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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Injury and Rehabilitation => Topic started by: tbrunson on February 17, 2006, 11:29:31 AM

Title: Supraspinatus Tendinopathy....what next??
Post by: tbrunson on February 17, 2006, 11:29:31 AM
Hello everyone, I'm hoping someone can shed some light on my current shoulder problems.

An MRI shows the following problems:

1. Mild supraspinatus tendinopathy without full thickness tear.
2. Increased signal within the anterior-superior labum which may represent labral tear.
3. Moderate acromioclavicular osteoarthritis with impingement.

I was scheduled to see a shoulder specialist but my insurance rejected the referral and I have to start that whole process from the beginning with my primary care physician. That's process will take a couple of months.

In the meantime, for the last two weeks I've stopped doing any upper body workouts and am keeping all lower body workouts limited to machines.

I'm icing my shoulder at least 2x a day and am keeping my arm in a sling during the evenings.

I'm taking Cissus for the tendon healing, Celedrin + MSN for joint support and healing, and today I'll start taking Devils Claw Root for its anti-inflamatory properties.

So I'm wondering, as I wait to talk to an expert, if I'm doing the right things and/or leaving out some important stuff.

1. Should I be continuing my former PT exercises or is absolute rest the best recommendation?
2. Should I be doing any stretching?
3. Any ideas of a general timeframe for recovery from these "injuries"?

Thanks for any and all ideas/opinions/suggestions.

Title: Re: Supraspinatus Tendinopathy....what next??
Post by: Tubbs on February 18, 2006, 12:01:09 PM
I feel you bro :'( I've had quite the same problem for the last 2 years, lost a shitload of weight, wasn't able to train, and as a result had to have surgery on both shoulders (subacromial decompression). I've resumed my work-outs 2 months ago and so far so good. The problem here is that some people get past this problem with physio sessions, and are back on track after 2-3-4 months, while for others they don't do shit. The good news is that you've done a good move by resting and taking those supps.
I suggest you do some physio sessions, then try to train with light weights to check by yourself if they did any good; if not don't waste your time and go and see an orthopaedist and go for the surgery. I've wasted too many months trying this and that...I've had the first shoulder done late june and the second one mid-october; after two months of rehab on both you'll be able to resume your work outs. Hope nonetheless that you won't need to do it.
Here's a link that should help you: (
Wish you all the best, keep us updated.
Title: Re: Supraspinatus Tendinopathy....what next??
Post by: Doc Savage on February 20, 2006, 01:27:06 PM
A few points:

Supraspinatus tendinopathy is very common and becomes more so age people age.  Inpingement accelerates this process.  Impingement is most commonly caused by subacromial spurs.  Some people are predisposed based on the shape of their acromion.

AC osteoarthritis is not a likely source for impingement, but it can cause pain.  What is your age?  I see a lot of clavicular osteolysis mimicking osteoarthritis in weightlifters.  The treatment for this is rest, antiinflammatory drugs and reducing the stress across the AC joint.  Bench press causes significant stress to the joint, whereas incline press tends to be tolerated.  However, the incline press is bad for impingers.  So it's hard to say how to train until an orthopedist examines you.

Findings isolated to the anterosuperior labrum are almost always normal variation.  An MR arthrogram is the best way to tell for sure.

Do you have the images?  Can you post some or email them?
Title: Re: Supraspinatus Tendinopathy....what next??
Post by: tbrunson on February 22, 2006, 08:04:54 AM
Tubbs and Doc,

Thanks for the replies and advice.

Doc, my wife is picking up the CD with the images today. I have the films but won't have the disk until this evening. What images/view would you like to see?

Thanks again,

Title: Re: Supraspinatus Tendinopathy....what next??
Post by: Ryu717 on August 30, 2006, 05:53:20 PM
I just went to my sports medicine Doctor today for a similar problem. I don't have a rotator cuff tear says that I have strength but just bad tendinitis. It sucks because just as I was gettinag dialed in this F**&^ng happened. Any way I have been out for two weeks and doing everything else except chest and shoulders. Today I had an injection of an anesthetic and a steroid. The Dr said the steroid would kick in until Friday. Feels better already. I trust this guy because I has a sub flux rib earlier in the year and he did a great job on that. This has been the year of injuries for me.
 Good Luck To everyone !  :-[