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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: TestDummy on January 20, 2015, 04:56:36 PM

Title: About to start a cutstack 150
Post by: TestDummy on January 20, 2015, 04:56:36 PM
About a 3 month cycle. never tried cutstack before just test and abombs or dbol and a few other orals so I'm excited to see how it goes.
Title: Re: About to start a cutstack 150
Post by: Jizmo on January 21, 2015, 01:46:17 AM
Title: Re: About to start a cutstack 150
Post by: AlphaMaleDawg on January 21, 2015, 06:42:38 AM
I don't trust that any blends are properly dosed.
Title: Re: About to start a cutstack 150
Post by: ritch on January 21, 2015, 07:58:19 AM
I don't trust that any blends are properly dosed.

Me neither.
Title: Re: About to start a cutstack 150
Post by: pestosterone on January 21, 2015, 08:02:59 AM
Title: Re: About to start a cutstack 150
Post by: Jizmo on January 21, 2015, 08:38:36 AM
there could be 30mg test and 30mg tren inside instead of 50/50/50 test tren mast and you would probably never notice.

most people wont notice shit from mast when they run tren except for less problems from estrogen
UGLs could just underdose the test for that though (dunno why anyone would ever underdose test though, the raw price is basically nothing)

mast raws are just as expensive as tren raws. but you dont notice shit from mast compared to tren. so why would they put a correct dosage of a product in that you wont even notice. they can just leave it out and save 40% of the total price and you would never know.

same for the test/eq/deca "mass" blends
theres probably just a ton of test inside because test is cheap as fuck and nobody will notice a difference in terms of bloat etc
Title: Re: About to start a cutstack 150
Post by: heenok on January 21, 2015, 01:21:58 PM
ive seen wedinos analysis and there was NEVER any mast in the vials
just mainly prop and some tren
Title: Re: About to start a cutstack 150
Post by: AlphaMaleDawg on January 21, 2015, 02:09:27 PM
ive seen wedinos analysis and there was NEVER any mast in the vials
just mainly prop and some tren

Mast is HIGHLY faked. It's faked a lot like halo, anavar, and primo. I don't fuck with any of those because I just don't trust them.
Title: Re: About to start a cutstack 150
Post by: TestDummy on January 21, 2015, 04:26:51 PM
I don't trust that any blends are properly dosed.

 In one cc of this Cut Mix you find 50mg Prop+50mg Tren ace+50mg Mast...with other lab either just Prop or Prop + a drop of tren.  I use the same guys for test and aboms and the shit is strong.  I have no doubt the cut mix will be any different
Title: Re: About to start a cutstack 150
Post by: Jizmo on January 22, 2015, 02:23:42 AM
ive seen wedinos analysis and there was NEVER any mast in the vials
just mainly prop and some tren
yeah wedinos is a terrible thing in regars to opening your eyes haha

as i said, mast is way too fucking weak to ever notice it in a tren mix. not hard to understand that they probably dont put in any of that shit if its the same price as something thats essentially 10x stronger ^^
Title: Re: About to start a cutstack 150
Post by: AlphaMaleDawg on January 22, 2015, 06:42:15 AM
I totally agree with Jizmo. My eyes were seriously opened when I started seeing testing get done for raws and stuff. Made me question every vial of AAS I've ever used. Even the "good" sources tested like shit. The problem is it's not always the sources fault. China can fuck them over too. That being said, the source should have better quality control and testing and shouldn't sent shit blindly to paying customers like us.
Title: Re: About to start a cutstack 150
Post by: kevthekid on January 22, 2015, 06:42:37 AM
Ran this stack. Not worth it. Just run tren ace and prop and don't bother with mast
Title: Re: About to start a cutstack 150
Post by: whitewidow on January 22, 2015, 06:49:51 AM
I totally agree with Jizmo. My eyes were seriously opened when I started seeing testing get done for raws and stuff. Made me question every vial of AAS I've ever used. Even the "good" sources tested like shit. The problem is it's not always the sources fault. China can fuck them over too. That being said, the source should have better quality control and testing and shouldn't sent shit blindly to paying customers like us.

All I got to say is some UGL's do try! I have got some Pm's from some guys who got gear that they think is bunk. I think since SRCS got shutdown or at least was told not to do any testing for individuals china is just shitting on alot of the UGL's and what can they do about that? It's not like buying a Kilo of cocaine at least you would have a personal relationship if you were dealing kilos with your dealer if you got bunk or weak coke you could do something about it, these UGL's wire money to people in china they have never met! WTF can anybody do? They could send you a Kilo of chalk and you couldn;t do dick about it.

The gear used to be better back in the early 2000's that's because Testing was easy and cheap! SRCS used to Test raw powders and finished product for 100$ if it were multiple esters it costed 100$ per ester.

Now it's hard to find a place like SRCS. anybody know where recent lab reports have been posted? I know my watson Test cyp is 100% legit because I pick it up at the pharmacy and my insulin but the Alpha-Pharma I have no clue I just go on past lab tests I have seen. Alpha-Pharma does not make any blends except sust wich is interesting. Blends are so popular.
Title: Re: About to start a cutstack 150
Post by: whitewidow on January 22, 2015, 06:54:18 AM
Ran this stack. Not worth it. Just run tren ace and prop and don't bother with mast

Why didn't you like the masteron? If legit masteron is bad ass stuff.
Title: Re: About to start a cutstack 150
Post by: oni on January 22, 2015, 06:39:40 PM
Why didn't you like the masteron? If legit masteron is bad ass stuff.

I am running 150/350/350 test/mast/tren and I am liking it so far.
Not even a week in yet and the first thing I noticed was I pissed out a bunch of water and my nipples are no longer slightly puffy. I did go down from 250 to 150 test though so it may be that. I'm hoping after 6 weeks or so it will have me looking very good then I think I'll increase the test up to a gram and the mast to 600
Title: Re: About to start a cutstack 150
Post by: kevthekid on January 22, 2015, 08:28:18 PM
Why didn't you like the masteron? If legit masteron is bad ass stuff.

In my cycle I ran such a small dose that it would be hard to notice effects from mast especially since I was around 10% bf because in my opinion mast works best when you're at extremely low bf and plus I was running almost triple the tren so the only thing it really did was keep the gyno symptoms away for the first 6 weeks then I got gyno so it was practically useless to me
Title: Re: About to start a cutstack 150
Post by: whitewidow on January 23, 2015, 03:36:54 AM
In my cycle I ran such a small dose that it would be hard to notice effects from mast especially since I was around 10% bf because in my opinion mast works best when you're at extremely low bf and plus I was running almost triple the tren so the only thing it really did was keep the gyno symptoms away for the first 6 weeks then I got gyno so it was practically useless to me

It def is more noticable when your at 6% or lower same with Halo,winstrol,var that's when you start getting granite hard although alot of myths, back when it was easier for me to stay lean I would use Anadrol at 7-8%BF and still lose BF and look full, alot of Olympia contenders are on anadrol day of the show same with dbol. I hate getting flat when I lean out. Didn't bother me much when I was younger but now I can't stand looking flat even if it's just temporary.
Title: Re: About to start a cutstack 150
Post by: heenok on January 23, 2015, 03:44:34 AM
mast is amazing
virtually side free, just need to be run high and with a decent bodyfat to begin with

test/Mast/var is a great mild cutting stack
Title: Re: About to start a cutstack 150
Post by: youandme on January 23, 2015, 05:49:27 AM
I did a cut mix back in Aug-Oct. 50-50-50 EOD. After week 2 is when I begin to initially see results and hardening up, but that did not happen. My strength increased and I began to get thicker and retain water by week 4. So it was likely bunk mast, crappy tren, and mainly prop, and I think there could have actually been some long test esters in it judging by the way I felt. Like WW said blends are popular I'm just going to stay away and not go by UGLs anymore. I've run legitimate cut stack blends before and they're amazingly strong. This was a big disappointment.
Title: Re: About to start a cutstack 150
Post by: kevthekid on January 23, 2015, 08:35:11 PM
It def is more noticable when your at 6% or lower same with Halo,winstrol,var that's when you start getting granite hard although alot of myths, back when it was easier for me to stay lean I would use Anadrol at 7-8%BF and still lose BF and look full, alot of Olympia contenders are on anadrol day of the show same with dbol. I hate getting flat when I lean out. Didn't bother me much when I was younger but now I can't stand looking flat even if it's just temporary.

Same man it's a pain especially since im cutting im practically flat all the time except the day after a high carb day. Probably because I've been off all gear since after Halloween. Im still at 8% BF at 185ish down from 15-16% BF at 220. Starting a sust cycle tomorrow and then switching over to prop tren and mast or eq HAVENT decided between the two yet but im running that may-august so I have time to make up my mind
Title: Re: About to start a cutstack 150
Post by: Jizmo on January 24, 2015, 12:11:17 AM
ah the flatness is just temporary
at the end of my cuts when i dip into the 7-8% range people not just ASKED me if i stopped working out, they automatically ASSUMED i had stopped working out, i was so fucking flat lol "ah you stopped working out so much huh?"
t3 in high dosages certainly doesnt help

the funny thing is my flexed measurements dont really change, arms may go from 18" to 17.5"
but UNFLEXED with a straight arm they go from like 15" to 13" or so, lol
and since i dont walk around flexed all day  :D i look tiny

but hey, stop the cutting cycle, drop t3, blast the shit out of some test/tren or npp or whatever, add carbs back in and BOOM within a week i look fucking insane

people wouldnt believe i was only 165lbs when i finished my last cut and had some carbs back in the system
everyone estimated me at 200+ lbs

when you still have the shreddedness and dryness from the cut but the fullness from a week of bulking thats when you look the most insane, thats the time that i look forward to the most during all cutting cycles
Title: Re: About to start a cutstack 150
Post by: oni on January 24, 2015, 06:23:04 PM
ah the flatness is just temporary
at the end of my cuts when i dip into the 7-8% range people not just ASKED me if i stopped working out, they automatically ASSUMED i had stopped working out, i was so fucking flat lol "ah you stopped working out so much huh?"
t3 in high dosages certainly doesnt help

the funny thing is my flexed measurements dont really change, arms may go from 18" to 17.5"
but UNFLEXED with a straight arm they go from like 15" to 13" or so, lol
and since i dont walk around flexed all day  :D i look tiny

but hey, stop the cutting cycle, drop t3, blast the shit out of some test/tren or npp or whatever, add carbs back in and BOOM within a week i look fucking insane

people wouldnt believe i was only 165lbs when i finished my last cut and had some carbs back in the system
everyone estimated me at 200+ lbs

when you still have the shreddedness and dryness from the cut but the fullness from a week of bulking thats when you look the most insane, thats the time that i look forward to the most during all cutting cycles

Yeah I can confirm this, I've been dieting hard very low carb with a bit of clen on 250mg of test a week.
This week I have been taking 150/350/350 testp/trena/mastp starting monday and on friday I carbed up with rice and woke up around 74kg. Then saturday (last night) I ate a massive pizza lol and woke up 79kg today and looked incredible but also very bloated

I drank 2L of demineralized water when I woke up with a dandelion root so hoping tomorrow that I'll look very good. I'll eat protein only today maybe 180-200g total
Title: Re: About to start a cutstack 150
Post by: Jizmo on January 25, 2015, 03:37:38 AM
lol salty shit before bed as a cheat is the worst

you feel so bloated and full but ur still thirsty and drinking like a camel in the sahara
then wake up a watery mess 10lbs heavier the next day

for me its all gone after 2-3 days but time until then is not pleasurable at all :D
Title: Re: About to start a cutstack 150
Post by: Bindare_Dundat on August 24, 2015, 02:31:50 AM
Wasn't all this testing done in the United Kingdom? If so, thats not a good indicator to the quality of anything here. Hardly any reputable raw source will ship there. 
Title: Re: About to start a cutstack 150
Post by: Davidtheman100 on August 24, 2015, 10:08:04 AM
Mast is HIGHLY faked. It's faked a lot like halo, anavar, and primo. I don't fuck with any of those because I just don't trust them.

NOOOOO not true at all...You'll almost NEVER get real Anavar and Primo...They don't even make the 2.5mg anavars anymore...Somebody who pays 2,000 for a month and a half cycle is getting REAL anavar...Nothing more nothing less....Real primo don't even exist in domestic labs lol... you can get mast VERY EASILY compared to those two...I've never used halotestin bc i don't time for that shit...It does nothing that winstrol and tren can't do...
Title: Re: About to start a cutstack 150
Post by: ritch on August 24, 2015, 10:15:44 AM
I love it when people make blanket statements such as "you can't find real xyz"
Speak for yourselves fella's.

Title: Re: About to start a cutstack 150
Post by: chokeslam on August 30, 2015, 07:55:20 AM
I like these blends. I'm positive there's probably more test and less mast than advertised, even with the best labs. But it's convenient and it should work well enough if you're training right. If you're not seeing results it's not because someone gypped you a thimble of masteron... I'm positive on that one.
Title: Re: About to start a cutstack 150
Post by: Davidtheman100 on August 30, 2015, 08:54:29 AM
I like these blends. I'm positive there's probably more test and less mast than advertised, even with the best labs. But it's convenient and it should work well enough if you're training right. If you're not seeing results it's not because someone gypped you a thimble of masteron... I'm positive on that one.

So you're saying you're settling on having underdosed mast in your gear and paying extra for it, just because you can make gains either way?? In that case, you're be satisfied with getting 50% dosed test so if you take 3g at least you'll still be getting results? That's a bad way to think...
Title: Re: About to start a cutstack 150
Post by: chokeslam on August 31, 2015, 10:34:47 PM
So you're saying you're settling on having underdosed mast in your gear and paying extra for it, just because you can make gains either way?? In that case, you're be satisfied with getting 50% dosed test so if you take 3g at least you'll still be getting results? That's a bad way to think...

Who said anything about 50% dosed gear?

I have good sources and I use the same ratio of test/tren/mast anyway. If there's a couple of milligrams missing here and there, there is absolutely no way to tell. Why sweat it?