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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: Palpatine Q on November 23, 2014, 02:14:07 PM

Title: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: Palpatine Q on November 23, 2014, 02:14:07 PM
I have come into possession of a number of sample  bottles of Medstar Labs Sustanon 360.  enough for a nice 12 week cycle or two.  really not a big blend fan TBH

friend of mine is in the biz, gave them to me.....because you know, nobody likes me IRL ....hahahahahahaaa

WTF is 360 ?
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: D.O.A. on November 23, 2014, 02:15:55 PM
I have come into possession of a number of sample  bottles of Medstar Labs Sustanon 360.  enough for a nice 12 week cycle or two.  really not a big blend fan TBH

friend of mine is in the biz, gave them to me.....because you know, nobody likes me IRL ....hahahahahahaaa

WTF is 360 ?
360 mg of test mix @1 ml
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: Lustral on November 23, 2014, 02:22:25 PM
360 could sting like a bitch. Hate this overdosing just to reduce smuggling costs.
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: Palpatine Q on November 23, 2014, 02:24:17 PM
360 could sting like a bitch. Hate this overdosing just to reduce smuggling costs.

that's what i was hurts.

I assumed it was 360mg, but Google was not my friend , so i had to ask
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: D.O.A. on November 23, 2014, 02:31:42 PM
the propionate might have a little sting but its really nothing.

Just watch your temper on that. Just saying
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: BigRo on November 23, 2014, 02:32:49 PM
I notice people being more prone to test flu on high concentration test blends.
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: D.O.A. on November 23, 2014, 02:33:58 PM
I notice people being more prone to test flu on high concentration test blends.
yes true. i used to get it
But its great to put on a litlle mass and strength.
plus only need to pin it every7- 9 days
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: Palpatine Q on November 23, 2014, 02:37:19 PM
I notice people being more prone to test flu on high concentration test blends.

If I pin it at all, it will be 200 mgs a week, just a little kick for my own test production.

I'm not a big fan of acne and moon face
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: APE907 on November 23, 2014, 04:54:35 PM
200 seems bit low IMO
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: local hero on November 23, 2014, 08:19:52 PM
Just water it down with somthing else ,for example add 1ml of Decca to each ml of test
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: ritch on November 23, 2014, 08:22:49 PM
Just water it down with somthing else ,for example add 1ml of Decca to each ml of test

But... A given ug in Canada supposedly makes test 1000. Not making this up nor do I know anything about brewing gear, so...
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: Jizmo on November 24, 2014, 12:26:59 AM
"SUSTANON" you genius  ::)
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: whitewidow on November 24, 2014, 02:46:04 AM
Looks like the average cheap UGl garbage kids buy these days. They think the higher the dose the better! Not true. I don;t notice any kind of flu on anything but sust. their is def a term known as "sust flu"
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: pestosterone on November 24, 2014, 03:40:32 AM
I stay on sust 350 zero pip and I love it
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: ritch on November 26, 2014, 10:49:54 AM
Is this CDN or USA UG???
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: falco on November 26, 2014, 01:15:39 PM
Dilute it with deca, boldenone or test cipionate.. Always worked for me with sustenon (european).
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: AbrahamG on November 26, 2014, 05:51:47 PM
There are either lots of pussies in the steroid world, or I'm just a bad mother fucker.  Cuz I've used blends and never had any "PIP".  Apex T-555 into the quads and never
felt shit. 
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: local hero on November 27, 2014, 12:54:41 AM
Maybe it wasn't what it said on the tin, I've had t400 that was totally painless, I've t400 that feels like battery acid and id trust the battery acid version dosage wise as there early line was one of the best I've used

Generic labs in UK around 2005/6
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: mazfit on November 27, 2014, 01:06:29 AM
'i hate this over dosed gear'

if you cant handle abit of pip .................

my shots contain 240mg prop 200mg npp 240 tren 100mg mast per shot.

yes it hurts so what tho.
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: Jizmo on November 27, 2014, 02:03:32 AM
you can try my NPP 200mg/ml with 5% BA and 25% BB. talk about pip.

 brewer used a shitton of BA/BB to get it stable before getting to know guaiacol (what a fuking godsend for high concentration gear)

every injection site = crippled for 5 days with this sh*t
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: mazfit on November 28, 2014, 02:50:28 AM
thats what they do tho

its not great but tbh high ba is alot better then gear that gets infested = abcess

rather the pain of BA then the pain and annoyance of having an abbses drained and bandaged
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: Jizmo on November 28, 2014, 12:45:05 PM
1% is enough to sterilize that sh*t...

put 5% in and youll get an abscess from your body rejecting the shit because BA is cytotoxic. your body encapsulates that stuff and youll get an abscess..
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: dustin on November 28, 2014, 04:59:58 PM
360... lol

Just a buzz word/gimmick. Why don't they call it test HD instead? 360mg of test is a bit high. I normally stay away from stuff like T400, but there are ways to properly brew it so there's no PIP. I actually found a lab which did it right and I'm running nothing but T400 with great results. But in the past, I had T400 that would totally fuck my body up. A friend bought some at the same time as me and had edema all throughout his upper arm. Did a delt shot and the inflammation spread down to his elbow. His upper arm looked like a sausage!
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: Jizmo on November 28, 2014, 11:17:55 PM
you can get test E stable at 360mg/ml without any solvents except the standard 20/2 BA/BB... its pip free.
dont know why the fuk they make these retarded ester mixes
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: whitewidow on November 29, 2014, 03:14:38 AM
The watson stuff I get from the pharmacy says 20% BB, 0.9% BA as preservative, in cottonsed oil. most of the UGL gear I have always bought is 20%BB/2%BA although some UGL's use 20%BB 5%BA.

I have never been had real bad PIP just lately I have had more injection pain issues do to scar tissue. The shots never used to bother my I could barely feel them now sometimes they sting. def build-up of scar tissue. I have to find new injection spots.
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: whitewidow on November 29, 2014, 03:17:54 AM
'i hate this over dosed gear'

if you cant handle abit of pip .................

my shots contain 240mg prop 200mg npp 240 tren 100mg mast per shot.

yes it hurts so what tho.

how many times do you shoot that? that's a insane cocktail! you take gear shots that big plus peptides and HGH? how many shots do you do a day and do you do them all yourself? Shooting HGH and slin and doing glute shots are easy but once you start having to hit traps or lats or rear delts it's nice to have somebody do your shots for you. You shoot your calves or chest ever?
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: dustin on November 29, 2014, 08:44:08 AM
you can get test E stable at 360mg/ml without any solvents except the standard 20/2 BA/BB... its pip free.
dont know why the fuk they make these retarded ester mixes

People do that because consumers are idiots. They think "cheap" means good value. Look at the Black Friday bullshit for instance.

I think injectable drugs are the last thing you should try shopping for at bargain bin prices. I guess people forget that they're injecting it? lol
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: whitewidow on November 29, 2014, 09:22:41 AM
People do that because consumers are idiots. They think "cheap" means good value. Look at the Black Friday bullshit for instance.

I think injectable drugs are the last thing you should try shopping for at bargain bin prices. I guess people forget that they're injecting it? lol

man I have spent years in this game and I had my run deep in the game for awhile and I came to learn 80-90% of guys will shoot anything that is cheap and has a label! I don;t understand it myself but it dosn;t matter if it's a unknown UGL.

I remember when some UGL's came out and tried to make a name for themselves they would sell their Test ester for like
10$-20$ for a10ml vial and the tren was no more then 30$, 40$ for primo! guys woulkd load up on this shit and shoot it! No reputation at all! people are cheap and plus I think to many teens are using wich is causing these super high concentrations and weird mixes.

I always went with quality. I had william llwellyns book with all the lab tests and at that time Quality vet and british dragon were the hottest labs. Then came axio labs, sciroxx, all the human grade gear from organon and schering,farmak, Infars,german remedies.
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: Jizmo on November 29, 2014, 11:36:46 AM
that old "pharma" gear is completely worthless

like 90% of the stuff you think is pharma is actually fake as sh*t

i think youre MUCH BETTER off with ulabs. just do some googleing before buying...

 new ulabs often overdose their gear to acquire many customers. then they go to shit lol

i think youre best off with UGLs that have been in the game for 2-3+ years consistently
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: dustin on November 30, 2014, 07:12:15 PM
widow and jizmo are right. People shoot anything. I'll answer questions for friends and tell them to avoid the high concentration stuff from big labs, then a few weeks later they text me or see me at the gym and ask why their injection site is inflamed and painful. Holy fuck!!! I've sent two friends to the ER because they were so fucking stupid and got high concentration crap from sketchy labs. One friend injected two mls of T400 into his lower buttock and the cheek was swollen for the longest time. Idiot couldn't sit properly for weeks, but didn't have to have anything done beyond a small lancing and antibiotics. Doctor had him on z paks.

jizmo, you're completely right about the old bait and switch. When a new lab gets glowing reviews that's a good time to stock up right away. Don't wait for long though, it's doesn't take much time before they start sliding in quality. Sometimes they are too ambitious and kind to their customers and rip people off. Other times they had bad intentions from the start and COULD keep producing good gear, but they know that ripping people off is more lucrative. I stay away from new players for these reasons. Something always goes bad whether they mean for it or not. Reputation is everything. If people value their reputation and fight for it, you should be looking at bringing your business to them. Just as a general guideline of course... guys in this industry are fucked and would rip off their own mother.
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: mazfit on December 01, 2014, 02:47:21 AM
how many times do you shoot that? that's a insane cocktail! you take gear shots that big plus peptides and HGH? how many shots do you do a day and do you do them all yourself? Shooting HGH and slin and doing glute shots are easy but once you start having to hit traps or lats or rear delts it's nice to have somebody do your shots for you. You shoot your calves or chest ever?

i do this about 2-3 times a week its 2ml of trip 120 tren/20 prop/50 mast
and 2ml of NTP 100mg npp/100mg prop

i would do it everyday, but like i discussed with you 4ml in the shoulder is horrible so i only shoot that much in the glute

on the other 4 days i do 2.5ml in the delt 1ml trip 1.5 NTP

couple shots hgh day - come off peps for a bit
couple slin shots a day
anadrol 150mg

its all cool

only 3rd month on hgh and i am bloody suprised at how gtood the fatloss is at 5-6ius

my weight is slowly mioving up towords a stable 230 while my bodyfat is comming down even more
im going from 10% to a solid 8%

diets standard high protein high carbs eat anything and everything - icecream, pasta pizza chicken burgers everything.

things im struggling with - prego looking belly at nights and when i eat - in the morning its flat as a pancake

apitite almost non existant
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: whitewidow on December 01, 2014, 02:53:04 AM
i do this about 2-3 times a week its 2ml of trip 120 tren/20 prop/50 mast
and 2ml of NTP 100mg npp/100mg prop

i would do it everyday, but like i discussed with you 4ml in the shoulder is horrible so i only shoot that much in the glute

on the other 4 days i do 2.5ml in the delt 1ml trip 1.5 NTP

couple shots hgh day - come off peps for a bit
couple slin shots a day
anadrol 150mg

its all cool

only 3rd month on hgh and i am bloody suprised at how gtood the fatloss is at 5-6ius

my weight is slowly mioving up towords a stable 230 while my bodyfat is comming down even more
im going from 10% to a solid 8%

diets standard high protein high carbs eat anything and everything - icecream, pasta pizza chicken burgers everything.

things im struggling with - prego looking belly at nights and when i eat - in the morning its flat as a pancake

apitite almost non existant

How much scar tissue do you have from doiing that many shots? so you bloat at night from insulin use is my guess then you piss it out during the night and wake up dry? Anandrol could be killing your appetite.
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: mazfit on December 01, 2014, 05:47:30 AM
quite a bit of scar tissue tbh

yeah im guessing its the drol tbh

not sure on the bloating it happens without the slin aswell - will have to try various things out to try and kill it

could just be the amount of food im eating
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: Jizmo on December 01, 2014, 05:52:25 AM
i get a bloated as fuck belly from tren
everytime i eat or drink i look pregnant
didnt even eat vegetables for the first couple runs on tren because i wouldnt be able to move afterwards

solution: t3.

tren mustve lowered my t3 to shits, im always crazy hungry on tren too so that doesnt help lol

as soon as i started that t3 i never came off, 50mcg bulking 100-200mcg cutting
digestion couldnt be more perfect and regular since then on tren

just have to eat a couple more carbs, also sweat like a retard after refeed days when on 150+mcg

when bulking or cutting doesnt matter its perfect for me, im just flat quickly when i dont eat carbs with every meal

i prefer carbs to fats anyway and the more AAS and hormones in general u use the more you benefit from carbs over fats imo

fats are useless for the enhanced athlete EXCEPT FOR HEALTH
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: whitewidow on December 01, 2014, 06:35:34 AM
i get a bloated as fuck belly from tren
everytime i eat or drink i look pregnant
didnt even eat vegetables for the first couple runs on tren because i wouldnt be able to move afterwards

solution: t3.

tren mustve lowered my t3 to shits, im always crazy hungry on tren too so that doesnt help lol

as soon as i started that t3 i never came off, 50mcg bulking 100-200mcg cutting
digestion couldnt be more perfect and regular since then on tren

just have to eat a couple more carbs, also sweat like a retard after refeed days when on 150+mcg

when bulking or cutting doesnt matter its perfect for me, im just flat quickly when i dont eat carbs with every meal

i prefer carbs to fats anyway and the more AAS and hormones in general u use the more you benefit from carbs over fats imo

fats are useless for the enhanced athlete EXCEPT FOR HEALTH

Bloated from Tren? I have never been bloated on tren or seen many people get bloated on tren. I  only bloat on certain orals. so Tren constipates you? or just slows down your digestion? I tried going keto for a little while but I looked really flat and went back to a more george farah diet. Right now I'm just counting macros it's basic 45/45/10 per meal so I barely ingest any fat so if I puff up it's def water retention wich can be easily solved.
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: whitewidow on December 01, 2014, 06:39:02 AM
that old "pharma" gear is completely worthless

like 90% of the stuff you think is pharma is actually fake as sh*t

i think youre MUCH BETTER off with ulabs. just do some googleing before buying...

 new ulabs often overdose their gear to acquire many customers. then they go to shit lol

i think youre best off with UGLs that have been in the game for 2-3+ years consistently

no not all of it is fake. I don;t use much of it anymore but there are some really good amps if you have the connections for them. The Infars are always legit but you have to know what to look for def helps if your source lives in the area they are manufactured in, German remedies makes good Test E. schering makes good Test E, geoffmans are ok, farmak Test prop is still legit. There are alot of fake karachi amps. Recently I have  stick  to my TRt script and alpha-pharma.
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: Jizmo on December 01, 2014, 08:46:34 AM
Bloated from Tren? I have never been bloated on tren or seen many people get bloated on tren. I  only bloat on certain orals. so Tren constipates you? or just slows down your digestion? I tried going keto for a little while but I looked really flat and went back to a more george farah diet. Right now I'm just counting macros it's basic 45/45/10 per meal so I barely ingest any fat so if I puff up it's def water retention wich can be easily solved.

not bloated face or skin
just belly
like youre 7 months pregnant for 1-2 hours after eating, no joke

tren can lower t3 levels, thats where it comes from. probably made me hypothyroid temporarily
there are a few guys who experience that stuff if you google, but no one knows whats up lol. t3 is the solution.

i could also never lose weight on tren for sh*t before i used t3
even with high doses of t3 weight only goes down slowly. losing pure fat nothing else

i dont even go very flat on t3 when tren, its that fuking strong
test/npp and 150mcg t3 boom completely flat in 3 days
test/tren same dosages never flat still get pumps

Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: whitewidow on December 01, 2014, 09:03:33 AM
not bloated face or skin
just belly
like youre 7 months pregnant for 1-2 hours after eating, no joke

tren can lower t3 levels, thats where it comes from. probably made me hypothyroid temporarily
there are a few guys who experience that stuff if you google, but no one knows whats up lol. t3 is the solution.

i could also never lose weight on tren for sh*t before i used t3
even with high doses of t3 weight only goes down slowly. losing pure fat nothing else

i dont even go very flat on t3 when tren, its that fuking strong
test/npp and 150mcg t3 boom completely flat in 3 days
test/tren same dosages never flat still get pumps

well everybody is diffrent. I might try adding some HGH and use a T3/T4 combo. Ive heard what you are talking about when HGH is used but not tren but i'm sure it is possible. tren could probably have some of the same propertys or make your natural thyroid shutdown a bit.
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: Jizmo on December 01, 2014, 09:26:39 AM
well everybody is diffrent. I might try adding some HGH and use a T3/T4 combo. Ive heard what you are talking about when HGH is used but not tren but i'm sure it is possible. tren could probably have some of the same propertys or make your natural thyroid shutdown a bit.
i think with both its related to prolactin

tren increases prolactin and prolactin can somehow lower thyroid output via some around the corner pathways if i remember correctly

the hgh molecule is pretty similar to prolactin and they share some of the same receptor affinities or something

its probably a similar pathway
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: mazfit on December 10, 2014, 07:16:50 AM
you know what mate, ive got some t3 left from last summer, might do 25mcg a day maybe 50?

i hate the flat look t3 gives you though.

maybe the t3 will help with digestion + appitite + bloat?

coach has always told me to run t3

slin + hgh + test + tren + mast + eq/npp + anadrol/ dbol+winny and t3

do everything he says but missed the t3 as im geniuinly scared it will flatten me out as my natural metabolism is pretty rapid

but yeah il start doing 25mcg a day n then in a week do 50 mcg.

plus just re-rdered my stuff getting them tommorow

300iu slin
5 super rips 80/80/80
2 test 400
100ius hgh
1x mod grf
1x ghrp6 ==== to help with apitite
1x Melanotan 2 (  mrs is going away for 2 weeks so when she gets back i wanna be bigger n darkthen evver so she feasts on cock for a few days plus darker u are more cuts u look like you have)
nap 50s

this last me just under a month lol

next order will add eq in vials are 500mg
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: mazfit on December 10, 2014, 07:55:16 AM
im also fukin very tired alllll the time, i put this down to basically being a drug addict lol ( aas hgh ect )

could be that my t3 levels are shot to shit.

lets hope t3 at 25mcg solves this
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: Jizmo on December 10, 2014, 08:49:30 AM
im also fukin very tired alllll the time, i put this down to basically being a drug addict lol ( aas hgh ect )

could be that my t3 levels are shot to shit.

lets hope t3 at 25mcg solves this

my buddy sleeps 12 hours a day on tren and still is fucking tired
hes been running it for 4 months now and it always starts after 6 weeks or so
told him many times to start t3 but hes too dumb to listen

i sleep 7-8 hours and im well rested on grams of gear and no matter how much tren when im on t3
i use more than 25mcg tho even when bulking

t3 increases protein synthesis and protein degradation (degradation more than synthesis though but i believe with high doses AAS this changes)
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: mazfit on December 11, 2014, 07:43:31 AM
JUST STARTED T3  last night

25mcg could be plecebo but i feel alot more rested today and not getting the tired pangs.

still shit apitite though, and i got given ghrp2 instead of 6 coz my mans ran out of stock ffs was gna enjoy xmas dinner after a shot of gh6 :(

dhacks t3 though brother, so 25mcg is probably 100 lmao
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: Omega on December 11, 2014, 06:10:17 PM
HGH makes me sleepy as hell.
Levothyronine is a must IMO especially if youre not strict with diet.
Keeps everything ticking over nice for me.
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: kingcon on December 27, 2014, 08:29:03 PM
360 could sting like a bitch. Hate this overdosing just to reduce smuggling costs.

Omg I know what you mean I don't like my gear above 250 either it appears sketchy or I know a super solvent will be in it and it'll hurt like hell
Title: Re: Steroid knowledge people..need help
Post by: Jizmo on December 28, 2014, 02:24:34 AM

Omg I know what you mean I don't like my gear above 250 either it appears sketchy or I know a super solvent will be in it and it'll hurt like hell

lol you can get test E stable at over 300mg/ml with standard 20/2 bb/ba... maybe even 400mg/ml