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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Dos Equis on October 31, 2014, 08:47:07 AM

Title: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: Dos Equis on October 31, 2014, 08:47:07 AM
Campaign in the toilet?  Defeat looming?  Cannot address the merits?  Just play the race card.   ::)

Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'

Louisiana Democrat Sen. Mary Landrieu said Thursday that the issue of race is a major reason that President Barack Obama has struggled politically in Southern states.

“I'll be very, very honest with you. The South has not always been the friendliest place for African-Americans,” Landrieu told NBC News in an interview. “It's been a difficult time for the president to present himself in a very positive light as a leader."

Noting that the South is “more of a conservative place,” she added that women have also faced challenges in “presenting ourselves.”

The comment prompted a fiery response from Louisiana Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal, who called it "remarkably divisive."

"She appears to be living in a different century," he said in a statement. "Implied in her comments is the clear suggestion that President Obama and his policies are unpopular in Louisiana because of his ethnicity. That is a major insult by Senator Landrieu to the people of Louisiana and I flatly reject it."

Landrieu, who is locked in a close election against two Republicans, said that Obama has faced opposition for policy reasons too, noting that Louisianans believe his moratorium on offshore drilling hurt the state's economy.

"One of the reasons that the president's so unpopular is because he put the moratorium on off-shore drilling. remember? After Macondo. And our state was furious about that. Now he could have shut down the BP operations but he didn't, he shut down the whole Gulf," she said. "When you shut down the whole gulf of Mexico it puts a lot of people here at risk and out of business. That's number one."

And she noted that the Democratic Party is different state to state, saying: "The Democratic Party is not the same thing in New York as it is in Louisiana. You know what's also interesting? The Republican Party is not the same thing in California as it is in Utah."

Landrieu said that while the ideological environment of the country may have changed, her philosophy has not.

“Right now the country is very polarized and it's because we've got FOX on one side and MSNBC on the other and people just fighting for the center,” she said. “But I've been in the center. I've never moved.”

But she did modify a previous statement about whether or not she would support Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for re-election, saying that she now wants to wait to see who competes for the job with him.

“Three months ago I said that I would vote for Harry Reid again. I'm telling you today, that I'm gonna see who is going to run,” she said. “I have no idea. And then I'm going to make my mind up based on who's the best for Louisiana.”

Here's a full transcript of the exchange about Obama and his race.

TODD: Why does President Obama have a hard time in Louisiana?

LANDRIEU: One of the main reasons is because his energy policies are really different than ours. I mean, we're a pro-production state. We wanna drill almost anywhere. People believe that it's an opportunity for Americans to become energy self-sufficient.

TODD: But if the Democratic party isn't there, you say President Obama, Harry Reid isn't there. He's not there is he?

LANDRIEU: I've worked with four majority leaders. I"ve worked with Trent Lott, I've worked with Bill Frist, and I've gotten along with everybody and tried to get the job done for the state of Louisiana.

One of the reasons that the president's so unpopular is because HE put the moratorium on off-shore drilling. remember? After Macondo. And our state was furious about that. Now he could have shut down the BP operations but he didn't, he shut down the whole Gulf. When you shut down the whole gulf of Mexico it puts a lot of people here at risk and out of business. That's number one.

I'll be very very honest with you. The South has not always been the friendliest place for African-Tmericans. It's been a difficult time for the president to present himself in a very positive light as a leader. It''s not always been a good place for women to present ourselves. It's more of a conservative place. So we've had to work a little bit harder on that, but you know, the people trust me, I believe. Really they do. Trust me to do the right thing for the state.
Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: 240 is Back on October 31, 2014, 09:14:12 AM
Campaign in the toilet?  Defeat looming?  Cannot address the merits?  Just play the race card.   ::)

Idiots will be idiots.

Idiots wouldnt get any traction if other idiots didn't repeat his message.  The media (NBC in this case) and anyone who repeats this insanely stupid thought from Landrieu are helping his get his message out. 
Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: Dos Equis on October 31, 2014, 09:25:36 AM
Idiots will be idiots.

Idiots wouldnt get any traction if other idiots didn't repeat his message.  The media (NBC in this case) and anyone who repeats this insanely stupid thought from Landrieu are helping his get his message out. 

I think idiots mine Democratic Underground and the Daily Kos for anti-conservative stories and post them here, while also pretending to be conservative when they are actually a flaming liberal.
Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: Coach is Back! on October 31, 2014, 10:23:23 AM
I think idiots mine Democratic Underground and the Daily Kos for anti-conservative stories and post them here, while also pretending to be conservative when they are actually a flaming liberal.

Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 31, 2014, 10:30:02 AM
Pathetic.   Good bye you witch and take skellcare w you
Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: 2Thick on October 31, 2014, 11:37:29 AM
Idiots will be idiots.

Idiots wouldnt get any traction if other idiots didn't repeat his message.  The media (NBC in this case) and anyone who repeats this insanely stupid thought from Landrieu are helping his get his message out. 

Landrieu is a broad. And an ugly one at that.
Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on October 31, 2014, 03:32:32 PM
She is correct.....obvious
Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 31, 2014, 03:45:00 PM
She is correct.....obvious

I am a nyc dago wop.  I hate obama too probably even more than the gophers.  F him worthless poa
Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: Dos Equis on October 31, 2014, 05:48:48 PM
She is correct.....obvious

She is obviously wrong.  It has "been a difficult time for the president to present himself in a very positive light as a leader," because he's a lousy leader.  He couldn't work with Congress.  Democrats accused him of disengaging.  He never admitted mistakes.  His administration is corrupt.  He almost single-handedly destabilized the Middle East.  He doesn't the respect of the military.  He tried to censor and intimidate the press.  He further polarized D.C.  But people think he's a poor leader because of his race.   ::) 

And how on earth do conservatives make the South "not a good place for women to present" themselves?   
Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: dario73 on October 31, 2014, 09:10:44 PM
She is correct.....obvious

Then how did she ever become a Senator? How could Louisiana elect Jindal?

She is wrong....obvious.
Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: 24KT on November 01, 2014, 12:39:34 AM
She is obviously wrong.  It has "been a difficult time for the president to present himself in a very positive light as a leader," because he's a lousy leader.  He couldn't work with Congress.  Democrats accused him of disengaging.  He never admitted mistakes.  His administration is corrupt.  He almost single-handedly destabilized the Middle East.  He doesn't the respect of the military.  He tried to censor and intimidate the press.  He further polarized D.C.  But people think he's a poor leader because of his race.   ::) 

And how on earth do conservatives make the South "not a good place for women to present" themselves?   

...and he almost single-handedly did this how? Was it when he launched an invasion into Iraq in 2003?
Or was it when he landed on that aircraft carrier and unfurled that banner "Mission Accomplished?"   ::)   ::)
Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: RRKore on November 01, 2014, 12:53:24 AM
She is obviously wrong.  It has "been a difficult time for the president to present himself in a very positive light as a leader," because he's a lousy leader.  He couldn't work with Congress.  Democrats accused him of disengaging.  He never admitted mistakes.  His administration is corrupt.  He almost single-handedly destabilized the Middle East.  He doesn't the respect of the military.  He tried to censor and intimidate the press.  He further polarized D.C.  But people think he's a poor leader because of his race.   ::) 

And how on earth do conservatives make the South "not a good place for women to present" themselves?   

Reading comprehension fail:  She said "It's not always been a good place for women to present ourselves." 

Your question seems to be asking about NOW and her statement seems to be about the PAST. 

Ya follow?
Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: T-REX007 on November 01, 2014, 11:39:49 AM
A lot of people seem to forget it was "WHITEY" that FREED all the afro-americans, WHITEY fought a civil war over states rights/ slavery issue, 600 k plus white people died, WHITEY enacted affirmative programs, welfare, WHITEY ALLOWED the civil rights movement to take place, ANYTHING that afro-americans have was simply and ultimately ALLOWED AND CREATED by WHITEY, simple as that, bedrock truth, if WHITEY wanted it, slavery would be legal and all the horrors associated with it

Slavery was not invented by the white man, like everything in the world pretty much, whitey just improved the process, made it more efficient etc.... it was HORRIBLE, on par with the holocaust no doubt .... but give whitey a frickin' break, and credit where credit is due

Sharpton and Jesse and a slew of others ought to be kissin' whitey's a -  - 

Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: Dos Equis on November 03, 2014, 10:24:51 AM
...and he almost single-handedly did this how? Was it when he launched an invasion into Iraq in 2003?
Or was it when he landed on that aircraft carrier and unfurled that banner "Mission Accomplished?"   ::)   ::)

By sabotaging the SOFA in Iraq, resulting in the removal of all our troops and failing to combat terrorists in Syria.  If he had kept a division in Iraq, ISIS wouldn't be running all over the country and making gains in Syria.  
Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: Dos Equis on November 03, 2014, 10:29:02 AM
Reading comprehension fail:  She said "It's not always been a good place for women to present ourselves." 

Your question seems to be asking about NOW and her statement seems to be about the PAST. 

Ya follow?

Yes, you are actually dumber than I thought.   :-\
Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: Dos Equis on November 03, 2014, 10:35:42 AM
Alex Wagner OK With Racial Fear Tactics—If That's What It Takes for Dems to Win
By Mark Finkelstein | October 30, 2014

Could this be the most cynical statement of the campaign season?  The woman whose recent wedding President Obama attended is okay with stoking the racial fears of black Americans—if that's what it takes to drive them to the polls and secure Dem victories. Alex Wagner devoted a segment of her MSNBC show today to the naked appeals to the racial fears of black Americans that Democrats are making in campaign ads.  Wagner discussed Dem ads that seek to stoke black fear toward Republicans by invoking Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown.

You might think Wagner would have condemned these ugly tactics, explicitly aimed at driving Americans apart based on their race.  Think again. To the contrary, Wagner concluded the segment by saying that it shouldn't have to be the kind of threats contained in these ads that get people to vote, "but if it does, so much stronger the party is for it."

ALEX WAGNER: Democrats hoping to get minority voters to the polls have instead focused on race and racial bias. In North Carolina, Harry Reid's Senate Majority PAC ran this radio spot attacking GOP Senate candidate Tom Tillis.

AD: Tillis won't fight for us. Instead he made it harder for communities of color to vote, by restricting early voting and voter registration. Tillis even led the effort to pass the type of stand your ground laws that caused the shooting death of Trayvon Martin.

WAGNER: In Georgia, state Democrats printed a flyer warning that the way to prevent "another Ferguson" is to vote. Arkansas residents meanwhile, received a mailer showing a man in a hands-up, don't shoot position made infamous in the wake of Michael Brown's killing. The mailer reads: "If we want to end senseless killings like Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, we need to vote . . . It's important to say that it shouldn't have to be the threat of undermining civil rights that gets people to vote, but if it does, so much stronger the party is for it.
Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: RRKore on November 03, 2014, 12:39:58 PM
Yes, you are actually dumber than I thought.   :-\

Deflect all ya want but it's clear that you're the one who's making the reading comprehension mistake here, lol.

I say this without ill will but what kind of man are you that you won't either explain why it's not a reading comprehension mistake on your part or just suck it up and admit that you made a small mistake?

You can do better, BB.

Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: Dos Equis on November 03, 2014, 01:45:36 PM
Deflect all ya want but it's clear that you're the one who's making the reading comprehension mistake here, lol.

I say this without ill will but what kind of man are you that you won't either explain why it's not a reading comprehension mistake on your part or just suck it up and admit that you made a small mistake?

You can do better, BB.

 ::)  Oh nos.  He questioned my manhood.  I better respond to this.   :o

1.  You have to not be a hack to understand that this woman was playing the race card and trying to say that it's hard for a woman to get equal treatment by conservatives, war on women, blah blah blah.  So, your first problem in understanding this is that you're a hack.  

2.  You have to be a critical thinker.  If you're looking for precise phrases, and discount the implication of someone's words because they don't use the exact words that you think they should, you're going to have a problem.  So, your second problem is you're a simpleton.  I don't know if you are a simpleton in real life.  You could actually be a smart person in real life.  But on the board?  You are Simpleton Simon.  

3.  The woman said "It's not always been a good place for women to present ourselves.  It's more of a conservative place."  Clearly, "more a conservative place" qualifies "it's not always been a good place for women."  Anyone paying attention to liberal talking points knows precisely what she was trying to say.  This wasn't some reference to the woman's suffrage movement.   ::)  She was talking about present day.  But like I said, if you're a hack and simpleton that might fly right over your head.      

That is way more than I wanted to say about this.  I was going to just insult you and move on, but since you challenged my manhood, and the internets is really serious business, I had to clear this up.   >:(
Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: 240 is Back on November 03, 2014, 02:56:21 PM
::)  Oh nos.

LOL!  Oh Bae, you so cray.  such swag tho.
Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on November 03, 2014, 02:58:44 PM
She is obviously wrong.  It has "been a difficult time for the president to present himself in a very positive light as a leader," because he's a lousy leader.  He couldn't work with Congress.  Democrats accused him of disengaging.  He never admitted mistakes.  His administration is corrupt.  He almost single-handedly destabilized the Middle East.  He doesn't the respect of the military.  He tried to censor and intimidate the press.  He further polarized D.C.  But people think he's a poor leader because of his race.   ::) 

And how on earth do conservatives make the South "not a good place for women to present" themselves?   

Are You Black??  - No
Do You Live In The South - No

Shut the fuck up then....
Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: 240 is Back on November 03, 2014, 03:05:15 PM
screw race.  it's about money.   wealth = power.  

Lebron pwns every poor white boy at every bus stop in america.

Aliko Dangote is worth 22 billion and pwns the shit out of every white person south of the mason dixon worth under $5k.

Zimmerman doesn't get out of truck and chase down neil degrasse tyson.   Or Mike tyson, for that matter lol.
Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: Dos Equis on November 03, 2014, 03:19:03 PM
Are You Black??  - No
Do You Live In The South - No

Shut the fuck up then....

Are you a woman?  Do you know what it's like for a woman to live in Louisiana?  Do you live in Louisiana? 

I don't know the answer to any those questions, so I cannot tell you to shut up. 

In any event, everything I said is true. 
Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 03, 2014, 03:30:30 PM
Are you a woman?  Do you know what it's like for a woman to live in Louisiana?  Do you live in Louisiana? 

I don't know the answer to any those questions, so I cannot tell you to shut up. 

In any event, everything I said is true. 

Well . . . .  :D
Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: chadstallion on November 03, 2014, 04:08:16 PM
She is correct.....obvious
true that.
live in Texas; it is that way.
Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: tonymctones on November 03, 2014, 05:23:22 PM
true that.
live in Texas; it is that way.
live in Texas, its not that way
Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 03, 2014, 05:55:58 PM
Where I live failbama is not welcome either.    He is a terrorist and a racist criminal
Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: MCWAY on November 03, 2014, 10:32:10 PM
Are You Black??  - No
Do You Live In The South - No

Shut the fuck up then..


I'm black and lived in the south for over 30 years. I guess that means I can talk.

Old EEEEEVVIIIILLLL Whitey never stopped me from getting anything in life. I went to private school and was among the best in my class. I went to college on a full-ride scholarship and got my degree in engineering.

The bottom line is this: Landrieu is spewing this crap because she FEARS she's getting the boot, just like a number of Democrats who have a first-class ticket to the woodshed in less than 24 hours.
Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: RRKore on November 03, 2014, 11:18:55 PM
::)  Oh nos.  He questioned my manhood.  I better respond to this.   :o

1.  You have to not be a hack to understand that this woman was playing the race card and trying to say that it's hard for a woman to get equal treatment by conservatives, war on women, blah blah blah.  So, your first problem in understanding this is that you're a hack.  

2.  You have to be a critical thinker.  If you're looking for precise phrases, and discount the implication of someone's words because they don't use the exact words that you think they should, you're going to have a problem.  So, your second problem is you're a simpleton.  I don't know if you are a simpleton in real life.  You could actually be a smart person in real life.  But on the board?  You are Simpleton Simon.  

3.  The woman said "It's not always been a good place for women to present ourselves.  It's more of a conservative place."  Clearly, "more a conservative place" qualifies "it's not always been a good place for women."  Anyone paying attention to liberal talking points knows precisely what she was trying to say.  This wasn't some reference to the woman's suffrage movement.   ::)  She was talking about present day.  But like I said, if you're a hack and simpleton that might fly right over your head.      

That is way more than I wanted to say about this.  I was going to just insult you and move on, but since you challenged my manhood, and the internets is really serious business, I had to clear this up.   >:(

OK, I get it -- You are ghey and in a snit.  lol
Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: Dos Equis on November 04, 2014, 08:38:31 AM


I'm black and lived in the south for over 30 years. I guess that means I can talk.

Old EEEEEVVIIIILLLL Whitey never stopped me from getting anything in life. I went to private school and was among the best in my class. I went to college on a full-ride scholarship and got my degree in engineering.

The bottom line is this: Landrieu is spewing this crap because she FEARS she's getting the boot, just like a number of Democrats who have a first-class ticket to the woodshed in less than 24 hours.

What's a shame is she might actually win after the runoff.  
Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: chadstallion on November 04, 2014, 03:23:26 PM
live in Texas, its not that way
then you must have an all white, gated community. good for you.
 Highland Park, Dallas and Preston Hollow, Dallas have the biggest bucks and the most racist judgmental whites around. I know, I hear the old men talking in the gym's locker room.  about that 'guy president. "
Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: tonymctones on November 04, 2014, 03:45:54 PM
then you must have an all white, gated community. good for you.
 Highland Park, Dallas and Preston Hollow, Dallas have the biggest bucks and the most racist judgmental whites around. I know, I hear the old men talking in the gym's locker room.  about that 'guy president. "
Nope grew up near acres homes in houston. Racist people all over the place including blacks, Hispanics and Asians.

So some old man refers to the president as that "guy president" and somehow the system is rigged against blacks?
Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: chadstallion on November 05, 2014, 10:28:18 AM
Nope grew up near acres homes in houston. Racist people all over the place including blacks, Hispanics and Asians.

So some old man refers to the president as that "guy president" and somehow the system is rigged against blacks?

Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: Dos Equis on November 14, 2014, 09:59:05 AM
Cassidy leads Landrieu in internal poll
By Jonathan Easley
November 13, 2014

Rep. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) has opened up a 16-point lead over Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) in their Louisiana Senate runoff, according to an internal poll conducted on behalf of the Cassidy campaign and obtained by The Hill.

Cassidy takes 56.6 percent against Landrieu’s 40.5 percent in the poll conducted by Magellan Strategies. While internal polls should be viewed with some skepticism, it’s the first head-to-head poll to be released in the runoff period. The RealClearPolitics average of polls taken before Election Day showed Cassidy up by 5 percent in the head-to-head matchup.

A source close to the Landrieu campaign strongly pushed back against the poll, arguing that it’s an automated, push-button survey conducted by a conservative outlet, that it used loaded terms to survey only issues pertinent to the Cassidy campaign and that it underestimates Landrieu’s popularity among African-American voters.

On Election Day, Landrieu took 43 percent in a field where Republicans split the vote. Cassidy trailed in at 42 percent, and Tea Party candidate Rob Maness at 14 percent. Louisiana’s election rules require a run-off on Dec. 6 between the top two candidates because no candidate topped 50 percent of the vote.

Maness has since rallied conservatives to back Cassidy. Influential conservatives like Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-La.) and former vice presidential contender Sarah Palin have endorsed Cassidy and are participating in “unity rallies” to help him unseat Landrieu.

Louisiana Democrats say that Republicans are late to rally behind Cassidy because he doesn’t inspire confidence within GOP circles. They also point to Maness’s double-digit support in the general election and say those Louisiana voters won’t turn out for Cassidy in the runoff just because national Republicans have now taken an interest in the race.

According to the poll, Landrieu’s big lead among African-American voters — she takes almost 90 percent in the poll to Cassidy’s 7 percent — isn’t enough to make up for Cassidy’s strength among white voters, who in exit polls made up about 75 percent of the electorate in 2014.

Landrieu only captured about 18 percent of white voters in Louisiana on Election Day, according to exit polling. However, her percentage of the black vote was in the high 90s — a larger percentage than the Cassidy poll gives her now.

The poll shows that President Obama is a major drag on Landrieu, and since she’s returned to Washington for the lame-duck session, she’s sought to put as much space as possible between herself and the president.

On Wednesday, Landrieu spent hours on the Senate floor urging colleagues to bring her bill authorizing the Keystone XL oil pipeline up for a vote, a controversial project that Obama opposes. A vote could also help Landrieu remind Louisianans of her clout on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.

Landrieu sought to distance herself from Democratic leadership in the Senate — she was one of a handful of Democrats to vote against Sen. Harry Reid’s reelection as Democratic leader on Thursday, according to
Title: Re: Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'
Post by: Dos Equis on December 04, 2014, 11:15:17 AM
Abandoned by Dems, Landrieu Struggles to Keep La. Senate Seat
Thursday, 04 Dec 2014
By Elliot Jager

Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana is battling against the odds for her political life with little money and no backing from the national Democratic Party, according to The Washington Post.

Her Republican challenger, Rep. Bill Cassidy, is heavily favored to defeat the three-term incumbent in their runoff election on Saturday. An IWV/GEB International poll released on Monday shows Cassidy ahead by 26 points.

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee has little incentive to spend more money on Landrieu's behalf. She's way behind in the polls and even if she were to somehow win, Republicans would still control the Senate.

In the open election, Landrieu leveraged her role as chairwoman of the Energy Committee. Now, no matter what happens on Saturday, a Republican will head the committee in the next Congress, according to the Post.

Landrieu says she is "extremely disappointed" by how the national party has treated her.

"You know, they just walked away from this race," she told the Post.

With Obama highly unpopular in the state, Republicans have tied her to the president.

"Senator Landrieu represents Barack Obama. I represent you," Cassidy said in their last debate.

She initially dissociated herself from Obama. Her current tack is to say the contest "isn't about whether you like Bill Clinton as president or George Bush as president or Barack Obama as president," the Post reported.

Landrieu is battling on making a special — if unrealistic — effort to get out the African-American vote using radio. She has accused Cassidy of disrespecting Obama by not referring to him by his title.

She's also suggested that Cassidy, a physician, may have improperly taken a part-time teaching salary when he was already in Congress.

By one count, there have been less than 100 ads on Landrieu's behalf compared to 6,000 touting Cassidy during the runoff period.

If she loses as expected, the Deep South will be sending only Republican senators to the new Congress. And Louisiana will have lost its last statewide Democratic elected official, the Post reported.