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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Nutrition, Products & Supplements Info => Topic started by: Princess L on February 18, 2006, 09:51:14 PM

Title: Crystal Meth & Fish Oil
Post by: Princess L on February 18, 2006, 09:51:14 PM
Here's a case study on fish oil that's simply fascinating. It's about a person once addicted to Methamphetamines (also known as Crystal Meth) that used fish oil to alleviate many of the mental problems associated with crystal meth addiction:

February 10, 2006
Fish Oil Reverses Brain Damage from Crystal Meth Addiction

After nearly five years of intense addiction to the devil drug, crystal methamphetamine, John Palma was a strange and dysfunctional soul, severely withdrawn from a world he no longer could comprehend. Fired from his job, rejected by his family, he bounced in and out of jails and hospitals as he sank into severe, suicidal depression, returning always to the drug that destroyed him.
For those that don't know, methamphetamine is a highly addictive drug that often causes permanent personality and behavioral changes. At least, that's what was once thought, but this new case study shows a different story:
Flagged as an addict least likely to succeed in his drug recovery program at the Salvation Army, Palma joined a small, unscientific medical experiment there, when counselors began slipping little pills in his food.
And what do you think happened?
Today, five months after taking daily high doses of omega-3 supplements, Palma has emerged from his depression to rejoin the world, his head clear, his brain back in operation. The fog has lifted, as he puts it.
And although he has successfully completed six months of work therapy and drug rehabilitation programs at the Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center, Palma and his counselors are firmly convinced the omega-3s are the key to his unexpected success.
Amazing! The article then goes onto elaborate about Palma's success with fish oil, as well as a new study on the horizon involving a test of 100 methamphetamine addicts!
Title: Re: Crystal Meth & Fish Oil
Post by: Bluto on February 19, 2006, 03:39:12 AM
are you going to take the crystal meth with the fish oil or vice versa
Title: Re: Crystal Meth & Fish Oil
Post by: Faust on February 19, 2006, 01:14:57 PM
I just read a small study.

It was about a couple of omega-3 addicts that used Crystal Meth to fight their addiction and personality disorders. Truely fascinating.
Title: Re: Crystal Meth & Fish Oil
Post by: ignorance on February 20, 2006, 08:15:01 AM
Well if I ever take Crystal Meth I'll know now to have some fish oils afterwards to get off it.