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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Topic started by: greg2112 on February 19, 2015, 06:39:09 AM

Title: For those who train drug free
Post by: greg2112 on February 19, 2015, 06:39:09 AM
How many days a week you train?  I been doing this rotation for a few months now.  I train in my garage so I am limited to only the basics and there variants.  Trap bar dead's, snatch grip pulls off blocks etc.  I have rogue squat stands, v dip bars, ceiling mount pull up bar, over 700 pounds of plates, farmer walk handles, commerical grade adjustable bench and a set of db handles.  I want to improve my yoke so I do some sort of yoke movement each session.  Distance farmers, snatch grip high pulls, meadow shrugs and of course deadlift variants.  Been doing snatch deadlifts off blocks, damn good lift.  Also note I will be 37 next month and being the father of two little ones.  I need to watch my recovery.  Sleep of course is hit or miss naturally.  This rotation still offers moderate frequency.  The days I hit tri's, I do a lot of close grips, or dips or reverse grip bench for a indirect chest hit etc

W/O 1: Quads/Hams/YOKE
W/O 2: Chest/Back/YOKE
W/O 3: Quads/Hams/YOKE
 W/O 4: Triceps/Shoulders/YOKE
M - w/o 1
 W - w/o 2
 F - w/o 3
 M - w/o 2
 W - w/o 1
 F - w/o 4
M - w/o 2
 W - w/o 3
 F - w/o 4
Title: Re: For those who train drug free
Post by: pestosterone on February 20, 2015, 11:09:52 AM
When I was natural I trained on a eod schedule or 3x week and it worked great your routine looks great and balanced. Real smart  set up here I like it looks good to me.
Title: Re: For those who train drug free
Post by: greg2112 on February 20, 2015, 11:52:16 AM
When I was natural I trained on a eod schedule or 3x week and it worked great your routine looks great and balanced. Real smart  set up here I like it looks good to me.

Thanks man!  It's a great rotation has been working nicely with my schedule.   Messed with gear in moderation in my early mid 20's " either omnadren/cyctahoh 250, stacked with maxigan 50 or reforvit b  " only compounds used.  Did the whole one bodypart a day rotation back then.  Not a snowball chance in hell I could do that now, lol.  IMHO, eod rotation is key for myself anymore.  Plus after a workout of heavy clean and presses, v bar dips and heavy farmer walks, I am toast the following day lol
Title: Re: For those who train drug free
Post by: benchmstr on February 21, 2015, 10:21:47 PM
i like to train 7 days a week...but recently switched to 3 lifting days with noticing some really good changes but the days im not at the gym is messing with my head

Title: Re: For those who train drug free
Post by: pestosterone on February 23, 2015, 06:45:50 PM
That would kill me. Sometimes I just take a day off because I can't remember the last day I had off or I will still go and hit calves or something anyway. I sometimes kind of get it in my mind to do my split, which is a 4-5 day split depending if I separate arms from chest and back days or not, do it like twice in one week to get a head a week then when I'm ahead I try to do it again alot don't know why but if I'm a week ahead then taking a day off is not as horrible
Title: Re: For those who train drug free
Post by: ritch on February 23, 2015, 06:48:47 PM
trained the same natty as enhanced. Exact same. More intensity with gear, only difference.

Title: Re: For those who train drug free
Post by: benchmstr on February 23, 2015, 09:54:25 PM
That would kill me. Sometimes I just take a day off because I can't remember the last day I had off or I will still go and hit calves or something anyway. I sometimes kind of get it in my mind to do my split, which is a 4-5 day split depending if I separate arms from chest and back days or not, do it like twice in one week to get a head a week then when I'm ahead I try to do it again alot don't know why but if I'm a week ahead then taking a day off is not as horrible
i had to start doing cardio and rucking/walking/running with the plate carrier on the off days...just felt like i was wasting time

Title: Re: For those who train drug free
Post by: Powerlift66 on February 27, 2015, 05:29:33 AM
I posted this in another thread, I might try this starting next week. Always been natty (unfortunately), age 49 (almost) training for 35+ years, just trying to maintain.
Plus I'll do my battle ropes and bike for conditioning... (I really need help in the conditioning part of it)... I'll try this at 4 times a week, so each bodypart would be hit once every 1.5 weeks (I think).
Math not my strong point :>) (Sorry for posting here and in my own thread, your question sparked my thought process about this)..
Title: Re: For those who train drug free
Post by: greg2112 on February 27, 2015, 04:05:03 PM
Eventually I will try this rotation from frank Zane's "

I like how this is rotated and always a day off after pull and lower days.  I might try this with some DC principles etc.  the NOW version from that article could work very well