy is right.  175lbs after three cycle is pathetic.  Even if you ate like shit you should still have put on more weight than that.  I don't know what to say.  I was 175lbs when I was 19 and going in to the military, and I ran everyday.  That was before I turned to the "Dark Side".

for someone who used to be 205 and is now 175 and wants to do a cutting cycle, I would say you got your priorities wrong.  Sounds like you need to spend 3 months training, eating and sleeping right, and then once you have got you BF to where you want it or have gotten your weight back to where you want it, use the gear to propel you to a new level.
In the long run you will be much more satisfied.  DO it right or don't do it at all.

^Joseph is correct.

Get the fundamentals down first before you jump back in to the cycle.

Don't use AAS as a crutch, us it to help you expand your game to the next level.


Title: Re: Help with this cycle..
Post by: Mr.Primo on February 20, 2006, 12:36:47 PM
All of you are correct, what happened was that after my third cycle a year ago I was going to do a cutting cycle but due to some problems I couldn't do it, so  the thing is  that the gear that I  have expires this year so  I just dont want to waste this gear and use it before it expires.
Title: Re: Help with this cycle..
Post by: DIVISION on February 20, 2006, 09:12:41 PM
All of you are correct, what happened was that after my third cycle a year ago I was going to do a cutting cycle but due to some problems I couldn't do it, so  the thing is  that the gear that I  have expires this year so  I just dont want to waste this gear and use it before it expires.

^You should have said that in the beginning, Primo.

Use it up before it expires.