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Getbig Misc Discussion Boards => E-Board - Movies, Music, TV, Videogames, Comics => Topic started by: Princess L on October 14, 2014, 11:11:37 AM

Title: All in the Family - Great show!
Post by: Princess L on October 14, 2014, 11:11:37 AM

Title: Re: All in the Family - Great show!
Post by: Wez on October 14, 2014, 11:26:48 AM
saw them all every week when they were on. hilarious.
Title: Re: All in the Family - Great show!
Post by: Princess L on October 14, 2014, 12:50:28 PM
Title: Re: All in the Family - Great show!
Post by: AD2100 on October 19, 2014, 05:06:38 AM
"All In The Family" was a fantastic, ground-breaking television show. Norman Lear did a wonderful job of displaying how ignorant and buffoonish some of the white working class of America could be, yet he also portrayed a man deeply devoted to his family. One has to remember that this show aired during the Nixon administration - the president who ran on a campaign of "Law and Order" to prey on the fears of the white population in America.
Archie was a man full of fear - both of the different, as well as anything resembling change. This, even though change is the most inevitable part of life besides death.  I always felt it ironic how Americans could laugh at how racist and dumb they could be, yet go off to work the next day and carry on in the same manner. ZERO self-reflection or growth from the lessons provided.

Everyone should read Norman Lear's new book. Especially those who remember the "golden age" of television he created.
Title: Re: All in the Family - Great show!
Post by: AD2100 on October 19, 2014, 05:15:30 AM

All in the Family, edit from Lionel's Engagement (1974). In memory of Sherman Hemsley, and the open racial dialog that TV sitcoms offered during this period.