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Getbig Main Boards => General Topics => Topic started by: galain on February 22, 2015, 11:50:00 PM

Title: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: galain on February 22, 2015, 11:50:00 PM
You guys are amongst my favourite people in the world.
You have one of the most beautiful countries I have ever been to.
Your women are like no other women I've been with. I can't describe how much I love your women.

Sweden - i love you! What the fuck is happening?

Please don't disappear.
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: Bosch on February 23, 2015, 12:15:44 AM
You gonna bring here every shitty article found on Net?
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: muscleman-2013 on February 23, 2015, 02:38:44 AM
You guys are amongst my favourite people in the world.
You have one of the most beautiful countries I have ever been to.
Your women are like no other women I've been with. I can't describe how much I love your women.

Sweden - i love you! What the fuck is happening?

Please don't disappear.

Why am I not shocked?
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: galain on February 23, 2015, 02:42:07 AM
You gonna bring here every shitty article found on Net?

No - I'm going to voice my sadness at what could be the disappearance of a fantastic nation due to too much political correctness or a fear of looking prejudiced.
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: illuminati on February 23, 2015, 02:44:04 AM
Sweden from the posts I have read on Getbig
Is at least as fcukd up as we are in the UK.

Is there not a government with a backbone to
Stand up for what is Best for their country.

Sad state of affairs.
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: muscleman-2013 on February 23, 2015, 02:45:59 AM
Sweden from the posts I have read on Getbig
Is at least as fcukd up as we are in the UK.

Is there not a government with a backbone to
Stand up for what is Best for their country.

Sad state of affairs.

Pretty sure Sweden and the UK have both been infiltrated by traitors at the highest level.

Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: illuminati on February 23, 2015, 02:49:46 AM
Pretty sure Sweden and the UK have both been infiltrated by traitors at the highest level.

You could be right.
Something is definitely not right with governments & political parties.

It's almost like We are in the Wrong For Thinking the Way We Do.
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: Europe on February 23, 2015, 03:17:34 AM
It's the politicians  >:( >:( , to many feminist, liberals, etc..!!! Sweden has long fought for equality but it has bitten them in their ass.

* Equality meant that all kinds of people i.e: feminists, immigrants, etc, etc.. where allowed to start their organization funded by the government.

*This allowed them to infiltrate and slowly destroy communities, thus backwards people from somalia, turks, kurds, iraqis, etc got easier to rent apartments who was also FUNDED by the government via WELFARE!!  many of the cities biggest zones soon became NO-GO zones for WHITE people(unless you convert to ISLAM). I as a university student had to wait 1 year for a small apartment, while a Somali family(5kids) got big modern flat for FREE including brand new IKEA furniture

*I believe that ISLAMIST has sent these people to destroy communities in order to establish themselves in Sweden and this model has gone through whole EUROPE.  

*ENTER a country destroy or make a community unstable and ESTABLISH ISLAM. if anyone complains scream rasist/nazi/islamaphobic
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: illuminati on February 23, 2015, 07:20:59 AM
Jeez, Europe that's a very worrying story.
Why does it not surprise me though.

And you as a Swedish student were at the bottom of the pile
When it came to getting accommodation.!!!

It like the tail wagging the dog.

Well if I have to be called / labeled them names to speak out
For my country & loved ones over these others So be it.
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: DroppingPlates on February 23, 2015, 07:24:38 AM
I haven't seen Kwon for a while, hope he's ok

Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: Archer77 on February 23, 2015, 07:32:16 AM
The path to hell is paved with good intentions. You read stories all the time about bleeding hearts opening their doors to the "downtrodden" only for them to be murdered, raped or assaulted by the people they tried to help.  Sweden is an example of this on a large scale.  Emotions get in the way of good judgement
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: MAXX on February 23, 2015, 07:41:28 AM
Yes sorry to say in the long run, this country is fucked. Cultural marxism, feminism and multiculturalism has a strong grip. Will be one of the first european countries to go down due to scewed immigration politics
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 23, 2015, 07:41:58 AM
Europe better wake up. No money at all for immigrants in any fashion should be the rule. No welfare, food assistance and no housing. If you keep feeding rats soon your house will be full of them. When they are able to vote they will vote for candidates that promise them stuff with the workers taxes. Democratic governments have no money. Only the money they take from workers in the form of taxes. When the takers out number the producers the country will crash into a hell hole.
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: Archer77 on February 23, 2015, 07:50:12 AM
Europe better wake up. No money at all for immigrants in any fashion should be the rule. No welfare, food assistance and no housing. If you keep feeding rats soon your house will be full of them. When they are able to vote they will vote for candidates that promise them stuff with the workers taxes. Democratic governments have no money. Only the money they take from workers in the form of taxes. When the takers out number the producers the country will crash into a hell hole.

Population decline is one of the justifications used for mass European immigration.  The argument is that to pay for all the programs you need more people paying in the system.  However, the people being imported drain the state more than they contribute and have become a permanent dependent class.  If anything countries like Britain and Sweden are only hastening the decline by allowing all of these poor uneducated immigrants in.  The more that come in the greater the financial burden. They also have more children on average resulting in even more of a burden on the system.  I'ts insanity.
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: Natural Man on February 23, 2015, 07:51:41 AM
europeans are commiting suicide, and there s nothing you can do about it. North americans are doing the same. You cant help people who want to disapear.
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: Tapeworm on February 23, 2015, 08:19:48 AM
Australians are physically and mentally lazy in general.  Immigrants aren't ime.  I'd hire a shitskin over an aussie any day.  "Hey shitskin!" I'd say.  "You got the job!  Grab your boots, sooty!"  And he'd smile with his 4 teeth and work.

So maybe it's just down to how make a cheaper meatball.  You know how much they charge for a taco over here?
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: Julio Ceasar on February 23, 2015, 08:31:12 AM
Pretty sure Sweden and the UK have both been infiltrated by traitors at the highest level

No! I live here! Most of our politics are normal everyday people. If your mention anything who can be taken for racist stuff people will stare at you and attack. Most politicans are afraid of getting the people against them. Same thing in everyday life. Especially among people with higher education and with better job. "Its low educated mans opinion to talk bad about immigrants" God forbid u say black etc...everyone will look at you! Its all about being afraid! Everyone in this country keep the mouth shut, neutral talk, diplomatic talk, just say thing that's accepted in the norm of behaviour in this country. We have a big group of people that like to be caring, openhearted and that feel sorry for all people coming here. "Lets help"

We learn our kids in school to accept everyone, and be nice. Its in the schoolplan. The word racist is a sin we have been teached since childhood!

But now, last 4 years...some politics brought the discussion about emigrants to national level and have been fighting for it over 8 years. And now it begin to be OK t not like to much emigrants...
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: Tapeworm on February 23, 2015, 08:39:08 AM
But now, last 4 years...some politics brought the discussion about emigrants to national level and have been fighting for it over 8 years. And now it begin to be OK t not like to much emigrants...

Yeah they all fuck off to Aus.  Whole place is lousy with them.
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: Voice of Doom on February 23, 2015, 08:41:46 AM
its an interesting century to be alive.
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: Trapper_Slapper on February 23, 2015, 08:43:53 AM
The path to hell is paved with good intentions. You read stories all the time about bleeding hearts opening their doors to the "downtrodden" only for them to be murdered, raped or assaulted by the people they tried to help.  Sweden is an example of this on a large scale.  Emotions get in the way of good judgement

Man that sucks.
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: Mawse on February 23, 2015, 08:48:26 AM
Lol, at this point I'm actively cheerleading sweden to see how much they can fuck up their own country over white guilt

In twenty years the Swedish experiment will hopefully be shown in schools as a PSA

The beta runs so deep with them, Swedish royal family even let a Somali refugee live with them and obviously he stole the Crown Jewels and tried to pawn them.
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: galain on February 23, 2015, 11:05:05 AM
No! I live here! Most of our politics are normal everyday people. We have a big group of people that like to be caring, openhearted and that feel sorry for all people coming here. "Lets help"

We learn our kids in school to accept everyone, and be nice. Its in the schoolplan. The word racist is a sin we have been teached since childhood!

This is why I think you guys have (had) a beautiful country. Maybe other Scandinavian countries are similar but I have more experience with Swedes and Sweden which is why it upsets me so much. I'm not saying to stop being caring and openhearted - that's what I love about the Swedes - but just be a little more careful in who is being allowed into the country.

I'm an immigrant myself, to 2 countries. One I grew up in and worked hard there to make a life for myself. The other I moved to, did my best to learn the language and started working as soon as I could - also to make a life for myself. Both places I did (still do) volunteer work because I wanted to do my part to help out. Immigrants who want to contribute aren't the issue. Opening your doors to people who don't respect your laws and ways of life, who expect things to be exactly as they were 'back home' and who see kindness as weakness - that is a huge issue.

Mawse - are you serious about the crown jewels being stolen?
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: hardgainerj on February 23, 2015, 11:08:57 AM
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: MAXX on February 23, 2015, 11:27:50 AM
Lol, at this point I'm actively cheerleading sweden to see how much they can fuck up their own country over white guilt

In twenty years the Swedish experiment will hopefully be shown in schools as a PSA

The beta runs so deep with them, Swedish royal family even let a Somali refugee live with them and obviously he stole the Crown Jewels and tried to pawn them.

haha yes hard to believe there used to be Vikings here  ;D
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: _bruce_ on February 23, 2015, 12:01:03 PM
Sweden is the nation of the future if you're a globalist or a politically correct progressive.
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: devilsmile on February 23, 2015, 12:05:07 PM
and people wonder why would anyone want guns  ::)

Trust me, if it "comes to it", I want to have a decent rifle with a lot of ammo, so that I can kill as many scumbags before outing myself if I have to.

Burn every bill, melt every coin and kill as many as you can, destroy their equipments. And when they finally stand victorious on top of a pile corpses, they are left with nothing but a pile of corpses.

Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: Teutonic Knight on February 23, 2015, 12:57:37 PM
Pretty sure Sweden and the UK have both been infiltrated by traitors at the highest level.

From yesterday  ;D Nazi style anti Islam law is officially on in Australia, thanks to Mr.Tony Abbott & his Government  ;D

Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: denarii on February 23, 2015, 01:00:57 PM
How did all these uneducated bulbous headed somali's come here anyway?
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: mr.turbo on February 23, 2015, 01:28:59 PM
fun fact:

Scandinavians were seen as dirty, smelly and disgusting when they arrived in America about 100 years ago..."dumb Swedes" included...haha haters gonna hate
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: devilsmile on February 23, 2015, 01:49:00 PM
fun fact:

Scandinavians were seen as dirty, smelly and disgusting when they arrived in America about 100 years ago..."dumb Swedes" included...haha haters gonna hate

Yeah, some people obviously can't adapt to modern, evolving society. Must be frustrating when you can't roam in the jungle or the desert as you please, and not rape the lone woman. Concrete jungle's intimidate these people, because noone gets to be the village chief.
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: Bobby on February 23, 2015, 02:28:14 PM

haha i was just about to post that from a different uploader (
It's interesting to read the comments under the videos :D

Mark Stanton
2 months ago
Listening to this, my god Hitler was right. The jews have been out to exploit and annihilate the European ethnicities or Caucasian race. The jews are the Trojan horse to destroy us from the trusted place within. We must kill jews. You cant make peace with the hypocrisy and deceipt of Zionism and Barbara Spectres of this world. She and the rest of the jews like her must be killed.

Beate Braun
2 months ago
This clearly profs that jews are indeed our enemies. If the white race wants to survive, the jews must be stopped an stand trial for their lies and manipulations. We're not cruel, we don't want no violence, but we have the right to protect our civilisation from jewish conspiracy

5 months ago
What a girl. How about Israel become multicultural? 

Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: devilsmile on February 23, 2015, 02:34:41 PM
HAHA! How about Israel getting multicultured :D

Anyway, she's obviously a zionist jew. Zionist jews hatered towards the white race is beyond anything. There are various jewish sects that absolutely condemns zionism. Those jewsish sects are persecuted in Israel like they were deceased street dogs.
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: The True Adonis on February 23, 2015, 02:36:14 PM
You guys are amongst my favourite people in the world.
You have one of the most beautiful countries I have ever been to.
Your women are like no other women I've been with. I can't describe how much I love your women.

Sweden - i love you! What the fuck is happening?

Please don't disappear.
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: True on February 23, 2015, 03:29:44 PM
Its only going to get worse from here..... ::) Nobody has the balls to do anything, and nobody is thinking about how it will affect the future...

Just imagine how much damage the muslims will have done in about 50 years... If this shit goes on, there will be no more Sweeden thats for sure... :-X

Im holding my breath untill the next terrorist attack happens here in Norway. People are expecting it now, and the threat level is high. Very high...

Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: Papper on February 23, 2015, 04:34:44 PM
I think it is too late. Four more years with the highest immigration in all of Europe.

And we just recently started adressing the issue very delicately in fear of getting branded racist.
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: True on February 23, 2015, 04:46:41 PM
I think it is too late. Four more years with the highest immigration in all of Europe.

And we just recently started adressing the issue very delicately in fear of getting branded racist.

People are cowards. We are ALL "racists" whether we like it or not. Most people just try to hide it because they think theyr "good"... ::)

This will be their own downfall. They shall all pay the dear price in the near future.

Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: mr.turbo on February 23, 2015, 09:58:10 PM
swedes stink like rotten herring
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: Fortress on February 23, 2015, 10:06:17 PM
Bloody pathetic.

This will not end well.
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: mr.turbo on February 23, 2015, 10:15:44 PM
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: The Abdominal Snoman on February 23, 2015, 10:32:47 PM
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: mr.turbo on February 23, 2015, 10:46:37 PM
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: Rami on February 23, 2015, 11:17:46 PM
Sweden is the nation of the future if you're a globalist or a politically correct progressive.

no it's poor as fuck now, living standards and services are about to collapse

America has less poverty than Sweden
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: Papper on February 24, 2015, 09:53:50 AM
People are cowards. We are ALL "racists" whether we like it or not. Most people just try to hide it because they think theyr "good"... ::)

This will be their own downfall. They shall all pay the dear price in the near future.

Yes. Everyone is racist and prejudice to some extreme. And everyone is not equal in value, you care for your closest. Human nature.

Yet when I say that out loud, people look at me like I am a total weirdo/nut job ???
Title: Re: Sweden, what the F..K?
Post by: Papper on March 27, 2015, 10:25:07 AM

Gustav is turning in his grave.