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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: shoe on February 16, 2006, 02:57:11 PM

Title: 4 weeks in
Post by: shoe on February 16, 2006, 02:57:11 PM
I am for weeks in a 40mg debol 1-5weeks, test 750week 12 weeks HCG .1ml every 5 days
 I have put on 10bls and strengh is way up this week My weight level out, is there a set amout you should gain a week? maybe up my food intake? after the debol does the weight gain slow down? I think the 10lbs is water, but I still have good definition and my muscles seem alot tighter.
Title: Re: 4 weeks in
Post by: muscle19 on February 16, 2006, 04:25:42 PM
i bet alot of it is water, everyopne is diff. when it comes to weight increase, if ur looking to bulk, eat alot of food bro, lots of carbs and protein (stay away from fast food if at all possible). there is no certain # that ur suppose to be at. good luck

Title: Re: 4 weeks in
Post by: DIVISION on February 16, 2006, 05:42:15 PM
I am for weeks in a 40mg debol 1-5weeks, test 750week 12 weeks HCG .1ml every 5 days I have put on 10bls and strengh is way up this week My weight level out, is there a set amout you should gain a week? maybe up my food intake? after the debol does the weight gain slow down? I think the 10lbs is water, but I still have good definition and my muscles seem alot tighter.

Like muscle said, eat alot of good clean food.  Forcefeed if you have to in order to get the nutrition in.  Who cares about waterweight right now?  The D-bol does that, nothing you can do about it.  Just eat right and train.

Title: Re: 4 weeks in
Post by: Arnold jr on February 16, 2006, 08:38:49 PM
Why is everyone always so concerned about water weight? I don't care for it myself, that bloated look and feeling, but it's not like it's something that's not manageable.

It's part of the game people!!! Either accept it or get out.
Title: Re: 4 weeks in
Post by: muscle19 on February 26, 2006, 04:55:33 PM
exactly, and if u dont like it there r ways to keep it off so choice ur goals and be prepared for the results
